Dear Prospective Student!

I am very proud to be president of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, an entrepreneurial innovative institution increasingly recognized as an educational leader in the field of economics, management, service and engineering in the Russian Far East. Our University is a territory of new opportunities, where creative initiative and drive are welcomed in all spheres. Every year we set new objectives in accordance with current requirements and the economic needs of the Asian-Pacific Region.

I believe that the mission of the University is the competitiveness of our graduates in the labor market, and this is the reason why we were among the first universities in the country to introduce practice-integrated learning. Experience in University/ Business collaboration will help our students to start their career while studying. The university trains students for a successful education, career, and life.

Gennadiy I. Lazarev President of VSUES

Dear Friends!

I’m happy to welcome and invite you to Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service! Over its 50 years of existence, the University has made tangible progress to create a community of learning that crosses and indeed effaces cultural boundaries. Our university offers a large variety of academic degree and non-degree programs for international students. VSUES has launched joint degree bachelor programs in partnership with universities in China, South Korea, New Zealand, the USA and Switzerland.

For many years, VSUES has been open for all talented and active students. Your hobbies and talents will be appreciated here. The university’s campus offers excellent facilities for teaching, accommo-dation and leisure. Academic buildings, dormitories, libraries, sports and entertainment centers, cafes and shops and all service departments are interconnected, under video surveillance and open to the public. Our students are provided with all the necessary conditions for education, entrepre-neurship, creative growth and a healthy lifestyle.

We look forward to seeing you in Vladivostok and at Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service!

Tatiana V. Terentieva Rector of VSUES


Vladivostok’s nature is absolutely unique and cannot be found in any other part of the word. Incredibly beautiful sea views, blue-and-emerald bays, mysterious hills and ridges, and several islands, where one can find nooks of virgin nature untouched by civilization. It is no wonder that Vladivostok is called a solid observation platform: there are the breathtaking panoramas opening from the height of the hills that constitute the main attraction of Primorsky Region’s capital. In addition, the sea offers fabulous views of the city, as if soaring out of the water, hundreds of colorful houses clinging to the slopes of the hills, the knolls silhouetted in the light morning mist – all these seem drawn rather than real.

In the years between its founding in 1860, and the closing of the city to foreigners in 1958 (until 1991), Vladivostok was a fairly international city with a tradition of being open to international influences and looking beyond its borders. Its strategic location and its proximity to East Asian countries makes for an extremely interesting experience for students and tourists. A trip to the seaside capital offers an opportunity to discover its original cuisine, which is a unique mixture of European and Asian culinary traditions. A stunning variety of seafood delicacies, unusual ingredients, various spices, original presentation and the incredible range of dishes’ flavors make the local cuisine an important part of Vladivostok’s tourist attractiveness.


Vladivostok is the capital of the Primorsky region and is one of the largest cities of the Russian Far East. Its population is about 700 000 people. The favorable location of Vladivostok makes it the «gateway of Russia to the Asian Pacific Region countries» with its large transportation hub of international sea routes and airlines. China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan are nearby, much nearer than even the Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia. Moscow is a full nine hours away by air. Nevertheless, Vladivostok remains distinctly Russian.

Over time, the capital of Primorye has been renovated and is becoming ever more beautiful. The city stands on the threshold of a new life, where two unique cable-braced bridges – across the Golden Horn Bay and to Russky Island – lead. They were built along with other infrastructure facilities for the summit of the Asia-Pacific Region in September 2012.


Vladivostok differs from other Russian cities in the special mentality of local residents. Open and friendly, they never lose their unique sense of humor and confidence in the future, and their smiles radiate an irresistible thirst for life. It is people who make this extraordinary city alive and extremely dynamic. Come to Vladivostok and be ready to experience delight all the time: from the fantastic views of the Golden Horn Bay and the setting sun, from the heady sea breeze and the hills covered with lush verdure, from the unparalleled hospitality of local people and the abundance of seafood on the table.

Vladivostok welcomes you to share its culture and beauty!

2 3


















VSUES is included in European Organization for Quality (EOQ)

with the right to use its quality label

VSUES received BB evaluation – “Good quality performance” in Academic Ranking of World

Universities-European Standard ARES-2016

VSUES became a member of the Russian-Chinese Association

of Economic Universities and is among the 26 leading universities in Russian Federation and China

VSUES President Gennady Lazarev received the CEEMAN

Champion Award

VSUES offers 13 educational programs of higher education in

Economics, Jurisprudence, Service, Management, Sociology and IT

obtained Public and Professional Accreditation

VSUES became one of the winners of the All-Russian competition

on education programs “Economics and Management – 2015”

VSUES won the quality award of the Russian Federation


VSUES was awarded the Crystal Palm at La Sorbonne as one of

the world’s best business schools



46th in Webometrics

ranking of world universities among 1113 (August 2014)

2 Palmes of Excellence («Good business school with strong regional influence») in Business School ranking in Russia (EDUNIVERSAL’s International Scientific

Committee, 2014)

38th among 392

Russian Universities in 2014 University Web Rankings

(International College and University, 2014)

50th anniversary

in 2017. University history since


Government accreditation of 100 % educational programs

>60sport areas

swimming pools

3024 accommodation opportunities for students

VSUES volunteers

participated in

>300 regional, all-Russian and international events

68 bachElOR PROgRamS

20 m a S t E R PROgRamS

22 PROgRamS In


60partner universities overseas from

More than


The percentage of international

students –

5,97 %

joint programs with New Zeeland, Switzerland, the USA, South Korea, China6

exchange programs with universities in Japan, South Korea, China and the USA24


1390lecturers and employees



14000 students

7872 on programs of higher education

4 5



bachElOR PROgRamS

Degree Academic Programs in Russian language (4 years)

Field of study

Training profile Brief description

IT in Business IT in BusinessProvides a new training direction to form comprehensive knowledge in the field of Eco-nomics, Management, Information systems and Information and Communication tech-nologies enterprise management.

Hotel Management

Hotel Management

An educational program which is implemented by the Department of tourism and hotel and restaurant business. Forms theoretical and practical skills in technology, organi-zation and service enterprises. Hospitality service includes: hotels, sanatoriums, rest homes, and boarding houses.

State and Municipal Management

State and Municipal Management

An educational program for the forming of competence, allows students to carry out key tasks of civil and municipal service and to provide efficient public (municipal) services and to fulfill the state (municipal) functions.

Management of Housing and Communal Services

An educational program for the forming of competence, allows students to solve the key tasks in the sphere of housing and communal complex


Costume Design

An educational program which helps students to become aesthetically educated and to obtain other professional competencies that enable students to design their own clothing collections, to design the branding of companies, organizations, employees, and products.

Environmental Design

A program which helps to build artistic creative thinking in students for transformation and completion of architectural ensembles of the modern city, which include traditional outdoor advertising, window dressing for shops, parks, fairs, folk festivals, and prepara-tion of thematic exhibitions or museums, to create interiors for various purposes.

Regional Studies

Foreign Area Studies

An educational program that helps to generate skills necessary to prove services for government, public and private organizations that need comprehensive, systematic in-formation about foreign countries and regions.

Info-communicative Technologies and Systems

Protected Systems and Technologies

An educational program that builds a comprehensive knowledge in the field of creat-ing conditions for reliable exchange of information by wire, radio, optical systems, it-sprocessing, storage and protection.

Information Systems and Technologies

Information Systems and Technologies

An educational program that builds comprehensive competence in the field of program-ming: intelligent methods of information processing, construction and use of databas-es, information networks, digital and microprocessor technology and other elements of software and hardware computer information systems.

Cultural StudiesManagement of Socio-cultural Activities

An educational program for students that provides a bachelor’s degree. Provides a fun-damental humanitarian knowledge, foreign languages, foundations of a market economy, the practical skills of organization and management in the sphere of culture, business, tourism and education.

Linguistics (for foreign citizens)

Linguistics (for foreign citizens)

A program to train experts in the field of foreign languages, possessing the practical skills of bilateral transfer.

International Relations

International Relations

An educational program forming competence in the field of diplomacy, national secu-rity, scientific, educational and cultural relations, international economic relations, and politico-military cooperation.


Management in Sport

An educational program, which provides training for managers of sport clubs and fed-erations, sports agents, managers of sports facilities, sports advertisers, marketers and sales professionals, professionals, representing the related industry business. Manag-ers are able to perform professional activities in international, governmental and social agencies of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, as well as in all fitness and sports business entities, commercial and non-profit organizations.

Management in Trading

A practice-oriented educational program, providing training to managers with diverse profiles for different areas of trading activity, managers who can competently manage corporate trading companies with complex multi-structured trading systems, large trade wholesale and retail networks, and also regional networks of supermarkets.

Small Business Management

An educational program, providing training for professional managers to think strategi-cally, and to implement production and technological innovations in business.

Financial Management

An educational program, providing training of financial managers who have mastered the knowledge, skills and practical competences required to make effective decisions in the field of General and financial management, as well as in the banking and insurance business.

Organization of work with young people

Organization of work with young people

An educational program which builds proficiencies in the solution of complex prob-lems in the implementation of youth policy in the sphere of labor, law, politics, sci-ence and education, culture and sports, communication, health, interaction with government and public institutions, youth and children’s public associations and employers.

Applied Informatics (in some fields)

Applied Informatics (in some felds)

Trains specialists in the design, creation, administration, operation, and maintenance of information systems used for automation of activity of enterprises and organizations of various legal forms.

Radio Engineering

Electronic Warfare

Educational program gives a fundamental knowledge of the state-of-the-art information security tools and counter countermeasures.

Psychology PsychologyA modern, forward-looking, interesting and useful course, which explores patterns of mental activity and the acquired skills of effective communication in human society.

Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising and Public Relations

An educational program for graduates engaged in market research, enabling them to develop and implement advertising campaigns in the mass media and outdoor media.

Service (in various fields)

Service (in various fields)

An educational program for graduates engaged in service of the fashion industry, landed property, socio-cultural areas, and aviation.

TV TV An educational training program in the field of media.

The Technology of Transport Processes (in various types of activities)

The Technology of Transport Processes (in various types of activities)

A promising program for forming a system of knowledge and practical skills in the field of organization and management of transport companies, as well as road development at the municipal and regional level.


Commodity and Examination of Goods in Customs Activity

An educational program that builds knowledge in the field of customs: examination of the quality of goods, assessing the competitiveness of domestic and imported products, as well as in developing skills to find organizational and managerial solutions in stand-ard and non-standard situations during export and import of goods.

Commodity and Examination of Goods in Internal and External Trade

Program helps students to obtain knowledge and skills in the field of consumer proper-ties, nature and quality, inventory management and quality food and non-food products with specific activities in the field of internal and external trade.

Trade Business

Logistics in Trade Activities

An educational program, which helps students to develop their personal qualities and professional competence in order to prepare for organizational, administrative and ana-lytical activities in the field of logistics enterprises of various organizational and legal forms at the regional and national level.

Marketing in Trade Activity (possibility of dual diploma)

An educational program which helps to develop qualities and professional competence in order to prepare for organizational, administrative and analytical activities in the field of marketing enterprises of various organizational and legal forms at the regional and national level.

6 7


Tourism 1 (possibility of dual diploma)

An educational program implemented by the Department of tourism and hotel and res-taurant business. It forms a comprehensive competence in the field of economics, tour-ism, the management of the tourism industry, practical communication skills with cus-tomers and partners, and allows students to travel while working.

Tourism 2 (possibility of dual diploma)

An educational program implemented by the Department of tourism and hotel and res-taurant business. It forms a comprehensive competence in the field of economics, tour-ism, the management of the tourism industry, practical communication skills with cus-tomers and partners, and allows students to travel while working.

Staff Management

Staff Management

An educational program which generates a wide range of cultural and professional com-petencies allowing students students to work with the staff in organizations: recruit-ment and selection of candidates, hiring, training new employees, providing training and staff development, assessment of professional qualifications, motivation, and planning.

Ecology and Nature Management

Ecology and Nature Management

The area of developing solutions to the problems of human interaction with nature, en-vironmental management, environmental protection to ensure the ecological security of the enterprise, region, and country.


Accounting and Audit

Trains economists in the field of economic activity: to organize customs, monetary, investment activity in Russian and foreign companies, to engage in analytics, planning, economic and investment analysis and audit.

International business

An educational program for the preparation of economists for companies involved in international business or international investment cooperation.

World Economics

An educational program which trains economists in the field of foreign economic activ-ity: to organize foreign trade, customs, monetary, investment activity in Russian and foreign companies engaged in analytics, planning, economic and investment analysis and audit.

World Economics (possibility of dual diploma)

An educational program which trains economists in the field of foreign economic activ-ity: to organize foreign trade, customs, monetary, investment activity in Russian and foreign companies engaged in analytics, planning, economic and investment analysis and audit.

Planning and Forecasting in Business

Trains specialists who provide analytical support for decision-making in business.

Finance and Credit

An educational program which helps students develop competence to solve problems in the field of financial management of economic entities.

Economics of Enterprises (organizations)

An educational program for training specialists in the field of the economics of busi-ness organizations; to provide qualified analysts who are able to manage the business and financial risks in organizations of all ownership forms, any sector, in the public and financial sectors of the economy on the basis of sound economic decisions.

Economic Security

An educational program, which helps students to gain the skills needed to enable them to manage economic security.

Operation of Transport and Technological Machines and Complexes

Automotive Service and Tuning

A promising program for the preparation and formation of a system of knowledge in the field of organization and business management in the field service, maintenance and sales of motor vehicles and equipment.


Practice-oriented program

An educational program focused on building proficiencies in the area of law enforce-ment.


An educational program focused on quality training of tolerant and competent profes-sionals with a high level of legal culture and legal consciousness, a fundamental knowl-edge in the area of law enforcement, and of the educational and advisory activities that are demanded by the state, society, regional and local labor market.



Field of study

Training profile Brief description

IT in Business

IT Business Analysis

A practice-oriented educational program with a large research component. IT in business is a combination of methodological and technological tools aimed at supporting decision making in the field of business management.

State and Municipal Management

State and Municipal Audit

An educational program that builds competence in the use and audit of the administrative, financial and other resources for state and municipal authorities.

Management (in some fields)

Management in fashion industry

Educational program, preparing highly qualified specialists for working as top and middle managers in the sphere of finance, corporate policies, marketing and business planning, manufacturing, sales, merchandising.

International management

Strategic management

Innovation management

Project management

Financial management

Applied ITSystems of Corporate Management

A program that builds a comprehensive competence in the IT field, analysis and reengineer-ing of business processes while composing corporate information systems and methods of information processing, creation and use of databases and networks.

Trade Business

Commercial activity on the market of goods and services

An educational program which is aimed at preparing specialists for effective trade and for technological, organizational and managerial, expert and project activities at the enter-prises of the regional and national level, as well as for the implementation of pedagogical and scientific-research activities.

Tourism IT in Tourist Sphere

An educational program that builds competencies in the development and implementation of tourism products, in tourist service in the main sectors of the tourism industry, in design of tourist-recreational zones and complexes.

Staff Management

Staff Management

An educational program of “Staff Management”, which allows students to generate a wide range of cultural and professional competencies in the development of staff policy and in the technology of personnel management.

Finance and Credit

Financial Economics

An educational program, which prepares professionals for a successful career in interna-tional and Russian companies, as well as analytical, advisory and research activities.

Ecology and Nature Management

Ecology and Environmental Protection

An educational program, which provides training of highly qualified specialists in the field of ecology and protection of the natural environment and a range of necessary competencies for making environmentally conscious decisions in the sphere of nature management and other spheres of national economy management.


Banks and banking activities

Educational program, which aim is to prepare professionals for a successful career in economic, accounting, financial, credit, investment, calculating and analytic services of Russian and international credit companies as well as for analytic, consulting and scientific-research activities.

State and Municipal Finances

Educational program, preparing professionals for a successful career in state-financed organizations and government and municipal authorities, as well as for analytic, consulting and scientific-research activities

International Economy

Educational program, preparing economists in the foreign trade sphere, who organize customs, financial and investment activity at Russian and international companies and are specialized in analytics, planning, economic and investment analysis and audit.

Accounting, analysis and audit

Educational program, which is aimed at preparing specialists with a high level of competence in the sphere of financial and management accounting, international Financial reporting standards, analysis and audit for Russian and international companies.


Degree Academic Programs in Russian language

8 9



Russian language ProgramThe Department of the Russian Language for Foreigners is a structural division of the School of Foreign Languages. It was established for students who want to study and improve his/her Russian as well as to prepare for entering into university.

The Department offers a wide range of the Russian language courses applicable to groups of different levels. You can choose any of them according to your objectives and the level of Russian.

Russian Language Program

Levels• Beginner• Elementary• Pre – intermediate

• Intermediate• Upper – Intermediate• Advance

Number of hours20 hrs per week, Monday to Friday – 4 hrs a day

300 hrs

Language of Instruction Russian

Courses• Grammar• Writing • Reading

• Speaking • Listening comprehension• Russian Studies (for advanced level)

Tuition fee 55 000 rubles per semester

Russian Language Proficiency Tests

Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) – certification level I

5-6 hrs 5 330 rubles

Upon request

Test of Russian as a Foreign Language (TORFL) – certification level II

5-6 hrs 5 740 rubles

Test for acquisition of Russian citizenship

5-6 hrs 5 330 rubles

Test for migrants (Elementary level) 1 hr 3 000 rubles


Schedule Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester

Application Deadline June 15 November 15

Beginning of Semester September 5 February 6

Duration of Semester 16 weeks 16 weeks 8 weeks

N.B. 1 academic hour – 45 minutes The fall semester starts in September and ends in December, the spring semester starts in February and ends in May.

Russian Far East | Academic Program in English

Pre-University courseThe program is designed for international students pursuing academic degrees in VSUES (or any Russian university), but with limited or no Russian language proficiency. The preparatory program includes both Russian language courses and training in basic disciplines such as mathematics, geography, literature, economics etc.

Upon completion of the course, students take their final exams in Russian as a foreign language and in the other main subjects they have studied. If successful, they receive a preparatory course certificate which will allow them to take regular degree programs at any Russian universities.

Field of study

Subjects Academic hours

Humanities Russian language; Russian Literature; Foundations of Russian culture; Russian regional geography; Geography; Physical training

1 180

Economics Russian language; Russian regional geography Geography; Mathematics; Foundations of Economics; Computer Science; Physical training

1 190

Duration: 1 academic year Classes start on: September 1

The Russian Far East Study course is an overview of the history of the Russian Far East, its economic, geo-graphical situation and current importance as a trans-port hub with substantial natural resources, unique lo-cal politics and demographics. Students examine and analyze Russia’s foreign policies and relations with China, Japan and Korea.

course objectives: Participants gain a greater un-derstanding of the challenges posed by the sheer geo-graphic size of Russia and how the distance from the more European capital of Moscow and proximity of the Asian powerhouses influences local politics and eco-nomic development.

course outline:1. Russia’s Far Eastern Federal District. Federal

Subjects (Geographic Features, Territory, Natural Resources, Infrastructure, Cities, etc.);

2. History (Russian Explorers, Early History, Religion and Interfaith Dialogue etc.);

3. Demographics (Population, Traditional Ethnic Groups, Indigenous Peoples of the Far East, etc.);

4. Education (System of education in Russia; Educational Institutions of the Far East; etc.);

5. Traditions and Customs (Family Traditions; Holidays; etc.);

6. Industry, Economy, and Environment;

7. Regional policies and relations with Moscow; Russian-American cooperation in the Far East and Asian-Pacific Region; RFE and China, Japan and Korea.

8. Round-table discussions (with the students and guest speakers as well).

Each student should present four policy briefs over the course of the semester. This assignment is meant to encourage them to understand the practical applica-tions of what they see, learn, experience while in the RFE program.

course duration: Fall and spring semesters – 56 aca-demic hours, summer semester – 28 academic hours.

Period of studies: 56 hours course: September – December (fall semester), February - May (spring semester).

28 hours course: June

Excursions class sessions: The course incorpo-rates excursions intended to provide better under-standing of the material studied. These may include the Vladimir K. Arsenyev Regional Museum, the Vladiv-ostok Fortress Museum, The Museum of History, Arche-ology and Ethnography of the RFE People, Automobile plant “Sollers”, Int. Co. “Coca-Cola”, Local Libraries of the city.

lecturers: The lecturers are highly qualified profes-sors holding PHD degrees who possess deep knowledge of the history, economy, and politics of the Russian Far East. Their interests range from the World History and International Relations to the role of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region and its future prospects.

course tuition fee:For tuition fee, please see:

http://eng.vvsu.ru/academic_programs/non-degree-programs/rfep/The course may be supplemented with the Russian language course. For details, please see:


Jackson kenneth bidwell, University of Denver, USa:

“The Russian Far East program provided me with new perspectives and opportunities I never would have otherwise received. The lecturers gave me both Rus-sian and Tatar views on modern issues in the world and Asia. The program also allowed me to travel to Khabarovsk along the Trans-Siberian railroad, an ex-perience I would not have been able to have on my own. The program and the city of Vladivostok itself have certainly left a lifelong impression on me”.

10 11



VSUES partner-universities (of exchange programs): Country Partner-University

People’s Republic of China • Beihua University

• Dezhou University

• Harbin Institute of Technology

• Hebei Vocational College of Foreign Languages

• Heilongjiang Institute of Foreign Languages

• Linyi University

• Mudanjiang Normal University

• Northeast Forestry University

• Northeast Normal University

• South Central University for Nationalities

Republic of China (Taiwan) • Chinese Culture University

Republic of Korea • Joongbu University

• Hallym University

• Kumoh National Institute of Technology

• Kyungpook National University

• Sangmyung University

• Seoul Womens University

• Silla University

• SolBridge International School of Business, Woosong University

• Sungshin University

• University of Suwon

Japan • Toyama University of International Studies

Vietnam • Foreign Trade University

USA • University of Hawaii at Mānoa

Every year the Government of Russian Federation of-fers an opportunity for international students to start or continue their education in Russian higher educa-tion institutions.

Through the system of Government scholarships, inter-national students are exempt from paying tuition fees in VSUES.

In addition to a tuition waiver, international students receive a monthly stipend and are accommodated at one of the VSUES dormitories with a minimum dorm fee. The candidate covers travelling expenses to and from the place of study and expenses for medical in-surance on the territory of the Russian Federation.



The following programs are available for students at VSUES:

• Pre-university course (for candidates with lack of knowledge of Russian there is an opportunity to study the language and main courses on the major)

• Bachelor’s degree programs

• Master’s degree programs

Application period: February through May

Additional information about Russian Government Scholarship is available on a website of information analysis system “Russian education for foreign citi-zens” http://en.russia.edu.ru/

If you are interested to study in VSUES through the system of Government scholarship, contact our Inter-national Department: [email protected]


• VSUES application form• Recommendation letter• Academic record transcript


Dear students!

We are glad that you consider being a part of the student body of Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VSUES). International Academic Mobility Office’s (IAMO) goal is to provide and to nurture a living and learning en-vironment for all exchange students. We hope this will enhance the potential for your emo-tional, physical and intellectual development.

• Official certificate of enrollment• 1 passport copy• Chest X-ray result

Applications are accepted only from the international offices of the sending universities.

Exchange Application DeadlineApplications for all regular exchange programs are:

• Autumn semester – May 20th • Spring semester – November 10th

12 13



Legalization and recognition of foreign educational certificates

There are two main types of document legalization – the apostille and consular legalization.

1) If the document is issued in the country, which is the party of the Hague Convention of 1961, the legalization is made by apostille.

2) The consular legalization is a procedure that provides the authentication of signatures, the authority of the person signing the document, the authentication of seal or stamp as well as the legal status of the document.

The choice of the legalization type in every case depends on the country of destination, in other words on the university where the document will be represented afterwards.

Afterwards applicants in order to use of their foreign diplomas in the Russian Federation must undergo the recognition (nostrification) procedure. Recognition of foreign educational certificates is a standardized form of legalization in the Russian Federation of the education received abroad. In this case, the applicant receives a document certifying the recognition and equivalence of the educational qualifications.

The decision on recognition is made by the Federal Education and Science Supervision Service (Rosobrnadzor).

If there’s a mutual recognition agreement between Russia and the country educational certificate was issued in, recognition procedure takes place in VSUES:

Expert Centre for Estimation of Foreign Education Certificates41, Gogolya str., Room 3404, Vladivostok city, Russia, 690014+ 7 (423) 240-41-38

Every year, Rosobrnadzor publishes a list of countries with which Russia has mutual recognition agreements on educational certificates


If the country that issued your educational certificate is not on the list, the Russian education authority Rosobrnadzor, with the organizational and technical assistance of Glaveksperttsentr, recognizes educational certificates and deems them equivalent in the Russian Federation


The document, which was issued in one country is recognized in another one if this document as been preliminary legalized.

without legalization.

Some international agreements of the Russian Federation void the requirement of legalizing documents.

To know more about legalization, please see: http://nic.gov.ru/en/proc/nic/legalize

Lto enter the University an applicant should submit the following documents:

Upon acceptance to VSUES, applicants should submit:• Proof of medical insurance policy with a Russian insurance company.

• Passport/copy with registration and visa.

• Migration card.

• 4 colored photos.

• VSUES application form

Application deadline: April 15-July 1

nOn-DEgREE PROgRamS:1. Copy of passport, visa and migration card

2. VSUES application form

Application deadline: 3 months before the beginning of the program

For Bachelor’s Degree


For Master’s Degree


1. Education Certificate which verifies Secondary School level with transcript+legalization/apostille+notarized translation into Russian (if required)

2. Recognition certificate or an equivalence certificate of foreign educational documents, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (if required)

1. Bachelor’s Degree diploma with transcripts + legalization/apostille + notarized translation into Russian (if required)

2. Recognition certificate or an equivalence certificate of foreign educational documents, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (if required)

For Postgraduate

Programs: 1. Master’s Degree diploma with transcripts + Bachelor’s Degree diploma with transcripts + legalization and notarized translation into Russian +legalization/apostille+notarized translation into Russian (if required)

2. Recognition certificate or an equivalence certificate of foreign educational documents, issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (if required)




14 15

Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VSUES) was founded in 1967 as Far Eastern Technological Institute of (FETI). Later on in 1995, its name was changed to Far Eastern State Technological Institute (FESTI) and soon after, in 1996, the university raised its status and was renamed as Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, reflecting the more comprehensive education offered at the university. The academic programs at VSUES have a strong focus in the areas of economics and business, management, tourism, design, engineering and international studies.




VSUES focuses on providing a practical, hands-on approach to learning. The University has integrated some training environ-ments for students to improve job placement skills and learn practical tips. There is a judicial court for students in Legal Studies, a tourism agency for students in Tourism, a bank of-fice for those who study commerce, restaurants and hotels for students in Hospitality, and a center for business incubation offers top-of-the-line services and programs aimed at fostering new businesses.

One of VSUES priorities is to be internationally diverse. The University cooperates with more than 60 partner universities, organizations and companies overseas. Our University is honored to be a member of the Rus-sian-Chinese Association of Economic Universities and the Universities of the Russian Far East and Siberia and North-Eastern Regions of China.

Approximately 700 international students study in VSUES each year.

In collaboration with foreign partners VSUES holds in-ternational projects and events. Annual International fashion contest of young designers «PYGMALION» has


VSUES International Club – is a volunteering organization to provide foreign students with help and advice concerning everyday matters and issues. The Club is a community of active and creative young people interested in learning foreign languages and the cultures of the world, communicating with foreigners and developing their leadership potential. Another part of our work is to make student life more enjoyable by organizing various trips, excursions, language courses and activities for international students.

• 5 educational building with access to digital train-ing materials on the basis of information networks, Internet and modern multimedia equipment;

• 3 dormitories, which are not only comfortable but also the safest ones in Vladivostok and meet all stu-dents’ needs. The most common style of room has two or three beds in it. It is bunk bed style, and each person in the room is provided with a wardrobe and a desk. Kitchen and bathroom facilities are shared. Students buy all they need to cook themselves at the dormitory’s kitchen. All dormitories have laun-dry facilities;

• 10 cafes and canteens, restaurants and buffets with original menus and designs. Almost 1500 people can simultaneously have lunch on the VSUES campus;

VSUES IntERnatIOnal clUb

been held in VSUES for more than 20 years. «PYGMA-LION» is a colorful spring festival of youth and talents, since it offers a great opportunity for talented young artists to present their ambitious projects to leading experts and to a broad audience.

One of the international hallmark events of 2016 was the 20th Asia-Europe Foundation Summer University. ASEFSU20 brought young professionals and students from 45 countries together with government officials, businesses, academia and civil society, and offered a top-tier environment for professional and personal de-velopment.

CAMPUS LIFEVSUES has highly developed infrastructure with some strong advantages:

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Studying overseas is a great way for students to immerse themselves in a completely different social, cultural and intellectual environment.

VSUES offers its students a range of university ac-tivities to make their experience more meaningful. Various types of assistance are provided to help international students adjust to their new environ-ment. VSUES hosts an orientation session designed to provide information about Vladivostok and VSUES (including a campus tour), visa and registra-tion card procedures, health care, purchasing of a cell phone card, internet, money exchange, etc.


IntERnatIOnal FEStIVal “I StUDY In RUSSIa”

VSUES offers a highly topical cultural program that provides maximum opportunities for international students to soak themselves in Russian history, cul-ture and traditions during their period of study. They partake a guided sightseeing tour of Vladivostok; see the city museums, art galleries and theaters. Program activities include different folk workshops in Russian traditional handicraft arts: gingerbread decorating, felting and pottery techniques, painting on wood as well as traditional music and dance performances. Rus-sian hospitality, traditional ceremonies, folksy games and humor - all that for our international students!

In VSUES, students may visit and participate in various concerts, performances, international festi-vals and other major events. One such event is the international festival “I Study in Russia” an-nually held in April. Participants from various universities and countries take part in the festival in different contests to show their talents and to share their culture and traditions. The categories are literature, cooking, choreography, playing musical instruments and singing.


• Sports complex «Champion» includes a gym, a 25-meter swimming pool, an outdoor soccer field, a fitness center, jogging tracks, an athletics arena, sport halls for weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, ta-ble tennis and a shopping center.

• VSUES promotes and protects the health and well-ness of students and the broader campus commu-nity in order to enable individuals to better achieve their educational and personal goals. The clinic and diagnostic center “Lotus”, is located in VSUES’s main building. Clinical staff are fully licensed, cre-dentialed and include medical doctors, physician assistants and nurses;

• The university library is a modern information cent-er. The library has three reading-rooms that can fit 600 people at once. The high level of automation and computerized processes, comfortable working places and reading-rooms make the work of visitors and university library staff very efficient.

• A variety of on-campus services. It is very conveni-ent for students, teachers and guests that all cafes, shops, a barbershop, a bank, a car-repair center and many other services are concentrated in one place;

• The VSUES campus is surrounded by a great variety of trees and plants forming a nature path. The pride of the University is the Japanese stone-garden – a magnificent architectural monument, presented to the citizens and guests of the city by the Toyama – Vladivostok Friendship Association

• All VSUES buildings are connected to the dorms. The university has a very convenient location in terms of city transport and infrastructure. It is just minutes to the city’s main street – Svetlanskaya

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VSUES and Far-Eastern Federal University hosted the first annual International Students’ Spartakiada “World Generation” in October 2016. Some hundreds of foreign undergraduates from different universities in the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Far East en-tered very sporting events such as futsal, swimming, paddle tennis, volleyball, badminton, streetball and relay-race. The theme of this competition is that en-thusiasm for sport unites all international students as well as their love of Russian culture and language.

Traditionally, on the last weekend of September Vladi-vostok celebrates its own local holiday – Tiger Day. The tiger is a symbol of the city and the entire Pri-morsky Region. The Vladivostok coat of arms features an image of a tiger, and in the city, you can find Tiger Hill and Tiger Street. The main goal of the holiday is to draw public attention to the need for preservation of wildlife, including the Amur tiger.

Vladivostok celebrates Maslenitsa with traditional folk festivals, blini, and burning effigies. Hundreds of residents gather in the seaside city’s central square to bid farewell to winter. The square is transformed into a venue where the strongest and most agile compete in skills such as pillow fighting, rope pulling, and trying to conquer an icy pole to win a rooster. Residents and guests of Vladivostok can watch, par-ticipate (or both) in the traditional Shrovetide fun and games

The Safari Park showcases the nature of Primorsky Krai – the region with the greatest diversity of species in Russia. It offers home and shelter to many animal and bird species of the Russian Far East. Some of them are tamed, but many are returned to the wild after rehabilitation. The living conditions of animals are very close to the wild ones. It’s an interesting and unique playground for different species of animals, which are unlikely to befriend each other in nature. The visitors have a unique opportunity to see Siberian or Amur tigers, wild boars, sika deers, roe deers and red deers, asian black bears and other beautiful and rare animals and birds. On the guided tour the staff introduce and explain the behavior and ecology of the species.

Annually in September famous artists and filmmakers from all over the world come to Vladivostok for the International Film Festival of Asian Pacific Countries. Professionals hold master classes, artistic meetings, and presentations for cinematic arts lovers. The main goals of this event are to develop cultural exchange between Asia-Pacific countries, familiarize representatives of the film industry in the Asia-Pacific Region with contemporary Russian cinematography, search for and constructively support new young cinema-tographers, and present the cinematography of Asia-Pacific and European countries in the Russian Far East by mutual integration into common cultural space of the region

«PYGMALION» is a colorful spring festival of youth and talents, since it offers a great opportunity for talented young artists to present their ambitious projects to leading experts and a broad audience. Par-ticipants of the contest and honorable jury members are representatives from overseas universities in the Republic of Korea, China, Japan, France and others.

IntERnatIOnal FaShIOn cOntESt OF YOUng DESIgnERS “PYgmalIOn”

IntERnatIOnal StUDEntS’ SPaRtakIaDa




PacIFIc mERIDIan IntERnatIOnal FIlm FEStIVal

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Office 3403, 41 Gogolya St., Vladivostok, 690014, Russia

Phone: +7(423)240-41-28; +7(423)240-41-38

E-mail: [email protected]