VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · 2015-07-14 · least; and explored a....

VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, ABRIL 5 1870. DHEIRON ERA iOhuaaiD ErEUi BATHHHAI rr BBNJ. H. VOOT. - EDITOB AXD rBOIHETOB. Offloe on Morris Street near Blaokwsll. TUHHS OP BUUSCRIPT 1OH Cue Year, - . - . - - - - I2.O0 Bix-Months,- - -., - - - . - X.O0 T h r e e m o n t h s , - - - - - - - CD KO 17 PASSAQE TICKETS i IT ' OR AM, HANCE& Co.'s STORE, PORTVQRAJ.1, .•#; J. ! ADVERTJSIKG KATES BP10S.- 1 In* ~ 3 ii • ' 8 •" 4 " B " ft Oaluun. i " 1 » •rxox. 1 Inch. ' 2 ." B " 4 *' ft ": 1 " 1 " ' 1 WK. 12 WXB. f Tft|« 1 2fi 1 2ft 1 TB 2 2S 2 TO 3 r>0 * 60 GSO 10 00 2M0U, $ 8 50 fi 00 6 50 8 00 10 00 12 r>o 15 00 IB 50 82 00 2 OU 2 7fi 8 GO 4 26 5 2B 6 fit) -. 6 00 IBM Suofl. $ 4 Ml 0 H) 9 0(1 11 00 18 00 16 2Ii It) U? 26 00 41 OO 8 WKS. 9 lfiO 2 60 S SO 4 SO fi CO 7 00 8 00 10 2G 11)00 CU08. $ B 00 10 00 14 00 18 00 21 00 25 50 20 OO 87 60 05 00 l.Kft *I 7f - am 4 a o n. 0 GO , 8 GO 10 OP 12 S 22 OO ITS. *IO oo 17.00 22 a 27 0 80 01 BD 01 46 « OB 01 ioo « WO0DPOET HOUSE. THOMAS BIUGIIT, Proprietor. fcOODPQRT, MORRIS Co., N.J. : rntiiield nUbltabrt Dotti liopti tor thoieuon J, aadUpacUoibrlr dmlnlilo for thuia Re traUnd mmnmr midinc*. HltaiUd at thi rfUkOl lUfi f l k d •»IEOINTA.0B ADDED YOB EITBiB. LOCAL HO" nom IB OKHIBm LINE. If iold ESTABLISHED IN 1851. tTTBEDBUaa nnd MEDICINES, PAINTS, Oil*, 01"*, DruBliDS, Perfumer*, &0(. il by JAME8 A. GOODALE, the Pionoci "5ie Win crSwiw^onCfrom 0 1. 10 A. JOHN F, HTICKLK, ''Counsellor at "•'••"• -. ' A N D 'v MASTEH 7~ Comer of Blwkwoll kgd. BUMW 8t>. DOVER, N. J.-'i - I. B.JOLUEY, Proprietor. ,t iflcrao.andCanlaffeilolot. :: ; 'Counsellor at liawi ANOMASTERIS OHASOEBX, ':' Dflleo In His national Union Bank Building •, rfUkaOaptlotint lU.fMiu Uln MMDBIJ, auieUani built irlTMttakalt unnrpMwd IffUllldA For Sale, Rent or Exchange. Ths fine property on till oomtr of BUok. woll and Eesox tlroela, reoontly oouuplod by Pulol O, Wlggla., EKJ., vlikh Inoladtt dvelling and Itore. Apply to BACKOFF'S VARIETY THEATRE BILLIARD'PARLORS ie-u V. V. B. BE41UN0, Agent. II. A. BHNKETT, 111. D . HOMCEOI 1 A. T H I C PIIYSICIAIJ& SU11QE0N, Cor. Blackwell 4 Warren Sts., lOt D BV) ' Dli«aa«l of Women ana Children, and or the Xte and Ear apodallle * It»A;a lC8a ussex St., 3d Doorfrom Canal Bridgtii DOVEB; H. J. ? ThoparloraMO thoroughij equipped< lliiii Motion, ftul wry tPPOlntiaont ol blue ii of tfio Ii«it order.. Tba.DMIB «P 1B-Mpd oBD D. wnra, . . B. O, mail, JB .v: SMITH &MECIE, ! A.TTOBNEY8AT-LAW.' O'mCE OVEIi PIHISOK'8 EAT 6T0BE, "i ! BLAOKIYELIi STRBET,^ i':'"' ' NATIONAL (HOTEIi, OpBTLASIlT Bt.,near BBOABWAfrj QRE^RIJSHERS anil PTJLVEEIZER8. III4WIN0SAND ESTIMATES FURNISHED POND, Proprleloril. OntheEuropeanPlan. Tne natlnraot, cafe and lDocb room at- CU0(l,.ara npiarpaBBed/or cliuapneea Bud oolleboe ol 'afnloi. Boon,. SOcte. lo » per. 43 t110 pr ncuk. OooYenlent to all dif' ^;''»^:: ' : rerrjeiatdoUyriilrtiidf. NBW'FmU(ITdIlF..«IlEW MAHA0EHOTT. My ;• ' Dover Steam Dyeing EstablishDient, [H THE OLD PIIE8DYTEBIAN CBUBCH, BLACKWELL S I. 0. JENSEN - - Proprietor, I AVISO fllted up a complete HUmmdyelnK eOallleli uoD>, with all tile beet r for tlntl k na pounlO __ for tlnt-olui work, ami uonuiilnK •ifKtritinco of A QUinbor of ytnn Iu Enrc id America, I belief c 1 can rae«t tba w«i iliopublle In my HUB nt vory low " ind reijwotfulJj Bolioit ttttrouKRii. IIBP'B cliitlilng *nU luiU* drewoN <- lonDon", wiih or williout ripping. Window rod nr clnmfd IDilia boal tnimiar. rniuer idsrenotitca wilUln twodiyi. «•». flgnrei, Jlealle- t ardor. T « E«part Cb«nn ar Ii aoppk , ihe b«t i CHAS, BUCHANAN i.'BO0KAWA¥, N. J. CATBKTBB AKD JUH [SOU TUB ntOK EBA.1 FROM THE OLD WORLD- O9 BBV. AKD UBS. JOF.EPH L. POTTEB TO PEUS1A. October Hlii, 1B78. Still at BU Petersburg. . Wo bare been waiting bate' over two weekB, and expecting to leavo OTerj day during tbe lust weak Tbe steamer lias arrived; however, and wo arc expecting a suin- moaa from tlio Cnitotn House dignita- ries to poll tbe eenrcUlng ordeal. That over, we wilt procoet] at once to Moscow. This morning we fully eineoted to le sU.tod by throe oVtoak, P. M., but now U ia nearly doe, o'olook and ^et no fa- Torablo ladlcattoca,- foiling In which, we will proliabjj got off by seven P. M., id be obliged to travel by night. Traveling In Hataia is not nearly no pleasant as In England, France or Qi many. In England tbe onsloins pf the oonnlry are nomewliat different from onra, bat after supplying tlie li's and get looustomed to tbeir "BIIB" iu ptuceof oiir"a8,"nnd tUcir aso of llttla words like "also," wliioh tiio/ make a profuse use of, one can get alone very well. Tbey liava otber little pooullarlties, auob for instnaooo! tlie use of "bagpordi instead of tbe word *'irLat," also of •niam" and "sir," wlilol son ads odd to a 6trauj(e> not B.pil to chinking tbem (n wherever they will tit, AM ^ 7 ld not remember lo nso tliom as they arc commonly used, I felt, embarowed at times lest I should benooused of impo- liteness, la France we coatd talk it neoeesary, but was not psrllaular to So One Jittle inaldoqt wlfigli oppurrod directly upon our landing on French soil X will rolele, but wfrpb I do not give as a new thing for It DOdoubt Is of frequent ooenrrecce, A geotlaionn'on entering an eating uloon oalled.out to a ld i hi' i y i V E Agratt forTalrhuiltt' Bosks anJTer- •..•i' -willlger's. Safes. .', VOORHEES BROTHERS, M0RHI6T0WN BUILDERS'. OARIUAGE HAKERS 1 , BLACK- BMtEHB 1 , CONTItACTDUa AND, MIH- '/ ! ; ^iNO8DPPUE8J i : Agricultural Implements, Beoilt, Fertili«ori, .,,: , &c. VtiHa, Oils, Glm», Dlo. . WALTER A, WOOD'S Celebrate! , ...K0WBB8-«ia.EBAm8. .; - g g ludy iionr him', "Youies V Eatez in WiaOM Voa "OlRSiAOK-WOOD W0HK, furnisiiing Undertaker. TOHITLOOK'SH M rf. ng beautiful *^»at taotL lot, . . .,s i FiFTE EN DOtUARS g, obalre, and may l» u*d at rMBOn&ble. terme. -, ' WHITibCKiiBWlB > ALt Voltk WA1UIABITED. DoVcn BepUplior 26Ln. MTB. M. Y, B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER,. ,.> BlunatlUi Br.l LOYEIt, H. J. ' < ^ e t Weaving, loWVidlha; done In ita1vJa«^jl«l»t.lpw^Jmt«i.(..a?iell)eit pi,Maa48p»!»»Uoiia/|.rbnlld»g..Oootraet. taken and maUnail Inrnuneo. ' land for sole. Ths highest price paid fo ntf«itak«iaett»nMfraiF« W-H Si. on elate roofa mneh o t o p bofore-in fact aboat aa low ai Dood ibinsle wfaoanbfiplitpii. - : boforen wfaoanbfiplitp SoTir.H.I.. BemtpberMil, «7». ATT03NBIS * OOUHSEIiLOBS AT BtTPEBINTENDBBT 01 rOBUO BOHpOLB ••...;'.; V'.orBopisiJcuniTi.;.;•,,'; ••.;;. OMli -OTor 1 QEO.,mclHAIipH * Oo.'e 8TOBE, and Meficines,:.Chemicals.and Dye Stuff i&^kMcki; : PllEPAUATlONS ' " . JHomtiopatHic'Physician MANDPACTII|IER OE. Burvoy ol tbtf ood no looiwr tbrow iwaj abnea bcrore tbe; ere.baft Uf hole., tbrmsl. tbo Tooa. Yous." Ho Lad evidently aired all tbo French lie know,.and It Bounded s o n - diculouB that itbeoamea standing joke for several dayar I give this, not Ito ridioale the gentlomau, but as nn inci- dent of traTo). In .Germany Mr, Pottor could make bfniBolf unilorstooil quite readily anil I could' tiodenUiid ' tbo meaning : of the Germans very well, Ify ktopk; of German waa ratliof Htqitod, no4 neari everywhere I want some oup seenied di Wwlnod to talk to 1 me,'when lay "I flo not..speak Germaa';' came in good. When visiting tba ifotas at Berlin I need lfane'li aud got aloDg nfaely, ' ,. But travelling iu.BnssIa, Is a different tiling entirely.'; In tbe cars companions can oonveiBe together, but the Incoa- yeoietit and embarrassing thing,-and wltbal provoking, is -to get Bomothing to eat We bare }earnod tlieltae words "bow muob/'eo tlidt If wpjefl anything to eat which, we want wo can generally get it. Bui -we don'tuudor- atand tlieir,VtweQty minutes for refresh' tnents," BOnil we ctui'do Is to w,alch tb( crowd ffhpj) the'train, stops nt a station , JU'nbont tha (troi- _..,-, thli Brtloto bver.onmmoii poroat ; There; ta' : nl«»leni tnd'otUor nitero^ roi •«Wn,.»tt,1,l».?«.I.I.ffin, section MMnatry, ond still td!«jifrt!>ttitt>' • ' ' : ':: ;, . ;; ; ;'j¥ Best Work is the Cheapest ' " : In tho end, Is Dow'prepwed to Gil .all orders :ta *•'••-- •)'$# LATEST STYLES .AKPJWPRpVEiyiEMTS ; /^Notice of Settlement. XTOTICE I. bV-rebyjitYcn tbiit the aeootint d W tb. .ntaoHborftioralororElllaU Ilrotb. . e r i n , clewaaej, will be andltoil ana itatea : br tbB Bnrroirats anil roportoa far.lottleroont totbeiOriiban'i Ooorlittbo lionnly »rUorrl. : ^E t b i u,h a .,or. M . W U-10* ;jit'tia'^btnnr)i;tli|lS)l), n c tip W0EK WiHBASTED ^ i ' ^ BMOEd'aVd third'clrisa at eKt^emy kro h ^ o m p in appearance;batJncfc fl ^ t l B WATIONAIi UiyiON ••-*«?-••• BANK OP DOTEU. :./'.,:. ';'•', D(iTio;N.J.,yobri«hrS()lli,1879. ; Jr. ThlnBiiii ban uow nn bin.l for,i«l) and \tJ.H.4p«roont. Bond* tram ISO lo * LOW In Wsotltloito Btiltpurobuan. H-tT •REPAIRING wd- PAINTING done -'at lowest.possjblBTates. » pretty gtjod.cbanp^.o! getting left., % Isppvpking toroah out of,tbo (jars {tn, •wsllof a boiling hot cap of coffee Ant .boltj.a, roll .in. ^Tfl;minutes, wlien tin train waits bull aa hoar at (be next eta- tion, and tbaie seemg'tue Bassiana leii arolyaippinff tboic'coffeo, and: quietly talk over their lunpU and •, rolls. "We have: bed, ,on' ejperianfla of. tj)ig 'iurt, .Hejw.'iin .St,^ciorsbqrff, one/oan (re- qaently-. meet tbose' wuo *ppak either JFronoh orC(erman,;"nnd in^bfl sobools tbese lauRuagea ore tangbt, sIeo:Eng!(ali and BnssEin, four in all, so fo tbo oours of time raflrond officials and tbo peopl geuenily. will be able to give ia forma 1 tion to travolerfl. ; Onr stoy here bos becu Tory pltmsant. .ntiking so man, e ncqiiainlanooB, and baying a many very intercafIng objoots to ifisil Tbo most interesting tiling I; llnro see this weefe ia tbe/lnoperiftl.Oij^rlageMui seum. The carriage! aroibnndsomo bul rather remind. me of circus . wagons. there Is so muob pi It and glitter about tbem. pne obiect wljlou awoke coy pn rioaity parHpolurly was. an old sledgo, constructed by petor tho Qwnt, Mmsalf, a clumsy old nffi»r. Hai tbbaldpoai oeni was mado by illustrious bonds and on that ODCoant it has many admirom, Ita windows oonslst of small panos ol Isinglass,' I Tifilted. too, tbe miuli corps, and czominod mineral specimei wbiob would bavs delighted the heart of ooe of my old friendB at homo, at least; and explored a. model minoeor rying » liffbt Iraveraing anbtorranean puasoges fron) one. Bhnft (o tno&her, quite similar to a teal mine, but deroi oftberabbish, rocb ond' dirtol tbolnt tor, descending and ascending by broo« clean etono steps, instoa'd ot totterini ladders. The priee3 at .which things are solt berewoulil bo yacj cheap in UieTTdto^ S'ntcs; for instnnnc, hnndsoma silks sell for one ruble ab'dieigh'ty enpeok's Bus, aian mopey, but uinety eeuta'poryi of our money.. Furs (ind otlior elm! articles which bring a high price at bpmi are coiaparailvely cheap* here/ On tboVoLoA^ Oct. 21st, 1678. ill nao thisoppotlunityjBsendyop R «»j from, thls.'p'dmt^lest nnqther will not bo afforded antil wo renoh Tebernu ib will yet take np two wooka o travel. We leJ^B.t, xpfitorabqrfr on WedncBdny, the 10th IiisL, lia?tl]p; wnited. for our trunks three weeks less one dny. After the steamer arrived which bronghl than/mm* Loadoa wo wen^ablfgea tt woii three days r 6n" tbo" motion of aomi Mry formally eiroam&pect officials who ;BT>IOTD ncoompllabEd theborou S U oiJlaii'diiig' one:.box.porilftj from tlio vessel, anil nothing cbdi induce tliem to acealonlo such motioi We were finally summonBu to(tbo tOas tom Houso nnS wore sabjected lo nil, tin •'red tapo" »• wold wish, but at bul coming off very well. After having ooao JdfMwitb.tbji reqairod'.fqrmB^Bnd mj Irnnk' was proaented for inspection opened the lid, a Bubordinato began examine the.contcntspf^ho tray wbei " Q- Officer stopped him, ' So tbey dis irbed notliing fartlier. Inthisraanr w8 hate pnssod all tbe ouBtoms exami ationa "whiob is BomBWhat.;romiirltnb' aia ia'noted for a rigid* inr—'•* of whRVevGr bos to pass its houses, whicb; IfToporta.be true, is n. to ho-wonderoil att US it i» ">»» tl country ia on tlio verge of banltnipto: luVbioli caw they would naturally I keen_»fter money. Th«r.Ruble wb ST0RAGE R00M favora we:rtfll.«lldt.tl«ir orn tbituur_ holds the place wila _ lor does at homo is qoff wortti bat fil and gold is rising in vulao evt day. This relative valuo oMheir c Mnoy and gold - make*, thlngl obcap i thn tdieiib B^:?fltenbn^ RC think tbem frightfully high-priced i winter, and their wuy of liurguining Qi8 iu too lioth odd and auiiming ; nu istance will florro to illuHtruta the B.VS- im rbicb ui>[icars to bcuuiversiil. Wo c.ibdriver and tell him ws want go ta a curtain pluoo and nek liia jirioo r carrying ua tliere, Ho will [irobubly forty cojM.oka. We answer him tliut nty-Hre JBall we will pay. Ho says will not curry as for tbat, nud we 'toffin search oF another when ho la na back ooJoccopta Dur price. Two traous caa Tide to almost unj distance itbin the limits of tbo city for ten eta. Wo were all eight and half a day on way from SL Potorsl)nrg to Moscow, itant four hundred mil as to the noutU- Ouly one Bleeping uitr ticket could procured, and this was for tbe ladies (Ihe ladies.and ROutlen.su baring larata oars.) I hnri a compartment b n, Fronph hdy onu a littlo buy. is ludy could titik Ifrcnoti only, no to mvorao with her I was obligwl to bring y French into refluiaition,though badly .ndiod no doubt, yet n great .deal bet- v tlian to sit in ailenco Blaring nb each her, On tlio PUKIII^C frpin MOHOOW ire, a journey of two nights ni)d oue ', I oooupled a coin partraent witli a tBsinn Indy who could talk iu bor ilivo langungc only. It ia a common ling for.botli geultcuieu aud laities to aoke in tbe cars in this couutry, and onr oompnrtraont was a closed uno we 'ero entirely shut in from tho enioko, rbich I particularly appreciated. Thin idy bad a Persian Burvaut with her irongh wbom no were nble to commu- icnto. I .bat} a lluEsiqii qi\i\ ^ngltsb, nnual witb m.e nud tuailb a medinaj of lunicatian of that wbiqh teemed rather comical. I would point her to a iojj aeptfiuco \q read and bbo would wignate tbe BUHwer, of wbiob I would md tbo EJnglish translation, wbiok wan I very well eo far as it went; hut tbe lings ire wuDtod to say to euob other idu'thappoa to bo In the book; then wo uuld look.at each other tryiug to oam- aunicateby signe whiob \ta found nt testa very underlain method for cou- pling ideas, ^ptjoso long rldoa by rail- iacl are extremely fatlguoln^ nnd vroar- IO to mo, tlio ln»t two nights tvlmt iet I bad was far from cmLisfyEng. with fluttering prtnpeot of anylhing better til ye reaph t'oiip dostiujtiQn, fqy t||o idommodaltopq on tl|O B'.eainers oij the ulgaaro nu%vbat.we would consicii rdlnary at homo, Tho ono on which. token jjasipgo bas no bed plotlies nlllowB. natjilng but lautiBos | atiil J igine it U" confiiilerud a pretty flm it'TVo hardly dare bopo for any tbiug alter on tlie Caspian. At Moacow wi oppad nt a Germnn liotol whose pro- rietor apoko Bnglisb. Bo we hnd no fSeulty thote In regard ta tlio langungi ad bad prpttygood ncoammodationB. inr friends in. St. peter»b.urg did marveloQsly in gniuiDg noaess to leDalaeesandotbor public buildings, it we took care to make tbe fact known it'we were'American B.which, perhaps, nod for'uS'some connidorftUon at thi landa of f(a8i}aii ogoiajs, Jfr,- prlnpo, oo of onr Arocrlo^D frlenJs at 8t, pe- irsbarg, bos taken quite an interest in [Q,.inquiring wbon I had ueuru from my ends at home, etc. He is qulto dia- isted witb pojitical affairs at Washing- n, and tells me I will bave no deaitD return to my homo in the Btatea after hove II red a ^h\]o u«2or ibis Qovorn, poQt, bat how mistaken bis idea tbat T uanld become so wonned away, * [bwing-to tbelr long dotantlon at St. 'etotsburg and auxioty lost navigation th,fl Volga and Caspian 3ca should bo ioaed and prevent tha luttber proseon- on of their journey until Spring, Mr. id Mm Potter remained nt. Moscow jut a sliort timo, BOehu'wao unable to ice much of tliie city, or nt least giro )Qt a slight dcsarlptiqn of It, A.s this 9ms to leave a void la th,o skofpb Mrs, itto'r gives Qf hop travel to tbo east, I ill supply such description from an- ther. Boacce, wbjob, though not BO spent may bo relied upon as generally irreot, growth ocfi.rowithin a few years mat making the';only difforunpe \r\ a Ipaprlptiqnof tho'oityasit ' ' " ' ' ' " " irid tbat given in the follow Moscow is sltuateil on tlia Moskvn iyer in latitude: ufty-flvo ilcgreos, forty ivo minates cod twonty-boo aeaond3 lortb longilnde ' tliltly-sevaa' degrees, lirty-foar minutes, oast, u'ud is. BUI rouododby a" wall oc caitben rampart, twenty milos in circuit of a .very irroguifti _jape, and altogether uselosw for an; pnrpoBO of dofenoo. Tlio site of tlio oity j48 an undulating surfaco, nnd iatnv versed by tho navigable Moskva, wbiph entering noar tlie middle of tbo wesl ride of the wall makes a soties of sorpon- ne windings and leaves it nt tlio south- it oorner. Among the elevations thai _ wblon tbo Kremlin fitanda ia the mosl ooDBplodons, and iitaatod nenr tho en tor bf tho oity. .; It is npurly triangnlni in ahapaand iiurrounded by un imraens •rhlffl wall sixty foet high, nuil ODD mi! in circuit. This wall 1Bflunkedby cm- iUTed towor«, through wbioh tho iqto- nr1» ronoubd by sevornl gatM, wliicb tormed tbo.origlnnl naoleus of tha city, ind U 6till tlie site of its most important c-uiflees.' Immediately to the oaat of th Kromlinis tbe aoooud quarter, the Kiln Gorod, or Ohlnoao City, fenco'd round b; I, Wbiol» Is flanM V. \ _..,3i8oa^ Around UKTKremlin as tbe Motor two latgo circles bnvo been drawn, ie inner ono with a rodiun of ono milo, lii'd' tbo" oa tor with a radins one and alf miles ia.lenBtb. The ciroumferonci if each circle consists of a wide belt Iriely planted boulevard. 'UiQ,|une: nrpie'itonj nhprt at tbo north bank of tho river.' Tiie outer clrolo is oompletod proceeding ncroas tbo river and onolos- conslderablo-apaoe. bank.- Tho »one enoloaotl/botwoen tin mralin an:l ttio Eitoi Gurod, and tin jnor boulovnrd.is called the quarler the Boloi Gorod or 'Whito City ; whil the otbGT'Kuue, included.between tb ;vo boaievardR, BOfar as it lies nortli .1.8 river, is called tho quarter of tin Zmoluoi Qnroil. All the enclosed spn beyond tho four quarters junt tlosorilic wuethor Bitakted on tbn N> or Uio bank of the-Moskva, ia regarded snburbs. TLe strange irroen'« r ''y w ' wbioh Kfosaaff. is bnilt is one of tlio llrsl tbingB wbicb forces itself on the notice ol the visitor. This might have booi jipectod to be rcmediod by tbo grc oonflagration of : 1812, but tliougli il icoongrnlties aro oo/tniuly fewer ftni thar wero enough Btjll tcniaipsto gi tfio pity ita old charncterialiu fouti)r The fltrcets, as a general thingi oontini uocven ana tortuous, nutreroas palti lanei open- flnddenly into .itBgniflce. Bo,onresv and loog rows of notleu hoDses abut on vast colossal mclures. In order io describa tbp jclpul edifices, we must return to tie imliu atoj,pl(ig at Ibo most fiivnrabtt ut, tbo Boutb sida of the bridge Muskva •kuitoview. Here it seems to The ot tho water picturesquely adorned .b turf nudbbruba; wbilo above Us vj walla uud verdant foliage, palaces > oburcbos roar tboir majestic heads, ffned with numerous cupolas of glit ing gold and nilvor, nn.l presoutiug i of tba most striking views of which ly Earopean city cuii boast. Entering by tbe Spass Vorotn, or Gute tbe Redeemer, overwbicb ia u picture mr Sutiour. the olijeet of tlie dcepiut svoronoe, and through wliicb', in CJOHU- lone iquat pass without being covered, we aro at once introduced to most interesting end important lildingaofMoscow. 'Tbefirsttoclnim r notice ii the Teremo, or old Palace the Czars i it conaisU of four sUiriea iiich diminish in ascending till tbouji- irmost contaius hnt a singleraom.. r.utl eurruunded with balconies with sluim ith wjtbiq nod without, longing to eneb purota Uirrooe | tbe lowest floor cun- ifl tliDtlirooeandiiUElienaeoltimbcrs} highest was tbo residenoe of tlio irimas and their children ; the walls richly nnd almost grotoaquelj decor- tcd, and coTored-with portraits of tlie fears, armorial bearings, etc. Tlie in body of this palace was so much jured by tbe Frencb that repair wai possible, aud ita place bus boon sup led by tho Boloboi Doovetz or Largo ilace. built by tbo Emperor Alexander id, iomettmos. galled after him tlio Grander Doovclz; ou immense pile nnd * without an itnposicg effect} l>ut ils odern stylo and decorations are iu bud eptng with tha venoroble strupturcs til wbjpi) it {a oasoomted, Tbe aauie ly bo said of the Matvi DoovotE or iltlo Palace, built by tbo Emperor icholis, contuiuitig some infcruating cturcs by Beroudo Uelatto do Cnnn- tto, and a collection of all tbe workB it hnve bneu written concetnitig MOB- ', tu French, German nnd Itwmiai). i Sabcrnoi PicEchud or Cutlmtjrul iare, situatQ^ OQ tho si)p^m,H of tbe -sniliq ami enclosed witblu a inagnifl- ntiron railiDg, contnins thu Uponski bor or Cathedral of tho Assumption, cbu robes, tbp Arkhuiiifulttkl bor or Ohurpb o( at. Ikliobae), ana tbo uly of tbo Cave. Tho Cathedral i licit the Emperors are 'crowned..bears rpgctnb.nnco citljcr w]ibln or wllliout the OathedrnlB of Western Euroiio, t is a clumsy building, with bo&ry'pll- irs, whicb support five cunalon, anil, 1;Q tbe walls, glitterinpf with gold from to bbttom, the golden ground covered rer with grotesque frescoes of snored ibjecU; it wus founded in 1235 ond milt in 1472. Immediately behind the is tbo Ejynoduliu Pono, or louse of tbo Holy Bjnod, HO culled ccause a section of the Synod has Us [floes iu it, and containing the Mir or oly Oil, which is UHcd in tho baptism all BuBsiao cbjldrpit, A Wtf* W oro aluobip trensuce oi th» Qaly Synod iea ibrary, remarkably rich in rare manus- Hpls. Tbe Cburoli of 8t. Miobuol is a imhrfi bnilding, ligl'ted by windows so iminutWe as to t!o little mora tbnn ike darknesa vUible. Almost nil the uuiian Sovereign a, from Ivan itoli 'dgVn to Jotpr the Great, are irieil hers, tteir figures, natural siso, s painted in fresco round the iob ocerjOgaJtiat Its owtt.torab where ilts wrapped in u white mantle, lediately adjoining ia un odd-looking jurcb, with WBIIB of Immoase thlokneaa, aid to ba tlio oldest in Moaoow, nnd ionalantly throagod with devotees. Tho I the. AununoJutioa in-pavei 'ith fine pebbles of. Jasper agnte aai rnellan. Witbio tbo Kremlin also is immense pileof buildiPgB, lining ^bi Idea of a triangle, one side being oeou iled by the Senate, whtoh contains the ifflcoa of the varioaa local. departments ind tbe other two by the trcntiury in irsonnl. The chief attraction' bora is the ipperatory.of th> Irposury contaiuing he crowns of the early Czars, arranger regular succossion;. aeveral tbroues irlike tropli.es and miscellnncoua Quri >sitics. -. Tlie arseniil contains over on indrWl Ibonennd stflnda of nruis, tbo can n token from lbs Freucli during their uaatrotis retreat and numerous otliar military tropbics. Nearly in tbe center tbo buildings of the Kremlin ebov ecifled, and far overtopping them all, tbe famous Ivnu "Jeliki, or toi robn the Great, whiob rises witboni •ndmont D! any kind to tbo liciebtol 00 feet, aud ia surmounted by a gilded i, on whiob, aa on Iho otbor gilded tames of tbe Kremlin, the cross ia dia- >layed above tho Crescent. It is ns- landed by a good etaircaso, aod amply rimla the foil of ascent by tliemiiRi]"* iat view it commends. It consists jvcral stories, in; each of wliicli: liaugs BtupondiouB boll, one of tbem weigh- [ig 04 tona. Another hell nearly treb- ing tbis enormous weigbt, culled Cwr Solokol, or t^o Monurpb, stands at, tb lottoia of tbe tpfcr oa a pedestal o mite to'wliicb it WUB mWd in 1837, tbe Emperor Ninbolns, after having 'omaincd for a century baried oa the pot in wlilcb it is said to have fallen, lieu tho tower, in, whioh i( JTOB BUB- lOuiU'd, v.ns burned.' its bolgbt is 21. icot, diomotor 22.0 feet and least thick- aoss three iticlics. X liuge fragment wi irolcmi from it by the full. Immediately to tho eust of the Kremlin, bctweooits vails and those-of the Kitai Gorod, stands in the Erasncl Flocsbnd or ,ce. Ibe Catbcdral pf St. Basil, ono ol be strangest spcaimens of architeotnro injwbero to be met with , it ton so less ,bnu twenty towers and domes, all * liflbrcnt shapes and BIZOB and eolorec over with tbe moat varied hues, some greoo, spread liko network, over n yel- )vi ground ; one red, with brond whitn Iripes i nnd a third gilded. Tlie wliol 1 &perfect budJIe, und though di&erct iccouuts of its origin aro given, tho mo. :redibte seems to bo that it was nwluid if Ivan tbe Terriblo lo try how ronny notild ho orcotcd oil the wi ,pot aud under the same roof win religious service could bo simnUaneousl performed without natural interfcrenci Tho tvrchitcot was an Itnlinn, nnd hia employer that tbo savs despot'put out bis eyes in order that might never bo able to.build anothc iko it. It is impossible to stnto t number of churches in JIosoow, BOI naking them Qfteon bundred, nnd olbc ednping them to two hundred ami Df>; Tl.e smaller number, if proper clinrciii ilyiiro ineladet], is probably tbo moi accurate | but it Is eearccly possibli traverse a street in which <!fl ttuil minaret a do not greet the Tlio uuinbcr of Monasteries, also, ry great. TLOHO moBt deserving of ->lice arc the Donekoi, situated ueurtbe utb burriur, surrounded with ancient r ulls. HurintjULttid by LattIoniants like aud oontuiuiug ix isliurcLieij uud , several courts, a plantation af rebwood, aud dwellings for tho Atch- drio and Monks; the Bcminooskoi r of tba wall, near uf the Kremlin itbin its cotloauro i the S. E. licro lie Moskva leaves it, having more ippcnrtmci) ol a fortreas than a ftny ; i.nd tbe De?ctcbei Convent, the 8. W. corner with walls, flanked lieu lowers ; several churches, one ilioiu containing the loipbs of several nns and PrinCi.Aea ; and a olinroli beautifully laid out with sbrubs id flowers, and cont&iniofra greatnum- :rnf fine mouumeuts. Close to tlaie -'Kl, where tie Emperors on their ti nut ion, entertain their subjects. Tbe uperor Niubolas here, on tbat. occa- in, diucd 50,000 aubjeots. Among luonlioual eatubliuhinetitB, t!e only one lug of particular notice, ia tbo iiivtirsity, wbuso JHriedictloD la not •uflucd to the oity government of if, but extends over tho govern- lenta of 'Ivor, Yaroalav, Kostroma, r tftdimeor, Kiuzun, Tamboo, Kalooga, el, Toola and Smolensk. It was ea- •lialicd by tho Emprwa Cathorinti in 35, eonHihls of four fneuHiee, end is ended by nbout one thousand Blu- nts. Ite Bciculiflccollcctionaftrp poor, rod wttb tliB beat of those in 'esteru Europe, but it is tolerably rich i nuatamiflal preparntionH ; in counco- n with it is a gymnasium, a librarj of ty thoiiHund volun^oB, nn. qbservatcry, itauiaal gurdon, oU>, Among tha bc- 'uleut institutions are tbe Alexander nl St. Oatbnrine HospitulB, both near ie north barrier; nod nnotlier of Bt. rluo near tho nortb-eatt corner; o military bospilalH in the east, a idow's in the wesl, and St. Punl'a and ie Qalitzin licepitnl in tbo south. Mos- IB two ffrnnd. theatres, one where io performiuicoa nro iu Frencb, and tbe •her, or Aluxnuder theatre, whore the; u Russian. Among tbe other build' or*places worthy of police ore tho oat Hiding School, to tbo west of the reuilni, Bujijiqaed to bo the largest Uliling in tbo world uoBUpported by liar or prop of any kind ) tbe prluoipal mrur, or Gautinnai Dvor, in thoKfto' , a oolonsal building of three i, where wbulosalo morobaatv, to ie number of upwards of a thousand, igulnrly carry on their trade; tbo Hindi, opon Hpneo in the snmo vicinity, >ceu]iieil by narrow slreotB of shopa; Ibo 'iiTncke along tlio east aide of the inner ilerard; and tbo rnce-bonrso, a l^rge al, eloDgntcd porlb and aoutli and mo,st pouching tliu so.utli barrior. Tiie imbor of open and planted spaces irougbout the oity is very gr^ftt, ' E[ev- 'al of theso,' inoltitlinB ti)& ho nipvoids, u\a Uopn n'toady mentioned j and wo i>y now odd the Princess Oalitzlns rtlona, stretching along tbo right bank Fthe Moskva, and beautifully laid out, ut now parti? occapiecl by tbe Empress n\\i\, and the Sparrow Hilla ,to ,the luLu-west, Just, and at an elevation of C50 fee Lbove the sea ; fli.wB E. N. E. E. S. E. S.S. W*. and H. E., past Kiev, Tver, YaruBlav, Kostroma, Ni(,'buee, Novgo- rod, Ea2au, Kimlioorfik, Bursitoonnd Ae- tmkbuii, noar ubiun it uptore tbe Cas- piau sen, by 00 or 70 mouths, 83 feet below tho level of tlio occuu. Tlio ex- u ia estimated at 100,000 ita ciiurec ia 2,500 mi let •ta full is only 883 feet. 3 nf natures of v: s kinds are car- on too great extent within the city, boar only a small proportion to -boso wbfpb nro canied on for Moacow the surrounding towns and villages, o principal «stabliabmouts aro for th< annufaotura of textile fabrics, chiefly woolen, ootton snd.silk, in all of wliicb i fltenm power and tbe moat im- trovrd laacbintry are employed ;. the tlicr pnncipil ortioloi are hats, bard* ire, leather, ahemical products,, beer and brandy. Fron^ its central position Muscow is tlie' great entrepot for tbe ilerual aommeroeof tWeuipirc. Clreat ics far this commerce are given by .'ator communication, which extends on' me Bide'tpibe ^altio| on the otber. to be gaspinn land on a third to tbe Blaok lea; and by railway to St,'Petersburg/ also has railway 'connection iiinnberg andWnrBaw. Ia Winter tho •nfEu, over tbo \is, as mauy as tbirty-r.il. hundred, .tied with goods for TifHia alone, havo ioi?u known to leave tli&.city in a single ear. JJOECOW, for ndminiatratiye pnr- posea, is.divided into tneuty.odd dia- Iriota, nnd ia under tlie immediate charge JI a General end'Military Governor... I tbo sent uf important civil and crinr ial cdurtn, and of various superintend- ng boards of police, raanufapturcs, :rado, oto, nnd b,as lavcral literary,'soi* mtifio and other societies; among which if tbe most prominnat ia.tbe ocioty, eetablialiea in 1818. The foun- itioii of tlio city dctca from 1147. IU itiolcua was the Kremlin, which, a irsf, .was nenrly snrrounfled by a pnli md formed an important military [fltiou. Pora longtime it continued bo n dependency on . tho prinptpallly it Tlndiiuir; anil in. 1288, when the elJ3aton £abn devastated i sacked and burned. ID1293 it was igaiu encked nnd the inbnbitnnts were Imggcd nwny into, slavery by Kalm Nagai. It nlterwawlB becnnie 0 prey to inteatiDo diBaenBiona, aevcral princes ilisputing tbo possession of it; but astDimltri.'stirniimed DonBboi, bceame IOIO mesior, ond died ia 1S80, ntter hav* ng done more for ita 'prosperity than my ono into wlioso bands it had prc<rl- jusly fallt't. From tbis time/itspro* pcrity continued lo advanqo. tlmnphjjfli without reppnted intannptionsbyfire. sstilenpc, famine ami-war. It;nowl»o- ime tno capital of,Muscovy and after, wards of tbo nliola Hussina crnptroj b(it deprived of that bouor in 1703, when St. Petorshnrg wns founiled nad bcoama tl'e royal residence. It stil however, possesses all tbe grandeur BO inany of Ibo otber features of a capita iMany o! tbo nobility reside in it; and, botli iu salubrity nnd"central position, ittpewessca natural ndvnntngoB whiel io political preference can ever oonfei jtTBt PetGrsbnrp, Tho prlnoipnleveni iii tbo hislnry.ol 1 Moscow is'lbo burning of it in 1812 for tbo purpose. o( dislodg- ing tlio French tromthoir winter (-.ou- ters. The ilotnngo then done has long since been repaired, mid Moscow bos 3 risen from lier asbes more beauti- ful tliau before. Population, i a 1871 809,321, A description ot tho Volga river woul not teem oat of place here, nnd besi such consideration might bo o( genera Ht, is therefore giten bolow. tent of il square miles, and including windings, ing whioh bich aro connected by several ennuis ith the NBVQ, establish coramuiiicatiot itween the Cnepiun nnd tho .Baltic. Lite and Black noun. It nontaiuq ai •undanco of fish, and Balmon, etui con, elc, are extensively exported. 'be VOIRO is nnviguble by cargoes of ,200 Ions, Lint its navigation is fro- juently iiilerrKpted by auntl Lawks autt ;be cbanpes of ita cbaaucl. It in frozen )»er uoarly one half ot lUe year. In its 1 course tmall steam bouts were >laccd upon it in 1620. In 1840 n splou- lid Iron tteamer, called tlie "Volga," .01) feet long, 81 feet broad, carrying ,2G0 tons, »us Juuuoliod ou its stream evcral boiita now ply regularly between mouth aud Niztiueo Novgorod. CABPIAN BTEAUEH, Oct. 28. 1878, We aro now Ijing in tbe harbor of oka or Bakoo, a seaport town of Itua- ft, capital of Sliervun, in Trnuecaucas- on the soutii shore of the neuinsula Ushetun, and west const of the n Bca, of which it it one of the most iportnut ports, Tbe walla of tho ere formerly at tbe watora' edge, but eeveral yards dialaut. Tbo town ilnndfl ou a duolivily, tha summit s crowned by a plnoe of tha for- alms | ia dclonded by a doublo 'all and daep ditch, constructed in tin itao of Peter tbe. Great, and baa two trong forU under wbose protectiou vim- i uun unchor in from four to nix falh- a of water in u spacious rond sholtcr- from nil quarters. Tbo town 1B ir- -egularly built, streets nnrrow aud irookod, tlio boiiflss Btonll with flitt roofs lontad will uuptha. The VirgiuB* Tow- r is the moat rcmnrkiiblo olijeot in the ico. TLero aro u uiimbcr of Bimoioun IB^UOB, public squares, marts and cur- atisorics, Greek undAmcrican ohurob- i nnd schools. Hitherto tho ohlof exports of tbe town ore uaptba, salt and autfron, imports, i ootton, oarpelaaliawls, rice, Lo.from Ferein, iron warn, ontlory, linen ind woolen gourls, from Europe. Ni he town Ea tbe Atesbngn, or "ftnid of Ire," BO named from on inflammable va- or which no doubt escapes from the which was unknowu yeura ogo when ie superstition of tbo people connected t with mtrapulona origin, holding it in tbo tugboat vonDratiDu and making pit- gnmagea to it, • Tba city or town now is virtually an oil oity, numerous wells be- ing in its vloinity, and tbe refuse of tbis oil (A Ihiflk, tarry substance) constitutes i fuel burned ou tbe Caspian steamers iob our vessel is nowtaking oil board. 'bile tbe Bteamer IB lying still here, J lougbt it would be a good, time to write. Tho ncconniodatioun ou'tbin steamer ate rather belter than tlios i Volga. .The-bcdt ilsalf ia a pretty ice one, but its furniture is soanl and it at nil wbat might be-expected by tlioto tnwUnjr on board Ii *- u tJ -'"-" in ihotJuitodSUlw. > :eturniabod'witli a c , Mow, no. bed clothes of'any»sbr£*a >Qach cnslioneil with red cloth, d;wi •owl, and a leaf of a table oo>ered7ii Teen clotb, wliicb, when in use, is ad^ to the side of tbo room.,:i The floor ui bare and much in'= need bfa The suloons. however, are quite comfortable. The menta oro too much after the Russian stylo and taste nult us, but we manage to Ret aloiig ith lliem, f a r oompaniousbip tlinro has been a young lady nbout my own > and a littlo girl on board, hut thay loft, tbo steamer nt tbia place. Bo nt present I am tbe only lady passenger. 'While .they, r-.'o on board we bad a good deal of amusement endeavoring to inatrunt each other in languages, using signs, etc. But after wo had all been'seasick they showed their nationality (Baj^api) by their dis- regard of cleanlinoss^wtiichywas vary dis&grccuble to me?in oonseauence ot which I do not miss them so muob as if toy liad been more iiont and tidy, [sited the town a eliort time ago, ti inter* Tho Volga ia rd to lo tbe largesl Tho Yg river iu Europe, has its sources in Sclighar,on-tlieplateau ofYaldni, go ernment of Tver, in,laU(ndp57 degrees N, Iangitudo ;S8 d W * lUoao eatables for use wbiio ou o u p pcotiTolioraebaok jonrnoy, and proour- eJ an article whioli rnthor surprised mo, id cgtocablynt that, to find it here. Ibis was cheese, real "boua ftde" store obecse. Previous to this journey I nnd no tas'te for this article, but wbilo on Gcars between Dieppe and Paris, after ie channel aoasiokuess, I ato n smnl ece, oinco wliicb time I have become iry fond of it. Wo also 1 procured hero mo pomegwptea. They aro-jis large i an orange and nearly of-lhe:«ome shape, of a brawn color, rind of a lentil- cry toijgbncaa, inside consisting pf seeds and pulp divided into noverul parta by a thin membrane. The pulp ia very juicy io lattor uoi'mr tlie palotablo part bUbe fruit wbioh tu so slrongly.acid tbat i [solves nearly- ever-fthtng it L i unking a stnia simitar to that of iron rUBt. I 1 ., ' - : • • • : Mr, Potter nod,myself botli wero sea- [ok an our pniftiigo ovor the Caspian i aUd by travelein aa gcncrully do- und as they are re- gardeJ by the htittur cluf« as a wretched iet. Tbo tiobluu aud tlie wealtb.v clubs if Ilnfiaians (ire very elegant pc-oj)Ie, WJ [ am led to think from wiiut I bnvu SL'OH if them. But by fur tbe grcmcrportiuu uf tbe people uro dirty nii<] Jlltliy com- pared to tbe Boglisb, Prendi and QLT- inans, nsa moan, from wliicli it will IXJ ufurred tbat I have not ti'Uau in Iovo .ilh tlioctjuutry, which is the CUHC. Tuesday, Oct. 201b. We are still lying iu tlio harbor of Bakoo, tha qimntiy of fuel mcauHury for Ihe trip not having LWJU ali lakcuoii board tba bleumar yet, uud thin umv uot bocomplpted uutil to morrow. This in tbo tilth day WG linvo becu nb»nrd tliis steamer—were lying iu n binbor furtliee uortli throe daya, a btuootb sea mlbcr 'cry high and viuk-iib outsitle tbo harbor, Hud it not been lor tbese detentions tbu vojuge ucrusa tbe Caspian would hnvu tukmi lint live •lays. There aro quite u nutoborof Per- on the Blcauior, from whom I uove bed nL opportnuity of ob- taining a glimpHo at Persia uiuuuernuiid Jubila. Tliu whole deuk is riccupit'd by bose who, from ucenuiity ot otherwise, mve taken a third-clnaspausagu, Tlitsv JUTO fur beds only their bagguge, and such food ua they can carry witli tbem, furnishing a sjicotacla of wretcLtdneKH in tbo ciireino. I am mtioU better ileae- d witb tbe nppcnrauco of the Tur- Hiaus than tbu liutsiaue, oe tlioy niti mncli clemior und noalcr iu their habits and personal nppen ranee. Tlmwcmi- veilud u'oniou cumo ou IJOQIJ, whom Mr. Putter thought voro Tuik- Their veils are uliiu iu color ntid fin li co, I tliiuk, Biispeadcd from their ids and lield in their lauds over tho moulh. They frequently eono around and poor througli tho windows of our at mo justue Iliiio to poop at them. Woman's curiosity you suo is mauifctfted even liere. Tho third class pusHengers Bceui to enjoy a look in at us, aud aoino- (imes it is rather utartliug, oapocinlly ut uigbt, to look up suddonly aud encoun- ter a pair Df blnck eyes and a etrango face pressed nguinat the window pans id coolly staring iu at ono. Mr. Pot- ter thiuka tlieir curiosity is excited to see me. but 1 attribute it to a desire ou tboir part, to see how mu.ob better off tbo first-class passengers are than they, ia uot to be wondered nt thrift they should euvr us, for wo enjoy luxu- ry compared with (.hem, especially wbuii it rains, wbiob is nlcooat of, daily ocenr- renoe. Tbe Persians are muob pleased tbat Mr. Potter can talk witb them, aud itnprovo every opportunity to lo BO, taking a great many questions about •is wife, bis work,. his oo'diitry. aatt iven bis purcbasea, Mr, j?._j»ud myeelf are now tbe . only firaVelass passengers on board, eo we have an, abundcuooof room, l>at(Bptjnmob of anytbing.olso, aa tue. keeper oflbB n^taumut don't seem totblofc it worth' wbilo to get up any- tUog.^rtra for,onlyiwo persons. Tbo iatptnin was not on board last night ia consflg^flnoa of which tbo lompa wero not itghtodBVOQ in the saloon.. Uuliko the accommodations of tbe Bteatnora ut home, these things ate not included iu :tue 1 'ifjra "jbnt.are accounted as extras. 'r*:.L- LtZitxxil -h.-' j Bepnrnte considero- ire two nt ftxad pri- TV ___. fit eleven A. M., k; and dinner at half-past ^ . - ^ . ^ . . . J o q r courses—between timea 'wti'.bdn oriler.what wo pluaBe. .•"i'believc I havo told yon all worLb Bllilfg about stoamer life. My next letter will probably be mailed from To- berau, Tbe Caspian sea lien between Europe and Asin, whose groat length from North to South is 760 mika, and greater breadth 270 miles. It ia bound- ed north and west by Hussia and Persia, ontt by tlio Kirgees desert and Khiva, iid Bontb by Persia, Area 140,000 square mitos. It is remarkably shnllow along i's Bliotea wbero it seldom exceeds Qve feet in deptb for a diatauoo ol a bnndreJ ynrdB from, tbo laud, tuongli at soaio paiata no bottum bos boon found at a depth of 480 fathoms Tbe waters of tlie Caspian are salt, but nol nearly io much EO na tbo waters ol tbe occnu. It has no tides and no outlets, evapora- tion boino> tho only mentis by which its superfluous waters nro carriciialT. Slur- gcons and sterlotd nro caught iu this son in gTcat bbundnLca ; tbero nro alsu sal- mon, Irout, perch, carp nntl porpoisca. Seals abound in the upper const and tortoises between the moutha of tbo Vol- ga and tho Ural. Tbe principal fishery ' sturgeon is at nnd near Astrakhan and about tbo riv?r EDIIKI. It compre- hends 310 miles of coast, from the mouth of the Ural to MerUoi Gulf. Many i tbo female r it 800,000 thousand parsons nre emplojod Russian Upper Cnspmu fisheries, nnd tbe annual amount of o-ivarie o obtainod may be taken pounds besides 20,000 pounds of isin. glass, the produce of upwards of T0O.0OO sturgeon Df various kinds. Tbe num- ber of seals annually token is upwards of 100,000. Tbe only ports wnrlhy the nnma ou >r nenr the Caspian nre Astrakhan, lta- koo, Salinn and Afltrabnd. Tho naviga- tion is ct nil times diffianU nuil ofteu perilous. Steam pnekots bnve uny yoarajmil in it tba [his point, .'.'and irould" btive b"'(ft . (jbonHfe itaggonxl.on deck aa tbo eliip [row-n^oro steady and BjUsaian dinners |O(0_ pomesrnnati '"• ' * yesterday [ ^ y were/n'ot to bo thought of lor that prea- en! timo.•, JFlctm oontinno, to bo fellow :raTo|ore with us aiiil.imnby us tba da- eo wall nlgB'fraiitio.^bich is really t fti f Ih* pasage;' worst foatiire of Iho* passage;' To-dny.wbile" in tbe iown I B ldi l ith occss ot loading camels with goods for a joaracy. They were .kpeolicg while their bnrdoaswero being plncod on their bncka, end others wore already loaded and ready to start.' Hero I bed nuito p peep nt Oriental life, rpmnrking imrtioularly tho queer looking, quccrly Jresacd people, tbe bazaars, the camels, [rait, elc. The towns along the Caspt- an nre all built on tbo side of steep bills directly down to tho waters' edge, and theso hilla look as bare utmost ns tlio shores of Lonftlalnnd, bat are rocky as well as sandy. Coming chrough Kussin i the Volga I noticed, that tbe towns ..wo all uniformly small; tho IIOUSCH low with lliatobod root*, wbiob made if difficult-to uiatingaisb them nt n uia tnnoo from tlio Burroundtng lunJnc.i]n;, they HO much resembled the ground nroundlhem. \t Bncu,ed to mo atratgo that tho curs aloald stop nt BUch niiaeni- it for mnny year" nnil in it tba Rns- ms have a considerablo fleet. Tbo itiocs of early, commerce upon or by to i way of tlie Caspian ate few and rot reli- »os hie. The chief portion o[ commerce between 'Western Europe aud Itiilia was carnal »n partly byila whulon. nbout tlie middle of tbo thirteenth century. Astrakhan, on tlio Upper Caspian, uml Soldaio, nearly in tbo same lalilnJe ou tlie Black Sea, formed tho principal en- trepots nntil 1280, when ttio Inlter wui supsncflcd, through tbe excrtiuun uf tbe Goudcsc, for their own estnlilinli- ment ufKnffn, wbioh then became tlio transit station fur the European Aaiutiu trade, and BO continued. till 1453. Tho Turks at this timo having seized Con- stantinople nnd burred thoBu.iphorus, the accustomed tmdo was forced inti> tlio tbe accustomed ade was olber clmnneln nnd the Owjii desorteO except by vcaaels wh oa a small local trni?e betwe Petal* ami Ct-ntrol Aui 1SGQ El Ule looking , or Unit nuy pourf Ule looking Yilbt:, should livo iu tbem. AtUr sceuff wb. I have Icau accept tbo description ol c cii currtctl Wnacovy, About 1SGQ at) English trading cora- endeuvorcd to open ii]> cunneo- by *#ny ot thn Caspian witli l'tiLHin nnd Tarknnwiiin, but viih no pnoil ro- aulta. From Hint time till lute in tho seventeenth eeutury tbo initials ofuivi- i give few notices nf tliia mm. At thnt iwrid:! Teter Ilia GriMt, partly in the 1)01*0 nf diverting tho Untie into tlio direction of bis poutliern dominion.!, caused the coast of tlio CaKpisin to bo explored hy Dnlch iinvigalora HI bis pay. Hia intonliou was lo fountl trading'stn- tions on grnnml coiled by treaty or tak- en by force on tbe Feiaina seaboard. But-tbis he - uegluctcd to do, and wbtm TaQdied bis preset Inv dnrmaut, and tfao Tlnssiuua liiiulu nn encroachratnla be- trontl wl-rtt roterbiiil ulrendy effeotccl, till tlio icigu iif C.ilt:«nDcir,-wlmre -op- qneata iu ita emUlii'i-ii legion weit,-nut aoouro until our own tli'i' a. [cnsnNUEQ max WECH.|

Transcript of VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · 2015-07-14 · least; and explored a....

Page 1: VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · 2015-07-14 · least; and explored a. model minoeor rying » liffbt Iraveraing anbtorranean puasoges fron) one. Bhnft (o




Offloe on Morris Street near Blaokwsll.T U H H S OP BUUSCRIPT 1OH

C u e Y e a r , - . - . - - - - I2.O0B i x - M o n t h s , - - -., - - - . - X.O0T h r e e m o n t h s , - - - - - - - CD

KO 17





1 In* ~3 i i • '

8 • " •

4 "B "

ft Oaluun.

i "1 »•rxox.

1 Inch. '2 ."B " • •

4 *'ft " :

1 "1 " '

1 WK. 1 2 WXB.

f Tft|« 1 2fi1 2ft1 TB2 2S2 TO3 r>0* 60G SO

10 002M0U,

$ 8 50fi 006 508 00

10 001 2 r>o15 00IB 5082 00

2 OU2 7fi8 GO4 265 2B6 fit)

-. 6 00I B M


$ 4 Ml0 H)9 0(1

11 0018 0016 2IiIt) U?26 0041 OO

8 WKS.

9 l f iO2 60S SO4 SOfi CO7 008 00

10 2G11)00


$ B 0010 0014 0018 0021 0025 5020 OO87 6005 00


* I 7f- am

4 ao n.0 GO

, 8 GO

1 0 OP

12 S2 2 OO


*IO oo17.0022 a27 080 01BD 01

46 «OB 01

ioo «


fcOODPQRT, MORRIS Co., N.J. :rntiiield nUbltabrt Dotti liopti tor thoieuonJ, aadUpacUoibrlr dmlnlilo for thuia RetraUnd mmnmr midinc*. HltaiUd at thirfUkOl l U f i f l k d





Oil*, 0 1 " * , DruBliDS, Perfumer*, &0(.il by JAME8 A. GOOD ALE, the Pionoci

"5ie Win c r S w i w ^ o n C f r o m 0 1. 10 A.


''Counsellor at" • ' • • " • - . ' A N D ' v •


7~Comer of Blwkwoll kgd. BUMW 8t>.

D O V E R , N . J.-'i • -I. B.JOLUEY, Proprietor.

,t iflcrao.andCanlaffeilolot. ::;

'Counsellor at liawiA N O M A S T E R I S OHASOEBX, ':'

Dflleo In His national Union Bank Building •,

rfUkaOaptlotint lU.fMiuUln MMDBIJ, auieUani builtirlTMttakalt unnrpMwdI f f U l l l d A

For Sale, Rent or Exchange.Ths fine property on till oomtr of BUok.

woll and Eesox tlroela, reoontly oouuplod by

Pulol O, Wlggla., EKJ., vlikh Inoladtt

dvelling and Itore. Apply to


ie-u • V. V. B. BE41UN0, Agent.


Cor. Blackwell 4 Warren Sts.,l O t D B V ) '

Dli«aa«l of Women ana Children, and or theXte and Ear apodallle *

I t » A ; a l C 8 a

ussex St., 3d Doorfrom CanalBridgtii DOVEB; H. J.

? ThoparloraMO thoroughij equipped <

lliiii Motion, ftul w r y tPPOlntiaont olb lue i i of tfio Ii«it order.. Tba.DMIB « P


oBD D. wnra, . . B. O, ma i l , JB


• "i ! BLAOKIYELIi STRBET,^ i':'"' '




POND, Proprleloril.

OntheEuropeanPlan.Tne natlnraot, cafe and lDocb room at-CU0(l,.ara npiarpaBBed/or cliuapneea Budoolleboe ol 'afnloi. Boon,. SO cte. lo » per.

43 t 1 1 0 p r ncuk. OooYenlent to alldif' ^ ; ' ' » ^ : : ' :

rerrjeiatdoUyriilrtiidf.NBW'FmU(ITdIlF..«IlEW MAHA0EHOTT.

M y ;• • '

Dover Steam DyeingEstablishDient,



I. 0 . JENSEN - - Proprietor,

IAVISO fllted up a complete HUmmdyelnKeOallleli uoD>, with all tile beet r

for t l n t l k na p o u n l O__ for t lnt -o lui work, ami uonuiilnK•ifKtritinco of A QUinbor of ytnn Iu Enrc

id America, I belief c 1 can rae«t tba w«iiliopublle In my HUB nt vory low " —

ind reijwotfulJj Bolioit ttttrouKRii.IIBP'B cliitlilng *nU luiU* drewoN <-lonDon", wiih or williout ripping. Window

rod nr clnmfd ID ilia boal tnimiar. r n i u e ridsrenotitca wilUln twodiy i . « • » .


t ardor. T« E«part


ar Ii aoppk, ihe b«t i






October Hlii, 1B78.Still at BU Petersburg. . Wo bare

been waiting bate' over two weekB, andexpecting to leavo OTerj day during tbelust weak Tbe steamer lias arrived;however, and wo arc expecting a suin-moaa from tlio Cnitotn House dignita-ries to poll tbe eenrcUlng ordeal. Thatover, we wilt procoet] at once to Moscow.This morning we fully eineoted to l esU.tod by throe oVtoak, P. M., but nowU ia nearly doe, o'olook and ^et no fa-Torablo ladlcattoca,- foiling In which,we will proliabjj got off by seven P. M.,

id be obliged to travel by night.Traveling In Hataia is not nearly nopleasant as In England, France or Qimany. In England tbe onsloins pf theoonnlry are nomewliat different fromonra, bat after supplying tlie li's and getlooustomed to tbeir "BIIB" iu ptuceof

oiir"a8,"nnd tUcir aso of llttla wordslike "also," wliioh tiio/ make a profuseuse of, one can get alone very well.Tbey liava otber little pooullarlties, auobfor instnaooo! tlie use of "bagpordiinstead of tbe word *'irLat," also of•niam" and "sir," wlilol son ads odd to

a 6trauj(e> not B.pil to chinking tbem (nwherever they will tit, AM ^ 7 ldnot remember lo nso tliom as they arccommonly used, I felt, embarowed attimes lest I should benooused of impo-liteness, l a France we coatd talk itneoeesary, but was not psrllaular to So

One Jittle inaldoqt wlfigli oppurroddirectly upon our landing on Frenchsoil X will rolele, but wfrpb I do notgive as a new thing for It DO doubt Is offrequent ooenrrecce, A geotlaionn'onentering an eating uloon oalled.out to al d i h i ' i y i V E

Agratt forTalrhuiltt' Bosks anJTer-•..•i' -willlger's. Safes. .',



Agricultural Implements, Beoilt, Fertili«ori,. , , : , &c. VtiHa, Oils, Glm», Dlo. .

WALTER A, WOOD'S Celebrate!, ...K0WBB8-«ia.EBAm8. .; -

g gludy iionr him', "Youies V Eatez


furnisiiing Undertaker.


M rf.ng beautiful *^»at taotL lot, . . .,s i


obalre, and may l» u*d at rMBOn&ble. terme. -,' WHITibCKiiBWlB >

ALt Vol tk WA1UIABITED.DoVcn BepUplior 26Ln. MTB.

M. Y, B. SEARING,CARPENTER and BUILDER,.,.> BlunatlUi Br.l LOYEIt, H. J.' < ^ e t Weaving, loWVidlha; done In

ita1vJa«^jl«l»t.lpw^Jmt«i.(..a?iell)eit pi,Maa48p»!»»Uoiia/|.rbnlld»g..Oootraet.taken and maUnail Inrnuneo. • 'land for sole. Ths highest price paid fo

nt f« i tak« iae t t»nMfra iF« W-H

Si . on elate roofa mneh otopbofore-in fact aboat aa low ai Dood ibinslewfaoanbfiplitpii. - :boforenwfaoanbfiplitpSoTir.H.I.. BemtpberMil, «7».ATT03NBIS * OOUHSEIiLOBS AT

BtTPEBINTENDBBT 01 rOBUO BOHpOLB••...;'.; V' .orBopisiJcuniTi. ; . ; • , , ' ; ••.;;.

OMli -OTor1 QEO.,mclHAIipH * Oo.'e 8TOBE,

and Meficines,:.Chemicals.and Dye Stuff

i&^kMcki;:PllEPAUATlONS ' "

. JHomtiopatHic'Physician


Burvoy ol tbtf

ood no looiwr tbrow iwajabnea bcrore tbe; ere.baftUf hole., tbrmsl. tbo Tooa.

Yous." Ho Lad evidently aired all tboFrench lie know,.and It Bounded s o n -diculouB that itbeoamea standing jokefor several dayar I give this, not Itoridioale the gentlomau, but as nn inci-dent of traTo).

In .Germany Mr, Pottor could makebfniBolf unilorstooil quite readily anil Icould' tiodenUiid ' tbo meaning : ofthe Germans very well, Ify ktopk; ofGerman waa ratliof Htqitod, no4 nearieverywhere I want some oup seenied diWwlnod to talk to1 me,'when lay "I flonot..speak Germaa';' came in good.When visiting tba ifotas at Berlin Ineed lfane'li aud got aloDg nfaely,

' ,. But travelling iu.BnssIa, Is a differenttiling entirely.'; In tbe cars companionscan oonveiBe together, but the Incoa-yeoietit and embarrassing thing,-andwltbal provoking, is -to get Bomothingto eat We bare }earnod tlieltaewords "bow muob/'eo tlidt If wpjeflanything to eat which, we want wo cangenerally get i t . Bui -we don'tuudor-atand tlieir,VtweQty minutes for refresh'tnents," BO nil we ctui'do Is to w,alch tb(crowd ffhpj) the'train, stops nt a station

, JU'nbont tha (troi- _..,-,thli Brtloto bver.onmmoii poroat

; There; ta':nl«»leni tnd'otUor nitero^ roi•«Wn,.»tt,1,l».?«.I.I.ffin,

section MMnatry, ond still td!«jifrt!>ttitt>' • ' ' : ':: ;, . ;; ; ; ' j ¥

Best Work is the Cheapest' ": I n t h o e n d , I s D o w ' p r e p w e d t o Gil . a l l o r d e r s : ta * • ' • • - - • • ) ' $ #


;/^Notice of Settlement.XTOTICE I. bV-rebyjitYcn tbiit the aeootint dW tb. .ntaoHborftioralororElllaU Ilrotb.

. e r in , clewaaej, will be andltoil ana itatea: br tbB Bnrroirats anil roportoa far.lottleroont

totbeiOriiban'i Ooorlittbo lionnly »rUorrl.

: ^ E t b i u , h a . , o r . M . WU-10*;jit'tia'^btnnr)i;tli|lS)l),

n c tip

W0EK WiHBASTED ^i ' ^ BMOEd'aVd third'clrisa at eKt^emy

kro h ^ o m p in appearance;batJncfc fl

^ t l B WATIONAIi UiyiON••-*«?-••• BANK OP DOTEU.: . / ' . , : . ';'•', D(iTio;N.J.,yobri«hrS()lli,1879.;

• Jr. ThlnBiiii ban uow nn bin.l for,i«l) and

\tJ.H.4p«roont. Bond* tram ISO lo * LOW InWsotltloito Btiltpurobuan. H-tT

•REPAIRING wd- PAINTING done -'at lowest.possjblBTates.

» pretty gtjod.cbanp^.o! getting left., %Isppvpking toroah out of,tbo (jars {tn,•wsllof a boiling hot cap of coffee Ant.boltj.a, roll .in. ^Tfl;minutes, wlien tintrain waits bull aa hoar at (be next eta-tion, and tbaie seemg'tue Bassiana leiiarolyaippinff tboic'coffeo, and: quietlytalk over their lunpU and •, rolls. "Wehave: bed, ,on' ejperianfla of. tj)ig 'iurt,.Hejw.'iin .St,^ciorsbqrff, one/oan (re-qaently-. meet tbose' wuo *ppak • eitherJFronoh orC(erman,;"nnd in^bfl soboolstbese lauRuagea ore tangbt, sIeo:Eng!(aliand BnssEin, four in all, so fo tbo ooursof time raflrond officials and tbo peoplgeuenily. will be able to give ia forma

1 tion to travolerfl. ; Onr stoy here bosbecu Tory pltmsant. .ntiking so man,

e ncqiiainlanooB, and baying amany very intercafIng objoots to ifisilTbo most interesting tiling I ; llnro seethis weefe ia tbe/lnoperiftl.Oij^rlageMuiseum. The carriage! aroibnndsomo bulrather remind. me of circus . wagons.there Is so muob pi It and glitter abouttbem. pne obiect wljlou awoke coy pnrioaity parHpolurly was. an old sledgo,constructed by petor tho Qwnt, Mmsalf,a clumsy old nffi»r. Hai tbbaldpoaioeni was mado by illustrious bonds andon that ODCoant it has many admirom,Ita windows oonslst of small panos olIsinglass,' I Tifilted. too, tbe miulicorps, and czominod mineral specimeiwbiob would bavs delighted the heartof ooe of my old friendB at homo, atleast; and explored a. model minoeorrying » liffbt Iraveraing anbtorraneanpuasoges fron) one. Bhnft (o tno&her,quite similar to a teal mine, but deroioftberabbish, rocb ond' dirtol tbolnttor, descending and ascending by broo«clean etono steps, instoa'd ot totterini

ladders.The priee3 at .which things are solt

berewoulil bo yacj cheap in UieTTdto^S'ntcs; for instnnnc, hnndsoma silks sellfor one ruble ab'dieigh'ty enpeok's Bus,aian mopey, but uinety eeuta'poryiof our money.. Furs (ind otlior elm!articles which bring a high price at bpmiare coiaparailvely cheap* here/

On tboVoLoA^ Oct. 21st, 1678.ill nao thisoppotlunityjBsendyop

R «»j from, thls.'p'dmt^lest nnqther willnot bo afforded antil wo renoh Tebernu

ib will yet take np two wooka otravel. We leJ^B.t, xpfitorabqrfr onWedncBdny, the 10th IiisL, lia?tl]p; wnited.for our trunks three weeks less one dny.After the steamer arrived which bronghlthan/mm* Loadoa wo wen^ablfgea ttwoii three daysr6n" tbo" motion of aomiMry formally eiroam&pect officials who

;BT>IOTD ncoompllabEd theborou

SU oiJlaii'diiig' one:.box.porilftjfrom tlio vessel, anil nothing cbdiinduce tliem to acealonlo such motioiWe were finally summonBu to(tbo tOastom Houso nnS wore sabjected lo nil, tin•'red tapo" » • wold wish, but at bulcoming off very well. After having ooaoJdfMwitb.tbji reqairod'.fqrmB^Bnd mjIrnnk' was proaented for inspectionopened the lid, a Bubordinato beganexamine the.contcntspf^ho tray wbei" Q- Officer stopped him, ' So tbey dis

irbed notliing fartlier. Inthisraanrw 8 hate pnssod all tbe ouBtoms examiationa "whiob is BomBWhat.;romiirltnb'

aia ia'noted for a rigid* inr—'•*of whRVevGr bos to pass itshouses, whicb; IfToporta.be true, is n.to ho-wonderoil att US it i» ">»» tlcountry ia on tlio verge of banltnipto:luVbioli caw they would naturally Ikeen_»fter money. Th«r.Ruble wb

S T 0 R A G E R 0 0 M

favora we:rtfll.«lldt.tl«ir

orn tbituur_holds the place wila _lor does at homo is qoff wortti bat fil

and gold is rising in vulao evtday. This relative valuo oMheir cMnoy and gold - make*, thlngl obcapi t h n td ie i ib B^:?fl tenbn^ RC

think tbem frightfully high-pricedi winter, and their wuy of liurguiningQi8 iu too lioth odd and auiiming ; nu

istance will florro to illuHtruta the B.VS-im rbicb ui>[icars to bcuuiversiil. Wo

c.ibdriver and tell him ws wantgo ta a curtain pluoo and nek liia jirioor carrying ua tliere, Ho will [irobubly

forty cojM.oka. We answer him tliutnty-Hre JB all we will pay. Ho sayswill not curry as for tbat, nud we'toffin search oF another when hola na back ooJoccopta Dur price. Two

traous caa Tide to almost unj distanceitbin the limits of tbo city for ten eta.Wo were all eight and half a day on

way from SL Potorsl)nrg to Moscow,itant four hundred mil as to the noutU-

Ouly one Bleeping uitr ticket couldprocured, and this was for tbe ladies(Ihe ladies.and ROutlen.su baring

larata oars.) I hnri a compartmentb n, Fronph hdy onu a littlo buy.is ludy could titik Ifrcnoti only, no to

mvorao with her I was obligwl to bringy French into refluiaition,though badly.ndiod no doubt, yet n great .deal bet-v tlian to sit in ailenco Blaring nb eachher, On tlio PUKIII^C frpin MOHOOWire, a journey of two nights ni)d oue

', I oooupled a coin partraent witli atBsinn Indy who could talk iu bor

ilivo langungc only. It ia a commonling for.botli geultcuieu aud laities toaoke in tbe cars in this couutry, andonr oompnrtraont was a closed uno we

'ero entirely shut in from tho enioko,rbich I particularly appreciated. Thinidy bad a Persian Burvaut with herirongh wbom no were nble to commu-icnto. I .bat} a lluEsiqii qi\i\ ^ngltsb,nnual witb m.e nud tuailb a medinaj of

lunicatian of that wbiqh teemedrather comical. • I would point her to a

iojj aeptfiuco \q read and bbo wouldwignate tbe BUHwer, of wbiob I wouldmd tbo EJnglish translation, wbiok wanI very well eo far as it went; hut tbelings ire wuDtod to say to euob otheridu'thappoa to bo In the book; then wouuld look.at each other tryiug to oam-

aunicateby signe whiob \ta found nttesta very underlain method for cou-pling ideas, ptjoso long rldoa by rail-iacl are extremely fatlguoln^ nnd vroar-

IO to mo, tlio ln»t two nights tvlmtiet I bad was far from cmLisfyEng. with

fluttering prtnpeot of anylhing bettertil ye reaph t'oiip dostiujtiQn, fqy t||o

idommodaltopq on tl|O B'.eainers oij theulgaaro nu% vbat.we would consiciirdlnary at homo, Tho ono on which.

• token jjasipgo bas no bed plotliesnlllowB. natjilng but lautiBos | atiil Jigine it U" confiiilerud a pretty flmit'TVo hardly dare bopo for any tbiug

alter on tlie Caspian. At Moacow wioppad nt a Germnn liotol whose pro-rietor apoko Bnglisb. Bo we hnd nofSeulty thote In regard ta tlio langungi

ad bad prpttygood ncoammodationB.inr friends in. St. peter»b.urg

did marveloQsly in gniuiDg noaess toleDalaeesandotbor public buildings,it we took care to make tbe fact knownit'we were'American B.which, perhaps,nod for'uS'some connidorftUon at thi

landa of f(a8i}aii ogoiajs, Jfr,- prlnpo,oo of onr Arocrlo D frlenJs at 8t, pe-irsbarg, bos taken quite an interest in[Q,.inquiring wbon I had ueuru from myends at home, etc. He is qulto dia-isted witb pojitical affairs at Washing-n, and tells me I will bave no deaitDreturn to my homo in the Btatea after

hove II red a ^h\]o u«2or ibis Qovorn,poQt, bat how mistaken bis idea tbat Tuanld become so wonned away, *

[bwing-to tbelr long dotantlon at St.'etotsburg and auxioty lost navigation

th,fl Volga and Caspian 3ca should boioaed and prevent tha luttber proseon-on of their journey until Spring, Mr.id Mm Potter remained nt. Moscow

jut a sliort timo, BO ehu'wao unable toice much of tliie city, or nt least giro)Qt a slight dcsarlptiqn of It, A.s this

9ms to leave a void la th,o skofpb Mrs,itto'r gives Qf hop travel to tbo east, I

ill supply such description from an-ther. Boacce, wbjob, though not BOspent may bo relied upon as generallyirreot, growth oc fi.ro within a few years

mat making the';only difforunpe \r\ aIpaprlptiqnof tho'oityasit ' ' " ' ' ' " "irid tbat given in the follow

Moscow is sltuateil on tlia Moskvniyer in latitude: ufty-flvo ilcgreos, fortyivo minates cod twonty-boo aeaond3lortb longilnde ' tliltly-sevaa' degrees,lirty-foar minutes, oast, u'ud is. BUI

rouododby a" wall oc caitben rampart,twenty milos in circuit of a .very irroguifti_ jape, and altogether uselosw for an;pnrpoBO of dofenoo. Tlio site of tlio oityj48 an undulating surfaco, nnd iatnv

versed by tho navigable Moskva, wbiphentering noar tlie middle of tbo weslride of the wall makes a soties of sorpon-ne windings and leaves it nt tlio south-it oorner. Among the elevations thai

_ wblon tbo Kremlin fitanda ia the moslooDBplodons, and iitaatod nenr tho entor bf tho oity. .; I t is npurly triangnlniin ahapaand iiurrounded by un imraens•rhlffl wall sixty foet high, nuil ODD mi!in circuit. This wall 1B flunked by cm-

iUTed towor«, through wbioh tho iqto-nr1» ronoubd by sevornl gatM, wliicb

tormed tbo.origlnnl naoleus of tha city,ind U 6till tlie site of its most important

c-uiflees.' • Immediately to the oaat of thKromlinis tbe aoooud quarter, the KilnGorod, or Ohlnoao City, fenco'd round b;

I, Wbiol» Is flanM V. \_..,3i8oa^ Around UKTKremlin as tbe

Motor two latgo circles bnvo been drawn,ie inner ono with a rodiun of ono milo,

lii'd' tbo" oa tor with a radins one andalf miles ia.lenBtb. The ciroumferonci

if each circle consists of a wide beltIriely planted boulevard. 'UiQ,|une:nrpie'itonj nhprt at tbo north bank oftho river.' Tiie outer clrolo is oompletodproceeding ncroas tbo river and onolos-

conslderablo-apaoe.bank.- Tho »one enoloaotl/botwoen tin

mralin an:l ttio Eitoi Gurod, and tinjnor boulovnrd.is called the quarler

the Boloi Gorod or 'Whito City ; whilthe otbGT'Kuue, included.between tb;vo boaievardR, BO far as it lies nortli.1.8 river, is called tho quarter of tinZmoluoi Qnroil. All the enclosed spnbeyond tho four quarters junt tlosorilicwuethor Bitakted on tbn N> or Uiobank of the-Moskva, ia regardedsnburbs. TLe strange irroen'«r''y w 'wbioh Kfosaaff. is bnilt is one of tlio llrsltbingB wbicb forces itself on the noticeol the visitor. This might have booijipectod to be rcmediod by tbo grcoonflagration of :1812, but tliougli ilicoongrnlties aro oo/tniuly fewer ftnithar wero enough Btjll tcniaipsto gitfio pity ita old charncterialiu fouti)rThe fltrcets, as a general thingi oontiniuocven ana tortuous, nutreroas paltilanei open- flnddenly into .itBgniflce.Bo,onresv and loog rows of

notleu hoDses abut on vast colossalmclures. In order io describa tbp

jclpul edifices, we must return to t ieimliu atoj,pl(ig at Ibo most fiivnrabtt

ut, tbo Boutb sida of the bridge Muskva•kuitoview. Here it seems to The

ot tho water picturesquely adorned.b turf nudbbruba; wbilo above Usvj walla uud verdant foliage, palaces> oburcbos roar tboir majestic heads,ffned with numerous cupolas of gliting gold and nilvor, nn.l presoutiugi of tba most striking views of which

ly Earopean city cuii boast.Entering by tbe Spass Vorotn, or Gutetbe Redeemer, overwbicb ia u picturemr Sutiour. the olijeet of tlie dcepiut

svoronoe, and through wliicb', in CJOHU-lone iquat pass without being

covered, we aro at once introduced tomost interesting end important

lildingaofMoscow. 'Tbefirsttoclnimr notice ii the Teremo, or old Palacethe Czars i it conaisU of four sUiriea

iiich diminish in ascending till tbouji-irmost contaius hnt a singleraom.. r.utleurruunded with balconies with sluimith wjtbiq nod without, longing to enebpurota Uirrooe | tbe lowest floor cun-ifl tliDtlirooeandiiUElienaeoltimbcrs}

highest was tbo residenoe of tlioirimas and their children ; the wallsrichly nnd almost grotoaquelj decor-

tcd, and coTored-with portraits of tliefears, armorial bearings, etc. Tlie

in body of this palace was so muchjured by tbe Frencb that repair waipossible, aud ita place bus boon supled by tho Boloboi Doovetz or Largoilace. built by tbo Emperor Alexanderid, iomettmos. galled after him tlioGrander Doovclz; ou immense pile nnd* without an itnposicg effect} l>ut ilsodern stylo and decorations are iu budeptng with tha venoroble strupturcstil wbjpi) it {a oasoomted, Tbe aauiely bo said of the Matvi DoovotE oriltlo Palace, built by tbo Emperoricholis, contuiuitig some infcruatingcturcs by Beroudo Uelatto do Cnnn-tto, and a collection of all tbe workBit hnve bneu written concetnitig MOB-', tu French, German nnd Itwmiai).i Sabcrnoi PicEchud or Cutlmtjruliare, situatQ^ OQ tho si)p^m,H of tbe

-sniliq ami enclosed witblu a inagnifl-ntiron railiDg, contnins thu Uponskibor or Cathedral of tho Assumption,

cbu robes, tbp Arkhuiiifulttklbor or Ohurpb o( at. Ikliobae), ana tbouly of tbo Cave. Tho Cathedral ilicit the Emperors are 'crowned..bearsrpgctnb.nnco citljcr w]ibln or wlllioutthe OathedrnlB of Western Euroiio,

t is a clumsy building, with bo&ry'pll-irs, whicb support five cunalon, anil,1;Q tbe walls, glitterinpf with gold from

to bbttom, the golden ground coveredrer with grotesque frescoes of snoredibjecU; it wus founded in 1235 ondmilt in 1472. Immediately behind the

is tbo Ejynoduliu Pono, orlouse of tbo Holy Bjnod, HO culledccause a section of the Synod has Us[floes iu it, and containing the Mir oroly Oil, which is UHcd in tho baptismall BuBsiao cbjldrpit, A Wtf* Woro

aluobip trensuce oi th» Qaly Synod ieaibrary, remarkably rich in rare manus-Hpls. Tbe Cburoli of 8t. Miobuol is aimhrfi bnilding, ligl'ted by windows soiminutWe as to t!o little mora tbnnike darknesa vUible. Almost nil theuuiian Sovereign a, from Ivan

itoli 'dgVn to Jotpr the Great, areirieil hers, tteir figures, natural siso,s painted in fresco round the

iob ocerjOgaJtiat Its owtt.torab where

ilts wrapped in u white mantle,lediately adjoining ia un odd-lookingjurcb, with WBIIB of Immoase thlokneaa,

aid to ba tlio oldest in Moaoow, nndionalantly throagod with devotees. Tho

I the. AununoJutioa in-pavei'ith fine pebbles of. Jasper agnte aai

rnellan. Witbio tbo Kremlin also isimmense pileof buildiPgB, lining bi

Idea of a triangle, one side being oeouiled by the Senate, whtoh contains theifflcoa of the varioaa local. departmentsind tbe other two by the trcntiury inirsonnl. The chief attraction' bora is theipperatory.of th> Irposury contaiuinghe crowns of the early Czars, arranger

regular succossion;. aeveral tbrouesirlike tropli.es and miscellnncoua Quri

>sitics. -. Tlie arseniil contains over onindrWl Ibonennd stflnda of nruis, tbo cann token from lbs Freucli during theiruaatrotis retreat and numerous otliar

military tropbics. Nearly in tbe centertbo buildings of the Kremlin ebovecifled, and far overtopping them all,tbe famous Ivnu "Jeliki, or toi

robn the Great, whiob rises witboni•ndmont D! any kind to tbo liciebtol

00 feet, aud ia surmounted by a gildedi, on whiob, aa on Iho otbor gilded

tames of tbe Kremlin, the cross ia dia->layed above tho Crescent. It is ns-landed by a good etaircaso, aod amply

rimla the foil of ascent by tliemiiRi]"*iat view it commends. I t consistsjvcral stories, in; each of wliicli: liaugsBtupondiouB boll, one of tbem weigh-

[ig 04 tona. Another hell nearly treb-ing tbis enormous weigbt, culled CwrSolokol, or t^o Monurpb, stands at, tblottoia of tbe tpfcr oa a pedestal o

mite to'wliicb it WUB mWd in 1837,tbe Emperor Ninbolns, after having

'omaincd for a century baried oa thepot in wlilcb it is said to have fallen,lieu tho tower, in, whioh i( JTOB BUB-

lOuiU'd, v.ns burned.' its bolgbt is 21.icot, diomotor 22.0 feet and least thick-aoss three iticlics. X liuge fragment wiirolcmi from it by the full. Immediatelyto tho eust of the Kremlin, bctweooitsvails and those-of the Kitai Gorod,stands in the Erasncl Flocsbnd or

,ce. Ibe Catbcdral pf St. Basil, ono olbe strangest spcaimens of architeotnroinjwbero to be met with , it ton so less,bnu twenty towers and domes, all *liflbrcnt shapes and BIZOB and eolorec

over with tbe moat varied hues, somegreoo, spread liko network, over n yel-

)vi ground ; one red, with brond whitnIripes i nnd a third gilded. Tlie wliol1 & perfect budJIe, und though di&ercticcouuts of its origin aro given, tho mo.:redibte seems to bo that it was nwluidif Ivan tbe Terriblo lo try how ronny

notild ho orcotcd oil the wi,pot aud under the same roof winreligious service could bo simnUaneouslperformed without natural interfcrenciTho tvrchitcot was an Itnlinn, nnd

hia employer that tbo savsdespot'put out bis eyes in order thatmight never bo able to.build anothc

iko it. I t is impossible to stnto tnumber of churches in JIosoow, BOInaking them Qfteon bundred, nnd olbcednping them to two hundred ami Df>;

Tl.e smaller number, if proper clinrciiiilyiiro ineladet], is probably tbo moi

accurate | but it Is eearccly possibli

traverse a street in which

<!fl ttuil minaret a do not greet theTlio uuinbcr of Monasteries, also,

ry great. TLOHO moBt deserving of->lice arc the Donekoi, situated ueurtbeutb burriur, surrounded with ancient

rulls. HurintjULttid by LattIoniants likeaud oontuiuiug

ix isliurcLieij uud, several courts, a plantation af

rebwood, aud dwellings for tho Atch-d r io and Monks; the Bcminooskoi

r of tba wall, near

uf the Kremlinitbin its cotloauro i

the S. E.licro l ie Moskva leaves it, having more

ippcnrtmci) ol a fortreas than aftny ; i.nd tbe De?ctcbei Convent,

the 8. W. corner with walls, flankedlieu lowers ; several churches, one

ilioiu containing the loipbs of severalnns and PrinCi.Aea ; and a olinrolibeautifully laid out with sbrubs

id flowers, and cont&iniofra greatnum-:rnf fine mouumeuts. Close to tlaie

-'Kl, where t ie Emperors on theirti nut ion, entertain their subjects. Tbeuperor Niubolas here, on tbat. occa-in, diucd 50,000 aubjeots. Amongluonlioual eatubliuhinetitB, t!e only one

lug of particular notice, ia tboiiivtirsity, wbuso JHriedictloD la not•uflucd to the oity government of

if, but extends over tho govern-lenta of 'Ivor, Yaroalav, Kostroma,rtftdimeor, Kiuzun, Tamboo, Kalooga,

el, Toola and Smolensk. It was ea-•lialicd by tho Emprwa Cathorinti in35, eonHihls of four fneuHiee, end isended by nbout one thousand Blu-nts. Ite Bciculiflccollcctionaftrp poor,

rod wttb tliB beat of those in'esteru Europe, but it is tolerably richi nuatamiflal preparntionH ; in counco-

n with it is a gymnasium, a librarj ofty thoiiHund volun^oB, nn. qbservatcry,itauiaal gurdon, oU>, Among tha bc-'uleut institutions are tbe Alexander

nl St. Oatbnrine HospitulB, both nearie north barrier; nod nnotlier of Bt.

rluo near tho nortb-eatt corner;o military bospilalH in the east, aidow's in the wesl, and St. Punl'a andie Qalitzin licepitnl in tbo south. Mos-

IB two ffrnnd. theatres, one whereio performiuicoa nro iu Frencb, and tbe•her, or Aluxnuder theatre, whore the;

u Russian. Among tbe other build'or*places worthy of police ore tho

oat Hiding School, to tbo west of thereuilni, Bujijiqaed to bo the largestUliling in tbo world uoBUpported byliar or prop of any kind ) tbe prluoipalmrur, or Gautinnai Dvor, in thoKfto'

, a oolonsal building of threei, where wbulosalo morobaatv, to

ie number of upwards of a thousand,igulnrly carry on their trade; tbo Hindi,

opon Hpneo in the snmo vicinity,>ceu]iieil by narrow slreotB of shopa; Ibo'iiTncke along tlio east aide of the inner

ilerard; and tbo rnce-bonrso, a l^rgeal, eloDgntcd porlb and aoutli andmo,st pouching tliu so.utli barrior. • Tiieimbor of open and planted spacesirougbout the oity is very gr^ftt, ' E[ev-

'al of theso,' inoltitlinB ti)& ho nip voids,u\a Uopn n'toady mentioned j and woi>y now odd the Princess Oalitzlnsrtlona, stretching along tbo right bank

F the Moskva, and beautifully laid out,ut now parti? occapiecl by tbe Empressn\\i\, and the Sparrow Hilla ,to ,theluLu-west,

Just, and at an elevation of C50 feeLbove the sea ; fli.wB E. N. E. E. S. E.

S .S . W*. and H. E., past Kiev, Tver,YaruBlav, Kostroma, Ni(,'buee, Novgo-rod, Ea2au, Kimlioorfik, Bursitoonnd Ae-tmkbuii, noar ubiun it uptore tbe Cas-piau sen, by 00 or 70 mouths, 83 feetbelow tho level of tlio occuu. Tlio ex-

u ia estimated at 100,000

ita ciiurec ia 2,500 mi let•ta full is only 883 feet. 3

nf natures of v: s kinds are car-on too great extent within the city,boar only a small proportion to

-boso wbfpb nro canied on for Moacowthe surrounding towns and villages,o principal «stabliabmouts aro for th<

annufaotura of textile fabrics, chieflywoolen, ootton snd.silk, in all of wliicb

i fltenm power and tbe moat im-trovrd laacbintry are employed ;. thetlicr pnncipil ortioloi are hats, bard*ire, leather, ahemical products,, beer

and brandy. Fron^ its central positionMuscow is tlie' great entrepot for tbe

ilerual aommeroeof tWeuipirc. Clreatics far this commerce are given by

.'ator communication, which extends on'me Bide'tpibe ^a l t io | on the otber. tobe gaspinn land on a third to tbe Blaoklea; and by railway to St,'Petersburg/

also has railway 'connectioniiinnberg andWnrBaw. I a Winter tho•nfEu, over tbo

\is, as mauy as tbirty-r.il. hundred,.tied with goods for TifHia alone, havo

ioi?u known to leave tli&.city in a singleear. JJOECOW, for ndminiatratiye pnr-

posea, is.divided into tneuty.odd dia-Iriota, nnd ia under tlie immediate chargeJI a General end'Military Governor... I

tbo sent uf important civil and crinrial cdurtn, and of various superintend-

ng boards of police, raanufapturcs,:rado, oto, nnd b,as lavcral literary,'soi*mtifio and other societies; among which

if tbe most prominnat ia.tbeocioty, eetablialiea in 1818. The foun-itioii of tlio city dctca from 1147. IU

itiolcua was the Kremlin, which, airsf, .was nenrly snrrounfled by a pnli

md formed an important military[fltiou. P o r a longtime i t continued

bo n dependency on . tho prinptpalllyit Tlndiiuir; anil in. 1288, when the

elJ3aton £abn devastatedi sacked and burned. I D 1293 it was

igaiu encked nnd the inbnbitnnts wereImggcd nwny into, slavery by KalmNagai. I t nlterwawlB becnnie 0 prey tointeatiDo diBaenBiona, aevcral princesilisputing tbo possession of i t ; butastDimltri.'stirniimed DonBboi, bceameIOIO mesior, ond died ia 1S80, ntter hav*ng done more for ita 'prosperity thanmy ono into wlioso bands it had prc<rl-jusly fallt't. From tbis t ime/ i t spro*pcrity continued lo advanqo. tlmnphjjfliwithout reppnted intannptionsbyfire.

sstilenpc, famine ami-war. It;nowl»o-ime tno capital of,Muscovy and after,

wards of tbo nliola Hussina crnptroj b(itdeprived of that bouor in 1703,

when St. Petorshnrg wns founiled nadbcoama tl'e royal residence. I t stilhowever, possesses all tbe grandeur BOinany of Ibo otber features of a capitaiMany o! tbo nobility reside in i t ; and,botli iu salubrity nnd"central position,ittpewessca natural ndvnntngoB whielio political preference can ever oonfeijtTBt PetGrsbnrp, Tho prlnoipnleveniiii tbo hislnry.ol1 Moscow is'lbo burningof it in 1812 for tbo purpose. o( dislodg-ing tlio French tromthoir winter (-.ou-ters. The ilotnngo then done has longsince been repaired, mid Moscow bos

3 risen from lier asbes more beauti-ful tliau before. Population, i a 1871809,321,

A description ot tho Volga river woulnot teem oat of place here, nnd besisuch consideration might bo o( genera

Ht, is therefore giten bolow.

tent of ilsquare miles, and including windings,

ing whioh

bich aro connected by several ennuisith the NBVQ, establish coramuiiicatiotitween the Cnepiun nnd tho .Baltic.Lite and Black noun. I t nontaiuq ai•undanco of fish, and Balmon, etui

con, elc, are extensively exported.'be VOIRO is nnviguble by cargoes of,200 Ions, Lint its navigation is fro-

juently iiilerrKpted by auntl Lawks autt;be cbanpes of ita cbaaucl. I t in frozen)»er uoarly one half ot lUe year. In its

1 course tmall steam bouts were>laccd upon it in 1620. In 1840 n splou-lid Iron tteamer, called tlie "Volga,".01) feet long, 81 feet broad, carrying,2G0 tons, »us Juuuoliod ou its streamevcral boiita now ply regularly between

mouth aud Niztiueo Novgorod.

CABPIAN BTEAUEH, Oct. 28. 1878,

We aro now Ijing in tbe harbor ofoka or Bakoo, a seaport town of Itua-ft, capital of Sliervun, in Trnuecaucas-

on the soutii shore of the neuinsulaUshetun, and west const of then Bca, of which it it one of the most

iportnut ports, Tbe walla of thoere formerly at tbe watora' edge, but

eeveral yards dialaut. Tbo townilnndfl ou a duolivily, tha summit

s crowned by a plnoe of tha for-alms | ia dclonded by a doublo

'all and daep ditch, constructed in tinitao of Peter tbe. Great, and baa twotrong forU under wbose protectiou vim-

i uun unchor in from four to nix falh-a of water in u spacious rond sholtcr-from nil quarters. Tbo town 1B ir-

-egularly built, streets nnrrow audirookod, tlio boiiflss Btonll with flitt roofslontad will uuptha. The VirgiuB* Tow-r is the moat rcmnrkiiblo olijeot in theico. TLero aro u uiimbcr of BimoiounIB^UOB, public squares, marts and cur-atisorics, Greek undAmcrican ohurob-i nnd schools.

Hitherto tho ohlof exports of tbe townore uaptba, salt and autfron, imports,

i ootton, oarpelaaliawls, rice,Lo.from Ferein, iron warn, ontlory, linen

ind woolen gourls, from Europe. Nihe town Ea tbe Atesbngn, or "ftnid ofIre," BO named from on inflammable va-or which no doubt escapes from the

which was unknowu yeura ogo whenie superstition of tbo people connected

t with mtrapulona origin, holding it intbo tugboat vonDratiDu and making pit-gnmagea to it, • Tba city or town now isvirtually an oil oity, numerous wells be-ing in its vloinity, and tbe refuse of tbisoil (A Ihiflk, tarry substance) constitutes

i fuel burned ou tbe Caspian steamersiob our vessel is now taking oil board.

'bile tbe Bteamer IB lying still here, Jlougbt it would be a good, time to

write. Tho ncconniodatioun ou'tbinsteamer ate rather belter than tlios

i Volga. .The-bcdt ilsalf ia a prettyice one, but its furniture is soanl andit at nil wbat might be-expected by

tlioto tnwUnjr on board Ii *-u t J - ' " - "in ihotJuitodSUlw. >

:eturniabod'witli a c ,Mow, no. bed clothes of'any»sbr£*a

>Qach cnslioneil with red cloth, d;wi•owl, and a leaf of a table oo>ered7iiTeen clotb, wliicb, when in use, is ad^

to the side of tbo room.,:i Thefloor ui bare and much in'= need bfa

The suloons. • however, arequite comfortable. The menta oro toomuch after the Russian stylo and taste

nult us, but we manage to Ret aloiigith lliem, f a r oompaniousbip tlinro

has been a young lady nbout my own> and a littlo girl on board, hut thay

loft, tbo steamer nt tbia place. Bo ntpresent I am tbe only lady passenger.'While .they, r-.'o on board we bad agood deal of amusement endeavoring toinatrunt each other inlanguages, using signs, etc. But afterwo had all been'seasick they showedtheir nationality (Baj^api) by their dis-regard of cleanlinoss^wtiichywas varydis&grccuble to me?in oonseauence otwhich I do not miss them so muob as if

toy liad been more iiont and tidy,[sited the town a eliort time ago, ti


Tho Volga ia rd to lo tbe largeslTho Y griver iu Europe, has its sources inSclighar,on-tlieplateau ofYaldni, goernment of Tver, in,laU(ndp57 degreesN, Iangitudo ;S8 d W *

lUoao eatables for use wbiio ou o u ppcotiTolioraebaok jonrnoy, and proour-eJ an article whioli rnthor surprised mo,

id cgtocablynt that, to find it here.Ibis was cheese, real "boua ftde" storeobecse. Previous to this journey I nndno tas'te for this article, but wbilo on

G cars between Dieppe and Paris, afterie channel aoasiokuess, I ato n smnlece, oinco wliicb time I have becomeiry fond of it. Wo also1 procured heromo pomegwptea. They aro-jis largei an orange and nearly of-lhe:«ome

shape, of a brawn color, rind of a lentil-cry toijgbncaa, inside consisting pf seedsand pulp divided into noverul parta by athin membrane. The pulp ia very juicy

io lattor uoi'mr tlie palotablo part bUbefruit wbioh tu so slrongly.acid tbat i[solves nearly- ever-fthtng it Li

unking a stnia simitar to that of ironrUBt. I1., ' - : • • • :

Mr, Potter nod,myself botli wero sea-[ok an our pniftiigo ovor the Caspian

iaUd by travelein

aa gcncrully do-und as they are re-

gardeJ by the htittur cluf« as a wretchediet. Tbo tiobluu aud tlie wealtb.v clubsif Ilnfiaians (ire very elegant pc-oj)Ie, WJ[ am led to think from wiiut I bnvu SL'OHif them. But by fur tbe grcmcrportiuu

uf tbe people uro dirty nii<] Jlltliy com-pared to tbe Boglisb, Prendi and QLT-inans, nsa moan, from wliicli it will IXJufurred tbat I have not ti'Uau in Iovo.ilh tlioctjuutry, which is the CUHC.

Tuesday, Oct. 201b.We are still lying iu tlio harbor of

Bakoo, tha qimntiy of fuel mcauHuryfor Ihe trip not having LWJU ali lakcuoiiboard tba bleu mar yet, uud thin umv uotbocomplpted uutil to morrow. This intbo tilth day WG linvo becu nb»nrd tliissteamer— were lying iu n binbor furtlieeuortli throe daya, a btuootb sea mlbcr

'cry high and viuk-iiboutsitle tbo harbor, Hud it not beenlor tbese detentions tbu vojuge ucrusatbe Caspian would hnvu tukmi lint live•lays. There aro quite u nutoborof Per-

on the Blcauior, fromwhom I uove bed nL opportnuity of ob-taining a glimpHo at Persia uiuuuernuiidJubila. Tliu whole deuk is riccupit'd bybose who, from ucenuiity ot otherwise,mve taken a third-clnaspausagu, TlitsvJUTO fur beds only their bagguge, andsuch food ua they can carry witli tbem,furnishing a sjicotacla of wretcLtdneKHin tbo ciireino. I am mtioU betterileae- d witb tbe nppcnrauco of the Tur-Hiaus than tbu liutsiaue, oe tlioy nitimncli clemior und noalcr iu their habitsand personal np pen ranee. Tlmwcmi-

veilud u'oniou cumo ou IJOQIJ,whom Mr. Putter thought voro Tuik-

Their veils are uliiu iu color ntidfin li co, I tliiuk, Biispeadcd from their

ids and lield in their lauds over thomoulh. They frequently eono aroundand poor througli tho windows of our

at mo justue Iliiio to poop at them.Woman's curiosity you suo is mauifctftedeven liere. Tho third class pusHengersBceui to enjoy a look in at us, aud aoino-(imes it is rather utartliug, oapocinlly utuigbt, to look up suddonly aud encoun-ter a pair Df blnck eyes and a etrangoface pressed nguinat the window pans

id coolly staring iu at ono. Mr. Pot-ter thiuka tlieir curiosity is excited to seeme. but 1 attribute it to a desire ou tboirpart, to see how mu.ob better off tbofirst-class passengers are than they,

ia uot to be wondered nt thriftthey should euvr us, for wo enjoy luxu-ry compared with (.hem, especially wbuiiit rains, wbiob is nlcooat of, daily ocenr-renoe. Tbe Persians are muob pleasedtbat Mr. Potter can talk witb them, auditnprovo every opportunity to lo BO,taking a great many questions about•is wife, bis work,. his oo'diitry. aattiven bis purcbasea, Mr, j?._j»ud myeelf

are now tbe . only firaVelass passengerson board, eo we have an, abundcuooofroom, l>at(Bptjnmob of anytbing.olso, aatue. keeper oflbB n^taumut don't seemtotblofc it worth' wbilo to get up any-tUog.^rtra for,onlyiwo persons. Tboiatptnin was not on board last night iaconsflg^flnoa of • which tbo lompa weronot itghtodBVOQ in the saloon.. Uulikothe accommodations of tbe Bteatnora uthome, these things ate not included iu:tue1'ifjra "jbnt.are accounted as extras.'r*:.L- LtZitxxil -h.-' j Bepnrnte considero-

ire two nt ftxad pri-T V _ _ _ . fit eleven A. M.,k; and dinner at half-past

^ . - ^ . ^ . . . J o q r courses—between timea'wti'.bdn oriler.what wo pluaBe..•"i'believc I havo told yon all worLb

Bllilfg about stoamer life. My nextletter will probably be mailed from To-berau, Tbe Caspian sea lien betweenEurope and Asin, whose groat lengthfrom North to South is 760 mika, andgreater breadth 270 miles. It ia bound-ed north and west by Hussia and Persia,ontt by tlio Kirgees desert and Khiva,

iid Bontb by Persia, Area 140,000square mitos. I t is remarkably shnllowalong i's Bliotea wbero it seldom exceedsQve feet in deptb for a diatauoo ol abnndreJ ynrdB from, tbo laud, tuongli atsoaio paiata no bottum bos boon foundat a depth of 480 fathoms Tbe watersof tlie Caspian are salt, but nol nearlyio much EO na tbo waters ol tbe occnu.It has no tides and no outlets, evapora-tion boino> tho only mentis by which itssuperfluous waters nro carriciialT. Slur-gcons and sterlotd nro caught iu this sonin gTcat bbundnLca ; tbero nro alsu sal-mon, Irout, perch, carp nntl porpoisca.Seals abound in the upper const andtortoises between the moutha of tbo Vol-ga and tho Ural. Tbe principal fishery

' sturgeon is at nnd near Astrakhanand about tbo riv?r EDIIKI. It compre-hends 310 miles of coast, from the mouthof the Ural to MerUoi Gulf. Many

i tbo

female rit 800,000

thousand parsons nre emplojodRussian Upper Cnspmu fisheries, nnd tbeannual amount of o-ivarie oobtainod may be takenpounds besides 20,000 pounds of isin.glass, the produce of upwards of T0O.0OOsturgeon Df various kinds. Tbe num-ber of seals annually token is upwardsof 100,000.

Tbe only ports wnrlhy the nnma ou>r nenr the Caspian nre Astrakhan, lta-koo, Salinn and Afltrabnd. Tho naviga-tion is ct nil times diffianU nuil ofteuperilous. Steam pnekots bnve

uny yoarajmil in it tba

[his point, .'.'andirould" btive b"'(ft .(jbonHfe itaggonxl.on deck aa tbo eliip[row-n^oro steady and BjUsaian dinners

|O(0_ pomesrnnati' " • ' * yesterday

[ ^ ywere/n'ot to bo thought of lor that prea-en! timo.•, JFlctm oontinno, to bo fellow:raTo|ore with us aiiil.imnby us tba da-

eo wall nlgB'fraiitio.^bich is reallyt f t i f Ih* pasage;'worst foatiire of Iho* passage;'

To-dny.wbile" in tbe iown I Bl d i l ithoccss ot loading camels with goods

for a joaracy. They were .kpeolicgwhile their bnrdoaswero being plncodon their bncka, end others wore alreadyloaded and ready to start.' • • Hero I bednuito p peep nt Oriental life, rpmnrkingimrtioularly tho queer looking, quccrlyJresacd people, tbe bazaars, the camels,[rait, elc. The towns along the Caspt-an nre all built on tbo side of steep billsdirectly down to tho waters' edge, andtheso hilla look as bare utmost ns tlioshores of Lonftlalnnd, bat are rocky aswell as sandy. Coming chrough Kussin

i the Volga I noticed, that tbe towns..wo all uniformly small; tho IIOUSCHlow with lliatobod root*, wbiob made ifdifficult-to uiatingaisb them nt n uiatnnoo from tlio Burroundtng lunJnc.i]n;,they HO much resembled the groundnroundlhem. \t Bncu,ed to mo atratgothat tho curs aloald stop nt BUch niiaeni-

it for mnny year" nnil in it tba Rns-ms have a considerablo fleet. Tboitiocs of early, commerce upon or by

to i way of tlie Caspian ate few and rot reli-»os hie. The chief portion o[ commerce

between 'Western Europe aud Itiilia wascarnal »n partly byila whulon. nbouttlie middle of tbo thirteenth century.Astrakhan, on tlio Upper Caspian, umlSoldaio, nearly in tbo same lalilnJe outlie Black Sea, formed tho principal en-trepots nntil 1280, when ttio Inlter wuisupsncflcd, through tbe excrtiuun uftbe Goudcsc, for their own estnlilinli-ment ufKnffn, wbioh then became tliotransit station fur the European Aaiutiutrade, and BO continued. till 1453. ThoTurks at this timo having seized Con-stantinople nnd burred thoBu.iphorus,the accustomed tmdo was forced inti>


tbe accustomed ade wasolber clmnneln nnd the OwjiidesorteO except by vcaaels whoa a small local trni?e betwePetal* ami Ct-ntrol Aui

1SGQ E l

Ule looking , or Unit nuy pourfUle looking Yi lbt : ,should livo iu tbem. AtUr sceuff wb.I have Icau accept tbo description ol

ccii currtctlWnacovy,

About 1SGQ at) English trading cora-endeuvorcd to open ii]> cunneo-

by *#ny ot thn Caspian witli l'tiLHinnnd Tarknnwiiin, but viih no pnoil ro-aulta. From Hint time till lute in thoseventeenth eeutury tbo initials ofuivi-

i give few notices nf tliia mm. Atthnt iwrid:! Teter Ilia GriMt, partly inthe 1)01*0 nf diverting tho Untie into tliodirection of bis poutliern dominion.!,caused the coast of tlio CaKpisin to boexplored hy Dnlch iinvigalora HI bis pay.Hia intonliou was lo fountl trading'stn-tions on grnnml coiled by treaty or tak-en by force on tbe Feiaina seaboard.But-tbis he - uegluctcd to do, and wbtmTaQ died bis preset Inv dnrmaut, and tfaoTlnssiuua liiiulu nn encroachratnla be-trontl wl-rtt roterbiiil ulrendy effeotccl,till tlio icigu iif C.ilt:«nDcir,-wlmre -op-qneata iu ita emUlii'i-ii legion weit,-nutaoouro until our own tli'i' a.

[cnsnNUEQ max WECH.|

Page 2: VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · 2015-07-14 · least; and explored a. model minoeor rying » liffbt Iraveraing anbtorranean puasoges fron) one. Bhnft (o


s u (In VIMI' tli

r His <V ,'s-

itnan sad tb<;Jiionj lOtnatl I H e Wrjcu ol~m tk» «noj» of "3tnril,.r:"' atirtlud tile i.,r.l;>[H».-r>,,n ThntadiJ mtbeIV.-b; t«riui«lui»l in CIu:bam.e anrTere.1 iras jat 8J0 o'cl.jck on SumUj eight. &•*-

Holiidn, Joseph H. Williirca. J. H.

I Ur ciintinaeil prayer

Tbe funeralfc, nn Frida

ves entereif el**

FnnE. Cho

El ] h B.


rM: heaa;.-i.y EU iath.'htaneuk thi

? whlov Vanfr.-tt fifty pounds of perl.; and a lam., an old and

s DeigbborlioiMl, dietl at hcluck oo Moodaj

ral on WetlnesJay at tb<d.. He had loog beenconsomntion.

. fit Liuof.ln Park, Josldeath, alx.uC one man

,n Saailij last waa agai

6gn 1. n

f 1 I


1 1 1

MI 1 -

I f !

] IHi


Sr*t lwat of (fee lemon on tli0, puiweil through b

1 t was loaded witn iron 01tr 1 bree honn time in ma

h b if a mile.. Cluik Cwpef, ct Bocoton,

g 1 stadiai is telegraphyn j h ffictj herp.

A. Cillanrl and Dr. Bomoudton Plains, an} preparing torp! contest, to come off as aorta i

mls are is emulation for walltiDistance to be traveled U fort.from ilie PJiiica ro Jl

rn, Each man depaniti astakidollars. Ibfi winner to take tb<


l i


t i






Thllect thaml p


w:i[ki3tJi hthat b

k not A

( mil jar with Gilland wilit ia considerably inclinet htit ha la said to b

t fully Utu oa a resultBlacksmith BnJd, wto

. wintJ to go along, win.h;ive consented to, OD CO

wilt pledge himsulfrd oa the rcud. BaJ>




f II\

11)3 4 I

I J V i T

Ir *

t ! ml•H-O It'll ili>

Hi - f ront




ofthftwild pi

t £t th 1

b f.

l>rim.irnet a

i f-rtuckon

wt t

hr.n fall-ami the

lod goM.





nlil sooner talk than walk,li*: Rp.s: 3fr, Trimtcer preached bi

*11 Bennon at the 31. E. Chnrcb o:iJa? last. His studies, which bent com pie ting, are of so aidnoasnre that be floda it neeeaiwry I;? tl pi nre of preaching. Mrtb<

it He bas made for himself mada wbila hem. RA.

Mr. C. F. Staata, <J[ llie&t. Clonrt Ho-1iff. this ciiy^haa a cenaine cHriositf in •tbeshapoof two liltlo porkers strips!likfi ground squirrels. Tbfi t*o aremarkul n^aHf alike. Ibftir bark a Iwiutfviirit-fjnU-(l trilb lnng stripes ofgxeyiuul

1)!CH a craatl UunkeL ]>hncd nn enclt uni-alv, ith a

."put of the same color locate*] on the

C UP PINGS.We take the fo flowing {ram the /trr-ym«n of yesterday:Mr. fjf:orge Suepnra Page, at tbe In

rand exhibition of front at Fnlton mar-ket, New fork, b j ITr. Engcne O.Blackfnw1, rtlibital a tea pound brooktrotit thirty inches long mil eighteenindies in circumference, the Urgent male

tnnt weighing eigiitpoanda. Theytakes from th* Roogely lakes, Mnine,null were exhibited alive.

Postmaster P.unyon, of ITorristoibaa been appointed a Government AgenlW the «j)Ic of tbe Ten Dollar Four pelcent, certifl authorized by tbe lass

I, tho rent of each one being the j Congr»M. Persons desiring to pnrebasewhite, Tim pi H ttrff about two j tbeca can do so on tbe pajmeut of tb

mnfttiijt in curr£&t innoB.Fish Commissioner Anderson brought

to Xforristown tfafm week, live thousandCalifornia salmon fry, part of which

t he

weeks old, fiN-1 me well developeJ, mis-

cliievtins, pfajfnl Iittfc grnntem, upend-

ing tlirir time in kittish motions of hit-

ing tmeb otherV cam ami rolling

encb wther. One o/ tbem is a barrowmidGncn BOW, ami Mr. Btaatij hopesto propnpate thft specie, Ho bat beenAfter*,] €40 tor tbVpa"' *>nl *"'U »°t "11them for anj araoant,—WellingtonSfnr.

The SuparMaptn.It in a pity that the tngnr maple Is not

more tiUcniTely grown tbao it IB at present.

AM an ornamental tree its outlines are xery

flymmftrica! when joang, while in advanced

ymwhuanslly njrnnmtifi »di*emlyof form

lbs «oil and •iw»-

tiun. ft Homctimen reacte« the aefsht of

Ncveutr to tight; feet, althoagh it U gener-

ally consideiablY unaller, and it is nmuka-

tile far the brilliancy of its aatnmnal colors-

AH fire wmvl it ranks n*it to hiekorr u d U

the m « t Talaabf* crood w» pmneiw for char

co&l. The cnrinl ind bird'a eye lariet

are ^rtt^A fnr wvbinrt «oife tmd interior d

UbliKf, WMIA the unugbt-fffaJoed kind

GMUI for a number of honsehnM and artistic

f ijrp^wn o« w*D w> for abipbaildtng, Itore-

07«r. a maple orchard or lagnr bnMi, M it

dr f l

pbe«l in UP. Olnuted'j pond, ind par

Major Samuel Kiatx, formerly of thCount/, baa leased ibe Newark Opeifin nee, ontl in ten rla to make n, nnmb*of froprofemeata in It.

A new grand sqa«e Weber piano bbeen placet] in tbe Firat PresbyteriaiChurch chapel, rd Hcrriatowu.

Tbe Bnbbsr Company, nt Bioominidale, iubnildingalarge two-story adVtion to its large factory.

ll a nnal ir

on a farm. The prod act in cans sngii

cheaply and (a«ly manufactured and

pr-j/^raKU on tome awonnla to that of

gar-cac;, Tbe nit-op, too, an tba best io

aari*(, ftJ^yn Jin/Jw a r^flj> sal*, brings

Ugfcer prtce t t in an/ olhfr, Bod Home

*m djjtpwiB cif ftil their (irodncti in


Lecture an Kind Woraa.Mr*. JnJgo Wafcw

J-f>oJie in Wbiilnck's Halt laftt cveninttirh wonOerfni power. Sbo ga>c a hi.Iwryofher life while a rifave of drink3n<1 bef voQil^rfnl reforjkind wriiftn npoken by Oen, I I , Datebc:"fb* drinking man's MooJ." Shifair to move tbft lifan.i of Ibonnands b;hi;r tlbqiiont wonls ami be tbathrongb GWVB help of saving manyOwl gpftca ber ID her noVilo work. J IVatcher was presant noil mode a /e

By a law iHisHed by thn lost Logisla-(tiiv, Trasf^cn of Public Schools are i

• fiiircd to meet (it ttio echool boneeIbcir respective (Itntricta, on tbo flrslSff.ndii^-m Jnl,y, October, January UDApril, to aadit bills, etc. No bill can lirn»nei! upon nnfess ncecmparifctl by aI'lTli.iivIr. j\rty tnixtcf] voting to allowbill without tlie ncce^ary nffliln/it ialin},](> Io o t\ae r>[ 6J0O or iroprisonmCDt iillio ooiinly jail for nix monlbs or both.

Mm. Bimh Hillman, nn nfitd h.ly ofShftilown.dieJ tiwt weefv, nnd nrt«t Iier becameWUH (onii'l thnl upon her left breast *ao1'irfro cun<!*r, wliich linJ eaten n hole inIi.-r licctMt. The fi-t thnt HIJI WIW mifleriiIrnniii can^fir was known to nona K\VB ber-

(!.'- fnmiljr tbiit nbc wonii] ifjwir to her room«I;.ify witlin, tiaxin of hot »n(ert uid tin

tr, let Ilio fvel l>e Ivtaovn.tbinkiog ber friend*wmiM rotnptl n mn^Hritl operation, BDJ

limn tiii<1cri:o thw «!,<i.—Cdvi.lt-

rllo, Worre


county, clnima (L.ivc the grcjitcxt ntimbor nf oli people, itproportion to Ita population, of «iy towu iithn tfutn. 71ia Tillage ran tains only 4G8intnHtnnls, (if-ht nf whom aro bctweDn thingPH of SO i>i)[l OR; Kcrcotcea between tinn R ^ or TO and 80; nnd twuntj-foar hdvteentlttf figcfl fif f!'J nnd To. TJjr:*, out at a jJOpula'ign of only 418, Ibero nro rortj-nlno peSinn, or tOJ j * r cent, of 'tlio entire popnlatinn, ^.loBo «.Tcrog^ »RC« >ro seventy-threeicara, &nil nbuwe nnitttl ages are 3,377ytan.

After (ho firet of April llncketlftowa

liave Gee tniltf-wHRcitR, nnd aa i^ mm hnii

ttigjjewti'il Ilint lh« Anueduct Cofipnoy JB

ltd niteft—OnMllfl. It voulcl rr'[u!ro

"nileu" in ho ma filing nlroii^r lljna ellltcrof

Ibeno touJTuct xVudo ZilMi'-inotlj. Ka iin't

."vntnrfing to nn old law of New Jer-stj1 Hint bus «eVLT b^rn nscimlod, n man

•« lig ti-fasoH kt «?ITB IH iin ofllco to which

he in elected ie fiunbic. ,V(jw-n.dnyn (fio

law i;i nucleus us ever/ one is only too

eager to eenro.

n Courts iqwu oti tbo 2'2ih inut.

Teato.Tba entettuinment irhlch e*ma off

'e<lne*rii.j erenintt l ^ t TO ft decided i

««. Tbe booiw tnu packed fall, and tl

age wan bean tit ally on»m«n'.ed with ban

sn, rarjtf>e«p pEctares, looking glAMet, etc.,

id * carUin ia front opening ftn3

iihtbe wfllof timpeiformerfl. Tba opei

« piece, "Sparkling and Bright,'

id chtmui, wim well randerfti. l l i u Ii

fcooAP IUIIJ tb^ HDIO. and tho wbolo

puny standing ia a d i d e with glou

(heir hand*, joined is the chon», preWDtiaff

'ery jiretty pi eta re. Kelt m "Baclieloi'k

Il,*Bpokenby Mantcr Rob.

which created apphtue ; then a song,

Abtttainer" by Harry Prink, wbtc]

which was Terygood, After that came lit-

Its J«BBIS Biiidinger to the front, with bow,

;tc,, anil herJittle piece, "I bare two pock-

eta," which hrongtt down tba hnnsa;

, "Hw^ot AnS*l of fileop," by Mm

Clan lllcbardson, which was encnracl. and

then tbs "Dronkard's Soliloqn;" fay >[r

John X%tt6, aWsood, wbicb v u followi "

tbi nonR/'-Kfltbleea Itirourneea," by Mi

Ida Tfanmiu. wiilrfi wiw fondly

A iHnlo»ne, "Aant Betty'x Bianj,1 ' by Sir

m l Tbnfl. FIUCOH, Mr. Win. Tbomiu, am

the Itiwe* Tborotu ADII Richardson, whicl

ideriof nppbtwe. Then

vocnl rm6 insinnnental music,followed by

dnma, "Seeing tbe Elephant," by Mr Jobi

Date, Muter J. Dtte.Ur. «od &tn. 7.coe, Him Ida Thoman, and Measra. Bob

IUchardwnkndJ.H Gill, who acted thef

parts wtl). K « t Ubd Init WQB a colo, '•'Di

Joo,"lij Mr. Wm. Thonua which capped

Tbe W l W h i e f f*rty lit tbo

rr.TbMnfcion Friday evening waa qaitei

large affiiii, the hniwe being Um mall lose-

oommcwkKi all. 3Ir, Sate'a boaM wu retwri-

edtoby part of tie company, which locked

rnlher odd—one company occnpylng iwc

it ibo Kama time. Tbe mirth tatd

jollity did not ceam tilt lbs "wes small

honm." compelling then

ill left in good order.

la break np, vrh<m

Remarkab/o Work Cloted,H«T. 3. Delfart Bniec, fonncily of Bock-

iray, pnetor ot Ute IVrtbytwiaa Chord, atSntomtt, N. J., dosed his paslonU of nnr-ly ulgbt yeus oa Sauilay lost. Xna efmrebwaa fall to overflowing. Tbo Uxt was, "Ibate finished tis work tkoa g»T«tijietodo." Tbe jonntm VBI tallowed by tb»commanion terrice. A scene of roch sole!lit1}- sad depth ot feeUag haa nexee Urn

rilneaMd in Strain It before. Mr. Brnen JJ

the first partor and cams bi tlie ebnrch d

1671. Itwanjnit orpmbwd with 10 mem-

t u d WHB withotit property. Seren

yean and » hall hart passed. Tt» pariah

ba> nnw a beautifal chtircb baiUing tail

parsonage,, and tho cburcb bag rooeired Into

tter DiemberBbiplO2 by certifirat* uul :

\>y profession ot failh. ID all, 203 me

added to the original 10 in eight yen

ITamaikubie an this work naa been, alum

, yet the most rem«-kabfo thlagibont Ihe church ia Its flnnocU Byat«m,or

itber lock of tycteni. They tued so

relopcs, bal a* paw rejm, Mid nothing

b t money mittera, and left It to erery

s conscience to keep him to his Saty.

The pinto waa pnue^ morning and erening,

nd by thi* flieao* they reaetred orar *t«,-

>0O*jw. We do not lik U p U . b

ro cannot holp confeidng that its mane].

DUB lucccsa In thau mort trying time*

hown coneluaively that more depend* on

conscience, a s d l e n on enreh>pcn Ihmu

Lad tliongLl, at leiut in congrtgntiona l

Liiftt At Snramii, oompoieo! largely of people


l)n»!rl Jilintweli; nf linniy, * Imy of (orcl»e yciun, wa*tiKlliBoll^r Jiiy, whoa bin plo

irwly exrilodctd, tha cluuga eplll mi* explo'llng In lriw mout

red lo lw fctnlly injured,"

ios hintpnrinK

Zs be-

Otfiien, and others raa rat.i the Mrat.Th'-y found that the criea eatum fronj atine jitnry frame bmja-?. opposite th^'.

ri.'b, wbicb his been urtitpfeil fufptral Bt»Dilu by Philip Howbbs, i caf-f

p«C weaver, and his young wife. There)wti no light in tbe boo.-w, but tbe I

reams nnd criea of "ltar>Jer t" werentianeii. J. large throng qoickly col-:ted. While Mr. Williams aod otner

citizena were proeniioiz alight, tbe n«i>:e.1 tbe affray alarmed the worshippers in

tba Methodiat Church, abont fiftj yanlad»tac(, am! tlmy ba*ten<*l to the scene.Tbe excitement waa an great in tbePre*hyterian chapel that tba miniate? dis-

iAs<?d tije congtegatioc..ifter procuring a keruatcri-oil lamp.

Mr. Wtilidina, 3fr. Holiitta, 3[r. OgJecand cooatable Oeonag entered tbe lions*

Ece tbe criea Usafr). Tbfi tabl^.choirs and other /aroiiare in tbe froct

wm were overtnmed, aad ooe ot theiodows waa broken. There waa blo-uia tbe floor anJ on tbe Bre place. Ia a

abed, hack of tbe room two men wereseen struggling aa tbe door, and Mrs.

VAR< M. £• CG\~±.r£:\CF.mrsLL? of Uot Wtek £*v. K. Taa

reporuJ Un; cticiliiswa of N*."vark

ft»U in wcit uf thu ^buKrlieu, Eers.

ITT, D. P., «cd J. R. .t.k.nw were

p h^nlih. Jaha Kranti aad Eiwuni

Hi jn triaL John Cnvfjr.i. J. H. \

o J. F- Anlr^w and John Oiitttffj

a&d B. Ciiy.tiw faurth J-JVT.

H. Landoa. of riiiL-cauunca,

ishoi> Merriil OIIUIL1 a grand <ulirM«a of

boor w J » tiilf upon tlw ob l.- it of

Hooble creaming in the jar>L Atthit mioate the drangbt pat oat tbelight, and one of tba men in tbe shodgot free and, springing through, m oid<iluor, ran in the direction of Pout's Ho

His head, face and clothingstained with blood. The persona onlaiVJe ran after him.

Meantime Mr. Hoeble and hu wif<iteied the front room. Hoable vi

covered with blnod, and a large poolblood was on the floor of tbe shed wherebe bad been straggling with the

ho bad esMped. While Hoeblatelling bis atory Constable GenMr. Williams and others joined in thchase alter the other,whwas Heart Blake, a carpenter of Sfad

in. Blake was found leaningtree n«ur William's grist mill, and hi

was bleeding profusely from three 1icalp won D«1I and other CULH. Beintoiicateil, anil van with difficulty goto J>T. Serani's office. Hoeble and hwife said tbat Blake, after drinkinp iithe tanae, iDaaUed ifra Hoeble.baaband attempted to protect her,Blake knocked him down and tried tothrov uftn oat of ibe window. Hoebl

apped to aieze a brick with which b<felled Blake to the floor. Then HoebliRot » cleaver and a desperate baltle fol

iwed. A carving knife aeems a\:have been used, for one entered wit!blooil «aa fonntl on the floor. Hoebltwas badly cat and braised. Blake's b

found OB the floor with three leicntii through it.

Oa llondar l lr . and Kra. HocbUprocured Bl&ke'i arreat OD a warrantfrom Justice Dey. Blafee v u B«at totbe ifomstowa ja

minister, tlw ptcaaio

odmisntoa into full conn^tioa of Revs.

F. HaU. J. G. Johnaan, tail S. C.

Oa Friiiij a comaiirUHj wan app<;inttii

duns* mutton ia raine HG.'WQ U> en$Q'profesfeorsliip ia Wenleyin CttTtrsit

S. Fw^ona read th^ report of tbe

Cnmmiti^e on ItineriL(<iyI which ttx itc

interest. The rep'rt conddmas the vii

puUiog toil p p«J«rixg that

the pruch«rB and official boardM of i-liarcb

makins Ihe appcintnunb. B**T. S. P

tbd Chainnftn; &5«, Dr. Dunn, of

C i ^ j Dr. laraw, o( Sawarti E<;

Crane, of Port J^rvid, and Eisliop 3It;mJ

of the panxagtt ot th<i r

lIt wia laid o

Tract Societisa were held.

Juy School &n<

John Crawf.

yVe* /ersfii' fiafteriea.The following summary ia presentedi tbe report of tbe Commt«ionei

Fisheries of tliii State, n{ the work JawprocuringocJ distributing food ftshi

to tbe waters ol tlie State, since tbe date"ol the hat report el tbe Cotntninsionersit Fisheries, and includes the fisb dis-

tributed by tbe late Board, wnosa oper-ations ceased about (OUT nontUa aftertheir last report, w u presented to the

58,000 land locked salmon batched ancliberated in takes in tha northern part oltbe State.

2,S00falackbii8a distributed to l&kcs

1,666 afcad bntebed » d liberated i:tbe Delaware river.

225,000 California salmon dl^ribntcfin January, 1878.

DOO.OOOCalitoroia tatmon'batcbeilnew portly dtatribmed.

13,600 brook tront pnrcbased and dis-(ribnted.

200,000 brook troai, batched and nearl;ready for distribntion.

100.000 white fob sowin tbe hatohinjh o n a e , ( ' • i : •

Adding totnfa f|ie onmbflr of sfnihatched and liberated In the Hacfcenuriver.which namber cannot be accurately

ed, bat wiich may be eufelj cstimated at seven hundred and fifty thonsao—an aggregate U preBonted of overthree and a half millions of valuablegame and food fisben added daring tbeyear to (he supply already in, ihe wateiof the State.

Sparta.Our public school la eloaed tot a Tacatlon

Of two WMks, (he littfe one* ot tb» rJlbgea n enjoying tbe vacation largely.

A great many remoTala bave lafeen placeIn oar midst. Win. BrjaoV of the UnionHotel hM gone to the OgdenrimrRh House.

Win, E«rl bw bought tba Union Hoteltod shut Hup, to that we bain only onahotel in tie village.

Ei-Sberiff BHH b u come from Kawton toreside in this Tillage where he Is quit* ibii pkrenbj. Tbe Spartaiuis have given hima. bcorty

Shtriff Decker b u sot yet mored to Xoton bnt will do no ihortly after the preseicottrt term,

Wra. A. L. Keller baa delivered bli aec-and lilnrtrated lectore I yCbnrtb, for tho beoeflt of the BabbatliSchool. VondderlDgthealemeDcy of thewemtheron each oce%td*tt th* MUeaduKtd n iTcrj good—largor than vaa anticipated, anda goodly Wm had been mlsed to replenishtbe Sunday School Librrrj, The- UgU oneBobocaaionwaapowertnl andr*eifart andthe Tiaw wen in every MUIM ercellenL

Mr. K. vftl alwaja be wcloome to Spartaremained over Iwt StfabttbhIn tbe Mrt.ce* throaghont tba day j it bo.

ing Conference Sabbath with ma M. E.friends the, Utter joined with tbe Preibyto-riana In wurihlp- Rev.'B. Ueacbeta hiringbeen oa ih.it cltargo two yean \M xamortd byConference to Vienna, Warren Coanty, aniKaT. Mr. Wilaoaeppointadin hio pbee

Sir. O. HOM 1B preparing to move to SUnhopefortha pnrpoae of engaging in met*

Hamfatones for Via Braves of Soldiers.It In proljdbly generally remembered tint

some year* «go_ m 1BT3—Oonjrren ptuaedalaw providing for the erection of durableheadstone* over the gravca of soldiers of thiregoiar *nd raianteer forces ot tho UaifodBtatea whoea repaaina pin interred in th* Na-tional Jfilfterr Cemettrios. Tbfi law hasbeen carried out, and. the graves of the Ma-tloo's dead In (hew cemeteries are now per.

ajwaU/ marked. At tbe ituUncr of tiear'neptrtnient, Congress has recently an

thorlxedth* erection at simila I

hetdatonei a

Bret' t l« ' grarw of the Union aoldicn wbo

i buried in private and village cametcriw.

Thl« will be dona as loon as tbe neccasaiy

arrangementi can be made. In the raenn-1

lime tbe Qmitcmuuter Genera], «t M

logUn, will at once proceed fa> collect Iho

information as to wtera f

4 reqaited, .. '

baring any knowledge or the

Hirial places or aoldJers in prir«W cemcU-

whooe BTBVM Are Dot marked, Are n-

OTfflinanioate lUe fact to tha

Oeawal, and give roaiment,

3inpanya»d dsU of death' of deceawd, if

known. Similar inionnstion la desirfdrrom parties in charga of tooh cimcteriea.

ever which nioni

Ja*. H. SQb«rU^Q, Jumtii F. Andrewri, and

Join A. Gatttridcb w*ra elected lo E

On Saturday the Conference elscted

applicftiitei tn Deacons' ordsn, inclndii

Lorerao Dow Trant (colored), of

aui Cafcb W. Edwards, of Pine Brook. Tl

muse of James K- Komo^y wm withdraw!

Tbs quantum or the itineracy waa again

caused. BUT. George F. Dickeneoa me

that the report be refic \ to the next (

r<irence, bnt the motit a j e t with stroc

oppoffltion a»d tnnoyrnm* tn tiwirfeeL Amir

much eicitejaect tbe fenulutioa to refer win

Uid oa th« table on motion of the Rtt

S. Fanfka. Biifcop Merrill u ld ha

always listened to mlciifkn and commit

who came to him, and bod read all lei

wbicb be recemd, bnt never promised

make any change mggeated.

The question, "Who am the Soiwranme

•try Preuebera ?" w u then taken up. Tbei

rai foucd to be twenty mioiatera oa

lut, all of whom were continued.

A. resolution v u paeacd rtiiu£*ting Be

Dr. J. 9. Farter to preucb « sewi-ctntemi snma tim« darisg the next Con

He Joined tna Conference in

year 1820.

An inteKiting feature of Satnrdfty'ai tt<

lion waa an iddrtm by fiev. Cron

Andrew on tbe early hUtory of tbe 5ti

dint CImrch in tba Delaware Valley.

1823 tbe Pbiladelphia Conference tent Mi

Andrew, then of l!aryl»nd, to Fort

to preach. UB « U the first Jletbodii

preacher in that region. His circuit covere

Iwentj-fire taiUt- Hi* ronnds wcro

on honeback, tod hia perwcutioni

ind Tiricd. Doting hfa uiniitiy there I

formetl a MOtety of 6T« members, and froi

that nndeoi has grown the present cbo

ot 650 member*. During tbe year that

preached there be receded 43G for his labo

The present pastor receives $l,BQQ a yen

Mr. Andrew is tbe oldest member of

Conference, being 81 yean of age, and

ie sixtieth year of bis ministry.

Oa Snt&iy morning a lore feast '

celebrated by Bfeliop Merrill, uehted

Preaiiling d d e n Vanhnrne. Tnnlson, Ann

,od Fitzgerald. At l l o'clock the

debtered a diiconne from Matthew,

Tbs Berrices concluded with tbe ordJaatii

of nine Tteacooa. la the afternoon tbe Be

B. Doan, of Jersey City, deliver

tbe sermon which preceded tho orditath

of five Eileru. In the evening tbe Musi

try Annif ereary wu held, with addresses

Blahop Merrill, Kev. Messrs. Kelly BUI

DashlelL Tbe receipts, dwplte the b&n

times, har« nearly eqonllei but year,

but far a falling off of about S4CQ in two

tbe leading churches would hate been


On Honda? Her. Jamei N. Fitzgeri

Presiding Elder of Newton District reports

tbe cfanrchea tnder his charge aa flonriahiD|

with bnt a very few exceptions;

Tor aid from tbe Cbnrcb EiUnsion Socie<

of tbe Conference fnr tbe eociety at Oi

Bridge, in the Habnrta of

where tlie cbnrch wan blown down by

wind hit F'.ll. A Bflw church baa b

erected it Hope which Is nearly free froi

debL A new church tt Stillwator wbu

alao neatly paid for. At Weettown, K.

a naw panontge hna been erected and

one at 111!ford, Penn. Tbe new chare

Brtnchrille will bo completed itwldu of

moQtha. Iter. •/. W. nirtpeace, who

BUtloned at Broadway, N- 3., last yevr,

destrUd the Hethoditt EplBCOpal fold, and

hUtnam« waa removed from tho Conference

oil. InvitatioDa were read from the First

Charch ot rbiUipsbuTg, and tbs Market

Church of Fatenon, asking tbe Cnnf<rei

to hold itu session there in I860. A.Vu

ibort and gwxt-nntnred debate the membc

dedded by a voU of eighty to fjftj-.Rr

go to HiiUipsbtifg. Hie Cotnmitt«<

Clalois reported that it bad received an

expended during the fimt ye&r th« earn <

fk7,(IO0. TUe money In gWen to the wN,

nd duoghtergof deceased preachers and tb

wornrfint prpaebpra. The report wan*;

proved, The residing Elders naoouiicci

of the Court

Appeals; RPT*. J. I. Morrow, of Dover]

Dr. Sutine, of Orange; 0. S. Colt, uf New.

ark; CharltB I*. Little,' of Elizabeths 9.

i, of ftfarincr's Harbor, Stokn lelai

and Tbomaa Walten and John A. Itonroe,

both of Patersan. A raburriptlon m i th

token ap to pay for the completion cf tin

monntnent (o Bev, Hettry Boebm, who c]i

in 1875, at the ripe ago cf on* Bundn

yeara tmd a minlrtry of oerenty-UTB ytara.

In the evening the Bev. Abraham M, Pal.

\er, of UrttOTitto, wna ejected Conteie

BecreUrj; the Her. Jewa B, Gilbert,

Kewark, Vice President of t ie Snm

School Union • tho Itav. George T. JackBon,

or Port Orenj, N. J., the Rev. Aram H.

BeUi>, of Franklin, N. J., and the Bev.

Thomas H. Jscobis, of Bayonco, N. J.,y ,

ot lbs Preacher's Aid 8 joiety • the

Bev. Thomas 0. Majhnm, of Itockaway, N.

,, Trustee of tho Educational Society; the

Eev. Thomas H. Landon, of Succaianna,

V. J., Vice President of tbe Ifiselonary Sa

iety, and tha Bev, A. II. Palmer,

Ury. Tjie Bev. S. "W. Bebotit, of Jorn*'

City, was eleoted Vice Vmidtrt of (>;

Tract Society, and tho Bev. Joseph T. I

cauley, of iTcndham, Secretary. Tbe ofBcct

of the Temperance Society are Preside

Bev. Solomon ParsonA, of Wwl New Brlgh-

k>n, 8Utea Jaland; Tics President, Sr r . C.

3. •Woodruff, of Dunellco, N. J.: Secretary,

Thomas K. Laniloa; TrcMUrer,

WiUiam ?]. Wipjt, D! Newaric. •

Tbe OonferencB closed Ua oessio

oaeday morning, oiler the reading ot

IUS reports. Bev, It. Vanhorno ind

fl. K. Battz were appointed as snper-

ndGnbi of tho religious serrtcca of thi

ensuing camp meeting at Mount Tabor.

is flatistfcal report was nude, showing

roUtlonerd, 3,101) • fnll members, 35,494

total, sa.coo; incrcaat) ot fall members,

027. BesdntionB looking to the nbollsb-

mtntof th« custom of mlniBten attd ehurohes

orking for spoolntincuts were adopted.

Th f l t l Are tha &mx)iatmcufi' p(

Uthi* fatrict in


Jam*. N.FitaRerJd, p, E. KewU.Walters; Andoter, Ocorge W. Miller; Stanhope

W. O. Nelson; Tranauillty, J .0. Wian«r] Jaracsbcijr, to I e unpr-Ucd j Rock.»w*y.T. C.Htjl.»m • 3Toa.-)t Hnpp, to bo kup-

t Da«r—First -CbDrclt, Jl S. Slurrjir •1 Chatpb, ffm. 1. Gill; rortOnin andi, Owrjo T Jscliwn; WihiifOwft socl

il.lll rjok, T. itawl/ttKH ; Bnccasnuns int] Port

; FkaJrt* »0'l Dr*kt«-C.Mirgw F. Apcar; H»eii*ttii*owor A., Juui-4 M. Tttitic, iiip« Vieno* ut

' CUap*l, E. Meaclism; BadxiiHu MHajuc, i \ G- Itucknjaii; UxfoiU. E.s • Sum airfield mJ SI.miaoif tu be SS: l i t IL-thd and JJ..-»uji.tuwn, T.

J. U. Esr^rt: E^fridrK, C. 5. V.DtleTU : HlT*ai'fO* anii^Wutavilli!. I . W. C"l*-' . Pbiliip»-uurg—Elt&i L'liorcii, E. B. L*«is*ij««i; W**Je»Cbapd, ff. E. BlatM'.cj ; Gre*}n UnJge, snp-pln.'il by ffiWe* Hartm; Hnp«, J. F. Dodi;Itnnnt SHi-moo Wn. W- Totithten : Cjlnroba

iuil Slilllirunk. Thonia* Hu'l; RuasrUle «<JCenL- Tiil^. W. H. 5LEn.it-: Eiu<rdale, to b#•applied; Miil<hu SoullitiaU. to be tuppliisJ ;ILir-.rd, Wiu. M-C*ia ; Tor; J^rti., J.T. Crana:ajjarriHitiiidli anil Huagaup, 8.D. Ha-'iw ; Bit'rviille, tu bt icppliei; FunaWirs, W be «on-pii.i. ; O^U!aaJ, 1J be *spp[ied; Otiwilie, B.V. Cop«l»uir; Ci'ntirtTili*' *»ii Gre^aMUc, J. W.

rc-raun aHdGWrnrooO, D. E. Fraaibui ; Dwk-airtiiwn mil WinUgi1, JacJta N- £ey> ; Col*-i]|Ic ami Ljt».>r!y«iller tu t> su ppluid; Bnnch-»ilk inJ Fnoiliii PLiiou, J.D. Fra»a«; Laf»J-

eite, w, H . Bigirm; «p»«v *•• i - W J » « ;Hamburg. Franklin sndjupslicJ; Hard to »n, to bi

Guorgit EL Whiluuy, D. If,, Pnsiiulsnt of C.C. Zailitatc.

TUc pnncipal sppontm^nii in tbe other du>tried are 15 /•aflair..;

NEWARK DISTRICT.R. Vin&om*,P.F. Kdtr*rk-S<

J. a . Dalkj ; FnnEtUn urtwt, A. L. Brice;Clinton Htnwt, F. A. linn a ; Caioc street, B.B. Cullin», Ceatral Cljartn, W. V. Kelle;El-tit L Areoae, H. Tenant; St.Paal'i, oneIe .npplic-l »cl E. H. C«nklio; St. Lake1*,John Cn«rortl ;Trici[T, GwKRe F.DiekiC«it*narr, C. H.&rft; Ewt Niwirk, L N. Vsn-lam ; Inin^t-in, I . VI. Dillut; Onnsa-FitstCb.,:,[•, J. U. £uu*|L. , C.kirj , J.B.Paalke.;tiitain»t,M.£.Etlitwn ; Su* Pro*iJence, J .B.Huwafd ; Buktujpidge, J . A. Oven; Bernards*wiibs.C C. Witun*. Cluibam, to bewpplied;lUdi-on. C. B. Birnihi; Uofrintuwa, L. 8.BuWtuio ; 8. Via Bmscaten, of tforriatown,tnnnfti-re-l to Treolau; f L-ajsck sod ClI. Tlioini* ; Qreon Tillage, J. E. VrrtghlbrraiiiDii New Tenon, M be iDpplied,D«»-tilte »nd Bockiway Vall.it. W. H. * "ri^-ippao/ aad Khipptuf, U> bo mppUtd;Cl.nioa ami fine Brook, W. H, MoCann»ck;rcroai, Jim«K L. Hijj*; 3ToD(ci«)f, J. L Dos-vult; Bollflville-St. P-ial'*, J. P. Utonlav;Ar/inKinn, E- P. BI'KO*.

JEBSEI c m DISTBICI.Wm. Taniwn, F. E. JenwrCitjr-ai, ]

W. B. Viiggi C«nLeo-.rj,J. B. Daoieli;nn , L B Dann ; Em017, D W Eirtiw ; Ptll-«*de», J W tktnn ; Linden Aveaut, A M Pal-mer; Fine Ctmreb, Houukcn, D fl La-First Charch, UackeDiieli. Thomis WaiteM;Pilirion-Cro'it street, A Cnig ; Prospect, SK tk-bont; GraW0,U ? Eamuand ; little F-.il*,FLowH. Win

Wen Hlir.ri. A H Iklle*HcBride; H»«rilrtW, J B Br/ui.


J( 3 Jraiil, P. £ . EUi*U*lh—SI. Jimei, n .8[wlltDjfr; Falton St., C Larcw ; Park Cbarclt,C ELiitte; Hahwiy—Fi-»t CbDrcb,CEIhjt<b-«,Second Church, D lUllena ; Waodbrldge,S fi Boaaej j pertb Arubo/, W BHigh DrtdRfi and Lelmuon, J TmdiJl; Clarks-iiHe *nd/ocction, 8 £ Deal,.tie; freachtowa• ad Milfurd, J H Banjoa; Woodrov, BUleiIsland, C F EToIl ; SommerfleW, S H Op^jia.

F0BREZ7T!L &nt~d*n buna, vitlt tight ri;»UI »DJ ail die iAjuveni^ntta. A £>['•



OS TreSTiAT LAST, eith*r on Bturkw-'lHL or Pnixpiuc Ji. A iaiUbi« reward wil

be pisil tu tlie ftudtr on rt^aruiuc I lie IMW I>ihe •abtcritwr. CHiiJ. i OILUSX.Apri lib, Ia?J. 17-li

• ; &jonton, J Er,a!z; FrmnkJio, Ola, J, B. Bubertsen

Newton PTaesdav.

YtGtNtn NEWS.owQ luu toe whooping coogh.

bjlery me«U at Audorer nest

agstSvd ceni» per (jaart ii

I b e Hw-iettatQwc II E Charch reporU a

Tbe borougb electinnn In Witrrcn occor nn

Wertnewlay, the Uth io&f.

D.;ckprtoitu U lo liaxe haather newspaper.

Bttier let well enough .done.

A cantfwny ia I>-ing (-iniwil to start

otber organ factory tn WuAliinpton.

The SasMi nilroiul ban itiereued its pus-

euger roles between certain points, fifteen


Mr. IVarriner.principnl of 1

Fob io School nan re«ignod. Cuose—a more

liberal offer Blewbere.

a hhlohia miae at B&ttyalown i» being

worked with an incren«ed force by the Moa-

oua.cong Icon Coiuponj.

Whitman D. fiteel*,of Newton, was knock-

ed down in New York City one night last

week and robbed of his wnicb.

During a nccfile between two men at Ox-

ford on Friday of but week A man ^

thrown into a mine •haft and killed.

A blackflmith shop U located one hundred

feet below tlie tnface In a mine at Franklin,

saying the frequent Mndiog up of drills. ' .

cbllilrcn of£zr»Horton,of Anderson-

town, and tbe roano^est.aged two rears, Bet

bU alothes an flre, aaA wu bnmed to death,

BoBsex County will have to bnlU a woik-

bonw to meet tlie nfjnirenienU of the law

enacting that every coanty shall provide a

rorkb'jase for U* prisoners,

JJlnitstown is In & ferment over "Uncle

Tom's Cauln." The literary society of that

place eiptct to produce lbs <huma, and some

of tbe ohmcli people oppose U.

Tbo Hnckettitown Qawlte keeps np a wan-

ing sort of raspectaliUUy by pttblUhlug

*l<Iea<ra(.vertiHemeiita,and takes a monrninl

delight in flinging borrowed bricks.

Tbe HnokelUlowQ Common Council pnns-

ednresolntiontopfty tlieflna or the Town

Clerk If ho would not publish tbe list of d*.

tax-payers, bnt be wna not turned

agido fronj hlx ilpi> by such action.

^Irp, 51'jniH Trimmer, of Hackettstown,

rofipert <Iend while Inking her tea on the SHd

nlL abewMnged77 yeum. Mn. SUgtr.

jpd 73, died tbe day following from the

" 11 received several weeks pre-

PEOPOSALS!Sealed pro{H>«il**nd bid* will b* rfUfitit

j^r>"«r!"s\j!Jnntll'*hs iMnti-iriitl/tiajApril, W7J. fur fumixUin^, builillnff and cjilrtitticftf the wumi Wort of ta ^utiri>]v lbmljie u»w Ute H.«k*w«T river *t B>>tguvi —-Dtmc This briJ-e tu he ol tbe luim *mibuilt with same kiad of. ma ten* 1 ai tbe &•<stnet bridge, snd tu be thn-« fe*;t lunger <h:the oorta«rtrlisl/ar«((lbri(lin>. Prvpottitiaito be aiH'ncd *t the Jlansiun iloo.tis, lit IXiTtApril 'Alb. UTD, at tlie banr of tbrM o'clock

Hf. V..jbiua, in bufe

b r of ara tclouk ri bo K«D it tac sure uf


f tUctiulpli aodIU.-U*«l7-2m

COLLECTOR'S S E E !Notice is hereby given tbU by. rtnoe ot »'

warrant iuniil by Free nun W*i«1, E*q-, tumake tbe Uiei laid oa unimproved *nit UD

otW bqJ, *ad oa UsJ tcoaotcd L/ pernot the lawful proprietors, wbo axe ua*

hlo to p»T tbeir U i in tba tuwmhip of BanJolph.^oantj or ttnrri*, the nubiiCriber, tb<Collector of laid to*na)biD, *UI <m tUe 2Uttill* of Fabrnurr neit, bmvtea (tie hocir> ol i t . and 8 P. tt. thai to tu tuy »i tw,> n'doclin the afUrnnnn, 00 thn prfmisc*. i t SIiuu-

sbnm. in said towLtabip. self thtt timtirr,«herb*go and other vendible protwriy Ion tbe prrmisei, taxed to the aatlurvLeenon to make Ibi* taxei and coals Uiueiea lahiM rctptxiiie n&ae.

K1HE. TAX. COBTS.A. W. Cutler, * 175.00 $2 70InUrert, 13.4T Printing, 3.60

SIT. v a n a Dtcuaaox, Collectcr.Dated /au. 24th, 1879.

Tba above sale atantl* adjourned till

8ATUBDVT. ilAIlGU 160, 1873,

at tba KUUQ boor and place.

Tbe sbo*a «a1e in again adjunrned till

SATURDAY, 3UBCH Ulb, 1979,at tbe iam« hour snd place.

The above Hale it again adjourned toRATDBPAT, APRIL tltb.

at the tamo hour and pLue.

8TLVESTEB DtCKEaSOK, Collator.17-2W

Miners Wanted!TILLY FOSTEa DION MINES, Brew.

ster, Putnam Coanty, New York, waaU aa e b r of FIRSTCLASSster, P a m Conty , Neameber of FIRST-CLASS

Wages, (1.25 p»r day. AndrewN

March 27th, 18T9.ANDOEW COSGBIFP, Se18T9 1


Evergreen and Reach Trees.Norway Sprtu», i to 6 feet, 49 cants- each.Arbor Vifaas, 6 " J " 20 " "Peach IVMJ, 3 " 5 " $8 per- fcaa

Tb* peach trees include Mountain Rose,Jenay Liu(t, Old Mil on. Stamp (he World,XAU Crawford and UtOakatoona. All first-ciaai stock. Orders le/taiPIEBSON1;* HAT8TOEE prompUT filled. Ift-lm p




At tbe opening of tho Sussex Conrta onTuesday JudsoDftlryniidft charged tbo joxyin Btrong terms on tbe fraudulent appropria-

\ons of mnuejB beloDgiog to conntlat, bjr' " • ' »nd of diabnralng pub-

lolawfal manner.

A. T. STEWART'S BODYhas not yet been toaad, bat

A.M.Jones•"• -• •>' • h a s f o n n d t h

GREATESTever known In STANHOPE. Come to theOld Borerelgn'sStand aniok or jon can't get-in. Tha Bargtini for the new year ara as-tonishing. Call at onca and yea will besure to coma again. Am «lw»y( glad toshow my goods. The beat Plow* is town lato b« bad at my store, and that at the low-est price, All gmde* of the WALTETVBflour from the celebrated Bushkill MtU aUways oa Land which can 1M purchased at mystore for less money than elsewhere. •,

FEED is a specialty. A large stock ofWHOLE FEED flB Land constantly '•

InBUTTZU tbe anility and prices.sot be Bwpsawd. No one need srer takebid bntler from my store { mirk (hot.

TEAS are on hand of ever/ grade, qualitydaavOT.andthepriceamarScddo^n.Don't tail to OODM, yon are ame.to get

what yon wnnt. and if you don't iee it, u kfor i t If 30a havent got the money bringin y«nr produce. Tha full market Brioe incash or trade is offered for 'EGGS. LAUD,

OATS, COBN,• BUTTEB, (good only accepted,)

or anything elwyoa've got Bring it alongaud we are sure to make a deal 7

Don't forgot JONES, at the Old Sovereign

NOTICE.The 39th annoal mccling of tbe Slockholikra

. of tha


btfUoo of « neir B « r i of Directo

ARLES P. aWAYZE, S i c n l i nPiled Mendhini. March «ltb, 187B, 1M


bau an oIIt*KJ 11 p **" tfltftf* r

Groceries and Provisions,


Foreign and Domestic FRUITS,

___ nerrtliin* elie iwriafnins to tfre (rwOulysale'iblo Ronda ki-pt aDJ evi-rjthing «olilap<io correct r>f(irtJ*.'n!Jfiuns.SUSSE?" St., near tiie Corner "I BLAIJ-Cm p DOVER, S . J .

SPRING, 1879TWe are fully

stocked with thenewest styles inDRESS GOODS,which we areable to sell muchcheaper than anyof our contemporaries. Our CarpetRoom is filledwith the newestCARPETS,


OIL CLOTHS,which are soldexceedingly close.A look will con-vince any one.W. S. BABBITT,


M O R R I S T O W N .

The New Empire

JIot-Air, Gas & Base-burn-

Inu Cooking Store.

TH£ BEST BIKING STOVE IN IBE W0BU1.0. t Luge Auortment ot Qlher'Btjleaof Cooking Btofe,, -HIDJW, parlor

eloiei, &c,,


Hardware, Cutlery,Qiaa), ^Tuotlen, Copper, PUlu uid Japmn

• TmwinEOilClolbs, Carpets, Lampi, Falati and Oils

bird Oss.es, Featbera, Prut's Astra. Oil (nooeiploilrr.) Also, • - - .


Hooting, Plumbing nnd Jo%Work promptly ittcnfled to.


••alrltank'a Scales a t Manufac-tu re r^ pr icc i ;

Jld Ironj Coppur, Dra«, Lead, Rags »ndiieeobiols Uiehln eichmiRefor cootfi.

BRUE1S h B0NNELTh>HMk.irjiT.Wj.wb 1.1873.


Plows, Plow Castings,!

"FAMING MGAEDENIM TOOLS,of all kinds wliich he ia selling at


Hardware, Iron and Steel Store,BLACKWELL ST., DOVER, N. J.









Salad, Machinery, Sperm, Whale, Castor,SeAYing Machine, Keats-foot and other Oils.


Turpentine, Oif Tanks, Lamp Chimneys, Fixtures, 4 c , &c,

All ou Oils Guaranteed Strictly Pure.GT "BEnXlAKT' SAFETY OIL a BpecWty, pot op in Patent raooet CBM, c

for hmi l ; nae. This Oil It «*ter vbit« and free /mm all offensive «dor. aad we git Mrfeeflj ai' Md free from sli eiptoei™ maleriata. Aat jour Oncer tar " 1a K ,_ fi.i b n f i oivn \t A fair *- J ' 1 « M ^ •** »!&!»• «!•*» TTAH ^tl i finrt If prrnn? - If nrtt B

irnntee_ ___ _ iUiant"

trial and we cl*lm tluu you will Bad it equal, U not reperior,to the beet in the market.

McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE, .KmTh. H. J., SoreratMr sth. I8tS. S3* 33 *\A/* A!C1.3gIT T£T. 3*.


P LANING MILL AND TABDS,ately ocenpied by 0. 3?. Gage, and will hereafter conduct tho business.Tha yard has just been stocked with a large assortment ol all kinds of

E^-LUMBER-^33;. for building pnrposes, JMfc pnrchased for cash and to be soli at pricestc suit thetiniea. THE MILL has also been pat in running order andis prepared to furnish all kinds of . '

BUILDING MATERIAL, -lselu4inB8ASH,BLrKr>J3,DOOES, Mo'uLDINO, and eytrytbing needed by buDdew.

TisojiJlfsadjwdB •re in charge ct l l r . Isaao W. S*nring, who has ft life-long expert-«ace in thi bnnlaeM, and has just purchased tbe new stock, Tba sdrantAfien of baringlumber cot and worked to order sre well known, and tbis can be done here ia *ny ghiipGdeBircd, ftt prices that will moka building profitable even in theso times. ' *QIDXOW Rioflifim, PresiaenL • IIKKBT McFiMAW, COLUMBUS BEICH,

U. BntrsoN, Bec'jr and Treaa. In»*c B. J o i a n , I. W. RBIBIHO, Genl Monagtir

Insurance a SpecialtyE. & G. H. Ross & Bree8tf,


Insurance Agents,Office, Old Iron Bank Building)

MorristbWn, N. J.i the following firal-claii ccmponiei

£TNA FIltE INS. Co. of Hirtfarf. Co. Cap-iniand&iirpliiaoTer tfl.OOO.OW.

J. Co., of Newsrk,BarnlnsoverUOO.DOO.

HEBCpANTS' «t3TDAL 1KB. Co. or N«*n.rk,M.J. CffpiU)in(]SnJ-p]o»«bon.l5»,0W,

0EIIMANU MCTOALISS. Co. of Kewsrk. NJ . CuplUl snd Surplus over $100,000.

TTTtTii, BESEPIT LIFE, 1MB. Co. of H«w-i tk .S . J Astets over 130.000,000.

Insurance dfentrf oa all desciiptloQairopiw^ in any section of tha State, »tDW ntca sa thB risk, will warns*. .osse« PAID rfiOlUTLTf aad no compro-liriaglnBettlenient. 'PerBona tt a distance can address m by

letter and receha the BamB attcntioo as ispplicatlon were made in penwn.

GEO MANN'SNew BilliaMood SALOON, Blockwel>-fa..7>oier, justfitted up with new ami elega^aVWntments,.oOers to tbe pletuun secltr one of the qui-eteirt and most pleumt places or eDjojment;in town. THE BILLEAUD PABLOU con-tolna two fine carom ttbleii and irfltted up

of themroe. HXTPFEL'S L A a E K ^ irt b d l l

h e m r o . HXTPFELS L A E K . ^ o inert beremge dntalr. *lw*y* kept la fresh

li d f l l rtk of 0 enuandnalr. *ly p

ppliM, and a full rtock of 0 enuan cheenei,Utnerol waters, Tine Apple (Hiert IWzeli.Bordlnea, e tc d e n g s will be nlwayH ODJama to pleass bic /rierd*, «nd will makeevery susugcrre«lathoma,. •-••: :j52-3in





Atlpenont.Bcrsperi, Sbn

'NOTICE I"»el«. "Ptekt, (1r inr tools n r i


lie mouej's in an


John Cooper's Houseon Penn Avenue.

Three dwellings onSpring Street.

One on Gold St.House, Barn, and 3

acres of ground onMt.Hone Avenue.

iniironnor^.- _TB dinoted lo brintf Iho

none atiop or Willlim A, Dickers on.


- - Proprietor.jiiviofj IBIBUU mo llAntinn '; BOQM. jnut

erected ind roost fnperbly snd sonveiiiontlTrnrniihml l>yllr. B.O Ontrio on Wsthincionstreet, Sarrhtona.T ftaald call tlia ideationor tbe old pttrons of tbe Honse, ami or mymanT {rienjl in Morris and inrronndinsconntJMandof tbe pnbllo Renerallr, to thesnporior adrsntaeei U oflori to bolli Innslrntsnd permanent gtiftstft. lit sparfmenin *reill am-elsM/ann tho bonso bts been ntoit'iiMlyiijIctl me "finest. Ifotel In NorUiernlew Jenoy." The rates are low. Aecomwo-latiocn for an nnllmltea nuntbor uf hones and*triage» am offered tj con mod ion • itablei

snd virdroooj. • • A. KFBbHAWLate. Prwrirtor of Tea I^ck House, Bomer-

,viUe, KB*Jersey. . . la-iy.


A. JUBSOIf COE^cr, March litb, 1B70.

Lvtlers remaining 'unclaimedi the Post Office a t Dover, N . j ,

Aian, 4th, 1870.Occrcc AcL-er*uo, O E Poland.

isnjorilia »bo»olottow«B7"fcI,id give date or tb!a Hit.

-A, BEEMER, P. R= '••" ' T


In this space Allen

& Moiriugton, dealers

in Stoves, Tinware,

etc., will advertise

after their remoTal

on APRIL 1st to their

new store on Blackwell

St., next to corner of |

Snssex St., recently

occupied by D.A. Deny.

Valuable ResidenceAND

Store Property •rORSALE.

Tbo Bnb«rtl«» offem at priTnte snle his

atow on SusRei street, now occupied by Mr.


6f«,iaeep. Bolhpropertieaittii elj aitnntea, Una are DOIUJIUB to d«-" ; A 1 , ° " P*» ha.Veia . lh .mb:lnten-l« la ,i,cnBi! In biminra jlne.Inquire of JOHK H.8TTOIPF,

Blnckwell Btreet. Dovee H 'I.


Cleveland,'Chicago ,

•'* :•..•: Nebraska ,Kansas, Colorado, Dakota,

3BAO0AOE OBE0KED THE0B0H FnEE.y f X ' l k l V

tbflmanahctnre wetreaawmtMed tonupplrthe trade cheaper tbin ever before, and offeran timuiul disamiit for pnrebuwm of [arsequ.aliiki. WbileoarBpGritiltrialth&'.nocl-• » » • d l t i l t

p i l t i a l & l•»».»•*«, we are prepared also to inilnnr«:tnretan Wentoni, Keotnckjj or, anr other *tjtoaeeiled. For terms and farther partlealan.

. J . P E £ B * C O . ,, Uorris Co.,N.J.


TElt-MILLat ltocUwaj for tlm coDTen-lonee of fnnr*r# and gardeua.n uf tb!i sectionmbo have heretotore been ootupelied to obUfnthtirplaater from • <l»Un«-, toi will tomUUfor the season ot 1879 a ttnpertor atticle of

GROUND PLASTER«a, at'much LOITERr befbte been offered In

\ l » e IO0 ' b M r t l ° ' bBff*

FRtOES than htY, cthit section.: Bold bA litenl diwoothera nrderiiu

'A':r call at tba mill In Itockanr of addTni

Sewing Machine!WHUETDEY ABE CHEAP.. •

The Sing«ricrosa the nx) to tbe

FOB SAXiB0H TO BEST, Bwd boofe, flne'locaUfla,


FOB RENT? 7 fe


Spring Goods,Dryand Fancy Goods,

A Sicrrn, Sol'rs.





K. H. EOPKDfa.

CHOICE GROCERIES. .Coffae.cboicallarrlcabo so el.

«» ^ -in,1;- an, -

0>rn81areb.t»alYao«i,t1»p.I,,,anJ all oil,,, « « w , , , , , , o r i | , ' , o


• 3 T T E . 3 O . .DOTEBBAKE


Morristo wn, KT. J;


SUSSEX STItEET,when my boloua 1 ilacWms at c r«r sirand all souing uacliBO cqulpnwnta mclu I:

Needles for all Machines.CrtUmi, Sllkr TwislB Oil; «te lT»cbIno!Bottcunjontlilj inatilnicals

REPAIRING a specialty.

P.HJ1JB1LL,.Do>ar, W. J .Mar SOU, } I SI f



COEY JtnfE, H E A E IEOfflA,io lite.(omwiilp crCauilo ph.«

Thursday, April 24thlB7D,aKbo hour » io clock I U tbo /}!•""*- goods ani ohaltola sttacuod fa Uto sbo <-

r ' n " " ' • W t t j o l silcl John peilr -

fc«%ta: iw,re ffi; >irgopolloy; 3 until pulleysi: 1 llacbatoltbellotrs; lanTil; 8mlne*blps: lUacfcamlthion; 1 ensloa house aba tool bonse.

Ibo only perftwlATIOrferoroffo

o without 1Letnnnt be

_ jnl tot ronrtblnjr tn IUphU F l l E

; FEECKIiINE!!_ i its ?ork Uko mmie, rrc— • FrrcklM, Tsn knd all l>iem>i

cuticle, Us continnod motle;*to ativ vehret-lllo ikla and §. bBamifni ci

I i la a aclentilifl romedj, tbo.i

Page 3: VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · 2015-07-14 · least; and explored a. model minoeor rying » liffbt Iraveraing anbtorranean puasoges fron) one. Bhnft (o

THE IRON ERA. Heed Vought & Eillgoro'i new ndvortioe-lonl. ' • -

ChildronB' fell -liaU Only 35 ccnU each atPiowouV • - -

Vigilant HOBO regular moeiing next Vt'od-d

= ! o < M / JOTTINGS-

And "TW nymw« "l****1™",- ,.• ;lo WhiUoci-'B Hull, uoxlTuoBiIny eveulug.Tbrincnf^-iiorn prevailing in Hoonlon to

, ooiwiaeroUo orient.jJni-j-1) proved obRiinatq to the cud atd

color, flying.Uier pad ot

1 'lIolmnn'B I»RIIH and IIvet pad in sold only

by their ngeut—Jauifis A. OoodaJo.Mom heavy working pnnta from 7G cents

to »'.S0 pw pair ot ricroon'B, Dorer.Tho uowilomslown clothing firm of An-

drew Bay * O°- hnii'filroiwly cttuicl to cxirt,

Efforts ftro being mnae la Gfitalilirii * llttlo

Kab-iitWelohmarj, the Men^luun Lameasmaker, Uu gona^fost... ' " . . . . •/ $

0. F. A.ittll, of Mortiitown, IIAS tieen ap-pointed ilusior in Cuanuary.

OnearLindaley, of Qr«mVaiftg0! *^a^ a

large groy cngla last Monday.Lacy, !he photograph or, hn« gone to Eng.

land fora rtslt ofsereral mouttu.Mr.*R. Fred. Bkcllonger suooeodfl bis fo-

tUer in the mill buBlnoss in Choster.

daUypapar :lot.

MorriHtowu) to begin May

ing very cheap at Pieraon's, Dover.

Flenrcpnonmnnia Is Hpmding Mid {• now&ocUog the outUe of Pawip townsnip. ;Mr. W. V. -D. Kinaey' will ictA tho Y. M-

0/A.prfcyer moetiog Uwnorrow ulUm&m.

Tito ladles of 8L John'a Oburcb aro con-templating another entertainment soon after

ladies.Gov. McQlcUfin hfw vetoed the bill wliloli

prevented Iho sals of liquors, drugs, etc,, tolulimrs. - -_, •

To morrow In 1'iriiri'Sundny, oomroeraora-tivo of tlia cutmnco of Uio Biwlour into Jo*nmolom, ' ' \

Dr. T. 0. Wood hiiH dotormlnctl to prac-tice hli - ' ' • " ' = * • - « " •*»-**

;/niB ynintawnp'unVping'ont tLe

to working it.. T . . •HiggiM,-tho.wcll know

" ig g ,

produce, VPinaforo" in MorriMon&y^ng.'- ' ' '^' ' >

A Young Poojilo's Tewjmratico Soololyhtm boon organized in Botntou wltU TV. "W,Itlddlo oa Prosidont.

Goo. Staler, of .Uils toVB, while jumping'iroin a cwin nnlioo on iday uf liwtwepk,broko IflMBhi VrW- ^ h (ld'1{lij[i '. H. M. BrtnOn, lUo TUoWtBtown* shoe dift-

lor, boa removed to Tort Oraui, where liowill cngoga fn bnsinoai.

Dr. Collinfl, of Mine Hill, intrnitln remov-ing to PiMMtfo Mny 1st, He bus n flno young'lioreo lie would illwtti'aolir '* !

Very flna propnMtione nre tanking fop tlio•HOrviceH of tbo First, M. E. Sabbath Schoolon Easter Sunday nfUrnoon. I

ltov. S. B. Eooticy wnn In (own on Wed-!]•uoacloy. Ho \i.%bly$I«4Md with his newappolutmwt, Woodbrldgo, N. 3.

Two won tho othnr day walked from theDolnn mine to Dover, ft dlnUnco of aboutIbroe mllas,^nvtv»onty:aoyon l t j•' TwoTimlortakcru fnri^otafiWu

town tuts weak endeavoring la eplooo in wWeh to conduct thoir buainoBs. ;

Tlio best walkers about Stnnbopa nrqthose who walk over to A.M. Jon,a' fortheir HTOCcrioa' * It pnys'thera overy tlino- I

Watobcsl -Wntolical Xttfaheal One bun;drod gold and nilvnr w.ttchea to soleot from,Ou and HOC tho stock of Ibirhouec, tba jenrlcler. •

Carpets in all tho spring styles At a muclilawmf figure than feat year, at W. B. Bab.bitt's, MorriHtown. . . , . . ,

;!,Tlie kU J. B. NoyM,; of Morrfotawn, loft|1,O(K)> the Homo Mission'Baud of thePresbyterian Church. :..

Among lo im on moving day Waa'n dork•con •fljlk dreas belonging. to MUg Stalta

"E. LItidHley"Jfc Bob1-prcBonte BSHJWnporiatt adrertfsetneiit to. tlio teaHen ot

tlio Eiu.thiB ^Mb.;'; Kea<J i t ;T ;. 7 "Win. Cook, aliM "BbWner," of Me:

town, ftiConflrnifjl1 dmnkari, baa. boeo sentto S&Vp^^AoHfcftiM-** ^-'v'«

r fm'a-'tLo TOB-DB;.!]!qunrontlnod all tho cattto within tlie•flbtp.

ncsorved Beats for tho Good Tomplnr^dramatic onfoctftfnmeut can tia neeured atVoiigbt & K(llfiorfi'8,; wbcro a diagram tnajrbo noen.

Tlio house of 0 D, Kteiinrdji, at Mom

n d on Tuesday. With inoreasod shipment*of iron OTO and coal tbo season promlsra tobe a busy one. • .

ROT. Mr, Worcester, of South Orange,preiwh In th'eTrenTjytferiatf'Ohiireh on 8*b-bntb, morning and evening, by b ^irHb tio pjiBtur. . . .

Rev, Fntber McOarty leotnred cm ^ y ^i upon the Bnbjeot of the Holy

Boya1 and iin ts, veil mr,4c, nail-' D e r

Morrifltown next

Dr. Ohofl. Jewett, the well-known tonpor-ice lecturer, who Wfti bore one yea:

died on Wednesday, of heart disease,'£. il.'Soaci'oi p : t b o popular,

grocer of that Bootion, He HOIIB HO ohenptbntnll flndlt.profllttbletobnytholr goodnf hi " " ' '"" '" '""'of him

; 'W. Hftllowfiyj Bt.,' haying' t t r th Mt P dBpted tbo'paBtomte or the Mt, Preodom,

byUl OEprob, law reinoTed to tli&tplaoo.'

OrnDge glycerine not* like mngio and coatsbut 10 cent* per bottle. .-• Try It And be eon-rinoed ol itu superiority to that gouerally

j - for ta te 'e t J«n«-A. GoodaJe1* drugstow.

Tho toliowing noli, w«. mada by flheriffMuDnvIt on Monday last; 'WuhlcgtonLife Iiiauninco Ooropiiny ?s.. M. 0., O.

a: sold to Herman Bussenaohutt for

At tho Btora erf j . RahhouBo you nowbiiyn heavy wtlid BIWOT Waliiiara vatoli (or$12{ also.* lot of second land open andbunting case watohsi, «W very low—almoflt

given away.1, .-,1 •

"The Last Iicof," a touching .towyemaaadrama, qoe nf *iie Ulfiat and belt of Its kind,wiiib'ap^«Milod'Btitia"'OoeaTflin^r'« en-

Koal Dow spoaks At German Vallej to-night

Oood (lurabla bau at ftO coute coab at'lorHon'iLPror. Co'c, inBtrcctorofvocalandJnBtni.

lontiil ui 11 al cdovem j .

The neoQnd stock of tbo Lehigu furnaoo atAllcutown has been put in blnht

FiO6/urbslt fusil tho now Spring stjJessoUing at very low priaoa at Ploreou's.

Augustua W. Cutler is spoken or lor nextMayor of Hackstt*town. 'TIB B luckynamc.

Tiia walking mania 1H prevailing to analarming extent in every town, liiunlet andvillage throughout tho entire Stuta.

OysUrs veto mvor better than now, audthey will retain their flavor throughout Ibumonth, and until towards tho latter part ofMay.

The Eflfltoo Free Press is responsible forthin horror: ''In the race for matrimony itlin't always tbo girl that coven tha mostlaps that *lnfl."

All persons who have been rendered to-tally blind wliile in the military nr. navalservice of tho United Btates, will bereaftereooive 972 per month.

The test place to get your ugw BpriufjBuit is nt Person's, Dover. They haye ftlargo ruwortmont, goods well made, amltlielrprioes are extremoly low j no one undersellstl.cn>.

The State tax for this year will be ono-htlf ot hut Tear's amount. By reducing tha

11 from one will to one-half mill on thedollar, the Legislature has relioved tlie tax-payers ef $250,000.

Meritorious pupils In t ie Btankopo piblfcschool for the week ending March 28, 1BTQ:Harry BIRSOII, Julia OoUrcll, Manning Drake,Oraoe Knight, Prank Katcbam, Freddie

Dcde, Mamie MoWiUIama, Daniel Bickcls,Ida Stone, Slamy Van Aredale, Floy Wills. 1

There nwrns to bo a general movemantamong the clerjry of tho Sbito to effect aihongeJla the law relative to marriagex,which re'ndtm n miulBter liable to a Hue of*30D for marryinft a funmlo under elgbtton'yean* or a mole imder 21 years, tbougn thapirties may liavo mode affidavit thnt theyaro of full age. , . . . . .. . .

Second Meeting of tlie "Scientific tLegaf-ABtjciation "

Tbe President in '.ae cbnir, who called themooting to order. Tbe reading of the min-utes of the last iMucliiiK WOT called for, Mfollow: "Scientific Hull, Eucc&Bunna, Fii'^.2'JU*. l»7(l—" Hero Mr. Ajaco arose »niTWild thallieiiQtioid tbo pn>Beeilinfc;B of ourlast miirtiiip biul found thoir way to that

iws gettiog paper, TOB Inoa Ew., andhad thereby pawed into history; ho would'tlierofoiG move that the rtadlngbo diajKiised Iwitb. Cuncurred ia.

It wu alao proposed that if your corroi*,pendent "Itoxbu^" be preaeut he bo waiF1"cd n Heal at the right band of tho rreiiiilent;adopted, a-.d a committee appointed to con-duot him to ILat honored place. "No par-tiality," Baid Mr. Playfeir; "I mo»6 Mint'Gusto' be unsigned a «oat oa Us left""But on senroh being mado that genUeaunproved to ba absent

a next bualnena was the admisdoa Ofnow members, whorathrj BcoreUryannouno-od to bo Ho6flT8. Comefar, Rboflciill andMike Obw^bnj.

On motion ol Mr. Bbortcall it was rwoW-ed that dehaiea ba limited to tea mlauUs.

The TrceidcDt then announced the queation open for dobaU and n«rigacd Mr. Bli-dell to open on tbo afflrmnti e. Mr. Blidollsaid t "A chaltal wortflago i« ft legal inatro-miint found upon our statutes «fitb Uw lognlenactmontofthalrfglBlature. I ooaradcr ita wine law, equally beneficial to creditor nnddebtor, for witle j t Mfluref tbo oroditor

_ it gives tho debtor control anduse of tho proportj wlUwut paying for itwhen purchased, which he could Dot dowere it not socured by said chattel roort-•QRB." Ho had given olinttel mortgagest,J uttendod «hatl«t mortgi»e» ta\e*, and'Mr, Preudent, I tako my wat u X arose

from it a strong ehittel mortagager."

Tha Preeident

p ^tertainment neit Tttesdoy evening, in a veryattractive manner. • • • r

rqopd 'dalryineii oonteiid. that mili "li par^y NMwrliftd ,whonv-kcpt YorX lone Uius-inthe adder, alco assorting that OOWB lullkod

Obituary, c

' Job'tiBon, formerly a prominaatNewark buBUieas'ttan, died In Uonistowoon Friday evening of lost week, from soft-ning of tho brain. He was horn In TJtlle-ton, in October, 16(19, and when a lad wentto Newark and became a clerk iu the eloruof Jonathan Cory, thaii tbo leading grocerof the city, lio after engaged in tho wholesalegrocery buninoea findhuforo tba era of nil .roods brought bin goods from New York fuBloopa and barges. With tho late John H.BtcphopB1 ho wan a plonoer in tho alcana nav-igation of Iho resale r i m , aud was cou-nect^d with fioma of tha larffcht nnaneinlIniUtutiona of tho city. • .Later iu life fipin-'olal mUfortnneg came and he retired to theold'horaeatead InUUIoton where be engagedin farming and real estate opcra(Jpnij Twoyears ago lie removed to Morristown,' l&ii Mary B. Patten, tbo oldeat lady reel-

dont of Madison, and the last of three DidLWUOB who lived in tho house, adjoining tboFreBbj'teriftn lecture room, died on the Bletult, at tie great gflofllt 102 yeara.' . [

Lawrence Lewis, an olil reuldentpf "Whip-Fany, died on the 23d tilt, aged H yean. ;

" Doty Loree, aged BO, died a few days sgo]n Mendhom. Ills wife, also an octogena-ri«Q, surrlven bin, - •

tbanldhey w?» _failk«d ' o n i r * ^ " a day.'Mr. LuUier Bkellenger,.of Chester, on

d med Out gt«wardnhip of ther g , . ,med; Out gt«wardnhip ofHanio^ Ha Is a flrst-olaM mt j l l l gl Mtlsfaotioa in

TuesdayCounty Poor H a ^and we predict jwlll glte Mtlsfaotioa in the

fVth d U of that Instltn-

Oen. N , g ^ pleader of ; M»ino,haa th i sWeek hwn.v i s i t lngdifferent par** of tbl* ootinty d ' d i

BOY. ItoIItn S. Stone, D. D., ot Brooklyn,has accepted the call of the CongregationalOhnroh and Sooioty of Stanley. Tho inntaViatlbn nerrloDB '•will ho' held Tuesday, April

• a * • • • . , - • ; • : ? " . ' • : , • " . - ' : y : . ; - PPatrick O'Brien, one of the men BO badly

anJurM at HIbornift some weaka riiioo.liMreturned from St. MiohaeVn hospital. It Infeared ho will low the Bight of hlstetnajn-

1 i •.

4\n . . „ _ . . that1

place aro graded w follows; Zeuns KitcUol,S4 ; Joseph Motint, 00 j Jerembh Geaune,4»8 ; Mrs. 'Wlialon, 80.1 •-'. ; j ;

The, Bulletin mys that tho Rubber Uomband Jetwalry Oompony, of BloomlngdalWpaid for the montu of FebrnaTy $8,600 .fur 1•wnges, During said tnanth they Hiamifao-brred OC.OOO pound8.of noft nibbor. l •''•

ThoJoreeyniieditor of tho Gbroniolo bad deenmpod leav-ing hdnriil.hin^unpftW'oWiRfitior.B. Buttho aforesaid editor tomad up tho nost (larand proposes to bold the JenDyman resjoii'ribic. , . • • • . . • • • " : • • • • • .

^ • ( 3

"-••-_-• %W)

Good TemplarB1 onterlalnmetit in 'looVit Hall next Toeaday erenlng, and|thi

' mirjh it will provoko will alone componenti


at lialf-past BBTBD'isiapeoted.- '&'Q_ - .',.

Jolm Manor, of Mlno 11(11,

beglanlpffA sharp contest

B aerlonsiyIninrod by a fall of lagging in the Dickenonmine on Wednesday. Throe ri\m were bro.ken;and his k^dnaya ware injured.. He was,dnbig well at lost aoooiinU and U Is believed


Seal Dow Ip Morna Ootinty-Oen. Neol Dow, t h e great ^ m

; W

On BandayoveiilpghefBpokeVWi:** largeaudience In (he HadUooM. £, Ohurob,.aiiaon Monday evenlng'ui^tne.I^eonin'at'Mor.r(rtdini; to wlattii dalnjed t o W e been tbiolargeit• teinperftnoe 'mesUiift\evcir"held inM^'06iyr^On'Wedh»saaj«v«niiig h

K. Walltor from hisetcher of uid scliooi.

Ou motion it w*u» unnnimously resohedtint n paper potitiouiug tho Hoard of Trus-Uce to rorerea their notion by the reiusUte-

it of Mr. Walker HA teacher of said schoolfor iho remainder of tho pro wot Bchoolyenr be Uansmitkd to said Hoard of TrtiH-

Tbe following petitlrm w u then pro-oentedl for tbe oousiileration of Ilia meeting:

EcCiiKiniXE, Hatch Slat, 1879.To tlio Houontllo .Hoard of Truateeo of

BcLoolDieirictNo. 31-GJEMTLZKEII :—We Uio undernignod citi

toua of Bohool District No. 81 most respect*f ally reprenoDt that we SIKOEHZM DKOBBT Lhenotion of your hononibld body in tbe din-

'jnliual of Mr. William N. Wnllcer from hispom tion aa toochar of snM schooL

At a mooting of tlio citizen* nuthorizudM called togoUiDr by our Board of Tru*-

taoB, Mr. Walker was unanimously electedteacher for tbo preseut BCLOOI year.

Mr. BHlesor toopen tho negati*o, who wid t Z think theRonUemnnwbobaiiJmittflkon his seat is &little 'foxy.' He dodges the diwwt questionat iBsno. No onodoubte that a chattel mort-gage iu a logal Instrument, oto., but that innot tlie-quDBtloa bofore thin body. Tbo,quoiiUon Is 'can a roan eieouto a cliatlcl |nortgigo to b!a wile?' Itwaa fairly stated.it a-meetinff seTeral weDka ago, nnd • by tha;E B I of Marah 1st, J do not intend to denythat ho can, becousaif 4 witacau hold prop-,orfyindepondoctofhBr husband, «hB conHhold p, chattel mortgage on his property ificgkUyoEceutcd; that is ureal BOKIFIPZ on«,Just as lie would give to Btmngorfl, and notsoino bogus hoaxa pocmi merely to proTontJust creditors from getting their due. But Ican IlluBtrata belter by a doBorlptlon or a

.1 mortgiiB° "le I *^'>^ not manyweeks Ago. It wasn't fifty ral|oB from thinhnil. Tha loaallonlrom here B96m» JiV« *"if oir going oyor to Keuvllla you turned tothe luft in a aids street had Won came to thohouse on Uio right. Whoa I got there agood many were standing around in tbacold, an<f we all got pretty cold waiting totthe sale to begin. • Bye aad bye a, younglooking man—exoopt lw w bald-headed-;canto oat with a long paper in hia hands;Wbo,I,wm told was the auctioneer, and

•,'. him a tall, dark looking man,

M o r ^ 0 6 « n i y r ^ O n W j g

Bpbks J» feeiFrWbytorfan^ Ohnrott of-Dover,

hV(*°*h"I»l'«S'»udIe^f^ll9red to,hV(*°*h"I»l'«S»udIe.^f^ll9red to

heirhtm; who' wdra • hdd. Jn', pe^fcet njuletfor crer an hour. W a ba}f, by his plain,ooDvlnolug »rgnment'eiid opt lUuHtratlonB.Heflrai'Bhowndlhcbeiiefiti aWulngfrom

^ i ; ! picric*], moral ^^BPJlit""1

V h b t

»itUy oiiin wfcUlu**,. oloth cap and high rub-

ber hoota, who I learned wns the i»ortgngor,Tha auotloneer got np Into a wagon, andcommencing ultb the usual'Oh, yoel Oh,yesV etc.;rfiftdoffhis long list of ftrtloici)of Tcndue, whioh I will not repent, eioopttho cnnoluelqn, -wlitch read, 'tha highestresponsible WiJ4« "tfl bo Uie puwhaser.1

Then tho sale began. Tlio n^n ty fy^hefboots began to ofioJaM u though be TOBmortagee, and we legaa to vender how itWM and who did hold the mortgage on thosech8tt«Ii.' IIJO Bolo went OB nnd it was soon

Quo roan' 4>4 iH ^e buying.He had out qp'irtfta1 iiu> tend, cp*t b»ttori-ed up, aad had the nppcsnnqe of » mapbroutjht thuro for kitBtaesa,'' I I»nit4 th^thia name w»a Si(»oni«, or Bomolhiug U)qtsounded a little l i b U, -.

I began to.Binella 'put np Job,' and! wontright up to the man with the rubber bootsHad wftuted to inow how. tbii'thing WAS,and who waa,the.mortgagee. 'Why,' saidho', 'it's my,Wife j aho holds tho mortgage onray'tlii'jiffi.' '.tt Tas'all up , I eaw rigtilthrouBUH- ,'PlieJlorf, etf'BBJB L lThra

0telnet Sofioo/ Meeting u f KcGain&vA n\W*.iD)f 0/ the citi/.HUH of JlcCaine

Bchoo) JJJfltrict was held DU Mondiy eing, iferoh 31ft, and was orgnnized by theelection of Mr. Courad Stuu1}1f a* Trcnideuand Mr. "Win. Vortman BH Secretary. TinCIiAirm&B «Uil«d thiit tbn oltjuct of tho meetlog « u ba (UoorUlu Iho public sontiinent ofIke DMrict rodi)ectiiiK tho d l of Mr.


ptherefore, unless goad cnuso tor dlsbe shown, petition jour ho a or Abl

o instt l l Walke i th itibody to reinstate ftlr. Walker in tho positionof teachor of sold school.

After tbo reading of the aboTO potitlonrory citizen present, to tha number of 17,

appended bin algnntoro to the eamo.On motion it was unaniiiiounly resolred

that tbo Becrotary bo a coinmlttoo of one tocarry said petition through the district foradditional signatures.

On motion the President, Secretary andMr. Thomas Mulligan were constituted aoomtnittae to prosont &nld petition to thaHoard of TniHteos on tlie ofeulng of April1st, and sMd committee was further in-structed to request the TrunUcs to act in thismatter at onoo and report to the committeewithout delay.

MOCHNHVIIXE BOH0OI, ARM I IIS.• Eptroo OF TUB Em:—Vflu you confer afavor on us tho pooplo of MoCaiusTiUoBohool District by publish!ug In the column Bof your valuable paper tho following ques-tions which we dosim to hate answered byClio lloaorttbla Board ot Truaieea ol lhe SftidDistrict? "When these iuterrogatorieB Bloll

> been answered, tho quoBtions audnoswore ebould to publiilicd in convenientpamphlot form for distribution among us.This foujd giro us a short catcchiam ofundoubted value on accounl, of tliu very

ce^tg information which it wouldnecessarily contain.

DWj'on4i8miwMr.'w. y. WnUwr fromhia portion as (eqcfj^ °t oi;r soljool, endif yoa dJd*bnvo you ehown good causa foryour abtion f

Did you in August of 1878, call upon usthrough written notice p&stcd in Bovemlcon.spiottbua pluoea la tba District to suaombioin puhllo mootlnn aud determined by TOTEwho should bo our teaahor for the presentsohool year ?

Did we at Bald meeting unanimously eluctIr. ,Wattwr .Wus it distinctly exj rcsaod and under-

stood that Mr. Walker ihould ho our teacherfor the whole of the present school year,unleu good cause fpr removal Bhould arise ?

Wus this meeting tbo largest and rawt e:tbuBi&stic one of its kind over hold in 01obool bonne?, . ; . 'Did we at gold tqeetlng, one and all, epci




The unt boatn of the se»f>on pithe plaoe goiug west The

Johnlifyiii; Brotherton farm^aoyB,' "Ipainted a part blmy^hobse w i H l Averill'flready mixed paints fire rears ago, and I bo-lioya it far,mipario?to white Jeady ..Vought'Ai'iKtUaarflfBgents>"for Sorer; i'PrioeB «ogreatly reduced. ' " ' - . ; .'.

Benedict Sheldccker h u onened a newBhoe'inaklng'sliop'ln the'biuenjeot of theold Presbyterian Ohrirob, where new wsrk

l t t U d h l

toet^iHm;! picri*, ^ ^ Pand urged *Vejry ohwrcb to ro4kB'it'afeatureof iU.work,%lHe.iie»t ietay

hi t t : o cgrmphiom^Dcr ttioBu:oc« of (Lo >Iniliquor taw in elevating the people^ In oblit-omUng aU toediBtiUerfei and breweries and

" J - ' b ; bfl! ahtip Inla"la dMtwyJnffeverjr bjien ; grbfl!; ahtip InMaine.i.Lnst,.eVenine he was; appointed to

other largo audienoo greeted Win;

Be peays be means business.

, of Nan-art, antes'Itind in tie-Git*^

Tie offloiol report In tlio case of Oen.^itiJohn Porter, of Morrlsbiwn, completely ei-•onerataa him. Tho UndfnR Ja tiit,t there fa-nothing to eritlolso. mnoh loss to oonmra,A restoration to tho honors of which lio was

-- 'do jiffvfid is'alio -reoo-QimoQd^L^ J C • ••f l) •5Ti| loirlBiown IJbr&ry fyM eoeired

iy, from 1808 to 181Q, from the daugbtiJaoob Mann, tho publisher, and .bound'vpU.nmes oftheNew York Daily AdvertiBQrfroin1784 to lifOi; from Tbofl. Q.'Walker. •

The -store, ot J, J, Bu l l* Co.. at Bloom-

bynll'tobVtlio bcrt of its; Viud iubu been engaged for the Eaeter Mondayball of Vigilant Iloae Company. The other'propacitloin. are the most olab'orate .theyli&ire, ye^ attempto4, tad ererybody shouldlactiwklioket for the liow bilir. * ( ;', | '.'•"1 It; is toid Uiat'npon the Eolsoy plaoo, new

I-fonta/theronro.fiVo thbuBaiid young poachUeo8wh-wh,'wUlUjla..yi»r come, iuto fullbearing.'1 They aro now looking, QnelT, andshould they, ovomge two bultets to tbo tree.*08 they probably -will, the, aggreg&U.jrfeldwill be lO.OWtUwitab.'.ana thr"—- - " • " •at least $S,000 to the owner.

The pompiitntDUrjr -Bntotalnnient ,to bogirenby tho'SoTaWpiB of Industry In Mo-T)ftvi_thB Hall on Thnrsday eieniDg of nextSroefe pro-oqiaoBjto be a Vj>ry fine affair. The

''OonsJet'of ehort addrossea, vo-md qnort«J», uwtrntnental

:nnuc,^nswu(m"i»pit*ti^< .***'.' -jRuIte *largo Dumber of Invitations are bting Iwaod,

' ' ' ' "ism rfioald not f^l to

of (l

bjien ; grbfl!; ahtip Ini t d t

loctnreflt Snoeasunna, when no. doubt )i

rounUit. Ulieiloa, efa> mjfly didn't yoq Blntaft u> pn

bllUT, Than this orowd wp«14 hav>yonf boa?,' anditayed at home, instead pfcoming.way here and standing aronnd inthe cold to sue you go through (Ills farce ofhaving yonr .trumpery put' up at fluotionand bld.ltt by ft, stool pigeon bidder,' I Ipllyen, Sir. Preildsnt,'' j Jusf wont for hltq.Bays I, 'Before I'd hldo thy head tinder rijywife's apron,TdsUok'it in the ground,'" ' *'- Here tha obair called time anij Mr. Stile.BorwasoomlMlledtotesutnalilB seat,' Gon-

; tbli, EDITOR.'OFTKB En*(•pcared'thla W k in 'fl

, p l n c e : " • • ' " ':';'•••' *r,~\ . .

The Conferenoe, whlehwas held ,'ftt-Portrf errteJXov Yorir, ^ommonciiiff ; Wednteflayof lut week,' was well ntianded and consd-eroblo inUrest manireBtwlin Its proooedinga.Eftriy in tlio ncsiioh a rewilutlon wan offeredand pftMedvUiat minlBtcmwho havo beenBtntloned for one'yew at a'ohmch,- be- cOnued la the aamu phargea. By thia meDover oete back the two nilufsten nlw 1last year, Bar. J. "L ftlorrow, of, the Firstlast year, K B V . J . L 6Torrbw, o f tOhBS.lBndBer;.W.a. Gill.qf fbbphurojf '

I think, sir, tho above ebonld'noi piiss forbeing correoL No BUOU resolution wap paea-ed/nortven'o^OToir.-. In proof of, thla Bar.Mr. Conitlla, of Mt Frocdom, Bov. Mr.MoKeown, of BoBovillo, and othois whohayo t«Jcl postojratou for but onq year, in thabljioi wherp they yero located werelchang-;Q(). 1 beleive that truth GI04I1] be observedin leligious m well aa In secular matters, nn<}that is the reason! "end you tb> correction.


Dover, N. J.; April 4th. " | .

oludednextweek. , ROXUUBT,

f%altcrK.'Hes»ler, a y of Morr

Th'o •»., li. A -W.1 B. It. Co..has ohanRodthe names of tbroo of ita sUtlona on th?

. Morrlq and E«u«K,dIvisIon, all ot which areincludodlnthfl town ot Ortoige, Thochan-jgesarot East Ornnga to Qrave ntreot, Or-'•ngo Junction to Arlington ff —^ **•-

lingo Valley t- ""' '* "iT.'-nitAdA'indtliHriL. , .

0 1 OUDC1U.I.UUV, - . „_ , . . . - . _ ondny,the former goiog to Jefforaon City,!Moa-

f % a l t c r K . H » ,ristown,- well known in'lUi: place by reasor

•ffM eammittad.to tHe<>paatr JslL yr (. \\ 5ttr.'aSS3&mokpn, the $nU1»mi °»r,ft«V«anSfnofcW/thlB mkl iued of Mr;iB. F. .Oiom^the. weU.known^ wal ynrfa for-

the former g gtana, and tho lattqr to Bralnerdj

i rid itb him n

MinijcBota^jackjkniie;oa mide In

Mz. Oorwin carried with him 1' about a font in length, wbioh waa "tuiun iu

a in tito family about fort)

, - ! . . , , . , . - r T . J eleolion (j . - / (ram nOTt" flifl. Tlw tlokctg iu thii

_ coanlj will contain, elootorn for Fr^eidenand Vice President, aud cnndidatM tat Qov-arnor, CongreSBmui, StaUi. Senator anil newAmtTnh\ymva.f' Tlio LcgUlAtoro to bl elect-ed KIU ohooso a U. B. Bonatot to saoacer1

Wr. Randolph." . " " jTho prrfUofit raptcaaatatloB of "',

Is to BOO a lady adorned with thitt arttdos to BOO a lady adorned wodip th"oidlsoharBfl of her duties of the

nsehe]didn'the?doing-of whloh sbo fiuda^ f B o t p ! her tooBt valued friend.

hU soap fa boeatatog BO popular thnt it iaed by all tho ladies, "nnd their sUUra and

i d t h i a n t s " '•nnd perhap

merly v occupied by , l l a t s«bila b'e will not rVIInqiilBh hi*, bid LuaJr.csfi,will > hereafter 'conduct- this • In' oonneotlonwith I t ;Ha wU^commenBe Btobklng:theyArds at"bbeb: ifr-'MQCrnoieail widelyknown'at one ot 'our^beat b'uslHBia men,' and

, and

yArds atbbeb: ifr-known'at one ot 'our^beat b'uslHBia men,' andWidijno-"corameoaotlWVfmnnB.' That hewill nuooeod In hla new k l


B wo aln-

Fall of a Bridge.AaMr^P.'o.Tolten'ofMt, Freedom; was

driving over the. Berg<m street bridge kalSaturday eienlng, it enddouly began Battingin Ibe center Oa the lower side. He. wasdilrlng a'yopnghdrae, and.the onimld feel-inn the'bridge goUig, gnve a siidden 'springtbAt'carrted allont of da'nser.. =Hadnfl balkrud, or ovon hesitAt-sd, the oonnequenoeHmight hav« baen'aerionfl, for the bridge set-tled nntil the lower part of it was in',theeflgeVthe water.? Thebridgo hi dnglospftntrnBS hridgB,' rilid" wis bollt "eight or nineyenrs ago- The timbers oodetneath beioflrotten wna tho OAU» o/its giving away. Avcu ago it was replanted, and was then con-Lldorod nnsafe;' How noon it will be 'robulltwill be hard to loll, no tho bridgo npproprin-'tl6n of tb(i county -wife e-xbaasted' HDU! timengo, over iwo-thfril» of tliB total approprirt-iipQtif lO.OCH) hariug boon 'oipocdid • upon

n oiiihorote bridga1 iu Morrlutown. .. •'••BthooUiVnUovo wiwinlypa'.wb^hava seen

Dlreolor Hovtll.of the Board of Freeholders,' ' ' UR to1 nudentiind that it Will

"/A Handsome'plotting1 tyouse. ' -wajflhj tho'oneirloB oldtlilerr

!ianow.oom-fortally aiMWl I» W" tiewBjcjre Iri jlje ^ a :BIOB Houae block on1 BUIBW 'slreot,- oppo.rite Chin's BhooUtoro, Knd the noatuew andcompletone8a:of his crfabllBhmont U wellworth a visit to Bee. . It IMHB : in»w like. aclothing house Ihtin anything ever beforeseen inDiver. Thedpoolousetoro room ]Booropletely Btockcd vith goraionts of tlielatent nijle ari4 heat iuak,f>; whioh here ahowto great advantago and his windows aromade attractive by a. display of piooo goodaeiphmDing "^ ' b o f"BheB* P» t torofl tor

spring rfothina, Qnly oqe InB in Uoiffaigand that is a display of 8«n«epiP>irB tiirniBn-Ing goods, o«da eomrlet°foe In-theoe,: in-olnding every HOW novelty in shirts, ties,Muft, cuffs, oollws, WBiMudera, and a largoBlock or underddtbinK, all' bought 'now, inBspected to^ay., ThOj custom departmentI. in a «ew irf4iHop. adjoining thoBtore,wherB thoro is ample room for good work,•manshlp, nnd with first-clMa workmen, Btjchai be employ". Wfllsb boiler" that therearo none who, oan oompsto *ItU him in tho

h> Mr. Walker/or ibphyslnal, lutelleolualand morel welfare of our children ?' Did the Olerk'in a neat little addrcBB to

m highly eulogizB Mr. Walker.HUB Mr, Walker, given entire satisfacUoi

"I '^ thDlpphi iare j ) tog-larly to aue school fDill yon say to Mp. TValkor that the only

C4PB6 for hia renjoval l&y In tha fqot thatyou oould, "fairs" ft tcftohor for "lowerwagia," aad ti«t jour treasury Js In a tditioa which' renderi a oheapor eohool nee-oenaiyr .

lias your peace of mind boon dlstured bythe grumbling of ths tax-payers of our Dis-trict at tie enormous Hilary u s ' pa; ourtenolterj • ••-. . - ' . - • • ' "

Wi"4 yqi) please nqme t oao of us whit^o alleged grimlillDg? N .

Do you know how th,o money for teachers)wqgea and fuel Ia tho ooimnnnwcalth of Now

Jerwyisobialnodf,:; --,; Do yon aonstdev T°ur oonatltuonoy stupidenough to be bambooaled by tbe lame, Hiing, Ullliie, sliuffliDarsubterrage (bat «]ow-

tor eur teuolter will effect ouipocket books favorably t

Hive you declined to recalve ft respect-fully worded petition from 11s, requestingyou to explain yodr action ?

Do yoa know that we ibould ba sorryashamed to have a Board of Trustees whooould perpe trate an action regardless alike

•. of tffO vejfitTO of RHP BphMl,and of tlie popular will i -• •:

Hivo we any rights wliich you are boundiKspoc^f . . . . :'• Wlio elects Bohool Trustees ?Da we live in the glorious Republic of

tiieUuitedStaUja orlnthe Empire of Mo'r o c c o i : • • . • - ' - . ' • • ' • • - . ' • . ' •

Who among na Is Caccur?, When will Onoenr cause tbo aky to foil, 1

•re none o, pmaking ef any kind of garment.

h m one can callg

With Buoh room one cand i h

call In 'andWith Buoh roomvolk around and examine the goods withoutany trouble yhoievor, and WoUh invites .nilto do BO, whether they want to buy or not..

Reward to Pedestrians,. ;; | ;Aire there any wnlkero (a tills county jt Jf

m, trflUt'righl to Uo.cr. On IllookweUstreet, »ext door to tha pMtofflce,'is aclothing storej kept by George Feder, wlibwill reward you by giving £ snit W clothesat bnlf priaa to the' first one Uiat enters hisstore during the day, and ao ou down to thelost. Some qf par town walkers have.' triedit. and bttfo roiped tba fntl benefit of their

vennoQ, . I will alia oall the particularattflniion of tho 'public* of thh yialu^ty to myHtooJt of pleco goods, embracing Scotch and

h i t f i U ^ ot the Tory

Wip yoij 'pleaoe answer the above quos-UfliiB, or do you prefer to resign your place'

" v District?iree will ha acoeptahla I

mow than thirty of your CoHBrmram.

; ,' . .' ' Pino Brook. .. 'The Bov: I. K. Vanuiat b*a been appointa

od (o Eq*t MowarWi 1°d Bev, Mr. McCormack, of West HoTeretrow, tokos IUB charge.

, lost Snnday. no preauher nppooTed, ama prayer faceting waa heldjinateod of tfairegnlar servleo.' • .

lhe «onoort nnd entertainment ou Tuoo-doy.wu a complete suooeas; among theaudience being viiitora from Newark, Green.YUlnge, .'Crtldwall, raraslpiwny, Franklin,Ac. .Efery(one whose aama wna on thepro-gramma appeared and nil did firat-oloas. liticing tUe-First t)f April, a tableau entlUcci"Sold Ag»In"w(ts estoRijiorijlod, ond com-plejelywldtheaudienoo.as did what Mr.Bean-Plcrk announced us an "April day

Tho ringing of tho FarmersIV. I J. Harris, 1

quftrtetUiVledby B Icellent Mr;.Hognn oa tho violin, and MiYoung on the organ proved tbomaolvesteri'ot On' i m t r u n i t a ^ B e a u 0

HtooJt p gdonicBtio oheviots for

will nuooeo Ioeraly baUeFoandheartily wlah. /:_.., •" ';'

Tbe dra matlo eutcrtsinmeat to ba gtvenby tbo ..Good Teropkin in .TOilUocVs Hallnext Tuesday, evanUiB pvomlges to ba fullyequid ifnot Buperior to that of oaeycarago,'rben "Ten Nights in a Bat-room" wax giv>

nnil gBOOII bo rebuilt^;'.'

__./.'ThB PaintBrIfl:App«tho pioetJrfdicttmB fareeB oyer

Q t i a n VUfl>o fAtatiS Ths'order la juneeflof fdnda to carry oil ittgood workof refor-•inallon and thoao who pata»blga them willbe amply repaid ^ the amMement afforded

wed by all th ,thoir omiBinB and thoir aunts."

• Wo oroihaving'ft lat£''Sprlugt

hi tUt w are

• Wo oroihavingft l a t £ S p l g t p p• it la a good thing tUat wo are. Enrly warmweather that lares out TCgetaU<m. only to

alnLtfroBt, Isone^f h fatOltAhb'fDxmorlhas^

latest ulylo and nuequaled In taste.lifil] FreuoU and domeaUc, woreteda, bothplala and fanoy. for coaUi and vest*' or for

nil bo

. ••' '•'MatjRecords.^ '. : •In former days the reccrda of, tho town.

Alp of Eandnlph were kept Iu a box dorotedto.Uwt purpose .which is now, and Uos bsaqfor some yean, mlsahig; ".The Township

J'The Laat Loaf," a 'oroiblo tamporiLjo^mitUe has bean making Oiflorons: et'-••: -• . .—•J-«_,L.-_ J- . 'fort to hunt It up, bntet loot nc«unU;hud

)htained no tidings, of It . Ainpng otherobtained no tidig gValuable papers tbatjt contained wera^theboundries of the road diBtrlcU of the town-

, which aro nawgreaUyndoded byjTeaBOB of,tho roturo to the old oysturj of work-ing roods. The elections for district cvei"-'Soew were held yesterday, but as they willonlyhavothfllrrecollBctloiifl of old bound-sries to (raiae them, It is possible that theromaybe some confllEta of authority unless

l l d ora found • ^ • '

ot the Tory

is paid to tho custom uopartmoat. 'W;oa for procuring Block for thla season

uuu.dflmo great ploaawela nnnounoing tnvoa that I oan ttOord to maVo you u trait ofclothes to order for atmwt the price ofreodymado clothing, for' man, youth, boyor child. At George. Fader's, ne^door to

BO ftppredaUid that beextra'oncB. MlsaH,BmiU-iMMigvi.'r>

'Don't marry a man if ba drinks.'

nir fcflhUiou lay , aud "bo mischief wiri d

s, htt thoio who uro now flrcmit a lato Spring Jtut think o/tti^.;

feif.bitilia^'t.iii^ ^flnora ikaUwMoruihfeaTffHe wi< Ukeu'ip'lliVKainuflt Bmpi^li1

~~9mim Pulii«n| " • " • " • • . ' ' " . ' * " : ' ; '

; . , Fruit Prospcsls- ' ' ; • •Although March'waa a wot and moat un-

pleasant month. It deBcrros ,at least a goodword at our hands by naaon of the foot thatIt'iraA an wcollont month for fruit of allkinda and it la now npparout that tb"ore will

fanfen-os-of «»WiflS *he WHBeoHon. rromlnout penot g""*018 throug-out this county say that tb« pwch trees hove

«cb better than usu»l.. The budacondition and uul«w oitrcmely

ita d r i tbbX yoong man' named. Enb» 0. Pmll, of.

Fhillipana, has beeu nltampting to& number of tha business men of that place IW tanfittgfUti-. Ob« SOUIDI $700: liu snr,Med&d In gotting tho nionoy on. Two other , . —'notes .•; $ M paa'i ho falUI to teturo the cellent.

"1'roU WM a n ^ e d *at Windsor, j

anjinHno condition anpbld i»nd foggy wether pwTBita doriug tbb

tin* p u t Th

Mrs. UoOormooVs execution In "Waltinipertect, and In her duet with her tfttl*gbter fihe bronglit down the houf-

'PollyAnn" was capitally performed. U:Dorlinil BUBtalniDg the principal chanict.with eaao and grace. Mr. B.eau-Olirondering of BIchard Brown, WOB fa kee]ing with tlio characters. Miss Alice Mewwaa splendid in Bridget Miss J." Loonnimode a dignlllod Miss Donnoo, aad :Laura Van Dayno a sweet Hlen. Ulaa AllUcod'a aloeing wa» much admired, on ttho Bass Sclo of Mx. E. Young, • Uiss L01(irdhnsafino voice. The Duct, "LOTOSPrldo" was capIloUy rendered by Mr. Beaidork and Bita Kent, showers of nppl us<following. Mr. Olarenco Kent and W:MoConnack rendered "I oan not si:old Bongn" with muoh tfiate.' Hiss '•Bergor, a pupil ot.Mr. Beau.CUrk'fl, re\'I'm growing old" with much fid ins, ""eooived ftpptouse deserredJj. "Kil^il

,;indcosa'i closed tho ent*r<ftlu&it>itt;3

Dwllng making ap wanderfully M tho Ioible old maid Uiss Fling, and acting - | l l c

didly, Mlaa QUBBIO Tan Diiynn, <'Iam " •Wart, Mory BIfad w>H X*U> Kent adwirBUHtaln-tna the other ohaiacters. The 0U1waa toat«tully;docototed with lure, 0V(groonannd flowers, and this WEB declaredbo another Pine Brook euccesi, and

roiul ftllows who live at titaubope ara re-joiced bcciuiHa they can rido homo now'ithout a posit and don't caru a cunt whetho

03 gets here on time or not, or how long Thas to waitlorher.

Wo had a very serious cuss of couHoicncihere the olber day; a cane in which one ofthe Bremen chose to take hifi time rathe*tlian break tha fiabbatu when it cams histurn to go oat on OG Batatday night. Some,body had to do it, or tbo train would Uar<

' be abandoned, but LL -would not.It la a good thing for the railroad compa-

nies that the oonnciencei of tU their employ-ees don't trouble them ttwt way. Iremem-bnr reading «on,Bwhere tlut "thoBabbatb

1 for theSabbath," yet I honor tie nan who is Ruid'cd by hia conscience when hit oonochaacguides right.

Eev. W. 0. Nelson retumod to Stanhope.Ilev. J. Jay Crane had a rcyiow of the

Pabbath Bchugl lessons for March in the1'reebyteriftn Church lut Sunday mntng.Paolma wor» teoiUd by Ida Blone, LorouuDrake, Frank HoDede, Mamie MoWUliuns,Ida Mason and Fannie Bacndora. Hingingby Bertha Best, Ella Btmble, I lot tie ONborno, Etta Vanhoro, Hoy Wills and BattleOliver. The event of the evening was tbe'singing of "Siuglnji aa We Journey," hythree colored children, Emma Magill, FrankBay and Atmie Ray, which proved that lock

dturo was all that WAS tintho colored folka. These three colored chil.dran s^ng remarkably well, though FrankBay, who is aa full of fun as a little coloredboy can be, could hardly keep his faceutraight. MIM Julia Cettrall wad "Affecta-tion in the Pulpit."

The first of April was a very moving day,and there were many moriuga. It is saidthat two families moved into Stanhope,'•ringing an addition of 10 children to thechool register.

I was rejoicing a week or two ago thatStaples had given up the lager boorbut Prof. Kent Intends to ctart a saloon, if

l nnd brother Kinnlcut con bulldozo Ben.lorno out of his bone incut, BO we vnn't bo' hotter off.am not so crazy on temperance as someis. I would mtucr have ell hotels in a

iwn than one beer saloon. When a man[vea at the ago of mnturity and chooses to

a fool Qf himself by getting beastlyiuk on .boor or whlakoy, If ho buys hisson from a regularly licensed vendor ofBtujf, I dQ pot question liifl right in this

3 oountvy to make a brute of himself, ifehoosea to bo a hog rather than a man.we owe Bomething to tha children grow-up around us, and I worn Prof. Kentthe other saloon keeper of Stanhope,

lint if they soil boor to boyn hotwaon the*f tea aud twenty-one they will very

•dy hear toll of it,

A gentloui n followed a ten year old hoya Stanhope saloon only a Bliort iim

a, saw him pay for a glass of bcor amik it on tho premises, and tha naloonpar took the money with a good, quiet,

Im oonsciouBness that he was doing tbeit thing and providing for bla family byag 11)0 foundation of a drunkard's life,nrcbnbly a drunkard's death, far

a boy. Qquaslen.c.fl [ { had rather theordlng Angel should have me ohnrged ingreat book at tha Judgement day with

•coking ovary SabbaUi In every year of mythau have to answer to one charge of

tt sort at tha bar of him wlio baninffer little children to come unto mo, f o(.uehlsthekinBdoNQUeaTeB,'wits oyce e,i Stnuiiopo depot tblB morn,about Q o'clock, th.e ooprtflble came alonj

id wot trying to look through tho hoardsVan Horao'a old freight houaa.'You had better not be snooping woundre. If anything Is missing Van Boms

ill go for you," said I.

'By =," uold the conButble, "I guestiey're gone, I don't believeno hold them anyh^. y\l go nod tell

It was a case of attachment, whore a poo rillow waa golag to move hla wife, familyud suoh houaehold goods as he hod left, toTew York, and the landlord "Bhivied" onhlalodafar!t la no dltigreoe to b« poor) but It ia some-

imea very incanvenlent, aa in this case. Itodd that the law ia no rbspeetor of per-is, but that is all bosh. I know fellowtohan paid their debts with 25 or 30 cU.the dollar and started np In business

[Bin as good as new. But the law willleeza the last drop of blood out of a poor'11 who onn'l pay, be hla intontiona overgood, and brand him as a rascal in tba

irgaic. They might jnst as well take tbaindntp pff tbo eyei of Justloe, far she man:

, to go one eye on it anyway. . ' ; ;Joaou King and Bhoomoker Button tt&ve

lo Dakota.

Now that the Assessors are to get tenmis Bptoco for deaths, births and murria-i, look out for pestilence and tilings thii

;umtnor. D. 3.

Port Qranj. . >A fuoonl U of iooh common ocoorroncoto soldom receive especial notice, bi

ach au one as was attended here lust Sab-fa aa exception, and If yoa tliluk it

[indent interest to give* your reodors it isyour service. Tbe fu&oral was that of

oung Joricph waiiatnB, and was attended. the Sunday School to which he belonged.

iti tho close et tho excrdaea of lhe schoolthey formod la pwwasalon and marolied ti,Ue boose of their deceased comrade, form-

in open ooluma, about 200 strong. Hiaiains were brought out and placed upon

tools fn thoir inidst, when the whole sohocl,led by Mr. Wm. Champion, joined in eing-_„ that very appropriate hymn, "Over U11ida," after whioh the rematca vtero ploctd

n tha hoarse, and were'folio wad by thelocfproceBBlon of tho school, while anothoi IargiOBsembbr of friends and neighbors broughlip the rear. In the ftbaenge of the pastor,-ho was attending Conference, Brother

Paul Euilloe oiBciat«d, and after the open-ing services dBliverod K vory impresslvB di».

rssi HKlngft, 22, 2Dj "And thou shdtgathered into U»y Bravo ia poaoe.'

Ybnwg Williiima has been asuflerer about twienrfl witli an abc«n, ctnaod it is thonghtb;iver exertion In jumping and going into tinmlcr too frequently in Bummer.' A fevlayn ngo lio wan carried out to witness so miloyfl ftt play, which ho appeared to enjoylie pleasant mmsMtiB, but was Boon afteitaken worao nnd continued to fail till deat*

ended hia Buffeiings. Brother. EnsUoa gaia glowing tribnto to his ChriBtinn r«ii(fii*a-lion. Dnriue his long month of Buffering

neither mnmared or complained, hut...Jd frequently repent his favorita hymnslearned at Sabbath School

_ Wattem, who wu token suddiand ilangaroualy iU, in better and consldon-•ut 0! danger.


Tho hotel keeper has laft andVenl Do-IUIB been hero and gone OIBO. The twotrcmltiea having laft weare only "middliinow," thank you. Sir. Dow wos heroTuesday evening, and lectured to a laiend nttontiva audience. ' The woather-ery flno at present and we no tiro some

the farmers are commencing to plough.g..od many will have to get settled after haiinc moved before they enn go at It; bat -ihould Judge that they Bhonldboas woU

Wo understand tint Mr. James Frostmoved into Boxiticua to replenish tbo B!aud carry on the business heretofore doneW. 8. Frost. Dou't (frost) blto us this

author I Too Ute In tho Benson.

'1 he pulpit of the JL E. Church

Cfinffenira.DOVEII, N, J., April 3d, 187U.

Mil. EDITQB 1—Tlio undi-migned here!alltnufea Alien R. Shaff, of this ctty, to

"Hiking content from Dover to Hoboiren foii 6 side, The above road to he gone ovei*. fuir hod aud too wulk, with au interwon of twenty minutes. Tbe m&tch toB pluce ou Thurwbij, Jln7 1st, 1879,ilher aud ruad favorable.

A. L. BLiNon*;


Tho Engineering and Mining Journal says*' 'ported that all of the Philadelphia &•

jg Coal and Iron Company's iron, pu!tho bauds of Crockor Bros, hi 1877, andthat tiafe amounting to C3.000 totu,n raid. Tho sales Ia the last two weeksEnid bi have amounted to about 28,000

ins, Outflido of luis the trauMctions dmig Uie post week have beeu Tory tiaoll, ye*be inirket appears to be flrmer than a weak

. A rcry good demand is expected witbopening of navigation and the appear-0 of the mnrkot is favorable to a furthoiouco iu priced. SflTcral of the leadingipnnicK rofiiBo to sell for swwon delivery

tho pro-iiliny rates. TUo outlook for a1'iHttii'Uinnd prices i-rofltablo to the

odncor in better now than a month' ago.quote No. 1 Foundry at $17.G0 and »1R;2 Foundry, S1G.5C and $17, and Forge,

H.Co and $10.

iV'o note salea of 2500 tous of fnnt railsirate t«rma, 3000 loos of steel rails at tUPittsburg, and 8000 torn to tlio Kuw York-ntrnl Builroad on private temfl. Tieid mills aro very full of orders, and prices

dily strengthening and show-ing thenice of a further advance, especially

lots for anything liko early dc1ivor*y. Wenote stool roJla at $ « and f i t at tnlUs;

iils nro quoted at $1G and t37 here.he Lftclcflwann* Iran A Coal Co. In now

E its eteel worka nigbt and day.Tho Philadelphia market Is quoted as fol.WB. Tho demand continues, and pricesId firm at tho advauoo. There is reported'sol nhontSCOO Vtm Ms week at full•U)d prices. Wo quote i No. 1, $18 toi.CO; Ho. a, iu: to $18; GrsyFergo, (16Slfl.


suing the llaekottatoura ec&lat, via. ST.4E.It. to l'enn»yl»iinU, for tlio wook emline

iy evening, April 0<l,lB7l>.luMf riWK. TCVt, owT.

mntaln Viow,. . . , 2HS 03ay.. 1,877 18I'M 1,503 Itft. 11. {Hc>r(onpR,Corn-Jn's,

luccisiitma, Vanstta and Ohei<Janollnu 8t6tlnoi,l 3&4 i s

Paints and Oils.

;erloo, ,


1P3 06

1,871 05"

Mi-noH CI3BED.-AH old pliyilcf»a,re-ircu from iimalioo, UHns had placed in his

•ds by Bti Eant India miHlonarv tho TormuUetmiilo vpgetnblo rnmcdj, for tlie speedy Iponnatotit euro for consumption, brun-

lis, catirrb, tstbrni, and ill throat anag aaoctlons, BIBD a paBitlro and radical curencrvooe d>-iillily nod all nurvoai oamplklnlir knriai; tested fls woodrrJul curativefcra In tbnnaands ot cues, tiai felt it fallly to make It known lo his suflcrinn fdlowi.dated by this motile, and a dciiro to rfl-o UQm»n'suffering, I will Bend, free (.firgo, lo all flu* doalrp, |( tbii rfplp^, withdfrccllons ftjr. m«patJng and taing. Ia

min, Vronoh, or Bngllih. Boot by millitldrasnlng witb stktnp, nsmlnK this piper.W.Bharar, Ud Power's Block, Hot-hoi tec,

iwYotk. • IB-iw

!io peculfarllyxUaut (beA. H.T.Ca. Bl««kis (bat dilJJ.ei.'a fine shoes Iu -Mllplf NtJapplied uot onh">TOA.F titlty »i lang, lm\

iai»nv, WIKS Ann DirritnB.-Bpeer's P . J,ndj, Part Gmpo WJao and Wine Bitten•a so oxtunsire and relULle demand. 1 _.linn recommend them In preference to anyer Roods of tho kind. Spear's ViuoY*rdiat I'JIBOIO, Now Jorjoj, aad bla wino «n

irded tlio lilgbost pro in In m at tlio QonlwI. For silo at Vought ft K(ll(}ft"**,

j Bfilla of Oaubols, ocagbs ind ootda will>ke -**. lotlRtneDt in Itto Bystcm. Bat they are\ tenants at will. You cm dispoMotB themill Ilalu's Honoy of Hnrelionnd hnil Tsr,s tlino than It takes a SUorlfF to ekoGut«It. BolJbynHUniRglili.

t'ike's Xootliaolib Drups onro ID 1 minute.





Stereoscopes, Views,



«©- C I G A R S , -©a

LATED-WARB:EA SPOONS,.-.; 75cU.iier«t.

[•ADLE " • *l-)8 "•ORK8, : 1-38 "

Ac, &c., 4c , *o.

J. HAIRHOUSE,Watchmaker nd Jswaler





Rockford Watches!

pllratod miOn. their tiB nn thoroiiEW? tested a«»«*«»• '» °"'r "O"

t te«.lng qunl

.rohnvo ptrfiperformance, every ntovemantwananieaBpccinl certiflcnte. Also

Waltham Watches,tT. _ loaiaoD. I l r . - y wmndilDd with many i " '

W.itohoB, Clock*, Jatrelry,


D O V E R , 3XT.

We have secured the agency for Averill's ReadyMixed Puiots, und are seliipg them lower thauthey have ever been offered in Dover. Wo havealso a large stock of Jew&tt'e aud Atlantic WliitoLoad aud Oil. Colors, Dryers, Varnishes, FaintBrushes, etc. Everything desirod iu tho pointHue at very low prices,'

arden Seeds.We huvo purobased our Spring Btock from thoreliable seed house of B. K. BLISS & SONS.

-We know thoy will grow as wo havo plantedsamples of each and they can now be seen grow-ing at our store. Buy of us and you will not bedisappointed.

alsomining Materials.Agents for Johnson's Dry Kalsomine ; we keepin stock nil his doBirahlo tints, and can mipplyyou at bis prices. Call for a sample card ofcolors. AIRO Paris White, White Glue, Ultra M.Blue, Ac. Sec.

Wo have them all. Sliolien Merger's Pills;Slioll's Pills; Hamiltou's Pills; DeslUer's Pills;Moore's Pilules; Hedges' Fever and Ague Anni-liilator; Ayres' Ague Cure; India Cholagogue;ChinoiflinG in RUCK and pills, Quinine in powderaud pill, aud various other preparations.

'resciiption Department.Physicians and Customers can rely upon"thoHume Btrict rules iu the preparation of theirProscriptions. Bach Recipe is read carefullytliros times before dispensing, and none but thebest medicines used.

That we keep Ladies' and Gent's SHOULDERBRACES. XJnfermQiited Wine for Communionpurposes. Agents for Spoor's Port and SherryWine for medicinal purposes. Palatable CastorOil; Grafting W a i ; Handy Package Dye Colom,and all new preparations you Bee advertised, andeverything usually found in a well stocked drugstore at


T A P E S T R Y ,B R U S S E L S ,





Knox & Fayman.B. - M A T T I N G S , «tnh . .a cn«.p.



it last received dlreet frDm tho m&cnhelory. Iwge and now .lock of

WALL PAPER.8,600 plecei. eomprlalne 100 new »od olegtntp.tlernt. Alao, a flno itock or DOnDEIlH laTWloai shades. I bnre nlio tbe Urgeat indbet iteclt of OPAQUE CLOTH

WINDOW SHADES,both decorative and pUtn ttila »(deof Ne«

York. HA.IIT3H0BN'S SEIUNG FIX-TURES md other Improved flitaroi


Averill'B Beady-Mized Faints andPrepared Kalsomine.

Ready for nso i t all tlrooii, at JOB. TOBK'S.


Hyatoek Ucomplete In ailieipceta, %i


PLUMBIN0 AND TINN[NQ ilone at DBoal iatba SE3T MANNEit.

Wend*, will giTe » VUu»

m o n o / ,Jndltna,ca-Friflaytwt.

Ch. I? AViltlocV. halloaTM«Uy night


E. Lindsley & SonHAVE A. HEW LINE OF

CARPETS!Largest Assortment in the City to select from.

PBI0EB LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE KNOWN. Abontme-half former prices. For instiLBoe : Good Brussels Carpet from 85cento por ynrd. Gootl Incrains from 25 cents. Kftg Carpets from 30cents. HEMP OABPETS.



FURNITURE.Bed Koom Suits from $18.

Fine Parlor Suits from $38.and everything needed liy housekeepers to make homo

pleasant at lowest prices for cash only.

Page 4: VOL. IX. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, … · 2015-07-14 · least; and explored a. model minoeor rying » liffbt Iraveraing anbtorranean puasoges fron) one. Bhnft (o


l1-i---aJ I fei


ij powenid I start- j

' - ^ hztd sn.1 Pain

i CH'HI i**ionner Diiiun, cay I,-.r. ' So, ba; with , who navs maje icdcpemleut Joi-UHe* in | j• down opoa 07• Lea.ivr.lt>, Col. The drat ruzHii e u s e ; ^before I baJ £''*' y, thia country sfcr.nt Wo * « « i~ •• p<?n-. «•

*.,, ,)Tcf tbat I. b-ui; ailtss. Tbe Billon brotbwr* »ere tooj^.•tai ns-gfct have coat, poor, s j jeara ago, to pay tteir paatageA i n an ho««#r. anii|airo« the Atlantic 50 tbej s l ippy adJ baQK wilU mj heaa | iecfc banJi. After Unding they sUrtedr,* bUrred—ferr fair' to work tueit WIT acroa tbe miaem, r ^ u "aoa.itroke is threaten-' im1 putlal op a( ItssiJr.i.*. Ttc-y j «.'fB^

! «rorki>il in the mice* "itii varying SOC-JHJJ—j

'[ '-i.1 -Irifval some distance down tbe! <tMt but reouuueJ as poor « «ben1 r.v r" a- i no* I w-ilkad bick g«tia£ left t ie oitl coantiT- Tkei* l o t w

; d r a i n e r than b*a«, aa t i l l .ws ia DO «ay different from thai ot tbotwiub;! ••t.-e*jvat»M the point from which I of other miners ahont them- Iteyi; ,urleJ. ' In the mii.lle of tbe mer WM j w e r e anrewa, however, md persistttl in |aimill'utaiifl, withai^ '^i lD"6 1 1 H™ i theirUborioascffiirta to "strike a l«wL"|

: T ..-* r a it aa.1 t» tfeis I tried to awint- j They iUk*d ont their claims in proper i: I jiwai »!owlj. fr«,a«o:lj dack.og mt | (ofm, u d secured theauelt« aff.";"' - " !

! litaJ under the water; aocl wbea I » « • comers. Tuej JUcovereJ one!»Uliio*i*sy or seventy yirds of thei beat paying minea in Leadtille. ThL.lowD-*treani en4 of the Ulan d, and feel-1 ».«then four in partnership, bat ail

.tion, !.?»», coming! (wor to work the mine to adiactage. j ^ J 1 ^ ^ *t jaiteJaomodisUocojpiaerty boogLt oat thesLare of one of j phsnir-bunj

,( (he lal-vnd, what toe partners, ami he, with the Ditto;

F r e e m a n Wood,|NAT1flHALJNIONJANKa?* i j=i. E Capital, - $100,000.

' • n r n r T , » \Tr.T? APT?"KTTP Busking Iwtir»rrcia9 ...».to4P.ai.Proiapv

; INSURANCE AGEF1. ^^•.^vz^l'^SSL'S^

TV. J .


of th. £T h e r e i : r a b a m J i e ^ ' Y u r t . f i t c r n n a a J B » . - & l u a

ins i

11 v>kr.-l t l i* s' tl u

<»e a thick broonuUck,^ ^ _ down thft

I di.ln't w«t to eiaoine it,

r .r I knew *t the flrat gUnoe tha. it » » work io the• tli.i bum rbat rise* fiam AD alligator1*! apecfllatffe purposes,

Brothers, continoed to workexciwment began and

flooked U» the PUc« either toboy them (or

Many offen were

n,*ri I altered my coarse ai onoe,! made tn the partners to sell tbeir claim."wiamingditstooiJltdoi"! th* stream. ! J . V. Farwdlof Chicago offi>t«J themf r r t»«l the isLiD.1 aod got over nearly \ $300,000 for tbeir most wloablc mioe,atliSM of tba dis'aoMs to tbe shr.re; «,d they ««epted bis bw. Last Sat-Ufi.tel TeD'.urtJ to lt*>k aroand, OpUtdav th#y arrived ifl CbicaRO to seUleto tint Qoment tbe alligator UaJ not j tfje Uanaaation with MrT FarweP., and,KuniDA bnt betoie I ccold iMtjine my {after it «aa oter. dropped ia at theNn-race fr.r'the !0 0J, part of die great bead | tiatul Union Bank and ioyct^ianrged beaTiif o»er tba water, and then, |

I horribly " d nDini»ukBbly, tb«1 tnaanl me.

^imformy life, with thaoddiiilt/^bwwpiaiit roe. Ic Ualf aminntfi I look*! o»er mj sboalder »od.aw tuat tbe hrote was covering thrte

fifrt to roy one. He was nboat sixtyyanis behind me, and the itora wasprobably «trhty yard* « » y . I« W M

, ot Pa- B.

oi^lallua.H.torlj.m[>erS¥ilW,Tnyit.inin.i I

Ai Ut40.\.3I.WutiiD£taaAxc;At WOO p. 1L ZA*WU »QJ B.aflbMiHit Ei-

,.r?*i. I Drawing Ba«»m Car* iiueiit-rii )*:-p-ping at Snmsiit. a»iiwna. Xonawwa, D->»-J.

«.( WaWduo, wton with L k

>sn.l Bin~bam;

h H(U»ei S-tilrr)ton with Lukiwtaa* »ad Bfor Pitt*U.n. KiDcutoo, Wiites

d S t b ' " r " ' " ' " —for Pitt*U.u d S«rtb l td ; i

j La^ailj actlmratd igeal al tlw

I CLIM campaalea—the b«ai i i ' ^ »«*£ -


j GLOBE. Cairitalft».000t00a


Capital 510,000,000.


Capita!, 3300,000.


Cipital 310,000,000.


Capital 43,000,000.

HTDSOS COtTNTY, Jersey City,

Capital «30O,000.

31'AJTDAED, Xtenton, " 300,000-

PEOPLE'3. Newark, " 300,004-» 200,000.•' 200,000.

B . B i G G S ,

B l C E A S D G E O a G E ,

WL '

The aUners1 Surings BnnKCP DOVER, N. J .

ta^l r iU I>#paidon ilepwits osJeoaor^ a f i i 'WBax»ratke ttma,

and DZCZXBULOpea daily ta« > o'doci 1

'eloekv. «-M A N A G E E 3 :

±oA Lrtitib Viliey Bilirwil T.rf &-lAll6ato»n itaacii CLiaak, .fcc.

Lwr» Se»wk at 1.03 P. H ft-*-nrt*4) ran net* It Di( at W«ter!>~".i Cor i

lib l

i began to n

itl5O,0OO in QoierDnient booda. Onei horn o| tltc pairtser* stgna>l bia name with an

"X." Finerty.M B\M share of tbe proceedsr,( the aal*. r t semJ 8130.000, tad tbeDilloo Brothm W5.0O0 each. Andtbeydtpart«dforI*cadvlUfl oa tha eve-ning train.

Tl.- [i.ettir»HOltlwM><lIh.3r»gwn t ie wiM hell

camp are brills' *° i i e *t trots' Urn outer gU3nt.

It nuj- I* tl

end loan rlcg,ot paminir boarfltmct of ittlfs


ifttice1! mmLonn11 milIfor :to Mi

11 rain


BABY NINE-i from th* lindlonl-41 Ik>*rilhin micetecd by tbn Uodlord,lei Emi-Jbill mlnRank*kRc,il-wan-lwe,

s ' l ' s ^du i l ffllois Tn-l»-li-c,miner




"Alligatom,1 Mojot Springle: *t>cnnmotherearealligatflra in India. Haltb« rivers up-eonntry awnrm with them,and they ahnaod in the Unkfl, as tinlarga abillow iKindn »o ntnnemoB on thI»lH,»nare called. l a Kntachee, closeto the entrance to the PcrriiiB Golf.they have a tank etockcl with wbat theycall tame oaes J and viaitoraeaibay goats for » rupee each, and throwtlii>m tn the r^ptilea. And Uipir msbiogat n goat and tcaiing it to pieces is

> makfl a man (crswear frCJu<& In India.

'Tct the majority of the people InIndia, ind especially the natives, boltiiat an alligator is nr.t dan^ronn toliutniio being. I have heard the samti.itiK »»iil in flori-Ia, and, for all Iknow, it r/,ay. for the racmt part be true.Unl I bad sn adventnre-once that CflD-TJoiri;'! motlial n mnn nliowanU to batheliaii Iwller content himself witti tbe con-v.-ni ncpj) sffordwl, however imperfectly,liy hi* own brith rrifim than vent a re intoa rir<;r inlmriitwi h j alligatoot,

'About htittcn miles from Jiam the Marhlo Bockii, one of the sightsrj llin OnlraJ Provinces. TbeIimMla, which at that point is veryilctfi nnJ narrow, flows slowly for aboutlift!I a ntile between perpendicalorof [inrf? white marble. Two hundred(cct oror head, tho rocks on eilbnr sidetaper lotvnnl each other, and when thejno'jolight is atrcaminft down tbrongljthe narrow apertnrs,illumining the rirernn.l the wliite cliff* tbat hunter it, the

otident that I bad DO chance; b i t X•twain desperately. In » qnarter ol »minute I looked aroand again. Thealligator waa very close to me then. IW.kw iiia eyra gliateninfi1, for be bad raifl-e:l b.3 head partly out of t t e wat«r, andI beard thfe slight sqntwb of tbe r i « t **he forge*, through it. Bat mother sound«iw in my ears U>o ; x loaod like theringing ot U1U and tba baa-Hog of ablacksmith's bammmer on tbn anvil.

IA hlazio? snn and tbe terrible exer-in were doing their part, ind I knewnt in a few miaoteal sboalJ be onableswim any further.•Then came an inspiration, Ibe re*>l-ztitm it lilt: triompba I bad achieved

in fliringia days gone by. I waa downin a second. Of coarse I reroaioed under

VTbenl cama n p lwag, perbflpa, fifty yards from tbe ihore.and a hasty backward olance showed metbat thealligatorhftd stopped on losingaiglitofme, for I bad gained oonsidet-able in the raca. He saw me the mo-

leot I came to tbe imrface, and waa oniy track again. I iwam s few yarda,

bnt he was dose to ma that, though ter-riblj tired, I went nnder again, I n ia nalile to aUy under this timo more thantwenty seconds, hat that took urn fifkenrardi nearer tbe ahore. When I camebe did not seems soqniekly ai he baddone befnre, and I awam a little dUtanoebefore I saw him ones more in pnranit.

now hardly ttble to iwitn, tadneither had I strength to go nndei,Tbe reptile « M SO elose to me tbat-1expected every Meand to feeifai*and in alter dinpair I ftopped iwimtoEng

id let down my fe**: They touchedthe bottom, for the bttak7 aboaied, an4

Fred Vanderbilt, tbe youngest andvorite grandson of the old Commo-r», who had » legacr of two millionsdollan from his gn&Jftflier. haa just

gnaliiedhU coming of age by a rona-ray match witb bia cousin Loniae An-iony, on tbe (L»J of ker divorce froilfred Torreace.

Hheisone of tbe sUnuing belles ofTnrlt, and at least t*elv« years

Idertban her present, hatband. Thego was a claod&stine oae, and wan

aUd ia 8 parlor of tbe WitOsor[otel on the day of tie. divorce; bat it>a* kept » secret fiotn tbe family, and

bridegroom eootinned to live in hisFatbei'sbotije aa nsual until the middle

last month, wbeu be nooly bandedimaDewspapet containiDgtbe follow-g nouncement: MOn 'luesday tbeth of December, 1878, Frederick W.

Ta&derbilt to l i a i s e KOIQOI, daagbterthe late Cbarlea I*. Anthony,"

Tb« axploiioii wbioh followed can beoetter imnfriaed 'ban dewribed, and ishe Ulk of society in New York. Will-im Vanderbilt declares tbat it Is less

able to manage three railroadsID one son.—Fromih$ London World.

DEAD m A SHOWDBHT.—Tbos. Unlinka r ° ° r shoemaker in ScbenecUdy.

.lie family is Urge, and the winter bailbrongbt severe hardships, and on Mondar tb? sl^cat M , Thomu, although

18 f t t^ t Cb

tbe water waa not bibber than mywuiiL • TVitb t la|t tabrt I plunged for-ward, and st tb« aaoe; moment tha tillgator, feeling himself geltiDg Into sha~low water, Barged sraanrl and swaiaway.

•I thiot I should tben hare cooclncledtbe adventure by being drowned^ iafoot and a half of water, for I p*£pctafDcieot strength to itaDd da my .feebat my friend and Ibe- dri«t^.raineinto tbe river andcaagbt ma in^Iiearmn an I fell."

floating a flat-booton tlie water, fiods himftell omid a BIthat tuny well malce him doubt whetherHiitm Atidnrsfii's pintnrca of fairy landarc wlmlly imnginAry.

'Ono Sunday morning a few yeanI ami two friends started in a bullockwagon for tliflMnrhle Rocks. Tliobitddim la a windiog river, nndmiles fiora Jubbulpore wo bad to ciit for tbo first timo in a large boat,Wben va niched tlio fon.ing place wewere all terribly boat ml nnil tired, for iwns tcoiclting July weather, and yet<leck1i:El to rait for an hour or two undertSn trnwi, and tben raako op our mintis

fleU mid <on Id pmcccj or notof ciy compnmonn

aoon sufDoicntly recovered to resumeoar jonrney, but tbe third member ofcur I'arly was unable or no willing to go

let charge of tliowagnn, I, tho othor excnrsloniat, andtho driver, walked along tlio bank of tberiver with oar guns. We shot nothing,fur at (bat hour everything with furorfeather on it vas sheltering itncif-fromthe tnrrid beat; bat via en mo to ncmoo tied to tbo ultorc, and ileterminpt]to cross the river ia it. The native dri-ver in vain tried to flisnndo tin, for tlienoRinocsnrc tbe hardest tbingaID tlicworli]to tnanuge, nnd thia ono,. inoerover, wasintended to hold one man only. Never-L1IG1I'H.I WQ got in and pnsbedICHH tbnn thirty seconds wotlifco mrnggHng in ibe water, and,though we got ashora witboot maclitrotililr, .vo lost ono of our gunn, andtho oiliur wfl« mndo nselcss for tho dny,

'It now ocotirerl to ua that it would boTVIHO In linng «p onr satnratodoiotbei todry.wliilo wo baUind in tliQ Bflorerl watotsof tlit Nirbnddba. - I asked tbu iiativowln'UuT tbsra waro nny alligatcrs in

ami ho said you, plaaty ofUtbtm, lint tlnjj

thn.i fnrtifled, wotnira tbo Bborc.

'Tho river, B

ouldn't ltnrt us, and,

ntered it,y d B m\iCi ftnj

ntiUiat f8-11'0 N»rtmililha aecmsutl nlong' its course, very BIUBJ. Tho opposite ride ii a IOOB, tow

tondea AeetMat «f Pred

, ; i U i l o n E * p r M » , 0 . 4 2 J ( . B I . : R F n f h a r a p t o oK i p r t u , S . D 7 P : M . ; T h r o n t t h M i l l . 9 . 4 4 P . M . ;O s w n m E z s i « « « , T . 5 1 P . M . ; E a u t o a A c c o m

i o d a t l o o , 8 . L B P . H .CHESTEB BBAKCS:

Tea Bniukrao AND; B o m a w , Aia.DIUWMED,—An army officer, who arrived

i Ibe city from the YfllloWBtOBeT "_ day or two ago, telli ft •tq'J..*' w h f t l

huppened to a nerd of b"uflafoea thaiwere migrating aoathward. The bare

ibered 2.500 bead. The bard atrncithe rivor near Cow U\au£ '..Tbe animirameopon the river with a eolia (rpnt,

irl lx?R3rt tbe crossioff with closed rnuka.Tbe Htream at the point of crassme

«iu t«ry deep.' When . tba . fropt flicIiicb wns itrotched oat a quartertile io length, bad nearly gained tbeo;

polite shore, tbe ica aoddenly gave wnn'ler them. Some four or five bnndranimals tumbled Into the opening allaheap. Others fell in on top.of ihei>nd sunk oat of right in tv twinkling

By this lima tbe rotton ice was breakiniofl short under tbe^tlU-advaiieitiR bei '

Tliey w»iro wedged in so tUlcltly tbatthay coald do ootbing bat straggle fa eecocd and then disappear. In a mlnute from the time tbe 3r»t ice broke nota boffalo waa to bo BCHO,—Chicago Time*.

Both ia tbe Chnrca ot England and intuJ Froteolant Episcopal Obarcb' of tbiscountry tliero is a load demand for moredeacons. Complaint is made tbat UIBoffice of deacon is generally uned oujy asa ulcppitift atone to that of priest Beingn subordinate offloa, it ia natgreatiy pritcdby tba very joong me a who ought tospend several years in it. Ambitionleads tbem to desire to be rectors ofchurches. Besides tbis, tbe living af-forded to a man ia the position of rioterI ranch larger tlinu to oae who consents

to be an assistant with tba rank of deacon.In England tbe proposition is to ordain

i deacons business men wbo will «i]port thamsalves by their; own, exertiotwhile they perform the ahuitabla indother work marked ont ia the ohnrcbas properly tlie labor; of tba deaconate.This is tbo nay it is done ia the Congre-gational and tbe Baptist clinrcbes, andto a very limited extent among ibe Pre«-uytcriano, Ia thesa cbarchei tbe dea-

• do not expect to be ordained. Jailministers of tha Gospel, BO as to engagein preaching. As a general thing/ meet

i middla life are ehooeu, wbo are tobold tlie offlca for life. • It is not 'prob-able tbat tbeCongregntionalidcaof dea-con will ever be grafted oa. the £piBOOrpal Cburoli in this country. .•.- «

bnt 18 tears of aga, itaite^ tot Coboeain the hope that In that aity be might

e l employment, fled (bus lessen theburden at boms. Ha wu bnt saantilj

id, and privation bad weakened hitronog frame. He reached Coboes, ana

seorebing kroood the mills forwork, u d dUbeartened by the ever r&-carriDR response oT ""So," the kdthought of a family named Fitznatrick,

.bo had been his neighbors. H<sought them. Toe quest wn« D (rattlesone, and in the evening, weary, bacgry,and well otgb- heartbroken, wit hotmoney to pay his (are, be turned hiface homeward and started on bU lone-some walk up tbe track of- the CentralRailroad, .He never low borneIn tba morning the dead body of tb<boy waa found lying in a snowdrift bitbeside of the railroad track. I tevident that the poor- boy became ex-hausted, and falten, and regained bfeet and ataggfeZftl on a short distance.

•nd sg&in failoo. Once i i b e h istraggled for life, and bad plodded owearily and unsteadily fora- short dis-tance farther, *hen natnre pnve waand again be fell not to rise again.

*i53 p. M,, .

T»ilej Kaitrn»d LhffK P- H. Lirlktblebeiii. Ailtatown,

U l At «* B 1 D l

- tr»iB for Baic.Difl!lm»d fa Cheiter ami r oceanI Ejpreai train forWittrlco,itiluaioa, Hjnnnki Cboalt,inil'bnrn, Seraotf.n, Biimb.

Harrn Plain*t D--Ovi

.ai Dov..-r wiibCtiwd

i l iob^) »i». P4lWater Gap, Htronn, LI*le. Mir>th«

id OswiEol.C-Tl

iMcx Eailtoiii tati NL-W.OB : at D<'laware*ith BlairiBinsbaroian vEtti train lor Orrrmrwich, UticaV, kc. Tbi» In to ran*O**trjo Bituidiy nigbu,Lt *'S» ° ' M. i HmttelUt""!) r-ir-fiir »« MUhnrn, Kodtait, Ohalham,

:orru!o*n and ill sutioni west to flicketts-iwn.cnnoMttaft at Waterloo vitU ti

At TUS P. 31. ITarriihnriit Hperial for t.hat-iira, MnrriflnwB. DOTCI*. Hach - ™- ""[JKlon, F»»wn, Cat bit-be m, A,g tud Harrini'irg, witUoot c

Qern>[[I<<*iIle, B u t i r .. ,

nd al7 etations on P»«<ai: *n<l DeUwzra at IK. J Weit Uve (Uilrflul) Q:i3 A. M-anil

' i . EEA30NEB, Baperlnt«n«1«nt,

D. L. fc W- B. B. TIKS TABI^.

fjunt D a v z a o o n a W O T :



Choice Lots in Dover,


Freeman "Wood,i t i c e o r t h a P o a e a a u . l P o l i c e S t . i . l r

ThrQ05h Hall, 9 f I.51 A.SC ; WMhluttn Aeam

Y P if

l.1DDinr. El., 3.17 P r M-; B»«-- if:; P"'*r Exprew. f.1*

EtP'M", ff.S3 P- H.: W k t t t s -T.39P.M. 1 lUrrbbafg apcctal,


UNION HALL BUILDINGB l o t - k w e l l S t r e e t , D o v e r ,

Hot Air Furnaces,I f t h e l a t o i t m d c i u e t i m p n n r e d t t y l e t ,

m w r t P H - ' n t o f t j t o v e s , c l i c a p f a r c a * b .


STOTES, RANGES,h e . A l w a T i r i s t y o f

M . P . M .. 5 7 8 . 5 8. 4 7 B . 4 7. 3 7 B . «XI B . O T

L 0 . 1 7 « B S0 . M 8 . 3 91 1 . 0 5 S . K



Port Onm

• A a r w i k D .A . W . P -

B . f O !J8.17 M S8.U 1.809;17 4.4D8.10 4.50

'n 8.14 5.M8.18 t.10ai-1. S.ffii




8 . 4 67 . 3 0

1 . 3 11 . 4 7

9 . 3 0 P h t h t t e l p l i l a .0 . 1 0 I l i j t h B r i d g e ,6 J 7 • C a l l f n n ,

* « O e r n i a n " V a l i e j .


t2."« 7,'lW PrwlOram,




fl.tO OSt D . 2 0 8 . 1 H

7 . 4 3 4 . 4 0T . 2 7 4 . 1 9T . I 6 4 . D A1 . 0 7 S J l f i7 . ( 1 1 S . 3 2B . 6 6 3 . 2 26 . 4 f t 3 . 1 S( t . S 5 3 . 5 J 5e.aa ao

SHERIFF'S SALE!> O l i i n e e r r o f N e w J « r « j — S I fa, f o r i s l e « •

n i Q r t s i R p i l p r t m n ^ K . w f i e r c i n M a r y I I . H o w -e r » i » r o r a p U l n i m , a n d E l e i e c r L . H l t t t t n -c e r , l I » r l a . H . i i h ( ; l l e i i j i t r hit w l f o , F r t n k S .m r r i c i n , J o h n 8 » J V « > , O o n r R e D f O r -J o h n M - P r l n b i r a l i - r , J i n . 3 n R a t h j ; a i * , I i

1 S , l U i W a t f , a r «1 t o l l i y T e r m , A .

O . ff. J E S K W 8 ,B j T i r t t a o o r t b e n b o n s u t a d w r i t o f f l e rrimip i u / l a n < U , I i l . a i l u t n i f l i f a r « i l u >

i t b l i e V o n d n r a a t t l i u U n t i e d H t a t e i H o t e l , 1 1farii?b

M O N D A Y , i b e 5 u t d i y o f A P R I L n n t ,A . D . 1 B 7 0 , b e t w e e n H i e I m n n o f 1 2 M . a n do ' d o c k P , M . , t b a t i i t o s a y i t t l o ' c l o c k i n t l :A f t e r n o o n o t w i l l d a y , a l l t b s t t r s c t o ro r i t s d l D d p r e m i K s b c t e l n a f l u r p s r t l il e K r l l x

t o « a » b !

This is goorge WuiiingtanB blrtb da.george WoBbingtob was a llttlelmy whatopct livnO in Yirginny whnt bad a uaxgive liim by Iiia old man. Wen georgobo got tho nax ho aatt«d a tre&wbiit hadcticrreyB up an it aaU eat tlie cborrovsIio nntf another l»y.. Wan -gauges old—~n tana out what „. .o- antlmnotberboy done, lie called george to him an boAcs, george Washington who entted tliabark ofen tbe cherroy tree ? georgo sain

did Thii nld n3an"SHis yon did georgeBftis i did nnd i cannot tell _ ^diDtyon toll a Ii tais ttieold man. Cozsats georgo if i tell a 11 this here foncrl>l(iw op me no tliou ill be span tea ;twiot

thntH rite tais tbo o]e man weneveryer(rlt iu Io tronblo tba esyiat way'ont iaJut boat.

thsse mrfdlinn geotlemen, who, likeThomas of old, ire neier aatuOed tintthey haWpatiiiebHl'ogeron ev«rjtfainjthay «e , was not long since observed b;a friend with bit hand done np, toan ever? Say phrasfi, in Borne half a doz

hantUccrchiefs. He aceosted biwith the psual qqestiop—

"What afiiyonr hand?" . •"Why." sola he, "t'other diiy I wen

Into the mill to Bee 'em saw clipboards,and X taw a thing whirling around «o

if t, and it looked eo smooth andslick, tlint I tboaght I'd just touch myfinger to it, and see how it felt, anddon't jon think it took the end of itright off; tbey halloed ant, "ftm mastnot touch that—it's the circular saw (hit

U; tba, clapboards," Bat theyspoke half a- minot* too late— tbe een<1of my finger was gone and I never seed

jt sine

laJy was sitting-.I ( T O T H B E l C K f t 3 B H C r — A . J O U C g

i i l l Captail a y as s i t i g t i M ^ g t Cptaiin aolmnmnglj.d.eicarntM. recess. ! :Onher kteVHoVa limiindtiTO^alec p l e dtboiejJo'ttr/aWimfcnVef.j In tbe wlioinfng room, -iritb the r open, weretio r«t. of the Mmpany.'-Bajj^liQ little

Ia's ;jpalodB':Bn(ii,yeryToice. A'AnutlB, kissjae too*" 2 leaveyou to Imasine what bad jiisiljap1 pened," T q u h n l d say tfee^JEI^ dear; t oou to Imasine what badTqu shonld say twfee^J

Is nut Enn^Uiir/E,fras be

iljap pene^ .dear; tmnediats re-

..A B E A T S . * Tho Misaisrippily H t t 'steamer A. 0. Donnelly, Hart, master,

canght fire on Friday night near PortJefferson. Kj. , and waa barned to tbnwator's edge. Relief boats went to therescna of tbe crew and' passengers andbrought tbem to Cairo. Cant. Hartstates, tiiat tbe vessel took lire att of tbolarboard foot box nnd apreod, very rap*Idly,' The boat was,hooded"' for theflbore, and tbo fact tiiat no Ure* wereloatladaa to tWonoinesa nnd brevoi?o(tbepilob,.Wm. Underwood, wbo rtv

aed at b.s post until tbo bout struck.. . iborcV when tha- pilot boose was Influmes, an3 be deecended through tbewheat•boiise, jntnped into the water, andstrain aniiore. Several limbs wore bro-ken by. those who jumped from tha boatto tb'B froeen ground. One deck pass-enger bad bolb legs.broken.

A young Itdy boiDg adJrcaaed b« agentleman ranch older tli&n bcrnelf; ob-serrad ,tbat the only: objection she badto apnion wttb him wsa tha probabilityof bis ayingbefora her ami'leaving borto tlie Borrows of widowhood.. To whichha made tbe apt and oomplinientary re-

ly: "Bleued ts.tbe man'who Iwtbai i f e , lot, tbo '.nanbfirTof'dim

oWed" ' ::

Itxd. aitnate, lyins and bring in th"tbip or Randolph, In the Count? olla and State or Jjew Jtr»ej, batted anil

brnuded aa foltowt i .Xleinn a part or Imds nonr

Hbclleiijzcr \>j Daniel fl.Dideed dated Kovcn:W 23tli, igiii.aiin riccinun' " Itorrl* Coantj Clorn'i Office, in book 1. _. _» i t i for n i l Coan.T.on nigos 107, AcBcsfnnlniT at a alike. Ella* Oiiy* line, aticorner'of lamU this formstty Vtongcd IJehkl D»7 and fton. tbance mnnbfr (1) ooril»Uty-fonr degree! went s u m tec it cbninr --

one-balf dRfErces o»»t eipiiicon cliain*niDD llDki , tlitnce (3) roalb tl^n CIU TCLBsdiea chains and n.ucty.flvo Imh, tv> a u.of land* k in or Eli.• Bnant, iltconcil; tl•'• itb^o^nty-irovcDaniio • ' '

i s u i t f l t e

iai thirl

.oatwon.';~link-l jl o n u m l n n ; H f ^ i t j ,

n i l fitly-.^ r T ' n l a n _

L o n o - b » i r t l c f i r e e i c a u lI B ) n o . - t l

i l c h a l u i

. M i t flriCCIl. _. place of l>e«tnn,oir>rvnraorc> of land, be tl)


•SUOOA8UNNA, N. J.FEED.MAST,.- - - Eropriotor.•" Tha aboTS home is located In one of thibaaltbiwt oad mo>t c lumibg places in tinState, within a few mlnutea wulk of tbe D.L A W . Railroad on the eiuil, and tha Cen-tral Bailra&d of N. J. oa Ibe went, nnd lesstlun sn boar's drive or JIndu'n Uke 'ondlake Hopatoong. Tbo proprietor designs Umake this boose one of tlie most popolniplweu In thin sect jo u ot tlie Slate, nod partloularly with tlie truvollnspuMio, for wboteriitr convenloDoe m d comfort will be —plioi at modamU nrloes

anocManiw, N. J . , Deo. 18th, 18TB.


STRAWBERRY PLANTSa n d o t h e r c l i n i e e T i r i c t i e * . l U s p b e r r l e f l , C n r -r * n l * . B l i c l b e r r i n , a f l o * o b « r r l e j ( ; F r u i t t r e t fe l i . C s U l o R a e d n j w r i b t n t t p l i . P t * a n d t r e eH u m f r r u t o i l l . S A j n J E L 0 . D E C O T J , M o o rt o w n . T l n t l i c q t o n C o u n t ) 1 , V , J . ' " ' :

In Chancery of New Jersey,'XO RENEOA HERKIMEIl AHD aEOBOETV.

J T J D D ; , •••;o r d e r o f t h o C a n r t o r i C b a n

i n t b e d a y o r t t i n d a l e I n_ .__ _ . B I H H i t n n o l T . L a w m r

c m n p U i n a n t , a m i y n a a n d o t h e n a m i ka m i , j o o a r e r e » n 1 r e d t o a p p e a r a n d t

d a r a a r t o t l i o b i l l n t t n i J - c w q n l a i n 'b o f o r o t h e i n o n f j r t l E t l i < U j t i f 3 I a i

n « i t o r t l i a u ( d t i i l l w i l l b e t o k e n S B c o n r « < u e i !

._. o f o t e e l o j B a n o ri r e n D J - O c n r g c A . L a w r e n c e n n J w i f a l _ ...i t n p l i l D a n l o i i 1 * D I I « I D t l i e t o ™ o f H o r r i di w n . J I n r r i i C o - i n t y , H . T . , d a t n l O e t o l i c r I n t ,. D . 1 8 7 9 . i n d r « - c r ( l H l i n I h c J I o r r i i C o n •l e r k ' i O B l t o , i n H o o k Y 3 n f U o r l K B R e s , i :

i i . f c o . ; a n d y o a h e n c c i t H n l u m c r a r o m a id c r c n O » n t b c c i n n o v o n h o l d & m o r l f p c Bs a i d l a n d i ; . n d j o n b m a a W . J n d d a t o ma d e r e m l a n t b c c a i u i i j o o l i o l d a m u r t c a g o

S E I O H B O I J n A H M I T H ,

P . l t H H B r c k 3 i t b . l 8 7 B . T I T , rt.I B - f i x

N'ONotice of Settlement.

N. ° ' *1"B inburrlltc!.,

lr«dy, (loeoiscd, will 1m atI i f rStroff«te^>olt

Fire Association or PMl'a.S3.5O0.,00C

- 500,000




A fol uiortmeot of


, scd all kinds of Johltng in mj Un«.e belt mincer and s t the ilcrtaiiigbeit prices plid for oldlio

Cnpppr leal and powter taken in eie

a n t I DM i

j X AD e c o r a l f e r 3 1 t h . t « t l .



QUART, 100 or 1,000Parties, Suppers and Festiv

furnished «a cheap an I toy can be snpplitin the city.

The finest ratatmnt and beat accommod*.tioaa for serrlug oyiten In. tbi« section.OVSTKllfliueverjBtyl-, PllIED.STEWED,

- or in iuj mitmn desired. ' .FINEHEOAHS AND CHOICE FBU1IS.





I Is a Standard Family Bemad? for 5 diseases of the Liver, Stoauali

r i « m ym. & by the publlo,

, , ' *w »w« tb«n 85 yeanL'. witli 1 • - ' ^


Monia County Surroffato's OfficeF E i m U A I i y i O r l i ; ' 1 8 7 O .

a i l i e m a t t e r u f I r a 0 . C o o p e r , A d n n a l i t it o r n l J a m e i H . ^ r a b t r c n , d c c e a n . i L S nr u g a t e * o r J e r t o l i m i t c r e d i t o r ! .

f X 8 a p p i i c a l l o n o r t b e a b o r o - n a m e i l A d m l i\ J i i i m t o r i t f i o r d e r e d b y t h o S a r r o i r a t e t i n

l i e H u d A d m m l a t n U i r j r i T o n b l l o u o t T c a ^ i i t

a i m o , r i i i l r r n a l h , w l t b i o o l q o

!rll!iinrTOiV*e',u"a°'" C°W '


Notice of Settlement.K o t l c o i s h .

l a a u b a c r i b P )• •• i . i i c i t ,

s.'pivcn litat (Uoocconntaof/^".'. '""S'.-. 'UTintr


HUDSON BOAGLA>'D, Fres'LQ E » ) B G E n f C B A B C t * , V i c e P n s s m l i U l l

X 3. TREAT, Cashier.D I B E C T 0 B S .GlOEGR E1CHAED6,


Snceuur la Segnr'» BanK »aito the "CBIOD Raut at DoTer."

Capital,-$1OO,OOO.i m S T l O K Q I T E 5 T O T H E P C B C H A E E* a d a l t 0 ! mil B O B I I * — t o i h t a n U c i i o a a t i l

i o t e t , L ' h i x k i . t c . Jdao A g « J t » T o r t o o " l e Pi n l U u a J . 9 . M a r g i n A C o ^ L o n d a c , E n * i * n da d B ^ i f i w t B j i a t u k f * C u m p t n i j . [ « l u i > .

I H . D I C K E E S O S - . - P r e s i d j D t ,a . D . G O C L B . . . . C i

COLCKBCS B E A C H ,IlAAC B . J o l i Z T ,

D I B E C T O K S ;H . D I C E E B S 0 5 , ^ O H S B A S C E .

H E S B I B A J U i B ,C. I V H 1 T L O C K ,

3 B - l f B l l t O S 5 H 3 E L .



Doxer, Feb. 17.1ST3.


Ibe Ur;«t tad ra nt

BOOTS and SHOESt h a t e f e r d i < l b a R i i i M i . n

MORKISTOWN.b i s j a i t finiibed i t o c k l a g b i a a t o r e w i t h


M i r l U s r ( a t h * U s e , l a p o i n t s i


ITY OJ XATEMAL, t ier be-fore oflerad. TOE CELSSEATED


SHOES,Wimnted al«t.^ to lit, t ie to be buna ID

tbla ator« l a Uie {retleit profaaion

ofatilet ajul measurement!, aud



Olr. me . eiU befara porelualnf eia««liara.SOUTH S I D E T B £ P A R K ,




HaUrln arises fromnnyImpnrltf in the air. Klasm,HecoTius Tegetation, SewerUna, Damp Cellars, Bad Yen-tllaUnn, and eten Filthystrenta prodntfl It. *

Erorjtwdy Is sn%rt toifcir.Tio city kns^V*118

country has It. ire breathe Itiu tlie air, and It becomes apoison tn the blood and pro-

. dices almost every kindof sickness, espetitUy, itattacks tbe weakert ornqIn the bod;, ana peopleeveruwliere an constsntlysuffering with Malaria.


Are a /positive Antidoteto all Malaria in tbe systemThey enre Chills and Feier,and »U Interailtent...dis-eases at once, and all r lin-gering Malarial Complaint!can be effectually eradicat-ed bjr the use of MooiVsl'llales, tho Ureat MalarialAntidote. 60 PUttles,W>ct8,

5a so.Sold by all Sraga^ate,uBr.8,0. Moow on Salsria."

U CKOuit SUM, I c i l t d .




DOVEE, N. J.O l l

NOTICE!Tbn OotlntT Oolloctor »II1 ba in Mi

Clotbiog Hall, MorrlatoWD, t t

TO FAKMEE8.UTS for sale 30 head of Spring OALTES

ot good. KrowUi and condition, coneieticgHuien, steen and Unlit.. To ba seenMUun, JelToiioii To»n«Uip, Uorrii CmntNew Jersey.' J, a . BIGOS.

An Exoiting Book! 20,000 Soli



ffidtSia^tlonrne, down U,o Oonw..


^ O EC., XL 33 X3*)Gp I

•to ' .0,0.0

NEW RICH BLOOD!Paraont' Pnrgali™ Plila' inike Koir Richiooa and wlll'ramnlet.l, =l,in6o [hi „"„!!

entire m l n n in throe mumhi. A S S




Wines and Liquors of alt Kinds.



Dover Savings Institution,


on* HISCE - -AMES H. LEWIS - -

D.OOCiJ), - - -




MH. IkioLliBBbaa at a laijo rap«iu« proeond an

OECHESTKION/obaa»nce .

B a , Jitn«a B . Umdeo, l u . U. SH^'ULLt!> atenben C. H.-1

Wiaiva U i i e Le m n n , U l u b a r d l - n k l i

Q t o r c e P i e r s o n ,W m . l l . U e D a v i t ,

Thi* Inaiitntion Is now or^nized indopcorbasini^ni.Office, in Dourer Bunt.Intereit »1,»1! com me

.nnidjpo»it*J an the Urstdiynf»ft<>inlw>r anil DeMtnt«r. « l ikb C M •ri t l t ipncQnexti l tcr tbcdepuai t i* made.. D. (iODrJ). . - . - T r e u n r w .

j n i n f i U p o not M a r c h , J E





is of on?at power andin TOIOHM of ton*eqaalto * BHAS8 BAUD OP BO PIECES.it will bo oa exhibition on and afl« th« 4ftof JULY. All are iuTitod to «Uend tbisexhibition. 'loan mpMtfaHj,

D . H O I X E B

The Best Sites


I07ER, Morris Co., i j ,


i w s Journal

North New Jersey.




U J T E , C E M E N T ,O A L C I S E D P L 1 3 T E B ,

P J t O S T D I U C K ,F I B E C L A Y , F I B E B B I C K ,


C E L L l t t ffTEPP.COPISQ, S I L L S , L I N T E L SA N D C E S T E R X N E C K S ,

WHANN'S PHOSPHATE,Done Duiitt Qq^no , Povdrei te ,


WOOD flawed in stove lengths.OOAX..

STOTE. T:GO, CHESTMJT.Town deliferj 10 cli.; Ulna Hill 75 oti.

Orders nuy itC L

a .hrongbthePMtfi'

y gOCL.ee Lock Bos 9S, ot Iftfl at X. fieem«r'aofficeia BUckweU St., near BOIMI , OT at tb« yart.

BLACHSIHTITS COAlconiUntljoohand.



150 FEET FRONTn tliot street are offered FOB SALE

oa the beat of terms, and can be par-chancd in lots or 60 or 100 fwt or tie•bole lot. Deptt about 115 feat



e to the Horth, Soath, East aWest, and fa unobstructed. '

Iti situation, bnt a few minutes Talfrom tbe Park, and yet retired from themain thoroughfares, renders it uncqnallcda> > place of residence, being in thecountry aod yet in the heart of th« city.Inquire «t the • • .

BASHIB" OFFICETebrueri Hat . M O B E I W O m r . K.



Oaaala, Oalla, Ialaaaia, H>araauaa, 111"~ aatUi;, aal .11 Uattksi at Ika TtaU,

SnaaUal Tabaa, aid L.ip, laallaf

ialuDtUe reipedf is composed of tieH K K T of the plant Horehoand, In diemicUunion with TAR-BALM, extracted frem tieL i n PKINCIPLE or the forest tree ABEISBAUAMBA, or Balm of Gilead.

The Honn of Hoiebound SOOTIIIStCATTkia all irriUtloba and infUmmatloni, andtie Tar-balm ajArtsxs AND UZAIS the throatand air passage* leading to the longs. Frvi

. additloiwl inpedlent* keep tbe argon i cool,maut, and ia healthful action. L<t na pre.jodice keep jrfm from trying this peat tnc4i.

. ctne of a fiunou doctor whn has laved thoa-auvda ofBret by it in b!i large private practice,

KB.—Tie Tar-Balm has no BAD TASTK or

r u c i s ;o CEHTG AND $ I PCR BOTTIXGnu wttne M bay lug* int.

" P i k e ' s Tootl iacl ie Drops ' * ( jureIn 1 Minute.

Sold by all Dmggi.U.

0. S , OBITTENTOU, Prop., U*.X





mil begia ilia n«» year, JannarJ lat, 1873,b7 adopting Iba


and all good! wm be Kid at







175,000 lllaccllancona IlcU alnoat d rana««I. CalalosOB FHEE. "

IEOQAT BEOTEEBS,aifcrtman a., opp. Toat-Offl«,l|.»y0,k.



"PSTCHINITWten in ooDjacotlon with hii " ,


PURE COD LIVER OILanJhjrptpboaptlleaor .


ba«.»,ainordiiuitcwmuch greater Inttuoemraita to potxhaaen bRaring them tba baneflt of what he-wouUloaa b j tho accnanlatioQ ol bad dobU undorth« credit ajBtem. ' ' : ' -

WhUa vpaoa will not allow a sen tnention tho public 'U aaanredthat , . .

onanf th i foltonring deparimenta will abnrrabs filled frith a BompreheniiiYe dockgoodt to be BOUI at lowest flgum.

Dry Goods,Groceries,

ProvisionBOOTS and SBOBS,

CRGCKERT,and thi usual Tarlety of other goodi to ba

found ia a general atora.

The Ladies'Emporium•: F O B T H B


Mrs. A. Beemefs,Neaily Opposite the Post Office

wboi baa btjua.lha Winter canpalgs »ilhIh. moat complete, elegant and fcabV


W m i m FaSCTCDDSSb a f o n n d I n t n r a , t u l o a i a f m i T t h u i f n a v


'•' ana B1BBOHS,

XiAOES-i-real and imitation,




Ladies' Furnishing Geods.' " ' "itanUhedliaril«-b«rti«aU-

_rj - " ™ bf-nada up in t h utiat atjlaaaMnmit deaiEia. bj oonpalail aaaiilanla.










, A N D : y



j o f f l - I<nl»l I, nao. flaanj I