Visual CV - Rodrigo Ortega

Rodrigo Ortega Curious, insatiable for learning, people oriented and with a keen sense of humor


Visual CV of Rodrigo Ortega

Transcript of Visual CV - Rodrigo Ortega

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Rodrigo Ortega Curious, insatiable for learning, people oriented and with a keen sense of humor


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This is me, back in the good old days of bad haircuts and watching He-Man on tv.

He’s already impressed with my talents!

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I‘ve always had a very inquisitive mind

Journalist for the school newspaper

Member of the sciences club

Member of the “let’s build a rocket and launch it” club (and we did launch a rocket!)

Member of the environment protection club

Learned how to play the piano

Read lots of books

Volunteer for several different causes

Advised the future prime-minister of Portugal on which airplane model he should buy for his son - yes, that really happened!

Traveled a lot and loved meeting new cultures

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You  were  right,  Albert!  

“The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.”

Albert Einstein

You were right, Albert!

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I had several interests, but at the age of 15 I fell in love with airplanes, so I self-taught myself how to fly them.

It’s actually quite simple!

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A year later I created three virtual airlines, in which I “hired” real pilots, created alliances with other airlines and even got listed on the virtual airlines stock exchange.

This experience allowed me to learn about:

•  Branding; •  Marketing; •  Web design; •  Strategic management.

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At 19 I started working as a Gate Agent at Lisbon International Airport, where I worked with some of the major airlines flying there.

I developed skills in: •  Providing great customer service; •  Working in a true multicultural environment; •  Solving problems quickly and efficiently; •  Team management; •  Leadership and decision making; •  Taking direct responsability for the

outcomes of my work.

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With this experience I learned about: •  Developing and implementing

communication strategies; •  Strategic planing; •  Budgeting and cost control; •  Creating and managing great

customer relationships; •  Understand how decision making

takes place in multinational companies.

After graduating in Marketing & Advertisement I decided that I wanted to work at McCann Erickson, so I marketed my way into the agency and got a job!

I worked as Account Manager for some major brands of beauty products and drinks.  

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As a Managing Partner I learned about: •  How to asses companies from an HR point

of view so as to help them achieve better results;

•  Develop and implement training courses; •  Provide Coaching to clients; •  Recruit the staff needed for new projects; •  Develop and implement marketing plans; •  Plan events and manage and

communicate them; •  Develop the brand’s image, website and


Along the way I became an entrepreneur and was one of the founders and managing partners of a Training & Consulting company called intraining.

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In 2014 I decided to explore my passion for cooking, so I created my own brand of cheesecakes, worked in one of the restaurants of a Michelin-Starred chef and eventually opened my own restaurant!

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In addition to my professional experience I am always looking for ways to be more proficient in what I do, therefore I love to learn and apply new skills.

To speak, or not to speak, that is the question.

And Rodrigo speaks excellent English!

Et il parle aussi un peau de Français!

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So, why would you want to work with me?

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I’m a hard worker and if I

want something,

I go after it!

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I know my biggest strengths*

* - And no, I can’t fly and I’m not bullet proof!


I like to think, and the process of learning new things excites me and I feel energized by the journey from ignorance to competence. It’s my brain food!

I thrive in dynamic work environments where I am constantly asked to reach out for more.

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I know my biggest strengths*

* - And no, I can’t fly and I’m not bullet proof!


I am inquisitive and I collect things. It might be information or objects – whatever it is, I do it because I feel interested by new things.

That’s why I love to read, to go to museums, to meet new people, to travel – the world is an exciting place full of opportunities for me to learn and grow. So I just keep on acquiring information!

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I know my biggest strengths*

* - And no, I can’t fly and I’m not bullet proof!


I like to solve problems and fix things. If I encounter yet another problem I feel challenged by it and motivated to overcome it.

For me, new problems and failures are always excellent opportunities to start again, to learn and to make things better!

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I know my biggest strengths*

* - And no, I can’t fly and I’m not bullet proof!


I take ownership for the things I commit to. It’s extremely important for me to keep up with my word and I value that very much.

I have a need to make things right and to live according to a strong sense of ethics.

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I know my biggest strengths*

* - And no, I can’t fly and I’m not bullet proof!


I can easily coordinate all the knowledge and experience I have and apply it to see problems from different points of view, to better understand other people and to make decisions.

I’m a huge fan of evidence-based decision making and in that sense Perspective allows me to make better informed decisions since I collect information from different sources.

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I have a vast experience dealing with different types of audiences.

I have experience delivering keynotes and training sessions.

My coaching skills allow me to get to the point very easily and they can be an asset for the development of any team.

I’m a great communicator

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I’m a very “zen” person

Even when stress is high, I always remain calm. I see no advantage whatsoever in loosing my mind.

For years I have studied Buddhist teachings and culture and learned how to meditate at the União Budista Portuguesa (Portuguese Buddhist Union).

I have had the opportunity to be present at keynotes hosted by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Matthieu Ricard (also called “the happiest man in the world”)

I also know my share about happiness and mindfulness in the workplace.

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And I have great computer skills!

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I’ll leave you with my favorite quote

“The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or

cynics, whose horizons are limited by

the obvious realities. We need men

who can dream of things that never

were, and ask why not.”

John F. Kennedy

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Let’s get in touch!

E-mail [email protected]

Telephone +351 914 222 512

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•  Inquisitive brain -

•  Airplane cockpit -

&sid=f694d20600769cc30d8c7c072f573e34 ©André Garcez

•  Einstein -

•  Cloth background -


•  World Map -

•  Coaching image -

•  ICC logo -

•  Shakespeare -

•  Success Kid -

•  Superman -


•  Bamboo -

•  Adobe, Microsoft, Office, Mac OS, Wordpress, Linkedin, Facebook, Pinterest logos, Instagram and logos –

•  Fiber optics -

•  JFK -

•  Phone operator -

Photo Credits