Vol 46 P Issue 9 P MARCH 2014 For Private Circulation...

R. I. President RON D BURTON Club President JAMES BRUNNER For Private Circulation District Governor LATA SUBRAIDU Vol 46 P Issue 9 P MARCH 2014 Mid-Town OF THE ROTARY CLUB DISTRICT 3140 Catalysing Youth Action Avenues Director Vocational Services 2013-14 Prasanna Bhagat

Transcript of Vol 46 P Issue 9 P MARCH 2014 For Private Circulation...

R. I. President RON D BURTON

Club President JAMES BRUNNER

For Private Circulation

District Governor LATA SUBRAIDU

Vol 46 P Issue 9 P MARCH 2014



Catalysing Youth Action

Avenues Director Vocational Services 2013-14

Prasanna Bhagat











Time: Your most valuable contribution


Polio and the differently abled



Prasanna Bhagat: ` Catalysing youth action


Feed the children


Celebrating woman power


(April 2014)





Mid-Town Bulletin MARCH 2014


TIME: Your most valuable contribution


Dear Mid-Towners,

The months seem to be flying by. It is now school vacation season in Mumbai and

I know many of you are planning travel outside of India. You’ll be missed. In fact,

many of you are missed already.

I look back on the speakers that we have had at our weekly lunches over the past

several months and I’m impressed at their diversity and quality. We have hosted a

best-selling author, a leading business person now running

for a Lok Sabha seat, health experts, NGO leaders, financial

and business leaders, and most recently, a leading figure

from the film industry. What a great opportunity and

environment for Mid-Towners to get together, catch up,

and plan service activities. I know that those of you who

do attend in person with some regularity do appreciate the

consistent quality of our programmes this year. I would

like to thank Rajeev Thakkar for doing a great job in

organising the programmes and I would like to thank all

Mid-Towners who have proposed and brought in speakers.

I would encourage all members to make the effort to attend

our weekly meetings at least a couple of times a month.

We miss you.

If you are unable to attend the weekly meetings with any

frequency, I invite you to consider other ways of remaining

active in our Club. During the past few months, I have

had the opportunity to visit our projects in Nere Village,

Jalna, and Sakwar. I can only repeat what you know and

have heard many times before: it would make a tremendous difference to you

and to our project recipients if you visit and participate in person. Your time is

the most valuable contribution you make to the service initiatives of our Club. I

urge especially our members who have difficulty scheduling time for our weekly

meetings to please get involved in supporting one of our service projects. They need

you and you will be hard pressed to find a better use of your time.

Sincerely, in Rotary,

James Brunner










To eradicate polio

in all countries, a

partnership was formed in

1985 known as Global Polio

Eradication Initiative

(GPEI), which included

Rotary International, WHO,

US Center for Disease

Control and Prevention


Consequently, Rotary

International has, over

the years, encouraged all

Rotarians to join in the

push to eradicate polio so that planet

earth is declared polio-free. With

the help of Rotary Clubs world over,

the disease has been eliminated

in most countries and now the

last battle has to be fought in just

three countries — Nigeria, Pakistan

and Afghanistan.

In support of the Global Polio

Eradication Initiative (GPEI)

Endgame Strategy Plan’s target to

eradicate polio by 2018, India’s

Serum Institute and its Dutch

subsidiary Bilthoven Biological BV,

jointly announced that they would

halve the price of polio vaccine.

Recently, India’s Serum Institute

stepped in to resolve the acute

shortage of hundreds of million

doses of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)

required by UN agencies at short

notice and at affordable prices,

thus mitigating a polio vaccine

availability crisis.

The polio eradication programme

received splendid support from

some magnificent people. The war-

chest to fight polio swelled to record

numbers. Bill Gates granted a very

generous donation to this worthy

cause. Not to be left behind, Smt

POLIO and the differently abled

Rajashree Birla, head of the Aditya

Birla Group and Honorary Member

of the R C of Bombay, has also made

a substantial contribution for the

same purpose. Past R I President

Rajendra Saboo has praised both

Bill Gates and Rajashree Birla

whose support, he states, are

the embodiments of goodness,

compassion, magnanimity and

the zeal to share wealth with the

needy. Rajendra Saboo was also

instrumental in inspiring the then

Prime Minister Narsimha Rao

to launch the programme on a

nationwide basis.

One of the accomplishments

of the GPEI was to work with

the Government of India to

make the country polio-free.

President Pranab Mukherjee

has received the Rotary’s

highest award for his

leadership in India’s victory

over polio. ‘The Award of

Honour’ was presented by

R I President Ron D Burton

at a recent ceremony held

at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The

award is a recognition for

heads of countries who

have rendered unique service to

humanity and served the country

and its people upholding values

reflected in Rotary’s motto ‘Service

above Self ’. A galaxy of dignitaries

came together to witness this

historical event. After three years

of no-polio cases, India shall be

certified polio-free by WHO. This

is a remarkable feat considering that

at one time, India had the highest

number of polio cases in the world!

RI District 3140 commemorated

the occasion with illumination of

the Air India building on Mumbai’s

Inner Wheel Club members administering polio vaccination

Mid-Town Bulletin MARCH 2014


Marine Drive with the message

‘India is Polio Free’ along with the

new Rotary logo. The illumination

was inaugurated by Smt Rajashree

Birla. Past Rotary International

Director Ashok Mahajan, DG Lata

Subaidu and singer Anoop Jalota

were the guests of honour.

Rtn President James Brunner,

Past Presidents of RCBMT, Board

of Directors and all members

of our prestigious Club have

contributed their mite, in their

humble way, to help eradicate polio.

RCBMT’s efforts in this direction

are channelled in three ways

(a) participation in polio vaccination

drive (b) assisting NASEOH to

take care of polio victims through

corrective surgery and distribution of

appliances to differently abled persons.

Rtn Piyush Khaitan sponsors an

annual camp at NASEOH for this

purpose (c) an annual medical-

surgical camp at Jalna, in association

with the RC of Jalna and Rotarians

from Germany, where plastic

surgery brings smiles to children

and adults. It receives strong support

from our Rtn B R Barwale and

Rtn Raju Barwale.

Rotarians distributing mobility appliances to polio-affected persons

So say “hurrah” to Rotary for helping

to eradicate POLIO from India.

– Rtn Naren Mohatta










Rotaract EVOLUTION SOCCERThe world’s most popular game was hosted by the Rotaract Club of Lala Lajpat Rai on February 13, 2014 at the Astro Park, Atria Mall. The chairpersons for this project were Rtn Muhammad Kheradia and Rtn Abdullah Mojawala. This tournament was a group and knock-out tournament. Since there were only three groups, we needed a fouth team for the semi-finals. The 4th team was the Lucky Loser. In the group stage, 18 matches were played in all and then two semi-finals and a final match. There were six players in each team and two substitutes. The match duration was 6.5 minutes and there were two referees. The runners-up were awarded with a trophy and a cash prize of R3000. Player of the Tournament trophy was also handed out. The winner was then awarded with a grand trophy and a cash prize of R7000.

Anagram MAGICThis was a small event with a big aim to improve members’ personalities and check their intellectual quotient. The members were showed a name with their alphabets rearranged in a different word. They had to identify the word and give the answers correctly within the time limit. A total of 24 members participated and were divided into teams of two. The anagrams were jumbled words such as ‘tacosle’ and its answer is Lacoste. Feedback sheets were collected for 20 such anagrams and the winner was Rtn Zaid Siddique. He was awarded with a Dairy Milk Happiness Pack.

Be PLASTO phobicThe aim of this project was to create and sell handmade paper bags. We donated the profits to needy persons. This project was chaired by community service coordinators Rtn Saurabh Mansukh, Rtn Anaya Shah and Rtn Shivangi Shivhare. The project began with distribution of chart papers and stationery. Then the basic techniques of paper bag-making were demonstrated. Every one followed the instructions and created beautiful bags using their own creativity. The members loved making these paper bags, and their enthusiasm and excitement was evident on their faces. These bags were then collected and were taken out on the streets to be sold.

Propose for SAFETYThis project was done on Valentine’s Day at Marine Drive where the Rotaractors of Lala Lajpat Rai College gave a rose to any boy who was a boyfriend, husband, friend or brother of a girl. He was then asked to propose to the girl for her safety by saying “Whenever I am with you, I will always make you feel safe around me. This is a promise for life time.” This project was a lot of fun as we saw the love in the people’s eyes and their honesty of keeping them safe always. The OC team received amazing feedback from the couples and friends who participated in this event.

MOTHER language

On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, the Rotaractors decided to celebrate the unknown and unspoken languages of India. Firstly, the chairpersons of this project Rtn Meghana Hilot, Rtn Zaid Siddique and Rtn Ekta Mahajan introduced all participants to the concept of mother tongue. Then, all participants were divided into groups based on their mother tongue such as Maharashtrians, Gujaratis, Marwaris and Christians. They were then paired with each other – Maharashtrians were paired with Gujaratis and Christians were paired with Marwaris. Then they were told to teach their partner their own language and each person was asked to come forward and say a few sentences on the topic ‘Journey with Rotaract’. Hence, the project was successful and everyone had a great time learning a new language from their friends and enjoying with each other.

Mid-Town Bulletin MARCH 2014

7all Rotary can do at the local and global level. We have so many members whose work has been path-breaking and highly inspiring.

Among the first assignments given to me was to introduce Rotaract Clubs as we did not have them for sometime. I was instrumental in the launch of Rotaract Club of Kundnani College followed by Rotaract Club of Lala Lajpat Rai College. Apart from the appreciation and acknowledgement I received for this work, it was a pleasure for me to connect with the youth and experience their thoughts and ideas on contributing through various avenues.

Being on the Board of Directors this year as the Avenues Director Vocational Service has given me a deeper insight and understanding on Rotary and the role it can play in building a better society. Our Club has a great track record over four decades wherein so much commendable work has been done. Here is wishing RCBMT and its members a wonderful journey ahead with many milestones, achievements, accolades, and of course, fun and fellowship.

– Rtn Prasanna Bhagat

The experience has been so enriching, giving

insights into what all Rotary can do at the

local and global level



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I had been hearing such a lot about Rotary activities and I also happened to meet Rtn Akhil Shahani. He was the one to introduce me to the Rotary Club of Bombay Mid-Town which I joined in 2007.

I’m happy to say that I have really enjoyed being a part of this Club, the sheer warmth of the members create a sense of belonging and bonding, a kind of support system and extended family. The experience has been so

enriching, giving insights into what


I’m happy enjoyed besheer wara sense okind of sufamily. Th


Rtn Prasanna Bhagat with her mother










March has been rather extraordinary for

the Rotary in terms of the excursions that were organised and the talks that were held. Even though I was away for part of the month, I feel privileged to have been present during the confluence of events that impacts our awareness of food.

On March 12, the Fight Hunger Foundation India1 made a presentation at the Club. I should imagine that for most of us it came as a shock to learn that India has among the worst, if not the worst, statistics in the world regarding malnutrition among children. We have more children between the ages of 0 and 5 years impacted by malnutrition than does Africa2. We learnt from Thomas Gonnet who heads the Indian wing of the Foundation and Bhami Vora, Head of Nutrition, that a diagnosis of Severe Acute Malnutrition must be treated as a grave medical condition. Proper


training is required to save a child diagnosed with the same. Contrary to common understanding, hydration, which I, at any rate, used to think was the right emergency treatment can, in fact, prove fatal. High protein and energy nutrients in the correct balance fed in the right dosage are critical for survival. Action Contre la Faim, the original French organisation that began its operations more than twenty years ago, is bringing its expertise to India with the Fight Hunger Foundation and we hope to hear from them in the coming months.

On the same day as that talk, we had a visit from Richard Pearl and Natalie Wu, respectively the Global and Regional Heads of Corporate Responsibility of State Street Corporation. They were accompanied by Peter De Bruin, Head of Environmental Sustainability. At James’ behest, they have recently made generous contributions to support both the Midday Meals Programme and the NASEOH project. I accompanied them to the Midday Meals kitchen at Tardeo3. The visit was organised by Rtn Narendra Mohatta. Rtn Ashwin Shah joined us briefly. A Rotary contribution to the project was made. But to the point about assuaging hunger among our children, the efficiency, the cleanliness and hygiene of the kitchen and the essential humanity of what is achieved with this programme of feeding primary schoolchildren with love and care never cease to amaze me.

I will throw in a short comment about a project visit I was not a part of. While I was out of Bombay, James had the opportunity to visit the plastic surgery camp at Jalna.

Rotary makes a contribution to the Midday Meals Programme in the presence of the State Street team

Thank you to Thomas Gonnet and Bhami Vora of the Fight Hunger Foundation

President James Brunner talks to visitor Laura Entwhistle, CEO of EmancipAction that fights to end

child sex-trafficking (www.emancipaction.org)

Nathalie Wu, Richard Pearl and Karen Vaz at the Fight Hunger presentation on March 12










You will read more about it in a forthcoming issue. But the reason I want to mention the visit here is that while he was there, Rtn Dr Barwale kindly arranged to show him the Research Centre at the Mahyco Seed Plant4. As a consequence, James and I have had many discussions between ourselves and with scientists, doctors and other friends about the production and distribution of food in all its ramifications. One cannot but remark that open and well-informed discussions are so important in increasing our awareness of the power of research and of the issues of dealing with hunger in a nation like ours.

On Sunday, March 23 we were at the Annual Celebration of the Ramakrishna Mission at Sakwar5 where the computer labs donated by the Club were being inaugurated. One of the principles of the project is self-sufficiency. Rtn Yogesh Pandya made it a point to show us around. The vegetable plots on campus are truly a marvel, fertilised by the gober from their cows, the produce glows with farm freshness. The children and young adults at the campus are healthy and well-fed and eager to grasp the possibilities of the future.

That we must contemplate malnutrition and hunger among children in an era where our national pride is strongly rooted in the incredible economic advancements we have made is severely unsettling. But we must take heart from the fact that we are in an age of hope that comes with youth empowerment. We are in an age of expectation where the hint of changes in the political landscape raises possibilities. For us as a community, to be at the helm of making a difference with hunger among children is phenomenal: I have had initial discussions with Rtn Gargi Mukherjee about bridging a connection between the Rotaract and Fight Hunger India. Our Club’s continued strong support of the Midday Meals Programme ensures that a segment of children in Mumbai grow stronger and better educated every day. The projects at Sakwar contribute to ensuring that children from remote tribal villages have a chance at being part of the progress of the nation. Many of us probably wish we could do more, but surely all of us celebrate every effort we make to help feed a child in need.

– First Lady Indira Brunner

President James at the pre-surgery ward at Jalna

First Lady Indira greets the youngest student, one of the winners of the elocution contest and a phenomenal speaker

The computer laboratory that was inaugurated

Rotarians on stage at the annual celebrations at the Ramakrishna Mission in Sakwar

1. http://fighthungerfoundation.org/2. For details and statistics on fatalities, mortalities, on

the occurrence of Severe Acute Malnutrition look up http://fighthungerfoundation.org/index/expertise

3. http://annamrita.org/4. http://www.mahyco.com/5. http://belurmath.org/centres/display_centre.











The month of March, year 2014, was a very memorable

month for Inner Wheel Clubs of District 314, who hosted the 3rd South Asia Rally. Preparations had been going on for a while for this three-day event. On March 7, gents toilet blocks were inaugurated at the Balvantrai Mehta Centre, at Shantivan. Our Club had donated R2,20,000 for this cause.

Five members of our Club attended the rally, which was held at Renaissance, Powai, on March 8-9, 2014. The rally was a great success, with over 1,500 members and some international dignitaries and guests of IWC. IIW President Gabriella Adami, Association President Pushpa Suryamurty, IIW Vice President Abha Gupta, IIW Treasurer Kapila Gupta, Convenor PAP Raksha Mehta, District Chairman Mrudula Dand, Past Board Director Dilruba Ahmed from Bangladesh, and a few guests from Nigeria were some of the VIPs present.

Key programmes of the event can be enumerated as follows:1. Introduction of IIW President

elect 2014-15 Abha Gupta.2. Introduction of Margarette

Golding awardees, Past IIW President Minna Kapoor and Past Association President Mano Bhaktavatsalam and giving of badge and citation by Gabriella Adami.

3. Felicitation of Silla Ardeshir, the Founder Chairman of District 314, who composed the Inner Wheel Prayer, which till today is recited at each meeting.

Celebrating WOMAN POWER

4. Justice B N Srikrishna was the keynote speaker whose eloquent speech, interspersed with shlokas, held our interest. He spoke about the importance and the invaluable contribution of women in society.

5. Cultural session consisted of songs on social awareness by Dr Dilip Nadkarni, a street play by Kreating Charakters: Meri Awaaz Suno and felicitation of sketch artist Nitin Yadhav. A fashion show by Varuna Jani and a musical show by Vishaal Aasrani were the key attractions of the evening. Folk dances by various districts depicted Woman Power Unlimited which was the main theme of South Asia Rally.

6. A panel discussion on women7. Felicitation of Milind Soman

and Vivek Oberoi8. Swami Sachhidanand of

Chinmaya Mission spoke on positive attitude

Well, the entire programme was worthwhile for us because of the role played by Ashok M and Asha S in welcoming the chief guests. Gabriella Adami arrived in a chariot while a group walked in front of it performing the lezimdance, followed by sounds of bugles being blown. She and the other VIP guests were presented with a scarf. The whole welcome was planned meticulously and highly appreciated by the District. A trophy was presented to Ashok M in appreciation of her efforts.

After the excitement of the District Rally subsided, our

A proud moment - R/Ann Ashok Mehta receiving her award from Association President Pushpa Suryamurty

Dashing Vivek Oberoi at the rally

At the South Asia District Rally










General Body Meeting was organised with great enthusiasm. This month Shobha Motwane graciously hosted the lunch meeting at her residence and treated us to a delicious spread of home made gourmet food. A talk by Dr Shilpa Lad on Know Your Breast was arranged by Dr Rita Shah. Our Projects this month were: donation of two braillers to Kamla Mehta Dadar School for the Blind, valued to the tune of R70,000. Another R60,000 given to SKS Chakshu Foundation for education and for a toilet block, R5,000 given to National Sponsorship Council for lunch expenses of 140 students on

Inauguration of District Project — construction of toilet blocks

Members of the IWC at one of the outreach activities

Our members at the General Body Meeting

their sports day and R5,000 to NSC for education of two students. This was over and above the contributions by members towards the construction of toilet blocks at Shantivan.

Sulochana Sachdeva, ISO 2013-14, has been quite active in Inner Wheel. She attended the Zone I ISO Meet, organised by IWC Bombay Hanging Garden. Club flags were exchanged among all ISOs present. IPP IWC Chennai Mid-Town was also present at the meet and Sulochana successfully established a rapport with her. – Rtn Aarti Gautam

Mid-Town Bulletin MARCH 2014


OFFICE BEARERS 2013 -14President: James Brunner

VP and President Elect: PP Mohan Lalvani

Acting Vice President: Sucharita R Hegde

Hon Secretary: Anil Ambo

Hon. Jt Secretary: Manoj Jalan

Hon.Treasurer: PP Anil Kamath

Sergeant at Arms: Munna Mitha

Immediate Past President: R.P. Anand


Avenue Director –

Club Admin Service: Sucharita R. Hegde

Programs: Rajiv Thakkar

Fellowship: PP Mohan Lalvani

Finance: PP V. B Haribhakti

Attendance: PP Tilak Mehta

Bye laws: PP Bipin Jain

Fund Raising: Mehli Cama

Co Chair: PP Mohan Lalvani

Classification: PP Yog Shankardas

Membership &

Membership Development: Shaunak Thacker

Rotary Information: PP Mehernosh Currawala

Club Bulletin & Magazine: Anil Kejriwal

Public Relations: Sunil Gautam

Avenue Director: Vocational Service: Prasanna Bhagat

Career Guidance: Krishan Khanna

Vocational & Scholarship

Awards: Burjor Nariman

4 Way Test & Club Website: Rajeev Thakkar

Senior Citizens Welfare: Dr G P Kasbekar

Financial Opportunities Forum: Parag Parikh

Avenue Director: Community Service: Gaurav Kapadia

(Medical and Non Medical Projects)

Child Welfare: Ashwin Shah

Co Chair: Naren Mohatta

Nere-Vaje Village

Development Project: Nirbhay Jain

Polio & Care of Physically

Challenged: PP Kersi Hilloo

Medical-Plastic Surgery

Camp: Dr Anil Tibrewala

Rotary District Relations: PP Anil Kamath

Avenue Director: New Generation: Mehli R. Cama

(Partners In Service)

Interact: Jamshed Patel

Rotaract: Gargi Mukherjee

Sports: Harshad Vora

Inner Wheel: Prasanna Bhagat

Avenue Director: International Projects: Yogesh Pandya

International Grants Projects: PP Anil Kamath

Co Chair: PP Dinyar Jamshedji

International Family &

Youth Exchange: Santosh Kejriwal

Co Chair: Manoj Jalan

The Rotary Foundation (TRF): PP Tilak Mehta

Assistant Governor: Pradeep Saxena

District Secretary: Preeti Shah

Group Co-ordinator: Anil Jain


Birthdays in April 2014 ❧

7 APRILPrasanna Bhagat

08 Nazneen & Jamsheed Patel13 Daisy & Hector Mehta26 Suman & B S Kumar26 Shobha & Gopal Motwane30 Nirmal & R P Anand

Wedding Anniversaries in April 2014 ❧

02 Neeta Patel06 Radha Goculdas07 Dinesh Vadera09 Sudha Mehta09 Indira Brunner13 Rupande Parekh13 Shakuntala Shetty14 Nina Mehra15 Uttara Bhandare16 Nainu Thacker18 Anjana Mody18 Rajul Shah18 Saloni Sharma23 Asha Singh

Spouse’s Birthdays in April 2014 ❧

Events ❧

1 APRIL Hector Mehta

Edited and published for Rotary Club of Bombay Mid-Town, Navjivan III Commercial Society Premises Ltd, 10th Floor, Room No. 10 (R), Lamington Road,

Mumbai - 400 008.

Designed and Printed at Spenta Multimedia,

The paper for this BULLETIN is donated by Rtn Bimal Shroff for which the Club is extremely grateful.

Please send your articles and news for the Bulletin to Allan Chenyen ([email protected]) preferably by the 16th of every month.


Speaker : TBAVenue Taj Mahal Hotel at 1.15 pm


Speaker : TBAVenue Taj Mahal Hotel at 1.15 pm


Speaker : TBAVenue Taj Mahal Hotel at 1.15 pm


No Speaker – Closed Door MeetingVenue Taj Mahal Hotel at 1.15 pm 10th Board of Directors Meeting

@2.30 pm @Taj


Speaker : TBAVenue Taj Mahal Hotel at 1.15 pm

14 APRIL(Dr.) Inge Krueger

9 APRIL Arun Jatia

24 APRILPP Lalit Goculdas

21 APRILManoj Jalan

Magazine Month