Vistancia Living May 2012



Vistancia Living Magazine May 2012

Transcript of Vistancia Living May 2012

Page 1: Vistancia Living May 2012
Page 2: Vistancia Living May 2012
Page 3: Vistancia Living May 2012

6 FromWebsiteAbysstoWebsiteBliss


7 DreamingofVacation?SecureYourHomeFirst

8 Water-WiseManagement

10-11 DodgingPoverty

11 EventOrganizerJoeDarago

12-13 What’sHappening

14 Scrapbook:WesternNight&Eggstravaganza


16-17 DevelopingaPre-ShotRoutine

16 SpringinFullSwingatBlackstoneCountryClub

18 PeoriaSummerPrograms


20 Clubs/Resources

22 May2012Calendar


4 | May 2012 | VISTaNCIa LIVING MyVISTaNCIa.COM | May 2012 | 5

Carrie LienhartAssistant Community Manager

[email protected]

Michael Brooks Maintenance Director of VMC

[email protected]

Jake MondayMaintenance [email protected]

Vanessa TorreCommunity [email protected]

Lauren StephanLifestyle [email protected]

April AlvarezAdministrative [email protected]






What’s InsideMay 2012


Phone: 623.215.8646 / Fax: 623.215.8647 / www.myvistancia.comOffice Hours: Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm. Additional hours available by appointment.

Vistancia Living Magazine is the official community magazine of Vistancia, brought to you by the Vistancia Village Association. It is published monthly by Lion Tree Communications, [email protected]. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited by law. Trademarks, logos and content provided by advertisers, sponsors and partners are owned by the respective companies and all rights are reserved by them. The views, statements, and claims of advertisers or other VLM contributors do not necessarily represent those of the publisher, Vistancia Village Association or its employees. Printed in the USA. ©2012 Vistancia Living Magazine. All rights reserved. Please recycle.

For advertising opportunities, please contact Jonathan E. Himlin at 480.636.6670, or email: [email protected].






Page 4: Vistancia Living May 2012

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From Website Abyss to Website Bliss

By Mark Hammons, Vice President and General Manager, Vistancia Land Holdings

Arecentincreaseincustomhomesiteinteresthasconfirmedbuyer confidence in real estate investments and hastriggeredanewreleaseoffifteencustomhomesiteswithin

Blackstone at Vistancia. Thirteen homesites are located aroundthe 11th hole of Blackstone’s Jim Engh designed championshipgolfcourseandtheothertwositesarebackingthe17thholeandhavespectacularNorthfacingviewsoftheBlackstoneclubhouse.AdditionallyBlackstonewelcomeditsthirdcustomhomeinMarchwiththegroundbreakingofathree-quarteracre,10,000squarefootDesertContemperary-stylehomenestledalongthe14thholeoftheJimEnghdesignedBlackstonecourse.



InadditiontotheDesertContemporaryBlackstoneoffersSpanishand Hacienda architectural styles. Custom homesites ownersselectthearchitectandcustombuilderoftheirchoice,givingthemfull flexibility todesignunique indoorandoutdoorspaces.Designguidelines are provided to assist owners, architects and buildersdesign residences and improvements that fit naturally within thebeautifuldesertsurroundingofBlackstone.

CustomHomesiteswithinBlackstonerangefrom0.6to1.08acresand start fron the$90’s. For additional informationabout customhomesiteswithinBlackstonecontactourcustomsalesteamat623-266-6888.

Blackstone Custom Homesite Release

By Vanessa Torre, Community Manager

You gave us your thoughts and we listened. We learnedfromtheresidentsurveythatwehadavastlyunderutilizedresourceandthatmanyresidentsdidnotvisitthewebsite


Inordertokeepexpensesaslowaswecould,westayedwithourcurrentprovider,creatingabetawebsitewecouldredesignwithoutaffectingthecurrentone.Thenewwebsitecostusatotalof$150fromstarttofinish.Wesoughttocreateamoreappealinghomepagewhere residentscould immediately see important informationandseeacalendarofevents.Wechangedtheorientationofthemenubarandconsolidateditsoitismucheasiertonavigate.

On the now horizontal menu bar, we focusedon key areas of importance. Lifestyle now hasits own drop down menu with a fully loadedevents calendar that will even allow you toRSVP for events through the website! ClassesandClubswereupdatedandgreatnewphotoswereuploadedunderthePhotoGallery,aswell.We made sure back issues of Vistancia LivingMagazineareavailableandevenaddedaquickicononthehomepagewhereresidentscanviewthecurrentissueintrueonlinefashion.

Contactsstayedmuchthesamebutwemadethecontent labelsmoreintuitive.WelabeledasectionforStaffDirectoryandfilledinmissinginfoanduploadedpicturesofstaffsoyoucouldgetafacetogowithafamiliarname.Additionally,wecarvedoutaplaceforouradvertiserscalledBusinessPartner.

Werecognizethatmanyofourresidentsarehomeattimeswhenthestaff isnotintheofficeandsometimeslifemakesitdifficulttorememberwhomtocall.UnderForms,residentswillfindeverythingthattheyneedinordertocommunicatewithstaffontheirowntime.Forexample,residentscannowsubmitamodificationforapprovalandevenuploadphotosorplansfortheproject.Everyformwehaveisnowsetupasanelectronicformthatissentrighttostaff.


We are committed to updating the website as often as possibleand you should see new content as frequently as every three tofourdays. If youhavenotsignedup for thewebsiteorhave lostyourlogin,pleasevisitmyvistancia.comandrequestalogin.Happysurfing!

By Carrie Lienhart, Assistant Community Manager

The Association office receives numerous calls regarding avarietyofissuesthatactuallyshouldbecalledintotheCityofPeoriaPolice. Ifyoususpectanysuspiciousorcriminal

activity,besuretocontactthepoliceimmediatelyeitherbydialing911 or the non-emergency number at 623-773-8311. Pleaseremembertheassociationstafforcommunitypatrolcannotrespondtoanytypeofcriminalactivityonyourproperty.

Asthesummerheatsup,manyofyouwillescapethedailygrindandheadoutonawell-deservedvacation.But,beforeyouhittheroad,take a few precautions so your home isn’t enticing to thieves orsusceptibletofireandotherdisasters.Pleaseconsiderimplementingthesesafetytipstokeepyourhomesecure.

Callonfriendsforhelp.Ifyou’regoingtobeawayaweekormore,aska trusted friend tocheckonyourhouseeverydayor twoorbetteryet,housesitwhileyou’regone.Notonlywilltheymakesurenothing happens to your home, but you might also ask them tobringinyourmailandnewspapers,waterplantsandfeedthefamilypet.Ofcourse,it’sagoodideatoletyourneighborsknowafriendismonitoringyourpropertysotheydon’tcallthepolicetothwartaperceived“break-in.”

Setyourlightsonatimer.Leavingyourhouseunlitfordaysonendisasuresigntoburglarsthatit’sempty,butsoiskeepingthelightson24-7.Agoodwaytohandlethelightson/offconundrumistosetthemonatimerthat’sscheduledtosimulateyourregularroutine.Ofcourse, ifthelightsseemabittoosimulated,thatcanbeanothertelltalesign,soit’sagoodideatosetthetimersinindividualroomsonstaggeredschedulestomakethelightcomingfromyourhomeseemmorenatural.


Don’tleavethesparehousekeylyingaround.Thatfakerockwhereyoukeeptheextrahousekeyisn’tasdiscreteasyouthink.Whetheryoukeepaspareunderyourwelcomemat,abovethedoorframeorinahide-a-keycontraption,chancesareitwilltakethenefarioustypesfiveminutesflattofinditandgaineasyentrytoyourhouse.Sotakeitwithyou,letafriendholdontoitorputitinasafeplaceinside your house, even if you’re worried about losing your otherkeys.Becausewhenitcomesdowntoit,callingalocksmithislesstraumaticthancallingthepolice.

Make a last-minute checklist. Are all the windows and doorslocked?Stoveandoventurnedoff?Howaboutallthefaucets?Aretheelectronicsunpluggedandvaluablessecured?Takefiveminutesbeforeyou leave toensureyourhouse isvacation-ready.Anotherrun-throughofthehousemayseemunnecessaryifyoudiditearlierintheday,butknowingyou’veleftyourhouseassafeaspossiblewillhelpyoukickbackandrelaxonagreatvacation.

Dreaming of Vacation? Secure Your Home First>>> mANAGeR’S meSSAGe

>>> fROm The deveLOpeR


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Spring ishere,andasour temperaturesbegin togoup, sodoesthestressyourplantsendure.Withthatsaid,wewouldliketodiscussprogrammingyourirrigationcontroller.

Below is a picture of a standard controller found at most of theresidencesatVistancia.


Programming the Station Time (run time)

1.TurnthefunctiondialtotheStationTimesposition.Thecontrollerdisplays STATION NUMBER 1 and OFF (or the current stationruntime).




Programming the Water Days



3.Set thewateringday(s) for theprogramusingoneof the threefollowingprocedures:Daysof theWeek,OddDays/EvenDaysorDayIntervalschedulingprocedure.

Programming the Start Time



3.Use the+and/or–buttons todisplay thestart time.Note:Toremoveastarttime,adjustthetimetodisplayOFF(locatedbetween11:59p.m.and12:00a.m.).

Withalittlewater-wisemanagement,abeautifullandscapecanbeenjoyedthroughout thesummer.Remember,deepand infrequentwhen watering. Our plants like to dry out in-between wateringcycles.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact yourLandscape Management Team at (480) 545-9755, or visit StationTime



Water-Wise Management By Anthony Luciano, Director of Horticultural, Vistancia; and Scott Cosgrove, Director of Horticultural Practices


RecommendedWaterUsageGuidelinesIf you are using a drip irrigation system (also called micro-irrigation), be sure that the system runs at least two hours foreachwatering;perstation.Thiswillensurethattheplantsonthatstation are being watered deeply. A good test to see when towater:pushawaythesurfacesoil(justalittle)andseeifthesoilismoist.Ifitis,waittowater.Ifit’sdry,youwillneedtowater.Thiscanbedonearoundthebaseofmostofyourplants,exceptforthecactus,andsomeAgave.

Watering Schedule – Trees Temperature 1st Year 2-5 Years After 5 Years

Over108° every2-3days every10days every3weeks

Over100° onceaweek every10days graduallyextend to4weeks

90–100° every10days every2weeks graduallyextend to6weeks

75–90° every2weeks every3weeks waterifno rainfallfor 45-60days

Below75° every3weeks every30days waterifno rainfallfor 60days

Watering Schedule – Shrubs Temperature 1st Year 2nd Year After 2 Years

Over108° everyotherday*every3days onceaweek

Over100° onceaweek* every10days every2weeks

90–100° every10days every2weeks every3weeks

75–90° every2weeks every3weeks every4-5weeks

Below75° every3weeks every30days every4-5weeks


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MyVISTaNCIa.COM | May 2012 | 11

IF YOU GOWhen:Saturday,May5,2012from2:00–4:00p.m.Where:EventLawn&,or$75monetarydonation.

So how does it work? First, neighbors are organized intocompetingdodgeballteams.Participantsdressincostumesand bring canned food items to participate. There’s even

amariachiband, tacosand festiveactivities for thekids includinga 20’ water slide and a pinata! Finally, the tournament begins!All donations and proceeds go straight to St. Mary’s Food BankAlliance.


Tacos, burritos, chips and salsa will be available to purchase.Remembertobringcash!BYOBandcomeenjoythemariachibandand Mexican fiesta activities! We’ll have piñatas, relay games, abouncehouseandmore.Youdon’thavetoplaytoattendthisfunevent.Wehopetoseeyouontheeventlawn!

Photos by Surreal Media /

EvEnt OrGanIzEr JOE DaraGO On charItY DODGE ball EvEnt

Where did you come up with the idea of a charity dodge ball event? “Wewerelookingforawaytohelpthoseinneedandstartedbrainstormingideas.Somebodyinthegroupcameupwiththeideaofplayingadodgeballtournamentforfunandtheideagrewfromthere.Noneofusarethatgoodatgolf!”

Have you helped coordinate something like this in the past? If so, how was it received by the participants? “Yeswehavedoneeventssimilarandpeopleenjoythem.Theylikehelpingwhilehavingfunwithothers.”

What is your fundraising goal for this event? How many attendees do you hope to have? “Wewouldlovetosee10teamsparticipateandeachteamgiving40-50non-perishableitems.ThankfullywehadJourneyChurch,alocalchurchthatcaresforthepoorinthearea,stepupandcoverallthecostsofthetournament,plustheyevendonatedshirts!Thishelpsusfocusonthefoodbank.”

What message do you think is most important to convince people to attend the event? “Oftenpeoplethinkofhelpingfoodbanksinthewinteraroundtheholidays,buttheneedispresentallyear.Throughoureffortswecanhelppeopleinarealpracticalwaywhentheneedisgreatandthedonationsaredown.”

Community>>> feATuRed eveNT

Dodging PovertyDodge Ball Tournament and Cinco de Mayo Fiesta!Saturday, May 5 from 2-4 p.m.

Costumes, margaritas and dodge ball? That’s right! Vistancia is getting ready to host the second annual Dodging Poverty event on May 5th from 2pm-4pm! This Cinco de Mayo event is anything but ordinary. You see, after all the fun and games, this event has one cause in mind—eliminating hunger in American neighborhoods.

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Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Friday, May 11th, 6:30-9:30pmCalling all 2011-2012 Volunteers! If you’ve volunteered in thecommunitythisisyournighttoberewardedforallyourhardwork!JoinusforavolunteerappreciationdinneronFriday,May11th.We’llmeetattheMVCandtakeacharteredbustooureventdestination.Thebuswillleaveat6:30pmandwillreturnat9:30pm.Ifyoupreferto drive yourself that’s fine too! RSVP is MANDATORY. [email protected].

Fire Truck DaySaturday, May 12th, 12:30-2pmFantasticFireDepartmentisafunandcompletelyuniquehands-onexperienceforboysandgirlsagestwoandup.Withlightsflashingandsirenblaring,thebigredfiretruckwillarriveat1pm.Thestaroftheshowistherestoredandfullyfunctionalclassicfiretruck!Thisevent will provide an interactive experience for children, sparkingtheir imagination!Hotdogs,chipsandbeverageswillbeprovidedstartingat12:[email protected].

Stargazing Friday, May 18th, 7pm-10pmJoinusonforaneveningofstargazing!We’llmeetatSunsetParkat7:15pmtowalkdowntotheSolarGarden.ProfessionalstargazerTonyLaContewill leada30minutestargazingpresentation from7:30-8pm. Telescope viewing will take place from 8pm-10pm inSunsetPark.

Stay Home Alone EducationSaturday, May 19th, 2pm-4pmHaveyourchildrenattendthisfreeclasstolearnimportantlessonson staying home alone safety. The content will include keepingconstructivelyoccupied,preparing foranemergency,dealingwithvisitors,

Summer Kick Off PartyThursday, May 24th, 4pm-6pmWewanttomakesureyoustartthesummeroffwithaparty!JoinusafterschoolattheMVCpoolforourcircusthemedSummerKickOffCelebration!Theslideswillturnonforthefirsttimethisyearat4pm!Comeenjoyfreesnacks,gamesandmore!ThankyouZonaCommunicationsforsponsoringthiseventforeveryonetoenjoy!

3rd Annual Peoria Fit Camp June 7 – July 31ITS BACK! The third annual Peoria Fit Camp will start Thursday,June7,2012andendJuly31st,2012.TheFitCampwillbeheldevery Tuesday/Thursday evening in the months of June and Julyfrom6:30pm–8:00pmat theNEWWestlandPark inVistancianexttoLakePleasantElementarySchool.TheFitCampisforboysandgirlsbetweentheagesof3–13yearsold.Theywillbeputinto3groupsbasedontheirageandfitnesslevel.Thisyearweareaddinga little twist and providing a separate camp for the parents! TheFitCampprovidesanopportunity for thekidsandparents togetoutofhousethissummerandfocusongeneralfitnessandhealthtoworkonfivespecificareas:improvingspeed,agility,endurance,coordinationandeatinghabits.TheentireFitCampwillhaveatotalof16sessionsandcosts$50 for1child,$80 for2children,and$100 for 3 ormore children. If you are interestedplease contactJason Paladino for registration information at 623-824-2785 oremail at [email protected]. The Camp is currentlysponsoredbyPhysiotherapyAssociatesandJourneyChurch.

Vistancia Wet ‘n’ Wild Summer CampJune 11-15 | July 9-13We’rehappytopartnerwithFutureStars InternationalEnterprisesandWetnWildtoofferanexclusivesummercampexperiencetoour residents! Why stay stuck in doors? Are your kids bouncingoff the walls? Then Vistancia Summer Camp is the answer! Our

summercampswillofferasafeandfunsummeradventure for kids. Kids will enjoy swimming,sportsgames,activitiesandshows.Ourshowswill include the AZ Puppet Theater, PhoenixFirefighters,YoungMindsUnlimited,WildWestMusicalStageandTaikoDrumming.Inadditionto each full week registration, campers willreceiveafreetickettoWetnWildandanoptiontobuyadditional ticketsatheavilydiscounted

rates.WewillalsohaveaccesstoPhoenixMercuryticketsat lowratesforcampparticipants.OursummercampDirectorisafulltimeteacherinthePeoriaUnifiedSchoolDistrict,withgreatexperiencewith kids. Our camp counselors are fun, energetic, responsibleindividualswithapassionforyouthdevelopmentandsports.Makeit a Summer to remember with our Vistancia Summer Camps!CampdatesareJune11th-15thandJuly9th-13th,Kids5-12yearsold are welcome! After care will be available. Please visit www.fsiesummercamps.comformoreinformationandtoregister!

New Tennis Director

Joe Ragland is coming to Vistancia with over 30 years ofteaching experience and 16 years of experience as theDirectorofTennisatArrowheadCountryClubinGlendale,

AZ.Followingthat,hewasDirectorofTennis for thepast threeyearsatAnthemGolfandCountryClubinAnthem,AZ.


After his playing days, Joe turned his energy and passion toteaching tenniswherehe excels at getting themost out of hisstudentsbywayofmotivationandteachingplayingstrategyandproperstroketechniques.Joeenjoyscoachingalllevelsoftennis,fromformalYouthProgramsandLadies’andMen’sLeagues,toinstructingdrillsandCardioClinics.JoeisveryexcitedabouthisnewopportunityatVistanciaand is looking forward toworkingwithalltheplayersatthecommunityofVistancia.


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Community>>> WhAT’S hAppeNING

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“Our family looks forward to Western Night each year and bringing our grandson Tyler. We laugh and smile all night. The hayride was great and watching the contestants ride the mechanical bull was very fun!” --Jim and Julia McKernan

“The Eggstravaganza was great again this year. There were so many activities that we didn’t get a chance to do everything. It was the perfect family afternoon with something for everyone.” --Alesa Riley

The Byrne FamilyThe Byrne family came to Vistancia in March of 2009. Jim, anArizona native, and Desiree’, who hails from Illinois, have twochildren,Cooper(4yrs)andHawke(3yrs).


When asked about the thing that attracted the couple most toVistancia Village, Jim replies sharply, “That it was in town! Wepreviously lived in a neighborhood that was 30 minutes to thenearestcommercialestablishment.”


Asanavidoutdoorsman,Jimlovestospendhisfreetimefishingandcampingunderthestars.Hediscoveredhisloveofphotographywhile hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, which he hasconquered nine times (so far). That love prompted him to studyphotographyandopenSurrealMedia,whereheworksastheseniorphotographer.JimcurrentlyrunstheVistanciaPhotographygroup.

Healsohappens tobeadie-hardStarWars fanand livesby theYodaquote,“Doordonot.Thereisnotry.”

Meanwhile,Desiree’hasworkedinthemedicalinsuranceindustryas a professional negotiator for over nine years. She owns andoperatesComprehensiveMediationConsultants(CMC),negotiatingdiscounts for patients who received medical, dental, chiropracticor vision services regardless of their insurance coverage or lackthereof.Herfavoritehobbiesaresingingandcouponing.

Photos by >>> SCRApbOOkCommunity


Page 9: Vistancia Living May 2012

Spring in Full Swing at Blackstone Country ClubBy The Vistancia Information Center


Creme Brulee French ToastServes6Ingredients:*1stick(1/2cup)unsaltedbutter*1cuppackedbrownsugar*2tablespoonsdarkambermaplesyrup*2tablespoonscornsyrup*1loafTexastoast,orChallahbread*5largeeggs*11/2cupshalf-and-half*1teaspoonvanilla*1teaspoonGrandMarnier*1/4teaspoonsalt

Directions:In a small heavy saucepan melt butter with brown sugar, maplesyrupandcornsyrupovermediumheat,stirringuntilsmooth.Pourintoa13-by9-by2-inchbakingdish.Cutsix1-inchthickslicesfromcenterportionofbreadandtrimcrusts.Cutintotriangles.Laythetrianglesatanangleinbakingdish,squeezingthemslightlytofit.Inabowl,whisktogethereggs,half-and-half,vanilla,GrandMarnier,andsaltuntilcombinedwellandpourevenlyoverbread.Chillbreadmixture,covered,atleast8hoursandupto1day.


FortheBerries:-½PintRaspberries-½PintBlackberries-½PintBlueberries-½PintStrawberries-¾CupPowderedSugar-½CupGrandMarnier-¼CupTripleSecDirections:Mix all the ingredients together, let the mixture macerate for 5minutes before serving. Pour berries over the French toast usingsomeofthejuice.Usingashaker,sprinklewithpowderedsugar.Serveimmediately.


It’samazingtomehowmanydisgruntledgolfersouttherejustget up and whack away at the golf ball without thought orpreparation.Theyfallvictimtothesnowballeffect;onebadshot

leadstoanotherandfinallytheyleavethecoursewishingtheyneverstarted their round. What golferssometimesdon’tunderstandisthatconsistencystartslongbeforeevermakingagolf swing.Thepre-shotroutineisvitaltoallgolferstryingtogainconsistencyintheirgames.

Haveyoueverseenatourprofessionaljustgetupandhitthegolfballwithoutpreparation?Remember lastmonthatAugustawhen

BubbaWatsonhita40yardhookaroundthetreeswithapitchingwedge tosecurevictory in thesecondplayoffhole?Doyouthinkthatwasthefirsttimehetriedtohitthatshot?Inthepressconferencefollowingtheevent, themediaaskedBubbaabout thatmiraculousshotandhowhepulleditoff.Hisresponsewassimply,“Icouldseeit.”

Don’tgetmewrong,thereisamajordifferenceinatourprofessional’sgameandours,butinordertogettothatlevelyoumustbeconsistentineverythinginordertogainconsistency;itallstartswithourpre-shot routine.So if youhaveapre-shot routine,use itevery time,everyshot.Ifyoudonothaveapre-shotroutine,developoneanduse itevery time.Apre-shot routine isnotsomethingthatshouldtakealongtimeorbeadrawn-outprocess.Thelongerittakesyou

Developing a Pre-Shot RoutineBy Joshua Doxtator, Head Golf Professional and Golf Operations Manager, Trilogy Golf & Country Club

to execute the shot the more time youhave to come up with reasons to hit abadshot.Herearesomekeyguidelinestoaneffectivepre-shotroutine.

Startbehindtheball,lookingdownyourtarget line. When you do this you’redoingtwothings,firstyouarepickingoutyour target; second, you can visualizetheshotyouwant tohit.Tryseeing theshotinyourmind’seye.Itdoesn’talwayslook thatwaywhenyouhit it,butyou’llbeamazedwhenitdoes.Asforpickingout a target, try picking out somethingjust in front of your ball to line up to inaccordancetoyourtarget.It’saloteasierto line up to something right in front ofyouthan200yardsaway.Once you pick your target continueyour pre-shot routine. I encourage mystudentstosidestepintotheballandlinetheirclubfaceupfirstandthentheirfeetaccording to theirclubface.Remember:Clubface to target, feet to clubface,

swing to target. I see golfers settingtheir feet first time and time again, andthechallengewith this is thatyoudon’talways get into the correct position ordistance from the ball. Once you putyourclubdownyounoticethisandmoveyourfeettogetintoamorecomfortableposition,butwhenyoudothisyoumayalso change your alignment. When youline the clubface up first and sidestepintotheshot,youcancreateaconsistentsetupposition.

The last thing you should do beforeexecutionoftheshotistoremindyourselfof where you’re going…the TARGET!Lookatyourtargetbeforeyoumaketheswing.Thishelpsremindyouofyourgoaland clears your mind of thoughts thatshouldn’tbethereinthefirstplace.

Pre-shot routinesareverypersonalandcan differ in many ways. Just come upwithasimpleprocessthatworksforyouandbeconsistent.

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>>>>>> bLACkSTONe

Page 10: Vistancia Living May 2012

Peoria Summer Programs By Cathy Carlat, Councilmember, Mesquite District, City of Peoria

As theschool yearcomes toanend,wearebeginning toapproach the warm weather of our notorious Arizonasummer.Duringthistime,mostofusbeginlookingatways


Asyoubeginplanningyoursummerschedule,don’tforgettocheckout the variety of summer camp programs available through theCity of Peoria. Most of the summer day activities begin as soonasschool isout for thesummer.Theprogramsoffer theflexibilityofindependentplayandorganizedprogrammingtoaccommodatechildrenages4through15.Eventhoughyoumaystillbeworking,your children can enjoy exciting field trips and engrossing arts &craftsthroughoutthesummermonths.

Inadditiontothesummerprogrammingcamps,thereareanumberofspecializedclassesandprogramsforchildren,teensandadults.Whether you have a passion for photography, guitar, fencing orwouldliketolearnhowtoZumba,theCityofPeoriahasclassestopiqueyourinterest.

Ofcourse,weall knowhow important it is towatchourchildrenaroundwater,especiallythistimeofyear.Withourtoastyweatherandthetemptationofacoolpool,mostchildrenarenaturallydrawnto thewater.Helpequip your kidswith thebasiccomponentsofwatersafetyskillsbyensuringtheyknowhowtoswim.YournearestlocationisattheSunriseMountainPool,wherethereareswimminglessonsforalllevels.

Withgaspricesseemingtorisewithout limit, Iknowmostpeoplearelookingatwaystokeepthefamilyentertainedwithoutbreakingthe bank. The City of Peoria has a number of programs that willentertain and enlighten every age group. For a full list of optionsincluding prices, locations, and program dates, please call (623)

To keep updated about what is happening in your city; includinglocalroadclosures,constructionactivities,andevenexcitingevents,,[email protected],orcall(623) 773-5133 to register today. Contact Councilmember [email protected].

Over the past couple of weeks there have been severaltheftsinVistanciawhereentryintovehicleshasbeenmadethroughunsecureddoorsand/orwindows.Leavingdoors

orwindowsunsecuredwhenparking your vehicle for thenight isjustanopeninvitationtoburglars;notsomethingyouwanttodo.Evenleavingyourvehicleopenforashortperiodoftime,15to20minutes,givesaburglartimetogetinandoutwithyourmostprizedpossessions.

Wehavehadofficerscheckingvehiclesintheearlymorninghoursandleaving“VehicleReportCards”toinformresidentsofconcernsobserved by officers. They have noticed property left in vehicles,keysleftinvehiclesandevenpursesandbriefcasesinopenvehicles.

Please take the time toensure that yourhomeandvehicle(s) aresecurewhenyouare ready toeither leave for thedayorsettle infor thenight. It takes just a fewminutes to check thedoors andwindowstomakesuretheyareproperlysecured.Takingthosefewminutestocheckcanensurethatyoudonotbecomeavictim.

Here are a few other ways to keep from being a victim:

• Watchforindividualsloiteringnearand/oraroundvehicles

• Watchforindividualslookinginwindowsofvehicles

• Reportsuspiciousactivity

• Reportcrime







Vehicle Report Cards By Sgt. P. Kief

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>>> pOLICe beAT

Page 11: Vistancia Living May 2012

Vistancia Community Patrol 480.313.2685Vistancia Village EmergencyFor use between midnight and 8am 800.274.3165CItyoFPeoRIaPolice/Animal Control 623.773.8311Peoria Policing Program, North Tip Line 623.773.5077 [email protected] 623.773.7279Southwest Ambulance 480.655.7234Arrowhead Hospital 623.561.1000North Peoria Emergency Center 623-561-2022Sun Health Hospital 623.214.4000Post Office 623.979.8533Sunrise Mountain Library 623.773.8650UtIlItIeSCox Communications 602.694.1952Zona Communications 928.501.2255Southwest Gas 602.861.1999APS (Electric) 602.371.7171City of Peoria (water/trash) 623.773.7160SCHoolSPeoria Unified S.D. #11 623.486.6000Lake Pleasant Elementary 623.773.6575Attendance 623.773.6582Vistancia Elementary 623.773.6500Attendance 623.773.6508Liberty High School 623.773.6525Sunrise Mountain High School 623.487.5125Creative Castle Preschool and Kindergarten 602.740.9561 CHURCHeSSpirit Song United Methodist Church 623.824.1357

aCtIvItIeSanDClUBSaerobicsWe’ve started a new aerobics class in Vistancia on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9am in the Gymnasium. This is a free fitness class! All you need is a water bottle, a towel and mat if you have one. Enjoy!

aqua-totsIs your child water safe, do they know how to swim? If not, get them enrolled now. For more information, contact Aqua-Tots at 623-376-6554 or for swim lessons.

BibleStudyThe women’s Bible study meets every Thursday at 9am in Building A. All women are invited as we share, discuss, and encourage one another. Call Valerie for more information at 623-824-1357.

BookClubWe will meet at 7pm the second Tuesday of every month in Building A at the Mountain Vista Club .If you’re interested in joining please contact Darlene at [email protected]. BuncoisBack!We need players! Join us in the Clubhouse on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7pm for an exciting dice game and a great way to meet new friends! The fee is $6 per person to play. There are 4 gift cards available to win! Please contact Lauren at [email protected] if you’re interested in playing!

GardenChatGarden chat will meet the last Wednesday of every month at 6pm. Contact [email protected] for additional information.

GoodnewsClubThe Good News Club meets Tuesdays from 6pm-7:30pm in Building A! The club is a Bible based (non-denominational) teaching on life issues that the teen age group is challenged to face on a daily basis. Now is the time to make correct decisions to set the stage for becoming an adult. for additional information contact Julia at [email protected].

HelpingHandsClubThe helpings hand club is a group of Vistancia residents with the same mission to help their neighbors in need! If you would like to join the club or if you have a need that the club might be able to assist you with contact Adrienne at [email protected].

HistoryClubIf you want a greater understanding of the principles the United States was founded on and confidence in your ability to affect freedom this group is for you! We’ll meet in Building A twice a month March-May, on the 1st & 3rd Thursday evenings. The 1st Thursday of the month will be a lecture by a guest speaker; the 3rd Thursday of the month will be a book/article discussion). For more information and the book list, email Alena Hatch ([email protected]).

MoMSClubActivities and support for Moms and their kids. For more information, if you are North of Vistancia Elementary contact Holly Tenn at [email protected]; if you are South of Vistancia Elementary contact Crystal Beumler at [email protected].

MoPS(MothersofPreschoolers)ClubMOPS is a great place where Mothers Of Preschoolers will be welcomed, accepted and inspired to reach their full potential as both a woman and a mom! The club will meet the first and third Wednesday of each month in the Mountain Vista Clubhouse. Contact Christie for more information at [email protected] or visit

MountainBikingClubThis club meets on weekends at the discrepancy of group leader. Explore new terrain in and around the Vistancia community. For additional information contact Scott Thompson at 623.764.4960.

PokerClubCome meet your neighbors while playing a game of luck and skill. Vistancia Poker tournaments will be held the second and fourth Saturday of every month in the Association Office. Buy-ins are $20 per person. 100% of proceeds go to top place finishers. For more information, [email protected] /

SpanishClubThe Spanish Club will meet from 6-7:30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays in Building A. It’s open to all residents who would like to learn Spanish as well as those who want to practice their Spanish-speaking skills in a supportive environment. The topics of conversation will include, but not be limited to: greetings, holiday celebrations, family events. eating out, shopping, traveling, entertainment and games. The $40 monthly dues include all classes and materials. To register contact Susan at [email protected].

teenClubKids ages 11-17. We plan teen events and do community service projects all while having a great time. Please contact Lauren Stephan at [email protected] for more information.

tennisClubDrop-in Tennis is on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at the Mountain Vista Club tennis courts at 8:30-10:30am. For more information Contact [email protected] or call Tom or Barbara at 928.252.3546.

tennislessonsTennis Pro Joe Ragland instructs Children and Adults in multiple settings including private lessonsand group clinics. Call Joe for additional information at 623.680.6738.

vistancialifestyles.comVistancia Lifestyles is the place to go to for great articles from local experts providing you with free information on many topics such as photography, skin care, pet care, travel tips, landscaping, home decor and more. Find fun events going on in Arizona, the West Valley and Vistancia Village. There is also a local business listing. If you have any questions, contact us at: [email protected].

vistanciavillageBusinessnetworkingGroupMeets the second and fourth Monday of the month at 6pm in the Mountain Vista Clubhouse. For more information contact Eva at [email protected].

vistanciavillageloaninglibraryBring a book take a book at the Loaning Library in the Association Office. We are also always accepting donations for books and DVDs For more information contact the Association Office at 623.215.8646.

vistanciavipersVistancia Village Swim Team. For more information contact Jen Peery at [email protected].

WateraerobicsClasses are Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10 a.m. at the Mountain Vista Club pool. If you have any questions contact Lauren at [email protected].

PoweryogaPower Yoga is a mat-based exercise system focused on improving flexibility and strength for the total body. This exercise is aimed at developing a stable core for all types of movement attaining balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength. Power Yoga is held every Wednesday from 6-7pm in the Gym. Contact Ranae Nitura at [email protected] for further questions.

ZumbaDitch the workout and join the party! The Zumba program fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away! The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Classes are Mondays and Thursdays at 6pm. For more information, contact Lennie Ambelang at [email protected].

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May 2012

22 | May 2012 | VISTaNCIa LIVING


Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Water Aerobics, 10amGood News Club, 6-7:30pmHip Hop, 6pm

2MOPS Club, 9-11:30amAerobics, 9-10amElementary Dodgeball, 4pmPower Yoga, 6-7pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pmCheer Camp, 6-7pm

3Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Bible Study, 9amWater Aerobics, 10amTeen Club Mtg, 3:30-4:30pmJazz Class, 4pm Tumbling, 5-6pmZumba, 6pmHistory Club, 7pm

4Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Aerobics, 9-10amCoffee Talk, 9amMOMS Club, 10am-12pm

5DODGING POVERTY, 2-4PMPreschool Tumbling, 10-11amFarmers Market Pick-up,11am-12pmUltimate Frisbee, 2pm

6Adult B-Ball, 7pm

7Aerobics, 9-10am Cheer Club, 4-6pmZumba, 6pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pm

8Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Water Aerobics, 10amGood News Club, 6-7:30pmHip Hop, 6pmBook Club, 7pm

9Aerobics, 9-10amPower Yoga, 6-7pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pmCheer Camp, 6-7pm

10Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Bible Study, 9amStory time, 9amWater Aerobics, 10amJazz Class, 4pm Tumbling, 5-6pmZumba, 6pmHealth Club, 6pm

11Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Aerobics, 9-10amVolunteer AppreciationDinner, 6:30-9:30

12Preschool Tumbling, 10-11amFire Truck Day, 12:30-2pmPoker Fundraiser, 5pmPoker, 6pm

13Adult B-Ball, 7pm

14Cheer Club, 4-6pmZumba, 6pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pmBusiness Networking, 6pm

15Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Water Aerobics, 10amGood News Club, 6-7:30pmHip Hop, 6pm

16MOPS Club, 9-11:30amPower Yoga, 6-7pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pmCheer Camp, 6-7pmBunco, 7pm

17Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Bible Study, 9amWater Aerobics, 10amJazz Class, 4pm Tumbling, 5-6pmZumba, 6pmHistory Club, 7pm

18Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Stargazing, 7pm-10pm

19Preschool Tumbling, 10-11amFarmers Market Pick-up,11am-12pm

Stay Home AloneEducation, 2-4pm

20Adult B-Ball, 7pm

21Cheer Club, 4-6pmZumba, 6pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pm

22Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Water Aerobics, 10amGood News Club, 6-7:30pmHip Hop, 6pm

23Power Yoga, 6-7pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pmCheer Camp, 6-7pm

24Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Bible Study, 9amWater Aerobics, 10amSummer Kick Off Party, 4-6pmJazz Class, 4pm Tumbling, 5-6pmZumba, 6pmHealth Club, 6pm

25Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am

26Preschool Tumbling, 10-11amPoker, 6pm

27Adult B-Ball, 7pm

28Cheer Club, 4-6pmZumba, 6pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pmBusiness Networking, 6pm

29Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Water Aerobics, 10amGood News Club, 6-7:30pmHip Hop, 6pm

30Garden Chat, 6pm Power Yoga, 6-7pmSpanish Club, 6-7:30pmCheer Camp, 6-7pm

31Drop-in Tennis, 7:30-9:30am Bible Study, 9amWater Aerobics, 10amJazz Class, 4pm Tumbling, 5-6pmZumba, 6pm

Photo by Surreal Media /


Page 13: Vistancia Living May 2012

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