Vocabulary Workshop 3. Am-bush (Verb) – an action word Meaning – To ambush is to attack from...

Vocabulary Workshop 3

Transcript of Vocabulary Workshop 3. Am-bush (Verb) – an action word Meaning – To ambush is to attack from...

Vocabulary Workshop 3

Am-bush (Verb) – an action word Meaning – To ambush is to attack from a

place of hiding. Examples

1. If someone ambushed me, I would be surprised.

2. The police ambushed the robbers outside of the bank.

3. The ambush took the soldiers by surprise.

Why do you think an ambush is an effective way to attack somebody? An ambush is an effective way to attack

somebody because.

Do you think an ambush is more likely to happen in the jungle or on a beach? Why? An ambush is more likely to happen ___________


Com-pli-cat-ed (Adjective) – a describing word Meaning - Something that is complicated is hard

to understand or deal with. Examples

1. Algebra is something that I find complicating.2. This map is too complicated for me to

understand.3. The rules of the game were so complicating that

we gave up trying to play.

What is something that you consider to be complicated? Something that I consider to be complicated


What do you feel is the most complicating subject in school? Why? In my opinion, the most complicating subject in

school is ___________ because…

What is the best way to solve a complicating problem? The best way to solve a complicating problem is


Hes-i-tate (verb) – an action word Meaning – To hesitate is to pause. Examples

1. I hesitated before I jumped off the diving board.

2. I could sense that he was hesitant because his voice sounded nervous.

3. I normally do not hesitate to try new things because I am adventurous.

4. The girl hesitated before having to give a speech in front of the school.

What is something that you would be hesitant to do? Something that I would be hesitant to do would


Would you hesitate to try new foods? Why? I (would/would not) hesitate trying new types of food


Per-il (noun) – a person, place, or thing Meaning – to be in peril means to be in danger Examples

1. People put their lives in peril when they go rock climbing.

2. Smoking is perilous to one’s health3. Skydiving is a perilous activity.4. I normally wear my safety belt to protect myself

from peril when I am in a car.

What are some perils that high school students face? Some perils that high school students face are

______________ and __________

Why do you think people sometimes enjoy perilous activities? In my opinion, I think that some people enjoy

perilous activities because…

Pon-der (verb) – an action word Meaning – To ponder is to think about carefully

Examples 1. When I face a difficult problem I have to ponder

to come up with a solution.2. When I am pondering, I often have a very

serious look on my face.3. Before you schedule your classes, it is a good

idea to ponder your educational goals.

What is an example of a big decision that you might need to ponder? A big decision that I might need to ponder is…

What subjects in school cause you to ponder? One subject in school that causes me to ponder


Site (noun) – a place Meaning – a place Examples

1. The site of the 9/11 attack was New York.

2. A site where you see a sporting event would be a stadium.

What is your dream vacation site? Why? The site of my dream vacation would be

_________ because…

Why would a site with a lot of bushes be good for an ambush? A site with a lot of bushes would be good for an

ambush because…

Re-a-li-ty (Noun) – a thing Meaning - what is happening for real Examples

1. A good way to turn a dream into reality is by working hard.

2. People who take hallucinatory drugs lose hold on reality.

What is a good way to turn a dream into reality? A good way to turn a dream into reality is to

____________ and __________.

Re-pel-lant (noun) – a thing Meaning – a chemical that keeps insects

and other pests away Examples

1. If you ever go camping, don’t forget to bring mosquito repellant.

What might happen if you forget to bring bug repellant on a camping trip? Forgetting to bring bug repellant on a camping

trip would be a bad idea because…

Cer-tain-ly (adverb) – a describing word Meaning – without any doubt Examples

1. The Sun will certainly rise every day.2. I am certain that if I study tonight I can get a

good grade on tomorrow’s quiz.

What is something that you certainly do every day? Every day I certainly…

Gape (verb) – an action word Meaning – To open your mouth wide

Examples 1. I was so surprised at what happened that I was


What is something that might cause you to gape? Something that might cause me to gape is if…

In-scribe (Verb) – an action word Meaning – to cut or carve words or letters

into something Examples

1. People inscribe their names on to bracelets.

2. Before paper was invented,people used to inscribe words into rock.

What is something that might be inscribed on a trophy? Something that might be inscribed on a trophy


What is something that a person might inscribe a name on? Something that a person might inscribe a name

on is…

Peer (Verb) – an action word Meaning - to look at something that is difficult to

see Examples

1. I peered over my shoulder to see if somebody was following me.

2. I peered across the bridge to see who was waving at me.

What is something that you would have to peer at to see? Something that you would have to peer at to

see is …

What is the difference between peering and watching? The difference between peering and watching is

that when you peer at something ________________ and when you watch something _________________.