VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2 - 0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades Await-R-ubber Strike. -; EnBland- Charts: Peace EffoTtB ' To Halt DangerouB Bcbuko -----------^Againat-Otnnany-^------- ' ' PRANCE' REMAINS FffiMl -BoHin-'Waits—for^Powcrs-'to- - i Bhow Handsi.Oonstrutita . Bsiiiptrrrzr Europe, with & Inrge part of Its ___popu!utIt)iv.;in,.iiiMitnI_Jinnle pv«y ttie.ilunner of war. movctl.ilcllnlle- ly toilay townrU ,a .nhpwdow ' ftrmamcnW. Britain prepared- to ro to . . Btreja confcrcnco with Franco ani! Itnly Thursday to make n atrcnu- ------- ous effort-to brinff-Qermttny-lnto a Rcncral n^rcemcnt and block any > effort by France anil other powers ’ .'to'. Cake aCronE-ocUon ogalnat.Gcr*. many. ' Dritftin wan undenitood to have Invited'Cerrtany-to eubmlt new flussestlons for a collective aecur* ......... . . . . i'miiee StondJi Firm _ Tlie Frcnch cablaet met, how- ever. and .w3Ji ;Understood.to hove ------dclermlne<lon-o firm alnnd for her CAiORNIALOSS i MLS2Si:DEM Property Damage Extensive in Statewide Deluge; Train - t Crash Kills 10- .• - OREST OF WATER PASSES Danger Bxpecled'toTiessefda | Clearing Skies End Long, -j — — v pownpfturr--------------^l -SA.N FRANCISCO. April 0 ll‘.rt| —Cftllfomla countcd_ltji dCnd "at! l2Q_and, llfl . properly damaKc_jitf 'many hundreda of thnua.inda of' dollars today In u chccUup of the! drnnnge wrought by flooda nnd| heavy rainfall over it prenter por-i' tion' of tho nlnte. j Ten of thoae reported deud wcrc|_ nlne<lon-o fl............ .............. , - jccu/lty and tho curblns of Germany In caiitcm Europe, -It waa believed a genemr European amifl conferencc would be auggcsted for tills Bummer. rrepnratlons for violence In ca?w of a tiro and rubber atrlke maj' bo necn on c^-ery hnnd In Akron, O., cenler'of tho Indiutry. Ilera a barricade of MndbaRS rcMroblln;; the bullet-proof dcfeiiBM um l .durtnx..tbe :U‘orl(I m r Is seen rUIni: boforo on clectrlcal . traiuiformer at tho Qeneml Tir^.and Rubber Co. lilant. Mile* of barbcd-wlre-topped fence nnd batteries of Bearchllthts ha>-e ap- rPeorcd at aU-tbo tootori««..Unlot>- ■trlkt. vot««„t««4ler»-»ald today,. make a>’oldance-of tbo mlhout nn*impossibility;-------------- ------------- _.t0 .atJ0j^-.,tbclr.hands..It .was dla. closed that two ‘‘pocket" battle- — LalilnK-nro-beln);-bulIt-whloh-«x ------niatonaafiiolImltftliona'oMhe Ver-I Spring Opening Will ' Attract Crowds Hert tumlnff from the tliak of.repair. Ing flood damages to tho tracks jand roadbed were kilted In a col- illalon witli a worle tmln bound on la similar miaoloh. Five persona were killed by autdmoblleo durlnb' periods of heavy rala. . . . . ..Floods Fjiss.Crest The (looda were bcllevetl to havC' Ipaased Uielr creal after Inundat-; Inff. ftcrea of -farnu landj..;drlvlng: acorca of rtvir-‘'botfom" • residents ,to higher ground, and for a tlmo threatcnin(; to break t h r o u g r h lem s enpcclally In.the Ainorlcon md Savamento rkvora. Benr creek overflowed Its boslta at“ JtcrCKr“ la»t~ntghC ■^{> cauae " image. Subsiding, wntera of rcBldcntiaracctlonar with mtUtSJrlfltlc trend to 'Cca. ' Erich lludtndorfr, Its famous ~«’ar* ‘ tliuo' leader,'-on hla 70th birthday. TE v e n T 'T S m orrow M arks S ta ff . O f Silver D ollar P lan . • ‘ By"EbWARO BEATTIE ^CopyrjgHn.1935. United Pr’eM) BEiiLirr.'^AprflvO.mE) ~ Twij - Ceman' p<^cutr;^tlle8Ulpo'-iiow . .. bcioff rbiillt-Avm -axcced-lik*-Vor» •J. .Balllca trcnty_toniin^' nnd luvv^ ^una larger than thoae specified ' ■■■■''"Ktn Pago 2;.Column ' Twin Fall.s Inukc-il torwnrd toilay lo- its iliimiiil, Spriiii;' .Oponiii(^ event- Iniiiorrow.'^^'hcn •lln>'iicwpst ill thu K(.*asoii’.s [ihMdjajidiiiCL-oX:aIlidcscrji>lipiiO’-ili“)<.e-llut_oti_di3pl(iy..for.lhfi pleu3ttre,'.ot,.th'p_tlioHsaiids wlio .ure..cxpecicd..l0i.tlir0iig,_tlic •• C- _ Tho cvctit will tain' plnciTwitli tlic opoiiiuy 6t tUp slo m in llic morning nml tlii; diiy will luiirk the commt:n<;cmciit nlHo of -.Silver Dollnt Sliowcr iailll waa.Impcded by'high waters land.alldcs. Southern Pacific.trains were re-routed around Merced to ikrmlt. worUeni to dig a tunnel Uirough the roadbed to let water covering -tho nearby highway I escape. '. Weather, .forecastcra promised clear weather today. - Workmen •Speed - Prcparations' ‘ Early Store Opening in ,.r.:,::T.Twiii-’Fall3f.-nrrr.r::-.--.' •Workmen today:were getting; " Twin-,Falls' new 'liquor-ntorc Ini ■readiness fOr.nn anticipated early; opening In the New nogonion,hotcll - .building. . J ... :i Architect C. ,W. Larson, named! ' by the state liquor boon horaand outlined remodeling plana which are being carried out under- the; dIrccUon ib f WlUlam _ Hoops, hotel proprietor dnd gen? eril'contractor.' •A. ^ow. 'entraacc baa been cut on the Second street cast entrance to tho tormer large *>f~thff hct'fl partltlonii nro b«lng-Installed and tho place la being equipped to aup< ply^lqiior of all klnda to the m l- .. dontHif Uils Bccuon.. Girl aviator teaching stronger I- sex to fly. Ho froze controls and L-.waa-about to.crash.,•,She-plcka. up fire extinguisher and used It In a way that woulil.do the most good. Just casually bent it over - lila head. tauBlnE< temporary un- conaclouanc#*. Aa.my good old naUve son of. Florida, Arthur Brisbane, would.say,."Tbcro Is a'lcoson in thaL. .Man la not aa migbty aa he'thlnlu he la, The gorilla Is mightier, and a woman with a fire extinguisher la not only mlghtitr' tTian the man.' buf wo all know a lot of 'cm even ■wlthout :'oh"cxtlDguUher'. that- can worry a gorilla ’Ull he says, ’ — , wrong.". Will., leave .available .Xor. fdnher amajl'dining room itti :thc| :^ -~ r«ir~ 5 r the 'fohner:.-banltlbclitlad th«^ an juMltlohnl spaCO lA }>e'' T~^'*ln8!'5 tal(eh^orf'tlir-h!------ ___________ ' ' DO^persons ln-connectlon with the ___Rogersah,hoteLcofrco.abop service., ' Date for'the-opening, of' the liquor store here baa not bew set. Jt la.osnouaced.that the'local es« tAbllshmtnfwill b«'headquarters for'lhe'aistHet, supplying the'sev>] y.-\- cnil dispensaries to<^ aervrt ln| ..,V ' oUier towns In the territory. • _* Swindler, o f F o K T ^ ^— RAWaAB-c^V~:—~ : . .George ItobertiGabor,, who under ;tho tmiK>slDK pseudonym of Bar^ . on Alfred.vpn Krupp, Jr., and S3 other, fanciful names, won favors i from raajTrfr-govemnaenCoffleWs .and evtn Henry Ford; wept to trl/U '—travelers’!' .checks and 5i"A' .' lick«ti;by-.repre«aung i «n-altache - --------------- Dbtalningl railroad .bassy''at Toklo. ________________, brought front the fsden}'prison at Xcavenwdrtb' to. answer.the cu J/-.’ JEIIKB OK SUOBt D IES, CHtCAOO, April {>.(C£>>>Janies Devereaux; SO, had dlfflculty.-getr ■ ■■ Tbft-re<i.................. fracture killed n t which will be fcutnrrd hy sp6-j i t b ” :— Tlie'Tir.st oE 'llic.sc will tnko| plhcc II week from tomnrrou', or on Ai)ril 17. ' __ -rBoUj-tlJc,Sprliig.<rpen\ng an3 the Silver Dollar Shower arc B{;0n.<ior«l. by the mei^hanta bureau "of the Twin Falla Cl»oh»ber'of Commerce; Tbo shower' event, occordlng to Harold R. Harvey, chamber sccre- tAry,~“ls aa'Cffort 'on Uio-pArt-of “ • ...... ‘ - ........... - jvldo City Tu'ln Falls merchnnta to provi m ..opportunity for all Aloglc. C: ihoppers.to aliare in i distribution of awards to be made' evary-Wedncsday afternoon.” Ticket*.With Purchaaes. TlcUcta'WllI be. given wl'tii' cacfi )..ccnt purchaac. All-Twin Falls merchants being'called' upon today to ■par- ticipate in'both'the Spring Open-' log and the Shower campaign..and .. — . ited-out-that-'-Lhe.8UC- ---------------- ^'nujtual merchandlalhg effort dependa. upon.tbe coopcra- tlf1n~ M H"it tha •j.liKIM allkeV"-''— .anticipated the day and' ..........................-the two IJor Dtcrch'andislng events. . ' Some or the atores will conduct "open [ house" tomorrow evening. ONFARIIiE ...WASHINGTON, April 0 A-houso- agrlculturo-Tiub-commlt* tee today, opened hearings on the Burtlck farm relief- bilL . The:bm-provWea.that:., . .• ' All debts threatenlag a fahner's land. homo_oc_equ!pment_ahair:^ canceled. •" ; ' . ~Kb"farmcFBtiain« evlctea'frSm his homo or farm for non-payment or debt rent or taxes. '• .No farm equipment shall be at- tached or seized. r tmg'; term*t'crro'r production leaps shall be msjde to' iniyVfa^. homes an4 ;«qulpnjdat and -to ^e^ place property, lost throurt-dobt foroolosures since 1S2I. The bill on>»cpmosi.'gifU,.and'' '' '_taxeaj AtuUI^A-' AUtPOItT....'AI/A> MBDArK?alirtHApHl'»-(CRH-Pan> Aiberlcah' 'A ln ^ s '' huge.' four- mbtoVed'dlpper.:jwp; making load ,______ tests p r ^ r a llnauguiu tnnspadfiC'C_________ _ . and a'few ara. planning atylo re- yusa t^th novelty entertainment. - Notfely-wiirTaihlbiS be fealur^' cdc.bvt; n«v,.houaoboli-Jctiulpmenl. o f every aescripUon-~Wlll-vio'for attenUon,. It waa'promised BritisHrPassport Denied Film Star -PAJtlS.-^Aprii "0 • (CR» — PhUlp Holmea. motion. .j>lcture ‘actor, planned today to ratum to .Italy after falling to obtain a passport '-•entwrEnglaad-'-'-“ .r~— _____js has'JKcn In Italy., Hla Biltlah^3dsa-explzed.'_but_K$iea-ho Wed to get "_rcnewal he waa_told be must.-prove ha d f i T ^ Intend to wor'- ii rngland. He'said he would:try to produce ptctures/ in Italy.with. tbe>Al4'0f a gsnrem* mcnt aubskly. Italyli* t<ying..to build up.lu motlon;plcluro. lodu«- |H)opm^ Kidnaper . .:tjrSeielaii;Iieh^ JE^Ss'O N . CmiT iioV'Aprll 9.<HE>~A.ihoU6a for. a .rehearthg Wo^flled witb-tbe.state supr couVt tWay'ln behalf 6f-WaIU in4forrtlw-Wdnaphs®r«f-Mlaa^----- - 'McElroy/.dauAter ofCity Man* agtf-H: p.,KcElroy.of Kansas! .the.history o f Uie'.tJnlted States. RELIEF GASH FOR HUGE JOBS DRIVED WOUtoEltS KILLED , -H0SEV1LLE.-Ca|—AT>rlirtl-ilin I—Ten - rallroad- Mcllon-^laljorurs were- Wiled,-another wan injured (Continued on Page'2.'. Coliithn 3)‘ GfO.P. Lead'ers— SfakezH:Qpes_j)!i riRelief Fat hire - By LYLE C. WILSON WASIHNCTON. Ati.rll It ll'.l!i_ — Mont of the polehtlul Rcpul)-’ 'lIcan'^TircsldcntiatTTicmlneea '.In* coiigrL-na have l<et tliclr polltl- 'cal chanctn-ngnlnot Prrai'lont nooacvclffl S'I.BOO.OaO.OOO worll- relluf approprlutUin. * __Among the dozen iicnalc_nci. publicans rccorxlcd aRiilnut the apprbprlatlon wciv Sonatorn L. J. Dleklnuon. In.. Arthur V«n- denberg, Mich., ond Krcderlck Stelwer, Ore. Senator iJuey V. LoriR. D„ La., o likely third parly cnn'illdntc, 'nliio cn.it lila lot with the opposition. Dark Horae Vote* “ No" . ncp. Jamca W. WiidKworth, R., N. Y.. Is a dark home preiii- dentlal' poaalblllty. He voted "no." So did Houae Kepubllcan •Lchdcr Snell, a New Yorker 'for whom an effort will.be made- afUifi 1030 convention. . More than half the Rcpub- iicana In congrcsa.voted for tho. .appropriation. If tho-Ncw Deal. rC'Croploymenl plan docs not work, those Itopubllcans can ex- plain that they voted for tho appropriation In a non-partisan spirit merely, to give Mr. llooao* —volt a'chanco to tr>-hla-planr . They would, sliare little If any blome.for failure. But If the ■plan Is aucccsaful. those slatea- - ..........--------------------■— -t will Prompt Exp.enditure_Authprized for FERA.. —AndXiviliati-CQnserv-atiQn Corpa _______Uy JlICHAltU K HAUU'M^.Si. ! r~“ \V.\SllIN(iT()N. !l (lU’)— IJ.iciscv.'lt’h i;.l,.n.Sil,(lllll,miU U'.ii'l:.:'..li..f fiiii.l. lr>il:iy -.I:!rti-,1 fh.ii'iii.; ,t.i .scciinn o f till; c-muilry to in.nljc for jicrsdns. [r. UoiiMCVi'lt unitTi-il iintnrdinu- I'spfiuliiiirc nf ^IfiXOOO,.- 000 by liiV.'" fi'iii'riit I’ltii’i'Uciicy n'luT iKliniiustnilioii iitid tlio viliiiii cnascrvHliciii nirp.'. Ho Kigiu'd ihi HOUSEAPPROVES BILL O U M W IN t, PROFITS IN IR Rcbollioua Membership Takes nation should listen further to I' thelr'counsel:------- , ---------- - - - . Par Weiterti Foe . Senator. Stelwer,'for westcro presidential dark home, uald: ‘Tho blli^npproprlntea money which Is not In the trcaaurj- nnd for which no revenue plan .la offered. Three out.of .five of the 'Jobless Will' not-get joba. —The iolnl-rcttolutlon'(approprla- tlon) will not expedlte recovery "bui wlUTotard It." • p w ’XgHrNCTONr^liHro^arRi— todny passed the Me- -profits elimination bill ntler a rebellious mcmbcrahlp forced the military’ affalra cbm* mlttec to rip from the bill a pro-j vision authorising the president to draft soldlt'ra In time of v - - THe vote waa 307 to 15. , Immediately before Uiq vote of final pasaage. tlic house on a rolll call-vole, *205-lo-183,-(wni.iho-blll! back to the cotnmltle'ft. The comtitlllee 'lmm« 7 >orted tho hill bock to tho I nervation, irrigation and. rcclama-'. tion. jcoo.ooo.ooo; ■ -Rural elecUlflcatlon, $100,000,- 000. ,. Slutn-clrarance. low-cost bous. ■Annnal Jefferson -Club Rallyj Hero-wm-brawStJite’s Party Leaders Annual banquet of the . Twin Falla'County Jefferson club, which draws hunjreda from all over the atote. Will be held here Monday nigU' ni i:»di'*.i,o witl. 0«.rgc A .Mi'll.-^n, rr^n .'tin t Narsii'an. and at present Vnlt.vt State.1 mur- shal' for'Idaho; as the principal flpcaker. ... This antiouneement was .mndu todoy by Pot' - Daly, - T<vln -Fall*,! - , president, o f: Uie pioneer DcmO' cratlc club. \ Aii IhvlUtlon lu'being extended (0 .'alt Inifrestcd to attend, and wllllncludo-Covcr* TAIiraWCo-WecK dffllcals.' Demo- and'county of- . ll}e state are bs^ invitatlomi. along I- .... ------ cording'to John B.'Itobertwn; sec- retary. ' iv>..„,_ExpecL300;Persons... . ' It Is cipucted-that'tlje-banquet! 'Will-b«-alt«Bdetl by a.group,com* piLrable Vi1tfi"Uie'size of those-In tho paat when fii>m 300 to 400 p<y- sons have gathered at tho affair. R. C. \Vll«on,: Kimberly. Demo« cratie county chairman, ts’ vice Ipresident of the club, and 1 s talc- |iDg.nn.jieUvo.part.Jn. arranging the luinquet--A number of 'com- mittees were to bo named today.to :'(Uontlnucd on Page 2.-Column 7) ossw tw etjR S E sH . HUNTSmLE. rdL. April fl (ItEl V-Raymond Hamilton., for the third time tinder sentence, of death! today ultefed.a'Curso upon hls enemies., . ■. - TYou are’ g ^ g to. be sorry when r am deSd," ho. told Dis- trict AttomeyTilax.Rogers at his hWHng.yesi-'-' -- ■ '•If- there Is baimtlng,.! sure, -000- fund^Top,aiaro'-Uopkln»,- FEItA administrator; center, Harold Ickea, secretary of In- t«rlbr nnd PW.V. adnilnUtrator; bottom, Rexford Tu'gWell;' itcad of jnlduvtt drouth projcctt. Pftoifisiri-ProparednosB—Battle Flares as Navy Leaguer Forecasts’War 7 ..... HOOttill JOKE AT PARLEY Wbit/i HoQso;Ex-E^vab Help - For. Funds' lUco corae baelc’and kick thu bunch out o f bed.” ' TUh.deflant UtUe.ouUaw. wbo .faced ^ ^ r l s ^ terms..^ totalllag . received. hU first. deiitH sen- tence;-milst n> tO(ttao:electxio ,-^chalr M ay 10-Wlth Joe.palmcr.- r-.both .convicted .-o* ’inilWer In NEW YORK, April 0 Her-I bert Hoover:and Alfred E. Smith, opponents In the race for the dency In 1028. appeared together lost night, in Joint ....___ ofjtdrivc.i:orj500,00.qj)y,lhe vatlon army;------- - -'T h ey met-at-an-lnformal.gftUuu> ing ors6cIal*aid~civlc-le#dcr8'ta the colonel's touoge of the'Seventh Regiment armory. ' AS'news pholographcrs sought to pose them with .their, host, Colr^ Ralph C. Tobin, Smith reached out and deftly removed n Martini cock- tail from the tray of a passhig Vi'altcr. The servant offered a drink to the former president, who de> dined, *mlllng; : . '-Col.-ffoMfciftlfcad, Smith If .ho wouldn't like another. ^ ‘No-thank»,'*-aaid-{ jtut-now. NEW YORK, Aprll-0.iaC)-r-Thcj loonfllet between Pacifism and pre- [pal-odncJKiwas heightened today by the declaration of Nelson* Macy, president o f the Navy league. Uiat "war Is inevitable," nnd a l*rcsby- tcrtaj»"protcsf against naval peuwrs."too near Japan." ' The resolution wna hotly debat- tcry of New York said: “The Presbytery of Ncw-YorJc wishes to record Itself as vigorous-; ly opposed to the naval, maneuverai in tho North Pacific as bebig need-; lessly disturbing to the mutualj tnint^nnil good wJll_betwMn our bolves and tho JapuAcse people, anV respectfully urga tiw President.to direct a change in t ^ 'location ofi these maneuvers."- '. '. Iletlj- Debated Tbo resolution, wa shotly dcbat '-"I.am as-much.opposed to war la%Wflne." D t W. White, president of tho biblical seminary Bald,»:“but--I.-^kl.lhcre'r.ls. great aanger'Sriho charch'rtedming in politics." Dr. Arthur J. Brown, secret^ Emeritus of the iMord of foreign mlssktns,. however. Insisted, the not "routine, .."In.ths.flrst.plaee'they.are un- precedented In size. They are un- ------- -•--‘ -• in place: never before . ______--irtr-Ti— tilliliirn Tiir lout to the Padtlc." ' - lure Uicen, you'know." _ They posed. "Just one more." "That's the photographers’ pray-; rr.-^, laughed Hoover, to Smith.! •Just one m ore.":., ' , . ' ‘Well. Just pne-'more, agato. thank you',", said Smith, as. he took .army. . . . with, quiet humor on the coincidence' that ’ brought himself, and Hooy#t.,Pa,the.,r— - stage to back a----------- ^ ------ - POBTPONEB FLiaHT-. LO^ AIfOELES, AprU-0 (UE) A •60'ihll&: an hour, vtnli today .convicted .'o( 'xniMer In forced Wiley post',to portpono'for ' eOMrwitr.tlffl-ilnylng-.ofT at*Ieait-^B-temni':thrtekeetf-nf ! '^CrowBonWrexas-prison-^ UtHhlrd-attraptM-trasscpntlnen--1 ' '■ tal stjutbiphera'fllght'. XJrC^- A. Forbids Anti-WM*. Strike LOS ANQBtBS. April 0 (UE)-^ .Officials o f thp university of CoU^ fomU' at Los Angeles today. at<> '*--?ted to have pacUlst. tmdcr- _ luate leaden . abandon plans for an .antf--------*----------- V iU iy ,:.: An official notice* In the Dally Bruhi.' student newspaper,, warned that leaden. wUl be "summarily" treated If they Join lathe proposed! naUonwide strike..TtaA'Sc^.alji}' decreed thit no meeting cbuld.-ba told^ - u^ ve^i and .that.no~Utmtara 'might be distributed. - : Celeste-atrack, _ leaderrottrthirmtilkn Roosevelt Immediate Action Soldier Draft Provision .Out of Measure Ki'liff AiltiiiiiislrjUor Iliirry I;. Jfoplaiis M'ns ftll'owcd *125,01)11,000 lo feed nnd elotlic lla' niil'idn’-i UO,.';iOO,000, needy iintif lio tin ndilitionni $7r)."),{KW.00(l Jirovided in the . bill for iIoli'K. ordered double»^lek enrollrffent of 110,000 recnjltn to expand his-• emergency coniH‘r\-atloa conis to the 370.000 mark. . Tentative allocation' of the re- maining bllllonn of dollars In tlie New.Deal's effort to employ-3.- 500.000 pemona directly on govern- mcnt-flnanced projects and 3,S00.- OOO more' In behlnd-the-llno in- dustries wan an follows! . ' i— Dlr«cLrrellet-money-.nlroady-al-^- ' located 5125,000.000. ' - Direct relief money remaining. «7S3,oo\ooo. C C C money already allocated. $30,000,000. C C C money remaining, J570.- 000,000.- _ . . Hotje Construction Fund • Loan anU gmnla.for construc-. lion. JOOO.000.000. Highways, rftads and gi^c Leadership Rebuffed .ConalderaUon of the bill result- 1 In one defeat after another for Hhe-Dcraocratlc-leodcr»hlp.- Liber- aLr rclnfqrced by Republican exccBs.war proflts.-conscrlptlon of wealth and raw materials la wor time: gives tlie presldenf power to fix prlceu, license Industry and regulate the distribution o f ------- tlal commodities. ... . , llcp. John J. McSwaln. ,sporuiori of . tho bill and. chairman of tlio: committee.'for a time was ahle-to| hold the Democmtl; membership: In line but soon'it bccame unrulyi and the administration,leader was' powerleu to'prevent ntnendments.: jinally written the bill gave -tho-prC8ldent~power' toTUt: manpower and control the.^ terials,: during gency.' •' ' As the houM actedi'the . .. partment was. urging the senate, muhlUons eommlttce to keep wai profits elimination free of "UD' '*iily restrictive" provlslooa. UeuL Col.' C. X Han-ls;. Jr:, Kaklng for War" Secrotari _cgrgo lL_I>tni»:.sal!t..thcjlcp%rt' menthod a "deep interest", in "any fair, -- reasonable. - and .effective MADISON. WlS, April 9 (TO— Two bandits and a wotmded I woman accomplice kidnaped Bari 'P,:MeCarrom,'-83,-here today and carried him Into' adjoining Sauk tymjy ^ '^ re he- wm tossed by ' The bandits drove away la &Ic- Carroa'a car.. - - Police,attempted to'leam wheth- er the trio had been Involved Ima holdup; In which the.woaan’ialght have been wotmded. *. . . UcCarrom,\dlMrict ___ the-Unive toother car part_______ . ^im'.with I two e a r ; i n t o - .'t h s r c a r r M a t -.-o i ;C a r r o m 'a - a u t o t n o b iI e . - v - I .; T t M 'M n d i U : 4 o o l c - J i o v e r c o a f a a d C p b d c e U . . . . inneoua, $330,000,000. Total, 54.830.000,000. F. D. R. Given Latitude ,Tlio_fund*^wero/corn^kcd b i.: congress after a 'Ti^dajrTeslsla-" ' tivc battle. The president waa em-' - powered.to chaagc.any.q^fJta pro-..!. 1 -islons by 20 per cent. gWlng him S97C.000.000 leeway in dlrect- g-U8e.oC.the.moncy..__................... Effcct-of thc'cxccutlvo'B acUob - In alloUng money for relief- and CCC will be felt almost at once.’ F E R A'a 5126.000,000 will ^ loto ; (Cbntlhued on Page 2, 1) , A ROSSSILEiON ASYLOHPaRT *Bpeak»;-for^t»eifpr-AawHa— Qoyernqr _iWterJJom^tM Bejccts Charges BorsE..Aprii 0 (iiE)--cov;'a.- iBen Ross offered no boinment to-, i Iday on a iitatemenl from.repreeenvC', Itatlve clUxens asked by him to're*.' ' - ‘ -onithe-aaiiitarywjdittotia-ar ikfoot state hospital. r govemorV'only-ranscktw report.speaks for Itself." • _ le BtaUment ot the committee ». led - "unfair-and-t^usti^-tlw-: •ges of Dr.-CharlesR. Seott'oC-., . .« Falls, and Mayor Edwafd-A- ''*;V,. Thoresen, of Blackfoot. D r Scott Is president'of the Zdaho'^State' iMedlcal associaUoa ; . Thr^. DemocnU' ^ :th^ composed the'commit^'".: rpubllcanS'C lihatcaUed Lewis Wiilli___ ... ■"'.'praifee^EiU^erPlp^ CHICAGO. AprilVft^m w e s o . h e l d ', t o d a y .-.fi. - abqiit at;U«ltk»:«f;tl -•.yosWfteBf.^^ Mcwest^McTchoLfidise Redd^-^^Shoj^evs uP:

Transcript of VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH...

Page 1: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades


Barricades Await-R-ubber Strike.

-; EnBland- Charts: Peace EffoTtB ' T o Halt DangerouB Bcbuko


' ' PR A N C E ' REMAINS F ffiM l

-B oH in -'W aits—for^ P ow crs-'to - - i Bhow Handsi.Oonstrutita .

B s iiip trrrzr

Europe, with & Inrge part of Its ___popu!utIt)iv.;in,.iiiMitnI_Jinnle pv«y

• ttie.ilunner of war. movctl.ilcllnlle- ly toilay townrU ,a .nhpwdow ' ftrmamcnW.• Britain prepared- to ro to

. . Btreja confcrcnco with Franco ani! Itnly Thursday to make n atrcnu-

-------ous effort-to brinff-Qermttny-lntoa Rcncral n^rcemcnt and block any

> effort by France anil other powers ■ ’ .'to'. Cake aCronE-ocUon ogalnat.Gcr*.

many.' Dritftin wan undenitood to have Invited'Cerrtany-to eubmlt new flussestlons for a collective aecur*

.........• . . .. i'miiee StondJi Firm

_ Tlie Frcnch cablaet met, how­ever. and .w3Ji ;Understood.to hove

------dclermlne<lon-o firm alnnd for her


P roperty Damage Extensive in Statewide Deluge; Train -

t Crash Kills 10- .• -


D anger B x p e c le d 'to T ie s s e f da | Clearing Skies E nd Long, -j — — v pow npfturr--------------^l

-SA .N FRANCISCO. April 0 ll‘.rt| —Cftllfomla countcd_ltji dCnd "at!

l2Q_and, llfl . properly damaKc_jitf 'many hundreda of thnua.inda of' dollars today In u chccUup of the! drnnnge wrought by flooda nnd| heavy rainfall over it prenter por-i' tion' of tho nlnte. j

Ten of thoae reported deud wcrc|_

nlne<lon-o fl............ .............., - jccu/lty and tho curblns of

Germany In caiitcm Europe, -It waa believed a genemr European amifl conferencc would be auggcsted for tills Bummer.

rrepnratlons for violence In ca?w of a tiro and rubber atrlke maj' bo necn on c -ery hnnd In Akron, O., cenler'of tho Indiutry. Ilera a barricade of MndbaRS rcMroblln;; the bullet-proof dcfeiiBM um l .durtnx..tbe :U‘orl(I m r Is seen rUIni: boforo on clectrlcal

. traiuiformer at tho Qeneml Tir^.and Rubber Co. lilant. Mile* of barbcd-wlre-topped fence nnd batteries of Bearchllthts ha>-e ap-

rPeorcd at aU-tbo tootori««..Unlot>- ■trlkt. vot««„t««4ler»-»ald today,. make a>’oldance-of tbo m lhout nn*impossibility;-------------- -------------

_ .t0 .atJ0j^-.,tbclr.hands..It .was dla. closed that two ‘‘pocket" battle-

— LalilnK-nro-beln);-bulIt-whloh-«x ------niatonaafiiolImltftliona'oMhe Ver-I

Spring Opening Will ' Attract Crowds Hert

tumlnff from the tliak of.repair. Ing flood damages to tho tracks

jand roadbed were kilted In a col- illalon witli a worle tmln bound on la similar miaoloh. Five persona were killed by autdmoblleo durlnb' periods of heavy rala. . .

. . ..Floods Fjiss.Crest The (looda were bcllevetl to havC'

Ipaased Uielr creal after Inundat-; Inff. ftcrea of -farnu landj..;drlvlng: acorca of rtvir-‘ 'botfom" • residents ,to higher ground, and for a tlmo threatcnin(; to break th ro u g rh lem s enpcclally In.the Ainorlcon md Savamento rkvora.

Benr creek overflowed Its boslta at“ JtcrCKr“ la»t~ntghC ■ {> cauae

" image. Subsiding, wntera

of rcBldcntiaracctlonar

with mtUtSJrlfltlc trend to 'Cca. ' Erich lludtndorfr, Its famous ~«’ar* ‘ tliuo' leader,'-on hla 70th birthday.

T E v e n T ' T S m o r r o w M a r k s S t a f f

. O f S i l v e r D o l l a r P l a n .

• ‘ By"EbWARO BEATTIE ^CopyrjgHn.1935. United Pr’eM)• BEiiLirr.'^AprflvO.mE) ~ Twij

- Cem an' p<^cutr;^tlle8Ulpo'-iiow . .. bcioff rbiillt-Avm -axcced-lik*-Vor»

•J. .Balllca trcnty_toniin^' nnd luvv ^una larger than thoae specified

' ■■■■''"Ktn Pago 2;.Column '

Twin Fall.s Inukc-il torwnrd toilay lo- its iliimiiil, Spriiii;' .Oponiii( event- Iniiiorrow.' ^'hcn •lln>'iicwpst ill thu K(.*asoii’.s [ihMdjajidiiiCL-oX:aIlidcscrji>lipiiO’-ili“)<.e-llut_oti_di3pl(iy..for.lhfi pleu3ttre,'.ot,.th'p_tlioHsaiids wlio .ure..cxpecicd..l0i.tlir0iig,_tlic

•• C- _Tho cvctit will tain' plnciTwitli tlic opoiiiuy 6t tUp slom in

llic morning nml tlii; diiy will luiirk the commt:n<;cmciit nlHo of -.Silver Dollnt Sliowcr

iailll waa.Impcded by'high waters land.alldcs. Southern Pacific.trains were re-routed around Merced to ikrmlt. worUeni to dig a tunnel Uirough the roadbed to let water covering -tho nearby highway

I escape.'. Weather, .forecastcra promised clear weather today.

- Workmen • Speed - Prcparations' • ‘ Early Store Opening in


•Workmen today:were getting; " Twin-,Falls' new 'liquor-ntorc Ini

■readiness fOr.nn anticipated early; ■ opening In the New nogonion,hotcll

- .building. . J ... :iArchitect C. ,W. Larson, named!

' by the state liquorboon horaand outlined remodeling plana which are being carried out under- the; dIrccUon ib f WlUlam

_ Hoops, hotel proprietor dnd gen? eril'contractor.' • A. ^ow. 'entraacc baa been cut on the Second street cast entrance to tho tormer large

*>f~thff hct'fl • partltlonii nro b«lng-Installed and

tho place la being equipped to aup< ply^lqiior of all klnda to the m l-

.. dontHif Uils Bccuon..

Girl aviator teaching stronger I - sex to fly. Ho froze controls and L-.waa-about to.crash.,•,She-plcka.

up fire extinguisher and used It In a way that woulil.do the most good. Just casually bent it over - lila head. tauBlnE< temporary un- conaclouanc#*. Aa.my good old naUve son of. Florida, Arthur Brisbane, would.say,."Tbcro Is a'lcoson in thaL. .Man la not aa migbty aa he'thlnlu he la, The gorilla Is mightier, and a woman with a fire extinguisher la not only mlghtitr' tTian the man.' buf wo all know a lot of 'cm even

■wlthout :'oh"cxtlDguUher'. that- can worry a gorilla ’Ull he says,

• ’ — , wrong.".

Will., leave .available .Xor. fdnher amajl'dining room itti :thc|

:^ -~ r « i r ~ 5 r the 'fohner:.-banltlbclitladth« an juMltlohnl spaCO lA }>e''


___________' ' DO ^persons ln-connectlon with the___Rogersah,hoteLcofrco.abop service.,

' Date for'the-opening, o f ' the liquor store here baa not bew set. Jt la.osnouaced.that the'local es« tAbllshmtnf will b«'headquarters for'lhe'aistHet, supplying the'sev>]

■ y.-\- cnil dispensaries to< ^ aervrt ln| ..,V ' oUier towns In the territory. •

_* Swindler, o f FoKT^

— — R A W a A B -c ^ V ~ :— ~ :. .George ItobertiGabor,, who under ;tho tmiK>slDK pseudonym of Bar^

. on Alfred.vpn Krupp, Jr., and S3 other, fanciful names, won favors

• i from raajTrfr-govemnaenCoffleWs • .and evtn Henry Ford; wept to trl/U

'—travelers’!' .checks and 5i"A ' .' lick«ti;by-.repre«aung i

«n-altache - ---------------


.bassy''at Toklo. ________________,brought front the fsden}'prison at Xcavenwdrtb' to . answer.the cu


CHtCAOO, April {> .(C£>>>Janies Devereaux; SO, had dlfflculty.-getr

■ ■■ Tbft-re<i..................fracture killed

n t which will be fcutnrrd hy sp6-j i t b ” :—

Tlie'Tir.st oE 'llic.sc will tnko| plhcc II week from tomnrrou',or on Ai)ril 17. ' __-rBoUj-tlJc,Sprliig.<rpen\ng an3 the Silver Dollar Shower arc B{;0n.<ior«l. by the mei^hanta bureau "of the Twin Falla Cl»oh»ber'of Commerce; Tbo shower' event, occordlng to Harold R. Harvey, chamber sccre- tAry,~“ls aa'Cffort 'on Uio-pArt-of“ • ......‘ - ........... - jvldo

CityTu'ln Falls merchnnta to provi m ..opportunity for all Aloglc. C: ihoppers.to aliare in i

distribution of awards to be made' evary-Wedncsday afternoon.”

Ticket*.With Purchaaes. TlcUcta'WllI be. given wl'tii' cacfi )..ccnt purchaac.All-Twin Falls merchants

being'called' upon today to ■par­ticipate in'both'the Spring Open-' log and the Shower campaign..and .. — . ited-out-that-'-Lhe.8UC----------------- ^'nujtual merchandlalhgeffort dependa. upon.tbe coopcra-tlf1n~ M H"it tha •j.liKIMallkeV"-''—

.anticipated the day and'

..........................-th e twoIJor Dtcrch'andislng events. .' Some or the atores will conduct "open [ house" tomorrow evening.

O N F A R I I i E...WASHINGTON, April 0

A-houso- agrlculturo-Tiub-commlt* tee today, opened hearings on the Burtlck farm relief- bilL . The:bm-provW ea.that:., . .•' All debts threatenlag a fahner's land. homo_oc_equ!pment_ahair:^ canceled. •" ; ' .~Kb"farmcFBtiain« evlctea'frSm his homo or farm for non-payment or debt rent or taxes. • '•

.No farm equipment shall be at­tached or seized.r tm g ' ; term*t'crro'r production leaps shall be msjde to' in iyV fa^ . homes an4 ;«qulpnjdat and -to e place property, lost throurt-dobt foroolosures since 1S2I. The bill

on>»cpm osi.'gifU ,.and'' ' ''_taxeaj

A tu U I^ A -' AUtPOItT....'AI/A> MBDArK?alirtHApHl'»-(CRH-Pan> Aiberlcah' 'A l n ^ s ' ' huge.' four- mbtoVed'dlpper.:jwp; making load

,______ tests p r ^ r allnauguiu tnnspadfiC'C_________ _ .

and a 'few ara. planning atylo re- yusa t^th novelty entertainment. -

Notfely-wiirTaihlbiS be fealur ' cdc.bvt; n«v,.houaoboli-Jctiulpmenl. o f every aescripUon-~Wlll-vio'for attenUon,. It waa'promised

BritisHrPassportDenied Film Star

-PAJtlS.-^Aprii "0 • (CR» — PhUlp Holmea. motion. .j>lcture ‘actor, planned today to ratum to .Italy after falling to obtain a passport

'-•entw rEnglaad-'-'-“ .r~ —_____js has'JKcn In Italy., HlaBiltlah^3dsa-explzed.'_but_K$iea-ho Wed to get "_rcnewal he waa_told be must.-prove ha d f i T ^ Intend to wor'- i i rngland. He'said he would:try to produce ptctures/ in Italy.with. tbe>Al4'0f a gsnrem* mcnt aubskly. Italyli* t<ying..to build u p .lu motlon;plcluro. lodu«-

|H)opm^ Kidnaper . . : t j r S e i e l a i i ; I i e h ^

J E ^ S s 'O N . C m iT iioV 'Aprll 9.<HE>~A.ihoU6a for. a .rehearthg Wo^flled witb-tbe.state supr couVt tWay'ln behalf 6f-WaIU

in4forrtlw-Wdnaphs®r«f-Mlaa^------ 'M cElroy/.dauAter o fC ity Man*

ag tf-H : p .,K cE lr o y .o f Kansas!

.the.history o f Uie'.tJnlted States.


WOUtoEltS KILLED , -H0SEV1LLE.-Ca|—AT>rlirtl-ilin I—Ten - rallroad- Mcllon-^laljorurs were- Wiled,-another wan injured (Continued on Page'2.'. Coliithn 3)‘

GfO.P. Lead'ers— SfakezH:Qpes_j)!i riRelief Fat hire

- By LYLE C. WILSONWASIHNCTON. Ati.rll It ll'.l!i_

—Mont of the polehtlul Rcpul)-’ 'lIcan' TircsldcntiatTTicmlneea '.In* coiigrL-na have l<et tliclr polltl-

'cal chanctn-ngnlnot Prrai'lont nooacvclffl S'I.BOO.OaO.OOO worll- relluf approprlutUin. *

__Among the dozen iicnalc_nci.publicans rccorxlcd aRiilnut the apprbprlatlon wciv Sonatorn L. J. Dleklnuon. In.. Arthur V«n- denberg, Mich., ond Krcderlck Stelwer, Ore. Senator iJuey V. LoriR. D„ La., o likely third parly cnn'illdntc, 'nliio cn.it lila lot with the opposition.

Dark Horae Vote* “ No". ncp. Jamca W. WiidKworth, R., N. Y.. Is a dark home preiii- dentlal' poaalblllty. He voted "no." So did Houae Kepubllcan

•Lchdcr Snell, a New Yorker 'for whom an effort will.be made- afUifi 1030 convention. .

More than half the Rcpub- iicana In congrcsa.voted for tho.

.appropriation. I f tho-Ncw Deal. rC'Croploymenl plan docs not work, those Itopubllcans can ex­plain that they voted for tho appropriation In a non-partisan spirit merely, to give Mr. llooao*

—volt a'chanco to tr>-hla-planr . They would, sliare little If any blom e.for failure. But If the ■plan Is aucccsaful. those slatea- - ..........--------------------■— -t will

Prompt Exp.enditure_Authprized for FERA.. — A n d X i v i l i a t i - C Q n s e r v - a t i Q n C o r p a

_______Uy JlICHAltU K HAUU'M .Si. ! r ~ “\V.\SllIN(iT()N. !l (lU ’ ) — IJ.iciscv.'lt’h

i;.l,.n.Sil,(lllll,miU U'.ii'l:.:'..li..f fiiii.l. lr>il:iy -.I:!rti-,1 fh.ii'iii.; ,t.i .scciinn o f till; c-muilry to in.nljc for jicrsdns.

[r. UoiiMCVi'lt unitTi-il iintnrdinu- I'spfiuliiiirc nf ^IfiXOOO,.- 000 by liiV.'" fi'iii'riit I’ ltii’i'Uciicy n'luT iKliniiustnilioii iitid tlio

viliiiii cnascrvHliciii nirp.'. Ho Kigiu'd ihi


PROFITS IN I RRcbollioua Membership Takes

nation should listen further toI' thelr'counsel:------- ,---------- - - -

• . Par Weiterti Foe ’. Senator. Stelwer,'for westcro

presidential dark home, uald: ‘Tho blli^npproprlntea money which Is not In the trcaaurj- nnd for which no revenue plan

.la offered. Three out.of .five of the 'Jobless Will' not-get joba.

—The iolnl-rcttolutlon'(approprla- tlon) will not expedlte recovery "bui wlUTotard It." •

p w ’XgHrNCTONr^liHro^arRi—• todny passed the Me-

• -profits elimination bill ntler a rebellious mcmbcrahlp forced the military’ affalra cbm* mlttec to rip from the bill a pro-j vision authorising the president to draft soldlt'ra In time of v - -

THe vote waa 307 to 15. ,Immediately before Uiq vote of

final pasaage. tlic house on a rolll call-vole, *205-lo-183,-(wni.iho-blll! back to the cotnmltle'ft.

The comtitlllee 'lmm«7>orted tho hill bock to tho I nervation, irrigation and. rcclama-'.

tion. jcoo.ooo.ooo; ■-Rural elecUlflcatlon, $100,000,-

000. ,.Slutn-clrarance. low-cost bous.

■Annnal Jefferson -Club Rallyj H e ro -w m -b r a w S tJ ite ’s

Party Leaders

Annual banquet of the . Twin Falla'County Jefferson club, which draws hunjreda from all over the atote. Will be held here Monday nigU' ni i:»di'*.i,o witl. 0«.rgc A .Mi'll.- n, rr^n.'tint Narsii'an. and at present Vnlt.vt State.1 mur- shal' for'Idaho; as the principal flpcaker. . . .

This antiouneement was .mndu todoy by Pot' - Daly, - T<vln -Fall*,! -

, president, o f : Uie pioneer DcmO' cratlc club. • • •

\ Aii IhvlUtlon lu'being extended (0 .'alt Inifrestcd to attend, and

wllllncludo-Covcr*— TAIiraWCo-WecKdffllcals.' Demo- and'county of-

. ll}e state are bs invitatlomi. alongI- ... . ------

cording'to John B.'Itobertwn; sec­retary. 'iv>..„,_ExpecL300;Persons... .' It Is cipucted-that'tlje-banquet! 'Will-b«-alt«Bdetl by a.group,com* piLrable Vi1tfi"Uie'size o f those-In tho paat when fii>m 300 to 400 p<y- sons have gathered at tho affair.

R. C. \Vll«on,: Kimberly. Demo« cratie county chairman, ts ’ vice

I president of the club, and 1s talc- |iDg.nn.jieUvo.part.Jn. arranging the luinquet--A number o f 'com­mittees were to bo named today.to :'(Uontlnucd on Page 2.-Column 7)

o s s w t w e t j R S E s H

. H U N TSm LE . rdL . April fl (ItEl V-Raymond Hamilton., for the third time tinder sentence, o f death! today ultefed.a'Curso upon hls enemies., . ■ • .- TYou are’ g ^ g to. be sorry when r am deSd," ho. told Dis­trict AttomeyTilax.Rogers at his hW Hng.yesi-'-' -- ■ '•If- there Is baimtlng,.! sure,

-000- fund^Top,aiaro'-Uopkln»,- FEItA administrator; center, Harold Ickea, secretary of In- t«rlbr nnd PW.V. adnilnUtrator; bottom, Rexford Tu'gWell;' itcad of jnlduvtt drouth projcctt.

Pftoifisiri-ProparednosB—Battle Flares as Navy Leaguer

Forecasts’W a r 7 .....

H O O t t i l l JOKE AT PARLEY

Wbit/i H oQso;Ex-E^vab Help

- For. Funds' •


corae baelc’and kick thu bunch out o f bed.” '

TUh.deflant UtUe.ouUaw. wbo .faced ^ ^ r ls ^ terms.. totalllag

. received. hU first. deiitH sen­tence;-milst n> tO(ttao:electxio

,-^chalr May 10 -Wlth Joe.palmcr.- r-.both . convicted .-o* ’ inilWer In

NEW YORK, April 0 Her-I bert Hoover:and Alfred E. Smith, opponents In the race for the dency In 1028. appearedtogether lost night, in Joint ....___ofjtdrivc.i:orj500,00.qj)y,lhevatlon army;------- - •-'They met-at-an-lnformal.gftUuu> ing ors6cIal*aid~civlc-le#dcr8'ta the colonel's touoge of the'Seventh Regiment armory.' AS'news pholographcrs sought to pose them with .their, host, Colr Ralph C. Tobin, Smith reached out and deftly removed n Martini cock­tail from the tray of a passhig Vi'altcr. The servant offered a drink to the former president, who de> dined, *mlllng; : .'-Col.-ffoMfciftlfcad, Smith If . ho wouldn't like another. ^ ‘No-thank»,'*-aaid-{ jtut-now.

NEW YORK, Aprll-0.iaC)-r-Thcj loonfllet between Pacifism and pre- [pal-odncJKiwas heightened today by the declaration of Nelson* Macy, president o f the Navy league. Uiat "war Is inevitable," nnd a l*rcsby- tcrtaj»"protcsf against naval peuwrs."too near Japan."

' The resolution wna hotly debat- tcry of New York said:

“The Presbytery of Ncw-YorJc wishes to record Itself as vigorous-; ly opposed to the naval, maneuverai in tho North Pacific as bebig need-; lessly disturbing to the mutualj tnint^nnil good wJll_betwMn our bolves and tho JapuAcse people, anV respectfully urga tiw President.to direct a change in t ^ 'location ofi these maneuvers."-

' . ' . Iletlj- Debated Tbo resolution, wa shotly dcbat

'-"I.am as-much.opposed to war la%W flne." D t W. White,president of tho biblical seminary Bald,»:“ but--I.-^kl.lhcre'r.ls. great aanger'Sriho charch'rtedming in politics."

Dr. Arthur J. Brown, s e c re t^ Emeritus of the iMord of foreign mlssktns,. however. Insisted, the

not "routine,

.."In.ths.flrst.plaee'they.are un­precedented In size. They are un- ------- -•--‘ -• in place: never before

. ______--irtr-Ti— tilliliirn Tiirlout to the Padtlc." ' -

lure Uicen, you'know." _They posed."Just one more.""That's the photographers’ pray-;

rr.- , laughed Hoover, to Smith.! •Just one m ore.":., '

, . ' ‘Well. Just pne-'more, agato. thank you',", said Smith, as. he took

.army.. . . with, quiet humor

on the coincidence' that ’ brought himself, and Hooy#t.,Pa,the.,r— - stage to back a----------- ^ ------


A •60'ihll&: an hour, v tn li today . convicted .'o ( 'xniM er In forced Wiley post',to portpono'for ' eOMrwitr.tlffl-ilnylng-.ofT at*Ieait-^B-temni':thrtekeetf-nf ! '^CrowBonWrexas-prison-^ UtHhlrd-attraptM-trasscpntlnen--1

' ■ '■ tal stjutbiphera'fllght'.

XJrC^- A . Forbids Anti-WM*. Strike

LOS ANQBtBS. April 0 (UE)- .Officials o f thp university of CoU fomU' at Los Angeles today. at<>

'* - -? te d to have pacUlst. tmdcr- _ luate leaden . abandon plansfor an .antf--------*-----------V i U i y , : . :

An official notice* In the Dally Bruhi.' student newspaper,, warned that leaden. wUl be "summarily" treated If they Join lathe proposed! naUonwide strike..TtaA'Sc^.alji}' decreed th it no meeting cbuld.-ba told^ - u ^ v e ^ i

and .that. no~Utmtara 'might be distributed. - •: Celeste-atrack, _ leaderrottrthirmtilkn

RooseveltImmediate Action

Soldier Draft Provision .Out o f Measure

K i'liff AiltiiiiiislrjUor Iliirry I;. Jfoplaiis M'ns f t l l 'o w c d *125,01)11,000 lo feed nnd elotlic lla' niil'idn’-i UO,.';iOO,000, needy iintif lio tin ndilitionni$7r)."),{KW.00(l Jirovided in the . bill for iIoli'K.

ordered double»^lek enrollrffent of 110,000 recnjltn to expand his-• emergency coniH‘r\-atloa conis to the 370.000 mark. .

Tentative allocation' o f the re­maining bllllonn of dollars In tlie New.Deal's effort to employ-3.- 500.000 pemona directly on govern- mcnt-flnanced projects and 3,S00.- OOO more' In behlnd-the-llno in­dustries wan an follows! . '

i— Dlr«cLrrellet-money-.nlroady-al-^- ' located 5125,000.000. ' -

Direct relief money remaining. «7S3,oo\ooo.

C C C money already allocated. $30,000,000.

C C C money remaining, J570.- 000,000.- _ .

. Hotje Construction Fund • Loan anU gmnla.for construc-.

lion. JOOO.000.000.Highways, rftads and g i^ c

Leadership Rebuffed .ConalderaUon of the bill result- 1 In one defeat after another for

Hhe-Dcraocratlc-leodcr»hlp.- Liber- aLr rclnfqrced by Republican

exccBs.war proflts.-conscrlptlon of wealth and raw materials la wor time: gives tlie presldenf power to fix prlceu, license Industry andregulate the distribution o f -------tlal commodities. ... • . ,

llcp. John J. McSwaln. ,sporuiori o f . tho bill and. chairman of tlio: committee.'for a time was ahle-to| hold the Democmtl; membership: In line but soon'it bccame unrulyi and the administration,leader was' powerleu to'prevent ntnendments.:

jinally written the bill gave -tho-prC8ldent~power' toTUt:manpower and control the.^

terials,: during gency.' •' '

As the houM actedi'the . . . partment was. urging the senate, muhlUons eommlttce to keep wai profits elimination free of "UD' '*iily restrictive" provlslooa.

UeuL Col.' C. X Han-ls;. Jr:, Kaklng for W ar" Secrotari

_cgrgo lL_I>tni»:.sal!t..thcjlcp%rt'menthod a "deep interest", in "any fair, -- reasonable. - and .effective

MADISON. WlS, April 9 (TO— Two bandits and a wotmded

I woman accomplice kidnaped Bari 'P,:MeCarrom,'-83,-here today and carried him Into' adjoining Sauk tymjy '^ re he- w m tossed by

' The bandits drove away la &Ic- Carroa'a car.. - -

Police,attempted to'leam wheth­er the trio had been Involved Ima holdup; In which the.woaan’ ialght have been wotmded. *. . .


___ the-Univetoother car part_______ .

^ im '.w ith Itwo

e a r ; i n t o - . ' t h s r c a r r M a t - . - o i ; C a r r o m ' a - a u t o t n o b i I e . - v -I . ; T t M ' M n d i U : 4 o o l c - Ji o v e r c o a f a a d C p b d c e U . . . .

inneoua, $330,000,000.Total, 54.830.000,000.

F. D. R. Given Latitude ,Tlio_fund*^wero/corn^kcd b i .:

congress after a 'Ti^dajrTeslsla-" ' tivc battle. The president waa em-' - powered.to chaagc.any.q^fJta pro-..!. 1-islons by 20 per cent. gWlng him

S97C.000.000 leeway in dlrect-g-U8e.oC.the.moncy..__...................Effcct-of thc'cxccutlvo'B acUob -

In alloUng money for relief- and C C C will be felt almost at once.’ F E R A'a 5126.000,000 will ^ loto ;(Cbntlhued on Page 2, 1) ,

AR O S S S IL E iO N A S Y L O H P a R T

*Bpeak»;-for t»eifpr-AawHa— Qoyernqr _iW terJ Jom ^ tM

B ejccts Charges

B orsE..Aprii 0 ( i iE )- -c o v ;'a .- iBen Ross offered no boinment to-, i Iday on a iitatemenl from.repreeenvC', Itatlve clUxens asked by him to 're*.'' - ‘ -onithe-aaiiitarywjdittotia-ar

ikfoot state hospital.r govemorV'only-ranscktw

report.speaks for Itself." • _ le BtaUment ot the committee » . led - "unfair-and-t^usti^-tlw-:•ges of Dr.-CharlesR. S eott 'oC -.,

. .« Falls, and Mayor Edwafd-A- ''*;V,. Thoresen, of Blackfoot. D r Scott Is president'of the Zdaho'^State' iMedlcal associaUoa ; .

Thr^. DemocnU' ^ : t h ^composed the'commit^'".:rpubllcanS'C

lihatcaUedLewis Wiilli___ . . .

■"'.'praifee^EiU^erPlp^CHICAGO. AprilVft^m

w e s o . h e l d ' , t o d a y . - . f i .- abqiit at;U«ltk»:«f;tl


Mcwest McTchoLfidise Redd^-^^Shoj^evs uP:

Page 2: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades




h«' Cv«nlnt Tlm<»Urielmil d«p>c(m«ni ol Iprhan*. Th« ■

B ooscvclt Dccrccs TiKmedinteU Property Diiinngo Extensive Jn Icwide Delude; Ti

Crash Kills 10

. , '(OmllMr.'^l From Taeo One) i '^ u r jjm ir^ w h n «ponl ihe ^nrlrif ’ IConlln^cd I-Tom Parc One) cvrry Mutr, cUy niul I.Hmlol, Un- ^ n m l'lh m otnom weitc rolIoV.'cil by mlllloii'i more rclmiicil VMlrrdav In llicl « colllfiionull employable pcrmins-<in relief ,i;,,iv,,r«iiv <.r M nh,i Inillrcclly totlny to jlooUare « l w ork-ir Mr. '" '“ “ '^".con.Utlonn In norUiem CallfonHa. objective In KAlncJ. , ' ' ______ 1 The vlctlnia were rldlnf:

_i_cj:jifl:5ao.QDO.oo2_idiLj)t^iai:^;,,»..iriii-TrrnV-__________- . ,m»> rlz<.-q eecUon.-cBr . n.trlbutcl 10 nil Bcctlcmn. <;|,nr| .. Colo._caIoj«d Imu " ......................... - -wllPsiiCliinila addiUoiial J370.D0D,-.,rn(pnP ,l j,y |> w uoiicr tusticr^'-''^" "''''111 uf nboevltlu wliciniiclr

..oaoriiiTenmrpnrruicrcracrnmcrT^f - o , , : -rt7/rr±;'^'"^^7d:;'->n7,;Tcnr:crR6hcd-intQ:iu3aadcat8iai.ott consien'ntlon .proKmiii. to '»ccom-.„ ,, m,,.mo.l«tc.«t leant. COO.OOO yquths. _ Soutbem PncKIc Inat nieht

6lao» Bill on Train • ='"vlUli.n .m jUlq.ior cliHrK,.. Four Leap la Stifely’ . .The prenUlcnl (ilKnc<l th(! bill nn ' Four oM hc H abronU the »cc

l>c-*pcil to New York.lo ' *w " ‘ ..... «»«' Jumped to oaTety. .TheyU>e funemi of hl« cousin, War-;, f o n > 'oiics lo cMRjiin n Delano Atncricai>;' The ten who remalncU

- mlnimtr to Canada; Tlic noct Tnove:‘ “ f JtillcJ.'Several boJIcawill be a nerlcn of exociitivi; oril-: ‘ » , „ * „ • n;i J f ‘ ountl 60 rcotfrom Um »ccno

_ e r . clIrtelltiB cxi«;n>Jll«rr-'ot ™Hy. Ono WM n ol/ound

England Chnrta Pcacc E fforts To Halt Dangerous Rebuke

Against Gchnany

■ (Coritlnued’ Prom Pace O nc).^ In nnnouncementfl, sccordlni; to eportfl today.Naval bulltlln ciintomnrlly In

secret nnU the reporti cwld not be confirmed, but they arose fre-

EliUlm i

. ^ack to Grind/A B O A R D rRI'.SlDi:NT_

K'c/O S E V E L T -S TKAIN. UViirlUUia:!^=LR.u:jU.'l£n_t__

Jto<uiovrlt f>pc<l biicJi tuwnrtl “ WasninKlon—nml—a- JiMvy

jwhedulc - o f ' aitminL- tmtlvc dljtleji.today after atlWidlni;

.Uic_funcriil_uf-.hl« . couain. Wiirr'^n Delano nnbblmi, iit Ne%v Vorh.

The Prcslilent went to New York lo pay trlliute to the. late United St.itr» inlnlater

>T<i liuld Cmirt llrrr ; Jtnlce T. cniiey Lef. ijiirlfy',| |wii(i to ar^ve toiUy and np.n <lb- :tricf court thin rflrninnn. Hr Is to . be here Uic remalntltr


'until neveriil hourn after the.nccU dent.

Neither-Jim..Dcmatuplla.. /ore- .. lan of the aecUon crcw, :

lArtliur . Kirby, .cnnlncer o f .:worli train. couUl offer an expla-

■r' Uic collWon. ' t)cad HroHnfd- t 'Tlie lDjurc<l ini-n uhd Iho bodiesIhnr

------My«Bry-«hlp---------— Roportn-ofJtbU-iukvftl-coiuitnc. Iloa c^e'Juflt nfter-llifr return to Its Hamburfc yard of a.nciv tnyo- tery ship—a 2,220 ton venael of ■yacht type Intended for unc r ' - fleet comroanclcr In battle.-Tho-two *hlp«meBllonetI-Jn rc-

porlfl U to cxecflii tonnnRc «uid bifr f^na-sre-tbe-Enuitz -BISAiia-and

IIcMcn. the' “ pocket bat* UeAhlpn" officially, o r ' 10.000 tonn, ■with Il-lnch cnllbrc ruim.

Tile myfltry ship Is called n non* flChUstr flBKBhlp. It returned yrn> terday after n.trial. In.tbc North

Seen TodayBallots, cast In the recent elly

election sbowlnp that one per- non voted for two ninjtirn. anr other wonted three councllmen.’ Iwo . wnnte<I two mayors and three councllmen. and Junt to mnlie sure, ono voter slcncd her naiii'o to her bulloU AnoUier made Inquiry of the JudRCS for pictures of the cnndldntes, say* inK lhat she didn’t CO so much by. Iftelt names os by their looka. . . . Couple of hitch-hikers on Main avenue m uUi. not yet out of the city limits, dropplnjr their bnu» and bairga^e In the street, and startlnc to "thumb"

-their way-out of town.

n contributor, but marked <i>r relehi!c~ia“ R"rutur6” »laU~wIitn- tlie pVrtlcular occasion arisen.; . . Two umbrella^ which had been brouRht Into unumial t^c Inst night, on acMunt of the heavy. dows|wur... . . RusselRAybura.' winner, of n recent airplane contest conducted bythe Orpheum theater. In.julrlnB .^Kounaauon-ior-in ? i « nteufs^r“ l '^ ^ J f f i X s ' ’lnflee Btx)ul air line schedules in hr-rtpreparation for a free plane trip to Cedar Rapids, la.

'■ \c(Vnts'Vflim.in ihelr companions-Win. Mr and Mrn. Hubort 1lnu-e IrRi^P {T^" uU.Kluy-foi-O.l-rwcll,. wlKre i 'haij t-xcepteU a iKWlllon-with tlic'^,'*’''® 5 4 ,!Vcltex Oil Co. il»i«.c Imn been;^'"’*"''’ ’ A,\IfnrmlnK «m a ranch on Ibc north:-A^ii.f«r,LV«krcs_. B .^^ u lda. D.

At WnshlnRton. he faces n Jammed lef;lalativc program which may forcc him lo uac- riflce some of hin projects to BCt vital,mea.m'rea tbrouKh conRreiui.

r a d d Z ; t o V .- "wellWR Z beTn:?r” ‘^''."y,;>'‘>;;:rante<l b y .th e 'c lly coimcU to|•Mnt. J. Cmnvlllr. Th« property la:ii)culed on lots 11 an.I .12 In olocl.l^ " Itoacvllle iwsldenui.140. The Improvement will cost! _ 7 ------_ , !tm eatininicd m . 1 Strike Dclaya Work

— 7 -------- ■:— .--ST-N A ZA iR B .-m nce-tu j:)-—Uomr from C<.iilrrnKrc Ithc j-vcnch /laRshlp S. S. Nommn-

rent of the fund. Thc.-ic arc ex- Mr. ami Mrs. J. K. Allretl hi'vcj.n,. ,,„v|ng her troubles. The con- peetcl soon after ho rettima t o i « l “ ™«‘* J ,•’''"> ^Snlt U lit Clly|f„,icratwl union recently yenuenlcd the White House toolKbt Or tom or.;'" '''^ ’ . allenile<J tlic i.iimml;ti,o Minister of Marino to po.itponc row. P^y'her maiden voyage until aner the

Three Loo'm a* Chiefs . .U>mnt!. church, "nicy . aho vIMtedjmunlclpaV elcetlonfl-May 0. The . . . . . . . . t . . iMlnlatcr refused. The union fl

_______ _ . Rtrlko plcketfl lo the ship. Thef jjtj'n.Oiit Clidm limit Jn th.it more tluin a thousand

AccordlnK to R placer notlcclmen have been prevented from )unty|worl(ln); exlm hours. The shipyard

tlonitTincoTtr*Byr^b3prvrnrt>6- llcvg Ifw l ll-be-llchtiy-nnneilr'-wltli cblcf attention paid to wlrolcsa and electrical ranse flndlnf* equip- mcot.acccaaary for plotftst; movc- incnta and deUveri»B ordern. Its speed would be hlfth.

Informed persons here were In- On the first day of the week of His passion—known lui Palm dined to ocoff nt stories that•.----- .11—1_ ... . . . . ------ -------- . Germany was building a powerful

ilect.__:________________German rearmament nt present

emphaalzes alrplnneirfirst, with an alr-flect equal to any In Suropo.

• siiima tiiiiri;.■” Jndi(iUons” vcre''tliat'Hopklnn. '‘ I I’ark City,

_ Secretary. of llie Interior lliiroUi I . Ickcs and Undersecretary of

. ArriculLiire Rcxfonl Guy Tugwell .. .would direct a fnajor portion of filed at. the offlcc. o f the t

•the drive. Frank C. .Walker, Newjrecordcr. Leonard C lo r k ,York, former head of the nation- staked out Trea.-jurc I»liind mining p..... .. ....... ....Al—AoMrKvacy' couDcll,—liaa~bcen.claim. In Sankc-rivcc-canyoo-pcar thrcatcnlnB-actloa-f mentioned as Mr. R ^cvclt 'ii pcr-.Canbury nutatorlum. • llntorlcrenco and addingnoilal coordinator of tlielrl ” — — whether t>ve union likes 11 0

brlni; Him nn ass osd her colt on which,, to fulfill nn ancient pro-. phecy, the Messiah was to enter tho Holy. City. As the procession drew near Ita destination, the adoring multitude Bttrwed the Lord's path with their 'garmcDta and wlU» paJm brunchcs, ahouUng:

'Hosanna to the Bon of David! Dlessed bo the King who cometh In tho name of the Lord; Hoaanna In the hlgheiit!" When n turn In the road revealed the city In all Its splendor, Ihty paean of triumph

‘ fcrew loiideh but-Jeaus, envisioning the awful fato o f Jerusalem nnd ltj>-lnhabltaiita,-wcpt. Latcr,”WhllctrcBUa'wna"bcJng‘ I«l'tn ’ ino

• Temple, Pharlaees wltnesaetl with Impotent rago the great hom­age paid Him. After a short visit tu the Temple, the L^rd and HU aposUea returned to'Bcthaoy to (ipend tho niRht

NEXTi J«iu» drives money. chan|(crs Iroin Templo.— ^

Annual Jefferson Club Rally H ere W ill Draw State's -------PartyLcadcrB —— "

asimanagcment hofl lo<lged a com- 'glplalnt with the district attorney, iir.thrcatenlng'actloD-for'-tho union's

a ncies. .No ndmlnlstratlon measure slnte

rrcjiidcat Roosevelt tdok. office has aroused so much

pSIoetsI’rfsbyterlati, Missionary society

will niecnn.rcguUir.oeiuilt.'n Tbura- day nt 2:30 p. m, In the church

debate. In the.Unal-paosage. Itow-jpariors. The topic will be the ever, ihe bill was supported by bigiAmerlcan Indian smi will be prc- majorities' In both house and een-isented by Mrs. II. W. Wallace and

^ 'Mm. 'H . N. Wiiijnert.neitrlcHeni Nominal

■'AttliOTigir'“ *cvcnil~Tcntrtcttonjr*Kplaced on spcniUng tbe fund.

the'bill was considered by a latratlon icailcra to be sntlsfoctory to Uie president. Moat of the rc- MrlcUons Actually were ilo general

Mrs. Julia Criffin' v,'ll| enter­tain members of the Salmon So­cial ^ub-.Thuraday afternoon. Roll call responses tvill be "'Uy Favor­ite Flower." Mrs. Elwle Staffon'

tho Nor»aadlo-wi11-sall-Aprit 20.-

- Felt DepressionLOGAN, Utah ititt—Cupid found

» ixal (lepresalon here: Not one filarrlage license was Issued the nist half of tbe-wctlc, said the county flerlr. The firtt, time la hla- ‘ >ry flueh a-pcri< ' ‘

ir making out appllca*

Solon Given Cow To Quench Thirst

AUGUSTA. Me. lUXl-So often dld_Wminm-tt- Tupper. nialatant Republican floor' leader of tlie Maine House o f RepresentaUves, complaln-of thirst for o-glnso of milk, that fellow legislators pooled together and bought him a cow.

After accepting the gifU the problem of where to house the ani­mal confronted hl;n. Tupper final­ly decided to accept the invitation o f William >1. Deerlng, state bud- g tt officer and steward of the Aug:to.Bhelter It '^th.the Institution’ herd.

Tom Koto Funeral _ Delayed One-Day

JEROME:, April 0 (Special) — J?ostpoacsicat-.or-tho-Tom~ltoto funeral until 3 p. m. Thursday was announced this aftcmcKin by the Jerome Funeral— parlors.— The change from Wednesday, the day originally set, waa made on ac­count of the expected arrival of relatives from a distance, It was, Uffted. Burial'wlll be In tbe Twin Falls cemetery,

- Although It Is conslde^ a very llght-metid,—a-cublc-foot'Of-.alnrn*' Inum U heavier, than .a euble foot of,granite. . -


specdlng_up_o£ Britaln’n, military aircraft expansion program to TnecC-CcrmanyB'bld'for 'nuprcm- acy was forecast In the houao of commons today by Sir Philip Sas­soon, undersecretary for Ulr.

"The rate of Germany's air de­velopment is causing-tho British government graVo' concern," Sas­soon- said. "Tho situation needs careful nnd eontlnuoun.watchful- neas In order that any necessary alterations may be made In ourprogram/

He added his belief that the roy­al air force still enjoys a margin, of Aupcr|ority-over.th«-CcnonD air force.

O l O C M S M l t itiM

■Tuwflay, Api-ll-;J,


Tells M idwest Farmers They Must Change Methods to ,

H alt Plague

LINCOLN, Neb. iU.m — Terrific . 'dust- sloms, which turned. .tUy llnto night over the middle'wtri during March,- will be eontlniinl with greater IntensUy unless'mid- land agrarians reform their farm.Ing plans..according to Domlnlfii GroBT. '

— Cross, palnta.o—gloomy-plftiim—trfor the ngricullurrtl/n“»:Ioos of Nc-’ ” braska, the Dnkot/M, lC.Tn-Mit, lown nnd Oklalioma unless methods are changed. Organized efforts undrr lopg-scale planning will b ; a nr- cessltyMf'mldlamlcrs'are to avoid the clouds of Rvrtrllng' dust, he ,


GreaifHunters ‘HELENA. Mont., (lU;)—One out

of every six Montanans was li­censed to. hunt and'fiah during 1034, according to records com­piled by the U. S. Durcau of Bio* logical Survey. This proportion of sportsmen to total population was one-flf'tlic-highest-in-the-nallonr-A total of 82.7C3 lleensea was Issued in tho state.' ■ *

(Continued Prom Pags One) look after detall.n' of ticket sales, p’rogram, entertalnmont, gucat courtesies and other’ arrancc-ments.- — - . ------------------- --------_-Durlng-tha-paiit_fow-ycars-tli- annuai banquctjf have been held cither at I. O. O. F. or Legion Memorial ^all. and Inat year the principal speaker wan John A. carver,•United Stales district at' lorney. . ^

Statewide Charaolcr . Tile club, while ccritcrlng In this county, has -become statc- wldo In character, offlccro de­clare,-and rivals in attendance and Interest the' annual Lincoln day banquet ataged by Republicans at thi: Capital City 'annually. This j-ear'o dinner Is cxpcctcd' to bfl marked by a number of unuiiunlly lnlfrcfltinB_lcycnta_5vhich_will„ot-. tract a banner attcndaaee Mon<lay. nlghU April 13- marko the birth- (lay annlveiisnry of Jefferson, but the banquet dalo waa set ahead ae a matter of convenience, it is' cxplaineil by officero.

VIgoro Fertilizer for laKna'aBd flhrubbcryrrAls<r=fgcinlea-:fFf1lllEer> Pboae 101..Tivln FUls Feed A Ice


tlic removal long before Inst year's drouth of organic matter which bad been aecumulatetl throu^b the centuriea In tlie pralrlca._ "Sfedlng.-ot ..tremendous nnaa _ l. without consideration of the fact that-insufficient • soil -'corcr* was - bcinrTnoinuniifcITTvniniiF'TInnUF:— lylng-eause-of-tbeBc-tHsturbaners." - ; i he. aaid. "This liaa .lcft the top soil looiic nnd dry nnd nlny'ctihy .victim for dry, weather ond ulrohi; ,,', winds."

Not until farmers grow more "cover cropo"—wheal, rye, bnrliy, oatJi and similar grains—may ttic inliVTTc west cxcept nn end ^f Uiejtorm._lic_prc<lIcUi..-:'Liatlng:i-uf-----fields diirlng the summer also miiy be an effective deterrent, he said, ■

An Important factor In storms this year, Craia wild, waa the uni­versal-cutting of com for fom(!(* at the end of the wo'rst drouth In • mid-western history last fall. Tlir • atallia were c u f closc to ihc ground, -loovlng—tho—floldu-eoiiy— prey for strong windu nt the con- cluulon of protractcd dry periods. ••

Tax Times ChangeMARYSVlLLE. O. HT.D—nmrs

linvo changed, C..-.H. Goff bellvvrs IS he exhibited a tax receipt more . haa 100 years old. The rwclpt , vaa Iosuc<l lo Sanfortl Coptic, Cofrs great grandmother. The olln. dated la 1820, s1k>w/i CosMo paid-62 ccntA taxes on 39 acres <if land .In .Ucklng.coualy-ttn(l-41.05 .... for general county taxca.

EnDs Loi?g JobCOLUMBUS, 0 ; (U3l)—j . ) t Hls-

aong, h03 recently compiclcd a year's job In conatructlng/a table

- :d o f 0,275 picces i f w. 'collected from 11 states and thrre countJeA. Four yean were apcnt Id. epVectlng the.wood.' Hlssong h.'is

-f—- pcnw;'lbc;-moncy’^-iUmo3t-ex8ctlT>&ld^ib>3^ngPftnrt* nn’ eJK"!'!. V. officers will be hcl<l. It lii

dUpohtied'tn volunio rapid and-ex-j-----tcn-nlve enough to,be felt in every n„„trr« Will Sfeelchannel of American llfe.._ | .j,embers and Mptatn., of tent

* * T 'in the Commerclnl bowling kn;;

- TREASURY-WILL :b o r r o w .f u n d s


WASHINGTON, April 0 1 F.L.WI.h Ko.iltvThe tri-asury wlll'huve t«i borrowi

■ some J1,300.000,000 ad.<i 1110 n a 11,:*"•, fuhd.-i from the public lo flnnnce!*"

Thr l,.m.wl„E » . ,.H , n . ',h o { ! ; P ™ '" '' epcndiiig <if thiu vast nuin.'lt was'

lnillcnte<l, would be done In easystagca-so its not to disrupt thp fi-

- nancial iharkets anil economic eon' .dllluna.

SH'crnl months arn expected to elnpso before spending becomes heavy nnd even then It la not likely to exceed neveml hundreds of mil*

' -lions of^rtollar

the estate of C. C. Booth, died Jan. C, 1017. lie was the hus­band of Nancy-C. Booth. Uearinc on. the application Ims been fcl for May H, and ntimejl os appeals- ura arc J. E. DcAVUt,.H, R. Grant and Stuart H. Tnjior. A, J. Myerr la nttomey for ihe, petitioner.

from—the • previous -public - worksspending program ........................

, Cash on Hand Tlie treasury now has more Ihan

J2,000.000.000 cash on hand, •which, togcth.er with tax collectl'ona,

'wouldf Indicate that no new borrow-

TntnnTfnty-_ Txvln Falls-I<Klge N o.'ift. A.Si.A. At. will Rictl In'jiptclar alon at 7;30 p. m. Uijnorrow lo fer ihe Master Miuon degree. Saturday the district i»(«Ung will be conducted nt Albion for the

ilodgea Iri the east end 'of the dis-

■ ■ ................................... iwiir Include the moat worshipful

ful gnihd orator. Tw o candidate# for the Fellowcmft ilegT-ee from the Twin Falla lodge will'take part In tho exemplification of-the..ritual.

Canadian Rail-ways Urge Unifonn Time

•- aiontlrtn-monlh.About <220,000,000 of the U.'

es0,000,000 relief apprOpriallon al- ready haa been <llsbumed for direct relief. It was lenrsed today.

These funds were from the unc.t- . . pcndcd U-ihincea of Ihe PVVA.

P oint Vicente Awarded Flag . Foir Third Year as Most.


- . .W>S ANGELE3-iU;i—For thettolrd straight year, the l*olot Vi­cente lighthouse, which floohea warnings to morlners from the Up '«< the knob of land swerving Into

• the ocean between San Pedro and R«<Jondo Beach south of he/e, to-

' '^ y held the honor- flag a« th«• xoost efficient light o n . l*e Call-

'■^TIomLvooasf*^:-------------z-----------.1' -M ot a ship has been wrecked on ' tbe dangerous iMint Viccnte reefs :. MDCO-tho light was'Installed eight .:yeara ogo. Prevloualy." seamen• were forced to strain their M t« for

— the-wWsUiag-bwr-----------------------Every JO second*, n 900,000-- candlepower beam- vUible for 20

milM aUb« Into tbe night from the' U^tbouse. la fo g g y weather. • n . '>KVe fogboni seods A roar acroM

{ illghi Saving Time throuRhout S'e |Unlte«l States and Cannds, a c munication received b y the locnl city council advised... The association, seeking support In the move, pointed out adoption of uniform dates nould grtaUy fa- cilliate the tnuuportntinn.'sched­ules between leudingjalfrtatlonal centers. ' . . >■

Manual SkepticalANNAPOUS, lid. <1:1:) — For­

mer Governor Albert C . Ritchie of Maryland has tunie<l over hla gu- beraiftorial duUw to Harry W. Ni«;e, but the new Maryland Man­ual appears' skeptical about It. Ritchie's pJctnrc. lDsteftd of Nice's *l^pfn>s on tho-fr«ot-of-tb«-man- uai, la addition, the book eeoUUns a biographical iikelcb ef the. for- tter go\-cnior, allhough . It .Hats 1C3S members'of the ieglalature. Last November's eleetlon returns, howevcr, are Inelwied-ln-thomnn- ual-~«ihow(ng that Governor Nie<-. .was duly elected.

Start your baby cblc'ica.oi A>1 alorter. It's better. C A Feed.Co.~AdT,

Page 3: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

•i’ucfinny, ’Aprn g, m / m u i i i -y m v iN i i - T i f lm g . t w i n f a l l s , i d a h o


' M rs. O 'lica iy T c lb Batinas A chieved b y Stanford

Exam System

P.inklnc dctermlnca" b y the Stanford nchicvcment. teat applied to pupils ot tlio TwIn'Fatto junior

• -high school, w c « nnnouncoil to<---- ' by Mrs. Vcrn O’Leary, prlnilpal,

... . The teats comprise examlnaUotu In 10 aubjectfl tauKht In thft .clwui;^ rwmn umonu, approximately eOff

For''lJie'thrco"Brnclca‘ ln' the Juii' lor hiKh flchool, puplla nt.thd top of the llflt arc: .

Eighth Gnido — .... General rank; Bcrenlw McKay;

Cindy*. Mcltce, WIUU . Sandholt*.___ , Irvia.Elitera, Robert Douelaaa, Bert

___ nff(ltne_atnclc. Betty Mnngclson,bturllyn Orlzco, Virginia DllU, Jua- nilii Ciiushnin.' ■ “

CfuiguaBQ uaac;e: Weat Bitter. Dcrenlco McKay, Jrvln Ehters, An*

’ nabel Ruilnlph. IIa.JMae.Dutaon.. . VirRlnla.Blltii, EuRcnc Elder. Mer-

la Salmon, Virginia Taber. Gaylord': . - . Toliir..-----------^^ypl.

rlquutu.•. .WllHs aandholts. Maty 8tral»,'

Slilrlcy Ann Thometz.' Evelyn BrftMflcld, Juanita CauRhran. An*

• Paragraph meaning: Margaret Woods, OlAdya' MeKec. Berenice McKay, BcveHy lUchlnn, Donald

Betty Mangelnan. West Bitter, Ro> bert Douglass. Allan Duvoil. Vlr* glnlu Bills, I^url Hayward. Glodya McKctf. Fuyo Sluytcr, Stuart Tay­lor;

_ HeasonInc:_Blll .Gotrl«a...Jamca Uawloy, Harold Pratt, Virginia Bills. Ceroid .Chapman, Robert Ooufilcuu, Cladyn McKee, Tom rn c f , Wilton Hovorlcn, Amolclmy

-Jfowttrd,— Bor«nlc«—MeKay.-Joha

rtiilph Smith. Robert Douglft«.i. Vlr- • cil Telford. Hugh Jonlyn, Bet'cnice

McKny. Hnrold Pmtl. Bemadlne Stack. Rom Tnggart, Donald Mc- Klnater.

Hl.Htory - Civics: Gladya ^feKce. • • Virginia Blllfl, Irvin Ehlent, Wlllia

Sindnoits, Dean BroK-n. Allan IV* vJll. VIrgll Tclfonl. Robert Dniig-


CompuUtlnn: Berenice 'IrlcKay, , Marilyn Brlzee. Bill GocrUsn. Bob

I Goodnight, Beverly RIchlna. Thelma Vleliweg. VlrglnlA Broac. JftiiiM Hawley. Marjorie Lewis, Jean


Episcopal Leader Obosea os Spealtor fo r Twin' Palls


Bishop Middleton- Bnmwell. Boise, head of the atato Episcopal district, will 1)0 commencement apenker for graduating exerclacii o f the IGS membcm of Uie Twin Falta high school senior class. It la

inouaced - by ..Pflnclpat ■ C. "

riie event' will tnlco place Tliurs- dayr-Mny-io.Ttollowlngrbnccalau- reate ^xerclaea SundayT May 12.'

Five scholanhlps will l>o award­ed. .11 U stated, the donors being Whitman colIegc: Carrol college, Helena, M oot: Gooding college;

' Lowe. Harold Pratt, Annabel Ru- doipli. ■ Merlo Salmoii'." Marjorie

-£lMl(r-Totumy—VVIIIianiffODi—Mary June .\Vright.

DicUtlua: Berenice McKay, Bob

l)oltz, Hugh Jo«lyn,-Morla Salmon, Oeogrnphy: Bob Tlllotaon. Jrvln '"ra nill Ml*.!. Marllyn'BrlMe.Ttobert Doug;

l;uui. Terry Hagar, Virginia Brose, Raymond Evans, Wlllla Sandlioltz,

•Dick York. _ ......• *Soveiiib brads

Cenernl rank: Peggy Ann Cav'- ariogh. McCliiin Johniitori. Cortnide

. Iwr. Plioebo-Jnno- Franli. Allair • Parrott. Betty Lee Haney.'

■ LunguoKe’ ukige;' Jean. Dulsom Brice'Evans. Beosle Sonberg, Pat Hodgln. Allan Parrott. Jolm. Wll- Ucraon. Mary Prances Bates.' Ruth Durldmlter, BItly Buttjier, Bobby Hampton, Mary Haney, Lark T>'* ler. . •

tlyglene: Peggy Ann Cavanagh. Drlco Bvnna, Pat Modgln; -Patay Wiimer. Donald Thorp, Betty lies. Betty Leo-Honey, Gertrude Madding. Allan Parrott. Donald Anderaoo, Gorman Bell, Bob Har­vey. . - • - ................ .... '

Poragraph.meanlng: Peggy A _CAY(vnngh._EhMb,fl_'lsnj^PD‘ t

. . ty Rao Harvey, Pot Modgld. Allan • 'Parrott, Ivol itapp, Barbara' Sut- •.clitt.. , . . •

. 'Literature: William Pollock, Bet­ty. Ceb Haney, Oertrudt Madding, Peggy Ann Cavnnagli, McClain Jolmston, DletrichOerber, Pat Hod> gin. Donald Mftrtyn, Malcolm' Slg«

KlM, Helen Stephens............ .. .......Reaaonlng: Gerald W em ef.Tnid


non Smith, Ruth Burkhalter, Rutb .<5lbbs. Gertrude .Maddlnff, .Xiljui Parrott, Vem White, Lom co Wil-

Word meaning: Peggy Ana Cav- ahagh'.’ Allori'Tarott, Pat'Hodgln; McClain Johnaton, Betty Lynea, Phoebe Jane Pnmt*. Ruth Burk- halter. Certrude^ddlng. William

HUtory-Civlcs: Betty Rap Hot- voy, Frederick Warren, Betty Lee Honey, Betty Lynea, Mcaoln

Mary Bounjutn,“ — —Ann Cavjvnagh,-aertmde

Robert Sahlberg, John Baisch, Al­lan Parrott, Walter Ptwley,' Jolio Wlllcerson,

ComputL______________ _______McBride. Nelda W a ^ r , Elwood Anderson. Maty BourqulA, Dietrich Gerber,. Bobby Hampton,. Mary

. Haney, Certrude ' " - ' - ” - - .......Parrott, • V ern o j Stovena.'.Dictation: M .oC Ia ln Johnston;

-A nnie Jaynes, PhoelM'Joaa Froats, Pat Hodgla,. Alda Quint, Peggy Attn Cavaaogh, Margaret Vim En- irelen. T tm White,. Ruth 3t5iibal-

Uaddlng, Allan Smith.. Mary

Geography: Mtuy B d u r q u l i

,_Frcd«rlcU. .WajTen,;.£zell Dietrich Gerber. K e ld a '.^ w

. nor. Ruth' Burkhalter. Ray. Kest- ' ler. WlUlam t^Uock,- Robert Sahl- borff.

■ . • Sixth 0,r»de .General mak: Dorli 'McKe«.

lUchanl’ arua,* Betty MulvlhlU. CharlotU Milter, - Gen#. Hull. Jack UcRlU,' Vcma Stnema. Martnn

type. It lends Itjwlf to-Mcnr with n.wldo w riety of ncce*»o[lc».

Weldon, Patricia Scatincll, Georgia Stuck.-

Language usage: Sh^ley Drake.

Georgia Stack. LaDem4 DcWUt! Belli Hehdcrson, Robert Pence. Pa. triclA Scunncll. Shirley BecUley. James George, Richard—HygTgUc !• U6rIiITa£i; c .................Rill, Joteph Shinn, Clyde House, Cnarlotte -MIIIcr.-rEb-rccn-TullerT Frances Reama, Riehard Graiw, laawrencn-:Omitfarreharlea-<rhom«a: .' Pnro[^ph meaning: Doris Me- ICee, Charlotte iUller, Lblfl Mort, Verna iSlne:nn; Glenn Wurd. Betty Mulvlhlll. Lorecn Fuller..- Phlll] Gamble. Jam?« Ccorge, Gene Hull, Potrlcia Scanncll.'.LaDean Stokes. — Literature:- -Kenneth •-Hnwkln.'i,' Gcno Hull. Dorla.-McKcc..-Robcrt Mayo, Charlotte MUIer. Shirley Beckley. CeorglaStnclf. Betty Mul* vlhlll, Vema a i n ^ . Fred Mcech. —Re«fionlng:-Rlchard Gma.T.'TJiir- ^ 'e t Vazriuez. Milo Pearsoti, Marl-

I FAIRFIELDMr. and Mrs. John Roblnnon

havo'returaed from a two month" vlnlt with California._ Charlea_ Wlilte returned, lost week from Boise, where ho has been eniployed 'at the atate house

loitiire.T,. , . ; , ■MrJ and Mrs, 2. Pond returned

last wcL'k from - Provo. Utah, Where Mr. Pond attended tile win­ter term'at the university.

Mr. and _Mnr r . If. Tucljcr and thlldrcn h!ivo' relumed' from ■ CaII- •fomlo after aeveral-weelu' visit witli relatives.

lyo Pel-ry, LaVemo Llppert, Lolo Louden, .Helen. Bagley, Jui nInCT. Gerald Taylor.


Word meaning: - Doria- McKee. Charlotte'Miller. Patricia Seannell, " — Hull.;Eugenc.Pomeroy, Geor-

;tack. Lawrcoee Smith. Clyde House,>U}la Mort. Jack' McRlll, Jpseph;Shlnn.-'- • •• Hlstory-Clvlcs: Richard Crass. Betty Mulvlhlll. Dorla McKee, Charlotte Miller,, Frcd_. Mcech, Clydo'Hoaie. June Jennlnga, Don­ald Cooper, Dick Hammond, Gene

:— iTU'0-CR(\N0RS SIECT PAUL,., April 0 (Special) —

-Wcnty-fievcn "memberB ' •* Wcat End Grange alter CJnremoat' G r a n g o Wedaesdny evening. Tljc progrnm wan prc- nenled by Mrs. Ella Corleas, Mm. Dal iy LqKuc, Mrs, Eva McCcnJ, Mrs. Lairlo Mbnciir, Mrs. Ltilu CorloM, Botty Van Htoe, SeUi Correfls.'Roy LaRue.-Mario.Gooh* nour, Viola-Slocking, and.; John Corlcss.

-Con 5n:.Pulrlcla-SoaanelI.Maxina Weldon, Lois Mort. Delorls Wncox,Ma xlne ElUott, Bcjtty Mul- &fcKee, Vema Slnema.Vlhlll.' Betty Rorarrietvedt, Dorla

DIctatloiT: Gene Hull,- Anna Johnson. - Maxlno Weldon, Lois Mort Marilyn ^-.Webster,. Wlldo Johnson. Doris McKec. James George, Judith Jones, Margaret

Geography: J>jrta McICco: Ro­bert-e«icc.-Jaek- : JicRUJ^Betty Mulvlhlll. MUo Pearson. Slchard


[ortiilnc3about 30 o f the schoo'lnmtca o f her son, Raymond, Thursday after- nood In honor o f his thirteenth birthday. Gamea and refrcshmeats

d the afternoon.Parley Catmull and Edward

'Whlttnorth havo retumM home frtm C. C.'C. campsh.

Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Chug^wore notified.- WedneiKlay of .’the blrUi! o f a son. to Mr. and Mrs..AIfre<l Ransom, RuperL This la -Hr., and

~ — ■- rirst grasdchUd..u Arlo .Kcabtiro- the

parents of a ',«on .bom .Fridajj-i nlghtL - - • ' - ' j

Mr. and Mr*. W . R.^Owcn aiul|

Tenta) the tentative list, ofNames

graduates___Jaeklo Allen. Maxine Allred.

Lawrcnce Allabcrry.~MelvliirAir- deraon, Lois 'Anderson. Howard Annls, Leonard ArrlcBton, Edna AtWnuon:— nobcrl -.P aconr—Jcmr BacoQ, K ylt Ballanlyoc. Marvin Bates, Fmnlc Beatty, Albert Bech- er, Frwlcrick Beclicr, Dorolhy Bell. Lmll Bennon. Lake Blaclt, Mildred BmRncr... Beth .Bothwell, Herbert Bouton, Charlotte Bowles, Jose­phine BurlOiolder, Robert Burton. Atta Lee Butler. Pauline- Galller, Eilxttbeth Cameron; John Cftscy. '

.Edith Clark. ICatherlne 'Colwell. Vlrglnla-CookrHarvey-CoolcrTed Crockett, Lois Darling, Robert Davis, Una Davis, Dorothy David­son. Gladys Dnvldson, Jim Daw­son, Paul Dudley, Edna Mae Ed­wards, Mlllleent Eldridge, Frank EsHnger, Wilma Esllnger, .Frances ’ "rblaad, Albert Estllng. Ivle FIIU

ore, Roae Frisk, Elllu .Butler, Norma Fuller. Eulii Garniihd, John Gentrj*. Cecil Gban. Frank Gicac, Tracy Gipson. Alice Jean Glftndon. ICathryn Goff, Amerla - .Hachlya, Mary Harbert. Tere.na Hardesty. Carmln Hardin. Mnry Harrliion, Alice Havens. Juno' Havens, Wayne Hawley, Wlnnlo Fred Hny-

5. Virginia Hoynes. Phillip ■Heinrich. Audrey Hliiklc. .Viola Hints, James Hodges. James Hol­man. Dorotliy Hopkln:). Irene Hom- kms. Alan ^lyilc. Frmilc Jenklnit, lune Jensen. Lusca KIbby, Annu KIrkmnn,


win Lloyd. Bill Llndiicy. Katherine

Kinney, Wilbur . McKray. Thora McLeun. Marguerjle McNeely, Ed* wanl Melg«.'Jsabello Millet Ralph Miller, Colo Mlnnlck; L<yihikMoly. ncauK-Bctte—Morehou.-»t Morgan. Robert Ncliwn, . . . Nelson. Clarence Noble, ' Barton Nordllng, Beulah Norrla.

Others In CTttWi _ _ _......JlBciT—Fnnren—Pntrmrotir

Earl Peterson. Lewia Porter. Feme Potter. Dick-Powell.-Ralpb-Pow­ell. Lylo Price. Minnie Mao Pryor.Wllllnm PiitTli«r, WItllnm nnpplf-voFalry-Raybom, Amoa Read; Ncdra Rlcblnli. Jeanlo Ricks, Delbert Rob* Inson, Lorene Rogers, R«x Rogers. Dorothy Rokhar, Charlotte Ruth- harC, Milo Sawyer, Dougkia Salm­on. Arthetta Shllllngburg, George Shipman.. V Jim..' Sinclair,.. Esther Slack, Gilbert Small,' Bernice Smith;' 'Carol '"S m l tIt,, Melenlta Smith. '

Mary D. Smltli, Jeano Smoek. Eiaon—Stonca,- ■Normo"'Stayncr, Robert, Stephan, Marjorie Stevens, Nellie Stokeabeny, Ifciry Slubble- field. Harl Taber, G *rgo Taylor, Venice Telford, Ro.tlna Thompnoa, Harry Tyler. Jewel-Tyler, Loreaz Victor. Frank Wnjker, LucUle'Wal- laee, Donna Webb, .Walter, Wells, Donald* Werner, Earl White,' Eu­gene White, . Elwood Whltoheod, Howard Williams, Rceso WIllkims, Flora WlUiamnon. Esther Wilson and Barbara Young.

aoti.' Ziobble,’ left recently f< trip,to Callfotola, where they visit - reUU^CB' In' San Franelaco

. Twenty'i«reoM attended « tox social Bt; the. Jerome Chtlrtlan church Friday evening y u c h

Davis hadeharge.of the games. -'•Hewy K a a attomey.'l*' la* tho-week^nd la BoUa a a .» htialneta vUltor.

at - - -------- ----

Ready-to-Wear Store

; R'om 8 o’clock Until, 9 o’clock


■ ? ; APRILlOth. . .

This.Store'Will Be Open! •

Ev^yorie Invited .

'■... 131,;MAINA'yfeNIJE;EAST;.


Wednesday~‘ ~ Silver Dollar Shower


Spring Accessor

■s m a r t '


Dress up for Easter! Now is an ideal time to get into the mood of tlie season, to’ catoli tlie spirit of tlie new. We-off^r.complete and colorful Spring and Easter wardrobes to meet every budget. . . . priced for.eyery.

“ P U r S e ; -T ----------

98c ,a $1.98Imporliint s(vIch. Ui trim bnga to j e t o f f your Spring OiiUit, In l>oimlar .styles and

the “ riKlit” . colors. .



IFROGKSFetching Models for

Women and Misses

■\Ve'vp n fiost o f m-w dressus for your sekotioii . . . fi-oeiTs tniit you 'll wiuit for Kasti!!-. . SliL'cTS, silks, prints, o f ln r«o- •iiiul .siimll (lesion iiixl many oihor lovely moilc).-< tiia l'eu ii’t he dcscril^cd. Jacket froelc.s, r('diiitci>ic‘ .s, Ijoloro-i . . . in fact


79c ...i 98cRinBlos.1 clilffoim niid elonr

Hcmi-scrvicc wt’iKhlH, in Iho porrcc^ color.i for Spring,— ~


in Tlie Most App^ved ‘

Fasliions and Fabrics__■

| $ | { ) 9 p & $ ] _ 4 '7 5 '

I The»(o cnalrt step ri^lit into tlie.spolliKlit I for clovuT faHhioii and iiuthcnlic linel.W c- ]-sonniK»l-tlie-tiiarI{»‘t- fi>r-w iTl(s-to:-brinjr-

you t!i(!sc frosh new stylcK. Rci'fers, wide rcgeiicy cuJlnrs, iuiUtiiry capes', belted liacIcB, dolninu sleeves . . . niid nmiiy other mnv Hlylc details.

m H T S =Tliat AieClevevly Styled. .

l ' $ i 0 9 Q ^ $ 1 4 7 5,TrimIy tailored c a p e s k l

^*^ovoi*~{o~lrlvo tlio hands

TveU^groom'cd •look,' - N avy,-b laek,-now taua-and


-Sntbi, Buili), Bultfl! Tliftt'8~tli'e“ Spring cbonis now, sung by all the foremo.st stylists; and every woman chimcs in fo r ^ wliere is oue w ho does, n ot Ibvc a suitt \ .Cbooso yours in .either. swAggcr . o r short ooat Btyles, and step out in the Eanter

.Parade 1..................................................


New and Dashing

SPRING HATSBoimeta ’ ,V-'- , ' tffethe-Face.-v.'-v,

, Icuttte-Srima^ . , ■ p r p p p i i ^ . B r a i n a s i ^ ^ '

_ NeoklaccB/ rirtgSt ..brncelci

. V rooohw :and_ cUpa . in,-• and^ooloriogs^foryotir

Page 4: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

Page Four ID AHO EVENING TIMES. TWPT FALLS. IDAHO T naJny, a'lirll ! ) , 'Mar. '

TF-LtyilONE 38

I’ubllalied Sixby lu .u io T iiica I’UllUUIllNd I, Twin Fallfc Id*hO.

- ^ - : D A R K r B f c 0 N D -,-^ .C «g tE 1 0W K b IDBAKE/


(« V i........<rapldrrr Sb kta.eOl<« ilfad.r.*,:S'aanctf

JAIIVI9 IIArr. dlailB |e»klaB'-Mnt|tErr.' rv«o|nii

I bei»| I

b«dqir paitBi ithrra

'Ati noitcf" rfqiitr*a n» itw t'In lia |iuliIUI>ril wpxkly, willpftViir'iiuriiUiiiii lft“S«eiion 6*.

I>y enUr at cniirl uf coiiiuctfnt liirlailluttan >it niilillnlK'il III Ilia Tliurmlay liaua nf llilH- NOSIMAM IIAIT. ■

:£ S £ SNATJ0NA1, iu;i' _ M. c 'M ooi:nk a Towar, ;50 lluah I)

ir-'H.'. TATl CS wi-i. l<an'Franei»«o. C

TW IlvT F A L L S - B R J N K A U * P R O J E C T --------P o s s ib il ity -^ o f t l i e -e a i 'ly - r e c la m a t io n - -o £ - t l ie -T w in .

............................ - kaocM OBim doar or Hllll<rnt*a loen.---- --NOW GO OS WITH TllEBTOnt

CIlAPTEn XI [UOnMAN HAI'P -Janipod baelt

nnd atarcd at MtUlccBt OrftTot_________ __„ _ ______ 1 apprclicnalToly. Mllltccnt njo»cd

■ Fani.Bru7 c a i r t r a c t t o 't h e m l iT l j r ih ^ liopes of a pi'osMcrily unrivnlcd here since the late "20 s.

To’ thosj who scout tlie idea of teclaiming that_____ ,_vast Bruneau,desert, jet it J)ej?auJ at_thejou

" .'Telhc.' thc present' venture j jves n success or not,-there is no .around t)w fa ct that the tnict

~mu3t-be reelaimed-sc "leday.---------------—

3DcaNorman causht. bcr arm wltb

his rlEtit baca. at ttio'caiso tlae prcisloe.lha-torciaDccr ot bin loti tiftnd ogalnat ht» llpa to ladlcato tlio nccGult; tor. sllcnco. Ue leased cloaar to her and «hto> pcru<r, "Doo*t ’ open that door

_ The gradual growth o f this cu intrj, the increase|"‘‘ ‘;.Vwouid"oVc.atd«otactbmB. — in-population,- the westward-trend-and the-certainlylbut iio darted away from bcr oo

A.'.iichirriKation a 'fords lends colc. to the belief that I nwituy niieni tcet. uo opoaod il* ' this eventual recUination may not he. greatly de-{door or her cioaet. Bicupod inBide

layed. pullcd Iho door’abnt alterThT} pTojcct”is now b‘ah“ i)F6 nf6 t^d'by"!'evi’lne'and'

rTolI;.';d2', and the quest'on f finance aj)pears to be quite largely solved for thq fact is : the project is

■ already beinp fin a ., ed. Surveying and engineering — crew,- ..re. quietly at w ork and iiave been for months,

.■with headquarters hei.o; filings hr.ve'been'made bn water from Blue X a l« s and from Auger falls; and canals have been chartca down Snake I'iver canyon aa far as Salmon river and beyond.

A ll this is going on righfc und^r our noses, and no longer i. in the dream stage.

Those who hav^ taken part in the development • o f t ie Twin Falls-and surrounding projects need on-

• ly d.-aw upon th ‘ inaginations slightly contem­plate what the founding o f hug6 new in igated . . . „

- ...to .t jv cE t of. here ivnuljlm e,anjnjhc.m atte . kets, employment, population, new cities, railway

•- -e ::: jn£.‘oni - highways,— pow ei^usage, • cijstonjej-s, hc-ics, people and .products. / \

the middle west beiitg plagued with drouth families h* ing the iishing new homes,

With the middle west beiifg and dust storms, and millions o ambition, and the need -or esta the opening up o f a new tract such as the.l3rj„ieaii

—i n - I ^ lt r n o -s h o u ld -d r a w -n e ^ th o u s a n d s - l ie k e .— — •— ;— ' In; conten^plating potential busl.iess in this section

■'during the next fe\V years the benefits which would —be-<leri^ed-from-the-opcrwg-o£-thie-Buu;

not b . discounted.

-M A R G IN A L -E A Iia i-L A N D -

KoueVIni souaded on tho panols of tbo door.

KliUlccnt Ornroa started i tnoro'^ward tbo door to open It. tlion indlRDatlon sot tho bottor ot bor. 8be raised bor roleo U ia flt wat porfccUy aoillblo to ibo poroon outstdo ot tbo door aad eald. “1 don't tblnk 1 caro ti cclra.oo7. mora Ylaltors toaltbt ^orison f{app la boro aad (b iatt leaTlnB.”

At tbo eound ot her word# ilapp-am creod-^om —tbn-closcL Ula fneo waa a dull rod.

’Wbat did you do that fort" be

ootblas to bo asbamod ol asd I <loB't latena ta jic pat la ombarrasalaB poallloa."

Sbo turned tbo knob and opened' tho door.

JarTla Happ stood threahold. Graroly bg surveyed tbo pair.

•Mnr-l-B8»rr;-btrlninitrcilr*Tiow loiiE Npriiian bas bu«n horoT'

J»llllrcot Oraict taecO bbn dc>iHy.~ '___________■Yon raay." tbo ssld. “ask

Norman.. He la ibo oa you. ^ud DOW, n i wlab you botb i;ood niglit."

wllb ibat peeuMnr scaretilOB eaie wbleb was so cbaracterliile tbe

— "l-thtnk-I-tota-yon;“ -tio-«nidr you n-era to atfopt a fiaodii-

otf.polley.’ ’ .

Sn a said. dcDootly, "I am lolllnB you ibat It the moa In tbli

boua^ don't anlt iDTadlne 07 room I’m soln* lo set • wateb-

The system whereby the American government paid its farmers to grow less food , in. a time, when

-many -peoople 'were having"a” hard~time-finding- . enough to eat; is on the verge o f being dismantled,

. according to recent advices from Wasnington.'■ In its^lace, it is said, ntay come a scheme where-

— by the-necessary crop restriction will oe Mtainedthrough retirement o f marginalland. And while any _restrictive plan may look odd to .-people brought up| ‘in the belief that a granary can’t be too fuU, it seems obvious that the new idea would be a good deal

,. more logicaj than the old.The department o f agriculture hopes‘ to kill two

r birds -with one stone. It wants to check soil erosion as.well a^lim inate over-production. Theiretirement

- o f .marginal'laiid bffere-itself as a program ‘which can accomplish both ends.

•— -Under-present-plans,—a])pro.xinjateJy-$l70 0 0 ,0D0 ,• 0 0 0 o f public worlds funds will be used to set up and finance the land retirement pl-ogram. •. Experts'believC'that millions o f acres now being

A . farmed should be withdrawn from prbductioh. In ^ ' the first place, theircultivation makes them especial-

,-ly..subiecLlQ.ecosi6,n by \yind:and water. Deprived o f •its original cover, tHe”'topsm r'is"irTeclaim ably‘dis-

' isipalear'eventuaJJy,' if~-)>rosenf trends-continue-un­checked, the land will be permanently worthless.

. In addition, this land contributes directly to farm, surpluses. It may be a hard pill to swallow, but we m i^ t.aa .w ell.recognize .the. fact.that.the. .American farmer has been producing more than he can pos­sibly sell at a profit— has been doing it ever since

yonr aon la a rensoonblo amount ot prlTocy. Vour son eamo to'tbla

I tintUTltod. 1 think-perhapa bis iDtentlona vero trkndly^ llov- over, tbo fact romalsa tbat be camo bero unlnTlted.'*

Norman- llapp--«ald.-- *Tlial*» rlsbt. Dad. You can't blame bor for feollnc peo»od. 1 walked la

0 bcr.”

—*‘A&out-what,-^la^-t-aaUt—- -“ Aboot flob.” -----------------

"Wbat about DobT" .."D cb .b as boon trylrie tb with brrj"

•^VbaTJotVtf tblDRar **I don't knW. Sbo won't toll 0. But I'm t£o ODO tbat came

10 ■her 'tootne 1 ' camo without knucklOE. . Sbo. rcaCDted my .lD‘. trualon. Wo woro areuloB »bon yon knocked at tbo door. Bhe was asklDR lao to -leaTO— In fact. slstlng that I Icato."

)r a moBoot tbo stern, aeareb*. lnB-«yeo-o( JarTla Ilapp softened nomowbat. lie glanced at bl; etandlae erect and dlenlllod. Thoo ho aald alowly, "Woll, It tbal's the caiiorNornianryou'wonld 'prcaent .. mueb more dlgniaed appearance If you wiped tbo llpaUek from your mouth." .

With 'that ho . turned, and stAllied eraToly down tho ball.

Norman Happtbla faeo iba color ot a boiled beat, wiped furiously at~bbi—nontb—with—■-bandkw*- ehlot. UlllIeont-OniTU..torn.bi>- tween n dealra to er f A°d (o laugh, alfttnmed tbo door abut and Tory audibly turned tbo key In tbo lock. Then sbo walked to* a larso oror'Dtudcd ebalr.. dropped Into It and started to laugh. The wbolo aliuaUoB .waa ,too_ utlerly. absurd. Norznsn Ilapp, atandlns Uiero wlUi llpatlek smeared ot ' '. moutb. ozplalnlns ta bit father tbo unwarranted nature ot bis lo- trualon and tho eool rocopUoa which bo bad rocelrod.

ABROPTLT Mlllleent remcnc " , bored tbo things abo bad icaroed from Norman Ilapp and tbe lauehtor died from bor llpa.

Tbero really waa eomo rcoaon baek ot OTcrytblns Jarria Ilapp bad"donBr-Ja^rtB~I^apB“ l lc r-^J tbo woman In tho black eri ' coat, tbo myoteiloua woniDD wbon Ocorge Drlmgold bad described on tbo nlcbt ot bta death . . . . . Jarria Ilapp bad Inatructcd Harry Koldlns. tbo cbauBcur. lo shadow this myaterloua woman In black. That' would mean. tben. tbat Jarria Ilapp dldn't.koair tbo Ideti- tity ot tbo woman. Or. It beTnicTnicnacnttty:“ d!dn*t~Ti___whoro abo llted." Jt also' t^ani that ho waa Inicreated In nndln out more about this woman.

—Sil'Hlkont— Oratos— dctotm

Boddenly abe realUed that the latorrupttona bad prercnted ber froln lookias OTor the booka whlcb Mr. Oealry- Cad giTon her

tbo sulteaao. Her eyea turned toward tho . lullcase. > tt wu brown, wlUt - brsM ' monntlnc*. Thoro were two strapa wbleb en­tirely aurronnded tbo snlccaso. U bad been mado to atand bard nsasc. and i|be. notlecd eaanally that one ot tbe cornera^bad been badly dented ao tbat the edge o(


■and:wB(f:iicciuf(rtoT«Mt-Baca~i powerful InQncoce tipon the lire* ot those with wb.oa sbo came In contact. Mlllleent OniTes derided tbat'sho' wOuld' bo in'a'poalt Ion lo dod out just wbat fnrorffla«oa be bad uncoTorod.

■Slowly abe aurled dlaroblos and. oa abe slipped oO Her oaier garments and stood betoro ber mirror arplylns ereama to her face, she ran oTer 'iho OTOOta ot the day-ln ber mlndi


Jacsci!Sbo lrowaed-cB-«b« thbnsbt

how easy U would be to-sna'g a stocklos on tbat bit at braos.-aad determined abe would b»To it nzo'il. Wby’not ask the ebantreur

Ox lit Tbat would bo • good way to lay tho foundation tor bor ciiapalgn.-, — ••

.............• • ' • ...........CUB loft tbo stool In front of ^ bcr dresains table, took a few atopa toward tbo aoltcaao, (ben resllted-abo-waa too- tirod lo bother with booka. U b ^ boea aL- hard day. iJiit'ebo' dldNrant-to- tako a look at those booka before «ft« feUred, iast to ava wbnt tbey..looked llko-aud-bow -tb07-badbeen kept.,'8ho dropped Into tho oror-

stuircd chair, pfaccd'bor ficgtr* tipa at tho back ot her nock and eontly kneaded, the taut maseles, holdlas her neck as com plakl/' relaxed os sbo could, nraylne berfaead-from-oldo'to-alde.---------------A -de llc lou a Benso_ct langnor. crept OTer ber. £bo atoirly low­ered ber banda to her lop. Tbe room was warm and coxy. She yawned, lay her boJxd baek-and eloeed ber oyeo.

Mlllleont awoke nbrntly. real- Ixlns- that-abo-bad-beon-ft^ocp.. Sbe did not know bow long sbo bad alopt. bat she reallied that

mo noUo bad awakened her,.. - Sbo ant p^ eclty sUlI. bet

sensea alort. walUns, wondering 1 tbo Dolao would b« ropoatod. A moment later sbo board It again, tbo sound ot rnstll&e DoUon In tbo eorrldor jusl ouulde—bor- d oor.'

She remoaberod locklOK tbe door,'wondered It oomeono bad

wlUioot knocking.WhoeTcr U wa» who bad panted

outside tbo door bad now atarted down tbo,corridor. Sbe eoold bear tbo eound o l retroatlng steps. Then a door banged oomovbere at tbo end ot Iho corridor..

Ulllleent sol to bor feet, frown­ing. Who could iBTo walked down the eorrldor to her door? And w H T «5rd ha»o pau.«d-tb-ll8U-nr

Fnrniplclo ---------------— — - .ncs.1 aenalonii ever held In Twin l''olla county..Tbo Bcuion.'K-lll open promptly nl.lO n. tn. lo the Fann Uurcmuoora.Sttturtloy, April^O, and-wlll-conUnuc-in-oll-*lly.«o*- *lon.-At 1:30 p.-U..tbo ORrlcullural bureau of tho Twin Folia Chnmber of Comracrce will nerve n bnnquet ftt tho Rogemon hotel In honor of the vlfllllng delegates.

In Ijwior ot the vJoltlDff IndfcslnuUioriieil him to <to It. A l the ...' the Legion delcRaUon, tbe end'of the year he had nuccceded ludlturof -Twin-Fnllfl-Auxlllary In-driving It tn only to the extent poat. No; ^ entertained at n-lunch- or $4,000,000,000. That waa $2,400.-con yesterday at Uio Hotel Itoner- non. The docorotlona were clnbor- ftto and beAMUful, entirely In Icce^ Ing with the great'event. CnnOy

C ro cnrdflTWcro-Bouvcnlrs'ot cheon. Mra. T. O. Uoyd,

pMamcnr-or-tno-nirnilRrsT'rnvB tho addrcM of welcome: Mra. Thowaa Irwln W ked oa^lbe .War MotbeTB*. orsniilifllion: Mru.-C...C. 'SlFclna welcomed the vlaltora In bebalf ot tho War Mothers.2 7 Y E A B flA a 6 ; '

Board..of. endneers. who huive exnmlnlnt; Ihe Twin Falla

casal nyatem, have llnlabed tbclr ygarlf. trjpnl.systen-atatc-cngUiccr StephenBon reports, 'The Reneral condition of tho project la rine: A number Of pholoB have been tnUen. fivo dozen in all, showing tbo niopo of the canal work .very Kmpl*'c- ally. Wo expect lo have our report ready for ti>« governor and-the fltato land board In about two

rrofeflnor I. J. Waller of the \’\4hl»Kton. Stalo college,.chdlco of tho setUera to rcprt------tbeir lAtereatfl iii ihaltlriK tho filial ffiwrainatlon. t^Il reninln on tbe project for another weelt' to Invea- Ugate the couleo and lateral nya- tern for the distribution of the

1 0 L J 1 C E S J _ _

l E m o i

Quotations Doprcsscd Bccatao ^OX .Largo Carry-Overs The a a a ”-Vm iwpcd to n.........

‘ From 1034 * ' behind the proce.ttrtfr U

HTldently, then, aomeono bad ealled to leave a note.

Bhe got lo ber toet ond'realised from-tbo-crsnip«a--condUlon- ol- ber limbs tbat sbo* mait have beeb sloeplng for some time. Sheer ox- bsusUon bad Uken lu tolL --8he~elId-tbo- pai^r-lrom-tW ' nesib tbe door- •'

It was a paper aooa wbteb ap­peared A typewrltleo, aoslgaed mcsaase.' Tbe rnem ge.wM .bmt and alolster:


(To Oe f ontln'aetf)

,T B k ss7 j7 sn d s£ « ia i^ te :o [iT fij?S o i^ ^ tmder present conditions, seems impossible — he must cut down on his production if he is to be prosperous.

. The present way o f mealing that situation is ad­mittedly unsatisfactory.'. There^.is something so. in-

. congruous about jjuying men to raiSi, less‘ wheat and cotton and hogs a t'a time millions o f people

.arc suffering for want o f food and clothing tha^ we • can hardly expect to make this scheme permanent

’ The land retirement idea looks like the answer to both problems. It calls for national planning in.its best sense;— a far-reaching, carefully devised plan to ygp.nnr n ^ c u ltiiral resources for the best interests o f air ti.e people. * ■ . -

ifou May. Not Know That—

“ I f those Kansas dust storms'continuej anyone wha“,want3 to visit the state raay have to oi^an- , izeh. an.ardheolbgical expeditioiL

_ . The suggestion that our manufacturers go to ' the fron t m time o f w ar'isii't so dumb. They

T ."~ ::^ought‘ io "b e 'p re t^ ^ o d .-o n th cfir in g line.--------—

Scene* beneafti tiw' dome o f national cnpKol In Wooblarton chance from day to .day u d fn m yeiiir to year wltb kaleldoacoplo •wlftaeM. Imt ouielde tte »tat«iy •dlflee in \ i^ ln v c o m .c*ch spring, wben the fomoua Japanese cberty trc<« borst' Into UoMom. Bere It the strlklof picture tbiU peeU ' the eye* ejt the thotM&od» o f tontliito who floek tttxy'yxM to Woshlnctra to view

Twin Fnlh County is G4 nnks long on ita western

— bordo from ^ 'cvnda oii tlic south' to Snolsc riv<ir wciit from

•Bliss on thc north. •


— — O cta v in e —— '

For persons who believe that human destiny Is guided by the planet*, the daily horoscope Is outlined by a noted astrlloaer. In-addition to Information - of- general Interest, It outlines In­formation of special Interest to persons bom on the deslQnated.

AFJUI. 10It will be beat to be quiet this

morning and ’attend to routine affairs. Tbe samo oppllea to the early afternoon. Tbe late after­noon and evening la very aoctally favoofble, but bo conful 'o f In' leabtiuil .trouble through food -oi drink. • ■ '' ■

■ Blrthdalo You should- • avoid dangerous

puraulta. Prayer ahoulrt be moat belpful to you. You abould baVo a - \-ery, favorable month during February. 1030. .■ D.-.nj;cr July O-lS, 1030.

- ■ '.lly favorable June 25-28,

\V;'iie Ictteta or do your clerical work on April If). 10 nnd 30. 1033.

Poaalblo -.oppo:'', mitjr for- r chaago-^dround IfiSS.- - .

Readers tfesirlng additional -Information reoardlng their

horbsoopes are Invited to com­municate With Octavlne In care of thia hswspaptr. Enclose a 3-^nt stamped •elf-addressed envelope. •

Sir James }}. JeoB*. BrltUh-t*- tnaomer, catculatM that the wn la dlmlntohtng approximately — m o w tons « jnlnUte. - .

fi-I S-T 0 -R-Y- Of Twin FaUs City & County

- PA-U-L-M A-ttON-^S— N E W S B E H I N D

T H E N E W S ■ .An Kxcluslvo Evening Time* Daily fleport on tbe Fast-movlnc Cvents In tbe Nation's Capitol By nn Expert Interpreter and CommentatoE.

{Copyright. 1C33, By Paul Mnllon) ^

LAMENT WASHINGTON................. ■ ; X p .

largcnl b«al- po^lmcnl lo ' Uiemselvea. They .. . flucccc<le<l In encouraging a

.rather, gcnernl Impreaalon .tbat ■ they ore goo<l-tinie Oliarllea with Uie money bog*. Yet ooniehow — oUrM-Ufoyr-Alwayarwiaar— "

According to reporta from tho thrtfbi. tho New DeaJeni 'nrm Durcuu, plans oro all com- ing to be aomethlng o Iclo for ono of the largcnl byal- potalmcnl lo ' Uiemselvi

flntloiuiry,buo)'nncy to business ' itAitlmtnttrAnd no matter how mniiy hllllons be., spends,., the fact that ho spent Ima than ex­pected malccfl the npendlor np- pear to conser%-ative.


flocal.ycani.by..flpen'llnK a _couplc of cool bllllona leas Ujin they cx- pccl«l to.

; President IU»m:vclt. promlaed loot year to run the treoiiury 57.- 300.000.000 Into the hole. Congrcaa

000.000. abort of ■ hla‘ fionl.- . .You can.Kct « c w l 1'” ® —Iww ho Ifl comlni: out UiU year by chcclUng Uio figures for the tlr»l;tlir«>r%i»rt«"' tlio i b c ^ year endlfig April 1. ^ '

" had-tbcn-<llflhetl-oul-Jiboul57.000.000.000. nncl hti progiinm for tbo entire year calta for. 58,GOO.OOOOOO,:

TTilfl ifa'dicntrt Wa hoped-for tlefl-. cll of $4,800,000,000 will turn out to be $2,800,000,000. whlch.U about52.000.000.000"Bhort .

r e a s o n s : . . .nifai failure' bi duo entirely to

tho deflclcncy I spending. HU In- como-ls-Ttmirinp-tnio-to-tho-Une be marked out. Tbe three-quartersSIgurr* Bbo«f m vlpU 0/ J2,800,-000,000, whUh will mahe tbo whole year’s reoc ptn como out at around W.100,000,000, as estimated. '

Dut to carrj- - nut blv opendlnc nrocmm. be would ha\-e to double the oxlstlng roto ot expenditures for.iho.rcmlnlnc Uirco.niontha,ot tho year. Even llarry Hopklnii, bIgKcst spender who cve'r.blt.tbla to\m, cannot do tlut, xinlnui bo ntortn thronluc 'ftway dollar' bill* -■om the top of the cnpltcl dome.

Tbe spending mte this yeor has been about SSSO,000,000 (not bil­lions) A month, nnd this rate prob­ably will be maJntnln«l for Ibo ro- molnlng three, months of the flu- eal yeor.

Senator Carter' Glass' haii a r last' met-hLf match' In ' nhrcwa ’ atub- ' bomneaa, if not In studied Irrit­ability. Tho-formidable foo la • Chairman (Buck) Ducbanftn of tho hbuoo appnrortntlona commltlee. *

Mr. UucUanan boa a hlKli- pltcbed voice, but do not Jet thatfOQLyou.--Hc_wcara..UiO-flmaljeal-__8 b ^ olioc you have evjr seen on a man,- but that fact may-bc'-aub-— Ject to' mlalnlcrprelatlon also. A more accurate, undcrotandlnc ' ^f"/" . him may bo developed from the ntorlen, whcUicr .true or not, that 'he once cnrileU a aniail piatolT'Ond™tb it. ha_!cnQwa..thc_ru(lImtnLB.j:f___poker which cauaot-.be Icoraed ■from boolw.- The con/crcaco'waii-n-cocatant clash between tho pennnnlltlcs of Glaos and Buchanan, with Buchui-

iidequtitely holding hia own.

CDLI'RITSIf Mr. nooscvelt wants to punlah

nnyono“ for" lclllnK~ndnoy"gO-un^

running only $l07,0ob.OM behind. Mr. TcUcfl foil lialf a billion short of bis Cfllljjjateji. Mr Knrley's defi- d l la nearly $20,000,000 1c.m than

SAN ANGELO, Tc*. if.E)-Mo-

..c iS T n t U.C op.ntoi; ol i t K5■hraHnK ,nu»n ■ lot •hctptronla In west Tcxaa P " " public debt l3 $300,-^ ^ c w w nna mohair crop, ul- below eallm:vtes.thouRh -It. wUUbo -»auch-«mttllct thin year than last, In -not ex­pected lo bring very high prices.

Climate Poor " Becnifso-of-tboiinfa'vomblc cll- Ttmlic aad feed .coodJIJons,-groats are aald lo bo hhcarlsg out at two asd one-half pounds this sprinc..agalnat_tlic avcrogo-yleld of tbreo.pousds each. ... •.......

Last year the highest prlcea mo­hair brought were 20 .cents for adult ofid SO cents for kid. Jleccnt offers hn.%*e been for JO and. 26 ccnta respoctively, but only -ilea hovo been made.

Tbe spring wool clip la cxpected to ylcM obout 45,000,*0 pound* Jn west Tectts. about 10,000,000 pounds less than la«t;sprlng.

A mj^Btertous submerged volley has heen dbcm-ered In tbe North

-H-nopiiiuS7 millHo flgure<l he would get rid of $1,700,000,000, nrd ho hna duburs- e l $1,200,000,000, You cnn trust hlni-ta. gct'rld-of Iho.reat. before the end of tbe year. • ' •

MOTIV'E ■Tlio_inan_ In. tlie street who

..«• t>een trjlng tA-Iay-onlde n couple, of deUam for on Eonter . . . — - — • appreclatfl thU

>ent of the NewDeolcnb Abw, the tospayeim who were .drolnea -M on^ .IS. (nay stupect It Is not rtallatic. There soems to be soiaethlne In sbch' •us^clons.

Mr. RooMvelt's bablt of over- (nUmotlnff expend.^ure* for his admnee bu d g^ serves ■O'enJ UKfuI purpoee*. It keepn the spendloK enthusiast quiet In and

r o «t of cengi'ow.-It-xtve* a « In-

YAWNOld pbllUeal fltARC-hands piild

lltUo' altcnUon to Uib' cxuberaut ' ns mudo by both Itepubllcan

nrm«'">-‘ 'o.orntor)j_aboiit_tho___rcocat sectional elections.

Tbe best Mlehlgon .authorltlni bellevo (he results there may have Indicated that Mr. Jtoosenlt could not carr> tlut state today. Inu- much ita bo did not carry It last November, this deduction is hard- ‘ (wnMitloiiul. Tho ChlcoKO elrc-

n meant lltUo because tbe l{e-n 'lllcan-Old-noi--prevent—their

t candidate*, dld not~tTy.Too ' tnnny ' locnl personalltim -

..ere lnvnlved..ln-thae_two-scc--i- tlonn, and elsewhere, to mrrant any fi-orthtvhllo iintloiiaf conclu­sions.

OPUSA ncpubllcnn wng has coa-

denacd hliT micrprcUl!<;S~or tn8“ .“ hliitory o f tho four years, 1033 to 1030, Into tho ubortlst, altbougb not neccsMtlly the most trust-worthy^” " ' '” " " " " '••irrnr.twormy,-,\-oiume.<ir nil cui Iitlcal works, ca followa:

1033-^F. D. R. . . . '3 < -N . R, A. - Y -•35—1. O. U.•30-C. O. .P.

EDENMra. C. P. SmlUi gave a funny -

cnioon at her .bome.iEach gucst... rccclvcd a tally with the naaie of n comic charactcowhlch became her namo for Uio nltemoon. Prlies ..... ............................. “ r-'Ttur.-

dick nnd Mru. Iialph Nelson nnd tho traveling prlxc by Mr«. -Jm . Hnyea.

Mr. nnd Moi. A. H. Bascora,. fluiacrncoTonTviBUcoTit-ai'O’HffbT:o fllr .'a nd M rfF^anlf Fulton tblii week. Mru. Fulton la Mr. Boacom^n. . ..'nn, F, A. JU1JU1UM.-U, *«*»». r_. w . LitUe and Mra. Marlon l.arsoi! attended the U. D. 8. conference la- Sali L ^ e City last week.

PAUL !Mrs. \VylIe Craven entertained

at her home Frldivy- afternoon with ft shower In honor of Mrs. OrvU Stlmpson, formerly Miss Jean Platts.

B. a Bennett, hortlculturlat of : the Unlvemlty of Idabo,. accom­panied hy Miss Magdalena-Clem-, cnts and a group of women o f the c o m m u n i t y landscaped jurds Thursday for members o f '.tb e Emersob'DemoniitnUon club.

Is Governmental! Business Any Worse Than This?

Page 5: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

Tiifsilny.-'ApriJ f), IfllJS - IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TW IN FA L I^. IDAHO'’


f lOORIST F E S. ;|'rcBchnicn W ill Open Season

- rau. WUh Bang in .D nvo to ~ Get Travelers

CITY C m S i A S : ■Mdlh.g ^cnonncl ot-tlirna-pcr.lp

Selected as Hcadquartflr3_ o f Tcn-County District in

• . u! 8, Scrvico


nttirt the tourlan»e(iflon off wiUi A bAiig thta year, Paris han orj;An* IzcJ a acnuaUboiU.proKriun for-Uio annual Tctea tie Parln, May 20 to June 7.

uoiui, and braacli offlcca ciUier j Imvu or will Uc ealitbllnliua In Ihpl princijml outlylnjf plncen, lie uiiyn.

CoiiiitU'B liicludpd In thlB tlltilrlcl

Public workfl nrujvcln In the ill'll- trlct wilt utilize obout 800 muu. Itvynolds nlnlen, He nnyn llic dln trlct not-up wUt iicrmit ot better vmplnyindit tllutrlbutluii, In addi­tion nialiliiK itvulnble 1o contract* orn anil othur empluyvn nil avull* ubltf uncmJoycd wllti u lnrKor list of.MklllivI vvorltrr.i In n vurlcty of clniiBlficaUniln.

Tliu Otstrlcl office In Incatcd at tliQ name |>lncu nK Uio locnl Uo- cmplDyment ' •licadcjUBrtenj, SOT Stioulioai! atrccl Houtti.

E D i T O R m m r "nm'BRT, April 0 ic.r) — At »

mcctlni: of jrr'iup thrpo of tlio Ida- . br> I-:dllorliiI luixaclatlon here, 'a formal protest asalnst -Idaho'n nnlcii tax. aa It applk-a to ocwa- . papur HubscrlpUonii. was made. No objection woa made to thu tax la rrnanl to commercial printlnff. Al­bert H. 1 ^ catted the meetloff, which more thun 25 members al< tended- — ' — ...... .................... ..

.................. . .iapIRH .....- witli. aa-cndlesa. round oL activity

to Bull CVC17 taate. ranf;lng from miulc, art and tticatcr to.aporls. nil- camlvalB and Impresiilvc ulj^ht paRcanta.

Italian to Be Honored • The centenary ot the OeatJi of .Vlncenso . Bellini. Italian operatic 'coinpoflcr. wlinwotscn.'ftd vvitli

'--tho .staglns-of-two of 'h U more Important worhn nt the Opera.

-Purely French In ehoracter will 1)C Uio five Ralao of French muiilc datlnp from the Middle Agc.i. The third Important Item ot-muRlc fare will bo the Mualc, Festival wllU

~hnitaryT)anCa’ f»'om'J3rcafnrnam,- - Italy, Germany and other Euro. pcRB -natlona' c o n { c ! r t / o { r - '

- the Guartic Republlcalnc.bnml.;;— - ' Art lovers. will be able to do nome looUInir around oubtlde the Louvro with a number oC Impor­tant art cxhlbltn taUln;; place, the . chk-f belnjr tho.cxponltlon of an* clenl Italian art. which opena May ir>,

_ _ _ _ p p e n :f lk jr h e .\ t t lc a l s _ _ _ In addition to Ihc npeclal pro-

grnma at .the Odeon and ttie* Co* medle Francalne. there will be an open-air . theatrical profirnm ,nt the cxclunlve BaBatelto club nl tti« Bols do noulopne. A pasnlon play. "Le Vmy Myiiterc <le la Pan- n io n w il l ' DC. produced on , f N(]uarc fnclnj; the Notre Dame c lhodrol.-A--j)aKoanl,—"Montmarlo - Through the Agen,". will bo ca* acted.

---Sporta will not ploi'-a.accoadary _ role to the other event*, The Frcneh racing, season’ comeji Into x lU 'own with the Grand Prix de Pikrlfl'at LoDgchomp^ the Grand StecpIvclKuie- and the PrIx de Dm;;ii at Autcull and tho Prix do

“^TJUl'ini lit 'lum Kill.................rcfltaurant ntna. whono death took place followlng:a heart attack at the family homp there Friday eve-

•Cemetery, foHowln(f-(uaoraJ vices to be conducted at Jerome

.Wednesday at 2 p. m.The services will be held In the

- Jerome- Funeral-chapel,;.wJUi, Rev. O.' L. Jobnson', pastor of the Bap- tlflt-church. In -chargc. -

A daughter,. Junet arrived yes­terday from'Los->Aiig«lcs.-T;nabl»to como was a alater,' Mrs. Tomo Tohuyaou, Calexico, CaUf. In ad­dition to rtlatlvea In thla counlry, Mr! Koto la survived by bis agpd

. father, Kame]«ithM{oto.-ln Japan,

'dagger S tyte - T| Mat^ks-Newest


NEW-YOIUC, April 0 (N E A )^ RouBh-looltlnc. fabrics, tbat, really [are aift'and lltrht as feathers ihandaome ahadca o f green and rust as well oa the alwaya-good blues, brnKZU-and. Uack..— ..Intercatins:ncy.’ • nippeU>la'-at-Uie-wal5t an d flared at the hem ollhouettea—fur, dyed , to match matcrlats—this Is Ui6*Eaat«r coat picture. ■ ' •,..Yoir,can:l)o;nninllurlhB bit of femlnlslty in a beige, ^elge, or polo blue dressmaker. coat with fur-trimmed cape and ia neckline that is to bo worn open at'the Ujroal. Top' it wlth.one-of the ne v

’ Gerald .: Wallace -'delivered : the main addrcssi a t the .Townsend, mcetlog; lost evenEnic jB the'U gh seliool aijdltorium. -.'Hjb meeting was opened by the group slog- iDg "America," led by Rov,'II. J. ” cyQotds,' who also aaag two solos.

It was voiea by tho • orgaalza- tlonrto-extend: thanlca-to*-m6rc than 350 merchanta who cooper-

HoM EliminE tionBUirL, April (Special)*'—

Hlgh.achool-.olUninat In piano, volcc and violin will be held. at. tho studio ot JV.' Jj Rip- pllnger Sunday at 3:30 p .m .. oo* cordlniT to announcement m4de this weelc.

Wlnneni will be heard at a later date In a concert nt tho high achool.-The ereat-wiU-be followed by tho atato contest. -

.Emory L. Vnasar .will remain In offlce - other year.

NewZealanii aUrted jfrowlng to­bacco eight year# ago; now Umt haa bccome one of tho leading In- dustrien of tho country.

FamotiB ExposiUos F o^ ts to . Increaiing Becovcry in


, LEIPZIG (UJ!)—The Leipzig Fair just closed has been the largest

' and.best iitte'aded In yean. . - . .' . : ‘ 'It-.allracled.liW,OOO.huyera.-'oi

•• •; ••-‘ 50,000-roor*;thad last.yoarfJaclUd' fng 21,000 from • nCVoad. an In-

''~crei>fo~of^lD^r~.<!enr.-ot^hom -3M were frora America.

Tho fair IncUidcd'over 8,000 ... hlblts, a gain ot 12 per cent over

■ 1034. To corry the crowds to Leip­zig, 250.-npeclal trains were re qulred and ovcr «0,000 rooms-were provided by private families. A single restaurant served S3.000 meals on . the second day of-the fair. A large volume of business

■ Was traoaacted, which cauaed rUea jg qiMtaUoas.^on the ^ r lln

----- :^saHfa£OTJiy-JTin-';a~triulBibarter............. baaa.I .The fair, which Is 700 years old.

•U.considered aB accurate- barom­eter o f world trade. • .

step put. 1that tbo worm IS youm- aaklng;

Tailored Iteefen ... tbo other hand, you like |

to look daahlng la a carefree sort ' of way, there-are beautlfuUy tall- \ orcd reofeta In bold checks .and ’ ilaldfl~and~irwaKger ■ niodcls"that I

.lar« out at the back as you etrldo J along, flatterlng'the f l^ r o and driving you aa air o f . oelf-confl- l dcncc. PractlcalMndeed are the* swaggers that come with , match-

afo-ploco.suljj.. . - ^- .^•w»'*lho"jndlron. Uicre"ara al^- derizlag'w ri^aivuiid 'dM l^ with collarajud cuffs o f shlnlng.galyak jiha'oUifir'moelc'lfura.-PorrtUo-wom- aa who travels a. BWl deal, noth: Ing could be-more practical than a cottt that's teamed up with a harmoaWng - drees . In a . .dark, matchlns'color.' ' Dnawol SbotOd Blend-

TneldcDtally, :have your, spring wardrobe-well-praoned : in your nilad before you get your coat. All tho dresses youvrtltwear.MlJo the weather-uUll . is, w lla h #bouId blend with lL..Xlils’ go«r for


■perfect Ete’ — Tho' new 'r07Olatlon'ln ‘ com bia e±* com fort and stjrle. Ptunpa, BtrapsI C t Z A A tics. A A A A to 0 w id t^ .........-


■ BUHL JCedar Draw club-met .Wednes­

day 'afternoon with 'MrS. B. O. Ew­ing, Twenty-six members respond- ed^o roll call, and exchanged flow-

■ er seeds and bulbs. Mrs. Lynn Slm- Ribna conduetctf .the ' proRram.

•Prires at the contests were won by Mrs. Extrand. Mrs.. Emma . Roail. Mrs. Ethel- Bead and Mrs.- Lelta

' Cutor, A dainty two courge lunch* ' eon served. The next meeting will be at the borne of Ura. frea- tU-Ra'edela, April 10. • -

r — inr-em nirc-TraT tr-H BU -teft Baturtay ’for on extended trip thniugh the caatem and aouthera

'part of .the .United. States. They• will go through Laaslng, Mich.. . visit Hall's former home In In*

. dlana;- cpntlpuo through New York , and Washington. D.-.C;, aijd return by way of.tho .Culf.eUtes .to.Call•

• forala. vlalUnfr with their daugh- . Ur. .Veda.:at i>orUaa!l..Ore,. .where

.■ she Is' alUndtoff achool. They, ex-» p l^ iff return to<Bubl . In'.tw o

‘ y ou -w an r^ S *^ ^ .* !® !?!.. . l&33-4sh,.. look .'a t. :tbree*<|uartera and 'aevea-elstiths length tualc type* that ara bcltadjmd.plnehed In at , the walstUne, flaring, Cos- sack, faahlon, at tho hem. Moat of theae have.plain V ne%Unes into which you tnek-a gay-Aacot, bell­shaped aleeves asd leather belts.. .•.Oae partiautailJ'-handsome Cos­sack-type coat. shown.ln a PaHk

lection, b the color of fV«ab


.M rs.', Robert A. -Cavanaugh.. swimming clianplon; vna hall- ' ed today as a heroine. ; -

• As'vUrib' Cavanaugtt entered -berVutaroobUe .In ,tbs. loop, a ■:

^nm an stepped to Its door.-de-. r , mandlns JeweUy .'he wol«. M rs.,

,' Cavanaugh slammed the door.', and locked It.: As- the, man;

-smaafaed the'wlndot^ with bis gun she slipped fronv the oppo-

' Bite door and gained! refuge' In a.oekrty club building.- .-Jewels she saved Were va.ued i

.' at J^WO. , ',.

.. . A T 8 0 ,-0 ^ .OPEN,AT 7 :3 0 ,

’ There .will,lie choirs to accomraoilnte'300 people and sinnding room besides.

’ ■ The u cw nf: aud m w t cliarmiiiB spring styles, lota o f p rctly girls, and a '\vcll

• known•orchcstxa a(l combinctl in lo a typical I. D . style show Svitii.lots o f p e p ... '1^, : . . / a ^ ,0 0 ir aitia s ..A nd .TCO -am cctely -hop^ t-'iv ilL -pcor ido_a..p lcasant^vcning ' ' ^

y ; fo r yoa. i ‘ ‘•

iPKe Idaho Deipanment

Page 6: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades


A G R E A T O P P O R T U N I T Y F O R T H R I F T Y S H O P P E R S !


“ -SPEei-At _ S I L y E E J 3 0 I i A E _ S H . a \ H a E L _


$1.95T K e '■

: c M d e r e l l ^

- 'Shop


■ . ‘ 96 PAIRS ‘

White Fabrrc Shoes


Tie and Sandal

■ Types


cinffernle • GlnRerftlo' lim e nickey P A , Llrii# nrcUfjr .

While Soda ' ^ J - ’ -white Boda '

At Very Special Prices


Wnrrien’s Regular ^1.98

Wednesday~ SpecM'^

Twin Fnlls’ Only Exclusive Klioc Store


Spring Dresses• Values to $5J5

7'Cubio Ft. Frigidaire'

. Refinished — Reconditioned

Guaranteed. — $125.00■ 'Kotliiiig Down 4 Only $5.71 Per Month

Detweiler Coal Co.,' “ Yoiir'FriBiilinrc Dealer”

'P h on o 8-0-0 ........ Twin-Fnlla-


; 'A ', group, o f ncw '1935 ; Spring ■\Vn«U;.Frocka_thftt •,Bcll.. ■rogulnrlyat $ l;98-Bpcciftllyprlcocl'nr$l;67rFIno quality .printfl, clcvcr new styles, nnil tlicrc is n complete range

lo le ize ii.:_______ ________________ ___________ ______ ... . . . . .


GOLDEN RtJLF^C. C, Anderson Co.

- :- .A ..R E A L S IL V E R D O L L A R „......



lO - e a c h — -



-$ ^ 5 -

........... ANEWHOTPOINT

■ WAFFLE IRONToasfe Sandwiches ■ nrduc»i s i.qo- k o w -

'Heat Indicating--. "Chromeplate Finish .

Sample It/ine o f Beautiful Table

Electric LampsComplete with Slmjlcs — A $U.-ir> Value I

____ ; FOIL^EDNESDAY.:ONLY.l ., _____

$ 1 . 0 0Idaho Loan Office

— 129 Shoshone Street-North—

. , :TAivE"Al)Vx\.NTAGE OF b u ll

PARKING SPACE . ’Highest'^uality , Choicest Cuts

. . Merchandise . ofiyieatsY'ou’ircn joy sJioppuig'ftl tliis new lunr1;el7Therc’B every "

■ cohvenlcncc, incUi(linl? u lnOies’ 'w'niliiig roomV , ’


•. ..--jT arar .......■\Equlpmcnt . s -

WEDNESDAY ONLY! -- — -.-r— 2x4-FEET---------- -----

Chester Rugs

Wnshnhla rjiK rugs, K'l’^r'inlccJ G9c value. In-hoolcQd. .rug designs. Uenutiful .and strilung color combinations..

Van EngeleniHood


Tweeds and flannels iii checks and colors . . . Smart pockets, pleats and

.^uttgnlrims. Special-

:ZI-P4VA ¥ -=IDAriU POWER c g : -M-ARKET- e r h ^ i f f F A i R ~ s h ^^ e - P A R I S . ” C ^


SPECIALAll Poultry Feeders.20% Discount

One New Electric 4-H,ole HangeNwith Time and Temperatui’e Control

. • 50% Discount ■ ' ,

Mt. States Imp. Co.------Twin-KallK----------

A T V E llY


F or’ Silver D ^ liir Shlnvcrs Day



at all


Brake Adjustment Special

Scientific testing niid (liljiibt*

in'g uorrcctly done lutil mnclilue 9 5 /

checlced. . • . . .

Firestone SefvLce Stores.

:Cbr. 2nd. 8t. & ard Avc. N. .

Garden Plow'All-Steel Standnrd Gnrdcn r io w — Complete \Vitli

• Three Sets o f Altaclimeuts—

; ' X $ 3 . 2 5 ; ; -


, lONGSByRY^S j- . n R i jS : : s g o R i i ; l , . I Z .






• On All Used

-Musical InstrumMts

_ P E N N Y ’S SPECIAL!'! lOOOYai-ds,


f / 0 ,Pino qunlity curlnih scrim }n green, pink, crcftm, orchid, blue, ecru and white'. A buy o f n lifetim cl D on 't HI

- - . • - T O M b n n c iv e A . i r . ' ‘ ...........


. . _ i : p e n n e y : s —


$ 1 . 0 0New fancy clip and clasp, earrings, in ...

smart shades.


■ AvE ’EE llOQSTEriS FOR t h e ;

SILVER d o l l a r SHOWERS.


DRY CLEANING___L^^Y t-K now J^•^uO lm J■lcM lp.*on_____ ^


12G Shoshoiio ^Vc$t . . Phono 407, ,

The Home o f ' ' *

' Hoiiie-Jv>|iade CandyICE C TEAM -J-* LUNCHES , '

Slnj aciiturer o f Fine Ilomemado Candies,in

in-l’iyint’nllBforZO Yc«ra .


Silvjer Dollar Shower. .■ GROCERY BARGAINS

- ■ A L L D A Y .T O D Ii^ S D A Y •

----------V E R Y S P E C IA L ^ — ■

:ORANGES-TK e-^ ■ " .

; DRIVE-IN•, . m a K k e t

Page 7: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

Tuesday. April 9, .1D35 IDAHO ■ EViiaqNG :.TI]MES. TW IN FALLS. m A H O

H sco u ie r sMSgldanB’ Club W ill Provide

AssistaBco, Sponsonblp F o r Tt-oejf

' Jobfl to mnblei membcni to pay for rcglatratloQ fceo, hnridbookfl, unlforma and other expenncs In­curred by Scouta will bo nupniled I v Tjvin Falla Mag1elann..«poiutorB for a now Boy Scout troop BblngorKiinlxct!........ j........ ., -

------At-Uie-rt^uUr-mootUiB-flr-lb#Twin Fnlla Doy Scout council Bun-

- dny Alton Vounff,-chairman-of Uio MnRlclann' trc«p .committee; .'War introduced. Tho commltteo la- cludea WcIllnRton Plcrcc and Lloyd

'•Collier. Dr. N. A. Orr, Twin Folia meat and dairy Inspector, wm be acoutmaflter.

. - A Boy. Se^it activity wJlB __ —namtMloa-charKO-aa-n-TnenBa-ef , ralfllng funda for Twin Falla Boy

ScoutA'- coQtrlbuUoa to the public • dim m ing pool project waa 'dta*

_cuM cd at the meeting. Tbc c^ l ^

■ 'com roiltcVlo' work ’out wayij-Bndjneiuui. ............. ..........................

Wilbur-L. tbc absenas <il• •J. W. Blchlna, council chalmaa,• presided a t tho meeting.— . -. '- r r

W D E A D I NLawyer Finda Death Kcprlvc

Buried in Files AIt«r NcffTO Hangs '

BailTie Elected Head” " World-wide United Press

U>S~ANCELE3,'"AprirD 'nnu'— Court'ninqhlncry moved aolemnly

• hero today- to "save" the life of a ■ deod-mail. banged four days..ago

. at San Qucatln prison..................Ueonwhllo state ordelals InveB-

tigated the legal blunder wWch *cat Ruah'GrifHn, ib-yair-oicl Ne-

. An appeal which.'automaUcally postponed Critfln’a death senUnce

—wna.founJ lo the fltea of a lower defk'i'oifieoycBtfirdtty.'opparcntfJi» forgotten. • ...............

lAtryer Starta Probe TTicT Irivcatl^Uon' ntnripd after

Richard F. Bird, tho Negro’s attor­ney, Rad .of hla clienl'n execution la sewspapcro.

He atorted on the trail o f tho appeal, filed with a.transcript.of rccord two.montha ago, an d -------

NEW YOnK, A .p r l l .9 au;> —

nounced today.Ballllo succeeds Kar]> A. Blekel,

who has been prealdent bIbcc Jan­uary 1.1023. BlcUcl will' continue----- director' o f the United Press.

Ml a member of the executive committeo.

Announcemcnt„of_BKpolntment followed a spet_____lag of the board of directors In New York,.at which Blckel’B res- IgnatlOD ab' active head of tho prcad-aaoocltlon^ofl tendered. In so. doing, BlcHcFpropoaed BallUc

and thlawaa rat-

Dick Pdw ell’s=. Kettle Causes■ Pains Aplenty


PowelT* like# Arltanaaa' iwup • cooked In a deep.'blaclc ketUo

swung over an open fire.- UnUl several months »go Dfctc didn't Mve n home, let alone an ciitsldo fireplace, But

. ho decided finally that be prob-- ably would be around tho film colony for' some time to (ome, so ho built a home.

-‘ Of course he had to have-ao:- outside fireplace to cook hla Ar>- ' kaiisas' soup ao h e ' Included '

- plana for the fiwplftcc.'No KetUe

Finally the home waa com­pleted. Tho fireplace" was built'

___anl.wasj'cady.LQjK.put.ta.uae.: ., A swinging Iroir hook waa over

— the center-to bold Uio-kelUo— - but Dick had no ketUe. ' ,

■ Not realizing what he bad )et himself In for, IXck went to a hardwore’ storo and tried to buy

" one—i^ithout ouccqis. Ho went •' ■■ to do*efla-of;-hardwaro atorca • .c. ..with'theuame rasult.-,...?.^--------Uo'-waa—told -to-TO” to ‘ -Use—- ■.•;l'Thlovea.-Motk«t‘i- whcro- emi■■'ployea sald'theyTtne'ff-ocacUy;'

what he wanted, but didn't hava It. It seemed that everyoQe In Hollywood waa building- open

. -firtplacca,- and..'.warited. .deep,., black ket^ea.

Vetoes Tonr- '■ The manager ‘of-the market"

offered to go on a shopping tour through the #outh;,ln-»earch fo r" sueh kettlea. Dicft vetoed the

.............. oul0.coaUlm_____ 'a-mother. vlalUng~hIm

from' her homo In Uttle Aoc};.^• Ark., aaU she would try to get'• Jofii' tor "^Jnj trcm fnenda Itf.

Arkansas. iDaya of wrlflng baoK arid forth finally brought rei"^An 0I4 friend o f the PtocUT family In i lt . View. Ark., where Dick waa bom, had one of tho

. anUque kefUes. AfU r several letteri had been cxchatiged, ahe

•decided the actor needed U m ore. thirn she did and sent It to Um. r

’ -With hla .'mother ptKsldlnff.;' D ick -an l several friends had ,. their ;A r k a n « ft* :* o u p - and.* .••macJclag thcif Ups; *ald i t mur;

' worth the trouble .It . cost-^to. Dick. . ■ . . • .. -i: H

Sirigle.-Flower Scents iii ~ Favor“lis Spring Perftmre

By AUCIA-IIART \ (NBA Servlcc^Slaff Writer)

In the oprlag perfume race, sin­gle flONvcr odorn are ahead. Smart women are chooalng tJws'o old fai ■vorltta—lUy o f the valley, lUnc. wild rose' npd oamntlon — and wearing them In th© evening ta woU a j for daytime.

In.addition, bccauoe ' Uiere'mich a vogUD for corsages ___boutonnlerca o f fresh vJoleta, plain vkilet perfumo lo more - p o ^ r

. than J t haa.hccn.Jn yeanu If you OM wearing a-nosegay of artificial violets. It's a splendid idea to

" X l ? t p e r ^ e ^ ^^^^^^*^ ' ^ ”’-TUea, V », lhere.’8 a new per-

-fum e onthft axarkot" r igh fn ow . Called Chinese ChryBaathemum, It la to bo used ■ sparingly. A few drops on a cout collar wlU lost for at leant ten days and a diminutive daah behind your cars or on wiisfa wlU atay fmgnint all day.

- .^member., o f. course, Uiat- pertumo- la moro effecUvo 1 -mibUe-Boif Of way Ifyou- pule rectly on >-our skin. Besides, plying lt< in this manner assured — ‘.hat ther« will bo no «pota oh , ’ttotuoriind-M-stais'fimilinn- yourdojet. . .T f you Jiovc'an"otoml*erJ,ljy‘

, mean* .wo It. 7f.not..you';mlght l_drop-ft few.Eaater_glit -hinta.to- membeni of .your funilJy.who. lUie- as not, are confused- as to what

you'd like. Aok for « so with oome... kind of. patent top that rrei

— Astrid-AUwjT>, Fo* fUm star. -ovoporation and a removable___ta«* on®-of tb© Tcty-modem- -Hhai-caa be packcd separately looking perfumo sptn>-» to ap- when you go away for the week- ply scents. . end.

' Was Vlce-Weildent

ing the Inot four yearn. After the dlrcctora' meeting, Blel(cl nold: "I

:nn»dwt- that -under- HughBallile'a admlnroiralfon“ lh'6“ cotf cem will contioub-to go forward, Increasing. In clientele, prestige and-vlrjllty/'jttat a^Ht has done vrilhbut Internptloh for three dec-

-T^o ‘ will W 7)1novelty to BallUc, as bo haa nhar-

•blliUea with 1 - r al* years."

United Prtan haa. grown - tn a organiration-of S07 cllehta to one of Eoorc than 1,300. Its ocrviee haa been extended Into many forel countriea, so that now i t opera-.. In .40'countries and Its' news dl>

itchea'ortt * translated dally Into__different languages. t« bureausthroughout the world have'iMea Increased from SO to 81; Its leased

structure invthe-U. 8. tri '

- Unblised Medium . jne e f 'tho great rceomc

mcnts of tho. United Press, I


biaaeO, unprejudiced, non-national- IsUc medium for the dissemlnallon of uncolored IntemaUono] newa," sold '■Ballllo; •,~rhla-''-nccompllsh- ment. which bad lU beginnlng.un- der tho loag-vialoned guidance of Roy Howard, was'Carried on. by Wllltam W. H a w k ^ when he. was president o f tbc U P. and made a constantly greater inf encc_for goodJinjnoud.atIali9.i- dor, la r l JJIckel'a-admfnlstraUoi With tha‘.v,-orld--fUle<uwlth..propar gondd, with wars tlireateaed and discussed,‘ With social -unrest still a big. factor, tEcro Is today 0 greater need than ever for truth, sincerity and accuracy In thp ncwa exchangcd.between natIon?.„Th.e icputatlon.of tho United Press for sana;'.obJectlva reporti^orteapmi- slble management with but oni pUrpoM;:iuA)ls])ing'lts clleizta-wlt&

this enterprise in ouch a way that Uio. ,cpcroaelimenbi of vnrioiia propaganda newa agencies, both Jn prcas and radio, may Ijo realsted, la

Jtrona Position Bnillle's ap- "The United Prcsa Is In tho ipeelin'Hcot tUongeat- vw itiOB- ln- lts-falato'ryr

not only in reputation, in clientele, and.in .tmnsmlaulon facilities, but In something that is moro lmpor> tant than that—personnel. A press oaioclatioaTim o"bettcr'than itii men. The U..P. la represented nil over tho world by Amcricon-train- cd*newiipapenaen-who have both youUi and cxpericnco. That la one of tho big rcoooivi why .thla or­ganization has the confidence of j,300 oevrepapcr publlshera

Ballllo Joined the -United Prena In-California • ------ *•-

appointed manager.of the I/oa An- getes'bureau and continued'on tho const until 1017. as assodato in tho-i-San-r=P» ' ■

■ r at I_______ bo movfd.to' Cblcnga andthen to New York, where ho be-

.................. wf-tho-Now-Yoricbureau., la 2&20 ho ws* aaared manager-of-tho-Washlngton bu- reaui and he hcld that assignment during tho dosing days of,tho Wil­son regime. Ho was on tho spedal train wltE Wilson when tho presi­dent collapsed during hla League o f Nations conpolgn. , ^

General News Manaflor~;■ Later he retiiaed'to'TTcw York as assistant general news' man- - - ‘ f, wbilo Bicklo was in charge . . the newr report, and .'subse­quently became general new* man­ager,' when Siekel waa moda pres­ident. .. ___ •__

In 1924 Bamie left hla execuUvo post after l i years active editor­ial eirperieoee and switched to the business offlcc, going on the' road ttB-a-»aleaman.-fWithiibecame ^ t a manager,___general business manager. His ap polntment-aa txeoutive vleo-preai- dent In 1031-placed him In gener­al charge of the entire orgoaita- tlon and was followed by a series of Interview With European states- zseo,-ooo «riv5rarJi-^"rtreuTarly remen^bered today beeauao in-It Frehz -iron Papen, IthCn 'chancellor of Germany. anaounced:that Ger­many would never relax her drive to escape from tho provtsions of tho VeraaUlca treaty unUl that agreement was. broken ond'Gcr- toony--M^gnUic^ho^ett-ctf

amting ’-'tho. firat-class

— - “ BEUEP^PBINl>-rAo»»v<.-T- • Tho printed allk frock being ,to spring fashion what It Is—which. Is of-first Importance,— rTebeT dO;

. sign prlnU a bit o f nows to'add « - rlety. Thera are two' typea o f "ra- ]lcr ’ prhits,.both equally exdtlng.

o u t» predominant^r ,thft It lookj just about ready ts^pop off. As-

- thoprtntm reUet ' -

Hurry! Hurry!' W c d on ’t mean to ruali you folks, bu t on ly -A P E W

B A V S LEFT— to bring yoar OLD andD SK T A L G O U ) and cxcfiangQ i t / o r CASE,

I l im d r c ^ o t rcBidents o f tliis vicinity have tnl^cn a d -" ’ ■Vnntagir'of tfiir^ p or tu n ity qnd tliey lire jing lu ig OABH- n's ft result..V '

W E PA-ir CASH for. Anything in OLD ■: aEWELRY and D E N T A L -G ^ ^

; '.itony.of you Ittvo old bridges, crownB..goJd teeth;that y ou .' haw 'no furtber'vM rer..Briag them lo un—youTJ xtcelra'a Burprislng.aniount of CASH for U k ^ .« : .

, . ‘ - BATUKDAV IS THE lA S T DA Yt ., 'Open SatnnUy ICrenlag .

fUUNd im A kkxBIN d.TH A T 1XK>U l lE E GOLD- ; •'^^PATvOAS^. ^ v- ' FEKBABTBAISAL'

- E o te -.B le d ^ O o m Ncrth ^ PV . 8 . rED K SA L;iiC E N B B .raL -U ' V:

Page 8: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

-Page .Eight IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TW IN F A L l^ /ID A H O Tuesday. April 0, lOn.T

lE C IlL A iilW F I L I l

Linen Ensembles Brighten Kitchens _ 5 ^ Bathrooms in N e^ pring Trend


H e's Important Personage in Business o f Producing

M otion Pictures

, By NORSIAI. n. DCECr.HOLLYWOOD lar.)—When ■Edi­

son Invented the electric llRht he undoubUdly Mid no Uca that Its

- tue W(^ld become » fine art.' 'T lio )0U of ft motion picture dec*

-- tficlon In not Just a mattcr of'colls. . . plugs aoU lamps. IIo must bo oa or-'

list, capable at palnttn); with li^bU— in much the bmuc miinner n pMnter . uses bruabea and color. It la not a

■ one-man Job. cither, 'for toRethcr with the head .camcmmDn he h u to Olrect tho worlc of from two to three hundred electrlclnnn who rto the (<clual manlpiilfttlon of the

.llBhls.,----------- — Head

. F « d GclBcr' Is the head electri­cian wbo Is worlclnK with Camera­man Victor itllncr on Cecil U. Dc- Mine's 'The Crusftdem." The eijnr-

■-monsTirorcrrtlohwDf'lhe nets jrive .. them both ft toak that-U-almo»l“ “jrcrculeanr" • ---------------

; On fluch a set u th.tt of tho borkatlon of the Cruiuidera at Mar-

Modernlziag o f Eailroads Now Being OarricA Out at'

BwUt Pace

• fllsted of painting a j»1cture three . acres square. LiRht and shade must

• be brourht out In aa careful : position na In fine pnlntlne, .

Afl^hc cameraman Is responsible for tho finished effect, he maps out tho first general HsbtlnK scheme

_-wil^Cclger..aBtl-tW-liundr<ida.of. ’ lights of various types and sizes

aro placed In strategic positions.Then comes tho dlsjMaltlon of

_ light In contrasting pradatloni. The ' various typea of lights, each with n

different purpose, nllotv Innutner- . - able shades of brilliance, from the : lllumlaatlon of 100 Unlghts In ar-- mor to B highlight on tho cheeic Of

Loretta Youngr leading lady of the...picture.- . .

.; Unlike the tiUtlc art oil paint-- • Ing, film lighting must allow for -'-tnovemcnt. Always when a act. is

lighted, the nclom nre rehearsed In their movementA and thn tlghtH

I sbifled to compensate for the . changes In ponltlon. Likewise the • electnclana must be careful not to

^^-^Itow.iiTnuunt-Bhadowft, or to ellm- ' Inato ohadmvtf where they avouM

— occur in nature. It's n tlclcllsh bust- ness.

Bjr JOSRPII d : R.^VOTTO PAtUS nU>)>-&leclrlficatioa of

railroads la France has been going On at a rapid pace during tho post Xew_ycafji-iiuii.j>nf..c{tmpnriy;.i«yi 1,025 miles Of electrified trade.- The P. O. K. Is farther aiiead In modernisation—process-tluui—tho other lines o f France, wbo for vari­ous reasons,- mostly military, liave not adopted clectrlc tractloa.cxtea'slvoly............. — .................... . —

Advantage*The prlhclpal advantages o f elec­

trifying tlie lines'are a reduoUoa of 00 per cent In traction expenses and • greater -eommerclal- apeeda. One elcctrrcnocomollve .can do the wo.rlt o f three ordinary steam .loco­motives. The P. O. M. Una has at present anwblch-gan-Urat-______at a speed of 02 m.p.h..................~'nio'TnoBt” extcnsively 'clectrlfred section of the O. II. that from Bordeoux soutaeeoBs Uie vaUeyn o f th f ................extending from the A ^ n tlc to'lh'e Mediterranean and, accountlog for *,137 miles.-This system liad Its- beginning

from ' the short •ectloa between tho Caro d'Orsay and tbo Cate d'Austerlltg.’ the two underground nlHtions In Paris, a dIiUni;o of about 214 which, was begunin ltK)0. Four yean later,aA 11. mile extension was made to Ju- vlsy. Paris saburb,.but It wi until 1027 the eleetrlo lines fln t extended outside the Paris region. ~

The electrification program was!flMt- carried out In 1011 In the southern section of the flyatem wit^ 33 miles of track to reach the blt^

nlrctch of 187 miles. Toulouse-

Stage Route Change , -'B rin g ft-S -Sta tio n s.JEROME, April D Opec'lal) —

C^anglng_^j3jie_;Un1iLn P^^^ stage route fram Dllns to ly in

nido highway through • Buhl' and Filer to Tn-la Falls, lias brought about the' construction . of three

ore'servieo statioos here.Paul Rudy la erecting a station I-Wfait Main street: Sam BurUc.

IOulI(1Ii5CIonopro!in_:fc«nC.'W>t park on Main .nlrcct.caat. Jind El­mer and Emory, PotUr will locate their station on the comer now oo- cupied by the Pals Metal Works. P rw litouw naor—o£-the—Metal WortaVlias' nol'dlSflnltely- dcclded

'locnOon fofT iffUpon the completion of these three stations, there will bo 10 stations In Jerome. ' . ............

Trnnaport lines of tlio United States operate OSO scheduled plane* over-their air routes.-

___ Thuliilay— lif thoichurch, with Mrs. C E. Wanl'andl Mrs. J. H. aiindcr lioateaocs. Aft-| er the -buslneu acailon, Mr. Mar-| garet lUngert presented tho fot- .— .— projmm: PUno Mlo. V - - '

- . . lou^tAling; duet. Mr*. _ , J.‘ Heldel'und Ura. Uel Cook, withi

viewed the . bogk, "Magnlficlent OUSiFnton^byLloyd-^ouBUs. Ro- frcHhmentS’ were served at tho closo of the meeting. „

Human beings are attacked by I the “/lying .coclcroachcs" with which many.vessels la-tbe South '

’seoa aro infested.........................

^ W A R N I N G ! ITho .Citizens Committee o f Twin Falls, appointed . ■

___ by-tho.G ovcm or.ofJdahD -to-dotonnino.^6-O ligibm ty_ '.J_,___ of.app lica nts to .recb ive rellof .from t h o .L 2 .B .A ., .— hereby advlits^all*-toncerhcd 'that'defia ite-in fonn*--- ~ 5 “

. tion-hoircndied-tho.Com m ittee o f .80vcM .ca ses .t iia t . .■... are or .w ore oa relief, where such relief was g n o t o ^ ■ :

...... on mlsrepresDntatloM madb and signed b y th e appy-'~ 'J | -cant, and such representations and statements were ■ false and have been proven so,'am ounting to^rawd

:and-to-obtalaiag-m oney tinder-false pcctenses.— — . a -

--------N otice-is hereby glvon-that In future cases o f re.lief, a n ; applieantifolind guilty o f misroprosontation, ^ i i not on ly be denied relief, but will be prosccutod

l o .tho fu lT M tcn t o f tho law. • . "


Muirhliig ivolhuldm; gluNv and rnlirr (o\vr|ii ir Ihc Idtciipii III iiiiie, grern, Rol<i or red net u . cw vogiie for llle hounelteeiicr. '

Three drftlgnfi for gtimt nnil tliignr-towri KrtM nrr nhown, here—ntrlj>c itnd dot, nlilcld and di>l,'niid linw-h'iiot. They nr« printrd 'oii linetm.'

(UniT r.iigncd by Marinierlte .Morgentlnc; from Wannmnkcr'ii, New York)By MAIIV M. MrBUlDR in red nnd whItL* •■itripe>L design on^.imong the ncwe.it wrinkles ___

NEtV’ VORK. April 0 (NICA)— ' lianU-blockcd fu:(t-co!or linen andiaavc Jnundry hlllii since tho smull- The<.'n»emblf idrn lins hlftho llncn-lho |nit hoUiernapc mnilcof terryicr towels-, mere'wisps o f linen, cost clonet with ft biinij tills iipring nml clcilli-In th<- n;imi‘ red Jihd whltciJcim to have done, exploded Into a bijlllant serlca of stripe. The red and. white Uicmu Isi X’crhiips Mergcntlnc'a household nil'Btnr pntterna. . ' repeated (iciiln In'Uid'curtaina andienacmblmg-to greet the .uprlng la

Not only do ycHir roller nnd ili.ih In nevcrnl-deUili of the kllchen;her’brnnd-ncw Idea for BhecUi. The towels match ench nthcr. but iiL'in trim. bottom nheet on the bed Is white—all the pot nnd licttle holderji. Copper Colored ToHri*' Uo that you may une iiny while And tiie HliecKi ami pillow c.r-ic!!! In the bnthrooin, with lln pc.ich-l.illeet In your linen Clouet.In the bedroom break out In the'coloreii wniln, the bnth.towelii nrel The top one In one case Is white, sumo /itrlpen or plaldfl na the wln-iof deep copper with wlillo lnlilaUi,]wilh a twenty-inch turnover lic- duw curtalua.—Tho ...... ’ ' -...... ‘ - - ............................................... . . . . . . . . .. Mnlli-Iinil l.i ,1ntT Tlil^

eryr liavo n real texture of their .Mi.ia Mergenllne haa called "Per- nwn that the dealgnorn seem tu'Aonul A p p e a r a n c e ." "Sweet ei)n:il(ler u ntep fonviini In monn-;I3rc.‘imn" ha.i a _djngqnnj_ white


M Men nnd Cleaner Girls of the

iiavc turned to thb new i bling nil (I ICHnd of nmuuUi);.si profitable game. ........................ . .............................. ..................... . .. ............................. Marguerile -Mergentine. for..la'!'granimlbg.l.Cuc3L-anil—fmBoVUptplaiU.ori-a-pajlilthackgroundJ-wlth

alnnce. worlteil out for one of tlie' towel.i for thlu bathroom ImveimiUchlng pillow case, ond In the rtfv: pre-fnhrlcntcd hnmen that youiwhllo background' with copper' de-'cr-nler o f both sheet and“ pillow hcar.BO-much about, a kitchen.aet!coratlona_of-bow.-JLnota, »caJlopa.ca3<a_Bra.blg-whlLoidlamonda.-ln- tliat she c.-ill.i Service Strlpe.r Thelylth dut.-i and diagonal dotii, Fln- teniJe<i nn the reatlng place ' dl.ih and roller towein lire done In'certlp- towels.- by the way, nreltel Inltlnlii.

S. rccrcatloa hall In tho taber-: , nacle.■ Rcfreshmentfl V'er* served'

—.nftortan.citnlnit. ot-Jaaclng."—;— and Mrii.’ T", man-spent- the past-weck-Jn- 8po- .'^\>kane, -Waab... wbero.Ur. ponmaii

■ WAS a-spoalcor at tho Island-Em' ' . pirt> Kducatton'nhiociBtlon 'miSet.

i r ‘ Cr*HSlIamre1TT'hlE3eIpinii7; -«nrt-X.~B.'rince. Salt Lake City,I radio cogineera. have been in Dur-

-L.lcy.thc postJlCr.dayB.ehoeklng nil r TMlnts of poajilblo_rndlo Interfei - ;__ence! oa. dlatrib'utJoD".liaca-.b .tb’c ; city .electric department.: Harry L.‘ Harpster. chairman o(I finances for Cassia County Boy t . Scout council, hnn announced tlint ,—Uu> annual drive for the Cassia

^eounty_arca wlll_aUrt next woclc.1 Tlib amount'to'bo raised this year 'r U 5430. and'adcflclt-ot J113 from I. last year.I . Mra. D. E. Johnson spent the

'i past li) Moscow, visiting wlt^ her ! daughters, Fern nnd Marlon, who

,j Are atuilrtits at the Unlveraitr of ; Idaho.

, ' Sevcnty-flve members ___Xrionds gathered In tho ChrlsU&n

. 1. ehurth..parloj'a_FrlUay- Blght_for ; the monthly church night and old- • fashioned sing under direction of

,:.-tcachera-6f the ..Sunilny nchooK Mrs.' J.' E. Meycra was In charge

! o f the program.Seven members of the Junlnr

, class of Burley high school were clected to membership In Nation-

James' Crouch, Gerald ‘ Curfew, r Clenn Davia. Eliot Bonhnm nnd ; - Georgia Scott, ^election Is made ‘ on basis of scholarship, xhamcter i and service. > . .

Hoyn'l Kaufman, student at IJnl- ventlty of Idaho, nt Moacow. spent

ring vacatl ..............................B parents.

Buhl Seniors i^dld'Easter-Brealcf ast

f BUI:-• school

r annual Easter breaUfnst this week at the home o f Mrs. Charles

f Thatcher. A color Bcliemo of yel-. .jr-hlow.anil pln3c_waa used In.table

i (lecoraUons nnd the Easter favors, j Places were laid for thirty-one^I The following program was'pre-

'-;-«cnled: Prayer.-Airs. Bonar;-rep-

: Johnson: Blblo reading, ilrs. N ^ , man and Bertha Bertalott: vocal ’ .duets. Mrs. Merrlman and Mr«. i Harvey:- prayer, Mra. Titus; pa- . pern. Mrs. Cleientanner nnd Mrs.

Bishop. Hymns wero sung by the“ffroup.— rr----------------■------------------

A t the Close of the breakfast and program a ' handkerchief .'shower ■was .given Mr*. Thatcher.

LICENSE 8AI.E LACS . JEROME, April 0 (Special) — "Sale o f auto license plates in Jer*

r;ome‘ county tMa yenr 1s lagging, .compared to «alc« Joat' year." M. C. Whaley, deputy assessor of Jer-

J. M. .Stiir cntcftnlned Tliuraday tho membera of the Syr- Uiga club. Guests wero Mm. Le- land Tliaxton and Mm. John Nel­son.' The afternoon was spent in pleeihg the quilt which the club will present ■ to the Childrea'a Home. Bolac. . • , ’ . ♦» .S u p L -J . M. Whiling. D fli_ . Palmer and Mloa Aenon Graham left by outo Frldoy for Salt "Lake City on A buiincna trip.

ghAn o e llA S MINSritEI.w. -------- - — , ----------- --- - SHOSHONE, April 0 (Speclol)

■ iome county, said today. Five h '/i-i'—Playing to an enlhu.'iaatle nudi'

ICLIJIUII IMSIELIEJOJThree 'nehools from inhldbltu

E county. Hopewell. Big 0«nd .andHeybum-aent--dcJcmion3_to..,’av blon l-'rlday to pnrtlcipale in the '"••'•■llta-CiiBata_liaLl.yflL_All_lliri.

Smaller 'P aper Currency Will___ Be.Iasucd_aa_Bcpphlic— ---Enitiratca-Amerlca •

liichool.i o f tills county will enter i - fe.itlval In May.

Mis.'i Ciadyn Nelson wft.i hoatesj - ' - " '• -iho-Cli' •

P)’ JOSEWI D. KAVOTTO PARIS ll'.I!'—Following tho' lead

of the United StaUs. Pronco ooon vvlll l4»<lc reduced nlzed paper cur­rency. ,

The flrat bills to be put Into cir- eulatlon wlll'lw the CO.franc notes. *hlch will be brought out by the Bank of France. They will be of the same dimensions ns the. ten- franc notes whicb were withdrawn

ycn'rs'ago and repinced by ail- coins.

Other NoImi —The-oUier-notes-to be U.iued-ln a new form will be the 100. QOO and 1,000-francs.-but-it.ls.noUttntici- pated.CKat they will make their oppeoranee until-' next year, or

The dea'ign on the face of the CO-franc noten will' conalat of ii londBCape of the park at Veroailles, the head of n woman weorlng ji

,garland ,of olive and .vine leaves ond tho tronnparent head of Flora' on tiie rlglit in the watermaric. The Chief feature of. the design on tijc. revemo aide will bo the figure ofi Mercury bearing the Cnilueeua nnd thohomoC.plcnti'. '

Thucsday-cvenlag.- honoring. Miss.Ruth - Hackwortb. - Boihe. - Covers were laid for clghL MIsa Ilaclt-, worth spent tho opting vacation nt the home of Mias Nelson. ‘

Supt ir. Carter attended the A V iirTM cw i.'

Mrs. Itlickcy lAcCormick CanTtnmPtnhor nnarlTi^ 'Hny; nf

Inland Empire - meeting at Spo­kane, Wnnh., over the week end. .

Mrs, Chnrleii. Goff .onlortalned Jit a luncheon at her home on Fri­day honoring Nfrs. Mnrtiia Stout, who Is leaving soon to make her homo with a daughter In Oregon. Twelve friends enjoyed the lunch­eon nnd A nodal aftcmOon.

Mlaa Margie Pipkin was hon'ored at a shower nt the homo of Miss Dora WIlllamB Saturday evening. Many- glfCs presented MisaPipkin, wl'oao marriage will take place_Eaatcr_Sunday. .Mrs. — '

AilARILLO. Tex. (C.n>—A mean todobo hut today houses tho "Belle

.......... " ------- called .the

Mori? and Miss Hammer aaalst- cd Mias Wllllam«| in sen-lng re. frebments. ‘ •

Rupert Grange met Friday eve­ning nnd - reports wens given by H. Cully, L. A. French and Luke Williams who atrcased the li)creafle< in-dentba In-t

most l>enutlfui girl in west Texaa. Now DO. her facc Is marked deeplywith wrinkles.------' ---------------------

Sho Is Mra.'Mlcke.v McConnlck. whose husband Hen In a grave in notorlouu "Boot Hill" cemetery, laat resting place of cowboys.and klllera. victims of nix ahooiL-ra in tho wild days of west Texaa. -_ .

Tft.icosa. once tlio rendezvous of rJdeni of tho bid Ohisholm Trail Ile. molding - in tho dust of the plnlna. country, its former glory only a niemoo’-------------------21 -Satooni----- :— ■ —

. The gaudy ilttla town, hnd -21 odloons. n u m'e r o u'n' gambling liouscs and oUier places frequent­ed by cowmen on their drives from Tcxan'to Kanaiis.

All tiiftt remalna are atorles ofthe.Kl(!._thc..Catfiah.K|djvad.lucma ,, flin nlil Tmii-ftltB

will present the Future Farmers of Tivlh Falls county with their In­structor at (lie lecture hour. •

f a Ir f ie l d t r a i n sh if t s

qtinrte'ra of* 'tlie J-ulInn Blvlna ranch. Boot Hill cemotery — and MrH. McCormick's adobo huL , Mrs, McCormick has lived Irt Tiurcoaa alnce Mickey fell mortally wounded. by_ a killer's bulletji.

. . . - ______ _ _________ ______ ..S bc vows abo wjll be the la»t of: -V. HI « ichft05cd_lQ hj-rive at 0:20 a. m. (n- the Tnscoaan.i. J\nd. her. laat^wlnb

t , ?^i lOiaO', Tifo clmngJ comefl ii to Iw lnirled with licr vivid menfr*0 .!»'"-‘.i;'-*_ns a rc.nult_of. ncw achcduVs. on'orU-s .of-Uie wild west^ nloujjBlffe

ie attributed to fmudulent prac- ticca,-but aro bolng'mado to meet tho-wlahe* of commercial people nnd accountantfl who for n lung tlme have been osking for notes which .will bo,«maUer.. and. moro convenient to ImniJIo .. than those, norf in circulation. . .u ." See D. HAEVEY GOOK


J 100 truck plates more were

:>■ CX.SENATOR.OIES .S A N T A -B A R B A R A .ttl., April

Fiuieral Mrvlcc* wlirbe - n'wtd -.tn - cajmar. Wvo;. for former

^.-.paJrick-J. .Sulllvsa of i^ W IM ^ ^ .a t a iloapltBl


j .b ^ . 't p -C u p e r tiWsy.

Included In t^e program, the main feature# of which wero “ Hotsy- ToUy MioBtfcU" and "Flghtln" F<)oli.'’ <a hllarloui boxing match. Four part choruses singing oM oouthem melodles'and nun>bers by tho.atrlaged orcbeatra were popu­lar. The program was presented by S7 Grangeri,Thf J>rocMdi p-ent to

•. Ooolc Vv u n iF B u n t(T ^ -cyou infoni)nliiiii. wiilmut obli- galioii, ri'gardiiii;: j •—Our New Jiivyriilu Iiisur;iiieu*

plim for your Ikiy o r (iirl.— Our N'civ Kiimily luc^jine and OKI A go Ke-

tirctticnt PI.ni. *— OMr-Ncw- I.ow Co-.t L ife Iiisiirntice Service. —•Our New Fivi-iii-One Service Policy.-

D on 't ilolny: lake ftdvnntni^e o f tliisV rv ico today.

D. H A R V E Y COOK, District Munoffer Offiec:. Room l,S , tt«iUence:

130 Main N'». PIiotk-SM

W e s * C o a s t L i f e ^I N S l U R A N C E C O M P A N Y - .

tin x tf new fifr?__a w rm w ifta n nHOME o f f ic e ' — SAN FRANCISCO e in Tivin: T>e<ilral>lo agenelr« av-oUatile in Tivin Falls, Cooula,

■ i j Mlnldokn, Jerome. Lincoln Qoodlng, Iltalne and ! 'J • • ' Cania. Counties ..........

T h is S p e c ia l O f fe r E n d s N e x t S a tu rd a y

QR A SP This

:: ,GjoIden OpporMnityJ —Gommence JCQOKING . ELECTRICALLY..'.It

-■ 0 ffe r W e W E v e r M a d e '"


. On th^Purehase 1Westinghouse Or Hotpoint^ -l-


D- __ , to-discardyour oTd-fasMoncd cook stove fo r a new Elccrric Range. Until tho tima this special ofFer cnds’next

_Satuiday.jught.we:Avill:allou'-y6u-$?5.00 Xot-your old range so long as it has a cooking sdrface and

NOW. Start cooking the modem electric"way.

DOWN. ..Balance In Convenient’Monfhly Payments

Come in and see the ncwest'models in WcsUnghonse and Hot- . point ranges, TKere*s a model (or every size family and a prictf

• to fit every budget . I " •'

l :

Page 9: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades



FINAL‘ »ANCft OF SKJUBS . TJio «prlnB <ilnner dnnco laat eve- nine at .RnOlnlAnil cllmnxeO the (lerlea ot attractive pnrtlcn' (;lv«n

■ thlB winter by O. A. O, Dancing club. Over 100 frucflla'ftltcndea Uic

1 event. In cUcrBo of the n/fnlr •lira. ----------- -------


placed Mrs. Milen Qrownlni; ai ;cnfral clialmifin. Tlio latter wa; caitea'to'Caurornta-FrtdsyrroT-ain. ner, nmall tablea coyorcd wlth pay ^nnatit linen luQchcori clothn'imd ccntercJ wllh-bud vojiea ot daffa* :liln -wuro-RToupe(] Vtbout.tho hnll,

':al)njTt style.. nccclvlnc the (piejitu were tncm- Mrii of tiie boah] o f directors, their huabonds ftnd wIvca.- Decorationji-were-fn-eharffo-of in^flTWEllIngtoirPrerce; M m ; M. C. noblniwn anti Mm, Bmco JohnBon, The dinner . commlttcc Inoludcd Lira. Chorlen Bcymer and Mra. Ar- iluir Penvpy, fr.

Mii.iic-W(ui provided by tlio Rliy'

Membeni of tho l-adlcs' Au> • •ltlfir>' o f Pntrlarch Mllltantn iir I- Canton Colfax nre.rcqucAtcd to meet At the 0<ld Kellown hnll Wpdnofl(lny_(\i_0;30-p. jn _ fo r - i . pot hide dinner and gct'toRetli* IT iiMmlon. _ArfS. Allen, Uulae, nCoic prcflTilerifr’wIll bo pFcsciit.'

A. A. U. W. TO ............ ...OIV£ TEA Jt>n SBNIOnS ■'in-lionor o f-m c ucnlor plrls- their cliuuT ndvlnera from Twin r'ulln, Klmbprly, HolIlnter and Kl- Icr.. Tu'ln Falla Chapter, Amtrlean Aiinoclatlon of Unlverolty Women,

tnlcrtnlnlnir nt ft tea from 2 to p. m. Sntunlay In the rrtrcatlon nm nf the ParK hotel. Decorn-

Ilona will feature the clniia coloro,Brccn~nna~whtte.~of“ thlir-ycRr‘s Kr.'tdiinting cloan of tlie-local high Bchool,

In chnrRo of the proK«m Mra. C. A. North. Mlwita Cora ncn unci Violet Adnma arc In chftrgff of the tca.tablea. Tlic hontesa com- mltlec Include.! Mm. II. I>. Walter,Mm . Vera O^Lcory, Sira. Ed Tol- berr,"M rs.'W .-p . -r.ney ; MUflca Martha Farrar,- Violet 'Adoma.Corn I Jensen, Bemlte Babcock.Juno Maxweiran'd'^Iciin Sprarrue, n il-of'Tw in Falla, and Mra.—uc<Dermld and Mlnnen CoeUmp. Mnr/vS®'®?Eroanan^and Dillon, all of K lm -V '^ '^y ' Gloria MontKomeiy, Y,._iv Anclda and Norma, Bartlett. ElU

Calendar-Gcm-.'Stftte-Study club'-wlll. ncgt at thn home of Mra. C. A. DIcKford Wednesday ut 1:30 p. i

tlie Community church'. Ladlea' _jVid.8QcicVy_lQjn(ursyuiftcmMJi_ _

ai her home.

■ Womcn'aooclotyof tho MethoaiBt churcl

•will meet Thuradity At 2:30 p.-m.- ftl the home of Mra. J. E. White, ' 107 Blue Lakea boulevard.

_■ Lend-A-Hanil ’ club will meet ■ FrJday“ft/tcrnoon al Ui'o home of'

Mr*. Ocorge Pom?roy. Tho an­nual aecd and • bulb • exchanffi will be held.

* * # , ■- Sunahino Clrclc elub will nifel • Thuraduy nt 2:30 ps m. at tho

-of--Mrft‘W.-Dr-Reym»ldar-1100 Seventh-, avenue fast. Roll call will be answered wlUi gard-

_fnJimi«vA,fIoiYer.ac£(LaniUmlli- e.-<chnnBC will be held.- •


Francliic Jlutta, In honor of her eleventh birthday, entertained c group of her frlenila over tho week'

[ Iftftomoon out-of-door.^fftniea .■ pUiyed, RcfrcBhmenta were aerveili'Eyino -


FKIENDS HON’ OIt BIHTllDAY ANNlVEUSAltY • Honoring the birthday annlvera-

ary of Mra. Howard Uipray, a group of frietida nttende<l a no-hoat

The dinner waa Hcrvo«l e'ftfe- atyle. Tho hbnbrec received

nn'eloctrlcal'Rlfr'fMihi’ the" group and alao other prenenta. * ’ ■' Gueatn Included Mr. and Mrs.

aieatcr l^ praynnd won.'Mr.'aad Mra. Loren Malone and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Maiono and family. Mr.'and Mrs. Jiimea Kcndrlek and

Bartlett.nor, Virgil and Bobble Bray, Merle Morae, Shirley Smith. Joalc Glklu. Vcrdii Nicly, Barbara and-LaMan Uutts.

Mina'Evelyn, Palteraon and Er­win "Jamca Shanlcyi'lxith of Twin P^lljr.-ft-cro-united in marringo yea- tcrdoy by H. M. Holler, Juatlco of the pcacc.-Wltneiiaea were Mlaaea Ethel Harrison aild Mary Pattern

Society Gives Pl^y-.and family. Mr. and. Mra; M. •«. ••••uui'EKT.’April tt (Special) Smith 'and ■famlly,"Mr.,-and.‘Mra;"”Thu''Wliolo"Towii’8 Talking,'' Clartnce-Youug,. Mlaa-Etliel See.ithree-acl- farce, waa - preaento<l

,M.>b.i.A(la..aitidmottr.nezbuir.mniliErtdtty-ipvwrtn»t-ttt the-hlgh-scbool Arnold Ferguaon. Jerome. . . jaudltoHum by the Torch aoclcty

” 'The cnal Inchided Wayne Ranaom — iPaullne-Maat,-Ann .I^Rue, Clay- ..............■ •• CAItriPAKTV. •,

R n ’ES~nrxCOM E-----------rr*------- itorrNntttngr.___________ ______Mr. and Mra. Bvan.Tarr. comph-’ ; Lacy, Wendell Shy. Blanche Boat'

who-have-’receiitly-relumed from C:illfornlji."'ciitvrl«lned‘ 'at~a niir-' priae party over the.week-end. A profuHtoTt-of aprlng flmvora, tieco- nitcd ttia" home.-' At midnt(;ht. n twf)-cniirae aupper waa ' acrved. I’rlzea at carda went to Mr.. and Mrit Vcra'HlnkIc and.Mr. and Mra;.

my-pieK, Woman, 234ien Try Pipe Smoke


Lewis Milcatone Says Movfc Megaphone Ofaiofa Should

A void "T yp es” ”

LONDON <U.i:i — OtM. hci-olewnmun Tiiid S3 mi'n-|;rlmly nnd'cauiloimly jilpra lii acompetition hero to nee who could maUfi ono Innt tliv' loni;-

-Mt:---------•llather «clf-ci the

HOLLYWOOD <lUu — Dlrrctoraaren’t amart. If Uiey were, they'd; a,H'oiiiiand -•.pectatora In the uattcru Ihcmwlvea-aftcr-tho-nmn.— t^M'cnt-Giirdcii Qpcni .lioii.m.-,Id the atreet, whon« llto i.i a nuct; dutermlned to mnlio onc-twrlfih ce»a!oi>‘ or-comedle8,-farc63. Ora-I 'o fa n ounce of tobaceo laat aa

Wmgedln ............Lcwla Mllcntonc, for many vr.nni

-n o 'o f tHe'mont conaiatcnt dlree-' tors la Hollywood, malic, thh

•. After a decade devoted

pipe, and tlie comprlltorn urie nlKnTttl-Juflt tlirec rnatrrttjr-irllli whlcli to li/ilit It. Welr.l i-.iid- wnmlrrfiil ,wffc the plpen they ui'ed In nil effort tu make the nmolie liinl an long >-i posjiible.

Ttllli wlnps miccnCcU to the. I rouf, more iiccUMlnmi:cl In I catching mime operatic cu- ; prnnon' high C thnn u whiff of . ■h.iccy, UJ1 tlie 23. not forcet- • ting tlip JioUlary woman, putfi-d j dtllcaltly.

---The crowd .lK>cami’ iKiroU. U- , illdn't •‘••<*ni tu) If thr'y would . ovi>r titop. Bomn jiald they'd ■ .looner ne'e tortolnen nite,

Tlien one man gave up. Then . '.iuiutJi£r...UlDiL.inca-wci)Lbcruri‘. , the .nolc reprtncntnllvo of the female plpo nmoUcra r.nircd.

' ul-lastMl-30-mlnutea nnd -i

wiiit iiiil .Mr, l^iirr-iv, «:ill Inc. |>rr;-;.7li.-.rd IdiilJintr I'lf*' Miiorii;.-.

The rvrrl, lie l.-,Vr iiermcn, I- I.. I’Jicl: i|.. t il'-iitly, nn.1 only t o ’ I

got I

C-OOKKI) l-o o n AND PAN'CV _ WOtHt_KAU; _ 2

A i'iiii. lo-Vi At Iml^imrdrnl-Ment .Ntitrkrt-

Uorcuii-eociety-of-Osc- KrvenUi- Oay Advcntliit Clicrch____

to-tho fllmlraHort“ of.•.11... S -. ■ ■ . — ......................-tji... ................. .

TliJa czclualvo poio o f Mr*. Franklin D. Iloonevrlt ali(>i«-H tho Klnjl laidy of tho jontl la ready for, Eniiter. Her Mligrli

.part.of.the nuriJrobc In nhlch.aho wlll.prealdi Fjuiter fenttvUIea. II la made of , n'very fi ‘ white OR bluclc. Tho trlple-plcaied colar la belt ia of rrnl patent leather.

edfred 1

Light Hues Carry Out BlouseContrast Best in Spring Style

tereating as the avita themaelvca,i and thej^ro tailored -Juat ap carc- oDca, to be worn wJth^dre.iamaker uuita. have a neat-aa-a-pln* loolc obout them... You can atlck to white and be aurc that you jiro corrcct. faahlon- ably "apcaklng. Or you can chnnje to pantela and tho rlchcr, dunty tonea'ocd' atlll know that your

T light colored blouaea offer a better chance for It.

■Jo-sUff-C(........................... .TTTifwalal typo blouaea ure nomethlng new. Except for a rounded- inaiend of pointed collara they loolc-oxact- ]y lIUo a rian's. V/lth them ypu ci wear, eltlier trim little bow ticn < flowing Windsors.'

Regcncy Modes Shown • There are, aa ono might have c:

pected, Regcncy- blouuea, to Theae are not to be tucked into:

gcdioa, rpcitucular mclodramiL-i; V, and light comcdlea, he la curruatlyl^ making a comedy-drama wlth'>mualc. - ...... . ;-The'film l.*i Paramounfu ‘T.-irln'J

in the. Spring," 'with Mary Klll/rg anu Tiilllo Carmlnatl, and It' In'S Mlieatone’n first attempt at mualc. J5

Tlierc'a.u atory behind thia mw ’/ opportunity, the director luiyn.'S "For the liuit five yearn I hiivc'^ 4«ca-irylnK-lo-fi*it-produa-rii-4a;.5-L_'. givejne.a. mualcal. huL.e:ich t!(n'c;S _ I wan politely bmved out and givun Amy.«pixlaJty_to.aa------------ -

Has No Specialty : /’ I don't know wlinl my'K

wpeciaity l»i. I've mndo triigi-dleji.'^ und melodraman. which '/

oi of llfo undcrslaiidiibhijS - cry pcmon. I wanted to dr.'V mialcal becau;iQ it ia a'morel^^

fanciful expreaalon which requires tho fincflt talent of a director.

— im m niccn-iny-tiicory-tnQr-n' director who can’t do u creditable Job, whatever the chiinicter of hln Htory: really.nhould not he 'a direc­tor. An 'a human being, he. nliould be able to interpret any mood familiar to man, and ao I don't feel I iilioukl Uikc much crcdlt fori whfitcver I've attained In thi-wayi

'o f Interpretive'drama;lt’s.OHrer«nt

..-".With, a .musical production, thinga arc dlffercnL ThIa type of atory di-mandii tliu weaving fan- taiiy nnd nouad .dmmntlca Into n pletiBlng nnd loglcnl whole. WlicUi- or I fluccecd at Uiln l-t for the fu­ture to decide. Anyway, I'm doing what I’ve wanted to do for five

•years."Mlleutone ia best known for hia

"All Quiet on the Wcateru Front.”1 " '^ e Front- Page." "Rain." "Hal-

cum UP!D-R£SS UP

lawell-n n-the

Wenlop'.;nndv-l*amy '..Abo," Mtsa Margaret', Seholcr directed tht, play. ,


G.-'W.'.Tarr. -Mr. and Mra. C.-A.iHarrla.-with Mrs.-E. D. Utt oaala-Blekfont • -reeeivett • the -traveling prize.-Gueata.bcaldea thc'honorccf included Mr.- and Mra. -William Hoopa, Mr. nnd Mra. Oacar Walker,Mr. fliid Mm. J. E .'Am hart,'M r. re.iponuca . will be new idcan.foc nnd Mrs.>B. G. Pierce. Mr. and Mm.[ tho garden.. Mm. Vinyard, club HInklo And Mr. and Mra, Blcltford.|pre8ldent. han a.ikcd for-a report

■ Hof ^tket aalea. At thia meeting plana .will bc-completed for. the

_____ _____ ________• -. .. . Duicr^iwu uiouaua ,uoni, CtilTU U n x 5IEET . .. I With each Brulh ,aold next-J photoa) adhere cloacly to-the tall*]

, RUS3ELL.LANE, April 0 ISpe- Thuniday a freo-pnaeat wtllJ..j. orcd theme. .The short-slccved.one!cu. In flome Brulna.lhere will la made, from soft alllc crtpc-lnl allpa'of papera directing thor'cun'-red, hna a amall. Peter Pan!

holder to a dcolgnatcd place •ft'h'ero;cbllar'nn<J 'one"patch'poc’tc t Tlie! aamethlng w i l lb id d e n .- -' • I long-aleeved motlol la In yellow and- • Ncw^ Qutll'nnd'Scroll'memberaigray .'atrlped cotton ahlrtlng and!;

will wear drcssoa made of, iiewa-) fcaturea tho new .iUff collar. ' Tburaday. Serious IhlUi tlonl

lant hoatc-M, -The program will- be in,~cbilrgo of ,Mrs. ' F.-'A:; Tcatcr and-will be'fealurftl by a pliinl and bulb Mehange..The roll call

of Alice Jean Glandon. Tlioae who will bo IniUatcd iiro Dorothy. Boll, Lola /. Darling, '.LouliJo Krongel, Roaemary Claric, Barbara'Young, Melba Hlasoaw, Alice Havona,Anne' Kfrkmon. MAxIno. S n o d - l ' l - . * ' * * - 1 3 - V o ' U ' - Kraw ■ Marearet' ‘Shown ■ jjnji Callfdmlii b ^ wcovering from-

cuMlon of-Robert’a Ruleo of Order,iSoed A Food Co;—Adv.,To' be eligible for- thfr Quill and

Scroll,' an Tntematlonal ho'no'raty aoclety,.a joumallat must .be, of Junior, or senior standing, .bo . in

upper'thlrd-of Iho claaa achol-

joum aliW ' advlaor,' hla-work ap­proved'by tho'national secretary- treasurer. Claaa-{unda are - being uaed-to 'nay 'fo r tho 12 pins IMit

'" be'glvea to tlie new meml^era,

• It J.OU have aeen tho exiiulfllto ;'’:?-prlatft-|n^cbttwi8rim<l""ainM. the

' abops arc ahowlog. you.undoubted- ly-long«t.a,Jicw_to>cli-Wlilch.tt'iU abow the-print—aad you—to beat advaatkge.-TUla'- model- will give you a wcll-groomcd, slender • ap- pearanee and at'the^sasse time will place you in.tho .ultra->faahk)aable category,- Jli-yok e- la-lnUr#rttog and different: the V-noclc, makea your neck and faeo appear slender. The'rlpple at the..bodlce front is lovely and brealta a heavy bust-llcvM Any. J iflavy .. .appearance .t i r o .u fi:,»i_the__«boulder8 — the

‘ eevea,'alender above the'wrlal, •e gathered t0 'cooeeal,iho-more ulded part of your arm.Pattern 0335-may- bo ordered

only in eltcs 16, 18. 20, 34, « , 38, ■» 44,and 40. Si*« 38 reqt '—. ____J ao inch -fabric. - . '

- Send FIFTEEN-CENTS In colqa or stamps- (coina prefeEred) for BACH MARIAN- MARTIN, pat-

NAME.. ADDRESS,- V NUMBER and BUB of. e ^ . pat*

^ I T S JUST o u rrou R .sp R iN O p a t t e r n b o o k ia a voritablo Faohion PoirafJo of-amartstylca ta help y ou , plan and make your

mawtmha gnrty-pagi * of's^IO'QawB of b t cr a t to .. . ,

, woman-. . -i -stUBnlns* d e s l^ for '-lb a_ liouM ._a n dfor . town wearl

Among ,tl».*pem-KrtlcJeai*r».d#j. 9crlpllona of u e aprlog fabrics scd ' t o r to dress the small child. SEND




Boy "Dpinfe WeirAfter', Operation

(Itl'l — JimmjMJ'ellaon, 13-ycar-old;


ela])—-The aenlor class of the' Caa- tleford-'-hicB'lwbool-^ll-prcsent the cloaa play. ‘The Mill of. tha Gods,” . tomorraw-AVOBlag at U)« high' a^UdSraudltbriuisV^Caat- of 0 h a r ft 0 iBcludea-Willlam Brown. Venlta Heldel.- Ruth WaJ*

‘ . Martha Saljo,, Jack Peterson, . . . jrt'ClUett. Oella Stith and Bob JBeckerLlAlvIar.Komptoii .'la coaching and Mlaa Shaver - l>aa eharge of th.9 mualt - '. - .

pD lL -iS SPORTS ^VIUTER T 5 fc C A .^ R B :^ (DJ^liCirolro

B^ogan;-^ Oieaolden; Pa.,-haa in* — -'ed-thr-^KeoMaUy-aacred, male

il o f sporta writing: She ia now tlio aportj staff of the Ohio

Wesleyan, imlverslty ,-Tranacrlpt. scml:weekly. campus newspapr-

■.Jlmmyrilepr’falrly-well- during tho M cbl after e.tperlenclng dla-' u>mf6rl from gaa paina late yeater-d a y . I . r r : - . .

He remfilncd on q beef br9tli diet today. ahd-contlnucJ to retain nourlahftient

MUEEE•'Tlus 8tai« 8«IM T « -

Cf{l)S-TODAYI- " B O E D E E T O W N .V

' X>bl Moal -B e ^ Savls ..


Tho buUetln.read;."Temperature normal.' Pulse 100.

Reaplratlon 29. Jimmy contlnuca',t()

ACEQUIA PLAY SCHEDULED —ACEQUIA. April 0 .(Special)— 'Accqula Sewibg'dub-ia'spoiisorlng a play, Vin A^Broadcastlng-Bta- Uon,'^W«dsesday—at—tho - -Union church. Also two- comedlcs with muslc-wllt be presented. A-qullt; tha "Democrat Rose," will 0>e given away. The proceed* from affair will, bo used to help ja y expenaea on the Unlon^ehurch.

O O ^ iN U O C S^O W S.T O D A Y .

U.'lan't Lu6 k when you get a GOOD Used Car beta—1 fa. cu sT O M m w rw * ® * *good— and all low priced.

■2I> Ford Fordor Sedan . '29 Ford Tudor Sedan _'20 Ford' Coupe.-.—.:____•31 C h ov r--

'*28.})ulclc atd. Sedan '34 Ford-JJo Coupe — _._S405 -38.Dodgo Do Coup* ,:;.„..J405 -83 Ford Tador Sedan --.--iMOO •33 Fort Fordor Sedan ,_:>480-*28 StudeUker Sedan------ ;4X0O'20 atudebftker' Sedan,.:— JJ25 ■27 HupmobUe Sedan' - — j;60 •32 Chevrolet. Sedan DcU~.}200 '31 Ford Tniclc. lO f 'WJJ. J200 - ' Ford '^ c l t . 187 yVS. ;825

tFord 'TniClC'T.rvir..—•SlTord Pleltup ;....».___:.$33fl•34 Fort -PJclnip :------ :-»423•*T Durant.SojJan .:..._..;-...«2S

CCK'^Ict-Bedan—---~WWF- Cash or Terms-Vou will-:

• ■ .B o.B ell^A t^ ;'


I t ’s tlic rush hour for coats. Ami w e ’re ren d y -lo r it with IiiiiulrcdH- of- now iDOdcI^ Tlii» Aensona’D-fnliric-i nrc the most interesting nnd’ vhricd nn tlio pftttjriis' inclndc plofda, Inrgc- and

There have been suit HcnHOna be£<»r'e this of course, b u t'n ever one tbkttot-.; fiTcd i«»cli-an iiitetrN ting.aiTay.of.pRt-- terns,' efljorn,-'faliHca'or Bfylen"a<». T l ie '' M ayfaic 1h showing tliiii Spring. C<inio

smftir chcckflj, liewlnRboiVf^-hiixtTirfs-- « » thc’ onc''iriosrtlBt?r’■nTitl-mnTintnnf>»Hn-Tri»-Hir-l iwit-n>jntlea~_______tering . t o ^ -iuif.Jiidividtifll pp'ruonnlHy. - H

' ■ ■ -•yy^. lmvc-thom-al l . . .— »models— long or short Bw^ggcr models.

1 ' M<tyliu_r.Sliop prcsciiU tJie p ick.o f tbe Fashion Croplfbr Sprlng.'Crcpt* •

• and Hlieers'in big, bold prinlB or amnll.peppy .-ones liven iip or Hgbt

. ~ Trronnds.-rDolicIoiiB poslcls’ n n d ’hright ; ‘ fl6wcr«T>roclftim tbat“ Spring is H ere"

- • New 'lin’lH nrc rbnoyant; TOth yontli ,' . . , Ycutbfn l sbnpea 'ih 'a ’ grnnd a « e rtr ,‘. m cnt or new colors ond'.danng novelty'

'F or ^cxajnpld bcro 'n re :; ‘ Th®' bumper brims, Breton, the laUst o f th e ;' fnce,' liie wider-iri-friint Tjrimj' th e 'lM S r. sailor. \

Don’t Fail, to ' SeeiMayfatt’s-^yindows

The MAYFi12S Mam. Avfiiuie W W '^.

Page 10: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

■ IDAHO EVKNIKG TtMES. T W IN -F A l.l^ . IDAHO TiiPKtinv.. A[<ril <>.


Moves to Top of Challengers A fly ; German Signs for

European Mnlcli

M A N Y A F E U D F L A R E S IN N A T I O N A L L E A G U E -

Dy LAWTON CAnvEfl......... KKW YORIC, April 0-ti:n--TT»c-

funlaalta tale ot Jnnves J,' comcl inck from lm»T>coii'

to licnvywclRhl. chahi.;•------plon'of the worM movccl-lnto tln-

flnnl clmptcr lotlny. He virtually, v/an l>oo-ileil Into n rlfiR wllli Mftx.

.I-.-- Uacr-.l>>'.‘ 'M ax. ScbmcllnR'ii an': '• nouneemcnt Ihnl Jie woulil • not :

Ici Ihe^Unitcd Stnlc^.Miicllnon Squnrc Qnrilcii Jinn un-

til one w’rek from toclny .tii un>' notmcf lo the New York ntnte ath- locic comtnlsfllon nn opponent toi' Dnpr Jlinc 13.

Until Inil nlnht. Scltmclinc wni _____thn

'co.1t of moving the boiii out of the’ ) In <lcnniice or the commfii'

nlnn. which nnmeil Brn<IHoclc No. 1 man..

Sole Challenaer But Dmdilock iitniKJ.i now nx tlia

• only chftllenner and thp‘ Ganlcn■ W.V1 expceleil to nppenr bcfort the' cnmmlMlon todny or Krldny nt the; InloBt with Jiottricatlnn. that Baer hail .ngre<‘a to accept the Jcrney

■ Irlnlinian.Schmcllne clltnlnolcd Iiimnclf

• wllh n raJlOBram to liner'll tnnti. iiKer. "Anell Jtoffmnn; laiit nlRht. He nnnouncetl ho hail «(f;netl with .Pmmntcr Walter ItolhrnliiirB of Homburc t'o box Uaer .ln Europe, cliirlnn the niimmer.

Uoffnian \va» nlicpticnl of n : Cirmnn hout bccaunc Bnur’n Jcw-'

iKli bloo<l would bnr him in Ccr- riany niul the mal£h would not draw cnouRh elsewhere to enable

-r.othcnburf: to pay J230.000 which: IJoffraim would itftmand, - |

Hoffman., Daer Eager • ] The •U«er-Bmddock match' —

hfid up an long n* Scbmijllnff wn«. n candidntc for the chnllfnjjer’Ht role—probably can be clo.icd now.'

. iicctffUInc to reporla quoUni: Hoff- i-ftml Bftpr an caper for «?•


L IF E g E G I N S A T 4 0 ?

lion—nncl the buckn.rwldoci

Kaflc.ii po.ulblc .opponent nnd - vt peeled-tor Inkc-hlmrvnod-thBt

hundred thousnnd or nb, and iKjimer back In September (ignlnm Uic bc:iL opponent avullnble tlierj.

M U s i's ,

This Proves Spo^dols fjffl GIRL SEES „

IJy HKNItV MrIJCMOIlK NKW YOfUC April 9 ir.lli —

AVrltlni: n iiportJi column In nn iip-unay If you arc not u purUt nnil believe tluit u nportfl cghimn should contain at lea.it n pa:i:i-



r r vers Alrcafly Prcparinj for - ~ 5 0 0 * f i l i r -S puedway- E vt

A t Indinnnpolia

hon«cji-ln—both'lr;77i--(c>/T^pe cIlmblnK-liDAimcllQ.Ivcllcrman. (1') lu ff-to lecwiinl,. nnd (f»

'yoici<«: r----------• 1 din n->l a'purliit. (I can pnivc money). I write on AMythlniT. At my comnmnil, In «

cludlns mllkinC wllh both

I menl. IIh-x - de • imminfrr 0m l«v UlNTlIItOI* I.V.MArf I dcclnlon. crcal Sci.tt ile-

• tr/mANAl>oLls ln,^.1-l'^^^^ Pinion Sir. Wnlt.r KScott. «nd_JCL<C.^'f_rAKrrti!l,mnioj-. Awn, _______

proficiency. Then I fjot to fij:. urliif that If I uliriiild encnuntor- dlfflciMllefi, pmbablv the la.it ’ mnn in the worlil whe’d civo a bootlithcll or vohmtrRr. to eoinn to niy aid. would be Uiti Cehrlt;. So why nhdultl I frrt nl>out him? W iy nlioulil, you fret nbout him

Eyes British antf U. 8. Open A fter Defeating W ood in

A ugustaTinalc ■

o T ^ t U t “CA M E RON (United Prei»-8port«-edit9r) - ■ AUCrUSTA. FTb... April 9 iC.V.i —

CenQ~snnuten.~tne‘'huRicy “ little Centlemftn fnrmrr froni Brook- n«l(l O nter. Conn..-^ho -hMi won more tltten than he can remember, traveled norUiwartl today wltll

.Urst.prlrejnoncy .In.thc .AusuBta. Nntloni^l, final «vent of the winter, gottlng war*. i

Samzen. who ulunned the Au-r iputa Kallerien with « double cbkIc' which knotted the stAOdln;;a at tlie; end of the reRulnr 72-hole test, ran Ji\i'ay from- Crefff Wood, ths husky nnd linndiioroe blond from Dcn|..-N-J... in .iloniliiya-JCr

Shoot. Par .Rar.-izen .-fowed n Rreat collec*

Unn of Kortinp ahots in the regula- lion Mt of .four rounds by prr- ciaely «qualllnj; par li) the SSextnt' holes, while Wood wM floundering. belwccD an oecaslonAl bunt of c a brilliance nnd some rank putUi' anil off-line approachc.*i..Gene admitted todny that lie

iina'^emhfr-Aujnintii“ NaUonftT= the Bobby Jone* tourney—a» his own private tent for approachlnR natlonnl'chnmplonshlp.

“ I practiced plenty for Aurus- ta.'',ho nnld. "I ROt hero, nearlyi'

.ft u'Ock cai^y, toolc 'Rood care of' !myHcir, te.itud the course from cv>{!ery ancle, and I knew ! wan nut] when T iiLorted.'I decided <u Moon! , n« I tied Craig on Suiiday that' ra Ko nbroait this iiummcr. polnB ft'ftcr that Urillah open'oncc' npnln nnd, of courn'c; the Ameri­can. nnd I feel like I can't mlsn elUwr."

• Wood Camblei The.playoff waii .contenl be-i

tween .Snrazcn who wan content to fttny with par flpircs nnd a Wood who canibicd nt the wronc tlmen In nildiUon (o beinf; «rmlie'from

frtlrw{ij’S nnd on the (jreenfl.

^ te r s f if i is

Onkland-Portland Series EndsW ith T c a m ^ ^ t jn a y if l f f _ ___

E vm One Game - -


PINEHURST. N. C.. April 0 (lUtl — ‘ George T. Dunlap, Jr.. former RAtloaal amateur golf champion, won hln fourth North and South title hero yesterday on the SSth j^ecn. He defeated Johnny John-

By United rrtiii-------- .~- I'noi/lo - coMt — li'nguo • tenmn — •tmnKc<J opponents for Um flnit

••'-lme-lhb-year“ lo<lBy-with-two-of ^he eluba having fnlfed to play n -■Inglo gahio of-thoJr.initial, series .1 .nd nil the othern manncing to get miy one game of the four flche<l-

•„ ilfd.played., _____•____The San I'Vnncisco Seals and Uin .

“ilinslop riciM'Iicld'thctr opener i s s f '. light, the fliTit opening game rvrr,, played under arc Ughtu on tljo P.i« clfic coaHt nnd perhnpi anywhere else In organized bJiflcbali;

IJghts Help ntoher___ jjio nrtlflflnl I'n*'*itcr Ueek, former Brooklyn andSouUiem.aaaodaUun^ur]er^pltc]|____tho MLi-ilonB lo an U-S victoo' in his coant Icngue debuL The Seals couldn't'guage Beck’s npeedy de­livery and they roachcd him for ' only five hlW. The Iltds collectetl IS off Bert Cole. Stutz and Baltoii . to. apoll KranU.O'Doul'a.debut as manager In bis-homo town.

Ttic oUicr KRinea scheduled fop •yMlerday'we>o^5iIncaVut*a’ird’ tire------Oalil.md-PorUand ncrles came to * an end without the teams meeting even once. Sacramento nnd Senttlc and Lon Angeles and Hollywood managed to play Saturday but * wenUier iiofitponed Ihelr other cn-

'gngementji,: Under the .flpllt-week series, the . Seals tmvolcd to'OaklamI today;

[Seattle came lo San Francisco to ' iplay-ttie MIjuIoqs; Hollywood en>

■ ed Portland'nt Lon Angeles, ■_rind !.«» Angeles, the cluimplons, Joumeycd to Sacnimcnto to meet the Senaldra;

O u tp u t In cre a se s ,SALT LAIxF CITY, Utah. (I'.IK—

fiRures. The couriw w'na-Bloppy; nfier nn all-night, drenching rain,

____________ I but Gene liked the KO'ng,'•l-linny whiil n difference rain

Hopes fol--Post on American maliea.” he .lald. -l luied a No. 5 •Team After Three Titles

In' P irsfE ffort-

S cgu U tin ? Pivot Playa and Free Throw “ Ju m p"

non, iicniwlionftl_ynung_jlnigglntjTlm .mining.department, dlacloscd.-__from Liimberlon. N ..C , lUiat the 1U34 zinc output wan 1«

Raln__ha_d Interrupted thijit 3fl,-.pcr cent higher .In quunlity.jmdiS . Tole final when-thonwo-wcrc nil, jwr ccn fgica lcr 'ln viilub thnn the ' --------------.^ 3 3 output.................................................. ...................... ........

approaching the Inst jrrccn yesier-;- jjRW YORK. April fl lU;)—T«-o day nftemoon. Tlie day before I ' ■ . ‘ . ........

life,- • . • - ' And you .ilon't.havp tu .atof

_wllh l>iu,_^iKirt«_fnn>i_n!way> nre nuffcrlng nnirsweallnir ovei tlio rullurc of fionie pthlele t< achieve hln nlm, br tliiit nim ii slralclit n-l victory nt Wlmlil.-.---------------------- »r-rrrr--------------per,-ihe'rliilm: of n derby v

»v itUilEltl'L.V IsCa^Ub - - i o - f . T» 7? /T^, s T . j ; o m a .i fh , April y n u ; . - o o / f J S a U i e a m .An otuicuro l7-vcar-old MlAKourl r - .......................v \t ' -1rrirnrKlr1.- unkn<)wn unUl'ih6 flanh-: ’ 'M C lH 'C lil 'B V S '1 ^ 1 (1 11 ed her Tiamo Into the licailllncs by, . c* .n ncnMlionnl vfct9ry over the great!, track otnr. SlHlm W i'

■ tnany 'njr'Vnlah. Meeting Friday

I’ -n1)7 hr.-trd nt the Indliinapoli.i .Mmorj Spivtlway ojraln ns drivers and;' «\:clian?c5 uUrl prcparatUisi* t«i:

_____Ui,>.23rd linnual OOO-nillu .Jloiiwrial.automobile riic.‘.

. • - Kirly cntrlca-imllcate- n -rrcorti . - , Held will compell; fur the 23 plnct.i

tn tire startlnR llne-up.'Vrtrr-.ui Flnit In

IX-ucnn'1-112. Dut>o!». I’.i„ veter-'-r .iin, »v;in‘ the first lo mall h's entry

. bl.inl; lo the flpeedway office,Oth.-ra \vlio3c cntrle.'i have been

announced officially nre George D.iDJtl—AJclCcnslc. ICddlncJon,- .------;

■ ' .10.1 Gllbcrl It; •I’ irnii.g, Clayton,'"'iHrrung ;Krndi‘->le.l_ from T.iyle

Ilrrc**'Ki:implr • The column I am nl>oul lo glvi- off 1:1 ft clear u.xample. My

:.lutcntlon..waa _to-ixnalyre_


university In 1031 nnd has enter«ltuo cara.' Instirance M en-Tali;e-Bowling

When the entry lUt ciom-s Mny, . V ictory bv Oanturing I most o f the country’s foicmoiit! uj'.iirivera wfil be inclu ied. Three Gntncs

— " W i l d ..................— ■AAA nntionnl , r.iclng chiiniplon.

ftriit quift'ter..Ci>l»1i I)UIIIitnlone.t Him '•

I lined lo he the luime wiiy. Therr w.ni a time when a defeat tor'the DMroifTIgers ru!ncd'lhc“ ^ ly for me, Th:\fwiift bccftUHO Ty Cobh, far some re.antm oi»th<j oUi(a>v.’ttfl nvv bcau-idciil.-Thcn- 1 met Ty Cobb, He had never

—hfant of Tne. ''madn It ’clfar'ho”" iJidn't c.are If he never heard of me again, nnd wnn downright Indifferent. Inillfferent, mind you..to iinmeone who had sweat- ed blond over Ills fnltures. I'rom thnt dn5' on-he could strike out four lime* a jriinie nnd It w.xn ull right with me,

Tlin name was true with Dob Jonr;i, .11 wasn’t.HO long hk’o -that a llcklng-llke hc-tooirin'the-

-rccent M -a'ntera'“ tournament" would huve almo.il aent me to he<l with cIlltl-1 oud fcvrrii'. 1 got cured when I met him and rciil- Ized that to him nnother fan was Ju.'«l another fan.


Tlie -Kiri, • Helen Stephemi, of Pulton. Mo„ Icmi than a month ngo. wan prepiiiing for her firnt track

lent.ehancc’-Lof_niaklng .ltw.1030, team nn nn nll-nround perforWr,aceording - '..................■-. track-ohserveni who

. . . . win three nntlonni Indoor clmmplfuinhlp.i in her flrnt track meol, ' .

noexii’t L.mk Alhlctlc’ l''rnm apjiearance.i she is

Ihinj: hut n track nnd field Her form in the recent meet ji'TC wnn eoii«pruiiuu:fTjy itn' ab,n-nce, She-pre.ient.T a build far from theoHi; j/i I IK im itujii kjic. ........alh!rtlcJlnfi_of j,)jdrik80n „ :_____ ! - JJ’J " ,.«c?._nnd .fnBter. compcU*.

• Thlif girl, who nfter be;Mlng to bo "on tap'"grc';irrolljih'-AnKrlbWsliir in ■lh'crf'’ >‘"f'” ttlllea3 onipcctaEorB who

Idnh-rMuVunl defenied Kvcnlng: ' ’ 'o ” *'hree sln.lritt i-iimen lant hnnebnll follnwi'rs In

• '1 , ' M _______pnlrles.*-’ ' — " “ TtMVU.......................................1 S O.nOO to imnfn*lTnnt/iU--*T>i-Inu-'talma iipnomc lordrrx-entr'” .}' ’ ' but It is likeV that only. AnierlcanjCowiin drivers will p.trtlclp.ae. .

l''orclgn-«pocd- cam ii.tr-mrpfr-njin.-g:char.-rera whdc tuch enuipmi-nt In Mmion not permitted In the Indinniipollo snillh

* TIMI-S'.......ii.-; jn-.: i::ft— 435)

...i:.!. n fl 171— .-ifl:*: ll-«— 382. i l3 — 3’JI '

- - npprox1mnt«ly^-S35...COrt..-. FQt=TCtint.r.-::.ilccau.ic .he onto.iookfd-al.them vacanUjv mnl said "howdy, kid?"

- best curc for this Killy

event. Thin fact hiui made It' iir.icllcal for foreign manufactur era. o r drive's, to entei Uielr owr

Hiindic.ip .........

..... .-.ll

....■■■j.i; 123 u*0- ^ 400! J>en>-worshlp Is Biwrts writing.25 25— 75 Try Interviewing these idols'

der all sorts of conditions nnd one quickly learmi that mo.n of therrt-nre—like the rest ni hs—

.JuaL.Totals ......... cor. 7nn 7H—208U

,r.i. , IDAHO .MUTUAL .New Itfrord K*iK'i-le<t • -Uun.'iry ..-.-...Ili-lSSlflO— <32; . , , ,

Itarriftg nccliienU or Inrlemcnt ..............., 3, They re doing a Job; doing It toi-atncr, a new tccorxi for t ic ....ma 103 ifi-j - .117! Ihe dough. You d l « siirprls-

luilo rwo probably- will bo eslab- q j„i,nson ..147 -171 I S 2 - r.00| • "*........ ....... ■ debt to ih.. n.ihn- th^t

;7(il-703'-82l-5Kmcrlck .-•Totah-7:,T-i:.-

f them—and niakes'them

S ;^ T U “^ i S “ ; « « ^ S 'H O P E F U L S S E E K ‘ - " i ^ O W L l N G T I T L E

The ot iy miyir clntvgc In the. Another conllnRct\(.,of bowUtvg • rules.governing this year'll r.ice' is chnlicngeni will nltempt to lift

(I further rcductiod'in'(he g.ifvdno the 'Tnntch. cliamplon.iUlp' from jlniii^ , ■ ' ; Stone’s MlnCiLn tomorrow night.

------------------------- - I The tiewent :gVoup to neck theSilk thread, because II Ijoa championship • are ■ the Skitkln

■ CTcutcr tenacity than atcel wire of the name xlUmeter, • Is used by a German in making' cannons. TJw

'cannon -U made c f atccl lubw, wrapped'wllh silk thread until, the,re(ii^(p<l.«izc Is attnlnod.

/_sn,irl. nn'l-gnnn at .you..-'hej-'rc rude. Thcy.spealc lo you when they fiiel like it, and don’t' when they don'L

So what? So .nothing, per- ^«vps. except It'n tvm lo get a things'off j-our chest even if getting t,hcm off Is liable tn cont you drinks In Ihe locker room Home time.(Copyright, 103.'!, United-rreHn)

2talU.for~ cenler Jumps after n. the ]Q3S -ACaiion of Dm Idaho ' Evening Times soft ball lengup Vi-ill be nufdc Krlday at 7:ir.

All men henillng teams al- -ready forpiwlrorteamn now in tentative procMs of formation, were Invited to ntlfnd the ""ft- ball parley Friday., ■ - .

Improved Campalfln The Times ' le.igue, hlglity

,miccef>sful In pant I'ennon.i, in expected, to offer nn improved campaign this year. Sevcml business ho"''M_HQL-rcprc.icnt-. ed. In thff loop laijl yenr nre

— ■— ---------- teams ,tn the

miijor chaaKca had been ratified, today by the national banketball ruleii committee." .— lUn flrjl_jitilfLulcco:ca.J.hPtjio. player may remain ' ‘ in the'free-' tlirow linu, wlUi or without thu: ball,.'fbr-imarc.lhan..lbrce .a'econdn cxcepl when trj-ing for n loose ball." Penalty is awarding of thd. ball, out of bounds, to the oppos-

,’iQ-mcttr. da.ih..!flat.footed- around with dozens of other competitors during the Women’s A. A. U. trials here. Yet nhr-quallflcd in Ihe dash and In tile finals spc<l past Stella lu'-CiiUiiLUicjc.- iBlJ ord of 6.if seconds,

Sho entered 'only tw o ' other eyenW—Iho, atandlng .broaiI_.jump and the ,sholput—and won nation­al.tlUen In' both,' performing a fea( that will Ro down In track recoils a j sensational.

c f c i e f n t t f i r W o i f - - . . . " D e fe a ts G a r ib a ld im-jw Y o r k ; April o iiri!>-

Chief LIlUc Wolf, L(13 ,,\ngelefl.Ihrcw Glno Garibaldi. Italy; -Fre<l Orubrncler. Iowa, threw Pat Mc­Kay. Orecon; Iludy Dusek, Oma- ^ha,_{drcw>—Paul—lioesch,—New— ----York; Al DIslgnano. Iowa, threw.John Swenflkl, Boston. Ilubr

Wntch • th e leagim -matehes nishtly. -plann no far call for games being -plnyed .again at Harmon field.. which will Iw more of a community ccnter thn« ever this-aummer-wlUi ther erection of the swimming .p*ol ■ponaoreu nj> the Junior Clinm-

• ber of Commerce and other - clvie-.orKftiiUatfSnn: ^

At U)t Bannftgem’ meeting I-'riday nlf ht, the team plloin will draw up a governing lx>dy

. for the league' an'd wilt nimo committees to work out lenguo

problems, adoption Of' official -"I'-'IW.K,'•.•mapping of-ieaguo -«llRlbUltjt jrjiles, nnd length oad division of tli8 "wufcon’a play.---

___ ______ “ pent ........................team iicorcd on "Khnll put the ball In play out of bounds nt the end. of the court where the point %vas: made,’' the cnmmlttoo <leclded. The; nile-is'inoprratlve as far an tech-' nlcnl or doubre - fouln cerned, • ' ' . , 1

C u lb e rtso n s L e a d .B y 1 4 ,6 4 0 P oin t#

A t . 1 12 th R ubber ;

NKW YORK, April’ 0 )l!.i;'— ; Ely Cuil>crUion and ‘ his wlfo ,

: ncitJ-nr strong fltrfttcgic ponlUotr j In thi-lr family bridge match , wllh the P. Hal Slmscn todny 1

-with-n- lend-of -HiOifl-polnta -at-i the end of lho-Haih nibb«r,—

The iSO-rubber match to tcaC the Culbertson and Sims ays- terns entered It's final week yeslenlay,. T h o Cull>ertsonn ntnrted the day witfi a lead of

:-10.810_polnts... Seventeen _jtib-..beni gained'3,930 points.----------

KihlUers CBtabllshed the Cul­bertsons as fltrong' favoritc.i, ; but thclr-prewnt-load-aitmlt— ; tedly was not' Innurmountable. . .WlUi a fair rim of cards nnd adroit play Uio ' Blmse*.could' erase U and pile up ]>o!nls on the plus Bide. - -

D o p in g T h e

D g i m

jiy Unll«l 'rrw««

................................ ,'>cful»lincludo'Wnll niRgert, Ntfaf Intyre, O. H. Coleman, N.Johnson.'Cap Brlnegar nnd Klmerl AtnliK. Stone’s Misfits Include!Louin Pugllnno. C.1I0, KnrKO. Rex!

-navluAJeff-Blmmons-nnd-Fred--- Stono. ' . I• Tho match In slated for D:30 p .l ' . ______'.m. WedncMay after tjio. regular-, ’ • -ly— achcdulecT- Slatkln-Highwayr CinCACO,-'April, Maxleague match, which opens nt 7:30,, B«cr. heavyweight ehamplon; will

return to'ChlcnRo Tliursday to at­tend the Joe LouU - Hoy Lazcrj


'■■MiAlnki.' ■ ' ■^00011)8400—II 18 0 WATSONV’IL'LK, April 9 JUEi- stniilu 's^n ^ OOOOWOll^ 2 a 2 DC.W Dcllon. S.ilt I^lce City, de- :

BccU-nndDuggaa; fcatcd Angelo .Cbt<Sui. Italy: Joe.hU - Aj-Ool«.-Stut2. Bailou.AD(l Wood-^KuJot, Boston, d r j w Tommy ii;••V- •* 'Thnmrvsnn 'T^na- l>>ins i

■r.will alteniJ primarily to pc<;i ?r firothcr. Buddy, in ac-

, - , ..................... 0-round bout ngalnsf. • (Thompson. Tcxaa; Hans Sihroe- Com Clffin, but also wants /in-

'"•/AH ‘ Other . ca m n po*tponea.ider, Cermony. defeated Jaclrllan-it.lbcr look nt Louis, who may be' ° ■■■ 0 . - t 'A —1™ Ikla a..-j u«»,. San iVinclBco. 'hU chal^nger.ina'tMUt thU y

B a se b a ll S q u a d A sp ira n ts t j r g e d T o R e p o r t N a m esTwin rails bn*cball pb»y-

era Interesled In trying out for the proponed- Twin Fnlls City team were asked today to communicate with Pal. hnly nfthe Brunswick cigar ■tore. • . .

Tho team Is tenlallveJy planned-ad an entrant In a

nounceit . . .No haieboll team has ro*

prcucnletl the city In nouUi* cm ' Idahocom petition-for tho past two years olUiough c o n a ld o r a b lo material Is avallnble licre. Daly Indt* cnted; If plans for the sqiunl are carric<l 'out, ttclibn will 1)8 taken to rehabljIUto Ui« dty'basebftll park'diamond

- aivt - to fteeure {«bc«« cad seating capacity. - -

. lUIeynominated, Col, BOmird. I? Bradley has tw<i otherTntrl.-a,

[of which may brinp lUm bis fifth [Winner In Uio Kentucky Derby of IMtvy *. ThtBC arc DwtiJJom and Big Cawk,. the former apparently the'lwttcc o f tJi8 two.

BoxUwra, »on of Blue lArtotpur, ullc properly-belonga Jo the Jlrst

..ifibt of candidates. He rounded into excellent oltano during the winter.

As a juvenUe, Boictlwm raced Jn eight cventa, won twice, ran sec­ond os many times, and finished third onoo. earning (7050.

B oxt^m ’a first woa a maiden ftffalr In which ha weed gre-»nly. -----------

B ill • E d w a rd s (Eins— ^ C a li fo r n ia M a tm a n

. DALLAS. AprirO '(in ;r=--Bllly Eldwards, Kansas City, threw Ed Helwlg. Lodi, Cal.; Balph Ham­mond, Austin, threw Henry Burk, C ennaiiy :.M ftrv ln We«tcnbcrg,: Los—AngBtcn,'-lhrcw-81d'Nabor»r Momphis; Ivan .'Vakturoff,-Rus<: sla, (drew) Roland Klrchmeyer.: dishing, Okla.; Bob Wagner,!

■Tfaklnnd. ,Csl., tlirew Jack O’Brlen,- , Shreveport, La.

B o b b y P a c h o .W in s O v e r J o e y Z o d d a

NEW YORK. AprU 0 tUEt— i Qobby PacUo. 139, Loa Angelts. outpointed. Joey 'ZoOda,' 1334. New York,,(8); ItomlQicIc Mlcco, 127^, New York, outpointedSalvy Saban, 133‘ k, New-'York, (C)^ Mnrty Pomerant*. 133%, Now York, knocked out -Al ^^IlIler, 128’ i , New York, (2),

---------Sailor Beware la a ___whicli ho woj off In ft tangle. ..

Boxtbom then n-oa a t Saratoga In a prop for the BoraUtga Special, which Is nm on a suljscrlpllon ba­sis,-winner take all. In thfai event M t e n down the brilliant Plat Eye and won b)-' a Ungth.

Boxtbom was-third m thn San- foixl stake*. ' •..Boxlhom tired Sn’-tho llopofni,

and tlolahcd fourth lo tli* Ctiam- pagna ' ' •


D u sette D e c is io n s • In d ia M a t E x p e r t

_ DETOOfT, April J (Uni^eorgo;

cisloaed Nsgo Blngls.-.India, here lasL.nlgbt. Snddle -Koehler„.l>UI- waukce, ’ defeated 'M ike* KUonls, Pchnectady, N. .T.J T<d-Itughrs, Cheyenne,--Wyoi, defeated Babe Kasalxiskt: and lUlpb Garibaldi, lUly. .lefedted Buck G’NcU,. Fres. no.;<iallf. • - . •

Tho United SUte*, at the <md of 1030; had developed’ water power of 1 « ^ ,0 0 0 horseMwer out o ( an eatlmated potential .capacity of 38,000,000, according, to' tbo V. 8. Geological Survey-

• V coming • or going''In.

H art Schaffnef & .Marx


E IN'B •bcsrtor-thcsc-spftr-lnxurl"

. otw uport . suit-s bccauNQ -tlfcyr- ‘ respond perfectly lo Die pliatit,

forta shaping ncc;Ucwork .oC Wnrt Schnffner & . Mar.’c . 'T h e

■ iw in ff ,> for nport clcKhes— . ' iwitijf into-thrm yourself. - ’ . •

$ 2 5 - 0 0 ; J 2 ^ - 5 0 $ 35j

G O .O D C L O .T H - E 3

Page 11: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

.Tuesaiiy, lA'prll 0, 1935 " IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Pa( o Eleven


- ‘W illT'Hays Obarts Battle, to Ifftlk Lovy' and Provont

Studio Bcmoval

(CotiyriRht, 1038. TJnlt«l PrM*) 1I0LL.VW00D. April 0 (UJ;) —

for limping out of CnllToml- .. tJiCTpo a propoacd atato Jncomo lax 'took on today the aflpcct orft'"iiOw you 8C0 U.'now you don't" Uick.

-------------n — fnypr-rw^ l>n>■n<■ l-•t<Ttnl(6 hid Melro-GoUlwyn.Mayer

. company to Floridn. Samuel CoIU- ;vyn won colni; to Enclnnti. Joseph M. Schcnclc wua jfOluK to'pnck up hin Unlvcnini Jot and 20Ut Century ancrjiiovo'nomcwhcrc elae.‘ “ “ ' '

the >foUon Plcl ................• -Dl.itrlbutonj_- of--•Americai - ____. ..forlh wItlT.a.blB.can oC oil which

ho poured on the troublnl waters.Wm n s h t Solons •

, -Tho movie Industry will nolleave Rolly^vood, he.sold. Instead of threntenlng to leave, Hayn nn-

i n'ounccd plomi tor turning nil'theI pollUcnl RunA ho can lay hig hODilo l~ '— ori-to«iira*Tnfc-TimnncpBurtaMT5

/nuke tho lawBtitkem toe the marlf

______ sieoaurea ond.wUl.co.to Sacn-nicnto for another l>cBrt-to*hcari talk with the cxecuUve before the ICRlalftturo votes on the blllfi,

- Meanwhile a-Hollywood boold posted oddfl at 100 to one' that the

----------propoftod -Uut-won!t-b«-(idOple<l-lnlLi present form and bad the ,— kind .of wager that the Inlli . won't mpve. There were no tnkera

• ■ Mnry Antqr. scrcen oclrcM, ondher hunband, br. Fmnklln Thorpe totlny had eomo-to u parting of Uic wnyn, bccauae they "were occupied

• Jn two different nphercs/' nccord'• Ing to Mln.1 Antor'a attorney.

. . Dr. ThorpeJllcd oulttor divorce yeatcrday charging Uio aolreaji

■- wlih mental cruelty.- The ctftiplo wan married la Yuma, Arls., In June. 1D31.

Dr., Thorpe wns given custody of their two.ycar-old daughter, Mary*

• 3ln, under nn ngreement reached out of court Ml«t Antor may have the child Bit months every year,

- . If nhe so desires.

sF O R i l R M Y

Fraternlty'g ' M cmbcrsr.-Ousted " A t Iow a T7., Glalm'Otber

-4- _ H ou!|C8 A lso Gnilty ' -

IOWA CITY. la.. April 0 (UPl— Twcnty-tlirco members of Phi Botn

'~~DgitiC frniumity, iiuBiftngijg i ronr the imiveriilty of -Iowa last night

—for— ‘ ‘mftlnlalnlng^--ar-illflmTlrrly. -'*iouae." chnr^d today that-slniUar

comlltlons prevail' In many otlier . Iowa fraternities.

Members of Phi Beta DeUo, .. .-saUaoAl-Jewish..fraternity, .were

Immoral relations with women “ ■the''fratcnilLy‘ premfsMi'nhd c...' trlbutlng to tho dcUaqucncy of a

nUnor female,’......................— ■ ■

.January,. engaging In wholesale Immoralities.

The tinlveralty chapter of tho fraternity wa ordered disbanded «uid all its memhcrs suspended "In'

“ dtfiniuiy."----------------:-------:— :—

-n o o ft - 'a f 'the Flier-MeaaoBlte church for John T. Hamu.:83,' who (lied at hla home Sunday evening.

....... Jtcv. 8iancyj:..01iion,.pa*t<)rK>f the. Alennonlte^. Brvthren In Christ

church officiated. Interment waa •: —-tn- thp-Fller- cemeteryi under ■ the

.".-direction of.the.Evnns and John­son funeral parlom^ Buhl.

Mr. Hamm bad been a resident of tho Filer community, for the

. : pflJt 23 wnrs-.TTo lived several-------mlleimorth of-herc. whercrbe*faad

been engaged In forming.He Is Burvlved Iw two daughtcT*.

Mrs. Bean and Mrs. Ernest Dcs-

Bareheaded HernotPARIS <nPJ—When French min­

isters attend a cabinet meeting at • the E]ysee palace they leitve their -hats and coats at the,Palace eost room. ’• Bluff, hearty Edouard .nerrlot

doesn't Uke eloakrooms. His hat and coat stay in his car, .parked


Jlcro are bcamplc* of the flnr«,#«rTirjle\thjU‘« •howp In nmv spring and EaHty coats for. wo­men. The seated flguro nhou's a youthful waffle* ueavo llghtivelctit woul cual In black with u Mk t llitlo collar of fhn material co^cd and held with

buttons; It I» nhlrr«l above tho wnlntllnr.

Tliousands.of Messages'.Bring Condolences to Family of

Adolpli S. Ochs •

CilATTAN'OOCA. Ti'nn., April iUi:i—Thouniuidn of roe.vingrs of

conclotciice from every piirt of the world'canie to<lny (o the fnmlly of Adnlph S. Oeh.irT*>b1l5lirr of the New-York Times and the Chalta-

^ r y bcupoko the wIili-'Tnnpe of llio liinu(>iico'iini'lpcriH)tuility'<if llic mnn who helped changr tho course of Anicrlcnn-Joumnlifmi. who rope from printer’s ilevil to become one of the world's grentMt publlnhero.

Jl<HlyXl™ JhTil;a« -____ body will lln in state thin

dfU-nioon at the Jullun (iiid Ucrtlia Ochs McmorinI tcmnlr. which hr bi llt in memory of hfa p.vcnls. Fu*i neral scn-lccs will he held there to- • morrow morning.. Ttirn tho boctyi will bo ount to Npw York wlicrol nervicoo will Iw held at Teinplcl Emnnu-RI.-Friday

herb, tlin «ci'ne of liln early Jourtukl- i Ifltic trliiniphH hcfore he acquirtd! tho New York Timeii and nmdn It

M) of the m««it - Influential nnrf jwcrful hewBpiipern of iho world, ir a visit fcvrrnl dnya ago.Ochn' nclsure neciirreil in a n

taurnnt jvhero he wns limchli with relatlvta an<l ncwiip.ipcr

F I M O i R -N A IIA LH E A O S-

Friends o f Organization Given Invitation to Attend

' Tliurcday

Klrst Huey Long aide t.r fiirn tHid oit income ta* rhiirg.*, lb!|L. Jukcpli -I'U her-l*- uli.iun

In prfpiinilloii for n 'lint mi-ttllni: of thu Future I'arnicn America to bo held In .•onneci,\Clth a batiqui L at the rirnt Chii tlnn (-Imreh Tliurnday at C:4S. IvltntUm'wnn-Inmircl tixlay tu nil

-atambura-Ma-friondM-of tha-tiiA . ganirjtUoti to ntCOixl.■ TIim. tifMIi'~wlir^Iioncir AJiJy ‘ SuMiliilrom. natli>nal pivskltnt. amU W. A. Iton.1. executive iHicrvtiiry • of the imlloiial organization, who will flpcnk and tliclr-lnlkii will l»i brandttuit, I t-Ia -a U tu c^ y -C -l,.. - Mlnk, local kndor of the. group.

. . I.conurd Arrington. lAitlo prcr l- Ji'iit.'anil nalloiinrcico pri!!ildi.r.t.’ ' will net an tn.inlmafiler for the nf-

■ faii-which will IneUi'le-n-prognim lof enti'rtalnment and nninlc..I Tnllui of SundHlrom iitid Ror.i will l>e hroadeaflt coinmi'nciiig at H p. m>. and will conclude at p. ^1. - Arrington will spealc as will-nlatc elul) li'adcrH, Mr. I..at- -

rt-- itlr nnih Wlinam Kerr; and the <i' I'lf

were tnid lo Im ntrrliil whut liiry wrote, nlt«T drfrii«ii cumiM-1 uUcged Iho .pmK K>\» lining thn trlul uh ii weapon

'Bgulniit Long.

Oregonian’s &cath ! Shakes' Vicinity!

suV a n :ii.i, 40.. r

Junior Chamber to Hear Piano Expert

MontUli' dinner mealing of >tir------------------------------------- ----------- niembernhlp of the T,vin Fnlln».Tr*T»r y-\T» <->vri« 'Junior Chamber of Commerce atNEW OIL FIELD Itlir park h<il.-l at r,;aO_p. m.,to<!iiy_

jwill J>c featured by "JUdlo"/ oil field ai)parcnllyi[




rOCATELLO. A p r l l 0 IHr.l — Disregarding W. P. Whltakcifo .......................C. W. Dalgh, for-_ T wwt»firU rfinnty ngmt •

not be reinstated," a cimmltteo believe#. thc'y_ can secure 07 per cent of the signatures of county farmero, favoring bln return to office,

Whitaker received - the group yesterday when It appeared be* fore. him to plead In behalf of T3ai(;b.,J. L. Ilartvlgaon, Downey: Bifihop L. J. Potty of Swan Lako;

d Doan John 11. Nlcliol.i o f tliobmndi, comprlned the group 'ap­pealing in behalf of Dalgh.

have been obtained so far.

China Movie Fans I ■ Like Action TalesWASIUNG-rONlun). — ClilncM

motion picture fans like fllmn pacUed.wIUi-BCtloD»_VJce-..ConDUl John C. Pool reported to the merco department.

Pool suid'American picture . .. the favorites In Hong Kong. Ap- proximat • ‘ *shown in Ing lO k States.: The typo of film most acceptable to Uio Chinese. Pool said, la that

, mcmberahlp. of- 3l5.000-1p. claimed by the Girl Scouts of America. .

■!o!i Vhe- ,:ir ■ ;:^.r.imo^trfive thoi;:„ f " ‘ " “ 'limnd plccM by heart, and who«e

. . Tho L-nlon’ Sulphur comp:iny'n'{‘' " ’? ";No. 3 blew in hL-it nl,:ht from:h‘i,V'-'’ Wendd.-

...................- — - ......... - .. . .......... ......................... . .......d wh°n!lnidMl‘^°t*e!ilSn"lh(l*’ p.ic!' ^Standing,-her.coropanioB-u-ear* a »«ven-clKUth*-.i,<>-eomittlttetl •nulelde,-Lylng-on-ft;^•n!lr3•-and l«-npprt«lm ntcly '23-‘^V , V Sr,-^u '-------swagger model in na.vy blue novelty wool with cacho of .JOO pounds oC dynnmlle he'milea from tho rcconlly discovered ‘ ‘ I i v l L -fox colhir A Khailo lighter. At right seated In u touched a match lo tho fuse. iSniiifordyco flrld. | be a large number of mcmucrs mmodel for the moro mature'tvbnian In 'HM>od T ' A hole ten feet d «p wafl TJlOwnt No' effort was made lmmrdI-!“i'*-''’ ''“ " ' “ ' 'black wool with rippling galyac collar and cuff*.-.In-Uio.solid rock upon which thelntelyto gauge the flow of oll.iwld!_________________ ^ ____

■ (Coals from Jny-Thorpe. New Yorii) [dynamite rcalwl. Only eight yanlal to bo of hirh minllty The well'......................... ............... - ICOO pouniln 6r'd>Tia- ................. - • •

lot o x r '- ‘ -of Bellevue: and three iion;., F r a n k m |'>0' '9- and John of Bellevue, and Lcwn.i, Tlie blast wiw no terrific, accord- Oregon - l*” K SherKf Syd Brown, that ll

Interment was made la ftellcvuc’l‘ npc>‘ ' ‘l « w to the grojmd a half under the direction of the Harris »» JfOf In « house

|. funeral parlors, Hailey. ' ;a quarter of ' '

1 cleaning Itself toilay.


Rescued Court■ MIDDLESBOUO, Trnn. a’.l!l—A freight tmln hauled judge. Jury

___ ______ Md court attaches to ruicvlllefoot In dla-,when flood watcra rose so high

' :oucLflCf^lQnnJintl.to.bc.abam}(

BELLEVUK, April 0 (Special) —Mrs. Fanuy Tleddlng, A3, who died here- Saturday following In­juries mtstaloed In a fall two days before, wan burled yc.iterdny fol- lowi.'iS.- funeral, scrviccn', pt ' 'im lly home.;' wltli Ilev; '

ptcrotflclaUngr^— r :-----Mrs. Ilcdillng was bom In Uin-

cannhire. Englami, Sept. 10, 1P51. £hc_cnmeJo^Pcllcyun from Utah SO years ago; ' , ‘

Surviving-are two daughlem. Lucille and Mary Redding, both

S tu ffy HeadJust a few d rop o 4 up each n ostr il, f Quickly, breathing 1 again becom at cl ear I

Are yoii-iasiiig 1924 oil in yoim 1934-35


Plain mineral oils are obsolete! You need » G erm jP rocesscd^ j*!! for_today?s„carI_

There, is one latccption— C on oco Germ P roca sed M otor O il. It, too ,

• is Irccfirbm carbolTinHslu’dge'tfou- . bles. But m ore im p ortu t, Tim ken “ M achlne 'te iurproT ethB tiihe-iiew r^ .GoaivProccji*|>ui3ioto.thIs o il a r t - - - — ^^limestbefilmstrenstboftajitniglbt .m ineralotil ‘

T h « e x u t film str cog th ^ a b lc5 ,Germ Processed O il to stiy o a thejnhan/l moay nwtlarjha mn*tc ctreme pressures an j heat. It helps . . Germ-Processed d irg iT c ’l o n g m lle ^

Page 12: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

Paffo TwcIto IDAHO eT e W NG~™ 1ES.:t \ ™ fA L L S ,'ibA H O ~ Tiicsdfiy, April 9, 1035

B i i i

Page 13: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

' Tur-stlny, April 0, 1035 IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN F A M ^ .-lP A H O -r --------- Page Thlrltcii

RATKS i-Bll LINE PEll OAVSI* P«r “ "e •’ "V-----rhrco iaya. per Unc per dny_.«cOne dny. per 'ino------------------ Be

Mlolmum.Two Un«a

I Ulntmum Qntree 30o ClciMmwJ DlBpmy R a l« on fU-

queitI in ocMptms copy for claaal- flcW nilverllacraenU.for publlcn- UoD la Uie- Idabo ' CvonlOB

T o d a y ’ s M a r k e t s a n d F i n a n c i a l N e w s

,-nmtK — ------- ---- -Cotnpiwiy OBTtea to nvotd errora

'm f ir M poMiblertpufWhen " typocnipti'lwl error-dota occtn so advcrtUMnent. th« rc-

'aponDlDlUly.of the Ttoe# Mb- IlabmB Compony-ccnBea-oftnr fint publlcouon if U»o ndvtr- Uat-r doca not call Itii altcoUon to th# error.■ All -CTRMincd-Aaa-am-re- Blrlcted to Ihclr proper clnaa'..

, ficaUiiia unO.thB • lilnho Cvcnmg ITimefl reaervea Ui« right to chftBRfl the wording of ua ad- vcrliaciacal If. by doing eo a clearer meanlnc will reaiilL

CtaMlflcU'AualwWcli'carTya lclUrT0ia"lw*'bun3ber'inalca»* of tbe name of the advertUe. tjuflt be answered- by-lelter.

,Flease do not aa)< for lh« onme lof the advertiser which la abao- ' lulely confidential to such caaea. -TO-PbACB-YOUR-CLASSU Plia> AD, CAI-L 38 AND ASK r o il THE AD-TAKER.■ a l l C L a 8 S I mCATJONS AfUlANGED ALPHABBTIC-


ClassifLe±|!r Directory



c i i i c A « < r m x s T o c KCTUCAGO, April 0 ir.l:i—HoKni

15,000. -6.000 (llrcct; /rcncriilly aUndy. liullt Sa.73-S0.25; top,

,J0.30: pacldnR nowii S7.30-I«.00;' ___________ifllnuKblcr plfTO J7.75-J0. I .: Cftllle; 7,000; ciilvca 3.000; fully. CHICAGO. April I' ................................. .................iBtcaOy; ntecrs 510.73-JH.H0. Ilclf-'mnrkcW on .thr bonnl of tr:nlc’ Aini'rlcnn SmPltmi; 'em J9.73-Jia.23; cowa J7.50-I1'); InclteiL ImOfmliln todny, bi)t ii IH- Ainrrlcfin Tcli'plintii- venlere J7*J0.30; (itocUi-ra An<l!Up Inte buying in r«im rnllicil Ihnt*Xmi-riciin Tcibiicco B fccclcra J0.5O.SH.7S. . -miirket iiml bnniKlil nn ccrnjl.i Anncoiida .Copprr ..

NEW VOHK. Alirll U 'jMl miiilicl cl05rd Ilrm, >Ala.nltn Jiinrnii .....................Alllrd Cliriiilc;>l.....................A1U.1 Cbnlmcra ....................

J___ Anicrlcnn^Cnn,..............: ......'mill AnuTic-in Hnillatcir ............ 3-S NKW YORK. April !< ’IM,.

S The ftork niarKrl inn.'.r'l7u t.'K- frf.'ic'n Iiicliiy with pricr.-i n hi.] iHj: up In llif ’.our an i;

-Sho<ip; .i:>,000;-. iiUa«ly; larnU-from Uiclr lawn. Corn .llnblicdJ iZ J T S ^ O -

The OlaBsified bolninM 'of the Idaho Evcping Times "■ o ffer yon an'nansuo} opportunity 'to Bdvo nnJ u)ako‘

m oney! .And the annual hoU8o>dcuim^ season ia tho '

beat lime to cnab in’ Watch the Jim cs Olaaslfled •'

colnmng every day. Y on 'ro bound to fin d aoactbing ~ "yon want a fa "rea l saving; Or perhapa yon have some

-— arUole-to-aoliNln any event the claasified'colunujs ore — tbo cbcapcst and most effective m cdiua.


WE HAVE MOVE0 10 our nc iocatloa, 214 - 220 Sboabona . Kc”rofls from telephone bld .


______ _ whrnt wild «tff-------- OMAIIA"r.TVESTOCK---------jlniMn-l,-«nl»-'Vfrt‘ -ii|i--;i■ OMAHA, April 0 il'll. - HoKai'H'iit n 'c ndvnnc:.! (1,000; iHnrktt alriw, nlc.-uly to'Du>i«cr. • , , , ,

lop J1L761 bulk bill

Cnttle; 8.000; marltel ,.t.-n.ly In

Tlirn-1jbelfera J0-J10.2:latoekcra n

PA IN TIN C '="D E 00R A T IN G |

, Allaiitic Ucfinliii. ‘ 3 - '; '" ‘ “A0l,urn-M..Iiir«-.-

Baltlmorr A- Dhli. M vviiH Aviiilion .

I., fr.. . IlcUiUhcni .SUrl .........

Ml Mifflclnil I" '■

i fcrdcni S)I.&U-J&30.Sheep: 0,800 hcft<!, Inclmllnirii jj

-.1 .1" ht-li-for .llic yi-''r* I-h'-' Imll hoiiKlil Mxiior on tc-■>•111 fiivoriiti;*! pix.uliii-Ilon Jt'pirlf. Kiirm Nii.« nillK-tl. Ultlllkn c.mh.’ back nftcr Spccia! l -.Mim };ain<(l n?i miirli ii:> I'lirc

Hailnmil (<;<'(.-li?i jitrciiKlhrnfl

1.000 direct; lambfl jn rlyto 23 ccntii lower. nuU-'ji •[blda wi'iiU't<)'23 cciitii'lciwcr. nuk-'a'i,u5ficrVna"brouj:iil

Inc atronner; Micep anil fee«lcrft:i„ne iiilo oUior Kr.iinn. Intcady. Early biiln fed. wcolrcl i „ „ „rilcr.i hJ.d Ixcn m'I <. Inntbii (lomi from J8. best beld’v/iiy <lawir but llu'tM> <1111 ......... ................. . ,any 'j;ravc markui c-rfecU

'Cim •.milth.Tii

F A i ^ IMPLEMENTS ' POR S A L E -S E E D S- MJt SANDMEVEIt-3AIDWhen lie bought the Imprt............. . .,

Knape ComiBntor: *'I would-notj — ^mp»veUjiinnifl, .Phone 3305J.


AUTOMOBILEB“ 2*TUN n c o TKUCK wlUi grnv «1 bed and holst. WIll aell either o

• i» lh or trade for llveotoch. Phone OlOOUi........ .........

WANTED TO DUV-r-lOOO cam to' wreck, Fanner*'' Auto 8u Used ParU DcpL Phono 226-V


'^Fully rumlahcd Apt. a l Juata- niero inn and Goals Home. Ph. 4W' und 071 reapcctlvely._________

M A CH IN E TIY1. 18-32 Caoo tractor.1. J2-20 Caao tractor.1. SO CIclmcIc tractor.1. Model U Allla-Chnlmcrfl

troctor--..1 .-30.50 OU PuU tractor. ... .

l.G rala-drill.• l .T »* O' two-way horse plow. 1. Bean cutter.1. Self wceder.6-- G<»d ;nanure apreailcra at

iMirf in prices.

Williams Tractor . .Company

lC4-3rd Avc. So.' Phone 470LTVBSTOOK AN D PQDLTRYl

-P O R -E B N T -R O O M B -. FOfl R ^ T — Dealrabto room

and'board.- 121-7th N. Pboao

FARM LANDS POR BALE Fifteen acres near Twin Falla'

Easy tcnna. Phoac 0288-IU.

B A Y B S Trades'Baby Cblclu and Ciutom

Hatching for grals, poultry, esxop or'Secoad-Haad Goods. Phono 73.

B A B Y C m C K 81‘ECIALToday and tomonww due to tbe~

SP E aA L OIL .permaBeat. W-OO. — WNBtural-.»SXfc-33fl-Cti_A»e. ~


Oil Duajrt,43^; Oil Tjllp. J3.b0; FrcUrlc, J3,00., Shampoo and finger

hundred baby • '•'leks left' over that we-ate jrolos to sell at n REA1> BUY. or WQ will sell you

' f o r which wc will take back JO pullets at a months old or 21 pullets, at 10 to 12 weeks old. Phone, or ace us at once! Such

Shop. lC3-3nl Ave: E. Phone J03.|


offer like this.HAYES HAT<hlEaY. Phone73


H ELP W A N T E D ^M A LE '. WANTED— Three- Uvc .Salesmen

wllh cars to work Twin Falls vl- clnlty on commlselon. Phone 1471

:: LOST—Amethyst rlnp. Ubcral 'rewjird."'Phone fflOM. " ' “


, GOOSE FEATHERS—Jl.OO peri lb. 635-3rd Ave. No.

rOU RENT, J4o .BunUns. .Nol —Trcaptuia^.Jlim .for,, aalfc'.Idaho

Evajlric Tnmcs. .

LOST BY- STUDI?NT^ Lady's Idark blue purso In iMiaocn/rer dcr ‘ lUonday aftensooD. Contained •

FOR SALB^Buff Minorca Act-. Unfr cffga.- Huak Btralas. -Phono;

_M 5W . ..........

turea. P r lc « low. KrtngeJ's I

4,Pltlcas-A 15:toa steel constri• ■ truck scale. 10 ft. pla-------- ---

fine-year,- priced for-milck sale ■ J225.00. Phong 120p. .

A im > . DOOR GLASS. Wind­shields and window flaso. No

- - ebiii'B«' for •etttnjrBTasa.:Bring:ia

Sur s o s h d ' drtvs u r ear In. ■otect your beaJth. Save on your

rue! blUfl. Pteaq-fl.iMooB's.---------FOR fi E — KrengeJ '.CoJorado

!___whe«!l..W.rrvgato» -i^ torruffato any waUa or sotirxow]

• Coal-nWBe».- clectrio iBage«.-eod stoves, circulators and other house­hold fumlahlnsa; Moon’s, Phoaa f, Store No. 1; Pho-9 81®. Bto’ o No.

LET US SUPPLY • your aeed bean needs.'-W e'have what you

■ will waatr^-CaHl-nt-BBatt-Orowcnf • 'NVorenouse Corp., Twin Falla, Filer,

Kimberly,-HaxdtoiL . .FOR SA ia-^A ny quanUty. .

Block Locust ahade tredi 6 t o -10feet.3BM V..............be movca'wood Hen------- ------------Board, HollUtcr, Idabo.-

k Locust attauo trees a w iu

I Bensfock, Chalrmaa 'VlUaiie

joonsum, 4«,uO ewL X^ulre -BesrTJr5w5i--WSi«ianM,--HBKP

ton or Twin Falls.

brlnff hack what y o B ju . .,.— - loan you a hruah (Osput.U oa free. KcHurty Hause .;l& t,..:4*B our

U -.B aa ael. Floor anaUoolenm Var- ' aish drys m . t ^ boora. • :WfrjOso

have atoek o f ^ .Paper and ,U ajieum ,.,R up. - war prlcot “ ------------

STANLBT a PHILLIPS ■ Twls’Falls Uertuaiy

Phono 8 1 ~ -T w fa j ‘Falls. Idaho


MONEY on dtamonds,. watches, Jewelry. SUDS. .muslcoLinslrumentA radio® and everythlnff of-value.-See Bob at the Idaho Loan Office, 120

e No'.: Pbone 1842.■ MTflmgT^T.aiTOnTTfr

PalatlDR,” :^perhaaslBg.~kal80. ml&lsff. XOione loss.

d lnslclc;-Frank Azwlerson,622W.

/hy send them' to 'the h llb? Mary Ajlce Park.;.■TY P E W iirm is ren te s), r b -

PAIT.ED—Alt makca. ldaho.Type- writer•.JExebnw “Office. Phoae 9

CAHBURteTORS. C arburetoi iits and aervSce. F. G. H. Motor

,_art1ee. 250 Shoahoaa f it w: [Twin Falla:

Ib. Waabed and eaxded M e ......... t o n - upholateribfi.l'w Ja Kitiraa-TtttOPyrPiwBe:fil-W.—


and cfllHns efcrda 'esgrftTtd^'oi ...prloted..Uaoy ecrr«ct;atyU* U

t ^ C a B U ''tb » B n -

Cotillrn'nlal Oil of DcliivHl„j) Com I’rtxliict'n-.............

•» the Du Pfinl dr Npiiioiir.s . Imvo I'iutniiui Koiiiik .-........

__ ____________ UbtiYO. 19,23;.CWM ..............any >;r.-ivc markul c-rfecU . ... :Klcc, Auto I.llr .--------- EEPEIGEEATION...... ~ 1 -------------- ------•_ ......... •RU'ctrlo Pmw.t 'A________________________________ _ DENVER LIVESTOCK (ilUl.S T/.IIIJ: ' . i'nx IMm .....................

FACTORY.KcrMKornllon-*Sorvlce;-DE.VVKR.-April-0 XU'J—CatCtc: • ClilCAnO. Aprd 0 • .IK—Grnm Kl.'.Urk .....» _I (ill makes CommcrcliU and,.W : market ntcndyi beef alccrn'rnni;c: General 1'fMHln . . . .

_________________________oimchoM ncfrlgcrntora. Factory IJO.OO to J13,00; cowr nnd lielfcni;' Opni IITKh Clo»r Gi-iirral Mol.ir.-' ..........Dark Red Kidney Dcnns. EjTlraiScrvlce Co. Phone 834-W. J<,00 to 510: cnlvcn J5,00 to JlO; ,uhpiit—.V.'»v: flo.nlycar Tir.' .............- ........................ .......................... ................................................ .............. fccaor.H mill ntockcrs'J4 to JC.fiO;. May .,.,1)3 1*3’ ; iM>.i I)3i.i.>i IntcrnatloiiurHHrvti'l';r

* biilln 54 to J5.33, , Jtiiy itiH internallunul Tcle|ihimc


] iloRn: 300; mnrkft nunidv. jiomL*. gcpL ..tl2u t‘2^ Dl\ -lohns Mnnvlllp ............;nalen 3c to JOc hlclior; top 5S.03; |Corn—Nnv: Kcnmrcott Copper ........

;lnilk Jfl.73 -to J8.00: pncklnn sown; jtny 87>/i 83^ 87';i-Vi— — — ---------------

Scc<l & Feed bo. I Aptll fi onlcs nlcaily: fed Inmb-i J7 to Oiit»—N.-i ' .............’ ’Cheater Hen<lernoB nnd Treanle: 57.40; nprlnncr liimbs J8 to J8,40;; ,M„y

■ Ghan, boll) of Tf.-ln Knlla. ;cwc.i 54 to 54,33. . I July .,..41 ^ ...S<’pl. ,.37'.i 38H 37--! 3flVi-M37 :H,


- - ^ -------------------- I ,.„a

. -niiri- «<T.- ;i:;ci,()00 »harr>.<'hiin|;»>l In llie acllvi-' lii;il hmir

’ * bilnKini: thr ai»y‘« ^oti.l to S00,00(l l_.,)‘ i. rnmpnrrrt with Till,dim

Uh .IHK) rbiirt'ii cfimparcd wltli , ,W)0 fJmrrp yt'Mi^diij'.

• Dow - Joiio" proiimltiury -


News of Record

CAIU3EN BRANS 'Soo or.aill Floyd Stunrt nt R. 11. 1

Denton mflce.. Phone 07 Kimberly.

National Dairy ,I 48U 4fl-i,-40 i:>l«tlller!i

A U , KINDS of Berry Planlii. In-11 eluding the new berry called,* Ynung Berry. - -Public Market. -

Births(KiUEN I.1VKSTOCK Iltyjl-N nv:"

OGDEN. April » u;.ri— (USDA)| ..- ................. . . , ...... ......... S7i/.Hobb: 3U3. No c.irly Kilea. bid-' jujy -57, r^i, - - -

• ’ - henr biltehcrnl c

B U I^ GARDEN SEEDS n t ' * prlccfl;you can afford. Public Mar-j''^ PIcabo.* ___

FOR SALE-130 wicks BIlM Tri­umphs; 30 nnckn Cobblers. B. G Clemons. Phone 82W. Goodlnp,

Bom • to Mr. anU. Uri. Harry O’nnllomn. a aon, nt their home

SIxlh'avenuo east, Sundny.

TRY the Globe Seed and Feed 0,, before huylnff-your'fleld seeds,

ilfalfa. dovera and graascs. daughter bom al tiiq honpltal atj

bcrly 46 during day. Twin Falls] DOS evcDbgs. C. L. Conrad. I

All kinds alfalfa, clover, garden, pasture, g r^ e s . Also aeed Irrraln. Twlaji'alls Feed & Ice'Co., Twin Falls, Idaho. Phone 181.


trtc, priced to acU^^osce —

BolncCjUgary ........ChlcaBo--------Denver ...... ....tlavro .......ilelena .........Kallspell .......

ABKelea--Cattle: I00.'calv<5u iO. Few c2ir-New-'y^ic..V_...;.;_.30 . . . . . , - .....- - . . . .

Pocatello ______30 60 .40|ly flolca around Steady. CommonPortland'...;.-....'_.TJ:.38. 60 .2Qlsteeni 58 to 50.30. Good <ed atccraj 8alt-'Lake.;.-...Ti;-...;...S8— 68— .074quotablo-to-JS.7J.Z)r-nbovc^clf;

V.'ANTED—Sheep to pasture. D.

WELDING, and Blacloimlthln{r. Elcctrlc and acetylene. W. N. Skin.

320 ^cond Ave. SO; “WANTED-^GOldcn Bar

aaU Burpecs StrlnslcwJJcan''. 1 llo Market - . • ■ !

WANTED -Wheat Barley and ats to clean and treat Dlsgel and

Smith Seed Co.

ilc.-imng 'Tow ard Britain Less; Strong as Stndento Flock

. Into Nippon -

ESTIMATES gladly given 0.......,kinds of Job pHntlng a l Office of Idaho Brcnlng Tlm'ca.

WANTED—Furniture - repairing. ;uphoI«terlnK, window.»hade..work,. Cress A ‘ Bruley Fumlturb Co. Phono 665.:-------- ------------- -- ..

WANTED FOR.CASH.Ten C ar»-A ny Make. '

John O'Conaor Used Car Co. aiaShoahoao3t.-.PJi6ne 1140..


WANTED TO LEASE^For one| year, modem four or five room; bouse. A t right price will pay fi

r e lii in i ' 'months reht in eidvahee.-. Call 1608.• ~ g ia m a )~ T :f fT B P 1?

.Will pay.72« n bushel .for,nT. G laadent Rt. 2,

i--FURNTrURB WANTED —> W« buy used furniture, coal ranges, stoves and lee boxes. We pay cash. Phoafl&Moon-a 1

Fm DAY.APRILS____ j—P^W.J«cRobcrU toR..C.

iDeBoard’, NW SW 2S-10-17., '' Deed-— U. Ti UDderwood. to F. U n d erw ^ » ; lota 9, -I,'6 ; block 23.-Kimberly....'.-. ...

Deed—H. W. Barty to D. . , Weaver, SIO. lot 7, block 2,.Frult*

D<fe(l-W. Ix Lockhart to J. L. ,_&chxn.»10.-W «E54lo ‘ ■4, MarUuKb^d£>.

Deed—F. L. Blake . lb _ _ Uertell,.»l. Jot A of Subdlv. of, lot 8. block B3,.Twtn SW li - . ^r-Deed»-lE—Jfc-U e*teH -to-Sv-if oosnti Blake, |1, Io t^ ,;O rch ^a ra .fu^ >

. -^^TUBOA'BV'AraBL'e^'' S ccd -;j . K Edwarda to r . Una*

yon, »10. SEU N E « I W 8.;'O eed -^ . 'l> . Boebm ,to W. — .

Lockhart,'WOO., B ii-W «;-8W NB; 10-10-17. . . •

.......... .......... - vfl.DO. on llpht nnd'nic«l. welRht drlvelna, mlxwl kinds. J8.30 down: packlriK "ows 50.75 do\w. •

Catllc: ICl. Ucsl sliu slock about ntcftdy. other claiuicii weak to un­even lower; Into Mon. und today goo.1 Bteem and hclfern 57 to 57.CU, [?>0d eterra 57J6. com. and med. around 54.30 to 50.76; bulk goodicows 54.73 to 59.60; I. to med,jcowB 53.23 to 54,50. lower gnulel nround 53 down; me<l. nnd good bulls 53,50 to 5H,25. mtxl. undKOOd

I wnl f.n1vf<i ItrsBQ .io J7.2n. lowfri ♦ Igradea 53 down,

Sheep: 1420. Late Mon. lot OQl lb. TnJckcd-ln lajnba steady at. ,53.73. Odd he»d med. kinds 53.


,39>A. (JOiA-.sa.

Now York Cenli I’ aokiird Mot-irn .

r.Tmount I’uhlix Putho R.-{chitHg<-. I Pcnnn, U. It... '.

Penney Co.

Local Markets . ]

nro corri'ctfci dalljy^y the Iiltihe iCvcnln}; TLmca 11 w represent th* . average prices piild. occonlUii; to the beat avnllablrf Informntinii The pncta arc nubjedt I'o clmnf;o with­out notice by Ihc-jlealcrs. however. Itcadem are urged to wntch tho .

. national mnrkrtJi wUb which tncso ■ local mnrlicts will rlao.and.full..... .

71.,i TI.4 7l*i

CASH (ilUMN CHICAGO, AprU t( lU:— Wheat: unioii Oil

■» . ____ . . :simmon« Co,

lUiilio C«rp...........Railio KelUi Orph lleynoUls Tobnpco

ISiJcway Storcn ... Scam Uocbuak ...


13 white, B3>4c; anmple 0 . .I Oats: No. 2 w h i t o 04c; . I w h l t e 4 0 ? i - 6 0 i ^ c . ,

Rye: no sales.Barley: quotable 7Bc to 51.20. Timothy: 51CiiO to 518.73.

(stJindnrd Oil o f '.nii ISLnndard Oil of N. . jTwca/i Corp.iTmn.l-Amerlca ......

' fUnlgn CiirblilL----------

rm ' ' IJooins'.. G-', Market Inacllvc.

i .U. S. G. N. No. 1-B —n :.i U. S. C. N. .No. 2‘/l ....

. l?> jSinitll Rcdn No. I'n ....

. m —-Smnll-fleds No. 2's ....

. 31 ; MUI FeedsiiCrnn. 100 Iba,

.. i!l^;;Urun. 300 IbB.

1 POTATOES, PORTLAND, Ore., April IT a’.m l-(O S D A ) — Hokb: 100. Steady. 'Good^holco llglit butcliem 50.23. lUavles 58.75. Light llKhts 58 to' iJ8.30; packlnK aov,n-57.23. Feeder • - - jfr -n r —

.'.Union P.icifle ... ►jUnltcd Aircraft

lUnlted Corp. ... i 'u : S. Steel, com. . '.Warner ilroa. ...

iWo.ntcm UnionIDAHO F A U i} POTATOES . . . ^IDAHO FALLS. April 0 (USD W e s tln g h ^ EL

A)—Monday ijuotatlonai Idaho up-;F- W- Woolworth Co. per valley. Twin Falla-Uurjey! JwtnjaJRUJflfniTrrtWfff nalfn b u l k - j.,,,,.. per cwL..ln. growers cellars nnd ‘JJX’. •jllvered wnr^houaC U. S, No.51.10 to 51.23,-U .-S. No. S's. 4 ^ . :^ " ; '^ ' *•166 cents.'


____ „ _____ ___ .--tterj----- - f j t '2 and cutter cows 52 to 53.70. Com.-' — 8 med. beef' cows S'1,25 to. 53,73,

tOGood fed cows quotablp 50.83.Bulla 54 to 54.60, Clwlci veaJers

“ up l<r 5IT-------- -----------------------------f Sheep: 230-Including I78 direct :FcW spring lanibii steady. Goo«l- ’chulec CO lb. snrlngers 58. Me<l.

. 'throwouts 57. Wooled lambn quot-1'able steady at M<n. 26c-60c de l

Cline. Good-cholco quotable 55.25 to 50,23. Ewes up to 54.

SINGAPORE iWlI — Slam, al­though concerned just now with the problems connecte<J with her change o f nilers, has been shquUng ilgns thal abe may. be giving up .ier'lTffdltroiaralllance'with GreatUritaln...- ....

Fewer Siamese atudents are.go* Ing to BriUlft for thalr education and more ar« trdvellcg to Japan and the apparent success of the JapoacM.polltlcal PV"l'*m_Jj*jnaki ing Its appeal to tho Siamese peo­ple. * *

A deputation from the' Siamese . arllament Is at present In Japan; seeking to leom now Slamesa In stltuUons can be remodeled. The delegates ai« traveling at the Si­amese government's espense -and tho money for the purpose has

rfroni''tho'M jne. fxmd-which] devoted formerly to sending:

jfopd o n d ^ ^ b r ld g c or to Paris.

French Jnd6-Chlna gives' her alderable importanee. ;

• Both Britain' and' France mor<reairemiau.eTcr..ti). laaintaln their present' friendly relaUons with the Siamese for yet another baportAoLteasQa-SotlLthcJIrlUah «ad~FrtncU,1eini;<lt*aai» arrv- ices-use the Bangkok aerodrome at Don'Muang os sh .essential stop­ping s t a g e . - ..........................

field in'. B io^ ShO' recently .on- oouneed abe will ninjm air.Mrvlce

Bangkok, but up to the preset D trlal.fllghts'have been made.Siua^'moves ln..the.dlrecUan'oI

choosing her new IjlA ds a n being closely watchedydl^the British Minister, Sir ^60ali Croa\>y-. is un- iderstooa to.M ve .made several “ rports to Xcmaoa .ireccntly...: .

iR a l j^ ie ^ ’^ D u c o u n t e d By ; Yeierinariam

Preaenc* here erf rtblea'was dls*

arlahs,«wbo aa ld .......................ease « a a farm a tu -'b tn • ago'bod sot. been.oosHiincd.

r -y e u s >«r nwra,«-nld -Or. -B, Oroone. deputy .«taU T«teitn* in. B * M i^ tb * MfiertMi: c a «

. t s » e e - e « a r r « m :be-

• •‘ •A;Colorfd roaatcrs, over 4 lba.-_.J4c------i [Colored broilers, l l ; -3 lb s .----- 14c

•• SS^itLephoro broilers, 1 lb. up j _ : j 4 e .ilColored fryers, over 2 Iba. ----- 14c

' iOU cot- '

. N i S 'V o ' f i i 'V p r u 'S 'S - p o . i V " " ' " ■Utoes firm: Long island-73c ' to ‘ 4 ' ■ ■ ■ 51.20 bag!^^^^ Jeraey Wg^to Mc; *

Maine J2.00 to 52.23 per 160 Iba.;) Idnho 52.23 to 52.30 box; Bermuda 54.30 t.« 58.00 bbl. ■ ’ :

SAN FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK - S O 'UTir'SAN .-FRANCISCO. April 0 iiu:i—Hogs: 300; acUvc; butchem strong to lOe higher than Monday; t6p J80 to'233 lb.' Cnllf. butchers 50.50; ajwut deck - > 200 lb. welghta 53.40; i— •

58.00 to 5 0 :.good pnc ... . eligible 57.20' to 57.50. Cattle: 00; actlvc on small sup­

ply; around ateady with Monday; few fairly good 1080 .lb. fed Calif. Htecra: 50.23; 'good: Jong-feds dig- lbIe'50-60-or-Mtter; -load: com._to med. 885 lb. warmed ‘up 50-25 to 57.75; few ' fairly good llflt lb. gras cows'W 25; other grades of; cows absent.' . . I

Calves: 50: mostly direct; goodj choice' light weight vealers,

<niotablo-5fl-to-510.26r«mparablO! quallty-calvcs.clIclblo.M .down.. .,

• Sheep: 600; acUvc; spring lamU steady to 23c lower; fed old crop Rtz«ng; part deck good and choice 74 .lb. .spring, .lambs 58 styalcht. practical top; double deck med. tol rood 72 lb. averages 58, oorted 15 per cent; double deck fed wooled Orenm_lanib».,5?^MrtcU.. 30-pcr cenL ______~ L b 8 ‘ ANGEL^a't:iVEST0CK

LOS ANGELES, April £> il'.EI. Hogs: 150; steady: locals 59.15. , -.CalU e:-260; .early ateady tol strong; grass steers 58.40 down: grass heVfers 57.W; good ewes ni

to 57; com._ to med.!.>5 to

*^C a l^7 ^3 o“ s t c a d ^ f ^ ' ^ -~-8)><^pS'--<S00;~.ateady: —Arizona

clnofllficd 75c: Michigan Itound Corp. TrustWhites 77V.C to 80c: Idaho Rutact'tjuar. Inc. .....................52 to 52.20; U. S. commercial 1 ---------

,51.83:-U . S. No, 2 51.33. New l'<lTATOE.H|8tock: supply light; demand luidlA'pril Dellv.............. - .....

Cnurteay ot Sudler. Wegener it Company

.Klka nidg. .— i>hone 010ailCAGO-1*OIATOES CHICAGO, AprU’ O il'.l’ l—Potn-.j

toe.i; old stock supply moderate;! 1demand and tradlnp good: Idaho.n INVESTMENT THl'STS ;strong; ethers steady; WlacoiU5ln:Fund. Jnv.. ..i.........,~ r .. ..... .?3.00 •; ....... .......................Round Whites 75c to ,82«4c: un-jFund. TVii.it, A. ................4 a.h7r>:yv.n_w*.-iRht-ouicl>ero,-210_l;

....51.3,1230 jKJunUcrs ...............

Uverwclgnt butchers, 250 ti300 pounders'_........._..S5.75-57.75

Unilehvelght butchers, 123 to ICO pounders------------.55.s0-57;00

jumphu 52.60 to 52.65.

[■Veteran-Preaflea-Cainpnign-.t©! Get R oad from U. 8 . to

North Territory

WOOLBOSTON,- April 0 (Oi:) — Fair

quantities o f finer grades of ter­ritory, and other . .western-grown wools are moving but. trade la ■pcUy and occasional prieea are, noreta tbQ buyer’s favor than .was the cose two or three- weeks — ' according to today's report 0

and finer, terrltorji wools in.orig­inal bags continue to have a mod* erate 'call.' Bulk'aversM.^^td' good

iFrench oonJblng.*;ia .'opglnal'"- 'I brings CO-OS': cents, .aeound'

scoured'*bula. while Clothing-andl In fe ^ . rten^ ^ .-cmynt^j

; SUOAK- NEW.TORK;- Aprll.9 OLD-r-New

T ork -m j^ -fu tu rea-'tiosed :

R A M S i S I.0:50.60..'

LONDON BAH SILVER. i.ONDON. April 0 <«;) — The;

price of bar. silver wn* flxetl a f ;!8-13/10 pence todays an advance' o f '^ ' penny and 1/10 penny below lho!-hlghosl-lsvol-r«corded-by-th*: metal since 1028: ’ . .

' Forward metal was quoted al 28,13/16 peiiee, also up % penny per ounce.' " ' .

S O U T H -BEND. Ind. lU.!!) ••SUm" Williams, trapper nnd trjill blaMr.-BtUMs-dlllgcnt-lnJhW'cam­paign for a highway '^ m the United StaUs to Alaska.. - - ; ■- •••The"prefll<Jent“ »avor8--lt.*'' he I told a efvic club here, “ and the I important cemmlttceB do, too. But the trouble la, a lot of-eoagressmen and senators, who don't even know the United States owns Alaaka.

____________- - WUllinna'publlclMd-hla'inlBalon by mushing his dog team from the Alaaka snow'M untry to tbe'na- tion's-capltm—at-rWasblngtonrto

I -BUTTER, EGGSr------- SAN-FRANCI8C0- - " ' ' I _SAN FRANCTBCO. April 0 ■UE);1B33).

'—Butter: 92'flcoro.30c; 01 ocore OQKGON BUOUT UNB- 20V&C; 00 score 20e;'80 score 28>;ic.i Eaatboond.

dent forthe highway into A l____Tho Alaakan coast he pointed

out Is Ip-iOO mites nearer to Japan than the. Oregon o r . California coasts, and is a strategic defensive point . -. . Alaska, Williams explained, has ipaid for itself .70 times alnee it ' wtCa ' purchased : by the United 1 States.'— Wmiarns* trip to the-states ne-' eessltated mna.montlui of traTcl.i duritig which he' was forced .tol

.overcome numervua hazards. Com*: pletlon of the'Joumsy .wM.due.-OO,


pbilatelistp,- In ■ a MmpcUon

iQBsuupfr -exu^wirdtL-Tbe. ttomp'la jetblsik,.bearing'lhe:reprodur tloa o f the-.famoua’ MaeWbirti etching,. ••Western... Cattla , to . SlOTB?'-The • stamp - was. aa de -L tha bureau of -cagtavin* , and

o»T ..aBd;ataxnp«. » ipaper

iw n SIL>'BU-------—.TTTT, ''NE\V-.TORK, April 0 — Uondy and Harman quoted bar silver here today at 03 cenU an ounce, up *4 ecnt over the prevl- " ous close and tho hlghcit level _. since May lu,t8. Newly mined ell- -

‘glblc foV trclumry pjirchase was yBelunBe<mrM-H-T:ent®------------r ~

T I M E T A B L E'■Schedules, o f. passenger tralpa ■ and motor atages. passing through .

iTwln .Falla_dnUy...ara_as..follows- ' (^fe'cUve"o& and after AprO 2,

------- ^'tX)A-ANOELES1 *3 A n g e le s , April o ioe^-i

Butter: JSatra 30 ii: prime firatsl 20)^; standards 20>i; undrrigradeala&Vi. ' ■ • - j

Eggs: Largo and medium, un­changed; sm^l 10, up 1. ^

a u c A o o CHICAGO. April 0 (UEl-EggB;

Firm; 32,032 cases extra firsts ,2SU: fresh graded firsts 23 U current receipts 21H- .1 ,

•Butter; Firm; £>,480 tubs; e*tn flrsU .3CUj extras 30H ;.'flrsb., 35H-SC; second^ blank; specials 37-97^; c e s tra il^ 30. ' '

Markets, at a Gl^ncel.-I . Bjr.rnlted P w * " ' Stocks l :^ e r : . silver IsbuhI

strong.' . ' IBontU. Irregularly hlgber; gov-'

cwmenta duH and eaAler. 'Curb atocka-rally. In iym ^Uq;

-1 0 ;0 0 ;a ..m c = ;i

-D ally.No. 8«»,-.V>-W.elhi, lv>.^-

- Nortbboood No. 340; from Wells, ar. 3:00 p

in<10N P A C m O STAGES ' Eaatbeuad

I.. Oraina: cloM Irregular: wtioat,

‘ Cotton; fu tu m .<flm S / t t r a " points. . . ' 'irR nbbtf lUturea .raUy .about <10

tiiciit]y.’kmw.ja^ ttrzu « f ia)or:Zurepeaa’ latea.' ; . .

, S ihw 63 cents a a o o n e e in : :^ York.at a « « blgb,alaM;lCBjr..U38:

Page 14: VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. CAiORNIALOSS i RELIEF GASH ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin...VO!;. XVIII. N.O. 2-0 CENTS. Ol'TK.'IA’L COUNTY.'NHWaPAl’EU. Barricades

. Pace Fourteen ~ iD AH O ' EVE m N G t i m e s ; t w i n f a l l s ; ID A H d TtieMcfur. April IMI!

A t the T h e a te r s

C O -S T A R R E D

* W ar Fear Spreads Downward From Ohanccllorid to

p - M an if fS ^ e c t

(Copyright, 103S. United Press)LONDON. April 0 IU:<—Kcnr of

war. siircadltiK ilowiivvnnl from llie cimticcllorlta-of Kuropc lo the mnn: oa-llii;,alrMt. haa brouslil a curl-.oua aLatc of mcntnl pualc to o r - ___________________________

--------iHnaMly_lm ;l.hFnilgJ.gm^ni uf.uil -WUl: npftra* iatm linvt»------- nations.-------------------------------- ------1 liwt—npporlunUy !©■ lh«: .. _ y g l. tt-hllf - lr la-Lnii«_Ui3l tlie. [inpiiliir mtnf In "IJfr lU ^ln. at_

clvlUnn populations of Kuropci 40" nt th« Urphriim thenter to>. tnve iKCn affcclcti by war ncarvfli niclit. Uctcn lla y n nnd ltot>rrtto a greater degree llinn ever since, Moiileomrrj-, atravr, c-omo tothe Armlnllcc of 1318. It Is nlso' the Ocpheum tomorrnH- In thotrue ihnt the nvenii;e man Imn no rKrorn vrntlon of IIubH Wi»1-fcar of -Immedlnte-wnr. .px-' pole'* novel, '•Vunoiw. ' Hernecta.wnr to come—bin ni .norrc Loyp atory.”

-------------- Ciuual-oW rvors- h«re- lo- Eor-—lanil, which In Uic Icnnt affoctuir • of Kuropcnn n:ttlDnn. hIiowh that many citizens arc tnUlns certain

-------- —trrrcnnHnnvnltirlnr thetr bufllnexi'--------—I»iaii»,.lu«u>-iii(;.UioroJk'tvoii-i»suliiiil~............. tue.. future., even, chnnslnj: .llivlr;

resUlenccH.-becuune the future mixyi-----------brinj»-honldltics............................ - -

_IU erc_arc-:_cvca__apcclllc.. In*.

Iiuve occurred within the iiaai fcwl dnyH. John Uoue. my barber, told me with n cliucklo, tod.iy that one>

. of liln cuiilomcni baa bought ti bom<; In tho county bccauac of the; poMbllitv of ftir raldfi ou Ixinilon.,

~ "Shohly iiUcr“ lie‘ bouKHl'lHIr

f W T T E l l I l f E T ’ S « » n t w e

S e e o u r w in d o w s W e d n e s d a y m o rn in g L P e n n e y ’s w il l .have o n d is p la y th e se a - s o n ’ s la te st c r e a t io n s a t .p r ice s a ll c a n a f f o r d t o p a y . W e iiiv ite y o u t o c o m e in

a n d in s p e c t th ese b r a n d ‘n e w a rr iv a ls . Y o u b e th e ju d g e a n d w e k n o w y o u 'l l p u rch a se y o u r n e w s p r in g o u t f it a t P e n n e y ’ s ! . . •

- , Lovely Carole LomtKtnl jwf-hoaie. Itonc snlJ. Ihc government; tmjn an exotic cabaret enlcr- built an ulnlrome near It. Aa r»|.u,lncr In (ho thrllllnR return cowicquence. the terrified land, j.n, «Uhlto Woman.- ulth owner.ia now looltlDK for another Charle* IjtuRhton. C h art

Easter in Fenneyjs Men'sTDeparfmentBite.

Wilt Keep Hou»e Ai) Amerienn correiipondent

o»:nn a lioune tn the counto" which • he hna been trylofrto neil; haa non- ■(leelUcd lo keep It. And an Amer­

ican woman lonj; a reSlilent of LOnUon bai fiLrbngly be^n urclns

. her husband to.return to Uie.Uiill- cd SUtCH.

Incldrntii nueh os those are r«-! jicatuit counciew ttoeff. A lirltMi friend whq waa a World wnr of- licer and la now In tho re.torvc,

. told me the mllltnry nulhorlties have rucently been chrcUlns up r'O „rt In ••'Uddie." 'appeuilnff .

, hlu health which, ho wyit, •'tm-jmancu ajid drama fcalurlnK. John: rortunatdx Is Kood.- . ■ iBcnl, Gloria Stuart and Chnclolte:— -On»-of-th<>-broher>-4tt^int^roup )Tt,.„ ry - nimof unilerwrltera Known.ns Lloyd3]j^.„ ihoatera.-»yn that his annoelatr.i have talc.) ..crisp's role U that o f .a n oble en ncveral man.' with all the IradltlonB of

aristocracy, wliom fate h dcnly and- m

UlrUrnrd and Kent Taylor, nt the Idaho tomorrow. Added en< tcrtalnnient {■ Baiirr Kcntoii In • Itomancr.” a

■"Mleltpy .3fuiw« cartooii- 'und Movlelone-i>pv«s..

♦ * c * . -----C h a r a c te r A c t o r -------! In R o x y ^ s 'P ic tu re

. Donald- Crisp, who pfnye«l t/ie unforgettable Dr. McQueen •Tlic Little Mlnlflter." offero

- - - or hiB

»ur;iric(‘ ajjainsl Englanfl. France ftod Germany becomlni: Involved: In war within-a year. Tlie .prc-1 nilum Is five per evnl—but Uoydr tlwl In the.Indiana ■farming c

• ‘ ‘*'1 The added features on the pro- M -.L . .' tKram.eonslnt o /.a mualcal conjcdy,

._ a i i it'r conunci'L unn . j > r e . . i ; ; ; : ; ” . . ' : r T . ‘; . ° ^ > i^ S ..™ ^cn renpon( enta^nroTI^^^\re^3fnT1m•- “ ; ‘ ';

"Blov.iUla. tltc mamifncturc of gaa,

dous pace. , , .Thf coniitructlon of anti - gas

collarn Is also’ ' proceeding hpnce throui^iout Europe. Thouwinds of;

“ -J:n,s-ti^h^ccllar9^elnd-a-'’len !

SCHIlllrteEtlHiRMMGEfor ulr i;as defense." w ith ........

bcmhlp of 'J,000.000. Is buyinc gaii; itiikHliH for alt llA membcra.

•Rf.mo hsH embarked on, nn ex--Qyg^Qj„j. Dutics^EoJcd'tensive project to combni'air raldn.' A id

Toward Indttcins Greater- peilH iinil mav bo adopLed.

-.Paris Feels Tenslan In Paris. I bcHrv- ............i-r Inrl-.

i.e-;n>:.o(;9, adlan‘ Kovemment Is relaxing itaOTTAWA. OnL lUl!-—Tlie Con-• deni that hnH broURht a

(laiiRcr Into the French I'ome l;i 5,”u{o,n^ rcgulntlnm affectingthe retention on ‘ l«ty of tlu- ton- entering Cauoda-ln nn effort'

.ncrlpt army,, which affects tl-.c cio- m irrn mor.* vlnHors. ‘m L-Hilc life of. upproxima.oly 100.- government will00(» fawlllM. .............. ....'allflt;- free cn{ry w 'u nwn))cr ot

„ articles, 3uth an c.impinj'.oulflta,All lbc.c Incidents a.v rtlcles, suth an c.impin-' outflta,ftlraws showing „?>f.>'vearlng appi.rel and other personalwlno Wows, but multiplied heretofore admlttwl aub-

u d)-po.ill. Jt-Jiaa estnidcd the....... limit - during -which -- luUrlotsfrom ftbruad may slay In Canada without a permit from 'Jt to- 48

Ing throughout Europe.

JW urta.ugh P .-T . A ..................I f /«n • /-» ! iJi . Houscliold fiirnlturi' ami otherH e a rs C ilee C.iub;i.ff,.cifl bmUKht \n by a non-resl-

tam-u Pnrent-Tencber as.ioclatlon tUe cuslomn office and depoaltlnK _ lieUl Morxlay evening. The group-num of money equal lo the duty • vaa accompanied by Norman Mc*|and tnxen on.the articles, The de-__ . ..C:irly...lnattuctor.’JI‘he.np''aUvr_o^po3ll_wlllJbc_;rerum]eJJf_thc_ur-

u.. ,. - £he evt-nlnc wa«-ilrrHownrrir-Ahrtlcles aYe Identified nnd exported-.■* *~7r'non-r------- T~.---------- .-r--—- ---“ jv.-llhln-e!ght months frwm-the-Utne

Mr-n. Qlnde I e. .presidrnt. prf-;of entry, . _.fl[<icrt-n the-hufiiiie»i*-mBoilng.-:.Ic;i-n'earln apparel an!lr<«th>TiP«r* wan announced that n track meetlnnnnl effccU are pa«-’u-d free with- will l)c held on the school grounds entry at cu.Hloms.April It) and a-school exhibit Ini ---------------------**ThcV'icction of the foiiotving of- S o n E m u la te s I

fleers for tiie com ing as B u f fa lo H u n te r

Mrs, J, R. Boyle re-elected treas-

«en,'ed refreahmenU a t -1110 home


I m u r t a u g h

Although the lUltwaa atagcd- der nomewhal different condltloiu than when Hartman started hunting the beaatji In 1872. never*

jtheleM, he, waa proud of.hls son'a

Martnmn'a trophy _______ _____herd on the Miller farm, which ia locate<l in Buffalo-county.

. • • . The program given Sundayninir In the L. D. S. church ,

• . «Uto<t of the dramalUatlOQ of L- D .'S . hymna. Tboao uklng part were Mia# Virginia Lee. Jim Claw- «on. Elvin Blackburn and Fraalt Egbert. Dorla dawaon waa —

• rator. .“ Ood’a Worlt.” a’ poem, read l>y -J. I. X<ec. ', - Was Ada Goodman returned

. homo Sunday from a weeks- _ ■ t-u » with her sister. Mr<. Adctta

■ 3 M „i;cr .M ..b u n .iW j.. . , yOUTHPUL C .n = 0 . --rrxrT^R E 8tST8-PE R 9PIR A TI0N .— ^8AycU 8..M as*W ia!t----- OKIcfr

.^-^i’ .TNDIAliAPOWS (tl»“ A pcrs-^ffhomaa Speaeer had visions, of ^•clr»ll6rr;'wtaUaff-'«W rt' collor.- a ..................— ................. ..................

T o u g h o h G u llsSAN FIlANasCO . a'l!. — Sea

•gulla, who nquawtc obout prcaeat conditions, will have real cauac for complaint upon the ebmpletlon of the Golden Cate and the l^y bridges. Tlio gnlta ipst their food principally frpm' acraps tooaed overboard from feri>-t)oat kitchens and.the lerrlca will be displaced by the brfdgea- - • ' __

' :.--ft-il«rprbof.; o o n -»p p ,t^ t - ■SW vrttter w r « o r»red thofc njen who

. r - ^ - will seek aartorta!.aorlnff and summer nt toe annual

-icr* .-bcra '-';"; ■■ • ‘

the "Headlesa Horaeman"'wheB — opparently unoccupied nedan »ped by him on Uie Newbuo'port turn­pike. He ga>'0 choae, overhauled the car. nnd discovered to hit amazement that there v<cre four person* In it.' Thtlr n jes ranged ------ 10 to 13.

:Considcr these details . . . •wide dou b le -yok e back. 1 button collar w ith a (1y______________pare others at this pricc! W hite, vellow . blue, tan. .

amMcr StylcB!

P resen tin g ‘ 'S trea m tm ^

Mayr>athQnExpress front the ctsmpits

Conceded “ the hat moat likely to ' ‘ a tummer felt ia becomldff {n- luccocd this aprin^'' bjt eollcKe ; • ^ n la e Bvtry year.


An unlined'lightweight

Maur tlfpnPopular $tj'Ie~imH~pnce


WBort.atyla .to jo u . .u ® a ^ *Low-back erawa andboa^ «dg« .1-

FELT HATSSpring ilyU

FatbctB and soni alike aro wcarlnff these jw a n k y bcti-,

ed backaf T h e y ’ r e tJio

height o f STYLE for 1035! Thoy'Kiyo 7 cm freedom and“ '

co 'i io r i . r . and Peancy's.

low prico givcJ y o u - top.

notch‘ value! -

niuHtratloa 8ho»-a Inverts rieat BacU-

Jrtany Other Style* lo -• Choose Freml

— • Olt«or» jW7J0.i;p - -

Pre-shrunk!~ Fast color!

SH m ts- 9 8 ^ -

. .T w o T o n e S p o r t •

d ^ o i i i D s

$2-9S- ......... LOT-NO. iS40r’ - - - -■

•Attractive• two-tonc ’sport o*- tord. In bUck and white, brown and white, nnd aim.tan. Cora-

:rort;as“ weU'air-R6(>d-Ii5iU»'la'every'palr. - •

Mighty good shirts fo r io little! Novelty pattcmi, plain colora,

. ^hitcal_..Collttii_atlaclied_ajlU.,^iiikva.i_..wiiui^ukutuicu-.nuu. laundcrtd colIAcjityleB, Smooth-

'.stiinc!-rcui^fun! M-to iT r :;" "

Smartly conservative

sport OkfordiiO lc o c r .w U K jN u h M c i

ffloeter a ^ with plain toe.

leather eoiistrpeti« .■mtOi a wpiUisr n ibbeiv .har. » to j L

That A re Really Soiartl ............... W in g T i p . -


' • ' ■ . LOT NO. M l A nM- wine' tin osirord fvitb l.. attractively doslgned t«e. In all

' Ibe .netrer Ibatheis.' .

Quality! Vduel Shirts


W A V ^ T C A P Sr"LondoK~Mis^

9 8 " . ,

E A S T E R ! A B re a k

fp r -Y o u n g F e l l o w s ! -


SUITS1 1 2 ®

A s to n ish in g ly

• ^ L o w P r ic e d ! ’

Smart M Y L E !

Sturdy F A B E I0 8 ! .

H igh Q U A L ITY ! '

A ction Back o r Plaral

eacftPantt rtb shlrta. frith altcreat-

. Ins. paiicla. o f .. tw in.. u d -. 1x1 knlttin*. Whit*. SWa. SkorU,

. BOzSO broadcloth. ElasUe or Ut ■Idea. 28-44. Graat bnnl

Send’ t ^ t ' man’ to Pennoy'a

Xor his new Easter snit . . .

and w alch-h im g low l Buita w ith the snap a follow

w anti I Fabrics t to t can take

a m a n 'j w «a rl ---------r - -

D E V O N — Singio-Breuted.. y ith notched lapola

N E Y ' SP E N N E Y C O M P A N Y , I n c o r p o r a t e d