Vision is C'ing Future Success

Vision is C’ing Future Success

Transcript of Vision is C'ing Future Success

Vision is C’ing Future Success

What are the other reasons/obstacles leaders

don’t spend more time Crafting & Casting



What happens if the leader does not set the vision and keep

it in front of everyone regularly?


“A leader has the visionand conviction that a

dream can be achieved.

He inspiresthe power/energy

to get it done. “ – Ralph Lauren

Do you frequently ask the key questions: Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going?

Do you typically have the characteristic of attracting followers?

Is your style to see the idea first, undeterred by the obstacles to implementation?

Quick Visionary Leader Self-Assessment

Is one of your strengths to see things that do not yet exist?

Is one of your potential weaknesses to plant both feet firmly in thin air?

Do you often take risks, seeing only the opportunities without seeing obstacles?

Do you seek to surround yourself with and listen to strategic leader-types?

Might you say: “The fate of the _______ depends on the success of this vision.”?

Quick Visionary Leader Self-Assessment

Crafting the Vision

1. Determine where you are now, and why you cannot corporately stay there.

What things in your organization are etched in

marble (things that never change) and which ones are writtenin sand (things that can and will

change with your culture)?


Crafting the Vision

2. Dream about where you want to take your organization.

Blue-sky the Golden Tomorrow (the end result) you want your

team/organization to get to.


Crafting the Vision

3. Build relationships with and then listen to your constituency.

The people who truly shape us are the ones who do life with us.

Crafting the Vision

4. ThinkBIGGER.

Crafting the Vision

5. Draft a collective vision statement.

Ensure that veterans are respected for their service, always receive their earned entitlements, and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country.

Vision StatementsVFW

To transform communities by inspiring people throughout theworld to open their minds, accept and include people with intellectual disabilities and thereby anyone who is perceivedas different.

Creative CommonsOur vision is nothing less than realizing the full potential of the Internet — universal access to research and education, full participation in culture — to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity.

Special Olympics

Begin writing an active vision statement for

your team/org.


Cast the Vision

Someone notices your company logo on your shirt when hopping onto an

elevator to the 18th floor of a building in Seattle—and asks you

about your company’s vision. Practice a clear, compelling “elevator

speech” with a partner, that can be told in less than a minute.


Casting the Vision

1. Win over your guiding coalition first before casting it to the whole group.

2. Be deliberate in choosing the forums to cast it.

3. Breathe life into it.

One year from now, a news station has discovered your team/org and is going to do a one-hour special on the

amazing vision that you are accomplishing. Brainstorm some

hypothetical story-lines of what cool things are happening for those

feature interviews.


Casting the Vision

4. Double-check to see if they “picked up what you were laying down”.

5. Never stop communicating the vision!

“Every 21 days, your people forget the vision.”

–George Barna

Time and multiple messages dilute vision.

Create a tagline or short catch-phrase that re-communicates

your vision in a fresh way.


Carrythe Vision

Begin writing some goals thathelp get you to the vision you

wrote earlier. (SMART/HARD)


Integrate the Vision

1. Put vision implementation as detailed tasks, with timelines.

2. Integrate the vision into every process and program.

3. Require certain behaviors from every team member.

Carrying the Vision

“Every great leader helps all employees feel their job plays an important role in something bigger and more meaningful.”

– Jeff Haden

There was a dramatic cut in hours, and you only can do 3 things

every day in the few hoursyou have—and nothing else.

Which on-vision actionswould that be?


Carrying the Vision

4. Share the stories along the journey.

Conclusion“The most successful leader of all is one

who sees another picture not yet actualized—who sees the whole rather

than the particular, organizes the experiences of the group, offers a vision

for the future, and trains followers to become leaders.”