Page 1: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody





















Page 2: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody
Page 3: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody

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Page 4: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody

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Page 5: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody

Respected Readers

“Wish you all a peaceful, happy and prosperous new year “ we are moving from 2017 to 2018

Let us see RERA and GST with a positive frame of mind and accept them as instruments for the betterment of real estate industry. CREDAI played a yeomen role in educating builders fraternity on RERA and GST by conducting workshops and interactive meetings. Despite insufficient net connectivity, lack of co- ordination among Government departments , the industry is moving forward for achieving Hon’ble Prime Minister’s ACHE DIN

Having visionary Chief Minister for our new born state is a boon for our business community since tackling of issues in a swift manner is assured.

Let us pray for best to happen in 2018 without bothering about things in 2017 that were not exactly good.

“Theme for 2018”

Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody and find out what is your share in that incident for which you are blaming or scolding the other person. If you do that job you don’t have to blame the other.

Make your life and others peaceful and happy. With warm regards and wishing you a very happy PONGAL.


EDITORIAL BOARD K.S. Chandran, LAYOUT & DESIGN ideafirst, #9-18-1, 1st Floor, Vinayagar Enclave, CBM Compound, Siripuram,

Visakhapatnam, Ph: +91 891 2508150., PRINTED AT Sathyam Offset Imprints, Brindavan, #49-28-5, Madhuranagar, Visakhapatnam.,

PUBLISHED BY CREDAI VISAKHAPATNAM, #9-6-43, Flat No-2, Ground Floor,

MVV Bhavan, Sivaji Park Road, Sivaji Palem, Visakhapatnam-530017, Ph: 0891-2739612, Mob: 98488 54448, 99120 54448

Email : [email protected], [email protected]. Website:

All the Members are requested to get their address updated with the association in order to ensure timely delivery

of magazine also your email ID for speedy communication. If you are not receiving a copy of magazine of CREDAI,

VISAKHAPATNAM chapter. please contact @ 9848854448

CREDAI VISAKHAPATNAM (Regd. No : 231of 2010)

K. S. ChandranBulletin Editor





Page 6: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody

Respected Members,

At the outset, please accept my warmest greetings on the occasion Christmas and New Year, and the ensuing festival of all festivals for Telugus, namely Sankranthi.

It gives me immense pleasure in starting my message with a congratulatory note to all of you, for your enthusiastic and active support for making two important events of our association, namely Annual Family Picnic and Property Expo, both held in the month of December, grand success.

While the former re-established the unparalleled camaraderie that had been a hall mark of association members, the later proved that we, as an association, have been getting stronger, and firmly established ourselves as developers worthy of reposing trust by the people in general and customers in particular. The Family Picnic had also proved an important aspect that there could be lot of fun and frolic sans liquor.

I should make a special mention of our YOUTH WING members, who had worked with aplomb and elan and had contributed greatly to the success of both Family Picnic and

Property Expo. Once again I thank Sri K.Ramesh, Coordinator of YOUTH WING and his enthusiastic and energetic team.

Now I am convinced that the YOUTH WING, which will inherit the legacy of CREDAI-VSP will take it to the next level of excellence.

Now let me discuss mundane things that engage our continuous attention as builders.

As and when new developments take place and new laws are enacted, it would have an impact on the sectors concerned. The Government had taken a number of decisions and enacted laws that had a profound impact on real estate sector with which we are mainly concerned.

The RERA, GST and demonetization are laws and decisions of the government that had a negative impact on real estate sector. The declared objective being ensuring transparency and accountability (RERA), to usher in ‘one country one tax’ regime(GST) and attack on unaccounted money (demonetization).

While GST and demonetization, specially the latter, had a debilitating impact on our business we are mainly concerned with the RERA. The initial impact was very severe and doubts have been expressed in some quarters about the very survival of real estate sector. However, real estate sector has shown that it has the resilience and had adapted itself to the changing scenario.



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Let us not forget that Visakhapatnam, which is being developed as SMART CITY, has been growing very fast, what with establishment of new IT and IIM institutions, stress on development of tourism and health cities, start-up units, among others. Large scale investments are on the pipeline and Visakhapatnam is on the threshold of getting the sobriquets ‘IT HUB’ and ‘FINANCIAL CAPITAL’ of the state. There is also large scale migration to the city from all parts of the country and it would get a cosmopolitan badge sooner than later.

Both the state and central governments had taken up housing schemes in a big way and many schemes were being launched with private partnership in which CREDAI-VSP member can have an important role.

All this means that there would be great demand for houses and opportunities are galore for the real estate sector.

Of course there are the issues like shortage of sand, ever increasing prices of important inputs like steel, cement etc and NALA and shifting to online regime etc that we face in our day to day activities. I assure you that CREDAI-VSP will leave no stone unturned to solve them. I would like you to bring to the notice of our organization any problem that you face so that action is initiated promptly.

Let me recall that there is a section of experts who assert that in the long run RERA and GST would benefit all stake holders enormously. I am inclined to share this feeling.

Before I close my message, I wish to recall the Vedic saying that ‘satyameva jayate’ which means truth triumphs ultimately and for the real estate sector the mantra should be ‘honesty pays ultimately’.

Let us stick to our ‘code of conduct’ of ensuring quality of product, timely delivery and transparency. As members of CREDAI-VSP, we had already established our credentials with the public. Let us take it to the next level. The rest would follow.

Wishing you and your family a happy New Year and happier Sankranthi.

With love, G.V.V.S.Narayana, Chairman

Chairman G.V.V.S Narayana 9848130272 [email protected]. Koteswara Rao 9908600005 [email protected] B. Srinivasa [email protected]. Govinda Raju 9848521789 [email protected]. Sivaji 9052544555 [email protected] Hon. SecretaryK.S.R.K. Raju (Sai)[email protected] SecretariesChilukuri Srinivas9676849999, [email protected] Shivanand9963322000 [email protected] Srinivas Rao 8897495679 [email protected]. Ashok Kumar 9133188807 [email protected] MembersP Rama Krishna 9848414051 [email protected]. Dharmender 9000387878 [email protected]. Vijay Kumar 9966877999 [email protected]

D. Siva Govindam 9866228662 [email protected]. Bhoja Raju 9849841875 [email protected] K. Nagendra 9666161616 [email protected]. Murali Krishna 9393101811 [email protected] Gopal 9848125925 [email protected] Sharief9848194986 [email protected]. Vamsi Mohan 9390030633 [email protected] Sreenu 9866010679 [email protected] Past ChairmanK Rama krishna [email protected] Wing Co-ordinatorK.V.R. Raju [email protected]





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Visakhapatnam which has completely transformed into a SMART CITY is on the threshold of getting the sobriquet “TOURIST HUB PAR EXCELLENCE.” Two grand events in the last two months viz the three day balloon festival in Aruku, known for its heart warming scenic beauty and salubrious environment, in November, and the just concluded three day VISAKHA UTSAV, organized along the two km stretch from Ramakrishna beach to Tenneti park with the blue waters of Bay of Bengal forming the eye feasting backdrop, had reinforced its claim as a unique TOURIST HUB in Andhra Pradesh.

Introduction of special train with glass windows to Aruku that will enable tourist to enjoy the numerous verdant valleys and vast expanse of lands and Heli Tourism in the city, were the latest special attractions to the tourists. A ride by Helicopter is some thing that tourists have been expecting quite for some time and it was started on December 29.

The overwhelming response from the public to the three day Visakha Utsav for which people in large numbers from other far off places had come is an indication of Visakhapatnam city getting increasing popularity as a chosen destination for tourists. People in the city are peace loving and law abiding which are important factors that would invite investment to the city. Many investment proposals are in the pipeline.

Of late hang-out options had also multiplied providing tourists number of options to spend quality time.

It is also developing into a good destination for film producers. It was very long back that the hit film and A.Nageswara Rao starrer Kulagotraalu was shot at the beach here. Then most of the Marochiritra, another hit film by Balachander was also shot here. A few years back Movie Moghul, Late Sri D.Rama Naidu had established his studio here. Films are regularly shot at the studio. Chief

Minister Sri Nara Chandrababu Naidu,on many occasions had promised to extend all help to develop film industry in the port city.

Pristine beaches, lush green hills, Kailasgiri with huge idols of Lord Siva and Parvathi, Zoo, a number of educational institutions and the lovely country side, and most important of all, a very helpful people, to mention only a few, are the avenues or sites that film producers could make use for shooting their films outside studios.

Rs.16.82 crore had been set apart for development of tourism in the district.

And Visakhapatnam is being developed as one of the three SMART CITIES (the other two being Kakinada and Tirupathi) in the state under the government of India’s SMART CITIES MISSION, announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2015. Visakhapatnam is also included in the Light House City category. Light House City means a city being




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developed as a role model. An estimated Rs.200 crore was proposed to be spent on development of each SMART CITY under the SMART CITIES MISSION. And the impact is unmissable.

If one is visiting Visakhapatnam after a gap of three or four years, he would be just amazed at the monumental changes that had taken place in the port city.



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The colour of the cement should be uniform. It should be grey colour with a light greenish shade.

The cement should be free from any hard lumps. Such lumps are formed by the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere. Any bag of cement containing such lumps should be rejected.

The cement should feel smooth when touched or rubbed in between

fingers. If it is felt rough, it indicates adulteration with sand.

If hand is inserted in a bag of cement or heap of cement, it should feel cool and not warm.

If a small quantity of cement is thrown in a bucket of water, the particles should float for some time before it sinking.

Proper Storing and Stacking of Cement Bags

No cement bags should be stacked in contact with an external wall. A clear space of at least 60 cm should be left between the exterior wall and the stacks.

Likewise, bags should be piled off-the-floor upon wooden planks. If, however, the floor is a well-constructed dry concrete floor, the bags can be placed directly on it after spreading tarpaulin or polythene sheet.

Cement bags should be placed closely together in the stack to reduce circulation of air as much as possible.

Cement bags should not be stacked more than 10-bags high to avoid lumping or “warehouse pack” under pressure. (This can usually be corrected by rolling the bags on the floor). Should the stack be higher, arrange the bags in header- and-stretcher fashion, i.e. alternately length-wise and cross-wise, to achieve interlocking between them and reducing the danger of toppling over.

When the bags are required to be removed for use, follow the ‘first in first out’ rule (‘FIFO’ system) i.e. the oldest cement to be used first. For

The requirements of various ingredients of concrete and steel used in regular RCC works are presented briefly as follows.


S. No. Particulars Requirements as per


1. Fineness as weight of residue left on IS 90 micron sieve

2. Standard Consistency (%)

3. Setting Time (minutes) a) Initial b) Final

4. Soundness a)Le-chatelier method b) Autoclave method

5. Compressive strength 3 Days, 7 Days, 28 Days

6. % of Fly Ash addition 3 Days, 7 Days, 28 Days



30 Min

600 Max

10.0 Max

0.8 Max

16 Min 22 Min 33 Min

15.0 Min 35.0 Max



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this purpose, each consignment of cement should be stacked separately and identified by a placard bearing the date of arrival.


• Silt Content Test of Sand: The maximum quantity of silt in sand shall not exceed 8%.

• Grading of sand: On the basis of particle size, fine aggregate is graded into four zones. Where the grading falls outside the limits of any particular grading zone of sieves, other than 600 micron IS sieve, by a total amount not exceeding 5 percent, it shall be regarded as falling within that grading zone.

Expected strength loss in cement due to long storage periods

Period of storage Min expected reduction in strength (%)


3 months

6 months

1 year

2 years







Influence of shape and texture on paste Requirment, strength and workabality

Type of aggregate





Paste requirement













Low High

Grade of steel and Indian Standard Yield Strength


MPa UTS/YS Elongation %

Fe415 IS:1786 - 1985 415 485 1.17 14.5

TMT (Typical) 478 572 1.20 24.0

Fe500 IS:1786 - 1985 500 545 1.09 12.0

TMT (Typical) 550 648 1.18 22.0

Fe550 IS:1786 - 1985 550 585 1.06 8.0

TMT (Typical) 611 707 1.16 20.0

STEEL Requirements of reinforcement bars

Strength (yield & tensile) | Ductility (elongation) | Bendability (workability) | Weldability | Low impurities, inclusions | Micro structure | Strength at high temperature



Page 12: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody

Real estate sector’s role is critical in any economy and is a barometer of its health. In India, it is the second-largest direct employment generator after agriculture and has a larger multiplier effect as it affects over 250 ancillary sectors.

The sector however has not realised even a fraction of its potential as it has been pulled back by

the in-famous opaqueness and notoriously litigious nature, one of the key reasons for not being able to attract the required institutional capital. The recent reforms like the Real Estate Regulation Act (RERA) and demonetisation show the government’s commitment in transforming it into an organised sector. However, these alone will not be sufficient in improving the ‘ease

of doing business’ in the sector. I believe the next wave of growth shall be from following targeted reforms.

Ease of land acquisition and digitisation of ownership records

Non-availability of contiguous land due to fragmented ownership pattern post independence era, incorrect /unavailable data records




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on land ownership, unclear land titles make the whole process of land acquisition cumbersome and litigious.

To address land fragmentation, an effective policy on land pooling should be implemented under which small holders have to be adequately incentivised to come together and sell the aggregate land parcels for joint development by the government and private parties.

Digitisation can pave the way to attract title insurance companies. Title insurance is widely accepted globally by financial institutions, it is non-existent in India due to lack of transparency.

Additionally, formation of a centralised repository of land records can enable all transactions to happen online bringing in transparency and credibility to the sector.

Standardisation of construction norms and documentation:

Land being a state subject, all States and local bodies have separate norms on zoning policies, FSI, set back area, TDR, Slum Rehabilitation etc. This level of complexity and variations have led to discretion of interpretation ushering corruption leading to project delays and cost overruns. Some of the instances are

a) Difference in fire safety norms across cities

b) Occupancy certificate as a proof of completion v/s an additional requirement of completion certificate.

c) Agreement to sale v/s dual agreements — one on sale for transferring undivided share of land and a construction agreement

d) Executing property registration just at the time of possession v/s at the early stage.

For sustainable development, formulating uniform construction norms and documentation wherever possible can help. We have a central policy guiding institution under the aegis of the National Building Code of India (NBC). But in absence of statutory powers their guidelines have only remained on paper with the states framing their own.

De-layering and simplifying the approval process:

The industry at present has to deal with not less than 40 complex ‘No Objection Certificates’ before obtaining construction permits from local bodies, state governments and the central government. Lack of transparency in the approval process prevents access of financial credit at an early stage of project development.

Creating a single window online clearance platform where all approvals across departments can be managed in a coordinated manner is the need of the hour.

Rationalisation of tax structure:

Real estate is notoriously known for tax evasion. Rationalisation of various costs will encourage tax compliance and registration. Moreover, the data on registration on new sale, resale, and transacted values should be accessible online like it is being done in countries like the US.

Additionally, the entire tax structure can be simplified by introducing one tax at uniform rate across the states to enhance transparency.

Setting up a dedicated real estate ministry rather than focussing only on housing:

Given the size, significance and contribution to the economy, there is a strong case for setting up a dedicated ministry covering all segments of real estate in India. The present framework where the Centre only provides broad guidelines without any legislative authority does not provide it enough teeth and leaves the states with full discretion to implement norms that are inconsistent and misaligned with national guidelines, like seen in the case of RERA.

I believe a committee of all the state urban development ministers (chief ministers in most cases) should be formed to work under the Central ministry, similar to the process followed in GST, to collectively formulate policies that are consistent at a national level.



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Mr Y. K. K. Sastry Area Manager, Visakhapatnam 8332928335 | Mr H. Raghavendra Area Manager, Gajuwaka 9848403558

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Page 16: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody

Releasing Brochure of CREDAI-VSP-2017 Expo at the curtain raiser function. ( from left) Sarvasree KSRK Raju ,Hon Secretary, K.Ramakrishna Rao, immediate past Chairman, Sri K.Subba Raju,Chairman CREDAI-AP, K.Haribabu,Hon’ble MP, P.Vishnukumar Raju,Hon’ble MLA, P.Koteswara Rao CREDAI-VSP President and V.Dharmender,EXPO Convener.

Hon’ble MLA, Sri P.Vishnu Kumar Raju, lighting the lamp at the curtain raiser function of CREDAI-VSP-2017 Expo,. (from left) Former Chairman Sri K.S.Chandran, CREDAI-AP Chairman, Sri K.Subba Raju, Sri Pyda Krishna Prasad, immediate past Chairman Sri K.Ramakrishna Rao, CREDAI-VSP Expo Convener, Sri V.Dharmender, Hon Secretary Sri KSRK Raju, President Sri P. Koteswara Rao and past Chairman Sri MVV Satayanarayana are also seen in the picture.

Kick starting curtain raiser function at the KSR Function Plaza on November 6th marked by bursting of crackers.

Hon’ble MP, Sri K.Haribabu,addressing CREDAI-VSP members after inauguration of curtain raiser function at KSR Function Plaza on November 6th 2017. Hon Secretary Sri KSRK Raju, immediate past Chairman, Sri K.Ramakrishna Rao, Chairman CREDAI-AP, Sri K.Subba Raju, Hon’ble MLA Sri P.Vishnukumar Raju,President Sri P.Koteswara Rao and EXPO Convener, Sri V.Dharmender are also seen in the picture.


Hon’ble MLA, Sri P.Vishnukumar Raju, being presented a CREDAI-VSP sapling by CREDAI-EC member,M.Vijayakumar,at the curtain raiser function of CREDAI-VSP Expo-2017 at the KSR Function Hall on November 6th .(From left) Hon Secretary, Sri KSRK Raju, immediate past Chairman, Sri K.Ramakrishna Rao, President Sri P. Koteswara Rao are also seen.

The men who had made the CREDAI-VSP-2017 EXPO a grand success. From left : Sarvasree B. Srinivasa Rao, MVV satayanarayana, V. Sreenu, K. Subba Raju, E. Ashok Kumar, A. Siva Reddy, N. Vamsi Mohan, C. Sekhar Reddy, P. Koteswara Rao, K.S.R.K. Raju, A. Sherief and M. Vijay kumar, both EC members CREDAI-VSP at the EXPO Venue.


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Sri Ch Ayyanna Patrudu, Hon’ble Minister for PR, addressing a meeting at CREDAI-VSP EXPO on 25 December as senior members of CREDAI-VSP hears him attentively.

Hon’ble Minister for HRD, Sri Ganta Srinivasa Rao, formally inaugurating the CREDAI-VSP-2017 EXPO on December 23 at the AU Engineering College grounds. Sri B.Srinivasa Rao, Vice President CREDAI-VSP, Sri K.Subba Raju, Chairman CREDAI-AP, Sri A.Siva Reddy, President CREDAI-AP, Sri GVVS Narayana, Chairman, CREDAI-VSP and Sri P.Koteswara Rao, President, CREDAI-VSP are seen clapping with happiness.

Formal inauguration of CREDAI-VSP -2017 by lighting lamp. From left : Ch.Sekhar Redy, CREDAI National former President, Sri K.Subba Raju, Chairman CREDAI-AP, Sri Ganta Srinivasa Rao, Hon’ble Minister, HRD, Sri A.Siva Reddy, President CREDAI-AP, Sri P.Koteswara Rao, President , CREDAI-VSP, Sri V.Dharmender, Convener CREDAI-VSP EXPO and Sri A.Sivanand, EC member are seen in the picture.

(From left) President Sri P.Koteswara Rao, Hon’ble MLA Sri PGVR Naidu (Ganababu), immediate past Chairman Sri K.Ramakrishna Rao and President Sri GVVS Narayana, going through the stalls at the CREDAI-VSP-2017 Expo.

Hon’ble MP Sri Muttamsetti (Avanthi) Srinivas, speaking at the CREDAI-VSP Expo on December 24th. (From left) Sri KSRK Raju, Hon Secretary, Sri P.Koteswara Rao, President, Sri GVVS Narayana.

Hon’ble Minister, Sri Ch. Ayyanna Patrudu, handing over “B.R.Memorial Award” to Sri P.Ganesh, student of 2nd year, Architecture Department of AU, at the valedictory function of CREDAI-VSP Expo on December 25th . Chairman Sri GVVS Narayana, Hon’ble MLAs Sri Vasupalli Ganesh and Sri P.Vishnukumar Raju are also seen in the picture.



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Sri Hon’ble MP Sri MVVS Murthy, (with mike in hand) addressing a meeting at the CREDAI-VSP EXPO on24 December. (From right) Sri K.Ramakrishna Rao, Immediate Past Chairman, Sri GVVS Narayana, Chairman, Sri Ch.V. Pattabhi Ram, Sri Alla Srinivas , Sri P.Koteswara Rao President, Sri KSRK Raju, Hon Secretary. Sri V.Dharmender, Convener, EXPO and others are seen in the picture.

Participants of panel discussion at the CREDAI-VSP -2017 EXPO. From left: Sri Leela Prasad, Sri Ramesh Naidu, Sri Balaji and past Chairman CREDAI-VSP, K.S.Chandran. Standing behind are CREDAI Youth Wing members( from left) Sarvasree A. Sankar Patra, C.K.D.Pratap, P.Subhash, G.Karteek, B.V.Sreedhar, B.Sureendra and K.V.R.Raju Ramesh.

Panel discussion on “Future Industries-Projects and Growth Triggers for City of Vizag” held on 23rd December at the CREDAI-VSP Expo. From left : Sri GVVS Narayana,Charman, Sri O.Naresh Kumar, Founder and CEO Symbiosis Technologies, Sri G.S.Siva Kuamr, CEO, Matle Sfotware and Sri B.Raja Srinivas ,moderator at the panel discussion are also seen in the picture.

President Sri P. Koteswara Rao, moderating the panel discussion on ‘Smart City-Vizag Roadmap’ interacting with Ms.Karuna Gopal, President, Futuristic Cities Foundation and advisor to government on “Smart Cities” concept, who had delivered the keynote address at the panel discussion.

GVMC Commissioner Sri M.Harinarayanan, IAS,being presented with a bouquet when he visited CREDAI-VSP Expo on December 24. Hon Secretary Sri K.S.R.K.Raju, Immediate Past Chairman Sri K.Ramamrishna rao, Chairman Sri GVVS Narayana and President Sri P.Koteswara Rao are also seen in the picture.

Hon’ble MLA Sri Bandaru Satyanarayana ( with red cloth) and other CREDAI-VS senior members offering prayers to Swamy Ayyappa at the entrance of CREDAI-VSP Expo-2017 on 23 December.From Left : CREDAI-VSP members D.Sivagovondam,V.MuraliKirshna, Sri GVVS Narayana Chairman, Sri E.Ashok Kumar Treasurer, Sri P.Koteswara Rao, President, Sri K.Ramakrishna Rao, Immediate Past Chairman and Sri KSRK Raju, Hon Secretary are seen in the picture.



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CMD of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (RINL) Sri P.Madhusudan, addressing a meeting at the CREDAI-VSP Property Expo on December 23rd . (From left) President Sri P. Koteswara Rao, Chairman Sri GVVS Narayana and immediate past Chairman Sri K. Ramakrishna Rao are also seen in the picture.

Regional CEO-Apollo Hospital, A.P. & Telangana, Dr Sandeep Chatrath was presenting a health card to Sri K.S.Chandran Past Chairman, CREDAI-VSP at the Expo. Hon Secretary Sri KSRK Raju, Vice president Sri B. Srinivasa Rao, President Sri P.Koteswara Rao, Treasurer Sri E.Ashok Kumar and others are seen in the picture.

(From Left) Sri Ch. Shekar Reddy, Past President, CREDAI National, Sri Anunay Agarwal, Director, Mangal TMT, Sri K.S. Chandran, & Sri M.V.V. Satyanarayana, Past Chairmen, CREDAI-VSP, President, Sri P. Koteswara Rao are seen in the picture.

Success meet on the final day of CREDAI-VSP-2017 Expo. Chairman Sri GVVS Narayana, President Sri P. Koteswararao, Hon Secretary Sri KSRK Raju, Treasurer Sri E.Ashok Kumar along with members of CREDAI-VSP and its Youth Wing are seen in the picture.

Sri M.B. Diwkar, DGM,SBI speaking at CREDAI-VSP Expo .(from left ) Sri K.Srinivas, GM,(advertisements) Eenadu, Sri P.Koteswara Rao, President, Sri A.Siva Reddy, Vice President CREDAI National and President CREDAI-AP, Sri GVVS Narayana, Chairman CREDAI-VSP and Ch. Sekhar Reddy, past President of CREDAI National are seen in the picture.

There was overwhelming response to the Fourth Edition of CREDAI-VSP-2017 EXPO held at AU Engineering College grounds on December 23,24,and25. A section of the enthusiastic visitors are seen in the picture here.



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Composting is nature’s way of recycling organic waste. The process involves decomposition of organic waste into humus, an earthy smelling soil, known as compost. Natural compost, with its rich array of micro nutrients, can enrich our soil far better than any chemical fertilizer. Compost improves soil structure, moisture holding capacity of the soil, regulates soil temperature, and improves organic matter in soil.

By producing your own compost, you are not only reducing the garbage that goes into our city’s dump yards, but also creating the most wonderful natural, organic fertilizer for your plants and garden.

The composting process involves four main components: Organic matter, moisture, oxygen and bacteria.

Organic matter includes plant materials and some animal manures. Organic materials used for compost should include a mixture of brown organic material (dead leaves, twigs, shredded cardboard) and green organic material (lawn clippings, vegetable peels, fruit rinds, tea bags, coffee powder.). Brown materials supply carbon, while green materials supply nitrogen. The best ratio is 1 part green to 1 part brown material. Shredding or chopping these materials into smaller pieces will help

speed the composting process by increasing the surface area.

Moisture is important to support the composting process. Compost should be comparable to the wetness of a wrung-out sponge.

Oxygen is needed to support the breakdown of plant material by bacteria. To supply oxygen, you will need to turn the compost pile so that materials at the edges are brought to the center of the pile. Turning the pile is important for complete composting and for controlling odor.

Bacteria and other microorganisms are the real workers in the compost process. By supplying organic materials, water, and oxygen, the already present bacteria will break down the plant material into useful compost for the garden. As the bacteria decompose the materials, they release heat, which is concentrated in the center of the pile. You may also add sour buttermilk, cow dung slurry, layers of soil or finished compost to supply more bacteria and speed the composting process. In addition to bacteria, larger organisms including insects and earthworms are active composters. These organisms break down large materials in the compost pile.

Aerobic composting is the easiest to follow at home. For this we need the following

Materials An earthen pot with a few holes drilled into its bottom and sides or A Khamba (a vertical stand of earthen pots, placed one on top of the other) or A food grade fiberglass/plastic bin with holes drilled into its bottom, sides and lid for air circulation. and A tray to collect drained water (leachate) at the bottom of the compost bin.

Greens: Vegetable peels, fruit peels, seeds, tea powder, coffee powder, flowers, egg shells.

(Do not add non-veg items and cooked food).

Browns: Dry twigs, dry leaves, cardboard pieces, coconut husk, news paper, or shredded office paper.

Sour butter milk or diluted cow dung, since microorganisms in these liquids will help initiate the compost process.

Procedure First, add a layer of dry leaves at the bottom of the earthen pot. Then take equal quantities of greens and browns on a tray/container and pour 2 spoonfuls of sour buttermilk on them. Mix this pile well and add it to the pot.

Repeat the same procedure everyday and fill the pot .Once in 3 days mix the entire pile with a rake for air circulation. Make sure the contents are moist. If they are dry, sprinkle a little water on them and maintain moisture. Place the pot away from direct sunlight and rain.

It is very essential to mix the pile on a regular basis and maintain adequate moisture levels, so that the composting process takes place efficiently without emitting any odour, and without attracting any pests and rodents.

At the end of one or two months, based on how well you have managed the process of shredding, chopping, mixing and maintaining moisture, you will experience the wonder of seeing your own garbage turn into black gold.

Experience the wonder. It is worth it!!!

Usha Gajapathi Raju, Dietitian & Diabetes Educator




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Kommadi Junction, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam

Ramesh Mobile. 9133915959, 9000249496

Page 22: VISAKHA VISION FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November · Now, look into your “inner self“ before you blame or scold anybody

NEW DELHI: Cabinet has approved increase in carpet area of houses eligible for interest subsidy under the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) for the Middle Income Group (MIG) under PradhanMantriAwasYojana (PMAY).

Under PMAY, the area of the house is different for all categories and it’s the carpet area and not the super area that is to be looked at.

For MIG I, the existing carpet area of 90 sqmt (968.752 sqft) will be increased to 120 sqmt( 1291.668sq ft.) and instead of 110 sqmt (1184.03

sqft) for MIG II category, it will now be 150 sqmt ( 1614.585 sqft). These changes will be effective Jan 1, 2017, the date when it was initially implemented.

For the economically weaker section (EWS) and the lower income group (LIG) category, the 30 square metre (carpet area) limit will apply only in case of municipal limits of 4 metropolitan cities, while for the rest of the country, including in the peripheral areas of metros. This limit will , however, remain the same.

Carpet area is the area enclosed

within the walls i.e. actual area to lay the carpet. This area does not include the thickness of the inner walls. If you add up outer walls, balcony and other common areas, it’s the built-up area.

Further, when space for lobbies, stairs, elevators etc is added, the super built-up area is arrived at. Builders as of today are charging buyers on the super built-up area, a practice which the RERA is going to remove by making the buyer pay only on the basis of carpet area.

This new move has made affordable housing scheme accessible to many

110 Sqmt

90 Sqmt




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people Earlier the centre had extended the timeline for availing interest subsidy of around Rs 2.6 lakh on home loans under the Pradhan MantriAwas Yojana (Urban) by the middle income groups (MIG) up to March 2019.

Before you venture out to take benefit out of this scheme, let’s see who all are eligible for the MIG category, who all within a family can apply, how much is the subsidy in rupee terms and how does the subsidy impact the loan amount.

The middle-income earners The new category MIG, introduced recently, will further comprise of two slabs. The Middle Income Group (MIG) - I will comprise of households having an annual income between Rs.6,00,001 up to Rs.12,00,000.

And, the Middle Income Group (MIG) - II will comprise of households having an annual income between Rs.12, 00,001 up to Rs.18, 00,000. So, effectively anyone earning between Rs 6 lakh and Rs 18 lakh per annum can avail the benefits of subsidized loans provided other conditions are met Who are all eligible? The scheme is primarily aimed at providing housing for all. Therefore, understandably, all those who already own a home or any of their family member own a home, are kept out of the benefits of PMAY.

The rule says, “The beneficiary family should not own a pucca house and the beneficiary family should not have availed of central assistance under any housing scheme from Government of India.” A beneficiary family will comprise of husband, wife, unmarried sons and/or unmarried daughters. To avoid duplication,

beneficiary family members have to provide their Aadhaar numbers while applying for the loan.

But, as per the guidelines, “An adult earning member (irrespective of marital status) can be treated as a separate household, provided that he/she does not own a pucca (an all weather dwelling unit) house in his / her name in any part of India.”

So, even if children (married or unmarried) are staying with their parents in a house owned by the parents (or on rent, in the same or another city), they can opt for PMAY provided they are earning and don’t own any other home.

For a married couple living on rent and even if their parents own a home, will anyhow is treated as a separate household. However, if they wish to avail PMAY benefits, they will be eligible for a single house, bought by either of the spouses or both together in joint ownership.

Subsidy In the MIG - I category, individuals will get 4 per cent interest subsidy on a loan amount up to Rs 9 lakh, and in the MIG - II slab category individuals will get a 3 percent subsidy on a loan amount up to Rs 12 lakh. If one needs an additional loan, the lender will prove it but the additional loans beyond the subsidised loan amount will be at a non-subsidised rate.

How does it work Say, someone in the MIG II category, wishes to buy a house costing Rs 60 lakh. After the mandatory minimum down payment of 20 percent i.e. Rs 12 lakh, the balance of Rs 48 lakh can be arranged through a loan. But under

PMAY, a subsidy of 3 percent would be applicable till Rs 12 lakh, hence, the lender’s home loan interest rate will be applicable on the balance of Rs 36 lakh. How is the subsidy adjusted The interest subsidy amount will not be the differential of interest amount (of actual and subsided rate) but will be the net present value (NPV) of the interest subsidy amount. It is to be calculated at a discount rate of 9 percent. For calculating NPV of the subsidy, one will need the loan’s amortisation schedule as the interest portion of each equated monthly instalment (EMI) has to be considered. Thereafter, use the Fx function in an excel sheet to arrive at the NPV. Because of the subsidy amount, your loan amount reduces and, therefore, the interest burden too comes down.

Subsidised loans from where One can avail PMAY linked loans from any primary lending institutions such as scheduled commercial banks, housing finance companies, Regional Rural Banks s), State Cooperative Banks, Urban Cooperative Banks, Small Finance Banks, Non Banking Financial. Should you go for it? Affordable housing has been given infrastructure status in Budget 2017, which should aid developers in takings its associated benefits. But for a common man, the timely delivery of the house still remains a distant dream. For availing the benefits, the builders had to complete the affordable housing projects in 3 years but now (Budget 2017) have to complete in 5 years. Tread carefully and evaluate all the options before venturing out to explore the affordable housing segment, even if you are a first-time home buyer.



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The Andhra Pradesh Legislature have enacted the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Land (Conversion of Non Agricultural purposes) Act, 2006 so as to provide for levying one time conversion fee instead of levying annual Non-Agricultural Assessment Tax.

Sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Act provides that “No Agricultural Land in the State shall be put to non-agricultural purposes, without the prior permission of the Competent authority, sub-section (2) of section 3 provides that an application for such conversion of the agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes shall be made before the competent authority in the form prescribed along with Conversion Tax as specified under Section 4”, and sub-section (1) of Section 4 provides that “with effect on and from the date of commencement of this Act, every owner or occupier of agriculture land shall have to pay a Conversion Tax for non-agricultural purposes, at the rate of 9% of the basic value of the land in the areas as may be notified by the Government from time to time and proviso to this sub-section provides that the owner or occupier of agriculture land in the areas covered under Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation and Vijayawada Municipal Corporation shall have to pay a conversion tax for non-agricultural purpose at the rate of 5% of the basic value of the land.”.

Further, section 5 of the said Act provides that the Revenue Divisional Officer or any officer to be notified by the Government in this behalf shall be competent to order, in respect of the land situated within his territorial jurisdiction, conversion of land use from agricultural purpose to non-agricultural purposes”.

Government have received information from various sources that the procedure for obtaining permission was cumbersome and needed to be simplified so as to facilitate the entrepreneurs and industrialists to convert the land with ease for taking up various projects. The matter was discussed in the Meeting of Council of Ministers held on 24.06.2016 and it was decided that certain amendments may be made to the said Act so that no one need to go to the office of Revenue Divisional Officer for permission. Instead, the concerned person may make the payment of Conversion Tax and the challan may be treated as the permission. Accordingly, certain amendments were placed before the Council of Ministers in the meeting held on 18.10.2016 and were approved. Subsequently, requests have been received from public representatives and entrepreneurs that the rate of tax was very high which was discouraging the industrialists from setting up new industries or from taking up housing projects. The matter was discussed in the meeting of Council of Ministers on 15.10.2016, it was decided that the subject whether the Conversion Tax should be repeated or reduced may be referred to the Group of Ministers constituted vide G.O.Rt.No. 1703,GA (Cabinet) Dept, Dated: 11.08.2016. The Group of Ministers, after deliberation on all issue, has made the following recommendations, -

a) The Conversion Tax may be reduced from 9% to 3% in the areas other than Greater Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada Municipal Corporation areas.

b) The land allotted to the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation may be exempted from the purview of the Conversation Tax subject to condition that they will convert the land and before further allotment to the entrepreneurs.

c) The amount collected under Conversion Tax may be utilized as user charges by the Collecting Department i.e., Revenue Department, by creating a separate Sub Head of Account for various urgent needs of Department.

After examining the recommendations and suggestions of the Group of Ministers, Government have decided to accept the same and make a suitable amendment to the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Land (Conversion for Non-Agricultural purposes) Act, 2006.

This Bill seeks to give effect to the above decisions.






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It was a matter of great satisfaction and delight that our association has successfully organised the Annual Family Picnic at a beautiful venue which provided salubrious ambience. It was one of the most prestigious and eagerly awaited events that CREDAI-VSP has been organizing for the last several years. It was a grand success.

A special feature of the event this year was that CREDAI-VSP has entrusted this responsibility to its YOUTH WING and it has discharged this responsibility with aplomb and elan. There was unprecedented camaraderie among the family members of CREDAI-VSP . Sharing and caring by CREDAI-VSP families were

the high lights at the event.

The participants, whose number crossed the 1500 mark and who included children and ladies, had thoroughly enjoyed the non-stop fun from morning to evening. There were melodious music shows and thrilling magic events. There were also games for very one and prizes were galore. These included free trip in business class of Sri Lanka airlines to that country, and an elegant two wheeler.

Participants treasure the memory for a long time.

The credit for this goes entirely to the YOUTH WING, headed by its Co-

ordinator Sri K.V.R.Raju, endearingly called Ramesh, and his enthusiastic and energetic team. The annual event was meticulously planned and executed with clinical precision.

The YOUTH WING had proved beyond any shadow of doubt that it would carry out any responsibility that is entrusted to them.

This is good news for the parent organization viz CREDAI-VSP, which could now bank on its YOUTH WING for carrying out more challenging tasks.

The YOUTH WING richly deserves Kudoos.


Youth Wing


(Standing from left) Sarvasree S Manohar, P. Pinnama Raju, P. Subhash, B Aswanth Surendra, P Vijay Mohan, K. Srinivas, N. Ravi Kumar, V. Dharmender, T. Kartheek, K.V.R Raju (Ramesh), R. Mahesh Kumar Raju, G. Siva Ram, M. Ravi Teja, P. Pavan Kumar.

(Sitting from left) Sarvasree B.V. Sridhar, G. Karthik, N. Inder, I. Harish, I. Rakesh Prasad Lal, P. Avinash.


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There was overwhelming response to the picnic and it was a grand success.



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Managing waste is a major problem in our country. Most roads, public areas, open spaces, drains and even water bodies are often seen with litter and piles of garbage. As soon as we are free from the garbage in our homes we are happy and we are not bothered about how our plastic garbage bag is affecting our neighbourhood, our environment, our health, and our planet.

Atleast 10% of our household waste consists of plastic and paper products, which can be easily recycled. Over 80% is kitchen or wet waste which can be converted into precious compost, which is the most nutritious fertilizer in the world, or can be used to generate energy by using modern techniques. The balance 10% constitutes e- waste, biomedical waste and hazardous waste, which needs to be handled specially.

By segregating our waste at home, we would be contributing immensely to the economy of our country by way of creating thousands of jobs; right from the rag pickers who pick up the recyclable material, to the traders who buy it from them, to the factory owners who employ thousands of workers to recycle the material, to the retailers who sell these products. An entire circular economy.

So, can you imagine the damage that we are causing to the economy of our country by mindlessly and irresponsibly mixing our household waste in a plastic bag which ends up in a landfill, whose contents cannot be practically and usefully segregated at the landfill?

And, environmentally speaking, do you know what havoc our bag of mixed waste creates at the landfill? This bag of garbage with mixed

waste decomposes and releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is more potent than carbon dioxide. This leads to climate

change, extreme climates and droughts. Mixed waste rots in the

landfill and results in leachate or toxic liquid seeping into the soil, which causes contamination of ground water. Can you imagine the lives of people and animals who live within 5 kms of the dumpyards? The air they breathe, the water they drink, the food they grow and eat?

By not segregating our waste at home, we are doing a great disservice to ourselves, our environment, our economy, our country and to our future generations, who will never forgive us for leaving the world in this sad state for them to live.

Segregation at Source Hence, it becomes our responsibility to help our society by segregating the waste that is generated at our homes.

How can we make an impact /What is our role? Start segregating the waste in your own house now. It is one of the easiest practices to follow, and it should become a normal practice with every household, a routine habit.

Household waste can be categorized as wet and dry waste? Wet waste is the biodegradable waste that is produced in the kitchen, and forms the bulk of our household waste; what we call as garbage. Wet waste includes leftover foodstuff, vegetable and fruit peels, flowers, tea powder, coffee powder, egg shells,




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A CEO throwing a party takes his executives on a tour of his opulent mansion. In the back of the property, the CEO has the largest swimming pool, which, however, is filled with hungry alligators. The CEO says to his executives “ An executive should be measured by his courage. So this is my challenge to each of you : If anyone enough courage to dive into the pool, swim through those alligators and make it to the other side I will give that persons any thing he desires. My job, my money, my house, any thing”.

Every one laughed at the outrageous offer and followed the CEO in the tour of estate. Suddenly they heard a loud splash and saw the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in the pool, swimming for his life. He dodges all alligators and made it to the edge of the pool with a seconds to spare. He pulls himself out of the pool as a hungry alligator snaps at his shoes.

The flabbergasted CEO said to the CFO “You are amazing. You are brave beyond words. Any thing I own is yours.Tellme what can I do foryou”

The CFO panting for breath looked up and said “ You can tell me who the hell pushed me in to the pool !!”.

SERIOUS HUMOURfloor dust etc. It can be used to make nutritious compost at home and used as manure in the garden. Or, it can be converted into energy at the landfill site. Wet waste should be collected in a Green Bin. Do not line your bin with a plastic bag. Use a newspaper lining, or no lining at all.

Use a Blue Bin to collect all the dry waste, which is non-biodegradable, but most of which can be recycled, e.g. all plastic items, cans, aluminum foil, metal, glass, paper, cardboard, thermocole etc.

Toxic wastes such as medicines, batteries, dried paints, old bulbs and dried shoe polish and Hazardous waste like sanitary waste, diapers, band-aid, hospital waste such as cloth soiled with blood and other body fluids should be wrapped in a newspaper and marked with a cross, so that sanitary workers can easily identify such items. Syringes, razors, blades, broken glass should be handed over separately to sanitary workers, so that they do not injure themselves.

Proper segregation of waste thus leads to a circular economy, creating thousands of jobs. It leads to a reduction in transportation to faraway dump sites, thereby cutting down on costs and reducing emission levels. The life of the landfill increases and the risk to the ecosystem goes down. Segregated waste reduces health and safety related risks to waste pickers and to the ecosystems around the disposal sites.

But, when we mix all our waste, wet and dry, including the hazardous ones like batteries, glass, medical waste etc in a plastic bag and dump it into a garbage bin, very little of it can be separated by the waste pickers. The rest of it lands up in the dump yards where it can neither be composted nor converted into energy efficiently. So, because of our lethargy, the waste lies in our dump yards destroying the air, soil and water all around it forever.

Waste segregation should become our habit, and not an obligation.

Let us all join hands and make this a people’s movement by taking segregation at source to every citizen.

Usha Gajapathi Raju Dietitian & Diabetes Educator



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