Vocabulary Unit 5

Vocabulary Unit 5 Mrs. Williams English 10/10 B


Vocabulary Unit 5. Mrs. Williams English 10/10 B. Altruistic (adj.) unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others. Syn.: selfless, humanitarian Ant.: selfish, self-centered EX: Most people support altruistic programs to help the less fortunate of this world. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Vocabulary Unit 5

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Vocabulary Unit 5Mrs. Williams

English 10/10 B

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Altruistic (adj.) unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others

• Syn.: selfless, humanitarian

• Ant.: selfish, self-centered

• EX:– Most people support altruistic programs to help the less fortunate of this world.

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Assent (v.) to express agreement, (n.) agreement

• Syn.: (v.) concur, consent, accede

• Ant.: (v.) disagree, differ dissent

• EX:– (v) Workers hope that the

threat of a long strike will force management to assent to their demands.

– (n) Romeo and Juliet knew they would never gain their families’ assent to marry.

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Benefactor (n.) one who does good to others

• Syn.: patron, humanitarian, sponsors

• Ant.: misanthrope, malefactor, detractor

• EX:– Without the help of many benefactors, most charities would be unable to carry out their work.

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Chivalrous (adj.) marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly

• Syn.: gallant, civil, valiant

• Ant.: crude, uncouth, churlish, loutish

• EX:– In today’s busy world,

where people are often heedless of others, a chivalrous act is admired by all.

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Clemency (n.) mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness

• Syn.: leniency, forbearance, gentleness

• Ant.: harshness, severity, cruelty, inflexibility

• EX:– Many judges are willing to

show clemency to first offenders who express regret for their wrongdoing.

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Diffident (adj.) shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved

• Syn.: timid, bashful, unassertive, withdrawn

• Ant.: bold, brash, audacious, self-confident, jaunty

• EX:– Many a diffident suitor

has lost his beloved to a bold rival.

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Discrepancy (n.) a difference; a lack of agreement

• Syn.: disagreement, divergence, inconsistency

• Ant.: agreement, convergence, consistency

• EX:– Discrepancies in the

testimony of witnesses to a crime can have a decisive impact on the outcome of a trial.

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Embark (v.) to go aboard; to make a start; to invest

• Syn.: commence, launch, begin, board, start

• EX:– Columbus spent years

raising money before he was able to embark on his perilous ocean voyage in search of a passage to the Far East.

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Indomitable (adj.) unconquerable, refusing aid

• Syn.: unbeatable, invincible, unyielding

• Surrendering, submissive, yielding

• EX:– All who hear of the

remarkable deeds of Harriet Tubman admire her indomitable courage in the face of grave danger.

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Infallible (adj.) free from error; absolutely dependable

• Syn.: unerring, certain

• Ant.: imperfect• EX:– Some critics seem

convinced that their expert knowledge makes them infallible judges of the quality of an artist’s work.

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Pungent (adj.) causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting

• Syn.: sharp, spicy, piquant, caustic, racy

• Ant.: bland, unappetizing, colorless, insipid

• EX:– The kitchen of the French

restaurant was filled with the pungent aroma of onion soup.

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Remiss (adj.) neglectful in performance of one’s duty, careless

• Syn.: negligent, lax, slack

• Ant.: scrupulous, dutiful, punctilious

• EX:– When I am remiss in

doing daily chores, I have to spend a big part of the weekend catching up.

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Repose (v.) to rest; lie; place; (n.) relaxation, peace of mind, calmness

• Syn.: (v.) sleep; (n.) tranquility, respite, serenity

• Ant.: (n.) exertion, wakefulness, tumult, bustle, ado

• EX:– (v) The mortal remains of

thousands of who fell in America’s wars repose in Arlington’s National Cemetery.

– (n) After spending all day with others, you may wish for a period of repose before dinner.

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Temerity (n.) rashness, boldness

• Syn.: recklessness, foolhardiness, effrontery, audacity

• Ant.: timidity, fearfulness, diffidence, humility

• Example-– Few of his subordinates

had the temerity to answer the general back.

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Unfeigned (adj.) sincere, real, without pretense

• Syn.: genuine, heartfelt

• Ant.: insincere, simulated

• EX:– The novelist won high

praise for her ability to portray the unfeigned emotions of children.