Viva Roto Vagas Tour - City of Auckland Morris Dancers (CAMD)

Issue No. 162 1st Quarter Viva Roto Vagas Tour N E W Z E A L A N D M O R R I S S P H E R E 2013

Transcript of Viva Roto Vagas Tour - City of Auckland Morris Dancers (CAMD)

Issue No. 162

1st Quarter

Viva Roto Vagas Tour






CONTENTSNelson Tour ............................ ............................3

White Rose Creations and Innovations..........4

Hanmer Weekend of Dance ..............................5

Bucknell Workshop ............................................5

Sphere Accounts .............. .................................5

NWA & Tussocks in December.........................6

Fallabout ..............................................................8

HOTS Event...........................................................8

Background of Molly Dancing .........................9

Viva Roto-Vegas Morris Tour.........................10

Ilot Jamison Award Footnote ........................21

People Present at AGM ...................................21

Minutes of Morris Tour .................................22

Tour Accounts .................................................23

N.Z.Morris Sphere no 1622





Issue 162

First Quarter


The New Zealand Morris Sphere

Well folks, here is the first editionfor the year.

Above is a picture of the editorshowing that he got a free ride onthe Lakeland Queen on the Tour. Another year has gone bye since thelast tour, and the world is still rollingon. We had a great time inRotorua. Many thanks CAMD.

The cover shows the Reptile beingdanced on the Tour

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Greetings from sunny Nelson

Thanks to Hamish and CAMD for organising a fantastic tour in Rotorua and formaking sure the weather was fantastic, I really hope we can do the same and all ourdancing over the next year will be aimed at ensuring that does happen.

Now then, some brief information about the Nelson Tour next year.

Dates - 7th - 12th of January

Accommodation - Apartment style with each apartment having 1,2,3 or 4 bedrooms.Most of the bedrooms have double beds, a few have twin beds. Each apartment hasit's own facilities (bathroom/kitchen etc). The apartment people have agreed that ifyou want to extend your holiday then you can stay on in the apartments. .

We are hoping to provide breakfasts and evening meals but this all depends on thenumber of people that come and particularly if they share a room.

We going to try really hard to get a break even budget and at the moment we areaiming at a price of $350 which will include accommodation, food (not lunches) andsome transport to out of town venues.

Please could you assist us by answering a few questions below:

1. Are you intending to come to the 2014 tour?                     YES/NOIf you are intending to come ...

2. Will you require accommodation?   YES/NOIf yes ......

3. How many will be in your individual party?  - please indicate whether they aredancing/non dancing partners and other family members or children ....  4. How many people in your party are under 25                        number....5. How many people in your party will share a double bed?         number .....6. Will you/your party be wanting to stay on in this accommodation after the tourfinishes?   YES/NO

Really hope you can do this for us by sending your reply to [email protected](not peter) and any other information that you feel may be useful.

Stay in touch through our website!_2014-tour

We ask for firm bookings later in the year, we are just after intentions at the moment.

Many thanks regards Pete Hall

The Nelson Tour

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The Manakau Medieval Fayre is a great place for Morris sides to meet part way between Wellington(White Rose, Britannic Bedlam) and Palmerston North (Rosewood). This year it was an added treatto have two from Phoenix (New Plymouth). The event is also an especially attractive one on theMorris calendar because of the great atmosphere with many others dressed in period costumesand performing.

White Rose chose this eventto premiere their new Kit. Theside has been fortunate to bejoined by a dance teacherwith a studio in Tawa wherethe ladies have been meetingand plotting some veryinteresting new directions.Practices at the dance studiohave been scheduled fromweek to week to fit in withother commitments formembers working from home,around the home and onvarious shifts. Some havehad a high attendance ofyoung children.

Two new dances, which have provedpopular, were specifically chosen andadded to the repertoire because theycan be performed by a variable numberof dancers. “The Cuckoos Nest” canbe danced by any multiple of 2 and wasintroduced to the side from a memberpreviously with Bodicote Morris inOxfordshire. “Janette’s CroydonVariation” was generously gifted by adancer visiting from South London whoespecially adapted the dance to be ableto be danced by multiples of four.

The new Kit and dances looked greatat Manakau Medieval Fair!

Cuckoo’s Nest

New Kit

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Opening Balance 166.91Expenses

Printing 468.23Posting 243.30Stationary 54.00Sundries 10.00

Total 775.53Subscriptions 983.00Total 983.00Balance 207.47

Sphere Accounts 2012

HANMER WEEKEND OF DANCE 22 - 24th March 2013

Nor'west Arch would like to invite dancers and musicians to their weekend ofdance in Hanmer - all welcome. We've hired the village hall for the day andwe'll hold evening festivities there (pot luck shared meal and morris entertainment).

Friday evening - meet and greet (usually in the pub), catch up on newsSaturday - dance out during the day, relax in the hot pools afterwards or

explore the village and its surroundings followed by a shared eveningmeal/entertainment

Sunday - dance out in the morning, disperse around lunchtimeMorris sides to arrange their own accommodation, there's lots available e.g.

from /

For further information, please contact Eileen Kerr [email protected] 03 332 9957 or 021 045 2896

~: BUCKNELL :~ A definitive workshop.

May 17-18th 2013, The Castle, via New Plymouth, NZ.

Objectives * To arrive at a dance style consistent with thecollected works of Geo Butterworth, Lionel Bacon Gerry Davies and Roy Dommett. * To experience Bucknell as a unique, cohesive dance tradition.

Structure/ Content We’ll dance Bucknell; stepping, hand movements, and choreography. Musos please note: Selected set and jigg dances Room for the Cuckolds, Trunkles, Queen’s Delight, Saturday Night, The Willow Tree, and Bonnets so Blue.

Workshop Registration To Phoenix Morris, email: < [email protected] > Places are limited.

N.Z.Morris Sphere no 1626

On Sunday 2nd December, 5-6 pm, the NWA dancedin Pack Street for the carol singers

NorWest Arch & The Tussocks In December

On Sunday 16th December, they joined the TussockJumpers in Hagley Park for the afternoon

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The weather was superband a great time was hadby all.

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FallaboutDavid Newman has a "must go to" optometrist conference on our usual weekend

22,23,24th March.But we don't care!!

However because we miss you all desperately and Easter is the next weekend,29th March, we have decided to move the Fall About 1 week closer to the startof March.

Now 15th, 16th and 17th March 2013 at the Boys Brigade Camp Foxton Beach 

Rob FreemanPalmerston North Fire District

Ph 06 357 8025 Fax 06 353 2510 Cell 021 10 19315


WHEN:  Sunday 3rd March at Church Road Winery, Taradale.

WHAT:  Shakespeare in the Park - "The Merry Wives of Windsor" performed onthe steps of the McDonald Cellar, and a replica Globe Theatre to be constructedon the lawns!!

We will be dancing between 4.30 and 7.00 pm during the pre-performance timewhere there will be Elizabethan activities and 'Guild Stalls'.It is a fundraiser for Child Cancer, supported and sponsored by Rotary.

If anyone thinks they might come, please contact me.


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At the MagicHorse Show

Bedlam at Tirau

Brief Background to Molly Dancing - Hamish DublonNov 2012

Origins of Molly danceMolly is a traditional East Anglian dance form. Origins are fromNorfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire.This encompasses an area of lowland called 'the fens'. This was avery fertile section of land that was underwater for many hundredsof years. The cathedral city of Ely in Cambridgeshire was oncereferred to as the isle of Ely. Before canals were dug and the fenswere drained this part of the country was relatively inaccessibleand isolated with respect to the rest of the UK. It is not unreasonabletherefore for dance traditions to have also evolved in isolation inthis part of the world. Dance figures were generally simple andrepetitive unlike the complex intricate Cotswold morris dances.

What is Molly dancingMolly dances were typically performed by East Anglian plowboys.In the depths of winter when the ground froze over plow handswere out of work and out of money. Molly dancers often went fromhouse to house, with their faces 'blacked up', begging for moneyand dancing. This was regularly spent on drink.There is evidence to suggest that dances were sometimes performedwith a hint of menace behind them.In every case molly dancers were always in disguise. Plowboyswould borrow wive's or girlfriend's clothing and blacken their faceswith either soot or blood. This allowed a certain amount of anonymityin small villages where everyone knew everyone else.

Molly dance teams in the UKThere numerous active molly dance teams based in the UK. Thereare also several seasonal molly sides that only meet in the winterfor one or two dance outs. A small selection of popular sides include:

Ouse Washes Molly.Gog Magog Molly.Pig Dyke Molly.Black Annis.

Norwich Kitwitches (formerly Shitwitch). low maintenance seasonal molly dance side that practice fivetimes a year and dance out in public five times between Decemberand January.

The Kitwitches have a small but perfectly formed repertoire.Last year they received lots of publicity by appearing in theAlternative Miss World competition and starring in the film 'TheUK guide to Showing Off' The side also performed at an East Anglianrock festival!

Most importantly the Kitwitches have a huge amount of funand firmly embrace the spirit of molly.

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Bedlam at KarapiroViva Roto-Vegas Morris TourThe 2013 Morris Tour hit the road running. Wednesday 2nd and beforemost of the participants had registered there had already been dancing inthe middle of town. We all settled in to the Keswick Camp and soonfigured out where all the action was. Some of us had to get used to gettingup on a top bunk. If that was too hard there was always a piece of flatfloor somewhere.

After dinner it wasstraight into the dressup Bingo and Cassinonight, with Andy andTrish showing uswhat to do. There waseven some races withjockeys on shoulders.There was a largeamount of funnymoney going about,and all sorts of strangethings wereauctioned..

Richard and Sarahshowed theirdisapproval of the lowmoral standard of allthese activities.

So we went to bedwondering if we weregoing to be able tokeep this pace up forthe rest of the Tour.

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Jane and Doreen’s JigThursday 3rd. After breakfast it was onto a workshop of the Tour dances.Hamish’s Reptile Molly dance had most of us puzzled. But we all got therein the end.Then it was down to the Ngongataha Lakefront Reserve before lunch. Someof us then went to the Rainbow Springs Wildlife Park. Back to Camp fordinner.But that’s not all! Out to dance again at the Night Markets, and then on toa pub crawl. And this is only the first real day.Can we survive this pace?


Andy & Pinky

The Reptile

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Auckland at Raglan

At the top ofBaldwin Street

At the Night Market

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Friday 4th 9.30am Leave camp for Taupo (Toe Paw) Before lunch wedance by the lakeside. After lunch we dance in the city streets.

White Rose at the lakeside

Reptile in Taupo

Nelson in Taupo

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White RoseEvening wear

White Rose in Taupo

in Taupo

After dancing in Taupo everyone was free to visit the local places,such as the Huka Falls, The Craters of the Moon, and other thermalareas. Then it was back to camp for dinner. But there’s more! Afterdinner there was Contra Dancing with MC Bill Baritompa fromChristchurch. And all had an enjoyable evening.

Contra Dancing

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Saturday 5th Due to Nelson having to leave early, the AGM was heldthis morning. See minutes page 22. Then it was off to the Kuirau Parkat about midday. We were then supplied with a brilliant picnic lunchbeside the Lakeland Queen boat on Memorial Drive. After lunch wedanced by the boat, and later in the afternoon some of us headed to theGovernment Gardens. Then the rest of the afternoon was free to preparefor the Feast and Ale.

Dancing by the Lakeland Queen

The Reptile

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Nelson at the Feast

at the Ale

The Feast and Ale

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The Broomstick Dance

The Presentations

On the 2013 Tour Ale night,Andy & Pinky were gracepersonified, (Andy was Grace,and Pinky personified!). Pinkysettled down a little afterprancing into the arena,snorting, hoofing the groundand offering a spirited shakeof the head (the usualthoroughbred jitters). Firmlyin the saddle, Andy thenproceeded to steer thismagnificent creature throughher paces.

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Some of these Aussies camealong and showed us theycould sing. Some said it wasworth while coming on theTour just to hear them.Perhaps we shouldn’t goquite that far.Then again there were acouple of Pommies whoshowed us how to clog. Andthey were quite good too.

Justin Presser & Kimfrom Brandragon

Roger & ChristineEnglish from England

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Sunday 6th Afterrecovering from theAle we had a lastdance out at the TeAmorangi Museum,just up the road

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Oamaru Victorian Weekend

We then had an interestingdiversion when wediscovered we had a free rideon the Lakeland Queen.And here is Steve Dancerdoing a jig in the cabin.

Monday morning it was allover so we all went home.

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People Present at the AGMC.A.M.D Maureen Aston, Ken Lee, Hamish Dublon, Stephan Hood, Errol Dawson, Steve Dancer,

Barbara Bird Christine Major, Sue Porritt, Eric McKenzie, Anne McKenzie, Les Turner, Henry Faulkner, Angela Todd, Patricia Price, Andy Smith.

BEDLAM Dave Barnes, Ian Appleton, Roger Faithfull, Simon Bishop, Barbara Riach (groupie), Keith Riach, Grant Wright

DARKMOON MORRIS NELSON Victor Hambly, Chris Hall, Dorothy Hambly, Steve Rule, Helen Jackson, Carol McKinven, Wendy Keen, Barry Scotson, Gay Bryant, Jan King.

ROSEWOOD David Newman, Liz Todd, Glen Adams, Arthur Todd.

TUSSOCK JUMPERS Jeneane Hobby, Rod McKenzie, Michelle Leathart.

PHOENIX Aaron Bosch, Janet Fleury.

HOTS Robyn Park, Ann Williams, Jenny Dobson

MAD TATTERS (Perth, Australia) Caroline Williams

BRANDRAGON Justin Presser

WHITE HORSE Richard Bauer

The annual NZ Morris encouragement award: "Eric Ilott & Elwin Jamison Award",is perpetual, and has a method for the recipient to contribute; not just sit on theirhands! (See AGM General Business 3)

Designed not only as a research/reference  tool, recipients are also invited to addnotation (to this book), of their favourite dance and music. In this way we mayjust be able to re-focus Kiwi Morris a little; back onto the all important Dancecomponent, (though not at the expense of a wonderful, socially oriented NZ Morrisculture).

And in this way also, we'll have an ongoing time-capsule-record of Kiwi-specificdance variants and even (I dearly hope), tradition-based originals! As it happens,“Butchers” (progenitor Horsham’s “Lucy of Lyne”) is a perfect example of a “Kiwivariant”, demonstrating the breadth of our world-wide living Morris culture. Nowlet’s notate some tradition-based Kiwi originals! Of course, the Recipient is also responsible for returning the book for presentationat the next year's Tour AGM, hopefully in person or if they have to, by mail.

Auckland resident Eric Ilott was a keen Morris man and previously a long-timemember of Bristol MM (UK), and Elwin (Jenneane Hobby's late husband), dancedwith Oxford City (UK), and Tussock Jumpers. Both generously enriched Morrisculture in this country. The Bacon in question originally belonged to Eric, and waspassed along to me, mid-2012 for “appropriate use”. His family is aware of, andare very pleased, that his name will be remembered in Morris circles in this way.From memory, Jeneanne was likewise delighted with the Award concept.

Steve Dancer

Ilot Jamison Award Footnote

N.Z.Morris Sphere no 16222

Minutes of Viva RotaVegas Morris Tour Jan 2013Venue: Keswick Christian Camp, Rotorua

Date 5th Jan 2013

OPENING HYMN: All Things Bright and Beautiful

MINUTES OF LAST AGM These were published in the Sphere Steve Dancer proposed thatthey be accepted as correct, Seconded by Glen Adams. Unanimous agreement. (Amazing really)

SPHERE: Rod spoke briefly and said there was not a lot to report. Accounts were fine and feerise seemed to have worked. The only catch was that sending money from overseas was a bitexpensive and he asked for suggestions on how to improve things. Jeneane suggested a PayPallaccount as that seemed to work well and arranged to discuss this with Rod later. The main thingwas that Sphere was solvent. Rod pointed out that CAMD were the main supporters. There wassome suggestion of putting Sphere on a website and CAMD indicated a willingness to put archiveson their website. It was decided that publication on websites should be delayed in order to ensurea ‘money flow’ Andy proposed a vote of thanks for Rod, this was seconded (but I can’tremember by whom). Wild applause followed.

INSURANCE: This now costs $1200 a year and covers liabilities.

TOUR The next tour will be in Nelson in 2014. The new signatories in charge of Tour accountswill be Janet King and Barry Scotson. There is a bit of a problem in as much as there is a Jazzfestival taking place in the first week of Jan and most accommodation have already been bookedout. The question was asked would the second week in Jan be ok and the general feeling seemedto be that no-one had a problem with that. Nelson have already booked some accommodationand are looking at a cost of between $300 and $350. Another question How important is it tohave a day off? Basically depends on length of tour but felt that it was not really important asmost people were quite capable of amusing themselves. Info will be sent out soon, coachtours are a possible option. Nelson pointed out that there were 11 craft breweries and numerouswineries in the area. Wild applause followed.

2015 TOUR Has been suggested that this one go to White Horse and Phoenix as a double act.They gave a brief outline of their ideas and explained that it was still in the planning stages.

Wild applause followed.

FINANCE Ken reported that the most important thing is that we are NOT in the red and VivaRotovegas hopes to return a profit. Organisers need to remember to factor in the cost of insuranceand note that at present it is still half price for under 25s. Keith Riach asked if there was anydiscount for old buggers but it was decided to ignore him. Ken will present accounts whenfinalised. Wild applause followed.

LAMMAS TOUR There is one space left at this time. Jeneane asked that if you are planningto be there anyway please let her know. She is setting up a Friends of Lammas Tour Group butyou do need to let her know if you want to be part of that. The Tour is from 27th July to 4th August.Plans are going well and all looks good. Wild applause followed.

ARCHIVES Sorry there was no room on the flight to bring them but do let Jeneane know ifthere is anything of interest. Someone suggested it might be good to set up some kind of cataloguesystem ( I didn’t hear anyone volunteer but I may have missed it.) Janet has a blog and Dave iswilling to put the names of articles on the website. There are many interesting snippets inmagazines etc. Thanks were given and wild applause followed.

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1. Henry reported that he has put up many CAMD clips on you-tube plus Canberra and various tours.He offered to put any material on disc for people if they wanted. Wild applause followed2. Dave requested that everyone update their emails with him so that he can get information outeffectively. He has paid for 5 years of website.3. Steve Dancer says that Eric Ilot has a copy of Bacon and has made it an award to be passed on atAGMs. This year it goes to Helen Jackson from Nelson. Wild applause followed.4. Aaron mentioned that there was some lost property left over from Molly workshops and to see thePhoenix people if you think it may be yours.5. The Shield was officially handed over to Nelson Wild applause followed.

There being no further business the AGM finished at was no applause, everyone just sort of wandered off.

Financial Statement

NZ National Morris Tour 2013  Rotorua

ANZ Bank Account  100236-060501-0818556-00Opening balance as at 30 January 2012           Statement #144 2,957.80

IncomeRegistration fees 22,102.69Donations 57.40Bank Interest 66.93

22,227.02ExpensesKeswick Christian Camp - Accommodation & meals 16,644.00Travel Expenses 345.35Refunds 750.00Witholding Tax on Bank Interest 11.72Insurance 1,121.25Badges 225.71NZ Morris Website Renewal (for 5 years) 201.83Rainbow Springs subsidy 330.80ContraDance caller fee 100.00Picnic supplies 320.60 'Ale' supplies 301.90Te Amorangi Museum 90.00Booklet 270.00Casino Night supplies 114.73Homebrew supplies 82.28Govt. cheque duty 2.50


Excess income over expenses 1,314.35

Balance as at 18 January 2013                      Statement #155 4,272.15

Ken Lee Bagman 2013 Tour

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Next EditionDeadlines:Photos andimages andGeneral Copy

Friday May10th

SubscriptionRatesBulk Posting -Minimum 5 Copies:Per Copy....$10Individual Posting -Per Copy....$12Overseas Postings -1 Copy......$18

Editor: Rod McKenzie384 Keyes RoadNew BrightonChristchurch 8083Email: [email protected]: 03 3822271

Prices cover fourissues per year.

Richard Bakerand SarahBurgess showoff their dolls