Voice From Beyond

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  • 7/31/2019 Voice From Beyond



    Early in the morning, the tavern keeper opened the doors of the tavern

    The sound of gurgling of wine bottles has revived the spirit of masts (ecstatic)

    Eventually it was my turn to fill the cup in the companyO cupbearer, rise and fill the final measure full.

    When I have become Majnu (mad) after the love of Layla (beloved) in this world

    O intelligent one, dont exhort a madman like me.

    Cleanse the rusty mirror with the polish of piety

    Then, behold the beloved in that mirror fully.

    Move in circles with the fervor of love near the candle of the soul of the beloved

    Teach the moth the lesson of burning in love.

    O my love, there is no evil intent in the in the hunter of eternity

    For the sake of a grain, the wind bound bird got ensnared.

    Hafiz has repented from the hypocrisy of worship long ago

    Hence in the last quarter of night open the doors of the tavern.


    Every vision that pursue felicity has reached the corner of tavern and the house of devotion

    The salik of the way have unfolded the mysteries of the world from the large bowl of dregs.

    Come and listen from me the discourse of Marifa (mystical knowledge) of God

    Because in my word, the point of felicity was born from the favour of Gabriel.

    From the natal chart except for merry making do not search for anything else

    This affair came into being right from the birth stars.

    Since morning you appear to have a different nature

    Perhaps you no more remember the prayer of wine, last night.

    Possibly by the miraculous power of Jesus like breath, the physician may try to cure me

    My ailment (sickness) has crossed the limits of polite calling.

    Thanks a lot, last night, through the streets of tavern,

    Hafiz has reached the Corner of obedience and the monastery of prayer.


    Now that the flowers are in possession of the goblet of pure wine

    In hundred thousand dialects the nightingale is in praise of the flowers.

    (In spring season the reason nightingales are chirping is, every flower holds a cup of wine.Flower is the cup and the nectar in the flower is wine)

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    Take a volume of verses (poetry) and proceed towards the forest

    It is not a time for school and debate about Kashf and Kashaf (name of a famous book on

    miracles and revelation)

    The season is to gain pleasure not a time for debate and enquiry.

    Yesterday the jurist of the seminary was ecstatic and gave this verdictThough wine is prohibited, it is better than the stealing of trust property.

    Be silent, you dont have the authority to decide about pure and sediment

    Whatever was provided by our Saqi, precisely it is a favour on me.

    Be separated (disconnected) from mankind and pursue your deeds with Phoenix

    The reputation of the mystics is all over the world.

    Like Phoenix which soars high away from inhabitants, the mystics also should disassociate

    himself from the affairs of the world.

    The matter between the Bountiful and those who are engaged with their own featIs similar to the account between a gold embroiderer and the palm leaf weaver.

    O Hafiz, be silent, these subtle points are like gold, and

    The jeweler of this town is deceitful and treacherous.

    When the bullion dealer of the city is deceitful dont barter gold to him.


    O cupbearer, bring wine as the month of fasting is over (gone)

    Offer the goblet, the month of name and honor is over (gone)

    Alas a delightful period is lost, come let us make amends

    Of that time which passed away without the company of wine and goblet.

    Like aloe, how long shall I burn in the flames of repentance?

    Bring wine, because part of life is lost in frivolous thoughts.

    Make me mast (intoxicated) to such an extant that in the state of ecstasy

    Let it be not known to me who came and who went in the soil of imagination.

    Hoping that a draught of wine cup could reach us

    Every morning and evening I made supplication in the tavern.

    A soul that was dead, it attained life afresh

    When the sweet fragrance of wine passed through the nostrils.

    The ascetic was arrogant; he could not pass through the road in safety

    The bold revelers reached the paradise with humility.

    O ascetic, if you could only know the need of leading a retired life in secluded corner

    The lovers have to deal with the perpetual happiness.

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    The test of heart was spirit in wine

    Since it was black it went in unlawful.

    Do not give counseling to Hafiz, in whose heart

    The wine of love is fixed have not discovered the way.


    Do you know the sermon of lute and harp? What they say?

    Drink wine secretly otherwise the cold ascetic will charge you with infidelity.

    They (the cold ascetic) are usurping the respect of love and the splendor of lovers

    Harass the young and reprimand the old.

    Besides being malicious at heart they have achieved nothing

    Still, they have the wrong idea that they make elixir.

    They say, do neither speak nor taste the secret of love

    How difficult a proposition, they give in their sermon.

    They again embarrass the position of Pir e Mughan-the Tavern keeper

    Look at their disregard, how they respect the Master.

    At the price of half a glance, hundred of empires they could buy

    Why would the comely err in this bargain?

    Outside the veil we are enticed by hundreds of deceit

    Who knows what sermon they give within the curtains?

    Some have attained the union of beloved with efforts

    Others have handed over their affair to the Divine Decree.

    Do not relay on the permanence of time, because

    This worship is subjected to alteration.

    Drink wine, because, Sheik and Hafiz

    Jurist and Judge, if you look carefully, everyone is a cheat.


    In the monastery of the Magi, my friend arrived holding a goblet in hand

    He was mast with wine and the lovers of wine were drunk with her Narcissus eyes.

    With the horse shoe of his mount the crescent was apparently manifest

    With his exalted stature even the pine seemed dwarfish.

    How could I say that he exists, when I am unaware of myself?

    Why should I say that he is nonexistent, when he abides in my vision?

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    Like a candle till daybreak I burnt myself

    And like a moth I did not rent on the coil of foot till dawn.

    When he rose to depart, it seemed as though the hearts of lovers were extinguished

    When he stayed back, the lamentations of the gallant were raised.

    Gallia is perfumed, because it is attached to the tresses of beloved

    Vasma become a hair darkener, because it is dependent on the eyebrows of the beloved.

    Please do come back, so that Hafezs lost years are returned

    Even though, the arrow shot from the bow does not return back.


    I am covetous of relating the affairs of my heart to you

    I am greedy of narrating the news of my heart to you.

    Look at the avaricious desire in me

    I wanted to hide a known affair from the adversaries.

    On such a mighty, virtuous and honorable night

    I am greedy of sleeping with you till daybreak.

    How excellent! So delicate and elegant are the pearls

    I am desirous of threading it in the dark night.

    O breeze, just for tonight come to my rescue

    I am greedy of blossoming at day break.

    In order to gain reputation and esteem

    I am desirous of cleansing the dust of your path with my eyelashes.

    In order to disgrace the plaintiff

    Like Hafez I am greedy of composing verses.


    That angel faced beloved who escaped from my lap last night

    It is not known what an error did she noticed, that she stepped away.

    Those eyes that behold the entire universe, when it walk off from my sight

    Nobody is aware of what are all went away from my eyes.

    Last night the smoke from the candle did not get ahead of, because

    Due to the burning of my soul the smoke went over my head

    From the corners of my eyes, a flood of tears and a storm of calamity raised

    Since your pretty face is away from me.

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    When the night of separation came, we became restless

    When we lost the medicine we were afflicted with pain.

    My heart said you could attain union with the beloved by invoking a blessing

    Eeons have passed; my whole life was spent in supplications and prayer.

    What? How could I make a vow to pilgrimage?

    Because that Kiblah (Mecca) is not in that place.

    Why should I strive to make an effort?

    From the Merva the splendor is lost.

    Yesterday, when the physician looked at me, wistfully he said

    What a pity, your affliction is now out of the purview of cure.

    O friend, step forward to enquire after the health of Hafiz

    Before, people say that he departed from the world.


    The ocean of love is such an expanse; it does not have a shoreline

    Save but giving ones life, there is no remedy there.

    Whenever your heart is engaged in love that is the best time of your life

    In the noble task there is no need to cast an omen.

    (As soon as possible become a lover. Augury is applicable when efforts are unknown.)

    For the cause of prohibition from the intellects, dont threaten me, bring wine

    Because that sentinel have no role in this kingdom.

    (The intellect does not govern our affairs.)

    Ask your eyes who is the assailant that murdered me

    It is neither the crime of dear fortune nor that of planetary influence.

    Like the crescent moon behold the pretty face of the beloved with chaste eyes

    (Beloveds face should be seen with due veneration as when looking at new moon.)

    Every eye is not the place of sight to behold the majesty of sweetheart.

    Think it a boon the path of rapture and ecstasy

    The sign of being drunk and bold is not evident to everybody

    It is the road leading to forests.

    The lamentations of Hafiz has not affected you in any manner

    I am really surprised by that heart which is in no way inferior to stone.


    The dawn of fortune is manifest, where is the Sun like cup-goblet?

    Where is a better opportunity than this, offer the cup of wine.

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    The house abounds in peace, friend the cupbearer, songster is factious

    A period of luxury, rounds of wine cup and the age of prime youth.

    Sweetheart and cupbearer, the minstrel is displaying gesticulation in dancing

    The whims and caprices of cupbearer is driving the sleep from worshippers of wine

    The closet is private; the place is secured and peaceful

    O God, whatever I observe, is it in wakefulness or in sleep?

    The wisely disposed maid in due consideration to the taste of the wine

    In the soul of the petals of roses is carefully filling with rose water.

    For cheerfulness and adornment of beauty and ecstasy

    A combination of golden goblet with the molten rubies is excellent.

    A place of respite and the cupbearer friendly and unanimous companionThe lascivious eyes of the cupbearer have intoxicated the worshippers of wine.

    Ever since the moon has adorned the pearls of Hafiz verses

    The melodies of sitar happen to catch the chord constantly.


    Yesterday, from the mosque, our Master arrived at the tavern

    O companions, (of mystical knowledge) what could be our course of action, after this?

    In the tavern of Magi, let us become the companions of the Master, because

    The Divine Decree is made like this from the beginning of time.

    Being a disciple how could we turn towards Kiblah? (Kaaba)

    When our Master keeps his direction towards the Cauldron.

    If the intellect knows how delighted the heart in the captive of beloveds tresses

    Then to put us on shackles (chains) the intelligent would become mad.

    Your comely face has unfolded a mark of love on me

    Hence except for favour and good virtues nothing remains in our community.

    How it is going to influence your merciless heart, the raining of fiery sighs

    And the burning of our lamentation entire night.

    For the bird of the soul the prey of calmness was entrapped in the net

    When you unlocked the tresses, our prey got out of our hands.

    Your tresses came under the influence of breeze and the world became dark for us

    In the love of your tresses we could not gain more than this.

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    O dearer than soul, the arrow of our sighs passes through your sky

    Take pity on your soul escape from our arrows.

    I too shall be established in the portals of tavern, like Hafiz

    O companion mystic, when our Master has become the tavern keeper.


    O cupbearer, illuminate our goblets with the light of wine

    O singer, sing that the affairs of the world are in accordance to our purport.

    O ignorant one, we have beheld the image of the beloveds face in the goblet

    Through the flavor of our drinking.

    The marvel and coquetry of simple natured beloved will remain

    Until our cypress manifest strolling like a pine.

    Whoevers heart is alive with love he shall never dieOur everlasting eternal life is established in the annals of history.

    In the eyes of our affectionate beloved inebriation is agreeable-noble

    For this very reason he has given our rein to the control of rapturous.

    I fear, that on Doomsday, it may not gain an upper hand

    The legitimate morsel of the Sheik with that of our forbidden water.

    O breeze if you were to pass through the garden of friend

    Then convey our message to the beloved, without fail.

    Warn him why you deliberately forget my name

    That day would soon arrive when you would rarely think my name.

    (We are going to annihilate by ourselves therefore why you forget our name purposefully)

    The love of cypress has captivated me like the tulip

    O bird of fortune when will you come in my possession?

    The green fresh ocean of sky and the ship of moon

    Are immersed in the delicacies of our Quamuddin.

    (Haji Quamuddin was the vizier of Abu Ishaq. He once invited Hafiz for a dinner. In that party,the reflection of sky and moon were visible in the goblet of Hafiz, and he recited this verse.)

    O Hafiz, scatter the grains of tears from your eyes

    Perhaps the bird of union may attempt on our snare.


    With the grief of separation how long will you make me weak and feeble?

    For a brief moment delight me with your vision (union)

    You always desired to held me in captivation of your separation

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    I am advising you, commit to your memory and act upon it

    Because this tradition I remember it from my Master of Path.

    Do not search for strength of promises from the weakly founded world?

    Because this hag is the bride for thousands of grooms.

    Last night when I was in state of ecstasy what to sayThe angel of invisible world gave these glad tidings.

    O noble minded Falcon of the heavenly tree

    Your abode is not this hard working place

    The parapet of Throne is calling you

    It is not known why you are ensnared in this net.

    Do not worry about the world and dont forget my advice

    I remember a unique anecdote of a wayfarer.

    Whatever is bestowed on you be content with it

    And do not put frown your forehead.

    On you and me, the portal of authority is not open.

    O nightingale, with the smile of the flower there is no sign of lament

    O you who are weak minded why you are jealous of Hafiz

    The comely and the purity of verses are the blessings from God.


    For heavens sake, my heart is taken away from me

    Alas hidden secret would become manifest.

    Lifes ten days love is just a fiction and spell

    Consider it a blessing the virtues of good deeds with friends.

    Our ship is broken, O suitable wind start

    Perhaps we could behold the friend once more.

    Last night in the assembly of flowers and wine how well the nightingale chantedBring the morning draught of wine O lovers of wine come.

    O master of magnanimity as a mark of well being

    Some day inquire the welfare of the indignant beggar with kindness.

    (It is the duty of the beloved to distribute his beauty among the lovers as zakat.)

    The luxury of both the worlds lies in the commentary of these letters.

    Be kind with friends and courteous with foe.

    On the alley of character he has not given an opportunity to pass

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    If you dont approve it change the predestination.

    Look, the magic mirror of Alexander is the cup of Jamshed

    It reveals the affairs of the kingdom of Darius to you.

    (Polished steel mirror stated to have been installed by Alexander to detect movement of army

    ships)Look at the affairs of others in the mirror of history and take a warning

    Dont become a rebellion; else you would be consumed like a candle

    By the sense of honor of that beloved on whose palm even flint is like a wax.

    If the singer of friends recite this Persian ghazals ode

    Even chaste elderly men would be brought to dance.

    That bitter, acrid, pungent wine which was described as the Mother of evils

    For us it is more pleasant and desirable than the kiss of a virgin.

    Keep a smiling countenance during hard times

    This alchemy of way of life will make the beggar a Chorus.

    Proclaim that the beloved of Persia would grant life

    O cupbearers convey the glad tidings to the old men of Persia.

    Hafiz has not put on this wine soaked rag by himself

    O chaste sheik, consider me as disabled and excuse.

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    614The existence of man and Angel is through the conciliation of loveReveal your objectives so that you may attain felicity.

    When you are not capable of beholding, seek not union with the belovedBecause at the critical moment of blindfolding even Jamshed cup is of no use

    How long will you indulge in wine and sound sleep at dawn?Make attempts of pleadings at midnight and lamentations at day break.

    To your perfumed tresses and pretty face, breeze and rose make frequent visitsSo that breeze may get itself perfumed and the rose obtains its splendor.

    O Master, struggle yourself and remain not unfortunate with loveBecause, nobody will pay money for (demand) a slave who is defective and unskilled.

    Come and take the kingdom from me in exchange of riches o f beautyDont be negligent to this affair, else you would regret.

    The blessings of people who lead a life of recluse (mystics) will put off calamitiesWhy dont you cast a glance at me, so that I may be delivered off afflictions?

    That which gave me the guidance and deliverance during obscurityIs the midnight prayer and early mornings lamentations.

    I am amazed as to how to device a course of action about your separation and unionNeither you are in front of me, nor do you disappear out of my sight.

    How perilously marvelous is the path of loveGod forbids, if you dont find the road to a safe place.

    Thousands of precious lives were consumed in the flames of envy

    When you were the radiance of someone elses gathering.

    Since whatever I heard has struck me with amazementHereafter I shall remain in a state of inebriation with wine and cupbearer.(Worldly affairs has struck the poet with amazement)

    Whoever is the emissary willing to take my message to the court of Asif?Let him commit to his memory two verses of Persian literally

    "Come, the style of functioning of this world, as I perceive,You would drink wine and be off with affliction.

    Let your royal cap remains upright on the head of beauty, because

    You are the grace of throne and the head worthy of crown.

    I am confident of the hidden esoteric powers of HafizThat I shall behold my Layla on the moonlit night narrating old love tales again.

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    Privacy (solitude) would be pleasant if the companion is my boon companionNot, when I am anxious and he remains the focus of assembly.

    I shall not secure Solomons jewel, not at any cost

    Which bears the authority of Satan (devil) though rarely?

    Oh God, on the sanctuary of Union

    Permit not the foe to be intimate, and me, miserable.

    Tell the Phoenix not to cast the shadow of virtues

    On a nation where a parrot is lower in esteem than the kite.

    Where is the necessity to recount the passions of heart, separately?

    As it could be recognized from the discourse.

    As the broken hearted travelers mind would be on his Native land

    So the desire of your alley would never leave my head.

    Like the Iris flower, even if Hafiz possess ten tongues

    In your presence his mouth would remain closed like a bud.


    I behold the light of God at the tavern of Magi

    Look at this marvel! What a light? And whence it is seen?

    O Lord, who is this fellow who drains the dregs of this tavern?

    I behold its (taverns) portal as the center of hopes and the niche of prayer.

    O chief of pilgrims, dont show off your pride towards me, because

    You looked at the house, whereas I behold the Master of the house.

    This wailing with grief and early mornings lamentations

    I behold these as the effects of your grace.

    From the tresses of the beloved I wish to inhale the fragrance

    Certainly it was a wrong idea that I beheld.

    (I want to be close with my beloved, so close as to inhale her fragrant tresses)

    At every instant, a new feature invades my imagination from your face

    To whom shall I narrate whatever I behold in this screen?

    The perfume of the tresses of my beloved, which the zephyr bringsI behold that even the musk of Qatan and China are inferior to it.

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    In the affairs of the circle there is no strife whatsoever, neither small nor big

    I behold this issue without any iota of doubt.

    The position of love, the boldness and coquetry

    All these I behold as gifts of your upbringing.

    O friends do not malign the gallantry of Hafiz, because

    I behold him among the companions of God.

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