VOIOE~MAIL - Wake Forest University...Not one of God's angels in the Bible has wings. There is not...

VO IOE~MAIL ...__ _ __ ..... ,_ An gels on the head of a pin Dear Editor: I am a pastor, preacher, publish• er and a published au thor. My sole purpose in life is to promote the Truth as it stated in the Word of God. There are over 40 churc he s in this area, and not one of them \ teaches Christ's "all things" to their I I congregation as He commanded them to do. This is a world wide apostasy that is dominating the Christi an Church wherever it is found. Santa Claus (a lie) being worshipped at Christmas is but one of thousands of these Satanic li es practiced by modern churches. The results of these li es is a great ignorance which abounds because of their acceptance and these lies are being taught in place of God's Truth. The lies are of course a Satanic cancer eating away at the relationship between God and His Church. For example, look at some of the angels reproduced by Topsail Voice on its church page. Point #1 : Nudity. Nudity is absol utely forbidden in the Bible. APR 09 ~7 I O .;A fro~ the Word of God, or if they believe a lie. · ~he_ ~hoice is always left up to the md1v1dual, God always gives us freedom to either choose salvation or damnation, and according to His word the outcome is determined by our belief in His word and satan's word. That has been the exact problem ever since God told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate the for- bidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and Satan convinced them God was lying. Who are you going to be li eve? Ron Jones - P as tor King James Bibi; B~ptist Church Hampstead - '------------ ~ There are many references in the Bible of God's calling nudity an abomination in His sight. If you will notice, your pictures of angels are of nude or semi-nude wome n. What you have depicted in your newspaper is an absolute abo mi nation to God according to His word. No angel ever appears undressed. They are al ways fully clothed. Nudity is fo rbidden to angels, al so. Point 2. Blasphemy. This word by defini ti on means: profanation, desecration, sacr il ege, violati on. In other words, to take something that belongs to God and profane it, or violate, it is to blaspheme some- thing that belongs to God. The publicati on of these naked women supposed to be God's angels in your "Church News" is therefore blasphemy in God's sight. Point 3. lihe li e. The lie pub- lished here is that no angel in the Bible is ever represented as a wom- an. All three of these pictures are of women with wings, supposed to be God's angels. However, every ti me an angel appears in the Bible, he is always a man. Every noun and pronoun referring to an an gel of God is always in the masculine gender. Therefore, you have pub- lished a satanic lie about God's angels. An Angel of God cannot be a woman. Point 4. Winged creatures. Not one of God' s angels in the Bible has wings. There is not one holy scripture to support the lie that angels have wings. The main winged creature spo- ken of in the Bible (also in the masculine form) is a cheru b. This creature's fu ll time job is to protect God's holy· things and keep them sanc ti fi ed and separated from Sa- ta n' s evil hands. Point 5: Satan's Women. The only time women appear in the Bible with wings on is when they are doing Satan's work. As you can see from God's own words, a person' s damnation de- pends on if they believe 'the~ see LETTER pa~

Transcript of VOIOE~MAIL - Wake Forest University...Not one of God's angels in the Bible has wings. There is not...

Page 1: VOIOE~MAIL - Wake Forest University...Not one of God's angels in the Bible has wings. There is not one holy scripture to support the lie that angels have wings. The main winged creature

VOIOE~MAIL ...__ ___ .....,_

Angels on the head of a pin Dear Editor:

I am a pastor, preacher, publish• er and a published author. My sole purpose in life is to promote the Truth as it stated in the Word of God.

There are over 40 churches in this area, and not one of them

\ teaches Christ's "all things" to their I I congregation as He commanded

them to do. This is a world wide apostasy that is dominating the Christian Church wherever it is found. Santa Claus (a lie) being worshipped at Christmas is but one of thousands of these Satanic lies practiced by modern churches.

The results of these lies is a great ignorance which abounds because of their acceptance and these lies are being taught in place of God' s Truth. The lies are of course a Satanic cancer eating away at the relationship between God and His Church.

For example, look at some of the angels reproduced by Topsail Voice on its church page.

Point #1 : Nudity. Nudity is absolutely forbidden in the Bible.

APR 09 ~7

I O .;A

fro~ the Word of God, or if they believe a lie. ·

~he_ ~hoice is always left up to the md1v1dual, God always gives us freedom to either choose salvation or damnation, and according to His word the outcome is determined by our belief in His word and satan's word.

That has been the exact problem ever since God told Adam and Eve they would die if they ate the for-bidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and Satan convinced them God was lying.

Who are you going to believe?

Ron Jones - Pastor King James Bibi; B~ptist Church Hampstead -


There are many references in the Bible of God's calling nudity an abomination in His sight.

If you will notice, your pictures of angels are of nude or semi-nude women. What you have depicted in your newspaper is an absolute abomination to God according to His word. No angel ever appears undressed. They are always fully clothed. Nudity is forbidden to angels, also.

Point 2. Blasphemy. This word by definition means: profanation, desecration, sacrilege, violation. In other words, to take something that belongs to God and profane it, or violate, it is to blaspheme some-thing that belongs to God. The publication of these naked women supposed to be God's angels in your "Church News" is therefore blasphemy in God's sight.

Point 3. lihe lie. The lie pub-lished here is that no angel in the Bible is ever represented as a wom-an. All three of these pictures are of women with wings, supposed to be God's angels. However, every time

an angel appears in the Bible, he is always a man. Every noun and pronoun referring to an angel of God is always in the masculine gender. Therefore, you have pub-lished a satanic lie about God's angels. An Angel of God cannot be a woman.

Point 4. Winged creatures. Not one of God' s angels in the Bible has wings. There is not one holy scripture to support the lie that angels have wings.

The main winged creature spo-ken of in the Bible (also in the masculine form) is a cherub. This creature's full time job is to protect God's holy· things and keep them sanctified and separated from Sa-tan' s evil hands .

Point 5: Satan's Women. The only time women appear in the Bible with wings on is when they are doing Satan's work.

As you can see from God' s own words, a person' s damnation de-pends on if they believe 'the~

see LETTER pa~