Vocabulary Game. AdjectiveVerbNounAdverbParts of Speech Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

Vocabulary Game

Transcript of Vocabulary Game. AdjectiveVerbNounAdverbParts of Speech Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

Vocabulary Game

Adjective Verb Noun Adverb Parts of Speech


$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Which is the definition for Incandescent

• shining brilliantly

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Which is the definition for incessant?

• Continuing without interruption

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Which is the definition for animated?

Filled with life, vigor, activity

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Which is the definition for opaque ?

impenetrable by light

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Which is the definition for

oppressive ?

• weighing heavily on the senses or soul

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Which is the definition for to presume ?

to suppose to be true

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Which is the definition for to investigate ?

• to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry

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Which is the definition for to permeate ?

a. to spread or diffuse through out

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Which is the definition for to perceive ?

a. to attain awareness or understanding of or to become aware of through the senses.

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Which is the definition for to refute ?

• to prove wrong by argument or evidence

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In a sentence, what job does a noun have to do?

• It can be both a subject and an object

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What 3 things can a verb express?

• action, state, relation

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Adverbs most commonly express

Place, time, manner

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In the following sentence, what word is the


Every time it rains, my little dog quickly hides under the bed.

• Quickly

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In the following sentence, what word is the


Mary Jo Harding was late to Mr. Hile’s class


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Which is the definition for felicity ?

a cause for happiness; high spirits

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Which is the definition for jubilation?

the act of rejoicing

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Which is the definition for optimism?

a tendency to expect the best possible outcome

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Which is the definition for elation ?

to be proud and joyful because of an accomplishment

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Which is the definition for

satisfaction ?

The feeling one gets when a job is done well.

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Which is the definition for Diligently?

• constant in effort to accomplish something

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Which is the definition for Justly?

in a fair manner

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91. Which is the definition for Potentially?

• possibly but not yet actually

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Which is the definition for


• unashamed or unembarrassed

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Which is the definition for Inquisitively?

• given to inquiry, research, or asking questions

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• What was the name of the theater Shakespeare wrote for?

• The Globe

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• What is one thing a sentence must have to be complete?

• Subject

• Predicate

• Complete Thought

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• What do you call a noun that cannot be touched or felt?

• Abstract

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• What is the name of the part of speech that replaces a noun?

• pronoun

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• What is the only part of speech (other than a noun) that can act as the subject of a sentence

• Pronoun

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• What is the part of speech of the underlines word in the sentence below:

The tiger yawned lazily in the bathroom.

• Adverb

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• What is verb in this sentence?

The hairy man violently hugged his friends.

• hugged

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