VISTA MAGAZINE - Clover · evidence...

VISTA MAGAZINE News and happenings from the IFCA January 2013

Transcript of VISTA MAGAZINE - Clover · evidence...

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VISTA MAGAZINE News and happenings from the IFCA January 2013

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General Overseer Emeritus: Assistant General Overseers: Rev. Dennis Karaman 2003-2008 Rev. Carmine Zottoli Eastern DistrictRev. John DelTurco 1993-2003 Rev. Timothy Tyler Great Lakes DistrictRev. David Farina 1989-1993 Rev. John King New England DistrictRev. Carmine Saginario 1975-1984 Rev. Warren Day Niagara Mohawk District Rev. Rick George Northwest DistrictExecutive Board: Rev. Douglas Bedgood Southern DistrictRev. Michael Player General OverseerRev. Frank Fodera Secretary/Treasurer

Department Directors: Vista Magazine:Rev. Dale Russo Foreign & Home Missions Kerrie Evans EditorRev. Lucian Gandolfo EducationRev. Paul Beitel National Youth DirectorKathy Aiken National Women’s Ministry

We Believe...

à The Bible to be the infallible Word of God, distinct in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

à Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God, the Only Savior of mankind, through whose death atonement was made for our sins.

à In a personal devil, served by demon spirits, who will be cast eternally into the Lake of Fire.

à In regeneration: the new birth through faith in Jesus Christ.

à In Water Baptism by simple immersion “in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

à In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, subsequent to salvation, with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

à In the Lord’s Supper to be shared in regularly as a reminder of our Lord’s death.

à In the Apostolic regulations regarding practices that injure the body and offend the holiness of God.

à In the healing of the sick in response to the prayer of faith.

à In the pre-millenial return of Christ.

à In the bodily resurrection of the dead.

In This Issue...

An Interview with Dr. Eddie Hyatt 4

Guyana Deaf Ministries 5

Ebenezer Gospel Mission 6-7

In Memory: Rev. Sam Montagano 8-10

Education Department 11

Owning Faith 12-13

District Updates 13-15

An Exhortation 15

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An Interview with Dr. Eddie Hyatt Rev. John Lathrop 1. The word “revival” means different things to different people. How would you define “revival?”

Revival is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in response to the prayers of God’s people, breathing new life into His people and bringing a new passion for the honor and glory of God and a desire to see His name honored throughout the earth.

2. What prompted you to write the book Revival Fire?

As a new believer many years ago, I had the privilege of participating in a genuine move of the Holy Spirit that impacted many lives and an entire community. In contrast, especially recently, I have observed so-called revivals—such as Lakeland—where there was so much hype, exaggeration and manipulation. This has grieved me deeply. I have a passion to see genuine Spiritual awakening but I know it must be based in Scriptural truth. I hope, through this book, to point people, who have a passion for revival, back to the Bible as their foundation for genuine Spiritual awakening.

3. What can be done to help Christians, especially Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians, to be more biblically knowledgeable?

We need to emphasize the foundational nature of God’s Word and show the transforming power the Word of God will have in our lives. We need to encourage people to have a personal daily time of prayer and reading the word. We need to encourage our people to memorize Scripture; for example like writing a Biblical passage on an index card and carrying it throughout they day, and at the end of the day you will have it memorized. We need to offer structured Bible studies for our people and more formal opportunities for Biblical studies.

4. Do you think that we give too much attention today to outward manifestations like shaking and falling?

It depends on the location. I have ministered in Pentecostal churches where they were, for one reason or another, opposed to outward manifestations and needed to be more open. Sometimes it is a fear of facing manifestations that may be fleshly or demonic and, instead of being willing to discern and confront, they reject all manifestations.

On the other hand, there are those who are off the deep end in the other direction—chasing manifestations and anything sensational, and not taking seriously the Biblical admonition to “test the spirits.” I have preached in churches where people had been trained—subtly of course—to fall when prayed for. In one particular church, I recall praying for a man who looked over his shoulder to make sure the catcher was there before he fell backward as I was praying for him. The bottom line is that we need to be focused on Jesus and His Word, not on manifestations.

5. What causes these manifestations?

There are three possible origins: God, Satan, or human—and it could be a combination of the human and God or the human and Satan. In a true revival, many of the manifestations are human responses to the presence of God. I think the cases are rare where a person is so overwhelmed by the Spirit (as Paul on the Damascus Road) that they have no control over their behavior. Wise leaders who desire revival will give room for people to respond—even intensely—to the presence of God while not tolerating fleshly and demonic manifestations.

6. Some people reject all manifestations, others accept them all. What should our response to these things be?

We should be open without being naïve and discerning without being judgmental. While not rejecting manifestations, we should not be afraid to do what the Bible has commanded us to do, to “test the spirits” and “judge prophetic utterances.”

7. Do you have any final thoughts that you would like to share with believers who are seeking the renewal of the church?

In the midst of praying for renewal/revival, allow God to purify our motives for wanting revival. Our goal must never be revival itself, but Jesus Christ and conformity to His will. In his Lectures on Revival, Charles Finney tells of the many invitations he had received from churches and pastors wanting him to travel to their communities to promote revival. He said, however;

“When I came to weigh their reasons, I have sometimes found every one of them to be selfish. And God would look upon every one with abhorrence.”

Some wanted revival in order to raise their social status and influence. Others wanted revival to increase the numbers attending their meetings, which in turn would enable them to build new and larger buildings. Still others wanted revival so that they would feel superior to one or more congregations with whom they felt a sense of competition. They were not seeking the Lord. They were seeking revival, and that from self-centered motives. Finney rightfully refused their requests. So, as we spend time in God’s presence, allow Him to purify our hearts for, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matt. 5:8).

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Guyana Deaf Ministries

What is the Deaf community? Where is it? How does it func- tion? These are questions many Hearing persons have about the Deaf. In every country, the Deaf form a separate com- munity or culture from the Hearing. In developed countries,

the Deaf tend to be more connected to the Hearing culture. The less- developed countries have Deaf communities which are more likely to be different from the prevailing culture in the Hearing communities.

What are some marks of the Deaf community? First, Deaf persons are closely associated. They share a common language, Sign Language; and common experience, Deaf school; a common heritage with their own heroes. Second, the Deaf feel left out of the Hearing culture. The Hearing seem to be afraid of the Deaf and avoid contact. the result is two separate cultures which interact on a very surface level.

To reach them with the Gospel, a Hearing person, must learn Sign Lan- guage and enter the Deaf culture. Sign Language is a true language with gram- mar, syntax, and idioms. When a person knows enough Sign Language to be able to converse with a Deaf person, the Gospel can be presented to the Deaf in a culture-sensitive way. So the Deaf will see their need of the Saviour and for- giveness of sins. That is the point at which the Holy Spirit will give them the faith to believe the Gospel message and become saved. Guyana Deaf Mission has been teaching and proclaiming the Gospel to the Deaf community since 2003. The impact has transformed the Deaf Community in ways that evidence changed lives and renewed minds. We praise God for the workthat is happening in this country among the Deaf.

Why does this work seem to “take so long”? Part of the reason is that Guyana Sign Language did not have the vocabulary to describe “spiritual” concepts. The Signs for Eternity, Sin, Salva- tion, and many other “church” words were in- troduced from American Sign Language (ASL). After the Sign, its meaning had to be explained over and over until the Deaf under- stood what was meant. Where before, blank faces looked back now understanding bright- ens their faces. The Holy Spirit brings them to the point of decision.

It has been a busy year for Guyana Deaf Mission (GDM). We thank God for what He is doing in the Deaf Community. This year GDM has participated in the Mashramai Parade with a float entitled “Is Your Name In The Book?” Competition was tough and the Deaf Church did not receive a tro- phy this year but everyone had a great time preparing and executing our vision to make the Deaf church very visible.

GDM also offered a Beginner Sign Language class which was immediately followed by an Advanced Sign Class. The Advanced class finished in July with 8 students. The Sign class has changed over the years. At first we used a book from which we taught vocabulary. But since all of the literature is for American Sign Language (ASL), we decided to go without a book. The change is for the better as our students (all Hearing persons) are learning more Guyanese Sign Language (GSL). The Deaf are also participating by facilitating the classes and interacting with the students. Included in the class are several “immersion” experiences to help the students get to know and interact with Deaf persons.

The Government of Guyana (GOG) has begun a project to put netbooks in 90,000 homes. Called the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF), training hubs were set up around the country to distrib- ute and train persons on the internet and has been holding computer classes since early April in conjunction with this project. Several Deaf have received the netbooks and share with others so that a large group of 20 or so Deaf have been learning how to use the netbook. The GOG has suspended distribution until further notice. But the Deaf are excited to be learning about computers and using the internet. The computers will enable Deaf persons to learn much because of the visual nature of the internet.

Rev. Lawrence and Mary Hallahan serve as missionaries to this deaf community in Guyana.

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Missions Update: Ebenezer Gospel Mission Reaching Out to India

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Almighty God gave us another opportunity in the beginning of 2012 to be in the mission field, enabling us to continue uplifting the Gospelin 7 states of India. God mercifully allowed us to travel hundreds of miles in our attempt to reach out to several remote villages with the Good News. Thousands of people heard the Gospel and hundreds were baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are grateful for your prayers which have sustained us on the mission field. Every year, God gives us the strength to spend approximately three months on the mission field. I take this opportunity to thank you for continuted support and prayers. May the Lord bless you and keep you under His wings.

As many of you know, this ministry was started out with a fifteen minute per week radio program back in the mid 80s. At present, EGM fully supports over 250 churches, conducts many outreach and charitable works, runs orphanages, trade schools and Bible Schools, and provides educational assistance to needy people in seven states in India.

Looking at these endeavors, I can only say “Ebenezer” meaning “thus far the Lord has helped us”.

The fact that in 2012 God allowed us to expand the ministry in the state of West Bengal is very exciting for all of us. We decided to join forces with ongoing mission work in fifty remote villages around Chandragona in the Ghatal subdivision of East Medinipur District in the state of West Bengal. We met over fifty committed young missionaries who are on fire for proclaiming the word of God to the people in the remote areas. With their hard work in this area, youth and adult mission work are intensifying and growing exponentially. We recognize the need for a structured training program for these workers and we are in the process of raising funds to support the training needs.

Please pray for this latest addition to the Ebenezer Gospel Missions.

We had the opportunity to have Ms. Carol John from Brooklyn, NY accompany us this year to the mission field. After completing her Bachelors degree in International Area studies and Social Justice, Carol decided to visit the mission fields in India with us. We thoroughly enjoyed her company and are amazed at the zeal for mission work among youth in our midst. This is the

5th time that a college student accompanied us to the mission field and every one of them described these trips as being a life-transforming event for them.

Here is Carol’s Experience:

I grew accustomed to the sound of tires grinding up the dirt roads beneath us and kicking up red dust in our wake. This was India, we had three months and before us lay 7 states to cover.

The idyllic green foliage of Kerala and Tamil Nadu gave way to more dusty plains as we made our way north. And somewhere along the way I lost my romantic notion of Missions. I thought I was going to see a thousand worthy causes or at least one amazingly worthy cause that rang of all things pure and honorable. The truth of the matter is that desperation is not this beautiful thing in the face of poverty. Desperate men have one objective. Survival.

Today survival in India is corrupt and largely dependent on the promises of the government, the fantasies posed by film and the news of India’s more recent economic prosperity. Their hope has been displaced in the rise of globalization and modernity. Dignity has become dependency. Yet, seventy percent of India’s population STILL resides in remote villages and practices a Hinduism that rings more to myself as Animism.

Missions in India now demands more than ever before a passionate communication of a timeless gospel. It rights misappropriated hope.

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It was a privilege to travel with Pastor Thomas Abraham and Ammini Abraham whom I will hereafter refer to affectionately and respectfully as Pastor Appacha and Ammachi. Seventy five and in their prime we were able to make field visits in every state and survive 2 of Appacha’s bouts with sickness.

Over 50 students graduated from Ebenezer Theological Seminary at our main campus in Urambu, Tamil Nadu. From there the days were filled with long drives with Prince uncle at the wheel to conduct local church visits and assessments of their needs as well as meetings and larger crusades.

With four tailoring centers/trade schools, we were able to certify 14 girls at one of our locations in Coorg, Karnataka. It was also in Karnataka that I understood so personally the persecution against Christianity. Within the hour of making it into Karnataka there were to be baptisms. Under the shroud of night, without flashlights and without too much noise, 12 people confessed their faith and took baptism.

It was also in Karnataka a BJP dominated state, that one of our Pastors, David, his wife Geeta and brother Rajesh experienced the brutality of their neighbors. After breaking and entering into their house, the offenders broke Geeta’s arm and assaulted David and Rajesh. On a separate occasion, David’s bike was damaged. It is our continuous prayer that Pastor David, a man of great ambition for the Kingdom persists in the hope of glory. The realities of the mission field continued to hit me the further north we went.

Countless women approached me with stories of abusive husbands who leave them with nothing, sparking huge anxieties and days full of labor. Some of these women are widows but others are not. They just suffer the lives of widows. After sleeping at the orphanage one night, I learned of Jessica and Nikhil, 7 and 5 respectively, who recently joined the orphanage. Their mother had been in an abusive relationship and incapable of bearing it any longer, lit herself on fire. At first, she embraced

her children in her arms, but in a moment of deliberation she decidedly cast them off her body as it was engulfed by flames. The horror of the stories I was told, and the tragic lives of some of the people I met only emboldened their faith. They were not hopeless, rather they grasp firmly to the hope held out in the gospel. In many ways – they propose a challenge to followers such as myself who rely on my decision making skills to direct my life. In the absence of such control, the people I encountered grew their faith. When we made it as far as West Bengal we were welcomed by representatives from over 40 churches. Their greatest excitement is at the prospects of being trained and filled with the knowledge of the Word. The excitement of the adults trickled down into the children and in seconds of arriving at a local village- 5 children who stood in a yard turned to 10, then 22 and so forth. They were eager to share what songs and dances they knew! Compared to the little girl I had met at an Adivasi (tribal) village called Pipiliguda in Orissa, Sengupta was a far cry from singing and dancing. At 12 years old, she had never been to school. Instead she pumps water and fills the day with agrarian tasks. If only she was the only one. But she’s not- many more kids in states like Orissa and Jharkhand, do not attend school. There is hope yet, Narayani, one of our oldest kids at the Bangalore orphanage is a testimony to the faithfulness of Christ’s love. Despite the fact that she is 17 years old, in the 7th grade and has an alcoholic father who intends to get her married off soon, yet she prays to finish all of her schooling.

Sometimes in the face of these odds, I wonder what kind of dent we can even hope to make. Pastor Jacob Daniel who organized, traveled and mediated for us from state to state helped me understand that every day presents a new challenge. But every day we crucify ourselves, our fears and our worries in the belief that the gospel is the power of God. The romantic notions of missions are gone but they have been replaced with reality and firm belief that in the face of desperation God still moves.

Missions Update: Ebenezer Gospel Mission (Continued)

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Your Works will Follow You Santina Montagano

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For any Pastor that feels discouraged and feels you are not bearing much fruit for Christ’s Kingdom, be ASSURED that those works done in His name will follow you. Revelation 14:13.Pastor Sam Montagano, a servant of the Lord and Pastor for 58 years had a passion for souls. He loved his congregation and the world outside the churches he pastored as well. Uppermost in his mind and spirit was the value of a soul and passion for rescuing the perishing.

After Sam left this world and went to his eternal rest on February 7, 2012, his family was showered with cards, comments and testimonies. This was evidence of the souls that had been reached, and the impact of Pastor Sam’s ministry on many lives. Great was our loss of our loved one, but God comforted us knowing He had honored His servant.

With the Lord’s help and the help of parishioners, Pastor Sam not only directed, but helped with the construction of two churches, First Christian Assembly on High street in Burlington, New Jersey and Full Gospel Fellowship on Jacksonville Road in Burlington Township, New Jersey. After a hard day’s work at his secular job as an ironworker, he would stop at the church work site and do whatever needed to be done to complete the church building.

Many remarkable experiences distinguished the ministry of this loving, yet bold Pastor. On several occasions, after a late night phone call from a desperate young man threatening suicide or suffering from alcohol addiction, Pastor Sam would rise from his sleep and go minister to these individuals in the night hours. Oh, the joy that he experienced as he prayed for deliverance and then watched as God did the work, and a young man would pour the alcohol down the drain.

On another occasion, he was invited to come to a “crack house” to share the gospel with young couples who were living there in a commune. As he shared the freedom that Christ can bring, these young couples went to their knees around the coffee table and accepted the Lord. A young lady that was present that evening called Pastor Sam requesting prayer. As they prayed, she was wonderfully and miraculously delivered and is still serving the Lord today. God does the reaping in due time for His own glory

Another time, when a nephew was deeply entangled in sin, Pastor Sam was informed of the problem. During a telephone conversation this nephew said that if Pastor Sam would get in his way he would kill him. No doubt the effect of the drugs were causing him to speak these words. As prayers went up for the Pastor for protection, he went in God’s name to deal with this young man’s eternal life. The results that evening were miraculous. The nephew as well as his wife committed their lives to Christ, were delivered, and later used in the ministry.

Having this faithful yet bold quality, Pastor Sam spoke fearlessly to the local fortune teller about Jesus. He encouraged this man to destroy his idols and worship the true and living God. This was very difficult for the man, as he and his wife made their living in this activity. No matter how difficult the situation, this

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Pastor would not give up, because God did not give up on him, gloriously saving him when he was deep in sin. After Pastor Sam’s passing our family and friends received the report that this former fortune-telling couple is today serving the Lord fervently.

A ministry that gave Pastor Sam great joy was to go to the local farms and bring back hundreds of pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables to the needy and to his beloved congregation. He shared this produce with other churches and ministries. At first others helped with this ministry, but when help was not available; he brought back the produce with no help. I know, because I was with him.

To add to his busy schedule, Pastor Sam was invited to speak at a church in Philadelphia. Since the death of the church’s Pastor, attendance had declined significantly and the church was to be closed after this final service. But God had a different plan. On that Tuesday evening, all present heard an

unmistakable word from the Lord--a message that was both prophetic and amazing. God spoke that the homeless, the deserted and the abandoned of society would come and fill that place, and in the providence of God, it happened just as the Lord spoke it!. He continued to meet with this congregation every Tuesday evening for the next four years.

To God be the glory, the congregation of the First Christian Assembly on Mifflin Street in South Philly is still faithfully ministering to the neighborhood.

Three young men, who were brothers by birth, were led to salvation and became brothers in Christ. Today they are Spirit-filled servants of God, strong in the power of His might. One was selected by the growing congregation to shepherd the flock, the second is a teacher in the Word, and the third runs the Counseling and Rehab Center for drug addicts at a new facility across the street from this Philadelphia Church.

Your Works will Follow You (continued) Santina Montagano

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Your Works Will Follow You (continued)

Santina MontaganoWe will never forget my husband’s last days spent at the nursing home under hospice care. He had so many visitors that the staff stated that they had never seen such an influx of people visiting one patient. Many of these visitors were individuals who had been impacted by Pastor Sam’s witness in prior years but had refused to commit their lives to Christ. How they wept and hugged their mentor who was very ill and now close to death. In his very weak condition, he was only able to whisper to them, “get saved”.

At the bedside of our beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle, we realized that this was an unusual event as so many visitors came to honor him with their presence. Our son, Tim, knew this was special and mentioned it to his dad. My husband could only whisper “to God be the glory”.

At his memorial service, God was glorified. His son-in-law, Steve, spoke to each one of us present about “putting on the mantle” and carrying on the work of Pastor Sam. Each bulletin had a swatch of

one of Pastor’s Sam’s suits that had been cut up and enfolded into it to remind everyone that we are to carry on God’s work.

The Sunday following the memorial service, four men enslaved by drugs responded and went to the altar when our dear Pastor Bob Ingram made the plea for salvation at the Full Gospel Fellowship. A couple of weeks later, a prominent businessman who had once served the Lord, but had since fallen away rededicated his life to Christ and openly committed to take up the mantle. So let us pick up the mantle and go forward, though we do not see the whole picture now, God will honor those who gather the Harvest to constitute His kingdom, and “YOUR WORKS WILL FOLLOW YOU”, as HE has promised. Santina (Sarah) Montagano, the wife of a faithful servant for 61 years.

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Education Department: Scholarships 2012-2013 Rev. Lucian Gandolfo

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Recipient / Home Church School / Major / Misc. Info. Scholarship / Amount

1. Melchizedek ANDERSON Geneva College (Senior) Roberts / $500 Beaver Falls, PA Youth Ministry

2. Daniel James BAVARO Bucks County Community (Freshman) Valentino / $350 Fairless Hills, PA Undeclared + Roberts / $150

3. Robert BOOK Malone University (Senior) Lipps / $500 Barberton, OH Biblical Theology

4. Juliana CICCARELLA Mt. Vernon Nazarene U. (Junior) Roberts / $500 Greenville, PA Missions

5. Mikayla Marie DAY Zion Bible College (Freshman) Roberts / $500 Watertown, NY Undeclared

6. Jessica A. DeMARCO Geneva College (Freshman) Roberts / $500 New Brighton, PA Biology

7. Landon GANDOLFO Brooklyn College (Senior) DelTurco / $500 Brooklyn, NY History & Education

8. David Ryan GREGG Waynesburg University (Freshman) DelTurco / $500 Washington, PA Athletics

9. Christine KRIEGBAUM Heritage Bible College (Senior) Lipps / $500 Watertown, NY Biblical Studies & Music

10. Stephanie KRIEGBAUM Valley Forge Christian College (Junior) Saginario / $500 Watertown, NY Media & Advertising 11. Matthew KUNKEL Zion Bible College (Freshman) Roberts / $500 Niagra Falls, NY Pastoral Ministries

12. Nicolette MARINI Thiel College (Junior) DelTurco / $500 Greenville, PA Psychology

13. Daniel MORALES Elim Bible Institute (Sophomore) Roberts / $500 Watertown, NY Missions

14. Noelle RUSSO Missouri State University (Junior) Roberts / $500 Beaver Falls, PA International Business

15. Gabriel SCHOBERT Grace Bible College (Freshman) Roberts / $500 Warren, MI Worship Arts

16. Matthew WOJTKOWSKI Spring Harbor University (Junior) Roberts / $500 Roseville, MI Sports Medicine

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Owning Faith

Rev. John King

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Tomorrow, this Sunday, I have been asked to speak on two words in Romans 12:1, living sacrifice. I thought and prayerfully reviewed all week long on this text which is an oxymoron because sacrifices are by definition—well—dead. And a sacrifice is afterward burnt to a crisp. It’s cremated. There is nothing alive about such an offering.

It appears in the New Testament that Saint Paul was not adverse to saying things that challenged the imagination or simply ran counter to what was rabbinical teaching in his day. The classic example is Gal 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged upon a tree” No rabbi would have seen Christ in that verse; and, undoubtedly, such controversial teaching made him somewhat infamous in Jewish communities. Perhaps, God’s decision to send him to Macedonia and beyond to Rome provided him with a ministry far more productive than frequenting Judean synagogues would. Even some Athenians according to Luke, Acts 17:18, called him a spermalogos, a babbler, an empty talker, a social parasite.


And this got me thinking what I really want to say in this blog.

But first, let’s tie up this loose end: A living sacrifice might be one of two things, at least to my way of thinking. One, as we say it, dying to self or according to 2 Corinthians 5:15, not living to ourselves but for Him who died for us. That is Jesus, of course.

Or possibly, a reference to all the other poetically put references to Christian sacrifices: Praise and good works according to Hebrews 13:12-16; Prayer, according to Revelation 8:4. In I Peter 2:5, Peter called us priests and outlined our responsibility to offer spiritual sacrifices to God. The commentator

calls these “Acts dedicated to God and approved by Him, due to the influence of the Holy Spirit.”

This is when I made a sharp turn off course, the direction of my thoughts heading off unto perhaps unchartered theological terrain. I always thought the Bible by referencing holiness was denying me my interest in watching TV or socializing with friends over sports or any one of a number of other meaningless time consuming interests that have no direct connection with prayer or ministry. I thought a living sacrifice would be a believer who spends most of his or her life in quality time doing church related stuff or injecting themselves into some poor sinner’s day in pursuit of winning souls. In brief, I thought myself a poor excuse for a Christian because that didn’t describe who I was or am.

And then it hit me: The core of holiness—the central most thought behind being a living sacrifice is a faith that trusts absolutely and unconditionally in God’s faithfulness. For a believer—and this is why they are called believers—the center of the universe around which all his or her activity and thought orbits is an undeniable assurance in the reality of God’s love. [Romans 8:35 ]. It describes a dedication or devotion to God that is fixed.

A believer whose faith is not just unshaken but unshakeable is one whose faith stands alone, who needs no church, no blessing, no other resource other than God, Himself, to stand firm in living for Christ.

My catch phrase for all of this is: It is a faith that is owned.

I am a bit reluctant to suggest that in academia in today’s world students are taught to rely on human resources and their own genius to reach any level of perfection in life and career. God is an old religious concept that has been outdated by the discoveries in an enlightened age of science.

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We may not realize it but the students among us who are believers, especially the college grads, having a faith that has resisted the assault of anti-god theories and philosophies promoting self-relevance over a trust in the divine, and coming away owning a faith in God that still believes, are the most clear examples of a living sacrifice.

No less than our grandparents whose faith sustained them in a desert of need before science came of age with its cures and solutions, believers who own their faith can serve God even with all that secular know-how. They have found a way to steer a straight course through shifting currents of time and thought. Like Paul, they have their own way of explaining things because they don’t speak christianese, to use Richard Wurmbrand’s term. To church goers who speak christianese and know all the terms and phrases but not the experience that accompanies the real ownership of that truth, a Paul-like thinker might sound confusing or even blatantly ridiculous.

Nominal proponents of Bible truth, who are accepted as believers because they can quote catechisms of creed or have a cursory knowledge of some Bible stories, or

can quote the preacher—let me be frank—are dying out! Those who have lived comfortably on the fringes of Christian thought without a true understanding of what being a living sacrifice is all about—you have to read the rest of Romans 12:1-2 to catch my drift here—the church goer with no more interest in Christ than a devotion to form and a social acceptance that accompanies a membership in a notable religion will find him or herself caught in this undercurrent of modern thought and swept helplessly out into the sea of popular ideas with a reasoning that denies faith. Like the “Borg” in the series Star Trek, the Next Generation, they will be assimilated. Resistance will be futile because that takes a living faith. That takes owning the truth that has through the ages given hope and peace to generations of believers through life and death.

That takes living one’s faith. It’s only a sacrifice because it is a life devoted to God.

This article was taken from Rev. King’s blog from November 12, 2012. You can read more from Rev. King at

Owning Faith (cont.)

Rev. John King

Southern District Update On April 26th, Pastor Douglas & Lois Bedgood celebrated 61 years of marriage by having dinner with their children. They thank God for all He has done for them and for keeping them together to do His work for His Kingdom. They are also thankful that their 11 year old granddaughter, Cierrah, accepted Christ this past year.

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Niagara Mohawk District Updates

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On Saturday, August 18, 2012, Rev. Kevin R. Holmes was ordained to the ministry at his home church, Cornerstone Family Worship Center in Watertown, NY (Sr. Pastor Dominic Kriegbaum). Guest ministry was brought by General Overseer Rev. Michael Player, who directed many personal comments to the candidate and his wife Rosa. Many local pastors were present for the service, as well as the NiMo District Presbytery Warren Day, Ron Warne & Dominic Kriegbaum. A cake reception followed the service.

Bro. Kevin Holmes is a retired Sgt. Major from the US Army, father of two and grandfather of two. He and his wife Rosa reside in Carthage, NY. He serves as the Life Group Pastor at Cornerstone as well as the Mens Ministries Director of the NiMo District.


The Niagara Mohawk District is pleased to announce the afflilation of two new churches within their boundaries!

Victory Christian Church has recently decided to affiliate with the IFCA. The church is located in Chaumont, NY (outside of Watertown, NY). Although small, the congregation is excited about this step of commitment and have been blessed by the pulpit fill of District Overseer Rev. Warren Day as well as District Men’s Ministries Director, Rev. Kevin Holmes. Please pray with us for a fulltime Pastor to be called to lead this body.

Abounding Love Fellowship is a new church plant located in Wampsville, NY (near Oneida, NY) and is pastored by Rev. George Marmon along with his wife Debbie! They have been blessed with a facility to meet in that will meet the needs of this body for the time being. They anticipate a fervor in reaching their community in new, unique and exciting ways! Pray for the work of ALF as they seek to impact the world for Jesus!

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Niagara Mohawk District Updates (Continued)

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The youth of the Niagara Mohawk District were together on September 28-29 for the annual District Next Level Conference. The event began on Friday night with an opening time of ministry at Calvary Full Gospel Church in Kenmore, NY. The local worship band “Lily Among Thorns” led in an incredible moving time of worship. That was followed by ministry by Evangelist Derrick West of Watertown, NY. Bro. Derrick shared his testimony of conversion in Florida. He was involved in gangs and selling drugs for years, and is a three time convicted felon. He told of the heartache of losing both his parents to death and the dysfunction amongst he and his siblings. Yet, because of a praying grandmother, his life was dramatically changed and he was called into fulltime ministry! A time of altar ministry followed including many prophetic words being spoken over those who came forward.

Following the service, there was fellowship around pizza! The group then spent the night at the church, again having “community time” incorporated into the schedule.

On Saturday, after breakfast and an “ice breaker”, the group left and spent the day together at SIx Flags Darien Lake Park. All in all, the event was a success and the variety of ministry and interaction proved to fulfill its purpose of developing friendships.

An Exhortation Michael Madeleine

“When I, Messiah, return, how many will I find who have faith?Luke 18:8b

Jesus has just share with his disciples a story of ongoing faith in God. Having faith in God and remaining full of faith were key to the story. With this example now before his disciple he beg this question of they; “When I, Messiah, return, how many will I find who have faith?”

Faith, the trust and belief in the promises of God, is essential to a life lived in relation with Jesus Christ. Jesus has given a new quality of life to live by so as to useful in completing Christ’ work on earth. It is my firm conviction that if we remain faithful, ie,, full of faith in our trust and belief, Christ will see to it that we have what it will take to accomplish his work.

There is a story about an evangelist who was baptizing in a farm community in a pond. One old farmer stepped forward into the waters and then stopped. “What’s the problem, friend?” asked the evangelist. “Oh, I forgot to take my wallet out.” “Never mind, your wallet needs to be baptized too!” came the reply.

When Jesus returns how many of us will he find full of faith in him to meet our needs to carry out his work? Economically hard times bring out those things that men trust in, that men believe in. If I make a contract Jesus will look to see how trustworthy, how faithful I am in carrying out my end of the contract. And as a IFCA credential holder he will also look to see how faithful I am to my brothers in Christ with whom in have joined.

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