voice codes.pdf


Transcript of voice codes.pdf


    GENERAL BRIEFS Translation Voice Code

    do you doyo ; is that correct* iskore ; is that correct ITK ; is that correct ITC ; is that correct spreck ; is that correct sthark ; is that correct? A. ikek ; is that correct ikore ; is that true ITT *You can set these up to add the next A also

    no, ma'am naymee yes, ma'am yaymee no, ma'am nomo yes, ma'am yomo no, sir naysee no, sir noso yes, sir yaysee yes, sir yoso A. No, sir. Q naksir A. No, sir. Q. nossir A. No, sir. Q. nosirco A. No, ma'am. Q nakmam A. No, ma'am. Q nomam A. No, ma'am. Q nikmam A. Yes, sir. Q. yaksir A. Yes, sir. Q. yessir A. Yes, sir. Q. yessirco A. Yes, ma'am Q. yakmam A. Yes, ma'am Q. yesmam is that right ITR


    ; is that right ITR is that fair ITF ; is that fair ITF isn't that correct ITIK isn't that correct INTC isn't that correct INTR isn't that right ITIR I don't remember I-o-mem I don't remember I-o-rem I don't remember no mem I don't remember yorm I don't remember norem I don't remember remski A. I don't remember. Q. no-mem I don't recall I-o-call I don't recall yorl I don't recall norec I don't recall rawlski I don't feel I-o-feel I don't understand I-o-stand I don't think I-o-think I don't want I-o-want I don't know IDK I'm not sure snotty I'm not sure no sure uh-huh yepyep uh-huh yay-yay uh-huh yaya huh-uh nopenope huh-uh yakyak huh-uh nay-nay A. Yes. Q. yesmac


    A. Yes. Q. yes-co A. Yes. Q. yes-ski A. Yes. Q. yeahco A. Right. Q. rightmac A. Right. Q. right-ski A. Right. Q. right-oh A. No. Q. nomac A. No. Q. no-co A. No. Q. no-ski A. Correct. Q. correctmac A. Correct. Q. coryak A. Correct. Q. correct-ski A. That's correct. Q. coryaker A. Okay. Q. okaymac A. Yeah. Q. yeahmac Q. Okay. kzap do you understand dunes (dun-es) do I understand dines (din-es) *tran1 tran1 *as many of these as you want. I have 15 or 20.

    *Speaker 1 spee1 *I have 25 of these.

    at the present time at-pre degenerative joint disease djdmac gotten better, worse, or stayed the same gorstame thank you TK thank you thankski reasonable degree of medical certainty medcertmac reasonable degree of medical certainty medcert medically more likely than not basis medmorenot more probably than not moreprobnot in other words nords


    period of time perdo prior to the accident pre-sidint reasonable degree rezdeg reasonable degree of medical rezdegmed reasonable degree of medical certainty rezdegmedcert reasonable degree of medical probability rezdegmedprob within a reasonable degree of medical certainty med-cert THE WITNESS witmac A. I can't remember. Q. yormmac beyond a reasonable doubt bo-doubt beyond a reasonable doubt beyondmac beyond a reasonable doubt bront Social Security Number so-so-co Social Security Disability so-so-bil is it fair to say fartsy is it fair to say izziefair motor vehicle accident mee vee ax motor vehicle accident movako motor vehicle accident mo mo mac epidural steroid injection eppy or eppijeck time of the accident timex accident that we're here for today axdayco A: Could you repeat the question? Q. repeato freely, knowingly, and willingly novotny let me ask you this laskou let me ask you laski state your name for the record, please staimrec Yes, that is correct. ecor Yes, that is right. erite So as we sit here today aswak fair, just, equitable fairk assault and battery salt/bat


    child support chort child custody chud that's correct thark A. That's correct. Q. kiki motor vehicle moik just, fair, equitable jairk Workers' Comp poco straight leg raise leggo have you given a deposition before prevodepo have you had your deposition taken before havhaddep on a scale from 0 to 10 skaleyco standard of care standaka policies and procedures pomac carpel tunnel syndrome carpsin Ms. Nameless bitchmac 1st, 2nd, 3rd keek Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives BATF ICE ice-mac improvement period impo No. 1 num1 No. 2 num2 No. noco alcohol al-co please state your name plesna identify yourself for the record fiyo St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department SLMPD a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding

    one year under the laws of the State of Missouri crimex correct me if I'm wrong krong


    PARENTHETICALS Translation Voice Code

    (Nodding.) nodnod (Nods head affirmatively.) shake-clap (Shaking head.) shakeshake (Nods head negative.) fibinocchi sworn blurb sworn-o sworn blurb swear-swear was duly sworn and testified as follows: witswear recess blurb recess-o recess blurb breakbreak recess blurb break-break (Off the record.) frek-frek (Off the record.) frec-frec (Off-record discussion.) offrecdis (Discussion off the record.) discuss-o (Recess had at 10:30 a.m.) ressa time-time Proceedings start at (time). startstart Proceedings conclude at (time). clude-clude (Complies.) compco (Indicating.) catecate (Indicating.) kate-kate (Indicating.) cate-mac (Demonstrating.) strate-strate *(Exhibit No. 1 marked for identification.) markmark1 (Exhibit No. 1 marked for identification.) markmarkone *up to 20 or 30 of these

    (Exhibit No. (#) marked for identification.) markmac blurb for exhibit marked xp-xp blurb for exhibit marked moid-moid Plaintiff's exhibit marked ploid-ploid Petitioner's exhibit marked poid-poid


    State's exhibit marked soid-soid Respondent's exhibit marked roid-roid Defendant's exhibit marked doid-doid (**Check**) checkcheck (Drawing.) drawdraw EXAMINATION exiexi (Reading.) readread (Reviews document.) reviedoc (Reviews documents.) reviedocs (Reviews file.) reviefile (Reviews files.) reviefiles Reviews photo.) reviephoto (Reviews photos.) reviephotos inserts time timetime (The witness was excused.) wit-ex


    Translation Voice Code Objection. Lack of foundation. jex-found Objection. Asked and answered. jex-AA Mischaracterizes the testimony. jex-care Object to the form of the question. ob-form-co Objection, mischaracterizes testimony. obmiskee Objection, vague. obvagskee Objection, form. obformski Objection, asked and answered. obaski


    DWI BRIEFS Translation Voice Code

    horizontal gaze nystagmus gaze-h horizontal gaze nystagmus horgaz vertical nystagmus gaze-v resting nystagmus gaze-r NHTSA alka-nitz alcohol influence report alka-port distinct and sustained nystagmus stag-stain maximum deviation alka-max onset prior to 45 degrees alka-45 feel free to deviate alka-deev can you tell if somebody is intoxicated tell-tox


    Translation Voice Code changes numbers to dates datemac deletes one word del1 new paragraph parpar new paragraph bear crap new paragraph pravco stitches previous word stitchmac new paragraph par-par ( krot ) krot krot ? kwee . peerk ; semco


    Q AND A MARKERS Translation Voice Code

    Q. keek Q. tayko Q. tarko Q. kwee Q. kyupo Q. q-po Q. keeg Q. coo-co Q. spree Q. kwesco Q. que Q. quko Q. Q Q. Q-co Q. keeko A. kak A. kway A. aaako A. arrko A. arpo A. kako A. kag A. ah-co A. spryte A. repso A. ackie A. ansko A. kwee A. A-co


    COURT BRIEFS Translation Voice Code

    THE COURT (speaker) judko THE COURT speecourt the Court (in transcript) judgee THE COURT (speaker) juke Your Honor yoho , Your Honor. comyoco Your Honor, yococom , Your Honor, yohosee , Your Honor, comyococom A. Yes, Your Honor. Q. yorko yes, Your Honor yoyo A. No, Your Honor. Q. norko no, Your Honor noyo (The jury is seated in the jury box.) joorin (Whereupon, the jury was escorted into the courtroom.) jurmac-in (The jury exits the courtroom.) joorex (Whereupon, the jury was escorted from the courtroom.) jurmac-out breaking out cases marker shazam Prospective Juror No. 1 poop one ladies and gentlemen lagent ladies and gentlemen laymac ladies and gentlemen laysha of the jury jayco ladies and gentlemen of the jury lagenty ladies and gentlemen of the jury lairj preponderance of the evidence prepo burden of proof burpo greater weight of the evidence gradence circumstantial evidence circadence


    weight of the evidence waydence jurisdiction jurdic possession of cocaine poco possession of cocaine with intent to distribute poco-dis possession of marijuana po-jane possession of marijuana with intent to distribute po-jane-dis possession of methamphetamine po-mene possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute po-mene-dis possession of a firearm po-farm possession of less than one ounce of marijuana po-less theft by shoplifting T-shop theft by taking T-take theft by receiving T-rec alcohol and drug evaluation alcoval violation of probation vipro probation revocation po-rev Alford v. North Carolina alfo-co family violence battery fam-bat green leafy material greely-mat child molestation chimo aggravated child molestation agga-chimo aggravated stalking agga-stalk aggravated assault agga-salt reasonable and necessary attorney fees RNAA disorderly conduct D-con Gwinnett County G-co Gwinnett County Police Department G-co-dep Georgia Civil Practice Act G-pak defendant fend-fend blurb: witness approaching clerk, getting sworn wit proach clerk blurb: witness approaching judge getting sworn wit proach judge


    motion in limine moil motions in limine moils Department of Corrections depko cause number kkmac not given for the truth of the matter notruth May it please the Court maemo CROSS EXAMINATION crosscross DIRECT EXAMINATION directdirect preadjudicatory pre-j post adjudicatory post-j Please be seated. seat-clap Objection, Your Honor. obo calling on Your Honor's calendar klakklak Thank you, Your Honor. tee yurn Your Honor, this is the State of Arkansas vs. XXX state-ver DR-12-XXX draydosi J-2012-XXX (case number) 12-case THE JUVENILE: Yes, sir. THE COURT: yes-co THE JUVENILE: No, sir. THE COURT: no-co (blank) you have sustained your burden of proof and I am

    granting you an absolute divorce from (blank) tictac