VOL.~~~~~~~~ II ANNC oxCUT.S .EDNESDAY DECEMBR1,18..T.1 THE R ISE OF UEt CrESTNUT It is a matter ofl reproach to our so- cial scientists thag the habits and cus- toms of the joke have received so little attention. It is at error of the vulgar to suppose that a J ke is a literary me- teor that :inhes a --oss the intellectual skv for a moment ind then disappears forever. Even trained observers have been deceived inti expressing much the same opinion; and a celebrated scientist, whose services to mankind justify us in conceiing his name iV connection with the charge, was heard to declare that a joie was "an instance of intellectual abeitation unworthy of serio, attention." i Nothing could be further from the fiets. Leaving aside any discussion of tik first cause of the joke, which would ivolve us in the obscurities of metauysical discussion, we may state boldi that the joke has well-difined habits nd peculiarities, and a study of its hotory and develop- ment is weil worthithe attention of the foremost minds i science. If is evident to an: jobserver that the joke may be accuirsely divided into racas ad-nationat. i No one who had paid the slighte- attention to the subject could possib mistake a Ger- man joke for a F ach joke, or a Frenen joke for a Br h joke. In fact, they are as plainly arked off from each other as any .t breeds of dogs. and each undoubted has its different habits. An adequa iscussion of the subject can not eve outlined in this column. Neverthel as a small con- tribution to an imp ant -subject, we offer the following - int of a single member of the nr ad interesting family known as tiie Crican joke: It is eight months. more since the chestnut'joke first s the light. Its birth is involved in o urity, in spite of earnest efforts to e its ancestry. in the early days of, s existence it gave no sign oI coMi: greatness. We know the story of tiv hool at Brien- ue, where Bourieine k the prizes over N.poleon; Bou- ne is now re- membered not as "prize boy," but as Nepolcon's se ~ V. In a like manner tie tin-pan j or the nigger- baby joke of even da ith the chest- nut set med surer of i At the time the-chestnut appeare e paint-the- town-red joke was at height of its lame. Its monthly a ance in Jan- nary was twenty-six usand seven huudred and forty-six,' hen is sur- passed only by its unp edented No- vember record of thirty lit thousand nine hnndred. due to th ocal disturb- ing cause of a Democra victory that month at the polls. r the same month the chestnut app d in public but a beggarly one hund and eleven times. Yrevious to that to it was so insigninant as not to worthy cf record. Starting from -t point, we see the gradual rise of t hesnert and the corresponding declin f paint-the- town-red.; In February e chestnut appeared twelve hundr. and forty- four times. and the paint e-town-red appeared twenty-five sand nine hundred and fourteen tim This does not necessariiy indieate a falling off in the popularity of the I r, forL the effect of hard times was t severely feltthat month, the tot output of jokes being six per cent u er that of January; but the increase the chest- nut joke under such unf rable cir- cumstances is truly sig ant. The following month paint- -town-red nearly ield its own, appe twenty- ,ive .thousand seven hundre ad nine- tegn times, but the chestn increased to thirty-two hundred. Th ollowing monthi it increased by elev hundred, while the' paint-the-town-r declined by nearly the same numi But in the month of May the ches' leaped at one astonishing bound t fourteen thousand seven hundred an ghty ap- pearances, its only one riv coming down something less than e same figure. It is scarcely necessary to further into details. The August as give a total of more than twenty- thous- and appearances for theches it,while its rival is all but as extin as Mr. Crawford's "dado." The rts for the first half of the present uth in- dicate that the total will fa ittle if any below that of August, though the return-of-the-summer-b- .'cr has acted. as. a disturbing ele t. We may assume however, fron: e fore- going figures that the ch ut has reached its full de'velopmea and is doomed to a speedy decline. I is dan- gerous to generalize from bt two or three instances, but from try brious similarity of the careers of tl uccess- ful American joke, it is almo ''ertain that their existence is dete d by fixed an4d immutable laws. have not the -figures at had to v this statement, but we pronounc in all confidence.p We may suppose, therefo at tae chestnut -must follow the pa- Ircady troduden by paint-the-town-re ad its predecessL and, after seein ' e rise of some sful rival that even now in the obscure throng, w' come extinct in about eight months. s rise has taken an equal length of in spite of a few well-known e tions where a joke has been able to rvive in a toothless, mumbling con a for two or three years. we ma afely state that the average life of suc- cessful American joke is sixtee , at the most, eighteen months. sub- ject is one of much interest.an ould attract some young and en - tic social scientist. "I am a very timid man," tes a subscriber in Ohio. '4 rnm ous. constitution:ly timid; a very ard, in fact. I am ashamed of it ut I can't help it. Now, what pr sion or occupation can I adopt in ti rac- tice of which I will be most p ctly safe from harm or danger?" to France, my son; go t-o Fmnce be a duelist. 'Or you milht rem in America and be a pugilist.-E lyn Eagle. -There'll he a pretty hio -do amon, Ne w jersey intwyers the Scourts folow un the pre ant ab- lished by V~ic.:-Chamncellor lsird his decision'that a lawyer who ind 4 a client to give :mu 6.000 liortg. for $975 and then sels it hi:net for 00 must turn the prolii: overto the .nt instead of pocketinz it vitelf. ey pettfogerswidfah to seg~ the of beig awyrsifthey hale to as honms as &ner men. -AUeltown ) Mr. James Flurewaiter. having e- come tired of machine politie-. to a permanent oflicial position a the Federal GoverL'nen. and h::i::' had several vaars' exnerience as a:: expert. he applies for the oie- Sugar Inst)ector in the Customs sCrv-- In due tiMe he is summnonedui btforth Civil Service Examinin- Board:. Fe - ing confident of is 'eeral i.1. geuce, and of his spec 1 qifi': for the position. h presets m for examination, wearmg- -a easy benignantsmile. Mr. Fiurewalker rapiuiiy eolice- his thoughts together and tries :o cune-- trate all the fai&ties of hi, mi:i readiness for the first qist:on. 'Chiea he is a little fearful may be a poer. THE FIRST QUESTION. "In sailing from Mozaiue I the Straits of Malabar. whl -tre tlhe vaia- tious in the magnetic nedie, ond wV;aI is the 6ause of these variation?" Mr. Fiurew.iker requests : repeti- tion of the questioU. IL is repeae- twice-three times--ut Mr. F. is t'o flurried to repv. "Perhaps you Can1 tei u-t her Mozambique is?" says one of the ex- aminers. --Oh, yes! Of course. Why, it is off to the eastward mewrC-8n archipelago or a peninsuia, or some- thing. It is somewhere near Mewpo- taina. "That will do, sir." "What is the rule in Shelly's case?" "Eh! in Sheily's case?" "Yes. sir." "Well. I suppose it's the same rule as with any other man. If le is squarely elected, <ouit him in. I never heard that Saeliv hald any par- ticular pull." "That will do, sir." THIRD QUESTION. "Describe the process of germin.tion in a seed." "In a seed?" "Yes, sir."- "The process of what?" "Germination." "Oh! Tie progress of the German nation! Well, since the battle of Koeniggratz and the war with France there-" "That will do." "What is mea't by the precession of the equinoxes?" "The equinoxes?" "Yes." "The procesion of the equinoxes?" "No! the precession of the equi- noxes." "Never heard of it. What does it relate to?" "Cosmogony." "What?" -'Well, astronomy." "0! I see now, gentlemen; you must have made a mistake. I am not an applicant for an astronomical position. I only want to be a sugar inspector." "That will do, sir. We are quite aware of that. Now pay attention and answer our questions. EIFTH QUESTION. "Explain the rotation of the miolecu- lar theory to the nebular hypothesis." "No. I thank you, I had rather not. Perhaps you had better put some of your .civil-se'vice questious to the resident and some of his Cabinet. Wben they pass I will call around again." "Sir, you may go." And Mr. Fiurewvalker groes-yes, he goes back to machine polities.-N. Y. Telegram. She Took off her Hat. Clarc. Louise Kellogg has given en-, tertainn ent enough to audi~ences, one would suppose, writes a New York, correspondent.to have earned the right to enjoy herself as an ::uditor when she enooses. But I sat next to her in a theater the other evening~ when two fellows directly bedad her would not let her have a good time. She was handsomely dressed. and on ht r head was one of those towering hais that are now in high favor. except with those whose view of a 'pm-formuac is by them obscuired,. andi to this class of oijectors belnei tihe chaps at the rear of Miss Kello::g. "'I say, Jim.'' one remarked, in a thrilling whisper', "did y"u evtr tryv to mark the height of astuveilp' *iat iromn te Iloor up the side' of a rom by e.s- timate? Yes? Thenw: you !L ma. ita ih as a ilowe~r-b:rd, ,i-. Nw lh bet you the dranks Ba ni mia- nerv construani) is. a s~ naL at Ita halr tali; 8;,,d i'a hiold in .Iup for a measurement." Toe wazer was m,:nie(. the hat w'as u)lited( fr comfparisoni u'i it w as iaettled without d;punt in:t t.. i.eigh.ts fromi brim to crown wve:e excty t'ae same. A glance around ine dtheter showed that the sa~imo surprismc i-ct was realiz--d o:u domu~xs'o womn' heads. But the 1-et wa' 1so remil decided, for from Miss. K: lo g' hat u;rose two feathe.rs six or oit inchaes further, and thle waigerers5 c'ui no0 efe as part of tue struoctur'e us'elf. The prma donna-grew idge-ty a i:earm; the dialogue, anid her color reddend considerably. "Do you remember,"' saidd one of her tormentors. atiter anx iner'v:d of silent 'ndevor to s-ee otst the caustantcy- shifting oestruction to wan 88wasgon on in tue' stiege slow, " n pparattus that Heller u.sed to ex:.ib .t f* okiu throghi a brick ? Thore n:, -:--i rrn'e ment of litte Ir:rors, s') th '. o the brwt'i was r~n in b - ran'g e el 1ti.si. sohd in' .a opaI-. - yoi cou '-ve.!, veinat of u?' re'-ud. t.' he other. that tae co:,tmi\a co C'l' make good tr~i uin o r 2.' -s . s i e . T1.'~ner was Iu' =,.tust lau he r er :i . -- ;.u ne rn thati the tex' tiri mut av -Hawikin & Si., Co il spllers. of Prest.o Englandl, have tailed. -PrIdc~;Cen: C(e-u.:'s lessage to Cona.resa, read .n the 6th inst.. is gen- erallv regarded as an unusually able paper. -- Snalr Coiquitt, of Georgia, has been .(( :teld for Vice-President by an Indiana clergymzan of the Northern Metlodi. cutirch. -Gen. Don Crios 1Uell, well known as Commander of the Army of the Ohio, has been appointed Pension Agent at Louisville, Ky. -Ne'son Stewart and Anderson Davis, colored, convicted of burglary, were hangecd within the jail enciosure in, Charlotte last Wednesday. -At Northanpton, Mass., Allen J. Adamsz, for the murder of Moses B. Dckiion, of Amherst, ten years ago, was sentenced last week to be hanged on March 12, 18IG. -At Akron, Ohio, last week, a sewcr beim' constructed caved in, burvinLr seven laborers. Four were cruShed to death and the other three were fatally injured. -The buildings of the Southern Illi- nois petnitentiary at Chester, Ill., were badly damaged and some of the in- mates seriously injured by a cyclone oil Tuesday tight, Nobody killed.. -The ten-year old daughter of James Dunn, of Xenia, Ill., died last week from trichinosis. It is said that two weeks ago the girl ate raw pork and that her death resulted therefrom. -The house of Wesley Greer, at Cannonsburr, Pa., was blown up by natural -as Tuesday morning and the Occupants, Greer and his wife and two children, severely but not fatally injured. -The faculty of Vanderbilt Univer- sity on Tuesday adopted resolutions of respect to the memory of the patron of the University, William H. Vander- bilt, and suspended exercises in the institution for one day. -An explosion of natural gas cc- curred at the supply station of the Philadelphia Company, at Sandy Creek, Pa., last week. The explosion was followed by a fire which destroyed the building. No one was injured. -Last Tuesday evening, at the crossing of the Texas Central Rail- way, at Bryan, Texas, the Rev. H. T. Wilson and two daughters were klled by an engine drawing a pay car. Their horz were killed and their wagon was demolished. -A special to the Chattanooga Tnzes says that W. D. Kellett, United States deputy marshal for the Northern dis- trict of Georgia, was waylaid on Look- out 3Mountain, thirty miles from Chat- tanooaa, last week by inoonshiners and murdered. .-Daniel McSweeney, the Irish "sus- pect," who loomed up in the last Presidential campaign, and has since haunted the Administration for re- ward, has at last received an inspec- torship in the San Francisco Custom hlouse, worth $1,800 a year. This place was created for him, but does not by any means come up to his ideas of what he ought to have had. -The cases of the Louisville, Ky., Law and Order Club against the gam- blers were on trial in the Circuit Court last week, and fifty indictments against eighteen local professional gamblers were indefinitely continiued in terro- rem, on the gamblers' confession of guilt and their promises never to en- gage in the gambling business again. Fines to the amount of $16,000 were assessed against the above gamblers. -At Richmond, Va., last week, the caucus of the Demrocratic members of the General Assembly re-nominated the heads of State departments. Th~e only change made was in the office of State treasurer, for which A. WV. Har- mon, of Runckbridge county, was nom- inated in place of Isaac R. Barksdale, the pr'esent incumbent. The Hion. Jno. W. Daniel will succeed Riddle- berger in the United States Senate. THE annual address before the South Carolina Bar Association was delivered in the liall of Representatives on Wednesday by the Hon. John Dillon, one of the most prominent and suc- e-sful members of the New York bar. Hie delivered an address before the American Bar Association at Saratoga in 1884, which has been pronounced by comnpetent judf es all over the coun- try as a madterpiece of learning. He is the author- of work on municipal corporations, which is high authority both in England this country. The Association was fortunate in securing the services of so able a jurist. Tun grand jury have returned a true bill against the mayor of the city of New Orleans for cxtorticn in office. In their report they say that theo entire city governtment was found in a wretched condition, and that the police force, besides being insufficient for the service, are of very little protection to the inhabitants of the city. They ad- vocate a general reform in the city afairs. TuE Virgintia Senate has recently lassedi a joint resolution instructingv their Senators and Represent atives in Conaress to vote for the Blair educa- tional bill. or any other measure hav- ing for its pturpose andl object an ap- propriiation for thle benefit of the pub- lic schools of that and other States in comnmon. T'hey believe in a division of the surlius revenue of the Federal Government. Tusa Democratic caucus of the Vir- sinia Legislature has nominated the lion. John W. Daniels for United States Senator over John S. Barbour ba vote of sixty-five to thirty-one. In him Virginia will find a true ~repre- setative.- r is rumor'aed that neither Minister Pendletoni nor his wife are satistied with the German capital, and that ke will soon forward his resignation to THE American Publie flealth Asso- ciation has been in sessidn at Wasb- ington for several days, and essays upon important diseases have been read by a number of prominent physi- cians from all parts of the country. SEN SIBE P-EOPLE \/ ARE NOT EASILY DECEIVED, FOR they know quite well that good and bad clothing are alike made to sell: and who was ever known to advertise poor clothing? They know how nearly all clothiers keep the finest and sell-on paper-at less than it cost to make them. Honest prices, well made and nicely fitting clothes, together with a good name (justly deserved), are bound to tell. The above being a fact, 1 state it merely to enforce the point that I have ready for inspection the largest and best assorted stock of Fall and Winter Clothing for men, vouths and boys, that can be found in the State. They are peerless in variety and honestly good all the way through; even the underlinings are shrun'k and the trim- mings used are meant to wear, not merely to help sell the goods. a-, every, garment is warranted as represented. 'I here are un- assailable ramparts behind which I invite you to deal. I am not here for a season ly: I am lere to stay. My stock this sea- son is the largest I have ever carried, and it embraces every style and fashionable garment that is made. I am willing to compare them with the merchant tailor work, and it is with real pleasure to otate that the business of this EMPORIUM OF FASHION is steadily on the increase. My ,large and constantly increasing patronage testifies more forcibly than words than t~e values offered by me are not equalled by any house in the'State. To prove the truth of this I ask buyers to make their own comparisons, as I enjoy then a reputation above that and beyond that of all clothiers in this vicinity at least producing a superior class of regular Tailor-made Clothing and Genth' Furnish- ing Goods, Hats and Fine Shoes. This is the headquarters for the correct styles in men's and boys' attire. All orders sent to my care will be promptly attended to. Respectfully, M. L. KINARD. Columbia, .. q.: F. N. WILSON. MANNING, S. C. Dec 17 W E. BROWn, Physician & Surgeon, Offers his professional services to the people of Manning and the surroundin couutry. Calls at- tended roiptly night or day. Office at D)rug Store J 8 , C. H. CLAUSSEN & C0., *CHARLESTON, S. C. W. AReckling, ARTIST, 1101 MAIN ST REET, COLUMfBIA, S. C. Portraits, Photographs, Ste- reoscopes, Etc. OLD PICTURES COPIED AND ENLAR.GED. Sept 16 EDE.L BROS., RICHMOND, VA., Manufacturers of Tobacco & Cigars, And Wholesale Liquor Dealers. FOR WALL PAPERS, CORNICES, CORNICE POLES, WINDOW SHADES, LACE CUR~TAINS. Call at the Leading House in the State for these ind of goods.I J. H. DAVs' Carpet Store, COLUMBIA, S. C. Bru oclsand W ool apeseece Beseill od the Fail trale nave already arrived and miany otters on t he way. 1,000 Smyrna Rugs IAnd M.ats, all New Patterns, also a ue selec- tion of Brussels Rugs and Mats. Cooa and Napier Matting%. nesw stock ja4 in store. _____ advertiser to con- It ontains lists of newspapers andestimates ofthe costof advertising.The advertiserwbo wants to spend one dollar. finds in Itthe in- formation he requires. whileoforhim whowill invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad- vertising, a scheme is indicated which will meet his eryrequirement, or can be made to do so by s hdanges euasily1 arived at by cor- respondence. 149 editions have been Issued. Set postpad to any addres for 10 cents. DRY GI DS .A NT31 CARPETS FALL AND WINTER 03;s. If you need any .ew Dry Goods, New Carpets, New Mattings, New Shades, New Rugs, New Oileloths and New Gent's Furnishing Goods, then FROM & NETL( Is the place to buy them. They have the largest assortment, and the prices they guarantee to be lower than any other House. Their European and American buyers re- port that they have purchased a large Stock and Superior Quality of Goods at very low prices, they hav- ing bought them before the recent advance. The following are a few of the many bargains they offer at present : One lot of English BROCADE DRESS GOODS at 20c. One lot of Changeable Dress Goods at 20c. One lot 34 Wool Cashmeres at l1e. One ease 64 French Dress Goods at 25c., worth 75c. These goods come in' combina- tions. 500 pieces of the Latest Novelty Dress Goods from 12% to $1.25. One lot of Real French and Italian Black and Colored Silks at 75c., $1, $1.25 and $1.50. These goods are imported by us, and other houses pay more for them at wholesale in New York than we retail them here. One lot of Black Surahs and Radzamas at $1, would be cheap at $1.25. One case of Black and Colored, all-Silk Ye]- vets at 97c., better qualities in proportion. Good Standard Prints at 4c. and 5c. Best Quality Fall Sateen Chintz at Sc. 80-Inch fine Ginghams at ,c. Engish Cretonnes at le., worth 33c., latest designs. One case heavy Brown Canton Flannels at S&c. One case extra heavy Brown Canton Flan- nels at S. One case Superior Brown Canton Flannels at 101., 124c. and 15c. Good standard 3-4 Brown Shirting at 3%c. Good standard 7-S Brown Shirting at 4%c. Good standard 4-4 Brown Shirting at 5c. 104 Brown Sheeting at 1ic. 104 fine Bleached Sheeting at 20c., 22c. andi Blue all-wool Flannels at 19c., 25c. and 35c. We guarantee that these Flannels are 10c. per yard cheaper than they can be bought at any other house. A good Jersey at 09c. An all-wool Jersey for $1.23. A full new line of Gents' Fall Undershirts and Unlaundried Shirts will be sold at a great svng to the purchaser. Another lot of Gent's Unlaundried Shirts at 47c., 59e. and 69c. Cannot be duplicated in any house for less than 75c. and $1. A new line of Tweeds and Caimaeres, very cheap, direct from Saxony. 200 pieces of Yac Laces from 10c. to 50c. per yard. We have them in every color, plain and tinselled. A new line of Beaded and Steel Laces; also Black and White Beaded Fronts. A new line of White Laces, very cheap, In all styles. A new line of Antique Tidies at l1e., worth A new line of Black Goods. Something remarkable in Handkerchiefs. 50 dozen 3-4 Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs at $1 per dozen, worth $3. Other Hanndkerchiefs In proportion. 100 dozen Ladies' regular Balbriggan Hose, Silk Clocked, at 23c.: also Ladies' Brown and Fancy Balbriggan Hose at the low price of 23c. per pair. 500 dozen Children's Imported Hose, fall styles, at lic., 19e., 23c. and 33c. The following goods, which were sli;ghtly damaged by the late cyclone, will be sold re- gardless of cost: A lot of White Blankets at $1.90, $3.90, $4.05 and $5.90. The Dankets are worth double the money. One leaso ied Twill flannels at 25c., worth One lot of fine Bleaching at 5%c. CARPET DEPARTMENT, 1,000 S3!YRINA RUGS, in all sizes, at less than the cost of the raw material. We bought these goods from a manufacturer for net cash, who has been pushed for money. One lot of full size smyrna Rugs at $3, worth New Carpets received and continually ar- riving in all ctyles. Fine Ingrains at 25c. and upwards. Extra Supers at O5c. and upwards. Fine Brussels at 65c. and upwards. Four and five frame Body Brussels at $1.10 and $1.25. A new line of Velvet Carpets at 37%, last year's price $2. 500 pair of fine Dado Shades, new patterns with Spring Rollers, at 89c. each. One lot of Hassocks at 25c. Country MIerchants will do well to examine our Stock before purchasing their Fall bills. All retail orders promptly agtended to, and samples sent on application. Parties ordering goods or samples will please state In what paper they have seen our adver- tisement. olli Eil in!!& ilololkt CAN'T BE BERT TIHE DRIVEN WELL MAKES IT EA-SY V. get water. No Well Cleaning. Cheap . Durable! CALL ON TM. 40. sBoan~e,5 SUMTER, S. C. JACOBI HOUSE, FLORENCE S. C. M. JACOBI. AGT, PROPLIETOR. r-L'very Stabe in connection, Fc, 25 COLEAN'S HOTEL, Kingstree, S. C. MRS. S. A. ST, JOHN,Sole Proprietress. Board t2 per day. The Hotel has recentl.% been thoroughly repaired and refurnished with all modern appliances of a first-class hotel. Saloon, Billiard and Pool Rooms and Feed Stables. The proprietress re- turns thanks for the liberal patronage here- tofore bestowed, and will continue to main- tain the high character which the Hotel has always enjoyed. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Cou11mbia, S. 4. U. I. FISHER, Prop'r. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I respectfully call to the attention. of the Farm'rs of Clarendon the fact that I have secured the Agency for the Corbin Disk Harrow, Planet Jr. Horse Hoe and Culti- vator, Johnson Harvester and the Cnti- nental Reaper. I have one of each of the:e instruments for disnlay at'my stables, and will take pleasure in showing and explaiu- ing their utility. No progressive farmer can afford to do without these implements. W. K. BELL, &gt., Apr15 Manning, S. C. *l S qj & O~1 q aV X ; TATI V SON is 18MNV H'AyOIPLTLO. IPOL;y HURRAH! 'LtOO 3 S a "Cxv MNOS I N ,S .H f SE jIS SELCTDSTCKO rT K1ft!J141V WHIKIE, IESPET HURR11aH T A IN T L -AFOER BHE R WhoCkeeps Lauors of all s it WHIrsIueSan WINeS, EatsCan eest lowos ce to tm th tmes TCUTOACORS.TWN PLAG-ERN BEEY R. everytin kpOO in a f ineas Saoo. Bega cqable.t tepopeo thi countybfr the lateyie: yhesIuest and aeliqurws candb keie godslto uteatnno the 2.1MY C'RounfrLh DANTELTPRATTIREN VLAING AD GIN.Y HavinKS.d thi GnfrE severL r I cane oen it a theembernno ini Puse.Ayifr of. ClWa RTonis anther spochere withey an ce a heap est liu r -s. Pasres toscall to tuhebatento go -sa id M oeir ndoton-Pnoiter odr eiarly. VO.VNG EADGIT HARvn~D it as etGn o nu An s. C.- 128 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, SO. CA. STOVES, STOVES STOVES -AT- WHOLESA LE AND IRETA IL -O Tinwares, House Furnishiing Goods, Potware, Kitchen and Stove Utemsils. !i Send for Price List and Ciron- lars. TO THE PEOPLE OF CLARENDON CO C. MAYHEW & SON. COLU31BIA AND {MRANGEBURG. 131i8 m Wtll WORKS. Manufacturers~ of and iDealers in all. kinds of AMEICAN aud ITALIAN MARBLE WORK. ;r Granite Quarries near- Winus- boro, South Carolina. Count ry- orders prompltly ati ended to, and desins furnishied on aplica- tion. Jan21 A WABM W\ELCOM\E AWAITS YOU ATi. -o- orrOSITE COCiT GLE MANNING, SOUTII CAROLiNA. Regardiess of thle ihi~lh lcense hec sells thec very FINEST BRANDS of LIQUI-OS, WNs and( BEER REM1E1E The Lest LIQUflRS for Les Mon~v Poss a *PCrLLTY. Agenc~t fo the leaingu Cigairs of tihe Stae. Th Joh McCulkou~nad h aic Urau ;, also the largest and Iinest Istock of other Cigars and Tobacco ini town. Ca Gest-tiestb. S, with -.epanneC rom! for c'.leC'd 1eople. friends aii att-ns and a.ks ai cont inI- aice of thesL ae Coeonc Co::e ;r- RememzOer that Pclite Clerks serve youi and every attentioni shown. TeW17

Transcript of VOL.~~~~~~~~ II ANNC oxCUT.S .EDNESDAY … · VOL.~~~~~ II ANNC oxCUT.S.EDNESDAY DECEMBR1,18..T.1...

Page 1: VOL.~~~~~~~~ II ANNC oxCUT.S .EDNESDAY … · VOL.~~~~~ II ANNC oxCUT.S.EDNESDAY DECEMBR1,18..T.1 THERISEOFUEtCrESTNUT It is amatterofl reproachto ourso- cial scientists thagthe habits


It is a matter ofl reproach to our so-cial scientists thag the habits and cus-toms of the joke have received so littleattention. It is at error of the vulgarto suppose that a J ke is a literary me-

teor that :inhes a --oss the intellectualskv for a moment ind then disappearsforever. Even trained observers havebeen deceived inti expressing muchthe same opinion; and a celebratedscientist, whose services to mankindjustify us in conceiing his name iVconnection with the charge, was heardto declare that a joie was "an instanceof intellectual abeitation unworthy ofserio, attention." i Nothing could befurther from the fiets. Leaving asideany discussion of tik first cause of thejoke, which would ivolve us in theobscurities of metauysical discussion,we may state boldi that the joke haswell-difined habits nd peculiarities,and a study of its hotory and develop-ment is weil worthithe attention ofthe foremost minds i science.

If is evident to an: jobserver that thejoke may be accuirsely divided intoracas ad-nationat.i No one whohad paid the slighte- attention to thesubject could possib mistake a Ger-man joke for a F ach joke, or a

Frenen joke for a Br h joke. In fact,they are as plainly arked off fromeach other as any .t breeds of dogs.and each undoubted has its differenthabits. An adequa iscussion of thesubject can not eve outlined in thiscolumn. Neverthel as a small con-tribution to an imp ant -subject, we

offer the following - int of a singlemember of the nrad interestingfamily known as tiie Crican joke:

It is eight months. more since thechestnut'joke first s the light. Itsbirth is involved in o urity, in spiteof earnest efforts to e its ancestry.in the early days of, s existence itgave no sign oI coMi: greatness. Weknow the story of tiv hool at Brien-ue, where Bourieine k the prizesover N.poleon; Bou- ne is now re-

membered not as "prize boy,"but as Nepolcon's se


V. In a likemanner tie tin-pan j or the nigger-baby joke of even da ith the chest-nut set med surer of i At the timethe-chestnut appeare e paint-the-town-red joke was at height of itslame. Its monthly a ance in Jan-nary was twenty-six usand sevenhuudred and forty-six,' hen is sur-

passed only by its unp edented No-vember record of thirty lit thousandnine hnndred. due to th ocal disturb-ing cause of a Democra victory thatmonth at the polls. r the samemonth the chestnut app d in publicbut a beggarly one hund and eleventimes. Yrevious to that to it was so

insigninant as not to worthy cfrecord. Starting from -t point, wesee the gradual rise of t hesnert andthe corresponding declin f paint-the-town-red.; In February e chestnutappeared twelve hundr. and forty-four times. and the paint e-town-redappeared twenty-five sand ninehundred and fourteen tim This doesnot necessariiy indieate a falling offin the popularity of the I r, forL theeffect of hard times was t severelyfeltthat month, the tot output ofjokes being six per cent u er that ofJanuary; but the increase the chest-nut joke under such unf rable cir-cumstances is truly sig ant. Thefollowing month paint- -town-rednearly ield its own, appe twenty-,ive .thousand seven hundre ad nine-tegn times, but the chestn increasedto thirty-two hundred. Th ollowingmonthi it increased by elev hundred,while the' paint-the-town-r declinedby nearly the same numi But inthe month of May the ches' leapedat one astonishing bound t fourteenthousand seven hundred an ghtyap-pearances, its only one riv comingdown something less than e samefigure.

It is scarcely necessary to furtherinto details. The August as givea total of more than twenty- thous-and appearances for theches it,whileits rival is all but as extin as Mr.Crawford's "dado." The rts forthe first half of the present uth in-dicate that the total will fa ittle ifany below that of August, thoughthe return-of-the-summer-b- .'cr hasacted. as. a disturbing ele t. Wemay assume however, fron: e fore-going figures that the ch ut hasreached its full de'velopmea and isdoomed to a speedy decline. I is dan-gerous to generalize from bt two orthree instances, but from try brioussimilarity of the careers of tl uccess-ful American joke, it is almo ''ertainthat their existence is dete d byfixed an4d immutable laws. havenot the -figures at had to v thisstatement, but we pronounc in allconfidence.pWe may suppose, therefo at tae

chestnut -must follow the pa- Ircadytroduden by paint-the-town-re ad itspredecessL and, after seein ' e riseof some sful rival that evennow in the obscure throng, w' comeextinct in about eight months. s risehas taken an equal length of inspite of a few well-known e tionswhere a joke has been able to rvivein a toothless, mumbling con a fortwo or three years. we ma afelystate that the average life of suc-cessful American joke is sixtee , atthe most, eighteen months. sub-ject is one of much interest.an ouldattract some young and en - ticsocial scientist.

"I am a very timid man," tes asubscriber in Ohio. '4 rnm ous.constitution:ly timid; a very ard,in fact. I am ashamed of it ut Ican't help it. Now, what pr sionor occupation can I adopt in ti rac-tice of which I will be most p ctlysafe from harm or danger?" toFrance, my son; go t-o Fmnce bea duelist. 'Or you milht rem inAmerica and be a pugilist.-E lynEagle.-There'll he a pretty hio -doamon, New jersey intwyers the

Scourts folow un the pre ant ab-lished by V~ic.:-Chamncellor lsird hisdecision'that a lawyer who ind 4 aclient to give :mu 6.000 liortg. for$975 and then sels it hi:net for 00must turn the prolii: overto the .ntinstead of pocketinz it vitelf. ey

pettfogerswidfah to seg~the ofbeigawyrsifthey hale to as

honms as &ner men. -AUeltown )

Mr. James Flurewaiter. having e-

come tired of machine politie-.to a permanent oflicial position a

the Federal GoverL'nen. and h::i::'had several vaars' exnerience as a::expert. he applies for the oie-Sugar Inst)ector in the Customs sCrv--

In due tiMe he is summnonedui btforthCivil Service Examinin- Board:. Fe -

ing confident of is 'eeral i.1.geuce, and of his spec 1 qifi':for the position. h presets m

for examination, wearmg- -a easy

benignantsmile.Mr. Fiurewalker rapiuiiy eolice- his

thoughts together and tries :o cune--trate all the fai&ties of hi,mi:ireadiness for the first qist:on. 'Chieahe is a little fearful may be a poer.

THE FIRST QUESTION."In sailing from Mozaiue I the

Straits of Malabar. whl -tre tlhe vaia-tious in the magnetic nedie, ond wV;aI

is the 6ause of these variation?"Mr. Fiurew.iker requests : repeti-

tion of the questioU. IL is repeae-twice-three times--ut Mr. F. is t'oflurried to repv."Perhaps you Can1 tei u-t her

Mozambique is?" says one of the ex-

aminers.--Oh, yes! Of course. Why, it is

off to the eastward mewrC-8n

archipelago or a peninsuia, or some-

thing. It is somewhere near Mewpo-taina."That will do, sir.""What is the rule in Shelly's case?""Eh! in Sheily's case?""Yes. sir.""Well. I suppose it's the same rule

as with any other man. If le issquarely elected, <ouit him in. Inever heard that Saeliv hald any par-ticular pull.""That will do, sir."

THIRD QUESTION."Describe the process of germin.tion

in a seed.""In a seed?""Yes, sir."-"The process of what?""Germination.""Oh! Tie progress of the German

nation! Well, since the battle ofKoeniggratz and the war with Francethere-""That will do.""What is mea't by the precession of

the equinoxes?""The equinoxes?""Yes.""The procesion of the equinoxes?""No! the precession of the equi-

noxes.""Never heard of it. What does it

relate to?""Cosmogony.""What?"-'Well, astronomy.""0! I see now, gentlemen; you must

have made a mistake. I am not an

applicant for an astronomical position.I only want to be a sugar inspector.""That will do, sir. We are quite

aware of that. Now pay attention andanswer our questions.

EIFTH QUESTION."Explain the rotation of the miolecu-

lar theory to the nebular hypothesis.""No. I thank you, I had rather not.

Perhaps you had better put some ofyour .civil-se'vice questious to theresident and some of his Cabinet.

Wben they pass I will call aroundagain."

"Sir, you may go."And Mr. Fiurewvalker groes-yes, he

goes back to machine polities.-N. Y.Telegram.

She Took off her Hat.

Clarc. Louise Kellogg has given en-,tertainn ent enough to audi~ences, onewould suppose, writes a New York,correspondent.to have earned the rightto enjoy herself as an ::uditor whenshe enooses. But I sat next to her ina theater the other evening~ when twofellows directly bedad her would notlet her have a good time. She was

handsomely dressed. and on ht r headwas one of those towering hais thatare now in high favor. except withthose whose view of a 'pm-formuac isby them obscuired,. andi to this class ofoijectors belnei tihe chaps at therear of Miss Kello::g.

"'I say, Jim.'' one remarked, in a

thrilling whisper', "did y"u evtr tryv to

mark the height of astuveilp' *iat iromnte Iloor up the side' of a rom by e.s-timate? Yes? Thenw: you !Lma. itaih as a ilowe~r-b:rd, ,i-. Nwlhbet you the dranks Ba nimia-nerv construani) is. a s~ naL atItahalr tali; 8;,,d i'a hiold in.Iup for a

measurement."Toe wazer was m,:nie(. the hat w'as

u)lited( fr comfparisoni u'i it w as

iaettled without d;punt in:t t.. i.eigh.tsfromi brim to crown wve:e exctyt'aesame. A glance around ine dthetershowed that the sa~imo surprismc i-ctwas realiz--d o:u domu~xs'o womn'heads. But the 1-et wa' 1so remildecided, for from Miss. K: lo g' hatu;rose two feathe.rs six or oit inchaesfurther, and thle waigerers5 c'ui no0

efe as part of tue struoctur'e us'elf. Theprma donna-grew idge-ty a i:earm;the dialogue, anid her color reddendconsiderably.

"Do you remember,"' saidd one of hertormentors. atiter anx iner'v:d of silent'ndevor to s-ee otst the caustantcy-

shifting oestruction to wan88wasgonon in tue' stiege slow, " n pparattusthat Heller u.sed to ex:.ib .tf*okiuthroghi a brick ? Thore n:, -:--i rrn'ement of litte Ir:rors, s') th'. o

the brwt'i was r~n in b - ran'ge el1ti.si. sohdin'.a opaI-. - yoi cou

'-ve.!, veinat of u?' re'-ud.t.' heother.

that tae co:,tmi\a coC'l' make goodtr~iuin o r2.' -s. s i e .

T1.'~ner was Iu'=,.tust

lauhe rer :i . -- ;.u ne rn

thati the tex' tiri mut av

-Hawikin & Si.,Co ilspllers.of Prest.oEnglandl, have tailed.

-PrIdc~;Cen: C(e-u.:'s lessage toCona.resa,read .n the 6th inst.. is gen-erallv regarded as an unusually ablepaper.

-- Snalr Coiquitt, of Georgia, hasbeen .((:teldfor Vice-President byan Indiana clergymzan of the NorthernMetlodi. cutirch.-Gen. Don Crios 1Uell, well known

as Commander of the Army of theOhio, has been appointed PensionAgent at Louisville, Ky.-Ne'son Stewart and Anderson

Davis, colored, convicted of burglary,were hangecd within the jail enciosurein, Charlotte last Wednesday.

-At Northanpton, Mass., Allen J.Adamsz, for the murder of Moses B.Dckiion, of Amherst, ten years ago,was sentenced last week to be hangedon March 12, 18IG.-At Akron, Ohio, last week, a

sewcr beim' constructed caved in,burvinLr seven laborers. Four werecruShed to death and the other threewere fatally injured.-The buildings of the Southern Illi-

nois petnitentiary at Chester, Ill., werebadly damaged and some of the in-mates seriously injured by a cycloneoil Tuesday tight, Nobody killed..-The ten-year old daughter of

James Dunn, of Xenia, Ill., died lastweek from trichinosis. It is said thattwo weeks ago the girl ate raw porkand that her death resulted therefrom.-The house of Wesley Greer, at

Cannonsburr, Pa., was blown up bynatural -as Tuesday morning and theOccupants, Greer and his wife andtwo children, severely but not fatallyinjured.-The faculty of Vanderbilt Univer-

sity on Tuesday adopted resolutions ofrespect to the memory of the patron ofthe University, William H. Vander-bilt, and suspended exercises in theinstitution for one day.-An explosion of natural gas cc-

curred at the supply station of thePhiladelphia Company, at SandyCreek, Pa., last week. The explosionwas followed by a fire which destroyedthe building. No one was injured.-Last Tuesday evening, at the

crossing of the Texas Central Rail-way, at Bryan, Texas, the Rev. H. T.Wilson and two daughters were klledby an engine drawing a pay car. Theirhorz were killed and their wagonwas demolished.-A special to the Chattanooga Tnzes

says that W. D. Kellett, United Statesdeputy marshal for the Northern dis-trict of Georgia, was waylaid on Look-out 3Mountain, thirty miles from Chat-tanooaa, last week by inoonshiners andmurdered..-Daniel McSweeney, the Irish "sus-

pect," who loomed up in the lastPresidential campaign, and has sincehaunted the Administration for re-

ward, has at last received an inspec-torship in the San Francisco Customhlouse, worth $1,800 a year. Thisplace was created for him, but doesnot by any means come up to his ideasof what he ought to have had.-The cases of the Louisville, Ky.,

Law and Order Club against the gam-blers were on trial in the Circuit Courtlast week, and fifty indictments againsteighteen local professional gamblerswere indefinitely continiued in terro-rem, on the gamblers' confession ofguilt and their promises never to en-gage in the gambling business again.Fines to the amount of $16,000 wereassessed against the above gamblers.-At Richmond, Va., last week, the

caucus of the Demrocratic members ofthe General Assembly re-nominatedthe heads of State departments. Th~eonly change made was in the office ofState treasurer, for which A. WV. Har-mon, of Runckbridge county, was nom-inated in place of Isaac R. Barksdale,the pr'esent incumbent. The Hion.Jno. W. Daniel will succeed Riddle-berger in the United States Senate.

THE annual address before the SouthCarolina Bar Association was deliveredin the liall of Representatives onWednesday by the Hon. John Dillon,one of the most prominent and suc-e-sful members of the New York bar.Hie delivered an address before theAmerican Bar Association at Saratogain 1884, which has been pronouncedby comnpetentjudf es all over the coun-try as a madterpiece of learning. Heis the author- of work on municipalcorporations, which is high authorityboth in England this country. TheAssociation was fortunate in securingthe services of so able a jurist.

Tun grand jury have returned atrue bill against the mayor of the cityof New Orleans for cxtorticn in office.In their report they say that theo entirecity governtment was found in awretched condition, and that the policeforce, besides being insufficient for theservice, are of very little protection tothe inhabitants of the city. They ad-vocate a general reform in the cityafairs.

TuE Virgintia Senate has recentlylassedi a joint resolution instructingvtheir Senators and Representatives inConaress to vote for the Blair educa-tional bill. or any other measure hav-ing for its pturpose andl object an ap-propriiation for thle benefit of the pub-lic schools of that and other States incomnmon. T'hey believe in a divisionof the surlius revenue of the FederalGovernment.

Tusa Democratic caucus of the Vir-sinia Legislature has nominated thelion. John W. Daniels for UnitedStates Senator over John S. Barbourba vote of sixty-five to thirty-one.

In him Virginia will find a true ~repre-setative.-

r is rumor'aed that neither MinisterPendletoni nor his wife are satistiedwith the German capital, and that kewill soon forward his resignation to

THE American Publie flealth Asso-ciation has been in sessidn at Wasb-ington for several days, and essaysupon important diseases have beenread by a number of prominent physi-cians from all parts of the country.


\ /

ARE NOT EASILY DECEIVED, FORthey know quite well that good and badclothing are alike made to sell: and whowas ever known to advertise poor clothing?They know how nearly all clothiers keepthe finest and sell-on paper-at less thanit cost to make them. Honest prices, wellmade and nicely fitting clothes, togetherwith a good name (justly deserved), arebound to tell.The above being a fact, 1 state it merely

to enforce the point that I have ready forinspection the largest and best assortedstock of Fall and Winter Clothing for men,vouths and boys, that can be found in theState. They are peerless in variety andhonestly good all the way through; eventhe underlinings are shrun'k and the trim-mings used are meant to wear, not merelyto help sell the goods. a-, every, garment iswarranted as represented. 'I here are un-assailable ramparts behind which I inviteyou to deal. I am not here for a seasonly: I am lere to stay. My stock this sea-son is the largest I have ever carried, andit embraces every style and fashionablegarment that is made. I am willing tocompare them with the merchant tailorwork, and it is with real pleasure to otatethat the business of this EMPORIUM OFFASHION is steadily on the increase. My,large and constantly increasing patronagetestifies more forcibly than words than t~evalues offered by me are not equalled byany house in the'State.To prove the truth of this I ask buyers

to make their own comparisons, as I enjoythen a reputation above that and beyondthat of all clothiers in this vicinity at leastproducing a superior class of regularTailor-made Clothing and Genth' Furnish-ing Goods, Hats and Fine Shoes. This isthe headquarters for the correct styles inmen's and boys' attire. All orders sent tomy care will be promptly attended to.

Respectfully,M. L. KINARD.Columbia,.. q.:


MANNING, S. C.Dec 17

W E. BROWn,Physician & Surgeon,Offers his professional services to the people of

Manning and the surroundin couutry. Calls at-tended roiptly night or day.

Office at D)rug Store J 8

, C. H. CLAUSSEN & C0.,





Portraits, Photographs, Ste-reoscopes, Etc.



Manufacturers of

Tobacco & Cigars,And Wholesale Liquor Dealers.




Call at the Leading House in the State for theseind of goods.IJ. H. DAVs' Carpet Store,


Bru oclsand W ool apeseece Beseill odthe Fail trale nave already arrived and mianyotters on the way.

1,000 Smyrna RugsIAnd M.ats, all New Patterns, also a ue selec-tion of

Brussels Rugs and Mats.Cooa and Napier Matting%. nesw stock ja4 in


advertiser to con-

It ontains lists of newspapers andestimatesofthe costof advertising.The advertiserwbowants to spend one dollar. finds in Itthe in-formation he requires. whileoforhim whowillinvest one hundred thousand dollars in ad-vertising, a scheme is indicated which willmeet his eryrequirement, or can be madetodo so by s hdanges euasily1 arived at by cor-respondence. 149 editions have been Issued.Set postpad to any addres for 10 cents.





If you need any .ew Dry Goods,New Carpets, New Mattings, NewShades, New Rugs, New Oilelothsand New Gent's Furnishing Goods,then


Is the place to buy them. They havethe largest assortment, and theprices they guarantee to be lowerthan any other House. Their

European and American buyers re-

port that they have purchased a

large Stock and Superior Quality of

Goods at very low prices, they hav-

ing bought them before the recent

advance. The following are a few

of the many bargains they offer at

present :

One lot of English BROCADE DRESSGOODS at 20c.One lot of Changeable Dress Goods at 20c.One lot 34 Wool Cashmeres at l1e.One ease 64 French Dress Goods at 25c.,

worth 75c. These goods come in' combina-tions.500 pieces of the Latest Novelty Dress Goods

from 12% to $1.25.One lot of Real French and Italian Black and

Colored Silks at 75c., $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Thesegoods are imported by us, and other housespay more for them at wholesale in New Yorkthan we retail them here.One lot of Black Surahs and Radzamas at $1,

would be cheap at $1.25.One case of Black and Colored, all-Silk Ye]-vets at 97c., better qualities in proportion.Good Standard Prints at 4c. and 5c.Best Quality Fall Sateen Chintz at Sc.80-Inch fine Ginghams at ,c.

Engish Cretonnes at le., worth 33c., latestdesigns.One case heavy Brown Canton Flannels at

S&c.One case extra heavy Brown Canton Flan-

nels at S.One case Superior Brown Canton Flannels at

101., 124c. and 15c.Good standard 3-4 Brown Shirting at 3%c.Good standard 7-S Brown Shirting at 4%c.Good standard 4-4 Brown Shirting at 5c.104 Brown Sheeting at 1ic.104 fine Bleached Sheeting at 20c., 22c. andi

Blue all-wool Flannels at 19c., 25c. and 35c.We guarantee that these Flannels are 10c. peryard cheaper than they can be bought at anyother house.A good Jersey at 09c.An all-wool Jersey for $1.23.A full new line of Gents' Fall Undershirts

and Unlaundried Shirts will be sold at a greatsvng to the purchaser.Another lot of Gent's Unlaundried Shirts at

47c., 59e. and 69c. Cannot be duplicated in anyhouse for less than 75c. and $1.A new line of Tweeds and Caimaeres, very

cheap, direct from Saxony.200 pieces of Yac Laces from 10c. to 50c. per

yard. We have them in every color, plain andtinselled.A new line of Beaded and Steel Laces; alsoBlack and White Beaded Fronts.A new line of White Laces, very cheap, In all

styles.Anew line of Antique Tidies at l1e., worth

A new line of Black Goods.Something remarkable in Handkerchiefs.50 dozen 3-4 Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs at

$1 per dozen, worth $3. Other HanndkerchiefsIn proportion.100 dozen Ladies' regular Balbriggan Hose,

Silk Clocked, at 23c.: also Ladies' Brown andFancy Balbriggan Hose at the low price of 23c.per pair.500 dozen Children's Imported Hose, fall

styles, at lic., 19e., 23c. and 33c.

The following goods, which were sli;ghtlydamaged by the late cyclone, will be sold re-gardless of cost:A lot of White Blankets at $1.90, $3.90, $4.05

and $5.90. The Dankets are worth double themoney.One leasoied Twill flannels at 25c., worth

One lot of fine Bleaching at 5%c.

CARPET DEPARTMENT,1,000 S3!YRINA RUGS, in all sizes, at less than

the cost of the raw material. We bought thesegoods from a manufacturer for net cash, whohas been pushed for money.One lot of full size smyrna Rugs at $3, worth

New Carpets received and continually ar-riving in all ctyles.Fine Ingrains at 25c. and upwards.Extra Supers at O5c. and upwards.Fine Brussels at 65c. and upwards.Four and five frame Body Brussels at $1.10

and $1.25.Anew line of Velvet Carpets at 37%, last

year's price $2.500 pair of fine Dado Shades, new patterns

withSpring Rollers, at 89c. each.One lot of Hassocks at 25c.

Country MIerchants will do well to examine

our Stock before purchasing their Fall bills.

All retail orders promptly agtended to, and

samples sent on application.Parties ordering goods or samples will please

state In what paper they have seen our adver-tisement.

olli Eil in!!& ilololkt


water.No Well Cleaning. Cheap . Durable!


TM. 40. sBoan~e,5SUMTER, S. C.



r-L'very Stabe in connection, Fc, 25

COLEAN'S HOTEL,Kingstree, S. C.

MRS. S. A. ST, JOHN,Sole Proprietress.Board t2 per day. The Hotel has recentl.%been thoroughly repaired and refurnishedwith all modern appliances of a first-classhotel. Saloon, Billiard and Pool Roomsand Feed Stables. The proprietress re-turns thanks for the liberal patronage here-tofore bestowed, and will continue to main-tain the high character which the Hotelhas always enjoyed.


Cou11mbia, S. 4.

U. I. FISHER, Prop'r.NOTICE TO FARMERS.I respectfully call to the attention. of the

Farm'rs of Clarendon the fact that I havesecured the Agency for the Corbin DiskHarrow, Planet Jr. Horse Hoe and Culti-vator, Johnson Harvester and the Cnti-nental Reaper. I have one of each of the:einstruments for disnlay at'my stables, andwill take pleasure in showing and explaiu-ing their utility. No progressive farmercan afford to do without these implements.

W. K. BELL, &gt.,Apr15 Manning, S. C.

*l S qj& O~1 qaVX ;




'LtOO3 S a"Cxv

MNOS I N ,S .H f


rT K1ft!J141V



L -AFOER BHE RWhoCkeepsLauorsof all s it

WHIrsIueSan WINeS, EatsCan

eestlowos ceto tm th tmes



everytin kpOOin a f ineasSaoo.

Begacqable.t tepopeothicountybfr the lateyie:

yhesIuestand aeliqurwscandb

keiegodslto uteatnnothe 2.1MY


thi GnfrEseverL r I cane oen

it atheembernno ini Puse.Ayifr

of.ClWaRTonisantherspocherewitheyan ce aheap estliu r -s.

Pasres toscall to tuhebatentogo -sa idMoeirndoton-Pnoiter odreiarly.

VO.VNGEADGIT HARvn~Ditas etGn o nu An s. C.-







Tinwares, House Furnishiing Goods,Potware, Kitchen and Stove Utemsils.

!i Send for Price List and Ciron-




131i8 m WtllWORKS.

Manufacturers~ of and iDealers in all.kinds of AMEICAN aud ITALIANMARBLE WORK.

;r Granite Quarries near- Winus-boro, South Carolina.

Count ry- orders prompltly ati endedto, and desins furnishied on aplica-tion.







Regardiess of thle ihi~lh lcense hecsells thec very FINEST BRANDS of



The Lest LIQUflRS for Les Mon~v

Possa *PCrLLTY.

Agenc~t fo the leaingu Cigairs of tiheStae. Th Joh McCulkou~nad haic Urau;, also the largest and Iinest

Istock of other Cigars and Tobacco ini


CaGest-tiestb. S, with -.epanneCrom! for c'.leC'd 1eople.

friends aii att-ns and a.ks ai cont inI-aice of thesL ae

Coeonc Co::e

;r- RememzOer that Pclite Clerksserve youi and every attentioni shown.TeW17