Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4,...

Vol : 11, No. 17, St. John 's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on • .c. ffolding. • wo rkm. n pUb finishi ng touches on this .• type of offici.1 recognition th.t construction on Queen Elizabet h II Ubr .ry is we ll und. rw ey. _"' ... .... -.

Transcript of Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4,...

Page 1: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

Vol : 11, No. 17, St . John 's. Newfoundl and, M ay 4 , 1979

Bal.nced on • .c.ffolding . • wo rkm.n pUb finishi ng touches on th is ~gn . • type of offici.1 recognition th.t construc t ion onQueen Elizabet h II Ubr .ry is we ll und. rw ey . _"' ... ....-.

Page 2: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •




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Page 3: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

2 M .U.N. GAZETTE MAV4.1979

"' _ . ••• _,_ ......._cfI . ·... _ __ .......... h

.ndWl" __ Secrot.,.,af s ....~___bll_h IMlo1 5 F"' .......

r.........'__ e..- """'- 00 ea-......... . he lllllclSI ..... oIW_COU""•. 7!>3-(l220

LEARN NOT TO BURNThI rit\t 0fIke .. ........... U_oitY in co·_ wlllt J_ c._~•. _PIo";_I'"CotNni Ili_ "' '''''''. lUPP'vof b<ochu_ onhome II.. protectlo The.. bo"""._ 01 which h.._ .. p.....""'._.. IIVI"''''.. '''''~-.c. bytll. OII.... oI_ Fl.. ComA\i oel_• •eII howti_lCO" be . voided ._ . 0 .... 11 _ n.h ow 10 "'-" 1'Idwhet 10 doInc_oI l1.., 1l<e bllCOtion i.. blel1 no Co"w hlle .. odI . .. ... ''''''' '''. lecurity _......"". , PIM_ <itop (do not prhonel_l..dle"".__,..,.. 10"""_ ...._ ....""_1.....1ety

::.;: ..-.. "' .. _ l-SPU _ .. _ "-"""""a"u.., _.__ ... _

.." .......icIO n l Hetolct ......, _ be_ tt>e.....GaI..-,._he .-....... _ _

="~,:-"._.....,i"""'9' 10

Y~'he_I-..._ICIl-.k af V"go_ t< ......,..."..,.. buy ol ..... Moddle AQes

""" ""_r" lety.Schoo! g,o..,.lI._.,ly_'o""" V~'_.te<I .n ....lGall..... IIIC*""'."To .., lOU' . .... """'...YlOca ll_ G.~ety . _'n_""'. T : 7~J- 1 200. h' 2111

....ne<ldrI'oo .lp".'.. m'nwtloc:hY"lIO_ lI be •port,o,poll.. " Spt' ''ll' . nz. _ lot 8 p.m. n>u,_V, M';'0At, ,,"'I,me ' he ' . w,lI belh. pOelryol Slln Y,, lIO' l'Idmu"o l>JI"' recorM, .no.mbl. ot o.. bo.-8tt MoOe,mott.Jo¥T,lIol...... F. nn¥O •• • ,.,.,.,."" S h. il.Sa"" ..-Wunoch

Summer Jobs for Students... ..


-W. ' en.1OUtl"'., ""'.,,_•• e<>eII

oI ;m '_ · _ d'''''to Mr. John..on. lhl........ 'nckxM_ ,,,,,10 1ooo1"oupO-.uf"'.. , __

• _.....:e(u.'''lI"',M•. '''m ....o.~ ... heil>'.. IO'.'..lu"""'''' 'h.ne.. V''.. ·.uroup

E......s::~'7====..,;n..::~1'Iao_f1.. "' ...... _


_ C-IC.U-.,.,Cotnpe_

_ ............ , ..r V"'"-.rtv _

DuM u.ge

..-A_Iot"-r,_ """""""" .... 311__"DMtftWau:h_

~..'::..":";:::... " ,_ ....._putot.....­01 , he u.--anv01 V"""" .A, __lafT_'who_.olll__ ion

19P.i , he r.....bIaI.........."• •'" w"h h _ _ s..-. in

Ignwl>enhe .. UP ' he "'1liI .. '... · Tod .. ·.o\ce· • • 1 EdytheG_o.re·.,eq.-t.S1f1C01''''''''''h__''''''''' ' iaI..- oI_""IiI""ne.c><>t><ltJct""wcrtohopO.n<lc...._w·~'nu_.~outot80ndS.. _.n<l<:O· "'". I""I"e.. ry..... " .. "" the Art Gallety.n<l Ih.An G.llery

s..n·." It"_oI~m._lIb1putot,..........,ohotti'/.n<l h•• ilion ..... ... """_wlde"" " 'l>olog,_Tile C.8 .C. prize. wh ich i. -,h 12.500 WI' . _rdld I ... Otyoalle<l·Ln RiQe·.bo"'.you"" ....."hunf,"lli .....w;_....... ""' .. Otyw;Mbebtoo>dce .. byl"" C.8.C, .. ' ..

:'~~:::7~:=0.::~::::::::tt>e_ .. t Hi. "'. _ . ..... ...i... '"

"The~- updnod __ af _ ,,_·.plev

Participate in International P~gram

·c. _ .. en-_ In_ ...,_IICOlg_ "

-'u"""I0 OC:~'. i.. ",ir<:lworlcl_l<lpn'>e.. ' ' '''''mo...h. ..... ' nd., home.· re_ ,he _ _ . .....oc:h h• •

... "'::.::::;:,:7:~~'::"'E~::~~ c. ..t, 80b Wedde ...P.ul 8ound"dg• • n<lRu'hWind""'I""" ."""""Uw,lIbe"''''''ouool.oo·. 1979 CCIp,"'''' ipil .....'' 'h . lou, mon'hp",g ... m.

51""" HI~8.th.p'ojlH:'.i" 0<I...:.1i00. heelth cor••.,outh .. _rsh'p 'iCul'u •• . commu",ty<l_lopme..,.""con...""',"" _" g.",'"'" ,,, Al. ic:o. Indi • • S"18'".... _'-. SOU'hA .,..ndc.neclI

Eh._hc."'·.... .....soc:elpiece"""""'S......I_...• "" _ .opea. to be-n.''''' i'' .d,....... I>oIptte I ......_ "" het u.., doperl .... _ SI. John'. ·A II.. -",..r ,,,..-.1 oehooI_cIo__.• "" c.", , ....__ .... __ . ndCroaan>oodo n.",,__ tv ·

1'd_~_ Comn'>.......,Deote........., _

...... _ """"' _be9O''''' 101nl:l Sepl_ . l' hetwor_ _ -' _l

_ ... _ be ..... _ t_"' _ _.~"'-~="'M UIII ·.Sl_AII.....nds..-_ccr._eor»mIttM_ ...__............-_ ca. ...... ·..,gel_e..-. ...__ , __ af_ ...,. .·

... •• ."eduee'_-aolt .-,..""ou..___ ThII _~tIIl_..-"._............""he _ _ ~o..... ItIdo_1


ca·~"_.m t '_ '750 ... ,_,,Tr-............MUlII l'Iao he _ .. -.. ..._.-'

oI'hef750l>J_""."_''''''''''gt.nf""""""19711 ..........,.. ""eet'.......r.two ..." , the

...,..n<l ' 0 be held '" a_·. College .' 7.30 p.m. s.r <I.VM' ¥ 5

Aca>t<l to Mt,Joh".'oo " r.be'''g_"" lOO~••"" ..... ,un<l-..' <I.n r "" "


Stu<lenI...gn .n lO9'..men " ... ' on' hel.. .... ... .. 1Dc. ...... m.,- _ II --"" ", ,,.. mum 01 200 '->r. -.Iu""oo "' ..<I_Id _

Page 4: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

MAY 4 , 19 79 M.U.N. GAZETTE 3

Series on Economics to be TelecastProfs. Frishm an. Ma y Prepare .

Progr am for General Public


1...lur,,·'Il inform . ..on on lhe econom~ llocel . 1'Iod.... loonell• •nll.t,on.Norwfoundl.nd ·. hou • •"1l inOul l<v.etc:, • new Che nnel 1J le<oeI will be lel llCllst 11.<1,ngM.~ 1.•11 JOp.m

'"Tl>er;e<i. w,lI ' unltH-ou gh lhe.u ... ....... . nd'nt o n ... 1 ~"" . ~ N~. Doug M..,.D_<1mef>t ofE<:ononllCl. whotOll el he , w,th Ze y F,is h m.n.Bu.me s. Adm,n ist,.t'on . w ill eo· hos l lhe p' og, . m

BOlh men . F,ishmen wholeache , co,por.leIm . nee .nd M.~ in Ihe M,B,A and eco nom",.o'OII,.m•. belt .......Iho", ne w ETV se rIes w,lI b8 use t.. 1IOlh llPubl",."lI,ge

"~ngu.ll"used .n lhe ser, es won·lbe

.cedem"' .8prom...... Ma~. "The le"" lol.n.t....'.'••"'tprotll. 'IONI' .bulll"oe.nlormaIIOf>W,lIbepack ag.ed .I .I..."' • •mpllll...... I.


Tt>e School 01 B.... ,t\lIISAdm'n.slt.' ''''' h••lInCOU'.ged lhe l profes.sors.nd ... 'n ttl lill'C1.$pOnIOf."1l "'- 'ndfc.e'edF.. sh m.en

THE MUN GAZETTE lllll<ecl _Ih the "",o .....nabout lhe __

M...y W._IO _ _ OIl <:>gr_rat_lndorec1l'r___ ...__ ,heCBC eboutlhe

e.-__ why.fI__ T"-"'09"''''_..., _ _ . .... do. __

_ .1"- _ . .--'""",,,--_ .. _cac __ ..." ....--_".,.,. ..,-.-.-¥RISH n- _ _.....- tor .mom.., .. ToU_ _ , .. . . _eel. ,__._to

"""' ""_c budgetl.-....hfthey_....... _

"""'dl.tluf l .... n l......redto......, 'l>epubl""..,_ ,_"""'........ 110' --.. ,odlO . ... c_ThM g u. _ ode...... .... U.OUP...... ,"" 1.0

"""' ........... """..... econornlC-..rl'.GAZETIEWfIO ••• ' f>e_ "' ,n yOU' . "" ''' '''''' 'FRISHMA", Tf>e_",. ,.""I,OIlely not tor prot.... ..... 1orpr"",cmu IO«InOl'''' ' ", If . mo....,<ned . t _ I. who ' 1Nd' h. mo, nlng or ." ... noonpopo ,. Th.¥ ,ud . bo<J" . , • •""ngOi ,ntl.t ,on . "" tt>evW<>IlId hke '0 know why ,. . ..."' . " .. ng I." beo.u .. rn..o~. ".. " 'nt h,lII>., prot" .1 01"' .th... ..-.p,otound'''''''ns'MAY T~. __t. ... ...1'" • ...,eel . t ,i>e lI'In....

Publo<: li>e.....llbu.. ...-.m.n. ... . .,,' .'. .. eelhou_,'.......udon 's.orn.ol'h_t5rn"'u"' _ _ ' " oould ...

peol<egedlO9"'-... hoghed>ool._ couIdputtwo OQt."'.

1Ogefher_ ....... t"" _n __ t ... "'._ u."...""""Or>eolourprOll·_ .. · ...-by S .c.__ ........... _t... FAMEXI¥....oI¥ E~t .

SU.......t .. _ 'o-.:_Ior .... CPItConeu "' _

_...::::~,=;:h=::"::';:= on_ _ _ gel_'n_ FAMEX ......... '

A ''''nl~''''--''''' lood__ 1lIttheCPI_If_IO.'I'l-I,_nt"""-_"'_IM__....... S• .Jo/Ml·.....

50.1-=__ ""'__ 0-*"'l1'li .-'....

T1>M_Id ... . . S-"' ''''''. __t_odl_cower.___'Od

~n;:-~,:"= ==..=':..:"'"'~::•.::doelOQuel_th _ . nolherW.aon ",oaup _ . "".. ' .......... hll.... reoourood " _ W' ,__ '- 't 'l nol.e.rt>er. f , t....'_She · ,ng-"""' et>ou, ' f>e.. tu.t,,", . 01 cec -'- w ,1I ...

:..~ -:;:;:·,·t::::~.:~"::;"_',:::~":.;:" "~h..... ou' g t eo, ... ,. oourc<tpet oon . ncI tl>en o..... "' .n'on'h..."' .""" ou, .."'••FRISHMA", Th.'".. ,...,pr"ll,.m.ol'h. """"w,1I1..'u' .. _ II·know".,,,,,, On ,he',s/>,,' ;es , P...,y.ICDp n. I 'h'nktf1.,., . ~ood .." "" ..." ... . We'lI olso ~" . 1W<l P"'li' ."'".... "'.hOUI '''U'''''u.trv'nN....-I(Iu''''I.'''' Mcs I I. m,h..·

...."'.'n-.'...."""._Wedo<loorn.oI.he .fIll' ...... oI_.'·IIIO'ng on on 'i>e

hou.. nglf'>du.'.., .ncI • •• ' ..o."oo_oon_uoed ......"

(L· RI Fris h m. n . Ma~

v. ' or-. he«! of ,... _oundilencl·Ubr_ HousmgCor '"", .""CMHCbelOl.'hllt ", kno_ _ 'ftho"Uebouthou.. ng; -..ndlenclGAZETTE: Wl>etde pi ... .ode . f,.. , ... ~ .. t ' ou 'prOQ'."'" 'MAY Th.....m....'_plen '0 go rcund to 1or;.1r:ommunot•• •.. "h .o. m• •• o.e w .ncI " ._"·'\IO,n g ... , .. m.otde-v.IDpm."t. Ti>e'.·"""ust'~'h'ough"" l th.,~.nd .r>d_

,hDuUht _·d o<;lu. li¥getou, .ncl t. 'k'0 ,h. 1"" .1 peopl.FRISHMAN W ••llOh . .....n 'n'.'.I I'''U ..tol ....OQ'em.'''',h. lI8n 1"oo"o,mc ou""" tor New!oundl .ncI.ncI 'heAH." '''' OI/,fIQI. For'h.t __ P.t .. Gunt ... 'tromtl>e"" len,,,, "'OI/'nce s Eo"""",,,,eou,,,,,1 w. dodtwoprcg,.ms

_,\';..m,,:: ,::'~~,~t:"~'::I":",~::Ionhcom,ng _ , If< ti>e _ prou,.m. "" Gun 'l>er ... ,N

""t1".. ".. .-.uIy-._doftIopmen, ,8I'I 100-1'"___ '- oII ... ol_ 1 Cornone_lOthe_Ioo- I... prog' _..-- Ily don ·' _ . .. _ebou't1'OIu.-..,.ng ocpr~Buf"'g___....._IO""' __ don·I_ 'Opul__ tlwough u_...._g_ """,,-_h

.. ,_ .........""__ y_ ,_I<om ............,...".._"'~ ......._I.__ -'"'eer>-'o_--_.._-~ng=_::::::-.. lIuofuetone

....... --

Musicians Awarded GrantT_ "'.....,..,.. lro"' .... Mu _ 0.-1.... ...... /Ofn,

_opr.n.. ot. Coned.Counc~ g•• ",u.-r""EopIor.I """I"rou,."'..... In Se!>t.mber,P.u'Qendl.. lAuo ......P,oI••_ ,n Woodw ond). nd OonllId wr-..,ISeseoofllllI"",,,,otor in ....O...I ;on) OIu.n'.... . grou p ot u''''.f''I~ .''''

commu""~ mu.ic, ."•. unde ' the fIllm. Fuoion . _,""'ed '",~. pe, lor.... "" "oto'"'t.mpor ory .ncI • •p."'m .n ' . 1 mu"",Fu.. on he . be." hUfd'''llul . ,ly ,n 00""''' 'h ICUllfIOut tl" ...m.... '.nd ~.s pr.m'... " d ..y., .lo"g'n.1 work,byill....mbers

Th.C.n.odlI Cou"" ,I.w.... "' " poo.. bl. lor Fueion'0 <;on"n..... ,ts _ _ 01 con ,.m .., mUI'" co"""'to ,nt 979 -80 .nd w,n ... uoed '0 I ' th. " , oup ..."l'l t. . ....t.pr,n"nu.publ;':;'y.ncI,.nlOl1 _

Nobel Laureate IsVisfting Professor

F,om M.¥ t ~ · t8 ..." ... oI h.... lectu, ... ... ll be u,. " n

~:::=.~.O~~":'..:.,I::;:,:""~';.';..~:~be~.'''.'dU";, .'"il¥

D,L,_b ...,II l>e'he"""hokIeroltheJobVi.. t,ngProl. _ . h.p, . nnou nc:ed ' f>eOO_ ' ....... otC l>em'.I..,--.... lec:tu,"" "" "beu,..... 'n 'i>eCl>em.. tty -Plry ...,.

=.R-..C-20••,t 0 30 .",.The Prog,_,•••

..... l . T... S"_ olE~_OlherPtot....

.... 15 Mec_ olf+r<lr~ Enzyme.

..... UI '-'--OC~_ on........-" ............. T,._.........

.... 11 __ (lirbfuIS_OIlRe.:bor>lm


..... 18 ~"-- E_tv.w>gs-. fIor_.

Or lOJ*lCl"'b·. ,_<f<I>eI_ _ H..PhO _ _ .... "'.·'.,UyStllllogo..,. od _ .on ....._.nd trv ... liM9 _ "" . _

,__... _ .."' ngl ' UCI_ oI '"

"""'-..do'"'hOI ,"""- _ --.

=.:::=':""":"'bor"'o....,=~lor":::.:.: .i>e , ....__ lOeppIy"-">ll"""lpr....,..,... 'o""""".,,.., ~1

,,,, . _ted,,,tI" ' ''''' . Il>8C,.I Iy ,nthe'not_me<:h.. ".mlolpol..-.tbor"""'. I, ..... lor 11,._ ,,,bo""".""c",bor.necl'Olm''' rv lhel he_,.w.'ded lheNobeIP",.tor Ch.m " 'fY ,nt976

DrL'PIOOffibh.e._n"""'k,ngon ... . . " uc:tu'.. of. n'l''''''••,....,.'''..., i¥ 60 ·••ndh .. p, odu olH:lt• .." n. , '''tl,•• ult.ontl>e." ",,' ur.. oI,rnr•• compl• • m" ""ul •• w,'h. ncI.. 'tI'lDu"i>epr"'''''. OI l ubs" " "', H,. de' .il eel ., ud¥oI'f>e I"""''''••n<lmodeol .., '' ''''clCII ,bo.'fl'OIPlod. ..... .._1I_k..-n

H.. ,_ '''''h....... lo '''en~ ....... ''Il''' ... _ · 'dltor D.t lp$(:omb. culmon."ng,n l"' _ Pt" .", 1971

Page 5: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

4 M .U.N. GAZETTE M AV 4 , 197 9

book reviews, awards, publicatioThis popular work on Indian Burialin southern Labrador is "first-rate"

BOOK REVIEW: The Burial at L'Anse­Amou r. Robert McGhee

Ottawa : National Museu ms of Canada.National Museum 01 Man, Archaeolog icalSurvey of Canada, 1976. 23 p p., illus

.. _ ... t>y.. .. phT . P...o,•• Hi.. ory

In 19 73. lwo Memot,.. 1e,ch"..oIOll''' ts . RobertMcGh •• • nd J..mel Tuc~. found "n . nc,.. n. Ind,,,nbu,i .1 mound n• • r th. co mmun ity oll·AnH ·Amou'in eout h.,nYbfldor . Th.. followinll .umrnetttle y• •c.... ' ed .h . mou nd .ndd'SCO\Ie<edl sI<.~lOnoi

• ch ,ld abotJ. 12 o, 13 ye" rs old. T rtllaa.foundw 'Ih 1l\e Ch.!dind oce' edlh.lh,, - or she - h ld beenbu.ie<! bVMlI"" .........c...ic lnd il ... - peopI . wI>o10_ In blnoK Haonally eq,Ioi••ng c. t1bou In_ ,nI nd H m ....I• • long.he .....1

T ' gelylO wotk of Dt . Tuc:k . nd h••l1uden1• • 11'on .... 0-.and~. _ k_

qu .Ie . Io. 8bou1 1t>.M.'" ' '''''' Arc:.... octrldo'oon. b...ther._..-..ofthif; b utIe I WhICh _ ....rypu ullng

To be9 on _ h . II _ SlJrpnllng ..... l .......lt

1I·_ of h..........nd lil""""..... hld.~1O

muc:h effOO'1 1o bury . c:hiold. Tt>ebo<ty_.I.... nd

1oboul.............. ""'''_ I.....urf _of .......mound _ 8 10 10 """,.es india"""l.' . The mound._ " __led of .h , " '-Yeti of .oc k .nd. bonorn.. ye.of ..nd _ ••true,u'. wtllchmu............k.n""»1o_1,,1.

A.... ....p.II,"II_s'.... f8Ctllwl"h'.ch'ld_.bUrIed I"". down w,lh . " 'lI" .ock on hll back Mostpeopl... lle nded'obury't>e"deadlllC. up or o nlh .." . ode. 1I med . Iso ltla"h"Ch,ld had be..nbu"edw,'h con lld".ebl .. .. ndunu.u..1 ,,'u..1 AI"..IwIdbe .nlnon ..Olh s,d .. oI . h.. body .. ndlhecorp...i. ... llhadbe.. nsm ' ..dwi'h.ed oc h'e

Inl.." ..d w "hth.. ch,ld wa s .. p.o lusionolll ,avelIood.'nc'ud,nll·lon ndbon.. kniv..so._",polft' ....n.nl l pe 5l1 och .....nd ll' .. phlt ..II"Ift,.to nel. • bonependenl bon .. llu, • .• c• •vedivoryobillC,whichmillhlh..vebe..n.".chedlo ,h ..• nd of . h. ' I)OOtl Ii.......nd .. 'Dgllli"llherpoo n

Sinc . _rcoell.orn the II' . "" h• • been. ldoocarbonda'ed .l .bou17.500 ",,'. "VO.'hi.....y....k.. lhe h. , POOt' lhe 01_1 . ue h deY",. known inIllewo,ld.lncIeed.lh.bu.... cet.rnony nself wasinc . e<i'blv old.8C cor d,ngIO Mc Ghee . ln hOl WOtds· As I.r as we know .' pr" Hnt. no pe op le. on ....nhwe'" t..ki"ll such p.i ns in dl 'p<>II'tI{I 01 lh .." de ed inth if;m ..n I'h. llime , ... -

Th,swas ich.ndl"nt..hl,nllf,nd . ..ndMcGheem..dethemoSlolit.lnaddil,onto,h.. u.u.lschol... ly,eport.h.. w,ol.. epopul.,wo.kd,v,d..din,olWOp. .... th .. li, s, . .. lic IIONII ..ccoun, olwh..lm'lIhlhaveh.ppened.,h.. 5<IOOnd. • t:wief .. . po.uionot wh . l w aslou nd .nd its " lInilocenc.loC. nad, . np. .. h,"OtY . lt i•c1••• lrorntl,•• li et ,ona l n.... I .... 'h . ' McGh ee ' •1. lentl ... shorlstOtY w rn ..,.,.equ.lto lhoaeofr.;••• • n ..chaeDlog'l1. H ' of wh ..1 cou ld....... "-"""<l I~..noKol.,... l1/OsI<illlully. ......... . II I...ttha a<c:hI>eolog,II . lound

Inbriel.he .... ta ' heI1 OtYoI . n ........_'d.un..kedboy-1rIrt>Dhad wou'-. f,u'W" be., _1I",u' being.bIe '0 1<011n. Soon al!e . ,he bear' seepe . tha ....... 11bIondlO ......it:hI.... boy- beIonged_ medto seetha .... ' ..n$Dtl f"e. Real .. ,ng_1t>1I wouAd n."' ..a . ousCII .eou hur'!t-.nd lhediNlhof ""of...... blond lh roug h st .rv - !"-v dec>detl to....ol_ boy ID_ I""' ed.n,....,

MlIny chaec>lc>ll,II.. laoId lh .tnbtguouIevodenCe p'........y''''''II''''''' .. m.... ..'ieaof_nlS IO ll<:COL>n' for w"'t ,hey"'''''UntN"!'>tIdFew . _ •. h...... hid the ...... - . nd . he

c......I1" -topubl,lhlhe"lhoutlht. n..e"lIOU'OUS!lI:,.. nllhct... ,nitl{l01 moIl.,ch.eoIog,I1••ppe.,s IObe incompallbl...... lh 'h"'oIlo1llorY·l.. 'I8<. SuI• .-.::haeoIOllyhas .. lw" YI.mllCtedbDlh,olNlnl",...ndt<:i..nl,I,• . a"dinthllwotkMcGheeh• • bl ..ndedlh.lWOqu .. lit,,,swlthunu lu .. t,,,".'"v'tY"ndll'''C''

Th.. N..l ion..1 Mu "" u m d..se,v.,'obeCO"1I." tul e'ed lo, pubhs h ' ''lI 1h, dmi,ebl.. hlll ..boo klet . The a't ,l" c' s Bnd lh.. . 'l ' .. t>e..uti lullypholO lI, eph ed , e nd th .. ov .. , .. II ..pppe.. , .. nc .. o l th..WO f k 's ",st ·, e''' . The l.. nll u&ge'scl 'w,thOul be lnllove,·.,mplil, ed .,rKl eed.ncouldbe, d w " hp. ol, l by.nyon .. l.o m .. h'lIhlChoolllud..nl lo.n .. . pe n in lhe,..

The Burial .1 L'An se-Amou.

and farewell parties too..."" II"_.oIEngIrah._ """_ ~ lI"' _""_ .

~...~ -._ ---.~-... ..._ I,IU " E.......~ _ ___to<...IoDo W . __ F... K...... .-._.•_......__ tt>a._.•__...11..... • • """'""1__.1_, .

....... " "'- .. 1.....-o--·.AIoce W•.-... ..... II"__ -rn .

........ngtry ''''''OOO_oI t....,doepa_ _..,_ ... ,ly trySh • ....,O·o.a ..... "' '''h .... eooo. , "....- ,-

1.It"'_II".'II'. """""_

~';:: ~~~.;,::~..I8'oad . "" <leeo co"',n ""' h.h.n .t'~." ll'O' ''lI

"'h••I... n.vo"'pr·, "'_ si"U.F_ wordy lll, '" ndK,hrowm \lfof'llI Il00n h. ... led

(Sorne1 , by, _,·" ....od.J'o _ .. know...U

__II"_f ,.....-._.....,-...",' ,.._....--.-c..---....--.... .....-l,Ios~.""aoted. ",_ fr""' ....___ .- .....-.._ ."'_ 1"'_

_' rmlr_ ...""'_"'11n 'sq ,.'9hIOO...'"

~::I':. :,......=..-:.,",.1 en rol 'n • • ' '''''••I......

~"~:::.c;::';~:~,:::.~,c.,.,Would you chOOIl .n .mp '. clI.,,1

::. :::::,~~:::::.: ~,:..· ,.m lry'''II i''" 111,.on• ..-. " .....

' .lw . ylh..... _"• . I"' .. "PI·"'.llDonoI_. ''''''' '''''1 Ito.,_Who ..yl lh. ,m. . ......'>oU• ..-..m.s

_-... ........"..I·d beA..- __ ...................... D< ~h _Ia...,~'J_ ... _w ""rne,."',"...-.- -, , lIO' ot TROEJY= =':~r;-..::::..._"nl "' _

,·"' · ' .... 1

S ad,"UOU" ... tt<>OO_ ••,"""'ad<l'''U '''' o<ld ''''"".1~=:~~~"Ro!':.:. ;::::.~~~ d.....1,1, •. 0;_... . . who .... I BA from 1.I<:1,I..,.. ,.t>:!.n

"' ... f,om l,I.m", .. I. w• • • pPO,n' ed ~",., II 1,1 U N ,n1968 I ndusoe'. ' el>fofe'IO" n ' 973 1i. '.' • • • o'

'PI.=::'~:~:~~.~C~~~~"":'~~:'~::":'''':~••",~; ~.:~:::~~ ~: ':;::~;'':;'7':"~;:::': 1

Page 6: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

MAY 4, 1979 M .U.N. GAZETIE 5

s..."Pioneering Nature of Subject Matter

Is Impressive." Indicates Rev iewer

Cook Receives Grant

Stud y to be Published

M_ Coollt»- 0...__ E....""'_1llo.­TIIe_·.C_I"II "",,"'IIIl • ..-.tul run ,n S•.......n·I,p<OIlIIO'''''''''lI_P' ,'''' y,__ •

S."''''A''.G.. n' fromll'.. eo C<luflO'''''' _.79/80

T... ~'"nfw...w..dIIIl,o.n.blo '"',. CooK 'OCO"'l>i...twa un',n'_olo\'l'nd""",m"""._"OO'f'n_m......' ... __ __'0_"'"'..........-"'_01 ,... 8t " _ ---' .... h .._AII....

CuttentIy,Oeond_oI R...",T.~ ..__""""Il~. Cooll·'_""""'_ ",_ _ . _ .... U_yol Mm._ "'lICooIl·•

::,....::...."'::""- 'I>e_<GvtI_ Sound_ D.,..,.

... .__1_ <11 _ noc""'" ••""'p1 • .., b""'oo_tIh~ 01

. mul'l ion, The b...c .. .."lI .....n. i• • e<:ot d'''II IO . u ' I>''' jn

.~I_ .nd in cl>fOflC>Ic>gic.,n n..._ .. ...... e<.....-.nced g_ "'•., IOWfI........ '-""I __" .... _ '"'ll"'"..u....-._"""h....._~ .... pn ...., ......... .g__ jIIo ...... _...., .. _oIo<_-.ng ........ p<aIIObIy._oo__ .. _.,.", Iot...... The .-.--=__ ....IIYlllblaloo _in _"'lIthe_. q""" d.... """'''''''

lt il ""' _·.ap<nfOn'I>.. Ot.N .m ""_' .,I>. g'".~_ of "Y_J,Ofl. totj not.. "ng.n ..ct> oI,I>....., ..... __ II"" ... in·uppIe...."'''·t .._ ..•lO.C"coI__ .looon ..-in__oI ,...

u-....y ... ""boIdIillIo<._ ....... -........ ......... ul ltllll__""tIe'-<l_D<

- '._-_.-. "' ...... good "'..doI"'....". .....ncou'....'''II_,OWfI .. _ ... .-'''.....Htol_oIK1l_

I'Ml'lC" 01'-.,..E"-~,,,,_,__od .... ....--_........ Un__ ", T..-.._f ... .. udy_publ...""'<1I_""~"'..MU • •• I ...

_woIl ,,,,,1_ ••_11 II>eI.. ,u,," "'._.. , 1>"1""'""'.....""' Ollndl . nd pOopl.

........,• • I I> <Ion., · .."'01',....' ••. · i ," .Ie'I>•m......u.I>ot "n ~'N._ <..nd.ndub<_._"""'I0.. _ ........,, __..,.,.,.... eIy."'" _ dooct"" _ <1I .... "*•.

O"f-.- ..ct _ .. watI<COYet1I .....~ _

:-.::::~=:..:::'..~T"" Ru._ SCIIom...... M ..lI"'MDull-j, ",",cy J....

..... "' '' .''' Ubol''''''.-'n '....u'''''Y·

BOOK REVIEW: Indell to the Arc h ive ofUnde rgradua te Research on NewfoundlandSociety and Cultu re. T.F. Nemec. St. John'sInstitute of Social and Econom ic Research,1978 ,67 pp.

If .. ,nf,~""n,ly "'''0''' , ... ,-. . book whICh_,.:t. "," . m. ' i l~ Wlll> 'I>. unll<Jbl"I> IIIl compjl.allon . olundottg._n. lndellll."'.....,.n."'I't,"lIoI.""II . ..."_.. ....... _""",,__.._._<01___~__"lI .."'_"'.__ u11

......cM"'_ on_ .. _...., .........~ -.. _~-"'w ""_._'"_1_eeeunocy ..__If """""".....

..-.If,_ ........... ....,..... _l>¥lod<oI

ot>'"::"~:"'~::''':II·,;::::'<Io...nd Ill. _bol",.tl c..l,ndPl"jllll.""'__ "' IoCed ...",,_tie -n- bIoI p<_n"", ""' __U~ mw ... oI ..hdllCC _,.tlen........ p;Ies<1l-..._~.buI __ on.__ _..._ ....- ._bMI.. _no==.::~~:."'::.:':::.=.:=;:...,..-efl_rvely. p<"""_ .....1 ... .... -.. .1lOd••_

''''''';e<opl'''' Iotc' l16'l>¥.n,".bl'''''''''cl>ol••. II,.... 1I>inll>. oon,..,ot . ocl> . n .nn'-II>.. O'. Nem.,;· .=:==....:::::,:,:,':.:"'':'::'I>Y 01 0"1"'"",,-.- ..-,.-._........ .......­_ I>......_ . nd __....,_... . oI-..a_.•-PfOII'-..rIy--..-.---g_ _.eouId __

oI.l>e,rtIeo_,... SOO"' ... ..",·_. whdl ..COfl,••"""be_ 'I>e-.-oI ,I>.. ""'u...." •. To _do.. 10 wouOl n ,"" .. '.. bt .,n•• dep'I>ol" ""' ''lI. nd. m.m, I ""n i......"" .. I .nd g_ lOCi., oc.. noo.TI>e. um'Ol.l oI ' l>elllll"ll. ' ndlCO'n ,I>. t -'""""""""' ...... _1'1........,....,_"""' " ..........1y-"..-cl'I_'''-''__''''__

"""*'''''''----'' _--- ..____ 1.....,. .._.__'"..._._.. ...-1'9"''''". "_on_"ogl>llhe,nde.et>.__.CIO<c""''"'eIy'notlect.i'bec........k'.... ofco"'l"l""'umol ......cl>lblolde•• cullo d "om ll>.... ,dontl.ptoh!",m,ndo'O' N."""".hcl>oneof'I>_~

pt"' pot .. n',.llyCllpobl.. oIbe."V •• PI""IIIl'n'o.1Iog""' _.d""'O<Ily .....~llyt _I>¥.____ pIkod .. ._good_.o__ """'"

1he ..1u<I. .... _ncoral"'..,,-' .....-_WhM '-'__ I O tle _ .. _ p<-.._

'ncf~""I"''-' '-"' __'' _'"''...._connal .ond to""_,,_.... '"JMIblo_ The."'....... CO", ..... """ull, • •• pIIN.. "lI, .nd ,...

. ~


....__ F.. O:;.-..,.._ .... _• • C<oII-g ...

Page 7: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

6 M .U .N . GAZ ETTE MAY4.1979

To Attend Russ ian Workshoplhi .ly.mploy... ollhe.. li , m.

"Th.m.nag• ......, tol Oo<:ky. ,d, F,B. M.,.; ... .En' ..p.i ....ndC.mpbel S hip.SuWlie' .... . oba •cong ,.tul.l.d lOt ......king lhiscont";bubon.~ 0 ,

H.poinled out ltl . l .kno Ie<lg.oIR.....n i.bacomingimpOf,.n • • • mo h,p.homlh•• co..nt<ycom. inlO S l. Jo hn·. lot ",po if••nd..,pph.

Shown in pict u, e (I·'l 0 " H,J. cbon. H. a1101 theO' _lm.n' of Qe"". n .ndR.. Mie n.O, . I, BfUC8.0<0anof " •• M'u FoOl... 0 •. Wol we"'" end M, . 9 .JAg ti.Com pt . ol"".' M IUn ive ,..;ty



R"lI,,,,, .,, oofl" oce du, • • IO/M. y, 1979 . w,n "n.bl.o.p"ftme nto ,o con" ol I nd 1IUpe""'" '''lI'"''''''''' in ' he"su bjecl., TO lh,s .. nd. Oel><Iflm. nl.wili be feqUlfed'O h.....in. ne nda""" • • uffici"" l numbe, olt. culty memben ,osla lf,heifcoufse_fegi. ".hon .f e• . E.cho.pattmen, .hould,p l>Oln, • • upelVi_wh-o";lIbe,"SpOn.il>lelo, ..n.u'in~lhalhi.O.porlmenl'"ad"'l"""Iv .. " tled.nd'h.' suNoci""cou.... c. rd• • , • • • • ilab le

NOTE: Jumo, O,v"lOn.'udenls";lI ,eg i.ter in lh . nOfmalm.n""wOlh SenrOf.ndp.ft'81 otu<lentl. Ih.y w,l! no' be

:::::::~h1.9~~~"'"s u_ in ,he Fall Of Wlnle,



Stud ent s' Award Nightu,1yin April. 'he an nul i S,ud .ntoAwafd Nillh'.opon... .... by th . I... 'i'..... of Ele<:tfic.I ...d EIec:I,onic.En\lin_.rIEEEI. N.wfoundlant.l .nd ubrado, Section ._.".Id .. "",U,fol . Sho ...... left'otighl . .. .. ud."toJoeA .... ...u11.nd Dw;gl>t How .., 0 • . Ad. m Zielin• • ;' C.u.....P,"!_l CoordinOlor; 0, . Mohamed EI·H.w.<y. Ela<:lric. 'Engin..,;ng PfOlI'. mChairm.n;F,.nkSmilh.C....rm .nIEE£ See bo n; lk A.i.Rahm .n. 'E EESludanlCoun ..llot.nd.lud.nlOoug p. non

Witf>..... help of do ... tio n. t. .m "' lou lbu.. n.......lheC."I. Ooc kv.rd, F.8 . M " ", . En"" ' i Umited "ndCom pbe"· . Shi p.Suppli-aro. M i•• B, jda Fo ,oIS,J ohn· . w illbe.n ending.mon.h·lonIl R nWo<k. l>op.. ' heUni""'.. ' yol h ning .. d thi ....mm"', Mi•• Fo.......:-::':}.::: Momo~.1 .........., w iN be 1'.";"11 10' Rul . i.

0 , . ~heW:I:~:;;~~:'~=:.dni;n'~~~~:' 'h roullh

O",, _ enl " . M .U ,N , 0,. w ol......w.be.- " •• -..invo lved .... Provin ci.1 Adun . nd Contin"ing Ed"" .ti<>nPtOll..mm " tha. I"'ov ided Ru "'; "" 'n ot'u c' ion 10 ' OV<I'

Cu".ntl v o n ... bbl ,c.1 'ludVin~ 1"CI'I .' " .,n,ng .ndptDgromm•• d. ""lopoldfOfCh,ldten · ued3·8 ind iff.f .nlP'/Ift. of lh. wOfId" . Ot. M•• AP,i nce.E,fIVC hildt-roo<l~~:';;.?:::ftm. nl 01 Cu"iculum .nd In."uc""" . F.c ulty

In S ,n~'POr•. 0,- . P<inc. ~"' l"" 1979Y.., 01 'heChild lect u,es." h. ln. , nu,. of Edu c. tion. Ouring hi." . "" .... O' .P flnce'.ptomo1'ngI979·V. oroflheChild. ... .

:".::~,:~': ~~:~~~%;:~~'"7:bfr::~h:e~nlld;.n~=:::~~:: ~~~I:=~,I:~:~~EI:,~::~.I .nd lhe

Studies Teac her Train ing A broad

.....,: ~7s ~.::,':";~~I.~~~.~~",,~,~i '1~:~; ~::~';liC'Competl1ion on Morch 31 of Ihis ,,"" '

Th. com pe"l>On is'POnso,e<lbyMemori.r.M.,h.m."coo.poftmenl"n conjur>clionwolhlh. C. n.d,.nM.lhemal,c .ICO r>gf.... R... u" ••,. ulollowo:F"otP<,..5100. I. n Hore. St J ol>n'.;5econ<l P<" " oSO, O•• idO.we.B.V Robeft .; Th"d P,i... , 52 5, O'I<a Auerb"" h. S' John '"

:~~d;::~. ~,~7':':~:'on, Por.d ... ;.nd Third P" ...

Mathe matics Compe tition

First R.C. Mew s Prizes

When R.Ca'mIIn Mews,e",e<lfrom n,spoSrtlonosAdmin i.".""" AsS;S••nl,n A"lIU.L 1978.lhe Chemi.lfy

~~:~:::.~~:~dC~::u;,~~~:1:;I:~u~P';~:O~:d,obe'W.'_IOlh,unde,~rllduat••' ''''''nl judge<lbV' h.f. cullV me ml>e' CCl"« , ned lo be lhe beSl U bo' .I Orydamon.lfatOfIOflhatV.Ulf

On AQ<,I21 .1. Ih. 1".,R.C. M.w. Pm e. we,e .w .,dedto John Rend .lI .nd Bfldge n pocco. JoIln R.ndell . • lou, ln_'Ch.mi."VH"""uf. .. ooonl. .. . ~.. d u.. . ofB, .hOP .Hign School in 51 John'• . In 1976h.wuchoo.enbV lhea.em'otfll Depa ftmenl to . neod,ne London In'e,,,,, ,,,,n.1Vou'h Scienc. FOftni~h' . John inte nd. 10 do ~.. d""'te'ludoes .ltafcomfll·1ionolni.BSc,B,~.nPicco"'oufln

v... rO,ocn em '."vm./O,from BUfln.•nended Bef!ley


::::::::::1 ~.:'.th:::c:bov"", R.C. Mew ••nd . w. rd w... ... , .

Page 8: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

MAY 4 , 19 79


-O"""" Dr ..._.~"'_

~oIM"-_E_ ctI<Man.... ()I~""-__ - _=__ Mr :sn.-.Chroaor ,CCORE, ,.,,......'Oc_....... /ae- E_ _

~ Dr II ,.... o-n.f..,.....,eIl

E_,"'_~sc..-. MU N .O!tshor.8ooIoe_ S'ud¥ 11.._ - Ch.o..-..."Us L___ ....80Cl1cll1.. .E_gy.u,,- .Nl_~ c._.

T..~ ·• ... 'n' ..

E.._,..., .. u<lt"' (x· 20 1}. ' 9 ..... . M.. 'Of>eno..., .. _ l>OCled 1r"", "'_ M°

u _ . Nl t" __r_O.J.~.M, eIlRur.1~ lr>trodu<f_lOtheUbr_e-' lo .... "',"... P"""_tr., MrT .....~I.. msor> Dr. O. R I._'h. -.._. l>opon Con'.IR. ... . r<h _Pl.nn"",.. L.ta<_h-'<lJ ."u. rv.1 97' .'88'dIordln."'ut.0I0Ce.""VO'.."r.v• r>d"' ,lId, '""UHob!""'.. . . ot'h,.SV...PO.. u... . T""h ...c.1" ••""'."'\11" Tu•• "'v .".'n<>or1

M.V 10 'h .r .""IIIM1 .p.n.. d' ocu...on ,...,....,...,~~:::~=.;:UllO .nd d,""u •• ;"11'''''''''''''''''''''on. I",

forlu" t-.e<,nlo<m."on".~ Mrs. S""I @vGoobo.S........um OIhoo ....' . "' ''o n 2120


~ .. - Ju .... 10 - VAG"8OfC)S .• _ 1..-"_ ..... tr., ..........ost ...., _ S<oM

v,,~ ()po<wogF,.s.,. -.. .. ~,p Ir_

~.- ...---..- ,.,_....~~;;r1~~1ea11· .. a-,' ·

c.one._,.,~ 13- 5CULPTURt Olf PAP< R. "'.... _~::.;:.';' _ ... McOeonon. _ PETER .....ALHIl

M.., 7 - Ju .... I' -A" he _Ith~ Cornplooo

fllA""~ LAPOI""TE....... TERCOLOl.IFlS


fr .s.,. MeV" - V"GABONDS OPE""I"'I(l 'p ...

s.. ""y, M&y8 - COf\K:EIlT. _ .. John L..·"""'~n, ,..,,'"G.rd r .nd "' '''''••'330p....

Thur v. M.y 10 - SP!lINGTA"'IZ: Ille _ ' ry 01 SU n V"IID. I>dmu tr., 'h . ' 8COf<M, .. n.emlll . of Dobor.h McD."m""JoyT'lIo.. o n. f . nny O' ....npor' ,Sh.rI .SOn<!Vs·Wu....h, .'B,mANNEX GA LLERY , 77 Bond Street

Con,,,,,,,,,,, '" M. v 12 _ GIl" VE M"TTEIlS ,_ng.==.OCf>'ng-obv R...... f ..... ' ,..., ' _ on"'l tid



SUND AY . MA Y 6__ .. , •.-. - St Je<-. Un_ o-ch s.-o­=_.Dot«torCt>nco<tIO"",,"3~"'__=.-t.e.__ IotTlwd_f.......1rV_


~=-on "_""' in '''~eo-o .R"'II_ _ R"'II,.... ' "'" lot ,.... , y._" n.. .. pl..,.IOt9 . ", . • nd21'.m.'n "'v-0I'....

~-:;~1, ~":.':.~n:==~ ~';. =:::~n"roM;..it>1rM......ItoI _ On R"'lo S.. " on VOWR ., 8·'~ 1''''. n ...... 'o.n'hologvCO-(lrt:h edbvDr . f,"""klr","01

~.::,,~,~.~n .. ...ny.• "'_ 01 ""_. ",-.nd .

Chton..... '3 _ 7 : :JO p . ", . _ E_~ .. Vo... B ..1~"_1e-.11. 7"5 p.m. -S'.JohIr'I: .. PI lot In_

::::,-e:d..5~",. -c.nedlI·"G""""'ort........B:J01'''' -

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Page 9: Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979collections.mun.ca/PDFs/mun_gazette/MUNGaz_V11N17.pdf · Vol: 11, No. 17, St. John's. Newfoundland, May 4, 1979 Bal.nced on •

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Sculpture on Paper

lu bell a. a ch arco al dr aw ing . i. on e o f th a w orils in a sho w calla d Sculptura on Paper now at M .U .N . ArtGa llery . Thirty drawings and lithograph. by Deb orah M cD erm ott tak e the class ic f em ale form and trensform itinto abstract scu lpt u ral shape• . The ell hibi tio n run s until M ay 1 3. t hen w ill be f oll owed by the Annual Arts &Lette ,s Co mpetition .