Vivek Report

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  • 8/3/2019 Vivek Report


    Training Report



    (July 19th

    to 28th



    OSAW, AMBALA CANTTSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement

    for the award of degree of B.Tech degree



    Submitted By:

    Vivek Batra


    Submitted to:

    Electronics and Communication Engineering Department

    Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research

    Devsthali, near Mithapur, Ambala Cantt.(Affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra)


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    Behind every mans fruitful endeavor like advice, guidance and inspiration from

    all possible sources lay the efforts of all those worthy people who lend their help

    directly or indirectly.

    I wish to express my sincere gratitude to our project guide, Mr. RAJ KUMAR

    who has guided me throughout the training. I am sincerely indebted to him as he

    guided, assisted and gave me his ample support for the completion of the project.

    He took keen interest in parting his valuable information and know how and

    without his foresight and technical know how, my training report would not have

    seen the light of day.

    The six weeks training at OSAW gave me a practical outlook of the functioning

    involving both technical and personal skills thus enriching my knowledge in

    various aspects.

    My deepest gratitude to my teachers & all the members of ACE & AR, for always

    boosting my morale & providing me encouraging environment.

    In the last but not the least, I want to thank my parents without grace of whom

    nothing was possible.


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    Practical training is an integral part of engineering studies, the training gives an

    opportunity to the students to expose themselves to the industrial environment which is quite

    different from the classroom teaching. I, feel delighted & greatly encouraged in preparing the

    Industrial Training Report. The training enables the student to work in the future. It enable the

    student to under go those experiences which help later when they join any organization.

    The training report presented here in manifestation of as the three months training. I

    under went in partial fulfillment of the Engineering Degree of Kurukshetra University,

    Kurukshetra. As the time was limited and the field of study was quite vast, I tried my best to get

    more and more information about the industry.

    With the rapid change in Technology, quality, competition & productivity, industrial

    training is the need of the hour.

    . Although it is very difficult to reproduce we learned during the training but still in the

    following pages a comprehensive attempt has been made to present details about the working. In

    future it will prove beneficial for the company as well.

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    OSAW has behind it a history replete with success and achievements. It all began in the

    year 1919 and since then OSAW has grown into Indias leading makers of Scientific andEducational Equipments.

    OSAW reflects a lustrous image of super quality and image of commendable perfection.

    OSAW inspires confidence because its products enjoy abundant credibility with Educational &

    Research institutes the world over. Since its inception, the company has worked with

    perseverance to strike a synthesis between technical innovations and themed of customer. It is

    the only organization in north INDIA producing quality instruments from zero to infinity. With a

    turnover of Rs 50crores, this organization is one of the leading organizations in their field. Infact it is the oldest too. Founded by SHRI. NAND LAL who devoted his entire life in the

    development of this company. In his life span of 72 years he has gain position national


    OSAW has a dedicated team of Scientists, Engineers and Professionally trained backed

    by a management set up which generates a sense of belonging and motivation. This organization

    enjoys a prestigious place in USA, Europe, Middle East, South East Asia and African countries

    besides to its valued customers in India.



    is one of the India`s leading manufacturers of industrial & precision scientific & educational

    instruments. It is a private company & was started in 1919 by Mr. Nand Lal , Mr. Panna lal &

    Ms. Pushplata, presently the managing partners of OSAW. It reflects a lustrous image of superb

    quality & commendable perfection of theirs products.

    OSAW inspires confidence because of its products enjoys abundant credibility with

    educational &research instruments. Since its inception, the company has worked with

    preservation to strike a synthesis between innovations & need of costumers.

    OSAW`s constant interaction with teachers &students helps in understanding theirs

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    changing needs & adopt manufacturing plans accordingly. It has dedicated team of engineers

    ,scientists and professionally trained technicians backed by an efficient management set up

    ,which generates a sense of belonging and motivation

    OSAW has not only contributed its share in development of the nation but alsoshouldered the responsibility of training the growing minds to build the nation to greater heights

    of progress.


    OSAW is located at Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Ambala Cantt.,the city of scientific

    instruments and premier township located in northern region of Haryana.


    OSAW has grown into a leading manufactures of highly precision scientific

    &educational instruments like moisture meter ,spot reflecting galvanometer electronic teaching

    modules digital training kits ballistic galvanometer , rheostats ,single phase watt meters precision

    speedometers ,electrical bridging kits etc.

    Its share in home market in inevitable &in abroad its products are reaching to the heights

    of admirable acceptability and demand . the products of OSAW are exported allover the world.


    Finished products are sold mostly in foreign markets. They sell many products to

    educational institutes &in home market at competitive rates based on quality of products.

    (i). Sales turnover of company is very good & profit earning.

    (ii).Sales turnover the financial year 1998-99 stood at Rs.5.5 crores

    (iii). Profit of the company touched a level of Rs.38 lakhs this year

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    (i). In 1965, Moisture meter was invented first time in India in OSAW in collaboration with

    Central Scientific Instruments (CSI) , Chandigarh established by Government of India .

    (ii). OSAW electronic department is also working upon development of Hi-Tech ,precise&

    advanced version of moisture meter, which will soon be seen in the market.

    (iii). OSAW has developed a Strip Till Drill in association with PIO (Ludhiana). This has

    achieved a lot of encouraging response from agriculturists.

    (iv). OSAW mechanical department is researching on material testing equipments, brake horse

    power testing machines, which are very useful in mechanical industries.

    (v). The company conducts training for workers on job for in-house training & outside for out-

    of-house training. Company also imparts training to the students of various professional courses.

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    This section is working under Mr. K. K. Chona. This section mainly including the

    production of Portable Wheatstone Bridge, Wheatstone Bridge Plug Type, Galvanometers,

    Potentiometer. Some of

    them discuss here:-


    (i). Facility for cable fault location by adopting Murray or Varley loop circuit tests.

    (ii). Self contained with a dry battery and a galvanometer.

    (iii). Two Toggle switches are given to select the RESISANCE, VARLEY and MURRAY

    modes of operation.


    A precision resistance meter having 3 D.P.M. with 5 ranges of 200, 2000 , 20K

    and 2megohm.


    (i). Used as a null Detector for DC setups.

    (ii). Movement protected against shocks.

    (iii). Clamp and free arrangement for transportation.


    (i). Voltmeter is tested by placing in parallel with a precise & accurate voltmeter. Recalibration

    is done by cutting the extra register or demagnetizing the iron core ,placed along with it.

    (ii). Ammeter is tested by placing the precise & accurate ammeter in series with it. Recalibration

    is done by demagnetizing or cutting of swing register

    (iii). Testing is done by a precise instrument which is measuring accurate value of the desired


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    Electronics Section is working under Er. Raj Kumar. This section mainly work on

    electronics kits, apparatus, PCB design, electronics components testing. The main products of

    that section are following:-

    (i). Regulated Power Supply using IC-7805

    (ii). Rectifier And filter Characteristics

    (iii). FET amplifier characteristics Apparatus

    (iv). Transistor Characteristics Apparatus

    (v). Study of Comparator Circuits

    (vi). Study of Various L-C-R Circuits

    (vii). Study of Operational Amplifiers

    (viii). Study of Power Supply

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    This section is currently working under Mr. Mohan Lal. This section mainly including

    the production of laboratory apparatus like Resistance Boxes, Simple Reading Telescope,

    Standard Reading Telescope, Portable Photo-Detector, Bridge Type Microscope, Newtons Ring

    Apparatus, Student Microscope etc. Some of them are discuss here:-


    These boxes provide different ranges of resistances with the help of different dials. These

    are made in two qualities:

    1. Standard Quality.2. Educational Quality.


    The telescope is fitted on a universal clamp which can be moved on a steel pillar of 12.7

    mm dia and 500 mm long fitted on a heavy tripod base.

    PORTABLE PHOTO-DETECTORIt is used for measurement of laser beam parameter, interference & different equipments.

    It has a very sensitive photo sensor.

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    This circuit saves both time and electricity for students. It helps to prevent them from dozing off

    while studying, by sounding a beep at a fixed time interval, say, 30 minutes. If the student is

    awake during the beep, he can reset the circuit to beep in the next 30 minutes. If the timer is not

    reset during this time, it means the student is in deep sleep or not in the room, and the circuit

    switches off the light and fan in the room, thus preventing the wastage of electricity. The circuit

    is built around Schmitttrigger NAND gate IC CD4093 (IC1), timer IC CD4020 (IC2), transistors

    BC547, relay RL1 and buzzer. The Schmitt-trigger NAND gate (IC1) is configured as an astable

    multivibrator to generate clock for the timer (IC2). The time period can be calculated as

    T=1.38RC. If R=R1+VR1=15 kilo-ohms and C=C2=10 F, youll get T as 0.21 second.

    Timer IC CD4020 (IC2) is a 14-stage ripple counter. Around half an hour after the reset of IC1,

    transistors T1, T2 and T3 drivethe buzzer to sound an intermediate beep. If IC2 is not reset

    through S1 at that time, around one minute later the output of gate N4 goes high and transistor

    T4 conducts. As the output of gate N4 is connected to the clock input (pin 10) of IC2 through

    diode D3, further counting stops and relay RL1 energises to deactivate all the appliances. This

    state changes only when IC1 is reset by pressing switch S1. Assemble the circuit on a

    generalpurpose PCB and enclose it in a suitable cabinet. Mount switch S1 and the buzzer on the

    front panel and the relay at the back side of the box. Place the 12V battery in the cabinet for

    powering the circuit. In place of the battery, you can also use a 12V DC adaptor.

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    IC CD4093 1

    IC CD4020 1

    DIODE:IN4001 2

    :IN4148 2

    TRANSITOR: BC547 4

    CAPACITOR:1000uf 1

    :10uf 2

    :0.1uf 1

    RESISTORS:4.7 K Ohms 2

    :22 K Ohms 5

    :10 K Ohms 2

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    IC HEF4093BP


    The HEF4093B consists of four Schmitt-trigger circuits. Each circuit functions as a two-input

    NAND gate with Schmitt-trigger action on both inputs. The gate switches at different points for

    positive and negative-going signals. The difference between the positive voltage (VP) and the

    negative voltage (VN) is defined as hysteresis voltage (VH).


    Fig 2.1 pinning diagram

    Fig 2.2 functional diagram

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    Fig 2.3 drain current as a function of input voltage

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    IC CD4020


    The CD4020 is a 14-stage ripple carry binary counters. The counters are advanced one count on

    the negative transition of each clock pulse. The counters are reset to the zero state by a logical

    ``1'' at the reset input independent of clock.


    (i).Wide supply voltage range 1.0V to 15V

    (ii).High noise immunity 0.45 VDD (typ.)

    (iii).Low power TTL Fan out of 2 driving 74L compatibility or 1 driving 74LS

    (iv). Medium speed operation 8 MHz typ. at VDD e 10V

    (v).Schmitt trigger clock input

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    Fig 3.1 connection diagram of ic cd4020

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    Fig 4.1 transistor bc547

    The BC547 is a small signal transistor. It is used to control outputs that require

    a higher voltage and/or more current than an ordinary pin can provide. However,

    these kinds of transistors are notgood for controlling outputs that require a large

    amount of current (like many motors and some higher-current light sources).


    (i). Low current (max. 100 mA)

    (ii). Low voltage (max. 65 V).


    (i). General purpose switching and amplification.

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    DIODE IN4001

    Fig 5.1 diode in4001


    (i). Low forward voltage drop.

    (ii). High surge current capability.

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    DIODE IN4148


    (i).Small glass structure ensures high reliability

    (ii).Fast switching

    (iii).Low leakage

    (iv).High temperature soldering guaranteed: 250oC/10S/9.5mm lead length at 5 lbs tension

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    A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an

    electronic circuit. Resistors can also be used to provide a specific voltage for an active device

    such as a transistor.

    All other factors being equal, in a direct-current (DC) circuit, the current through a resistor is

    inversely proportional to its resistance and directly proportional to the voltage across it. This is

    the well-known Ohm's Law. In alternating-current (AC) circuits, this rule also applies as long as

    the resistor does not contain inductance or capacitance.

    Resistors can be fabricated in a variety of ways. The most common type in electronic devices

    and systems is the carbon-composition resistor. Fine granulated carbon (graphite) is mixed with

    clay and hardened. The resistance depends on the proportion of carbon to clay; the higher this

    ratio, the lower the resistance.

    Another type of resistor is made from winding nichrome or similar wire on an insulating form.

    This component, called a wire wound resistor. A resistor is a two terminal electronic component

    designed to oppose an electric current by producing a voltage drop between its terminals in

    proportion to the current, that is, in accordance with Ohm's law: V=IR. The resistanceR is equal

    to the voltage drop Vacross the resistor divided by the currentIthrough the resistor.

    Resistors are characterized primarily by their resistance and the power they can dissipate. Other

    characteristics include temperature coefficient, noise, and inductance. Practical resistors can be

    made of resistive wire, and various compounds and films, and they can be integrated into hybrid

    and printed circuits. Size, and position of leads are relevant to equipment designers; resistors

    must be physically large enough not to overheat when dissipating their power. Variable resistors,

    adjustable by changing the position of a tapping on the resistive element, and resistors with a

    movable tap ("potentiometers"), either adjustable by the user of equipment or contained within,

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    are also used. Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits.

    There are special types of resistor whose resistance varies with various quantities, most of which

    have names, and articles, of their own: the resistance of thermistors varies greatly with

    temperature, whether external or due to dissipation, so they can be used for temperature or

    current sensing; metal oxide varistors drop to a very low resistance when a high voltage is

    applied, making them suitable for over-voltage protection; the resistance of a strain gauge varies

    with mechanical load; the resistance of photoresistors varies with illumination; the resistance of a

    Quantum Tunnelling Composite can vary by a factor of 1012 with mechanical pressure applied;

    and so on.

    Fig 2.1-Three Resistors


    The ohm (symbol:) is theSIunit of electrical resistance, named after Georg Ohm. The most

    commonly used multiples and submultiples in electrical and electronic usage are the milliohm,

    ohm, kilohm, and megohm.

    On circuit diagrams the value may be written in "SI Notation" with the multiplier replacing the
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    decimal point. So "2k5" means 2.5 kilo ohms.


    Resistors in a parallel configuration each have the same potential difference (voltage). To find

    their total equivalent resistance (Req):

    Fig 2.2-Diagram of several resistors in parallel

    The parallel property can be represented in equations by two vertical lines "||" (as in geometry) to

    simplify equations. For two resistors,

    The current through resistors in series stays the same, but the voltage across each resistor can be

    different. The sum of the potential differences (voltage) is equal to the total voltage. To find their

    total resistance:
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    Fig 2.3- Diagram of several resistors in series

    A resistor network that is a combination of parallel and series can sometimes be broken up into

    smaller parts that are either one or the other. For instance,

    Fig 2.4-Diagram of three resistors,2 in parallel connected in series with other

    However, many resistor networks cannot be split up in this way. Consider a cube, each edge of

    which has been replaced by a resistor. For example, determining the resistance between two

    opposite vertices requires matrix methods for the general case. However, if all twelve resistors

    are equal, the corner-to-corner resistance is56 of any one of them.

    The practical application to resistors is that a resistance of any non-standard value can be

    obtained by connecting standard values in series or in parallel .
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    A capacitor is a passive electrical component that can store energy in the electric field between a

    pair of conductors (called "plates"). The process of storing energy in the capacitor is known as

    "charging", and involves electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite polarity, building up

    on each plate. A capacitor's ability to store charge is measured by its capacitance, in units of


    Capacitors are often used in electric and electronic circuits as energy-storage devices. They can

    also be used to differentiate between high-frequency and low-frequency signals. This property

    makes them useful in electronic filters. Practical capacitors have series resistance, internal

    leakage of charge, series inductance and other non-ideal properties not found in a theoretical,

    ideal, capacitor.

    Capacitors are occasionally referred to as condensers. This term is considered archaic in English,

    but most other languages use a cognate of condenser to refer to a capacitor.

    A wide variety of capacitors have been invented, including small electrolytic capacitors used in

    electronic circuits, basic parallel-plate capacitors, mechanical variable capacitors, and the early

    Leyden jars, among numerous other types of capacitors.
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    Fig 2.5-Charge separation in a parallel plate capacitor

    Charge separation in a parallel-plate capacitor causes an internal electric field. A polarized

    dielectric spacer (orange) reduces the electric field and increase the capacitance.

    A capacitor's ability to store charge is measured by its capacitance , the ratio of the amount of

    charge stored on each plate to the voltage:

    For an ideal parallel plate capacitor with a plate area and a plate separation :

    In SIunits, a capacitor has a capacitance of one faradwhen one coulombof charge stored on

    each plate causes a voltage difference of one voltbetween its plates. Since the farad is a very

    large unit, capacitance is usually expressed in microfarads (F), nanofarads (nF), or picofarads

    (pF). In general, capacitance is greater in devices with large plate areas, separated by small

    distances. When a dielectric is present between two charged plates, its molecules become

    polarizedand reduce the internal electric field and hence the voltage. This allows the capacitor to

    store more charge for a given voltage, so a dielectric increases the capacitance of a capacitor, by
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    an amount given by thedielectric constant, , of the material.


    There are many types of capacitor but they can be split into two groups, polarized and

    unpolarised. Each group has its own circuit symbol.

    Polarized capacitors(large values,1uF+)

    Electrolytic capacitors are polarized and they must be connected the correct way round, at least

    one of their leads will be marked + or -. They are not damaged by heat when soldering. There are

    two designs of electrolytic capacitors; axial where the leads are attached to each end (220uF in

    picture) and radial where both leads are at the same end(10 uF in picture). Radial capacitors tend

    to be a liitle smaller and they stand upright on the circuit board.

    It is easy to find the value of electrolytic capacitors because they are clearly printed with their

    capacitance and voltage rating. The voltage rating can be quite low(6V for e.g.) and it should

    always be checked when selecting an electrolytic capacitor.

    Unpolarized capacitors(small values,up to 1uF)

    Small values capacitors are unpolarised and may be connected either way round. They are not

    damaged by heat when soldering, except for one unusual type(polystyrene). They have high

    voltage ratings of at least 50V, usually 250V or so. It can be difficult to find the values of these

    small capacitors because there are many types of them and several different labeling systems!

    Polystyrene capacitors

    This type is rarely used now. Their value(pf) is normally printed without units polystyrene

    capacitors can be damaged by heat when soldering(it melts the polystyrene) so you should use a

    heat sink (such as a crocodile clip). Clip the heat sink to the lead between the capacitor and the
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    Variable capacitor

    These are mostly used in radio tuning circuits and theyl are sometimes called tuning capacitors.

    They have very small capacitance values, typically between 100pf and 500 pf (100pf=.0001uf).

    The type illustrated usually has trimmers built in (for making small adjustments) as well as the

    main variable capacitor.

    Trimmer capacitors

    These are miniature variable capacitors. They are designed to be mounted directly onto the

    circuit board and adjusted only when the circuit is built.

    A small screwdriver or similar tool is required to adjust trimmers. The process of adjusting them

    requires patience because the presence of your hand and the tool will slightly change the

    capacitance of the circuit in the region of the trimmer.

    Trimmer capacitors are only available with very small capacitance,normally less than is

    impossible to reduce their capacitance to zero, so they are usually specified by their minimum

    and maximum values,for example2-10pf.

    The standard unit of capacitance is the farad, abbreviated F. This is a large unit; more common

    units are the microfarad, abbreviated F (1 F =10-6

    F) and the Pico farad, abbreviated pF

    (1 pF = 10-12


    Capacitors can be fabricated onto integrated circuit (IC) chips. They are commonly used in

    conjunction with transistors in dynamic random access memory (DRAM). The capacitors help

    maintain the contents of memory. Because of their tiny physical size, these components have low

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    capacitance. They must be recharged thousands of times per second or the DRAM will lose its


    Large capacitors are used in the power supplies of electronic equipment of all types, including

    computers and their peripherals. In these systems, the capacitors smooth out the rectified utility

    AC, providing pure, battery-like DC.

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