Vocab Units

UNIT 1 VOCABULARY RELATED TO SOCIAL PROBLEMS 1.Match the words from box A to the words from box B to form collocations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible. A B social; mortgage; healthcare; unfit; dereliction of; ethnic; notice of security number; debt; system; duty; cleansing; eviction; parent 1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4._______________ 5._______________ 6._______________ 7._______________ 2.Check your answers for exercise 1 and then match the collocations with the appropriate definitions: DEFINITIONS 1.Intentional or conscious neglect of one’s assignments, work etc. 2.The amount of money that a person owes to a bank generally as a result of borrowing money to buy a property and of signing a legal contract to repay that money over a



Transcript of Vocab Units



1. Match the words from box A to the words from box B to form collocations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible.


social; mortgage; healthcare; unfit; dereliction of;ethnic; notice ofsecurity number; debt; system; duty; cleansing; eviction; parent

1. _______________2. _______________3. _______________4. _______________5. _______________6. _______________7. _______________

2. Check your answers for exercise 1 and then match the collocations with the appropriate definitions:


1. Intentional or conscious neglect of ones assignments, work etc.

2. The amount of money that a person owes to a bank generally as a result of borrowing money to buy a property and of signing a legal contract to repay that money over a period of years

3. A nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents with a view to tracking individuals for social security purposes.

4. A person who cannot care for a child properly

5. A statement informing somebody they have to vacate a property by a certain date

6. The practice of removing or killing people who belong to an ethnic group that is different from the ruling group in a country or region

7. The organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health related services to meet the health needs of certain populations.

3. Complete the following sentences using the collocations from exercise 1.

1. Getting a _____________________ is quite difficult in this part of the country since the immigration services are very much on alert with all these illegal immigrants crossing the border under the cover of darkness.2. There are many things that the United Kingdom government has done in recent years to improve the _________________. Enforcing some management principles on the way medical institutions are run seems to have had some very positive outcomes that outweigh the downsides.3. The officer was charged with a very serious ___________________ as he had walked out of the unit while he was supposed to be guarding the ammunition.4. That morning, when the family woke up, they found that a ________________ had been hung on their door. They knew that they were behind on their payments, but they were unaware that the situation was so serious.5. The process of ___________________ that was undertaken in the former republic of Yugoslavia is one of the most serious acts of this kind in contemporary times in Europe and it outraged the international community.6. In order to cover the ________________ and be allowed to keep their home, many families have been faced with very tough choices, such as getting second jobs, selling their valuable possessions, choosing public over private education for their children.7. More and more cases are brought to court in modern society regarding ______________ who do not physically or psychologically abuse their children but rather ignore them or neglect their emotional needs.

4. Complete the sentences below, using one of the verbs in the box in the right tense. Pay attention to the collocations they form.

to live to take to be x2 to battle to dismiss to go to make

1. After the police arrived at the scene and found the thief still in the house they __________ him into custody and took him to the police station.2. Since more and more people have been unable to pay their mortgage debts, more and more homes in large and small cities __________ into foreclosure.3. The general manager admitted that the budget for the next year was not what they had expected; in fact it was about 20% less than they had requested initially, but they ____________ do with what they got.4. The company ____________ in the red for the past 2 quarters. They need to do something to salvage the situation or they will go bankrupt very soon.5. More and more people ___________ on welfare in our society. The economic crisis has led to the loss of many jobs and homes, subsequently.6. Many young people start using all kinds of drugs as a way of unwinding or of socializing with their peers and before long they find themselves in a desperate situation. Some of them manage ____________ addiction and they fight for their lives, while others just slip away and die of overdoses.7. Although the prosecutor thought he had presented enough evidence to convict the murderer, the judge __________ the case on a technicality that the defense pointed out. The defendant went free and, three days later, killed another person.8. Politicians ___________ with the crimes they commit and they should stand trial even if they are in office when those crimes are discovered. This might, in my opinion, reduce the number of corrupt politicians.

5. Complete the following statements with one of the words or phrases in the box:deterrent famine capital punishment first offence

1. They gave him a very tough sentence considering that it was his ______________. The judge was very tough because he wanted to set an example.2. Some argue that the development of nuclear weapons is in fact a ______________ to nuclear war, not an encouragement. The more countries have this type of arsenal, the more secure they feel, and the less likely they are to want to use them to destroy their enemies and themselves implicitly.3. Somali children are the first image that pops to mind when anybody mentions ____________. The media has been feeding us images of underfed children with big bellies living on practically nothing and dying in huge numbers.4. The only way to prevent murders as vicious as this is the _____________ for convicted murderers. This way, at least, prevents them from being released and killing anyone else.



1. Complete the following text with the phrases in the box. You may need to change the form of some nouns.

media campaign; affordable housing; slim majority; unrivalled services; shadow government; binding contract; red tape; population survey; economic policy; forthcoming elections; faceless bureaucrats

There is a very tight race for the (1) _________________. There are two very strong candidates, both with very good strategies and (2) _________________ meant to get the country out of the difficult situation it is in at present. However, the word on the street is that only one of the candidates will definitely win because he has the support of the (3) _______________ , a group of people who control the countrys main business sectors. The polls show that this candidate has a (4) _____________ , but not enough for a sure victory. Both candidates are conducting serious (5) ______________ which focus on the tough issues that the country is facing such as a lack of (6) ______________ for young people who are just starting their lives together, or the countless (7) _____________ that make peoples lives difficult when they have to pay taxes or obtain documents from the state. The problem of (8) _____________ is also a campaign issue as it impedes not only economic processes but also the collection of money for the budget. The two candidates have suggested different ways of addressing these problems and of providing top-notch, (9) _____________ from state employees. Also one of the candidates has asked for an independent agency to carry out a (10) ______________ to find out what the people believe are the most important problems society is facing at present and what some solutions may be in their opinion. The other candidate has declared that if he wins the elections he will sign a (11) _____________ with the representative of the people which will state that if he does not implement his strategies properly and timely he will present his resignation.

2. Match the first part of each sentence in column A with its appropriate ending in column B:


1. There is a big meeting scheduled for tomorrow at the Ministry of Defense and consequentlya) get back into the swing of things after he had his heart attack.

2. The shadow government is starting to take action in order to b) seize power and overthrow the current leaders and possibly destabilize the country.

3. Preparations are underway for the upcoming NATO summit c) and they tend to breed resentment and even lead to street protests.

4. This kind of crisis-induced measures are not at all popular with the peopled) despite the fact that he is not doing very well in the polls at the moment.

5. The world started changing really fast, some would even say it started spiraling out of controle) our whole department is in a flurry of activity trying to solve last minute problems.

6. It only took the president three weeks tof) with the advent of computer technology and of the Internet.

7. The victims from the subway accident caused by a malfunction have hired a law firmg) and the whole city is in a state of alert with police and military forces everywhere.

8. Everybody believes that he will win the electionsh) and are suing to claim financial compensation for the trauma they underwent.

3. Choose the best word to complete the sentences:

1. Once slavery was __________ the large plantations in southern USA started having financial difficulties and were eventually sold.a) abolishedb) dismissedc) suppressed

2. The ____________ from the government may compensate the farmers for the loss of their crops but they will not help them in the long run.a) insuranceb) subsidiesc) funds

3. The _____________ population has finally had enough and they have rebelled against the corrupt regime and overthrew it.a) indignantb) oppressedc) repressed

4. The government will attempt to make a ___________ to subsidize farmers incomes in drought years.a) decreeb) suggestionc) motion

5. Their proposal was __________ because it did not receive enough votes to pass. They will have to come up with another one.a) ignoredb) classified c) dismissed

4. Choose which phrases from exercises 1 and 2 match the following definitions:


1. A sudden burst or commotion or movement

2. A small advantage in number of political supporters

3. The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important

4. A process of choosing a representative by voting, which is about to happen

5. to be the source of; produce indignation

6. "the secret government" or "the invisible government"

7. An agreement that limits or holds someone to respect it to the letter



1. Match the first part of a dialogue in column A to the second part of the dialogue in column B:


1. Something must be done; things cannot go on as they have so far. We need to change something in our SOPs or we will end up losing many lives.a) Yes, indeed, and one of them, and perhaps the most drastic, is to lay off staff. Even though it creates other types of pressure on the economy, this method has become a favorite with companies.

2. Unfortunately, in the current economic situation, companies have few solutions if they want to stay afloat.b) Yes, sir, I have come today to officially hand in my resignation, effective immediately.

3. I heard that he has changed his job recently. Why did he do that?c) Well, its not enough to find the problem; we cannot simply say the old ones are out-of-date. We have to come up with an alternative or nobody will take us seriously.

4. Are you sure this is the right course of action for you? I thought you were happy here. Do you really want to quit?d) I have managed to narrow down the list to five candidates, who are going to be called in for one final, decisive interview.

5. You have interviewed quite a few people for this position already. How is the selection process going?e) Well, mainly because he wanted to earn a better living, but also because his former boss had something against him and wouldnt give him the promotion he deserved.

2. Identify the collocations in the examples in exercise 1.

3. Check your answers for exercise 2 and match the definitions below to the corresponding collocations in exercise 1.


1. to give up a job or position in a formal or official way

2. any sequence of activities that an individual or unit may follow.

3. to put an end to personnels employment at something

4. to bring forth, discover, or produce another way of doing something

5. to make more money so as to ease ones life

6. to remain free or out of difficulty, especially financial difficulty

7. to focus on certain aspects, to reduce the number of possibilities

4. Match the first part of a dialogue in column A to the second part of the dialogue in column B:


1. You look extremely tired. I think you should see a doctor to find out if everything is ok.a) Well, his efficient methods and his professional conduct have helped him move up the ladder more quickly than anyone else his age.

2. I wasnt very confident when you first gave this assignment to Jerry. I actually thought it was a big mistake, with him being so new to the department.b) Actually, I am still in shock. I cant believe he has gone through all this trouble just to help me in this difficult period in my life.

3. Your boss has been most understanding with you lately. You must be very grateful.c) Yes, I remember you telling me that he was wet behind the ears, and that he hadnt had time to get his feet wet. But look, everything he has done has been spot on. He has certainly risen to the challenge.

4. Its been very difficult here lately. The staff are getting more and more discontent with the measures taken.d) No need to worry about me. Im healthy, but I have a very heavy workload at present, and I barely have time to sleep.

5. His record is spotless and he has more commendations than anyone else I know. And he is so young!e) Well, they will simply have to bite the bullet and make the best of it, because it is the same everywhere. But this situation cant last for long, and well be back to normal before long.

5. Check your answers for exercise 4 and identify the collocations in the examples in exercise 4.

6. Match the definitions below to the corresponding collocations in exercise 4.


1. young and not experienced

2. a lot of things to do in ones job

3. to get promotion after promotion

4. to make yourself do something or accept something difficult or unpleasant

5. to start a new activity or job

6. to do as well as possible with something that is not too promising

7. to accept a challenge and complete the activity successfully

8. to do everything to possible to help somebody

9. returned to a previous state of normality

10. exactly correct

7. Complete the following sentences with a verb from the box in the right tense:

To set; to get x 2; to break; to be; to acquire; to have; to adhere; to abide; to come

1. He ________________ a taste for very expensive gadgets since he got that job with the multinational corporation. Practically all his money is spent on the latest kinds of technology.2. All soldiers have to ______________ to the principles of this unit and to respect them even in the harshest conditions.3. He ___________ bound to make a mistake sooner or later at the rate he is going. He has too many things on his plate and is not willing to delegate any responsibilities.4. It is going to be very difficult to ______________ the news to families. Nobody wants to hear that their loved ones have gone missing and are presumed dead.5. You have to do your best to explain the situation to Helen, or her deeds will jeopardize her career. Somebody has to _____________ through to her before it is too late.6. He only started work here last week but he has made a lot of progress and really seems to be _____________ the hang of things. Pretty soon, well be able to delegate more responsibility to him.7. What happened? I thought he was very excited to join our department?Well, I think he ____________ a change of heart or maybe he got a better offer and he didnt tell us about it.8. It doesnt matter what you think about this situation; it isnt your call and you have to _____________ by the chairmans decision and carry out his instructions.9. She is very influential in the world of fashion. Everybody looks to her and expects her to _____________ the trend for each season.10. After he made that terrible mistake that cost the department so much in point of funds and reliability, the manager _____________ down very heavily on him and not only fired him but also made him pay damages.



1. Complete the following statements using one of the expressions from the box. You have two statements for each expression. Pay attention to the verb tenses:

dawn onhave nothing against

pass judgement ongrasp the importance

make a lasting impressionhave the guts

have a clue

1. His opinions are very strong and he always stands up for what he believes. He (even)________________ to tell his boss to his face when he was wrong.2. Teenagers should be made to ___________________ of reading as a means of developing their personal worldviews and opinions and as a way of resisting manipulation from the media. 3. Despite everything that happened, I _______________ him getting the promotion. I still believe that I deserved it more, but it was not my decision and I have to reconcile with the situation as best I can.4. The terrorist attacks on 9/11 ____________________ even on those who only watched them on TV. I hate to think how the people who were actually there felt.5. Oh, it (just) ___________________ on me that we may have made a terrible mistake. We must get that report back as soon as possible to check the final figures again.6. It is one of the most deeply rooted human habits to _________________ on ones peers without being sure that all the facts informing that opinion are accurate.7. Look at him looking for the folder on his desk. I dont think he _______________ where he put it or even if it is still on his desk or he moved it to somebody elses.8. The media creates and presents news so as to __________________ on the audience, but this sometimes means that they have to stretch the truth a bit in their search for the sensational. 9. Once he ___________________ of the document in front of him he proceeded to inform his superiors and to come up with a plan of action that might counter the negative effects of what was written there.10. You must always _________________ to defend your opinions. They are what sets you apart from others and help you find your way in the world.11. I dont think it (ever)________________ on the reporters present at the funeral that the family may have needed to be left in peace to mourn their loss. All they cared about was the news and getting shots of the celebrities present.12. The police (not) _________________ as to the identity of the murderer even after five days of investigation. They found no evidence at the crime scene and they dont know where to start.13. The manager _________________ our proposal. His only observation was that we should double-check all our figures and make sure that the estimates are correct.14. I dont think its fair __________________ on somebody you dont know. You should try to find out more information on a person and then form an opinion.

2. Choose the best phrase to complete the following sentences:

1. __________________ that the new SOPs will help protect both our soldiers and the civilian population much more effectively.a) From my standpointb) It is my firm convictionc) Against my better judgement

2. The member countries accepted the plan perhaps ___________________ since they were aware of the potential economic damages it could cause.a) against their nagging doubtb) against their characterc) against their better judgement

3. __________________ this measure will probably lead in the long run to an improvement in the standard of living in poor countries.a) From my standpointb) A nagging doubtc) Against my better judgement

4. The government had __________________ that the conditions imposed by the IMF were not actually as permissive as they appeared to be at first sight.a) a nagging doubtb) a firm beliefc) a valid point

5. I really dont know what to say about what happened. It is very difficult to analyze the situation considering we have so many unknown elements. At this time, ____________________ .a) its no use crying over spilt milkb) your guess is as good as minec) its a nagging doubt



1. Match the words from box A to the words from box B to form collocations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible.


congested; hordes of; heritage; hardcore; expanse of; timely; stretch of; age-old tradition; land; sites; roads; conservationists; intervention; water; tourists

1. _______________2. _______________3. _______________4. _______________5. _______________6. _______________7. _______________8. _______________

2. Check your answers for exercise 1 and then match the collocations with the appropriate definitions:


1. too full or crowded with vehicles

2. small number of very active and enthusiastic members of a group of people who want to protect something

3. large groups of visitors to a place

4. a large open surface of water

5. places that reflect the traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc., that are part of the history of a group or nation

6. something that stretches over an area or a distance; something which covers or exists in the whole of that area or distance

7. customs that have existed for many generations or centuries.

8. an intervention that occurs at a moment when it is useful, effective, or relevant

3. Complete the following sentences using the phrases from exercise 1.

1. When ____________ started making their way around old Greek ruins, the danger of collapse increased tenfold simply because of the foot traffic.

2. ____________ have started attracting more and more public interest in recent years as customized tour packages that focus on cultural aspects have gained ground.3. The ____________ in this part of the country are very ___________ at this time of year since the tourists keep pouring in for the festival. Looking out at this immense ____________ would help relax even the most stressed person. Its wonderful, blue translucence catches and holds ones gaze indefinitely.4. The careless oversight of historical monuments may cause even more problems than ____________ and restoration could ever fix.5. This unspoiled ____________ was meant to be transformed into a high-end ski resort, but the locals protested and it was finally turned into a natural reservation.6. There are many ____________ around the world and they all need to be protected from excessive tourism so that we may keep our cultural legacy.7. _____________ uphold a very drastic view of how archaeological sites should be preserved. The first step they suggest is the ban of all tourists.

4. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B:


1. Most of the famous seaside resorts are extremely crowded during the summer.

a) They should take some survival courses in case they ever get stranded in the wilderness on a trip and they need to know what to do to make it out there.

2. Many wonder what drives modern tourists to push the boundaries and try to go where no man has gone before. b) They believe that if tourists continue to be allowed to trample over archaeological sites unchecked, they may end destroying them for future generations.

3. We strongly recommend that tourists who love the outdoor should prepare very well before their trips.

c) These intrepid explorers have been to the virgin parts of the rain forests, to the arctic areas and to the highest mountains in the world.

4. The world nowadays is full of brave people who challenge their own limits and go to previously considered inaccessible places. d) Most of them admit that it is the thirst for adventure that drives them forward.

5. Many people are worried about the state of the historical monuments in their countries.

e) Many tourists enjoy going to these crammed resorts where they can barely find a place to put their towel on the beach, because they love being around other people.

5. Match the definitions below to the underlined phrases in exercise 4.


1. an insistent desire to do something challenging

2. characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance

3. to stamp or walk roughly (on)

4. forced, pressed, or squeezed into an insufficient space

5. left in an unknown or unfavorable place especially without funds or means to depart

6. to test one's abilities, resources or limits in a demanding but stimulating undertaking

6. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B:


1. There are many new trends in tourism, each of them addressed to a particular segment of the population.

a) Therefore, permits for the construction of cutting-edge design buildings in areas filled with historical monuments should not be given lightly. They could ruin the special atmosphere of the place.

2. Each city has a history and a future, and the two should co-exist not cancel each other out.

b) Whenever we get an SOS call we send out a search party to try and get them back as soon as possible.

3. Many travelers nowadays do not enjoy going to the usual tourist places and mingling with everybody. c) For example, backpacking is a new up and coming type of tourism on-the-go targeted especially at young people, since it means travelling with the bare minimum.

4. Many people get lost on the mountain at this time of the year. d) They prefer to travel off the beaten track and try to discover places where few have ever boon before.

7. Match the definitions below to the underlined phrases in exercise 6.


1. to dispatch a band of people tasked to find and rescue somebody

2. the smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate for some purpose

3. located at a great distance in time or space or degree, away from civilization

4. travelling and carrying food or equipment on the back especially in hiking

5. the position of greatest advancement or importance; the forefront

6. novel and gaining prominence and likely to advance or succeed



1. Complete the following statements with one of the words or phrases in the box so that they complete the expressions:

Press x 2; foregone; slight; bottom; widespread; damaging

1. Once more the media have jumped to the __________ conclusion that the current economic problem is the fault of the previous prime minister. So far, he has unjustifiably taken the blame for everything that has gone wrong in the past four years. 2. A lot can happen between now and December, but the _________ line is that the city is not doing very well and may face a winter without any heat.3. The ___________ coverage for the biggest sporting event of the decade has been quite satisfactory, but they could have dedicated more time to each sport individually. 4. The mayor meant to build a new ring road around the city to ease the traffic in the downtown area, but there was a ____________ change in plan because it took him more time than he expected to expropriate the owners. But the building will start quite soon.5. The prime minister issued a ___________ release regarding the visit and the discussions with the IMF and the decisions that will have to be put into practice as soon as possible.6. The candidates were both afraid of _____________ disclosures from their opponents, as they both had some skeletons in the closet that they would have liked to keep out of the public eye.7. Contrary to ___________ belief, the earth may not be getting warmer, as much as cooling down as a result of the gases disrupting the sunlight.

2. Check your answers for exercise 1. Then match the expressions with their definitions:


1. the main or essential point; the final result or statement

2. written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy

3. a commonly-held opinion

4. a small modification in something that was established before

5. a conclusion formed in advance of argument or consideration

6. making known something that may hurt a persons reputation

7. reports about something in newspapers, and magazines and other media

3. Match the sentences with similar meanings. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:

1. The weather will undergo a change for the worse in the following days. People should get ready for heavy rains and strong winds.

2. It is the duty of the police force to uphold the law regardless of external influences.

3. The minister bowed to public pressure and gave in to the requirements of the airline workers.

4. We feel that the electorate have been misled by the media campaign organized by the current mayor.

5. The presidents advisor issued a statement today regarding the situation in the northern part of the country.

6. The man gave a detailed account of the facts and the police were able to apprehend the murderer based on this information.

7. The witness will have to give an account of his involvement with the victim, before he testifies.

8. All reporters live by one rule: never divulge your sources. Otherwise they would not be able to get any good stories any more.

9. In order to disseminate information promptly and effectively, one has to have access to the latest technological developments.

10. Sometimes the media tends to blow things out of proportion just to get better ratings for news stories.

A. The mayor in office has put together a press initiative that has been meant to misinform the public about his true intentions.

B. In their quest for larger and larger audiences, TV channels may exaggerate the news they present.

C. The police detectives managed to catch the killer based on the elaborate description of events provided by a witness.

D. The media received a statement from the presidents office concerning what is happening in the north.

E. State-of-the-art information technology allows people access to information quickly and at high standards.

F. The airline workers pressed the government and the minister finally accepted their demands.

G. We will notice a severe alteration of the meteorological conditions in the upcoming period and we advise everybody to prepare for gale and showers.

H. Policemen have to make sure the citizens abide the law under all circumstances.

I. The person who saw what happened to the victim will first have to explain his involvement with the victim. Only then can he appear in court.

J. All reporters have to respect the confidentiality of their informants if they want to keep getting information.

4. Complete the following statements with one of the adjectives in the box:

misquoted; doubtful; debatable; misinformed; notorious; controversial;

1. This issue is quite ____________; many people believe that celebrities lives should be wide open, while others believe that they are entitled to their privacy.2. It is very ___________ whether or not nuclear energy is the best way of ensuring the survival of our energy-fueled society. 3. The ___________ mastermind of the terrorists is rumored to be hiding in the mountainous region in the north of the country.4. The workers were very ___________ about the benefits of the new pension system, but they had no say in it unfortunately.5. The spokesperson explained that the president had been ____________ by the press, and issued a full statement to explain what had really happened.6. The public has been ____________ during the election campaign as both sides were trying to convince them their candidate was the best and had the best strategy.

5. Complete the following statements with one of the adjectives in the box:

likelihood; speculation; outlook; incentive; prospect

1. The country's economic ___________ is quite bleak at the moment and the international community is threatening to impose economic sanctions.2. The frightening __________ of going to war at the present is driving people out of the cities and into the countryside.3. In all ___________, the economy of the country will recover in two years time with a new infusion of capital from the European Union.4. There is ___________ that he will run for president again. He has many supporters and he is still quite young and healthy.5. The rising cost of electricity provides a strong ___________ to save energy and to find alternative means of producing it.



1. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box:

feeble; debt-ridden; thriving; commercial; plummeting; soaring; undeclared; source of; grounds for

1. The shadow economy is based on the ___________ earnings of hundreds of firms which try to elude the state and refuse to pay taxes. 2. If the services provided were perfect then we would have no ___________ complaints. But given the situation, we would like to file a complaint with customer protection services.3. There is only one country in the region whose economy is __________ despite the chaos that faces all the others in the region. The only explanation is that their government did not loan money from others and managed on its own.4. Due to the ___________ state of the economy we cannot afford to make any major investments at the moment. Maybe when things become more stable we will be able to make our move.5. Greece has become such a ____________ country that investors stay away for fear they may lose their money. Quite soon Greece may find itself in an impossible situation and have to be declared bankrupt.6. I would like to propose a _____________ venture that may bring both our companies quite a profit if everything is done right. 7. Many families have been left without a ___________ income when the old mines shut down.8. With _____________ profits many companies have to withdraw from the country before they are affected too seriously.9. ______________ prices threaten to trigger a new food crisis around the world, that could spell famine for many people in underdeveloped countries.

2. Check your answers for exercise 1. Then match the words and expressions with their definitions:


1. a new activity, project, business, etc., that typically involves risk

2. countries or organizations owe so much money they cannot pay the money back

3. falling or dropping suddenly in amount, value

4. money made that the state does not know about and for which taxes have not been paid

5. the place where one gets money from

6. increasing very quickly in amount or price

7. growing and developing successfully; flourishing

8. the reasons one may have to be displeased with a service, product, situation etc.

9. very weak

3. Choose the best answer a, b, or c to complete the following text:

The global economic crisis that started some years ago has definitely taken its 1. _________ on less developed countries. Many companies have gone 2. ___________ and many people have been made 3. __________ and the situation does not seem to be improving. Their progress has been 4. __________ because they do not have enough economic strength to stand on their own without help from the more economically-developed countries. They need to be able to get loans and advice in order to 5. __________ their economies in the right direction. Unfortunately, this crisis has set in 6. __________ a chain of events that affects not only poor but also rich countries. This means that help is in high demand nowadays and the ones doing the asking must first of all 7. _________ through a lot of red tape, meaning they have to present strong investment plans that justify every penny they borrow. Secondly, they have to meet a series of very strict 8. _________ that are meant to get things back on track and to stimulate growth. The richer countries have to 9. _________ their interests and this means that they are not willing to lend money to just anyone without some kind of guarantee that they will get it back. Consequently, the countries that do not come up to 10. __________ have their support withdrawn and their fate is anything but good. This has already happened to several and more and on the brink of collapse.

1.a. tollb. problemc. effect

2.a. badb. wrongc. bankrupt

3.a. redundantb. firedc. helpless

4.a. bothered b. hinderedc. minded

5.a. induceb. conductc. steer

6.a. actionb. motionc. place

7.a. cutb. passc. sever

8.a. demandsb. qualitiesc. requirements

9.a. lookb. safeguardc. improve

10.a. notchb. standardc. scratch

4. Check your answers for exercise 3. Then match the expressions with their definitions:


1. to be legally declared financially insolvent.

2. to guide in a certain direction

3. to make (someone or something) safe or secure

4. to cause a series of things to begin happening

5. to be deprived of ones job because it is no longer necessary for efficient operation

6. to meet or be equal to someones requirements

7. to cause harm or suffering

8. to satisfy the conditions

9. to get around the bureaucracy

10. to make the progress slow or difficult



1. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B:


1. The people who had been exposed to the airborne virus were not doing very well.a. The exposure to pollutants and to genetically modified food increase the likelihood of alterations occurring at the smallest level in our DNA structure.

2. People nowadays take such powerful medication for even the slightest of conditions.b. They were gasping for breath and running very high fevers. On top on everything, they were not responsive to medication.

3. All drugs have to be tested throughly before being released on the market for the general public to use.c. They start being overweight and get an elevated blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

4. Due to their unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles many people are experiencing health problems, earlier and earlier in their lives.d. Moreover, their side effects are not limited to the human population; the plant and animal life will also suffer greatly.

5. Genetic mutations are very likely to occur more and more frequently.e. It presents with symptoms that are simply unheard of. This virus seems to be completely out of control.

6. Biological weapons imply creating drug-resistant virus strains.f. This is the reason why they have built up resistance to drugs.

7. This outbreak of an unknown disease threatens to kill most of the population in this area.g. The survival rate for people exposed to them is slim to none.

8. Biological and chemical weapons are dangerous not only at the time when they are used.h. Even so, adverse reactions still appear but in a much smaller number of people than it would otherwise happen.

2. The definitions for some of the expressions in exercise 1 have been provided below. Match them to the corresponding expressions in exercise 1.


1. too heavy or fat

2. an effect that a drug has on your body in addition to curing pain or illness

3. when a disease suddenly starts to happen in an area

4. carried through the air

5. have a high body temperature

6. to breath quickly in a way that that can be heard because you are in pain or having difficulty breathing

7. a negative consequence of using certain drugs

8. a category of viruses that is not affected by known drugs



1. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. The form of some words may need to be changed:

deployment; menace; outpost; harsh; bitter; drone; bulk

1. Terrorist cells, active or not, are always seen as a potential ____________ because they can spring into action at any given moment.2. Some soldiers have been withdrawn from this theater of operations but the _____________ of the troops is staying put until HQ says that the danger has passed.3. The greatest challenge in a theater of operations is to get used to the _____________ conditions, as most missions take place in arid areas, a type of terrain and environment which is alien for most soldiers.4. The United States government has made hundreds of ___________ attacks on targets in northwest Pakistan since 2004. They are controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities Division. These attacks are part of the United States' War on Terrorism campaign, seeking to defeat Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants in Pakistan.5. It is very difficult for soldiers to deal with the relentless burden of repeated ________________. Besides the traumatic effects of the missions, they also feel that they are no longer in control of their lives, as they cannot plan ahead for fear they may be shipped away again.6. The construction of combat ______________ by the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq has been almost unanimously described in positive terms by defense analysts and military officers as a means through which to carry out its counterinsurgency efforts.7. These two countries have been ______________ enemies since the oil crisis began. They do not seem able to reach a compromise no matter what.

2. Complete the following sentences with one of the verbs from the box in the right form:

restore; bring; launch; suffer; call; escalate; disband; lift

1. The goal of this task force is __________ peace to this part of the world; or, if this fails, at least to ensure that no more civilian lives are lost.2. The conflict _____________ mainly because more than 100 civilians were killed or injured in a surprise bomb attack in one of the busiest markets in town.3. When the United States were first attacked on their own soil, they decided _____________ a counterattack that is still going on at present and that is now fueled by much more than simple desire for revenge or for retribution.4. When they realized the seriousness of the damage sustained, they _____________ for a ceasefire so they could have time to regroup and take the casualties to medical facilities.5. These measures are meant ____________ stability to this troubled country. They will ensure workplaces for the unemployed and an influx of funds for reconstruction.6. The army of the country _____________ (passive) in an attempt to stop all military actions. However, the guerilla forces are intact and they wreak havoc in the mountainous region of the country.7. The blockade ______(only)_______ (passive) when the government signs the nonaggression pact and agrees to the terms and conditions imposed by the international community.8. The allied forces _____________ a large number of casualties in the overnight attack and consequently withdrew from the area.

3. Choose the best definition for the underlined expressions in the following sentences:

1. The privates had an attitude problem because they didnt respect their sergeant. a) They didnt behave appropriatelyb) They had different attitudes toward workc) They had discussions among themselves

2. When they first entered the village, they encountered difficulties as the villagers didnt believe they were friendly and wanted to attack them with whatever weapons they had.a) They had an encounterb) They met some enemiesc) They experienced some problems

3. When they join the military young people are told that they must relish a challenge because the situations they will come up against in their future careers will be quite unexpected.a) Adapt to rigors wellb) Enjoy adventurec) Like a steady life4. Complete the following statements with one of the words in the box:

resilience; outraged; mayhem; rationale

1. The ___________ for this decision is to allow for further talks to lead to the signing of the agreement by the end of the week.2. The soldiers were ____________ when they were informed that their shipment home had been postponed for one more week.3. It is practically impossible to prevent terrorists from unleashing ___________ in one part of the world or another. Their brand of wafare breaches all rules and is highly unpredictable.4. The earthquake destroyed thousands of people's lives but the whole world was struck by the incredible ___________ of the survivors who simply tried to pick up the pieces and move on with their lives.



1. Match the sentences 1-8 with the sentences with similar meanings a-h. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:

1. Some criminals would do anything to escape punishment, they move, change their names, they even have plastic surgery.

2. We need to come up with a plan; the situation isnt looking good and we have to figure out what to do.

3. In such cases, involving big companies, lawyers usually negotiate settlements because they would rather pay large amounts of money than stand trial and have their businesses exposed to the public eye.

4. He refused point blank to accept the deal the district attorney offered. He kept saying that he is innocent and he is not afraid of going to trial.

5. The presumed terrorist protested his innocence saying to anyone who would listen that he had been nowhere near the site of the attack on that day.

6. The police have been notified of the mayors involvement in illegal renting of parking spaces in the downtown area, and he will be brought in for questioning.

7. He thought that he will get away with fraud, but the detectives have found a trail of evidence that points in his direction.

8. When people are at the end of their rope they may decide to do desperate things, such as stealing in order to survive.

a. He didnt want to accept under any circumstances what the district attorney proposed as he claimed he wasnt guilty of the crime and he thought a jury wouldnt convict him.

b. We have to think of a way to get out of this situation.

c. When they feel that they have nothing more to do to improve their situation, people may resort to desperate measures such as taking things that do not belong to them.

d. The man they have captured in relation to the terrorist attack claims that he is not guilty of the attack as he had been somewhere else entirely on the day in question.

e. Some people who have broken the law would go to any lengths not to get caught: they change their places of residence, their identities, and even their appearance.

f. Despite his strong belief that his fraud will not be noticed, the police who were investigating him managed to amass enough proof on him and his actions.

g. Large corporations try to prevent lawsuits from going to court by paying the plaintiffs large sums of money in exchange for signing non-disclosure agreements.

h. The mayors part in the illegal scheme concerning parking places in the center of the city has been made known to the authorities and they will take action presently.

2. Choose the synonyms of some of the underlined expressions in exercise 1.

At the end of ones enduranceTo informTo escapeTo think of somethingTo claim

3. Choose the best expressions to complete the sentences below:

1. His crime was terrible but there were ____________________ as he had been robbed blind by that company and he had lost every penny he had.a. aggravating circumstancesb. extenuating circumstancesc. understandable circumstances

2. If it can be argued that the criminal is guilty _________________ then the jury will have no trouble declaring him so and he can be convicted for his crimes.a. beyond any reasonable doubtb. above suspicionc. against all prejudice

3. ____________________ we have decided to accept your plea bargain. My client will plead guilty but will get a reduced sentence and will only spend 6 months in prison.a. Despite everythingb. In your favorc. After careful consideration

4. The best methods to put an decrease the crime rate in any city have always been _________________. No two specialists agree on what the best deterrent to crime may be.a. a matter of interestb. a bone of contentionc. a suspicious discussion



1. Choose the best answer a, b, or c to complete the following text:

The 1. ___________ destruction of our planet is always on the news nowadays. Either it is environmentalists who try to 2. ____________ awareness about the greenhouse effect and the 3. ____________ disaster it will cause. Or it is the forecast which mainly deals with changing 4. weather ____________ in many regions of the world, such as 5. ___________ heat in Canada and snow in Africa, with 6. ___________ sea levels that threaten to drown coastal cities and dry vegetation fires that plague Europe and Australia.Not to mention what is happening to the flora and fauna of the world. More and more species are 7. __________ or on the 8. __________ of extinction due to intensive hunting or harvesting just as much as to the destruction of their natural 9. ____________.Most scientists warn us that the effects of changes we are noticing could be diminished if only people accepted that they are the main actors of change in the environment and tried to reduce their carbon 10. ___________. But most people still do not have the 11. ___________ idea that they might be to blame for the weather phenomena that wreak 12. __________ around the globe. They do not understand that a few simple things could really help protect the planet. It is as easy as reducing their energy 13. __________ and using 14. ________ sources of energy. Also, they could stop using 15. __________ chemicals around that house, chemicals that find their way into the water and pollute it beyond control, threatening the survival of many types of fish and aquatic plant life. In recent years we have noticed an increase in the production of eco-friendly substances and materials used for building different structures. Opportunities 16. __________ in this field for many people who take a 17. __________ interest in protecting the environment and also want to ensure that nature is around for generations to come. It is still not too late, but we should not rely on this and keep postponing everything that must be done now before it is too late.

1.a. immediateb. definitec. imminent

2.a. raiseb. liftc. make

3.a. unmitigatedb. relentlessc. forceful

4.a. schemesb. patternsc. designs

5.a. badb. seriousc. searing

6.a. risingb. increasingc. improving

7.a. unprotectedb. endangeredc. jeopardized

8.a. bankb. edgec. brink

9.a. zoneb. areac. habitat

10.a. traceb. footprintc. fingerprint

11.a. slightestb. smallestc. littlest

12.a. disasterb. hellc. havoc

13.a. consumptionb. usec. usage

14.a. replenishableb. renewablec. reusable

15a. detrimentalb. harmfulc. bad

16.a. presentb. risec. arise

17.a. keenb. preciousc. severe

2. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:


1. The world population reached 7 billion in 2011.a. However, impoverished countries are not able to spare any funds to invest in green technology.

2. Many non-profit organizations plan charity events on a regular basis to support different causes related to the environment. b. This is why we should try to keep a constant influx of budget funds for environmental projects.

3. Many countries are taking steps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases they produce.c. Even so, there are still sparsely-populated areas in the world, such as the highest mountains and the deserts.

4. When we let standards slip in our environmental policies the effects may be tremendous.d. For example, we can carpool to work, or choose apartments that are within walking distance of schools, supermarkets, shops, etc.

5. In order to reduce our personal carbon footprint we need to take some simple measures.e. Their hope is to raise enough funds to help some conservation plans to succeed.

3. Match the underlined expressions in exercise 2 with their definitions:


1. to get money for a cause

2. friendly with the environment

3. a distance that can be covered on foot

4. the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to support human activities, expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide

5. with very few people living there

6. to allow things not to measure up to standards

7. an arrangement whereby several people travel together in one vehicle, share the costs and often take turns as the driver

8. countries which are short of money

4. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:


1. There are many densely populated areas in the world. They are mostly large cities with millions of inhabitants.

a. It is the only means of preventing our world from becoming a large waste dump site.

2. Recycling all materials: paper, plastic, glass etc. is very important.b. Most likely it will take another few decades for the technology to be perfected and for the recharging network to be in place everywhere in the world.

3. The environmentalists staged a protest in front of the summit venue.c. Many inventions that have revolutionized the world started from what seemed to be an inconsequential idea, but one in which someone had the courage to invest.

4. There is only a slim chance that the electric car will be able to replace the traditional car in the short term.d. Their goal was to force the world leaders hand to sign a treaty for the drastic reduction of fossil fuels emissions.

5. Their company is always on the lookout for viable green technologies, no matter where these ideas may come from.e. It is these areas that are the most responsible for the increasing quantity of polluting agents released in the atmosphere.

5. Match the underlined expressions in exercise 4 with their definitions:


1. to be vigilant, alert

2. not a very good possibility of something coming true

3. to be organized properly

4. an organic substance found underground and used as a source of energy

5. to organize a public demonstration

6. a location for specific types of events

7. with a lot of people living there

8. a place where garbage is thrown

6. Choose the best words to fill in the gaps in the sentences:

1. Because of the feeling of impending ____________ many people try their best to protect their families and homes.a. distressb. doomc. terror

2. Localized ____________ early last week saw a few areas very wet indeed, with some flooding reported, while in other areas not even one drop of rain was reported.a. downpoursb. rainc. hail

3. Genes from desert plants can be used to produce crops that withstand____________. This technology may help us in the future as many areas in the world are experiencing desertification.a. the sunb. high windsc. drought

4. The deliberate release of the virus last year led to the most devastating global ___________ ever known.a) distressb) misfortunec) plague

5. With a third of species facing ____________ over the next fifty years the support of large benefactors has never been more vital. We need to do something to protect them.a. relocationb. extinctionc. intervention

7. Complete the following dialogues with one of the expressions in the box:

to say the least; whats at stake; its wishful thinking

1. I believe that more can be done to raise peoples awareness about what is happening to the environment.I absolutely agree with you. Much more could be done; the problem is lack of funds. Without money 1. _______ (only) __________. Everything takes money and thats exactly what environmentalists dont have.

2. People have to understand once and for all 2._____________. These environmentalists arent talking just to hear themselves. They really do have a point about the destruction of the planet.Yes, but unfortunately there are bigger interests here; oil must be sold, and bought; cars must be made; weapons must be used; and the environment is practically the last of anyones concerns.

3. The situation of animals in this part of the world is dire 3. _____________.Yes, I see what you mean. The vegetation is gone because of the drought, the watering holes are dry, and the poachers are more active than ever.



1. Complete the following sentences with a verb from the box. Use the verb in the correct tense.

to judge; to toy; to impart; to give; to highlight; to broach; to make; to get; to spark; to withstand

1. I am so glad I managed ____________ across the idea regarding an extended-schedule daycare. It is very important for young children not to be left at home alone and unsupervised.2. The teacher ____________ with the idea of giving the students a quiz test, but decided against it as some of them were missing from class. 3. If you want to become the manager of a top 500 company you have to be able _____________ the pressure of working in such a high stakes environment. 4. We have arranged for guest speakers to come to different classes, starting next term. They _______________ their knowledge of different fields from a practical point of view and help students choose a profession.5. We have no way of knowing if this plan will work until we ____________ it a shot. It looks good on paper but since it deals with adult learners the results may be unpredictable.6. Most children sent to boarding schools have a difficult time adjusting to life in such a closed community, especially since they are separated from their parents, but eventually they learn ___________ the best of it.7. The way the topics are presented should be aimed at _______________ the childrens interest. They are not very fascinating in themselves so the presentation must be entertaining and engaging. 8. In order for the students to learn more easily and efficiently, the teacher _______________ the most relevant aspects of any lesson. After all, that is the information the students will be left with in the long run.9. Every project _____________ (passive) solely on its merits and the winner will be announced later today.10. The disastrous grades in the final exams this year represent a very difficult subject for any politician _____________, but especially for the minister of education whose resignation parents and teachers alike have been clamoring for since the results were made public.

2. Match the beginning of the sentences in column A with their endings in column B. Pay attention to the expressions that are thus formed:


1. It is very difficult to get better results in final exams with so many disenchanteda. assessments that will help monitor students progress throughout the school year.

2. Many teachers complain that no matter what they do disruptiveb. effort to learn anything regarding that subject.

3. One method of ensuring that students study throughout the year and not only for final exams is to introduce on-goingc. results in an attempt to attract as many students as possible.

4. One method of correction that is not accepted in classrooms is verbald. knowledge of the world or should focus on specialized fields of study.

5. When they are not interested in a subject students will only make a half-heartede. thinking. This is one skill that will turn them into adults who can think for themselves.

6. When analyzing poor exam results we should look at the underlyingf. students are more and more frequently encountered and they make any lesson a living hell for them.

7. Some private schools present overratedg. teachers, who only do the bare minimum and are not motivated to invest more in their students education.

8. One of the most important skills that needs to be developed in children of all ages is criticalh. abuse directed at the students who have difficulties solving different tasks.

9. When analyzing a situation, we have to start with a working i. hypothesis which will be improved continuously as more data flows in.

10. It is a question of whether students should have a comprehensivej. causes and not start passing blame from one to another.

3. Match the words from column A to the words from column C to form collocations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible. You may need to use one of the prepositions in column B.


thirst; reduction; advent; stroke; computer; stateforin ofgenius; the art; literate; knowledge; technology; attention span;

1. _______________2. _______________3. _______________4. _______________5. _______________6. _______________

4. Check your answers for exercise 3 and then match the collocations with the appropriate definitions:

1. The latest in point of technology2. The desire to learn various things3. Loss in concentration4. The development of technology5. An inspired or effective idea or act6. Having knowledge of how to operate a PC



1. Match the words from box A to the words from box B to form collocations.

1socialsecurity number


3healthcare system

4dereliction ofduty

5notice ofeviction



Other combinations may also be possible: e.g. mortgage system, social duty, etc.

2. Check your answers for exercise 1 and then match the collocations with the appropriate definitions:


dereliction of duty1. intentional or conscious neglect of ones assignments, work etc.

mortgage debt2. the amount of money that a person owes to a bank generally as a result of borrowing money to buy a property and of signing a legal contract to repay that money over a period of years

social security number3. a nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents with a view to tracking individuals for social security purposes.

unfit parent4. a person who cannot care for a child properly

notice of eviction5. a statement informing somebody they have to vacate a property by a certain date

ethnic cleansing6. the practice of removing or killing people who belong to an ethnic group that is different from the ruling group in a country or region

healthcare system7. the organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health related services to meet the health needs of certain populations.

3. Complete the following sentences using the collocations from exercise 1.

1. social security number2. healthcare system3. dereliction of duty4. notice of eviction5. ethnic cleansing6. mortgage debts7. unfit parents

4. Complete the sentences below, using one of the verbs in the box in the right tense. Pay attention to the collocations they form.1. took him into custody2. have gone into foreclosure3. would have to make/ would make4. has been5. live6. to battle7. dismissed8. should be charged

5. Complete the following statements with one of the words or phrases in the box:1. first offence2. deterrent3. famine4. capital punishment



4. Complete the following text with the phrases in the box:1. forthcoming elections2. economic policies3. shadow government4. slim majority5. media campaigns6. affordable housing7. faceless bureaucrats 8. red tape9. unrivalled services10. population survey11. binding contract

5. Match the first part of each sentence in column A with its appropriate ending in column B:










6. Choose the best word to complete the sentences:1. a)2. b)3. b)4. c)5. c)

7. Choose which phrases from exercises 1 and 2 match the following definitions:

Flurry of activity1. A sudden burst or commotion or movement

Slim majority2. A small advantage in number of political supporters

The advent of3. The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important

Forthcoming elections4. A process of choosing a representative by voting which is about to happen

Breed resentment5. to be the source of; produce indignation

Shadow government6. the secret government or the invisible government

Binding contract7. An agreement that limits or holds someone to respect it to the letter



1. Match the first part of a dialogue in column A to the second part of the dialogue in column B:


6. c.

7. a.

8. e.

9. b.

10. d.

2. Identify the collocations in the examples in exercise 1.to lay off staffto stay afloatto hand in ones resignationto come up with an alternativecourse of actionto narrow down the list toto earn a better living

3. Match the definitions below to the corresponding collocations in exercise 1.


to hand in ones resignation1. to give up a job or position in a formal or official way

course of action2. any sequence of activities that an individual or unit may follow.

to lay off staff3. to put an end to personnels employment at something

to come up with an alternative4. to bring forth, discover, or produce something another way of doing something

to earn a better living5. to make more money so as to ease ones life

to stay afloat6. to remain free or out of difficulty, especially financial difficulty

to narrow down the list to7. to focus on certain aspects, to reduce the number of possibilities

4. Match the first part of a dialogue in column A to the second part of the dialogue in column B:AB

6. d)

7. c)

8. b)

9. e)

10. a)

5. Identify the collocations in the examples in exercise 1.To move up the ladderTo go through all this troubleWet behind the earsTo get ones feet wetSpot onTo rise to the challengeHeavy workloadTo bite the bulletTo make the best of somethingBack to normal

6. Match the definitions below to the corresponding collocations in exercise 1.


Wet behind the ears1. young and not experienced

Heavy workload2. a lot of things to do in ones job

To move up the ladder3. to get promotion after promotion

To bite the bullet4. to make yourself do something or accept something difficult or unpleasant

To get ones feet wet5. to start a new activity or job

To make the best of something6. to do as well as possible with something that is not too promising

To rise to the challenge7. to accept a challenge and complete the activity successfully

To go through all this trouble8. to do everything to possible to help somebody

Back to normal9. returned to a previous state of normality

Spot on10. exactly correct

7. Complete the following sentences with a verb from the box in the right tense:

1. has acquired2. abide3. is4. break5. get6. getting7. had8. abide9. set10. came



1. Complete the following statements using one of the expressions from the box. You have two statements for each expression. Pay attention to the verb tenses:

1. had the guts2. grasp the importance3. have nothing against4. made a lasting impression5. has just dawned6. pass judgement7. has a clue8. make a lasting impression9. grasped the importance10. have the guts11. dawned12. dont have a clue13. had nothing against14. to pass judgement

2. Choose the best phrase to complete the following sentences:1. b)2. c)3. a)4. a)5. b)


1. Match the words from box A to the words from box B to form collocations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible.

congested roads

hordes of tourists

heritage sites


expanse ofwater

stretch ofland



2. Check your answers for exercise 1 and then match the collocations with the appropriate definitions:


congested roads

1. too full or crowded with vehicles

hardcore conservationists

2. small number of very active and enthusiastic members of a group of people who want to protect something

hordes of tourists

3. large groups of visitors to a place

expanse of water

4. a large open surface of water

heritage sites

5. places that reflect the traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc., that are part of the history of a group or nation

stretch of land

6. something that stretches over an area or distance covers or exists in the whole of that area or distance

age-old tradition

7. customs that have existed for many generations or centuries.

timely intervention

8. an intervention that occurs at a moment when it is useful, effective, or relevant

3. Complete the following sentences using the phrases from exercise 1.1. hordes of tourists2. age-old traditions3. roads .. congested4. expanse of water5. timely intervention6. stretch of land7. heritage sites8. hardcore conservationists

4. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B:







5. Match the definitions below to the underlined phrases in exercise 4.


the thirst for adventure1. an insistent desire to do something challenging

intrepid explorers2. travelers characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance

to trample over3. to stamp or walk roughly (on)

crammed4. forced, pressed, or squeezed into an insufficient space

stranded in the wilderness5. left in an unknown or unfavorable place especially without funds or means to depart

challenge their own limits6. to test one's abilities, resources or limits in a demanding but stimulating undertaking

6. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B:






7. Match the definitions below to the underlined phrases in exercise 6.


to send out a search party1. to dispatch a band of people tasked to find and rescue somebody

the bare minimum2. the smallest possible quantity or the least fulfilling, but still adequate for some purpose

off the beaten track3. located at a great distance in time or space or degree, away from civilization

backpacking4. travelling and carrying food or equipment on the back especially in hiking

cutting-edge5. the position of greatest advancement or importance; the forefront

new, up and coming6. novel and gaining prominence and likely to advance or succeed


1. Complete the following statements with one of the words or phrases in the box so that they complete the expressions:1. foregone2. bottom3. press4. slight5. press6. damaging7. widespread

2. Check your answers for exercise 1. Then match the expressions with their definitions:

the bottom line8. the main or essential point; the final result or statement

press release9. written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy

widespread belief10. a commonly-held opinion

a slight change in plan11. a small modification in something that was established before

foregone conclusion12. a conclusion formed in advance of argument or consideration

damaging disclosure13. making known something that may hurt a persons reputation

press coverage14. reports about something in newspapers, and magazines and other media

3. Match the sentences with similar meanings. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:











4. Complete the following statements with one of the adjectives in the box:

1, 2 controversial1, 2 debatable3. notorious4. doubtful5. misquoted6. misinformed

5. Complete the following statements with one of the adjectives in the box:

1. outlook2. prospect3. likelihood4. speculation5. incentive


1. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box:1. undeclared2. grounds for3. thriving4. feeble5. debt-ridden6. commercial7. source of8. plummeting9. soaring

2. Check your answers for exercise 1. Then match the words and expressions with their definitions:DEFINITIONS

venture1. a new activity, project, business, etc., that typically involves risk

debt-ridden2. countries or organizations owe so much money they cannot pay the money back

plummeting3. falling or dropping suddenly in amount, value

undeclared earnings4. money made that the state does not know about and for which taxes have not been paid

source of income5. the place where one gets money from

soaring6. increasing very quickly in amount or price

thriving7. growing and developing successfully; flourishing

grounds for complaints8. the reasons one may have to be displeased with a service, product, situation etc.

feeble9. very weak

3. Choose the best answer a, b, or c to complete the following text:1. a.2. c.3. a.4. b.5. c.6. b.7. a.8. c.9. b.10. b.

4. Check your answers for exercise 3. Then match the expressions with their definitions:


to go bankrupt1. to be legally declared financially insolvent.

to steer2. to guide in a certain direction

to safeguard ones interests3. to make (someone or something) safe or secure

to set in motion a chain of events4. to cause a series of things to begin happening

to be made redundant5. to be deprived of one's job because it is no longer necessary for efficient operation

to come up to standard6. to meet or be equal to someone's requirements

to take its toll7. to cause harm or suffering

to meet the requirements8. to satisfy the conditions

to cut through the red tape9. to get around the bureaucracy

to hinder10. to make the progress slow or difficult


1. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B:


1. b.

2. f.

3. h.

4. c.

5. a.

6. g.

7. e.

8. d.

2. The definitions for some of the expressions in exercise 1 have been provided below. Match them to the corresponding expressions in exercise 1.


overweight1. too heavy or fat

side effect2. an effect that a drug has on your body in addition to curing pain or illness

outbreak3. when a disease suddenly starts to happen in an area

airborne4. carried through the air

run a fever5. have a high body temperature

gasp for breath6. to breath quickly in a way that that can be heard because you are in pain or having difficulty breathing

adverse reaction7. a negative consequence of using certain drugs

drug-resistant (virus) strain8. a category of viruses that is not affected by known drugs


1. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. The form of some words may need to be changed:1. menace2. bulk3. harsh4. drone5. deployments6. outposts7. bitter

2. Complete the following sentences with one of the verbs from the box in the right form:1. to restore2. has escalated3. to launch4. called5. to bring6. has been disbanded7. will only be lifted8. suffered

3. Choose the best definition for the underlined expressions in the following sentences:1. a.2. c.3. b.

4. Complete the following statements with one of the words in the box:1. rationale2. outraged3. mayhem4. resilienceUNIT 10CRIME-RELATED VOCABULARY

1. Match the sentences with similar meanings. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:









2. Choose the synonyms of some of the underlined expressions in exercise 1.At the end of ones enduranceAt the end of ones rope

To informTo notify

To escapeTo get away with

To think of somethingTo come up with a plan

To claim To protest

3. Choose the best expressions to complete the sentences below:1. b. 2. a.3. c4. b.


1. Choose the best answer a, b, or c to complete the following text:1.c.10.b.









2. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:


6. c.

7. e.

8. a.

9. b.

10. d.

3. Match the underlined expressions in exercise 2 with their definitions:DEFINITIONS

to raise funds3. to get money for a cause

green technology4. friendly with the environment

walking distance3. a distance that can be covered on foot

carbon footprint4. the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to support human activities, expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide

sparsely populated5. with very few people living there

to let standards slip6. to allow things not to measure up to standards

carpool7. an arrangement whereby several people travel together in one vehicle, share the costs and often take turns as the driver

impoverished countries8. countries which are short of money

4. Match the first part of the contexts in column A to the second part in column B. Pay attention to the underlined expressions:AB

1. e.

2. a.

3. d.

4. b.

5. c.

5. Match the underlined expressions in exercise 4 with their definitions:DEFINITIONS

on the lookout1. to be vigilant, alert

a slim chance2. not a very good possibility of something coming true

to be in place3. to be organized properly

fossil fuel4. an organic substance found underground and used as a source of energy

to stage a protest5. to organize a public demonstration

venue6. a location for specific types of events

densely populated7. with a lot of people living there

waste dump site8. a place where garbage is thrown

6. Choose the best words to fill in the gaps in the sentences:1. b.2. a.3. c.4. c.5. b.

7. Complete the following dialogues with one of the expressions in the box:1. its wishful thinking2. whats at stake3. to say the least


1. Complete the following sentences with a verb from the box. Use the verb in the correct tense.

1. to get2. toyed3. to withstand4. will impart5. give6. to make7. sparking8. should highlight9. will be judged10. to broach

2. Match the beginning of the sentences in column A with their endings in column B. Pay attention to the expressions that are thus formed:


1. g.

2. f.

3. a.

4. h.

5. b.

6. j.

7. c.

8. e.

9. i.

10. d.

3. Match the words from column A to the words from column C to form collocations. Sometimes more than one combination is possible. You may need to use one of the prepositions in column B.

1. State of the art2. Thirst for knowledge3. Reduction in attention span4. The advent of technology5. A stroke of genius6. Computer literate

4. Check your answers for exercise 3 and then match the collocations with the appropriate definitions:1. State of the art2. Thirst for knowledge3. Reduction in attention span4. Advent of technology5. A stroke of genius6. Computer literate