vocab power point

Establish This photo the teacher is establishing a set of rules For the classroom and you could establish a set of Rules for anything like friends, classroom, at home, Homework, Etc. So establish means to to finish or Set up something.



Transcript of vocab power point

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This photo the teacher is establishing a set of rulesFor the classroom and you could establish a set ofRules for anything like friends, classroom, at home,Homework, Etc. So establish means to to finish or Set up something.

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I picked this photo because Muslim women Are not allowed to show any parts or thereSkin in public because the men can not Control them selves. There is a traditionIn different countries and this is one of them.So tradition means that it is sort of a culture, if you live in china

back in the old days and you where a girl and had to have your feet bound in to a ball and put in tiny shoes then that’s China’s tradition not yours if you live in America.

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I used this photo of these poor hungry children in Africa, because why do we have all the food in the world and

through it all away when these kids have to starve for a day until they can get there food. So injustice means

things that are not fair like these hungry children.

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In this photo it is a pic of two People maybe gf and bfHaving a conflict. I choose This photo because conflic meansTo have an argument with Someone or to have a fight, and These two people may have had aFight and now are ignoring each other

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This photo is a photo of expedition.I choose this because this personIs on top of a mountain and Expedition means like a journey.

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The reason I choose this photoIs because when you jump youFeel free. So you get that feelingOf freedom in your mind.

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This photo shows that the personWho made the model of a city or aBuilding last year developed so muchThat the next year he was able to Make this city/building. Developments means to learn what u learned last year and use it

this year.

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This photo shows you the part ofThe world that is economicallyDeveloped and the one that isNot so developed. The red partIs the less economically developed countries, and the blue is the

more economically developed countries. So most of the red is in the south part of the world and the blue is in the north part of the world.

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This is a photo of a person Writing. That is what Literacy means to be ableTo write things.

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In this photo you can see all the Colorful crayons then there is oneDark crayon and that is not in theGroup so the colorful crayonsAre discriminating the blackCrayon. That is what happenedWith the black people and the Whites. The black where discriminated because of the color skin

that they had.

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I choose this photo because this cityShows development. So you learn howTo make a model of a city or a buildingLast year, then this year you make theCity/building in real life. That is Development.

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This photo shows empower.So one person has an idea and thatPerson gives there idea to someone Else. So empower means to giveSomeone else an idea.