Visualization Anthony

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Transcript of Visualization Anthony

  • 8/13/2019 Visualization Anthony



    If the principles of Creative Mental Imagery are faithfully followed, they are

    sure to work in every area of your life. As I focused on my dreams and began

    to follow my new plan for success, I not only began to love myself more, but I

    found I was more open to a truly loving relationship.

    While I experienced a great deal of satisfaction in the area of my life's work,

    I sensed that there was still something missing. I had an abundance of

    success and happiness, but no one to share it with. I knew that one of the

    best things about success is sharing it with someone special.

    As I have often said, I believe that timing is one of the key elements to

    every successful situation. The right thing (or person) entering our lives

    at the wrong time invites certain disaster. It is vitally important that we

    become sensitive to proper timing when we create what we want. This skill,

    once mastered, will richly reward us the rest of our lives.

    The time came when I knew that circumstances were right for a loving,

    committed relationship, and so, I decided to use the principles I had been

    teaching and writing about to create my perfect mate. The reason I am

    sharing this with you is because I have discovered that loving work, when

    combined with a loving relationship, gives a human being the most

    dynamic power he or she will ever possess! I did not know this at the time,

    but I believed it on an intellectual level. Today, I know it to be a FACT! To

    demonstrate exactly how it works, I will share with you the manner in which I

    created my perfect loving relationship, using the principles discussed in this

    book, and also, in my previous books.

    We have already learned that you must know what you want before youcan have it. The more clearly you are able to focus on your goals, the

    faster your subconscious will manifest it for you. Through a kind of trial-

    and-error process, I had gradually gained a clear picture of the woman I

    could be happiest with, and also, the woman I could make happy. Her

    image was so clearly imprinted upon my mind, right down to specific

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    details and qualifications, that I assumed it would take the rest of my life I

    to find her! Still, I knew how the mind works, and if it is I focused on the end

    result, the subconscious has no choice but to produce it.

    I remember discussing all this with my friend Ramon. (You will meet him inanother section of this book.) Ramon believes as strongly as I do in our

    ability to create what we want, but in this particular instance, he had a few


    "Bob, I know this stuff works," he said. "It works for me and it works for you,

    but I think you are really limiting yourself by being this specific. There is no

    perfect woman out there. You can have most of what you want, but you'll

    have to be willing to compromise in certain areas if you hope to find a

    suitable mate." He then proceeded to give me the statistical probabilities of

    meeting such a person based on each qualification I had mentioned. The

    qualifications I had listed were as follows:

    1. Age: 30 to 35 years old2. 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 7 inches tall3. Slim build, looks great in jeans!4. Pretty eyes5. Good sense of humor6. Adventurous7. Nonmaterialistic

    8. Some college background

    9. Professionally skilled but not involved in an all-consuming career

    10.Compatible in terms of religious beliefs

    11.Likes country western music and dancing

    12.Financially stable

    13.Someone who enjoys horses

    14.Preferably from a small-town or country back

    15.ground rather than a city

    16.Someone who has no knowledge of who "Dr. Anthony" is

    17.Someone who will make meweak in the knees the first time I meet


    Nothing like being specific! I used all the techniques that I have worked

    with and written about to find the ideal relationship. One thing I have found

    is that once you are clear on what you want, you should communicate it to

    others. Why? Because once they are aware of your goal, they can help you

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    attract the right people or circumstances into your life. In my case, the

    answer came through my secretary, Lee.

    One day we were discussing personal relationships, and she said: "You

    know, I've known you for a very long time, and I've seen you go throughmany situations in your life. I must admit that I've never seen you quite as

    ready for the right relationship as you appear to be now. For over a year

    I've had someone in mind for you, but I never mentioned her because I

    didn't think the time was right. In any case, I think she is perfect for you. I

    haven't discussed this with her, but I think the two of you should meet. Why

    don't I arrange dinner for the three of us so that I can introduce you?"

    Through the years, I have learned to trust Lee with all of my innermost

    secrets, with all of my financial affairs and business dealings, and in view of

    this, I have come to trust her personal judgment and opinions in matters

    that concern me. Knowing me as well as she does, I felt confident that the

    evening would not be a disaster. The worst thing that could happen was

    that she might not be entirely right. In any case, I was willing to give it a try.

    As it turned out, Lee's friend Cyndi lived in Tucson, approximately 110

    miles away. What the heck! I thought. It'll be something different to do.

    As we drove toward Cyndi's town house near a Tucson mountain preserve,

    I could feel my anxiety beginning to build. Cyndi had been described to me

    as an attractive woman, although not a fashion-model type. I began to

    wonder if Lee was preparing me for a plain-looking woman with the

    proverbial "great personality."

    When we arrived, Cyndi was standing in front of her town house with her

    dog Bruto on a leash. As we pulled into the drive, I realized I was looking at

    the loveliest woman I had ever seen. She was slim and tanned, and had a

    warm and generous smile. As I got out of the car and introduced myself, I

    realized that I was indeed a bit weak in the knees. The feeling appeared to

    be mutual, for I sensed Cyndi's reaction to me, which she later described

    as a kind of "electrical shock" as the two of us shook hands.

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    To make a long story short, she met every qualification I had listedno

    exceptions, no compromises. The best way I can describe it is to say that it

    did not seem like we were meeting for the first time, but more as if we had

    already known one another a very long time and were just being reunited.

    Cyndi later confessed to me that only one month before we met, a friend

    had asked her what kind of man she felt she could become seriously

    interested in. Rather kiddingly, she responded: "A cowboy or a doctor." In

    my case, she got both. Remember, your subconscious mind doesn't kid


    When I related this experience to my friend Ramon, he said: "Okay, Bob, in

    this case I was very definitely wrong. And believe me, I couldn't be


    Moral of the Story: Don't ever believe that you can't have it all. You CAN!

    But only if you are willing to TURN ON YOUR DREAM MACHINE!