VOF and RTD Notes

~~~ q'~ VOF fY"\.OcL.l. , ~:- -&e't ~ ~ voF ~ Wy"\ F~:- ~~ ~ f'~ ~ ~ -uvr, k'-"<l'.J- 13) -AU ~ v~ ~ ~~ WJ.::U, ~ 0..0- ~~ pJva.u ~-o.~~~~.~VOF fY\-G-cL.l ~ 'h-O± oJ.Low --frUl ~ ~ ~ 'hkl ~ ~~~~~. ! 0D-r4 ~ 'f ~ ~ ~ k~ ~ o.-~ ~~.~~'h.9~~On ~~ ~ ~ UDI=. d) ~~~~C~~~~ '~0A~~~)~be-~ ~ ~ V0 r:: r>I..O-cLJ.M ~, e:;;TN~~~~~ . ~ b-e. ~ u.M±h dJ..e VOF ~ ~, ~~ ~a::;t.. § b~ vo.t:=" ~o:t'Or-£'.- YoF ~~vVn r~ ~ ~~.J:g ~~~~~~. !=G..~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ cg7:V-e ~ ~ £{ ~ --eu-tQ ~~ ~ ~~'1P'dJ..e ~ ~. vo-F ~ c:d::.o", ~ o-n V-e ~ ~ ~ --O't ~ ~ ---eJJu1 -not: ~~. 0~{ ~~. """-"1 ~ ~ ~.-ovdd. .£ ~ --o-v~~ ~~. IN. I/~ ~ ~.vn~ ~.-c.LU. ~ ~~ C(~~~~~ cDf--a ~ tat ~ ~ CGm -.:d--e v~ -~ vo..L..tw


This document gives information on how to perform Volume of Fluid and Residence time distribution calculations in Fluent

Transcript of VOF and RTD Notes

  • ~~~ q'~ VOF fY"\.OcL.l., ~:- -&e't ~ ~ voF ~ Wy"\ F~:-~~ ~ f'~ ~ ~ -uvr, k'-"I..O-cLJ.M ~,e:;;TN~~~~~ .~ b-e. ~ u.Mh dJ..e VOF ~ ~,

    ~~ ~a::;t.. b~ vo.t:=" ~o:t'Or-'.-YoF ~~vVn r~ ~ ~~.J:g


    !=G..~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~ cg7:V-e ~ ~ { ~ --eu-tQ~~ ~ ~~'1P'dJ..e ~~.

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