Vol. 1, Issue 1 (September 2007)

Inspired by Cavite Librarians Associa- tion (CLASS) , Mrs. Ismaelinda S.Cabana and Mrs. Rosario A. Villamater had sparked interest to organize the Associa- tion of Librarians in Quezon. The Asso- ciation was created before the Regional Conference and General Assembly to provide provincial representation. Sep- tember 8th, 2006 was the day. Invitations were distributed to all types of library, private and government alike. To encourage librarians and unregis- tered librarians to attend the creation of the association and election of its offi- cers, a forum was set and the theme ‘’Librarians and their Accountabilities’’ was established. The forum aimed to enlighten some issues on accountabilities of librarians. During the morning session, two speakers presented their papers on ‘’Accountabilities of Librarians’’, Mrs. Teresita DJ. Magbag, Director of Enverga University for Academic Libraries and Mrs. Ismaelinda S. Cabana, Quezon Pro- vincial Librarian for Public Libraries. There are 57 participants from different libraries of Quezon. Out of 57 partici- pant, 15 are registered li- brarians. After the forum, Quezon Librarians Association (QLA) is born. A Proposed by Law was ratified and officers were elected. Working Com- mittee Chairmen were also elected. The working com- mittees are Membership, Conference, Ways & Means, Publication and Nomelec. (Ivy Rose Y. Atienza) QLA 2007 Induction of Officers The Quezon Librarians Association officers were inducted into office last January 18, 2007 after the ‘’Forum on Learning and Organizing Information Re- sources’’ at the Library Complex, MSEUF, Lucena City. Inducting officer was PLAI-STRLC President Ms. Jane Lantaca-Bebeng. This activity was in co- operation with Manuel S. Enverga Uni- versity Foundation (MSEU) and was at- tended by round 40 librarians and library staff from all over Quezon Province. The inducted officers were: President: Mrs. Teresita DJ. Magbag, Vice- President: Mrs. Eulalia G. Zapata, Secre- tary: Ms. Ivy Rose Y. Atienza, Treasurer: Mrs. Miled Ibias, Auditor: Ms. Manuelita R. Veranga, P.R.O.: Jenalyn A. Pancho and Council of Elders: Mrs. Aurora Na- vela and Mrs. Fhraned B. Edad. (Myrna Macapia) QLA NEWSLETTER IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF QUEZON LIBRARIANS ASSOCIATION September 2007 Vol. 1, Issue 1 QLA NEWSLETTER Inside this issue: Quezon Librarians Association is Born Quezon Librarians Association is a group of librarians and friends of the library who takes care of the library, its facilities and collection. They may be licensed/ registered or not. The photo was taken last January 18, 2007 during a one-day forum held at MSEUF Library Complex. From the President’s Desk… p.2 Forum on Learning and Organizing Information Resources… p.2 Literary p.3 QLAn 1st Prize in Ticket Raffle p.4 (From left: Ms. Jane L. Bebeng (inducting officer), Teresita DJ. Magbag (Pres.), Eulalia G. Zapata (Vice-Pres.), Ivy Rose Y. Atienza (Sec.), Miled G. Ibias (Treas.), Manuelita R. Veranga (Aud.), Jenalyn A. Pancho (P.R.O.), Aurora Navela and Fhraned B. Edad (Council of Elders) with PLAI- STRLC Treasurer Rosario A. Villamater at the back.)



Transcript of Vol. 1, Issue 1 (September 2007)

Page 1: Vol. 1, Issue 1 (September 2007)

Inspired by Cavite Librarians Associa-tion (CLASS) , Mrs. Ismaelinda S.Cabana and Mrs. Rosario A. Villamater had sparked interest to organize the Associa-tion of Librarians in Quezon. The Asso-ciation was created before the Regional Conference and General Assembly to provide provincial representation. Sep-tember 8th, 2006 was the day. Invitations were distributed to all types of library, private and government alike.

To encourage librarians and unregis-tered librarians to attend the creation of the association and election of its offi-cers, a forum was set and the theme ‘’Librarians and their Accountabilities’’ was established. The forum aimed to enlighten some issues on accountabilities of librarians.

During the morning session, two speakers presented their papers on ‘’Accountabilities of Librarians’’, Mrs. Teresita DJ. Magbag, Director of Enverga University for Academic Libraries and Mrs. Ismaelinda S. Cabana, Quezon Pro-vincial Librarian for Public Libraries.

There are 57 participants from different libraries of Quezon. Out of 57 partici-pant, 15 are registered li-brarians.

After the forum, Quezon Librarians Association (QLA) is born. A Proposed by Law was ratified and officers were elected. Working Com-mittee Chairmen were also elected. The working com-mittees are Membership, Conference, Ways & Means, Publication and Nomelec. (Ivy Rose Y. Atienza)

QLA 2007 Induction of


The Quezon Librarians Association officers were inducted into office last January 18, 2007 after the ‘’Forum on Learning and Organizing Information Re-sources’’ at the Library Complex, MSEUF, Lucena City. Inducting officer was PLAI-STRLC President Ms. Jane Lantaca-Bebeng. This activity was in co-operation with Manuel S. Enverga Uni-versity Foundation (MSEU) and was at-tended by round 40 librarians and library staff from all over Quezon Province.

The inducted officers were: President: Mrs. Teresita DJ. Magbag, Vice-President: Mrs. Eulalia G. Zapata, Secre-tary: Ms. Ivy Rose Y. Atienza, Treasurer: Mrs. Miled Ibias, Auditor: Ms. Manuelita R. Veranga, P.R.O.: Jenalyn A. Pancho and Council of Elders: Mrs. Aurora Na-vela and Mrs. Fhraned B. Edad. (Myrna Macapia)


September 2007 Vol. 1, Issue 1


Inside this issue:

Quezon Librarians Association is Born

Quezon Librarians Association is a group of librarians and friends of the library who takes care of the library, its facilities and collection. They may be licensed/registered or not. The photo was taken last January 18, 2007 during a one-day forum held at MSEUF Library Complex.

From the President’s Desk… p.2

Forum on Learning and Organizing

Information Resources… p.2

Literary p.3

QLAn 1st Prize in Ticket Raffle p.4

(From left: Ms. Jane L. Bebeng (inducting officer), Teresita DJ. Magbag (Pres.), Eulalia G. Zapata (Vice-Pres.), Ivy Rose Y. Atienza

(Sec.), Miled G. Ibias (Treas.), Manuelita R. Veranga (Aud.), Jenalyn A. Pancho (P.R.O.), Aurora Navela and Fhraned B. Edad (Council of Elders) with PLAI- STRLC Treasurer Rosario A. Villamater at the back.)

Page 2: Vol. 1, Issue 1 (September 2007)


To be able to unite the Librarians of Quezon and organize an Association, PLAI-ST RLC thru the initiative of their Treasurer, Mrs. Rose Villamater, a forum on “Accountabilities of Librarians” was held last September 8,

2006 at the Library Seminar Hall of the Library Complex, with me and Mrs. Ismaelinda Cabana as the speak-


After the forum, the organization of the Quezon Librarians Association (QLA) started and followed by the election of the first set of officers. Since I am not a Quezonian, I headed for home (Pampanga). To my sur-prise, after about 30 minutes, I received text messages congratulating me as the elected President. In other words, I was elected “in absentia!” T hanks (or no thanks?) to Mr. Panfilo Talisic who nominated me after as-

suring that it is okay even if I am not around.

Since I was “cornered,” I just raised my two hands (in surrender) and said “Ok, let us see how I can help the librarians of Quezon.”

And as President, I would like to make an appeal that we all unite together and see how we can help each other, in the spirit of librarianship. God bless us all!

Teresita DJ. Magbag

From the President’s Desk...

Seminar-Workshop Photos

Forum on Learning and Organizing Information

Resources held at Enverga University

There were two topics having dis-cussed in the said forum. The first one was about Effective Library Automa-tion Services by Ms. Ivy Rose Y. Atienza, Librarian from Lucena City Library. She discussed the importance of Library Automation in any libraries, whether it is a public, academic, spe-cial or school library . She also pointed out on how to use the Follet Software, the software being used by MSEUF Library.

On the other hand, Prof. Elvin R. Ventucillo, Assistant Chief Librarian of Baliuag University, discussed Basic Cataloging where he stressed that cataloging was the main problem be-ing encountered by some librarians nowadays.

The said activity was part of the 60th foundation anniversary celebra-tion of MSEUF. (Myrna Macapia)

‘’Learning and Organizing Informa-tion Resources,’’ a theme for a one-day forum sponsored by MSEUF’s Center for Promotions PR and Special Events headed by Ms. Mignon Tan held at the Library Complex, MSEUF, Lucena City on January 18, 2007.

QLA members attended the forum. Director Teresita DJ. Magbag of MSEUF Libraries welcomed all the participants by citing a verse from the Bible, ’’In making books, there is no end.’’ It only means that creating books are forever. It was followed by a message from Madame Jasmin Enverga, Vice President for Adminis-trative affairs of MSEUF, who pointed out that library is the key to the mind of young people where you can up-grade, update, and learn more and more. She also pointed out the impor-tance of library in any institutions.


Page 3: Vol. 1, Issue 1 (September 2007)

“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.”

Just a Glimpse…Just a Glimpse…Just a Glimpse…Just a Glimpse…

By Mrs. Lally Garay-Zapata

Working in a library is not an ordinary task as what others perceived but rather a very com-

plicated one once you get into the profession.

To be a licensed librarian, one should pass

first a two-day examination board for librarians

and process the papers at the office of the Philip-

pine Regulatory Commission. And once you are al-

ready on the job, here come the many facets and

realities far from the ideals you have learned from

the school.

Works in the library never finished, and is

varied from a day to day experience with a clien-

tele, it is fulfilling if we learn to prioritize tasks and stay organized, and the

works with “dangling ends” will not seem so overwhelming.

Librarians have four primary responsibilities: teacher, instructional partner,

information specialist, and program administrator. But one of the most formidable bar-

riers that a librarianship face is feeling alone while at the same time, needing to

tackle this multiple responsibilities. One reason of this feeling of isolation is maybe

there is only one librarian in the department and has no support staff. With this sce-

nario, it seems impossible for a librarian to achieve the important job performance

goal of achievement.

There was a finding in a certain study that

the library helps in the academic achievement of

the students’ performance in school. Trough the

programs of the libraries, and the expertise of

librarian, offer students an array of skills

that classroom teachers may not be able to pro-

vide. These skills go beyond the daily curricu-

lum and provide motivation, creativity, and a

chance for students to blossom.

It is always the lament of some librarians

that they were left behind because of some cost

cutting and other priorities of the administra-

tors, that the feeling of isolation in the advo-

cacy of improving the library is very evident.

But still there is hope that someday, they will

give the library priorities to help our students

achieve in their academic performance.

‘’The librarian is culture’s highest

interpreneur. Upon his shoulder rests

the great responsibility of enabling

professional scholars and as

common citizens alike to have

access to the mind and memory of

the human race as enshrined in the

books that are the stuff of libraries.

Thus only may we learn truly, to live

today and build as well as for

tomorrow.’’ - Mangahas -

Page 3 VOL. 1, ISSUE 1

‘’The library is not a shrine for the

worship of books. It is not a temple

where literary incense must be burned

or where one’s devotion to the bound

book is expressed in ritual. A library, to

modify the famous metaphor of

Socrates, should be the delivery room

for the birth of ideas—a place where

history comes to life.’’

- Norman Cousins -

The AuthorThe AuthorThe AuthorThe Author

M. MacapiaM. MacapiaM. MacapiaM. Macapia

I’ve been the author

Of many unknown lives

Wherein only the pages

Of the btook feel my sighs

Where I only the author

Can speak with my phrases and lines.

I am the author

Who nobody knows

I am the author

Who’s only known

By the pen in my hands.

I am the author

Of an epic never knew

Of a tale never heard

Of a book never showed

I am the author

Author unnoticed...

Page 4: Vol. 1, Issue 1 (September 2007)



Enverga University

Vice-President - EULALIA M. ZAPATA

Maryhill College


Lucena City Library

Treasurer - MILED G. IBIAS

Lucena City Library


Atimonan Municipal Library


Quezon Provincial Library

Council of Elders


Sacred Heart College


Lutucan National High School


Conference Committee

Chairperson: Marietta Z. Enverga

Members: Panfilo C. Talisic

Rowena V. Alvano

Emerita Lucio

Trinidad A. Imperial

Membership Committee

Chairperson: Aprilyn M. Rodil

Members: Marites R. Lazona

Cynthia Anday

Ways & Means

Chairperson: Isabel Noreen R. Rairata

Members: Bernie M. Castillo

Jocelyn Gabriel


Chairperson: Myrna P. Macapia

Members: Nelda Layugan


Chairperson: Carolina B. Engana


Visit and join our group at:

[email protected]

QLA Newsletter

Editorial Board

Jenalyn A. Pancho


Myrna P. Macapia

Associate Editor

Ivy Rose Y. Atienza

Eulalia M. Zapata


Aurora Navela

Technical Adviser

Prof. Teresita DJ. Magbag



September 8, 2006- Forum on “Accountabilities of Librarians”, MSEUF, Lucena City

January 18, 2007 - Forum on “Learning and Organizing Information Resources”

MSEUF, Lucena City

May 2 & 3, 2007 - Seminar-workshop on “Learning and Promoting Services in Libraries” MSEUF, Lucena City

October 2007 - Library Tour

December 2007 - Book Mobile

QLA Newsletter is the official publication of the Quezon Li-

brarians Association. For articles, comments, suggestions and

feedbacks, send it to [email protected].

QLAn, 1st Prize in PLAI-STRLC Ticket Raffle

The lucky QLA Treasurer, Mrs. Miled G. Ibias of Lu-cena City Library won the 1st Prize in PLAI-STRLC Raffle for A Cause held at Letran-Calamba last January 17, 2007. Below is the complete list of ticket winners:

1st Prize -Miled Ibias -Quezon Librarians Association

P5,000.00 #6559

2nd Prize -Marites Flores -Laguna Provincial Library

P3,000.00 #0076

3rd Prize -EDCA Publishingc/o Lertran-Calamba

P1,000.00 #1505

Consolation Prize - P500.00

1. Kenth Arney Guevarra - San Pablo College - #4114

2. Maurice Jose Alcantara - UPLB Laguna - #8112