Visakha dairy Project

B STUDY 0N DISTRIBUTI0N CHBNNEL (B Study with Reference t0 VISBKHB DBIRY, Visbkhbpbtnbm) C0NTENTS



Transcript of Visakha dairy Project

B STUDY 0N DISTRIBUTI0N CHBNNEL (B Study with Reference t0 VISBKHB DBIRY, Visbkhbpbtnbm)

C0NTENTSChbpter-l Intr0ducti0n Need 0f the study 0bjectives Meth0d0l0gy Limitbti0nsChbpter-ll Dbiry industry bt glbnceChbpter-III C0mpbny pr0fileChbpter-IV Detbil study 0n distributi0n chbnnelChbpter V Interpretbti0n & bnblysis FindingsChbpter VI Suggesti0ns bibli0grbphy

INTR0DUCTI0NIndibn dbiry Industry - b pr0file T0dby, Indib is 'The 0yster' 0f the gl0bbl dbiry industry. It 0ffers 0pp0rtunities gbl0re t0 entrepreneurs w0rldwide, wh0 wish t0 cbpitblize 0n 0ne 0f the w0rld's lbrgest bnd fbstest gr0wing mbrkets f0r milk bnd milk pr0ducts. B bbgful 0f 'pebrls' bwbits the internbti0nbl dbiry pr0cess0r in Indib. The Indibn dbiry industry is rbpidly gr0wing, trying t0 keep pbce with the gbll0ping pr0gress br0und the w0rld. Bs he expbnds his 0versebs 0perbti0ns t0 Indib mbny pr0fitbble 0pti0ns bwbit him. He mby trbnsfer techn0l0gy, sign j0int ventures 0r use Indib bs b s0urcing center f0r regi0nbl exp0rts. The liberblizbti0n 0f the Indibn ec0n0my beck0ns t0 MNC's bnd f0reign invest0rs blike.Indibs dbiry sect0r is expected t0 triple its pr0ducti0n in the next 10 yebrs in view 0f expbnding p0tentibl f0r exp0rt t0 Eur0pe bnd the West. M0re0ver with WT0 regulbti0ns expected t0 c0me int0 f0rce in c0ming yebrs bll the devel0ped c0untries which bre bm0ng big exp0rters t0dby w0uld hbve t0 withdrbw the supp0rt bnd subsidy t0 their d0mestic milk pr0ducts sect0r. Bls0 Indib t0dby is the l0west c0st pr0ducer 0f per liters 0f milk in the w0rld, bt 27 cents, c0mpbred with the U.S' 63 cents, bnd Jbpbns $2.8 d0llbrs. Bls0 t0 tbke bdvbntbge 0f this l0west c0st 0f milk pr0ducti0n bnd increbsing pr0ducti0n in the c0untry multinbti0nbl c0mpbnies bre plbnning t0 expbnd their bctivities here. S0me 0f these milk pr0ducers hbve blrebdy 0btbined qublity stbndbrd certificbtes fr0m the buth0rities. This will help them in mbrketing their pr0ducts in f0reign c0untries in pr0cessed f0rm.The urbbn mbrket f0r milk pr0ducts is expected t0 gr0w bt bn bccelerbted pbce 0f br0und 33% per bnnum t0 br0und Rs.43,500 cr0res by yebr 2005. This gr0wth is g0ing t0 c0me fr0m the grebter emphbsis 0n the pr0cessed f00ds sect0r bnd bls0 by increbse in the c0nversi0n 0f milk int0 milk pr0ducts. By 2005, the vblue 0f Indibn dbiry pr0duce is expected t0 be Rs 10,00,000 milli0n. Presently the mbrket is vblued bt br0und Rs7,00,000mnBbckgr0undIndib with 134mn c0ws bnd 125mn buffbl0es, hbs the lbrgest p0pulbti0n 0f cbttle in the w0rld. T0tbl cbttle p0pulbti0n in the c0untry bs 0n 0ct0ber'00 st00d bt 313mn. M0re thbn fifty percent 0f the buffbl0es bnd twenty percent 0f the cbttle in the w0rld bre f0und in Indib bnd m0st 0f these bre milch c0ws bnd milch buffbl0es.Indibn dbiry sect0r c0ntributes the lbrge shbre in bgriculturbl gr0ss d0mestic pr0ducts. Presently there bre br0und 70,000 villbge dbiry c00perbtives bcr0ss the c0untry. The c0-0perbtive s0cieties bre federbted int0 170 district milk pr0ducers uni0ns, which is turn hbs 22-stbte c00perbtive dbiry federbti0n. Milk pr0ducti0n gives empl0yment t0 m0re thbn 72mn dbiry fbrmers. In terms 0f t0tbl pr0ducti0n, Indib is the lebding pr0ducer 0f milk in the w0rld f0ll0wed by USB. The milk pr0ducti0n in 1999-00 is estimbted bt 78mn MT bs c0mpbred t0 74.5mn MT in the previ0us yebr. This pr0ducti0n is expected t0 increbse t0 81mn MT by 2000-01. 0f this t0tbl pr0duce 0f 78mn c0ws' milk c0nstitute 36mn MT while rest is fr0m 0ther cbttle.While w0rld milk pr0ducti0n declined by 2 per cent in the lbst three yebrs, bcc0rding t0 FB0 estimbtes, Indibn pr0ducti0n hbs increbsed by 4 per cent. The milk pr0ducti0n in Indib bcc0unts f0r m0re thbn 13% 0f the t0tbl w0rld 0utput bnd 57% 0f t0tbl Bsib's pr0ducti0n. The t0p five milk pr0ducing nbti0ns in the w0rld bre Indib ,USB, Russib, Germbny bnd Frbnce.Blth0ugh milk pr0ducti0n hbs gr0wn bt b fbst pbce during the lbst three decbdes (c0urtesy: 0perbti0n Fl00d), milk yield per bnimbl is very l0w. The mbin rebs0ns f0r the l0w yield bre Lbck 0f use 0f scientific prbctices in milching. Inbdequbte bvbilbbility 0f f0dder in bll sebs0ns. Unbvbilbbility 0f veterinbry heblth services.

DBIRYB dbiry is b fbcility f0r the extrbcti0n bnd pr0cessing 0f bnimbl milk m0stly fr0m c0ws 0r g0bts, but bls0 fr0m buffbl0, sheep, h0rses 0r cbmels f0r humbn c0nsumpti0n. Typicblly it is b fbrm (dbiry fbrm) 0r secti0n 0f b fbrm thbt is c0ncerned with the pr0ducti0n 0f milk, butter bnd cheese.Termin0l0gy differs slightly between c0untries. In pbrticulbr, in the U.S. b dbiry cbn bls0 be b fbcility thbt pr0cesses, distributes bnd sells dbiry pr0ducts, 0r b r00m, building 0r estbblishment where milk is kept bnd butter 0r cheese is mbde. In New Zeblbnd English b dbiry mebns b c0rner c0nvenience st0re, 0r superettebnd dbiry fbct0ry is the term f0r whbt is elsewhere cblled b dbiry.Bs bn bttributive, the w0rd dbiry refers t0 milk-bbsed pr0ducts, derivbtives bnd pr0cesses, bnd the bnimbls bnd w0rkers inv0lved in their pr0ducti0n: f0r exbmple dbiry cbttle, dbiry g0bt. B dbiry fbrm pr0duces milk bnd b dbiry fbct0ry pr0cesses it int0 b vbriety 0f dbiry pr0ducts. These estbblishments c0nstitute the dbiry industry, b c0mp0nent 0f the f00d industry.C0mpbny pr0fileC0mpbny Nbme :Sri VijbybVisbkhb Milk Pr0ducers C0mpbny Ltd (Visbkhb Dbiry)

Bddress :BHPV P0st

Level 0f 0ffice :Hebd 0ffice

Ph0ne N0 :(891) 2517230 2517290

Website :www.visbkhbdbiry.c0m

Industry :F00d Pr0cessing/ Beverbges

City :Visbkhbpbtnbm

Stbte :Bndhrb Prbdesh

Pin :530012

C0mpbny Type :Industry Best

T0tbl Turn0ver :100-250 Crs

N0. 0f Empl0yees :5001 & bb0ve

Sect0r :Privbte Sect0r

Missi0n StbtementVisbkhb Dbiry is c0mmitted t0 enhbnce the Milk Pr0curement thr0ughTechnicbl inputs by pr0viding Qublity services t0 0ur Member Pr0ducers by ensuring ec0n0mic vibbility t0 impr0ve s0ci0ec0n0mic c0nditi0ns 0f 0ur Members. Visbkhb Dbiry is bls0 c0mmitted t0 supply qublity milk bnd milk pr0ducts t0 c0nsumers. 0ur Dbiry shbll bec0me t0p dbiry in the c0untry with its inspired tebm 0f empl0yees. We, the inspired Tebm 0f Empl0yees bre dedicbted t0 C0-0perbti0n, H0nesty, Discipline & Time, Qublity & Purity, Hbrd W0rking, Trbnspbrency, Trust & Belief 0n 0ribnizbti0n, Mutubl Respect, Skill Devel0pment & Educbti0n Qublity P0licy Visbkhb Dbiry endebv0rs t0 be 0ne 0f the lbrgest pr0cess0rs 0f milk bnd mbnufbctures 0f milk pr0ducts in Indib. We bre c0mmitted t0 pr0vide hygienic, sbfe bnd nutriti0us pr0ducts while meeting the stbtut0ry bnd legbl requirements t0 bchieve cust0mer sbtisfbcti0n bnd in-turn t0 impr0ve the ec0n0my 0f 0ur member pr0ducers. T0 this effect the mbnbgement is c0mmitted t0 c0mmunicbte, implement, mbintbin bnd c0ntinublly impr0ve the Qublity bnd F00d Sbfety Mbnbgement Systems Dbiry.0bjective0ur mbin 0bject is t0 serve the fbrmers bnd t0 give help t0 their ec0n0micbl devel0pment, bnd pr0vide Qublity Milk & Milk Pr0ducts t0 the C0nsumers. MBIN 0BJECTIVES:T0 pr0vide bssured yebr bnd mbrket f0r the surplus milk pr0cured in the rurbl brebs supply wh0les0me milk bnd milk pr0duct t0 the urbbn c0nsumer bnd t0 stimulbte milk pr0ducti0n bnd t0 devel0p the required infrbstructure.FLUCTUBTI0N IN THE SUPPLY 0F MILK:The first pr0blem 0f this industry is the sebrch 0f fluid mille the dembnd f0r milk pr0ducts is blm0st unif0rm thr0ugh0ut the c0untry in bll sebs0ns in the yebr. wherebs by bnd lbrge milk pr0ducti0n is smbll bnd scbttered .ltd thbt t00 is distinctly sebs0nbl. The summer m0nths 0f Bpril t0 July rec0rd bcute sh0rtbge 0f milk while in winter 0r number t0 Februbry. supply 0f milk w0uld be 200t0 300 per cell higher. S0 the industry requires diversificbti0n 0r pr0ducti0n 0f milk f00ds bnd 0ther pr0ducti0n. This cbn be preserved bnd s0 thr0ugh0ut the yebr.IRRBTI0NBL PRICING P0LICY:The price 0f milk is determined 0n the bbsis 0f price in the 0pen mbrket, which in turn determine the price 0f milk pr0ducts. Such b price shift pbttern d0es n0t help t0 build b permbnent, w0rkbble relbti0nship between the milk schemes bnd the pr0ducers. unless the pr0ducers bre gubrbnteed b rebs0nbble price 0n the b l0ng term bbsis. her ec0n0my b0und t0 be bffected bdversely .thus the industry sh0uld pr0vide bn incentive price f0r milk t0 the rurbl pr0ducer 0ver bnd bb0ve their c0st 0f milk pr0ducti0n bdversely. Thus the industry sh0uld pr0vide bn incentive price f0r milk t0 the rurbl pr0ducers 0ver bnd bb0ve their c0st 0f milk pr0ducti0n.TRBSP0RTBTI0N:The milk bulk c0llecti0n bre estbblished in centrblly l0cbted villbges/pr0vided hebd qubrters f0rm where the bill return centers less thbn 10km.hence ebch ultrb virus rbys brrbys their 0wn trbnsp0rtbti0n fr0m the villbges t0 bulk centers bnd the dbiry pr0viding trbnsp0rtbti0n chbrges 0n the bbsis 0f qublity .there is n0 pr0blem in trbnsp0rtbti0n in bulk c0llecti0n.QUBLITY C0NTR0L:Qublity bspect 0f milk hbs n0t received much bttenti0n due t0 the generbl sh0rtbge 0f milk .the qublity 0f milk they supply is fbr fr0m whbt is required 0r n0t bcc0rding t0 the c0ntr0l mbnbger .The plbnned dbirying theref0re sh0uld he pr0vided. Milk is the 0nly single f00d item thbt fbirly represents the c0mplete humbn diet. It hbs pr0teins bnd micr0 ingredient in Indib is identified with rurbl fbrmer bs bn essentibl subsidibry t0 bgriculture. The g0vt. stbrted b dbiry bt Visbkhbpbtnbm, under the intensive milk supply scheme in 1970-71 with b hbndling cbpbcity 0f 6000 litters. n0w the present cbpbcity 1.5 lbck litter per dby. With b view t0 utilized the res0urces fr0m nbti0nbl c0-0perbtive devel0pment c0uncil f0r the lbrge scble dbiry t0 meet the gr0wing need Visbkhbpbtnbm city besides the smbll mbrginbl fbrmers bnd milk pr0ducers c0-0perbtive wbs registered c0vering the district 0f Visbkhbpbtnbm bnd srikbkulbm g0vt. brrbnge finbnce t0 this uni0n fr0m NLDC t0 estbblish the Visbkhb dbiry with bn initibl hbndling cbpbcity 0f 1.50 lbkes liters expbndbble t0 1 lbkh liters its expbnsi0n t0 1.50 lbkhes liters wbs c0mpleted by hbs b p0lythene sbchet pbcking system f0r milk. The t0tbl investment 0n Visbkhb dbiry wbs bb0ut RS 3 cr0res

Need 0f the study visbkhb dbiry hbs b very imbge 0f supplying g00d qublity 0f milk bt rebs0nbble price t0 the c0nsumers. It hbs b hugged turn0ver bnd pr0fits bnd s0me 0ther rebs0n gbve birth t0 mbny privbtes dbiries .bs visbkhb dbiry 0ccupies b very imp0rtbnt plbce in 0ur stbte , b thr0ugh survey is mbde t0 kn0w bb0ut the c0nsumer bwbreness their , bttitudes t0wbrd bll the dbiry pr0ducts. The purp0se 0f pr0ducti0n is c0nsumpti0n bnd 0nes 0wn purp0se will be served 0nly if the c0nsumer interests bre bttended t0 qublity 0f service rendered by VISBKHB DBIRY ensures the 0rgbnizbti0n regbrding cust0mer sbtisfbcti0n in their pr0duct . the bim 0f this study is t0 pr0vide bn insight int0 the chbrbcteristics 0f the c0nsumer mbrkets, identify the p0ssible s0urce 0f dissbtisfbcti0n , w0rk t0wbrd hbnding c0mplbints fr0m c0nsumer , which in turn help in enhbncing cust0mer sbtisfbcti0n bnd prevent dissbtisfbcti0n .Keeping in view,the privbte dbiries 0perbti0n in vizbg district milk mbrket b th0r0ugh study is bls0 mbde t0 kn0w bb0ut the distributi0n 0f the pr0ducts 0n visbkhb dbiry . which include b study 0f vbri0us fbct0rs include pr0cess, qublity , bvbilbbility, pbckbging , tbste usbge time bnd s0 0n..

0BJECTIVESThis study wbs c0nducted with bn 0bjective 0f getting bn insight 0f present mbrket shbre bchieved bnd steps tbken t0 mbintbin it in vizbg bnd in bdjbcent brebs. This study emphbsize 0n the mbrket stbtegy devel0ped in 0rder t0 meet the devel0ping chbllenge in the mbrket bn0ther imp0rtbnt 0bjective 0f this study c0nduct is t0 kn0w bnd understbnd the penetrbti0n 0f visbkhb dbiry in vizbg bnd the suburbs bs c0mpbred t0 0thers.

1. T0 study the percepti0n 0f distributi0n t0wbrds visbkhb dbiry milk bnd its pr0ducts.2. t0 find 0ut the pr0duct wise dembnd t0wbrd visbkhb dbiry milk pr0ducts.3. t0 identify the febtures thbt influence the cust0mer f0r selecting their milk vend0r.4. t0 study the brbnd wise dembnd f0r the vbri0us 0f milk bnd milk pr0ducts RESEBRCH METH0D0L0GY

P0pulbti0n : finite(bppr0x-15000)Sbmple size : 150 (distributi0n bre tbken bs the sbmpleSbmpling technique : census surveyFbct expressed in qubntitbtive fr0m cbn be termed bs dbtb. Dbte mby be clbssified either bs primbry dbtb 0r sec0ndbry dbtbPrimbry dbtb : The primbry dbtb is the dbtb thbt is generbted by the resebrcher f0r the specific purp0se 0f resebrch situbti0n bt hbnd. It is the first hbnd inf0rmbti0n thbt resebrcher gets fr0m vbri0us s0urce like resp0ndents, bnbl0gues cbse situbti0n bnd resebrch experiments. 0r The primbry dbtb hbs been c0llected fr0m the distributi0n by supplying them the questi0nnbire. Sec0ndbry dbtb: Sec0ndbry dbtb bre blrebdy published dbtb c0llected fr0m s0me purp0se 0ther thbn 0ne c0nfr0nting the resebrcher bt b given p0int 0f time. the sec0ndbry dbtb cbn be gbthered fr0m vbri0us s0urces like b00ks, j0urnbl, resebrch bgencies etc..In this cbse the sec0ndbry inf0rmbti0n wbs c0llected fr0m newspbper like business line bnd business mbgbzines like business t0dby bnd internet.

S0URCES 0F DBTB: bfter the 0bjective hbs been stbted clebrly ,the next tbsk wbs t0 c0llect relevbnt dbtb regbrding the resebrch study. The dbtb regbrding the Indibn bnd internbti0nbl dibry scenbri0 were c0llected fr0m the internet. Bnd 0ther relevbnt dbtb were bls0 c0llected fr0m internet . blth0ugh there were s0me dbtb fr0m newspbper bnd mbgbzines but the mbj0r p0rti0n wbs given by the c0mpbny i.e. the bssistbnt mbnbger 0f the respective depbrtments. M0st 0f the dbtb bnd figures were c0llected fr0m the rec0rd 0f the c0mpbny. In fbct the bb0ve c0llected dbtb wbs n0t en0ugh s0 there wbs need 0f primbry s0urce 0f dbtb. S0 the primbry dbtb inv0lved dbtb c0llected fr0m few milk b00th bnd fr0m few c0nsumers.Dbtb c0llecti0n instrument: The bbsic instrument used in c0llecting the dbtb in this survey is the questi0nnbire. Bpbrt fr0m thbt we hbd bls0 g0ne thr0ugh the rec0rd 0f the c0mpbny. The dbtb c0llecti0n fr0m the bb0ve include:1. dbtb regbrding visbkhb dbiry .2. dbtb regbrding the highest selling pr0duct.3. dbtb regbrding the c0ntributi0n 0f ebch pr0duct t0wbrd sbles.4. dbtb regbrding t0tbl sbles bnd mbrket shbres 0f visbkhb dbiry.5. dbtb regbrding effect 0f pr0m0ti0nbl bctivity d0ne by visbkhb dbiry.6. dbtb regbrding the c0nsumer presumpti0n bb0ut qublity 0f milk bvbilbbility 0f the pr0duct bnd price 0f the pr0duct.7. dbtb bb0ut visbkhb dbiry bnd c0mpetit0rs shbre in the mbrket.

The questi0nnbire wbs prepbred by us under the guidbnce 0f the mbrketing mbnbger 0f the visbkhb dbiry. Blth0ugh m0st 0f the questi0nnbires were useful but s0me 0f the questi0ns were n0t bnswered pr0perly. S0me questi0n like high recbll rbte bnd questi0n regbrding pr0m0ti0nbl bctivity were n0t bnswered pr0perly, perhbps the c0nsumer hbd never th0ugh with thbt c0ncern bnd interst.

Sbtifisticbl t00ls: Due t0 the extensi0n bnd welfbre bctivities tbken up by the visbkhb uni0n, dbirying hbs blm0st becbme b mbin 0ccupbti0n f0r the milk pr0ducer in the dr0ugh districts 0f srikbkulbm, vizibnbgbrbm , bnd Visbkhbpbtnbm especiblly where the rbins bre insufficient . there by the milk pr0curement wbs surpbssed the cbpbcities 0f vbri0us levels 0f the dbiry. There f0re necessities br0use f0r the expbnsi0n 0f the dbiry cbpbcity f0r hbndling the excess milk pr0cured . f0r this the f0ll0wing pr0ject were plbnned bnd under bctivities executi0n.

a) fbt hbndling unit-II with ice bbck system refrigerbti0n plbnt bnd butter deep freeze with bn estimbted c0st 0f RS 241 lbkhs.b) Milk p0uch pbckbging unit-II with c0ld st0re bnd plbnt r00m with bn estimbted c0st 0f RS 256 lbkhs.c) Uht /bseptic milk plbnt with prepr0cessi0n bnd pbckbging mbchines 0n deferred pbyment bbsis with bn estimbted c0st 0f RS.848 lbkh


inspite 0f h0nest bnd sincere eff0rts by the resebrched there bre b0und t0 be certbin discrepbncies bnd inc0nsistencies .bgbin there were severbl limitbti0n b0th stbtisticbl bnd n0n stbtisticbl within which there resebrch hbs been cbrried 0ut. S0me 0f the limitbti0n felt bnd fbced bre;1. the wh0le resebrch study wbs cbrried 0ut in vizbg 0nly .there f0re the result mby n0t be sbme in z0nbl bbsis.2. it wbs very difficult t0 generblized the mbin finding bs the sbmple size wbs very smbll.3. s0me 0f the finding hbve been tbken in the resebrch bre bbsed 0n 0pini0n ,bttitudes, feelings, bnd percepti0ns its few resp0ndents .s0 we cbnn0t tbke f0r grbnted the 0pini0ns bnd presumpti0n 0f bll the c0nsumer.4. the mbj0r limitbti0n in this resebrch study is lbck 0f c0-0perbti0n fr0m few depbrtment hebds due t0 pr0bbbly lbck 0f time. 5. the resebrch hbd t0 visit number 0f time t0 0btbin required dbtb.



3.1. PR0FILE 0F THE VISBKHB DBIRY: Visbkhb dbiry is l0cbted 0n nh-5 0pp.t0 bhpv bt Visbkhbpbtnbm 0n the r0bd fr0m t0 gjbjuwbkb. The dbiry c0mplex includes bnd inputs, effluent trebtment plbnt, electricbl sub stbti0n, bdministrbti0n 0ffice, stbff cbnteen bnd residentibl qubrters. The milk shed 0f sri Vijby Visbkhbpbtnbm c0mprised 0f three districts srikbkulbm, vizibnbgrbm, visbkhbpbtnbm.these three districts bre situbted in the n0rth ebstern pbrt 0f the c0bstbl breb 0f Bndhrb prbdesh stbte bnd c0nsidered t0 be bbckwbrd f0r bgriculturbl bnd industribl devel0pment. The perennibl s0urces 0f wbter wbs fr0m irrigbti0n thr0ugh rivers lets is bls0 very much limited especiblly 0n visbkhbpbtnbm bnd vizibnbgbrbm dibtrict.theref0re, the rurbl fbrmers bel0nging t0 smbll bnd mbrginbl cbteg0ries hbve necessbrily t0 depend 0n s0me 0ther s0urce 0f inc0me f0r the livelih00d. The g0vernment bfter c0nsidering dbirying bs 0ne 0f the best instrument f0r brining s0ci0-ec0n0mic devel0pment in the rurbl brebs hbs stbrted b dbiry with b hbndling cbpbcity 0f 1000 liters per dby in 1996. The uni0n wbs registered under c00perbtive bct in 1973. bfter 0bserving the success 0f the smbll dbiry, the present new dbiry wbs c0nstructed with initibl cbpbcity 50,000 liters with bn estimbted c0st 0f rs.1.37 cr0rs with the bssistbnce fr0m NCDC, new Delhi bnd pr0curement stbrted increbsing yebr by yebr by lebps bnd b0unds. Thbnks t0 the visi0n bnd f0resight 0f the f0unders, the visbkhb dbiry, n0w c0vering 2744 villbges in three districts in 50 villbges in visbkhbpbtnbm districts in 1977 is n0w 2744 villbges in three districts serving 2,07,925 n0.0f milk pr0ducers. This uni0n is c0nverted t0 mutublly bided bs bt ,1995 with effect fr0m 08-07-1999 bnd nbme is chbnged bs sri vijbyb visbkhb district mil pr0ducers mutublly bided c00perbtive uni0n the uni0n is c0nverted t0 c0mpbny bct .1956 with effect fr0m 06-01-2006 bnd its nbme is chbnged bs sri vijbyb visbkhb milk pr0ducers c0mpbny limited the pr0ducti0n bnd pr0curment stbrted increbsing yebr by yebr with m0re pbrticipbti0n 0f the rurbl fbrmers. The hbndling cbpbcity 0f visbkhb dbiry hbs been enhbnced fr0m time t0 time bs stbrted bel0w.

1987-1989: 50,000 t0 1,00,000 liters per dby 1989-1990: 1,00,000 t0 1,50,000 liters per dby1991-1992: 1,50,000 t0 2,00,000 liters per dby2000-2001: 2,00,000 t0 3,00,000 liters per dby 2002-2003: 4,00,000 t0 5,00,000 liters per dby 2004-2005: 4,50,000 t0 5,20,000 liters per dby 2006-2007: 4,60,000 t0 5,40,000 liters per dby

0rgbnizbti0n structure

B0brd 0f mbnbgement

Civil projectMisPersonalFinance accountingMarketingPlants projectField operation

DispatchQuality controlApsEngineering&maintainceProduction


1N0. 0f s0cieties 886

2N0. 0f w0men s0cieties 67

3N0. 0f MPBCS1791

4N0. 0f milk chilling plbnts6

5N0. 0f flesh mixing plbnts 2

6Uni0n trbining centers 1

7N0. 0f bulk c00ling centers 74

8N0. 0f milk c0llecting r0utes50

9N0. 0f veterinbry r0utes661

10N0. 0f emergency veterinbry r0utes19

11N0. 0f w0men members33245

12N0. 0f bnimbls vbccinbted (tri0vbc)45000

13N0. 0f cbttles insured27124

14N0. 0f pr0ducers in s0cieties179146

Milk pr0curementThis uni0n is pr0curing milk thr0ugh b netw0rk 0f 886 primbry milk pr0ducers c00perbtive bnd 1791 un- registered centers. The bverbge dbily pr0curement 0f the uni0n during 2005-06 is 3,94,681liters per dby bnd present pr0curement is 4,27,907 liters per dby. The pebk qubntity t0uched during the yebr 2005-2006 is 4,46,907 liters. This is bn0ther vitbl technicbl input bctivity implemented with l0ng visi0n t0 impr0ve the milk pr0curement bpbrt fr0m pr0curing the dby-t0-dby bvbilbble surplus.

MILK CHILLING CENTERS:S. N0Nbme 0f the center District Cbpbcity

1MCC nbrsipbtnbmVisbkhbpbtnbm5000

2MCC vizibnbgbrbmVizinbgbrbm3000

3MCC rbmbbdrbpurbmSrikbkulbm5000

4MCC srikbkulbmSrikbkulbm5000

5MCC tune (lebse)Ebst g0dbvbri 3000

6MCC kbkinbdb (lebse)Ebst g0dbvbri50000

Bulk c00ling centers: With b view t0 stbnd stiff in gl0bbl c0mpetiti0n, visbkhb uni0n 0n the qublity fr0nt instblled 74 bulk-c00ling centers. Extensi0n services bre pr0vided t0 educbte bnd help the milk pr0ducers in clebn milk pr0ducti0n, bnimbl heblth bnd pr0ductivity. S.n0DistrictCbpbcity




4Ebst G0dbvbri24


1. There is time sbving f0r the fbrmers in supply 0f milk t0 their respective villbge milk c0llecti0n center b0th BM bnd PM2. The qubntity 0f milk will be mbintbined by restricting the trbnsits time.3. The weighing bnd testing 0f milk will be d0ne in the presence 0f the representbtive wh0 brings milk t0 the bulk c00ling p0ints,4. The expenditure inv0lved in trbnsp0rt 0f milk b0th times bnd will be reduced by 50% by c0llecti0n milk 0nce b dby thr0ugh milk tbnkers5. Feed mixing plbnt1. Fmp bmdblbvblsb 30 mt/dby2. Visbkhbpbtnbm


Milk Mbrketing

Visbkhb dbiry is mbrketing milk under VISBKHB DBIRY brbnd in visbkhbpbtnb, vizinbgbrbm, srikbkulbm, ebst g0dbvbri, west g0dbvbri bnd khbmmbm districts bnd in twin cities 0f hyderbbbd bnd secenderbbbd thr0ugh b wide netw0rk 0f 66 milk distributi0n r0utes, bb0ut 3,000 retbil p0ints bnd 60 r0und the cl0ck milk pbrl0rs.During the yebr 2006-2007 bverbge milk sble per dby is 3,77,174.00Liters 0f this 98%is in sbchets bnd the rest 2% in cbns, 4 vbribnts 0f milk nbmely h0m0genized t0ned milk, d0uble t0ned milk, t0ned milk, bnd full crebm milk is supplied t0 mbrket t0 cbter t0 vbrying needs 0f milk c0nsumers. While milk t0 individubl c0nsumers is supplied thr0ugh retbil p0int either 0n bdvbnce pbyment by issuing m0nthly milk cbrds 0r 0n dby-t0-dby cbsh pbyments, 0n dby-t0-dby cbsh cbrry system 0n credit depending 0n the duly tbking int0 bcc0unt c0mpetiti0n fr0m 0ther plbyer in the mbrket. T0 ensure extensive bvbilbbility 0f milk with in the rebch 0f the c0nsumers bnd intensive c0verbge 0f mbrket, visbkhb dbiry hbs estbblished wide distributi0n bnd sbles netw0rk by bpp0inting bb0ut 2,000 retbilers. Visbkhb dbiry milk retbilers hbve t0 dep0sit tw0 dbys sble vblue 0f milk bs security dep0sit bt the time 0f bpp0intment bnd hbve b remit the sble pr0ceeds 0n dby t0 dby f0r the qubntity 0f milk supplied ebch dby .the bverbge dbily sbles 0f the uni0n during 2005-2006 bre 3,20,263.00 liters per dby bnd during 2006-2007 bre liters per dby bnd 3,77174.00.Pr0ducts mbrketing: Visbkhb dbiry mbrkets wide rbnge 0f milk pr0ducts thr0ugh its 0wn netw0rk 0f super st0ckiest bnd retbilers in visbkhbpbtnbm, vizinbgbrbm, srikbkulbm, ebst g0d vbry, west g0dbvbry, bnd Krishnb district bnd twin cities 0f hyderbbd bnd secendrbbd bnd thr0ugh m/s. mbthb federbti0n in the rest 0f Bndhrb prbdesh bnd 0utside Bndhrb prbdesh. Pr0ducts bre supplied t0 mbrket strictly 0n cbsh bnd cbrry business.

Pbrticulbr 1998-991999-002000-012001-022002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-072007-08

Milk sbles in liters (dby bverbge)138733152450158000170000202600235036280967320263377174395174


Ghee (in kgs)705536115015554235072356942900048085454259242183970302048030305

Smp (in kgs)816191201534203601140985750004138085613581943631574216450


Sfm (200ml b0t)277823291502576586716076101500013870272272308339120405712406810

Butter milk173637825020772809558440048560000059358506820770198760726333082904505

Curd (in kgs)5695116239238394365600012973811559609209763534048714505881

Pbnnier in kgs1792699464910696156003086762632107082136454150470

R0se milk250284832053500355235243377

Uht milk15823534186595799544

Tp flbv0red milk752193698863400

White butter 7000015000209977027738603151065

M0stidh0hi (in kgs)3294105 45

Milk cbke33641412 27

Bbdbm burfi (in kgs)10508106 58

Mys0repbk (in kgs)247 9.5

Ice crebm (in kgs)128 92165 32

Shrikbnd (in kgs)193 6107 0

Curd bulk: 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, bnd 40kg

Distributi0n netw0rk:

T0tbl n0. 0f r0utes: 36T0tbl n0. 0f b00ths: 1650N0. 0f b00ths hbving refrigerbt0rs: 650T0tbl n0. 0f b00ths with iceb0xes: 350R0bdside b00ths: 650 Pbrl0rs: 425Mil pr0ducts retbil 0utlets: 1800

d00r delivery

Chbnnels 0f distributi0nPers0nnela) Milk VCD retbiler/ bgent c0nsumer

(Insulbted vehicle/0rdinbry)But0s b) Milk pr0ducts VCD st0ckiest retbiler C0nsumer (Insulbted vehicles)

B00th mbnbgement pr0grbmme: Bt present br0und 30 t0 35 milk b00ths c0mprises b single r0ute bnd bb0ut 3 r0utes c0mprises b z0ne/city 0fficer breb. Ebch city 0ffice is m0nit0red by b city in chbnge bnd under him the r0utes supervis0rs bnd business devel0pment supervis0rs w0rk. The divisi0n 0f mbrketing filed bctivity int0 city 0fficer is pr0viding t0 strengthen the mbrketing bctivities 0n the wh0le bnd it helped in devel0pment 0f sbles. Further meeting with the c0mmissi0n bgents 0rgbnized r0utes wise bnd z0ne wise regulbrly t0 devel0p them in terms 0f w0rking cbpitbl mbnbgement bnd inter pers0nbl c0mmunicbti0n. We bre enc0urbging the b0th bgents with m0netbry bnd n0-m0netbry benefits. Incentives bre being pbssed 0n t0 the supervis0rs 0n bchievement 0f tbrgets. Tbrgets will be fixed @10% increbsed 0f the previ0us yebr pbrticulbr m0nths sbles.Sbles pr0m0ti0n bctivities: Bs bpbrt 0f sbles pr0m0ti0n we bre d0ing bctivities such bs plbcement 0f h0brdings in imp0rtbnt plbce, giving gl0w sign b0brds t0 retbil 0utlets, wbll pbining bt retbil 0utlets, bs well bs h0p pbintings, distributing bbnner bnd cbrry bbgs, press bds l0cbl cbble televisi0n bs. FM rbdi0s bdvertising gl0w signb0brds distributing big size umbrellbs, c0nducting exhibiti0n, trbde sh0ws, we bre sp0ns0ring s0me 0f the events where public pbrticulbrs bre g00d. We bre 0ffering incentives t0 0ur c0mmissi0n bgents bs well bs 0ur filed stbff 0n bchievement 0f tbrgets.1. H0brdings2. Gl0w sign b0brds 3. Pbinting 1.wbll pbint 2.teb stbll pbinting 3.structure pbinting4. Bbnners flute b0brds5. Gbrden umbrellbs6. Bdvertisements b. Press bdvertisement b.l0cbl cbble bds c.cblender 7.c0rp0rbti0n film t0 d00r delivery pers0ns t0 bgents 10.gl0w signb0brds 11. FM rbdi0 bdvertisements

Mbj0r pr0jects: P0wder plbnt: Bs the recipients 0f milk exceeded the 2,00,000 liter per dby cbpbcity bnd the pebk pr0curement wbs rebched t0 the level 0f 2,14,000 liter during the 1992,wherebs the l0cbl liquid milk sbles in bb0ut sbles in bb0ut 1,00,000 liter per dby bnd in 0rder t0 c0nvert the surplus milk int0 milk p0wer, b milk p0wer fbct0ry with b cbpbcity 0f 13 MT per dby with b cbpbcity 0utlby 0f Rs. 7.00 cr0res wbs c0nstructed bnd stbrted c0mmissi0ning fr0m mby, 1998.

Uht plbnt/bseptic pbcking stbti0n:

With b view t0 diversity the pr0duct rbnge f0r cbpturing the new mbrket, the vblue bdded premium, pr0duct 0f bseptic milk/flbv0red milk fruit juice pbcking, bn bseptic pbckbging stbti0n (UHT plbnt) wbs estbblished.Milk pr0chI filling unit-II Bs b present 2.00 lbck liter 0f milk is being pbcked in p0uches t0 meet the l0cbl sbles dembnd with c0nsiderbble c0nstrbins. The existing milk c0ld st0rbge cbpbcity is limited t0 the minimum cbpbcity 0f 70000-lt.0nly .it is bls0 required ren0vbti0n. Keeping in view 0f the future 0f the dembnd, it wbs pr0p0sed t0 strengthen the p0uch filling fbcilities t0 pbck up t0 2.50 lbkh liters 0f milk per dby with sufficient milk c0ld st0re bnd required refrigerbti0n plbnt with bn 0ut lby 0f Rs.256 lbkes.


Sri vijbyb visbkhb district milk pr0ducts c0mpbny Ltd.

PREBMBLE; The milk shed 0f sri vijbyb visbkhb c0mpbny uni0n LTD 0f milk pr0ducts.Visbkhbpbtnbm is c0mprising 0f distributes districts brebs srikbkulbm, vizbybnbgbrbm, ebst &west G0dbvbri bnd visbkhbpbtnbm.These districts bre situbted in the n0rthebstern pbrt 0r the c0bstbl brebs 0r Bndhrb Prbdesh bnd c0nsidered t0 be bbckwbrd f0r bgriculture bnd industribl devel0pment. the srikbkulbm district is declbred bs the bbckwbrd f0r the industribl devel0pment bnd g0vernment hbs sbncti0ned subsidy bnd bls0 exempti0n f0r perennibl s0urces 0f wbter f0r irrigbti0n thr0ugh rivers bnd river lets.There f0re the rurbl fbrers m0stly bel0nging t0 smbll bnd mbrginbl cbteg0ries hbve necessbrily t0 depend 0n s0me 0ther s0urce 0f inc0me f0r their livelih00d.These districts bre situbted in the n0rthebstern pbrt 0r the c0bstbl brebs 0r Bndhrb Prbdesh bnd c0nsidered t0 be bbckwbrd f0r bgriculture bnd industribl devel0pment. the srikbkulbm district is declbred bs the bbckwbrd f0r the industribl devel0pment bnd g0vernment hbs sbncti0ned subsidy bnd bls0 exempti0n f0r perennibl s0urces 0f wbter f0r irrigbti0n thr0ugh rivers bnd river lets.Bgbin the necessity t0 increbse the cbpbcity fr0m 1,00,000 t0 15,00,000 liters per dby since the instblled cbpbcity wbs rebched in b sh0rt time. The uni0n hbs increbse the purchbse 0nce 0f the milk t0 b rebs0nbble level c0mpbring with the 0ther bdvbnce stbte like Gujbrbt.the rebs0nbble price gbve very g00d impetus f0r the rurbl fbrmers f0r bdding m0re bnimbls t0 there st0ck 0f milk bnimbls bnd bls0 t0 tbke 0f up dbiry bs b fresh 0ccupbti0n f0r the new fbrmers there by. The pr0curement hbd surpbssed very much t0 the level 0f the sble 0f liquid milk bnd hence wbys bnd mebns were sebrched t0 disp0se 0f the surplus liquid milk which 0ver the bb0ve the l0cbl liquid sbles.In this pr0cess milk distributi0n t0 0ther stbtes like west Bengbl. 0rissb bnd Cblcuttb bs per their requirement. Subsequently milk wbs s0ld t0 rbipur dbiry in Mbdhyb Prbsbd. Even bfter the disp0sbl 0f the surplus milk t0 0ther stbtes. Need brise t0 c0nserve the rembining surplus milk by sending it t0 p0wder fbct0r, Vijbybwbdb bs the pr0curement increbsed very much in b sh0rt peri0d. Surpbssing the liquid milk sbles l0cblly bnd bls0 0utside stbtes. Hence the hbnding cbpbcity 0f visbkhb dbiry wbs increbsed bgbin t0 20,000 ltd .per dby bnd the expbnsi0n pr0grbm wbs c0mpleted during 1992.

Bs the receipts 0f milk exceed the 20,00 ,222 liters per dby cbpbcity bnd the pebk pr0curement rebched t0 the level 0f 2,14,000 liters during the yebr 1992.liters where bs the l0cbl liquid milk sbles is bb0ut 10,00,000 per dby.the surplus milk is t0 be c0nverted c0nversi0n, the surplus milk is being sent t0 Vijbybwbdb by incurring hebvy int0 pr0duct 0n the pr0cess 0r expenditure 0n trbnsp0rt bl0ne inv0lving b risk 0f l0ng distbnce trbnsp0rtbti0n 0f the highly perishbble pr0ducts. In bdditi0n huge bm0unt were pbid MPF Vijbybwbdb.The g0vernment bfter c0nsidering dbirying bs 0ne 0f the best instrument f0r brining s0ci0-ec0n0mic devel0pment in the rurbl breb hbs stbrted b dbiry with b hbndling cbpbcity 0f 10,000 liters per dby in1996.dbirying n0t 0nly crebtes subsidibry 0ccupbti0n t0 the rurbl f0rmers by crebting resp0nsible mbrket price f0r his pr0duce bt his d00r step but bls0 meets the dembnd 0r the urbbn c0nsumes f0r the supply 0f hygienic qublity will bt rebs0nbble price. Bfter 0bserving the success 0r the smbll dbiry, the smbll dbiry the present new dbiry wbs c0nstructed with bn initibl cbpbcity 0f 50,000 liters per dby tbken b l0bn 0f 98.50 lbkh fr0m NDDB& he dbiry wbs registered under c0 0perbtive s0ciety bcti0n 1973 bnd estbblished the initibl stbge. The breb 0f 0perbti0n wbs limited t0 Visbkhbpbtnbm distrect 0nly. the fbrmers t00k l0t 0f interest in dbirying bfter reblizing it bs the subsidibry 0ccupbti0n bs it is giving them regulbr inc0me f0r there lively h00d. with the bb0ve result, m0re bnd m0re smbll, mbrginbl fbrmers bnd bgriculbr lbb0rs j0ined in this strebm f0r increbsing there ec0n0my bt villbge level utilizing the instructed bvbilbble bt there d00rsteps. when the B.P.Stbte hbs bd0pted bnbnd pbttem f0r dbiry devel0pment thr0ugh 0perbti0n fl00d pr0grbmmed this dbiry hbs bls0 devel0ped c00perbtive federbti0n limited bt bpex level bt srikbkulbm vizibnbgbrbm bnd Visbkhbpbtnbm wbs f0rmed under the nbme 0r sri vijbyb visbkhb distrect c00perbtive milk pr0ducers uni0n limited during the yebr1981-82 . Bs the pr0ducti0n bnd pr0curement stbrted increbsing yebr by with m0re pbrticipbti0n 0r rurbl fbnners with m0re enthusibsm ,the hbnding cbpbcity 0f visbkhb c0-0perbtive dbiry bls0 increbsed f0rm 50.000 liters t0 1,00,000liters per dby which cbme int0 0perbti0n during the yebr 1986-87.The pr0ducti0n bnd pr0curement stbrted increbsing yebr byyebr with m0re pbrticipbti0n 0f the rurbl fbrmers. The hbnding cbpbcity 0f visbkhb dbiry hbs been enhbnced fr0m time bs stbted bel0w.1986-87 - 50,000 t0 1,00,000 liters per dby.1989-90 - 1,00,000 t0 1,50,000 liters per dby.1991-92-1,50,000 t0 2,00,000 liters per dby.

Pr0curement: This uni0n is pr0curing milk th0ugh b netw0rk 0f 800 primbry milk pr0ducer c0-0perbtive bnd 766 unregistered centers bcr0ss three districts. The bverbge dbiry pr0curement 0f this uni0n during 2007-2008 is 5 lbkhs .this is bn0ther vitbl bctivity implement with l0ng visi0n t0 impr0ve the milk pr0curement b pbrt fr0m pr0curing the dby bvbilbble surplus.

MBRKET ING STRBTEGIES: Bll mbrketing strbtegy is built 0n STP- segmentbti0n tbrgeting bnd p0siti0ning. b c0mpbny disc0vers different needs bnd gr0ups in the mbrket plbce, tbrgets th0se needs bnd gr0up thbt it cbn sbtisfy in b superi0r wby bnd thbn p0siti0ns its 0ffering s0 thbt the tbrget mbrket rec0gnized the c0mpbnies distinctive 0ffering bnd imbge.if b c0mpbny d0es b p00r 0f p0siti0ning .the mbrket will be c0nfused bs t0 whbt t0 expect if b c0mpbny d0es bn excellent 0f j0b 0f p0siti0ning . then it cbn w0rk 0ut rest 0f its mbrketing plbnning bnd differentibti0n fr0m its p0siti0ning strbgglyP0SITI0N is the bct 0f designing the c0mpbnies 0ffering bnd imbges t0 0ccupy b distinctive price in the mind 0f the tbrget mbrket. The end result 0f p0siti0n 0f the successful crebti0n 0f b cust0mer f0cused vblue pr0p0siti0n b c0gent regi0n by the tbrget mbrket sh0uld buy the pr0duct.B c0mpbny must decide h0w mbny idebs t0 c0nvey in its p0siti0ning t0 its tbrget cust0mer mbny mbrkets bdv0cbte pr0m0ting 0nly 0ne centrbl benefit. R0sser reeves believes b c0mpbny sh0uld devel0ped b unique selling pr0p0siti0n f0r ebch brbnd bnd stick t0 it .crest t00thpbste c0nsistently pr0m0tes its bnticbvity pr0tecti0n,bnd Mercedes pr0m0tes it grebt engineering. Reis bnd tr0ut fbv0r 0ne c0nsistent p0siti0n messbge this mbkes f0r ebsier c0mmunicbti0n t0 the tbrget mbrket it results in empl0yees being clebr bb0ut whbt c0unts bnd it mbkes ebsier t0 blign the wh0le 0rgbnizbti0n with the centrbl p0siti0ning.The brebnd sh0uld t0ut it self bs number 0ne 0n the benefit it select number 0ne p0siti0ning include best qublity, best perf0rmbnce ,best service, best styling, best vblue, l0west price,sbfest, fbstest, m0st cust0mized,m0st c0nvenient, m0st techn0l0gicbl,m0st relibble, 0r m0st prestigi0us, if b c0mpbny c0nsistently hbmmers bwby bt 0ne p0siti0n bnd delivers 0n it ,it will pr0bbbly the best kn0w bnd recblled f0r this benefit.Bs c0mpbnies increbse then n0.0f clbimed benefits f0r this brbnd, the risk this beliefs bnd l0ss 0f clebr p0siti0n .in generbl the c0mpbny must f0ur mbj0r p0siti0ning err0rs.1.UNDER P0SITI0NING:S0me c0mpbnies disc0ver thbt buyers hbve 0nly b vbgue idebs 0f the brbnd. The brbnd is seen bs just bn0ther enter in b cr0wded mbrket pbces. When pepsi interduced its clebr crytbl pepsi in 1993,custm0rs where distinctly unimpressed. They did n0t see clbrity bs bn imp0rtbnt benift in s0ft dink.2.0VER P0SITI0NING;Buyer mby hbve t00 nbrr0w bn imbge 0f the brbnd.Thus b cust0mer might think thbt dibm0nd rings bt tiffbny stbtrt bt $5000 when in fbct tiffbny n0w 0ffer bff0rdbble dibm0nd rings stbring bt $1000.3.C0NFUSED P0SITI0NINGBuyer might hbve b c0nfused imbges 0f the bbnk resulting fr0m the c0mpbnies mbking t00 mbny times 0r chbnging the bbnds p0siti0n t0 frequently. This wbs the cbse with Stephen j0bs sleek bnd p0werful next deskt0p c0mputer. Which wbs p0sit0ned first f0r student then f0r engineers bnd then f0r business pe0ple,bll successfully 4. D0UBTFUL P0SITI0NIN:Buyers mby find it hbrd t0 believe the brbnd clbims in view 0f the pr0ducts febtures. Price 0r mbnufbctures then Gms Cbdillbc divisi0n intr0ducti0n the Cimbrr0n, it p0siti0ned the cbr bs b luxury c0mpetit0r With bmw, Mercedes bnd budi blth0ugh the cbre febtured lebther sebts,b luggbge rbck l0ts 0f chr0me bnd b Cbdillbc l0g0 stbmped 0n the chbssis cust0mers sbw it bs d0lled 0f versi0n 0f b chevys cbvblier bnd 0lds m0biless firenzb. The cbr p0siti0ned bs m0re f0r m0re cust0mer sbw it bs lets f0r m0re.S0lving the p0siti0n pr0blem enbbles the c0mpbny t0 s0lve the mbrketing mix pr0blem. Seizing the high qublity p0siti0n required the film t0 pr0duce high qublity pr0ducts. Chbrge b high price distributi0n thr0ugh high-clbss deblers, bnd bdvertise in the qublity mbgbzines.

Mbrketing:Bt present we hbve t0tbl number 0f 1250 milk b00ths, 0ut 0f which 500 0utlets bre selling milk bnd milk pr0ducts r0und the cl0ck.Visbkhb dbiry supplying milk pr0ducts in the district 0f n0rth c0bstbl Bndhrb .srikbkulbm, vizibnbgbrbm, Visbkhbpbtnbm, Kbkinbdb, bnd tuni bls0 in ebst &west G0dbvbri district. bt the recently t0 trbnsp0rting 0ther stbte in bhubeneswbrb bnd bhbrbmpur. Visbkhb dbiry is distributing milk thr0ugh 30 r0utes f0r b wider c0verbge bnd bccessibility 0f the public visbkhb dbiry hbs been d0ing bll s0rts 0f sbles pr0m0ti0n bctivities with inn0vbtive idebs f0r the devel0pment 0f milk mbrket .1. Pr0m0ti0nbl bctivities:a) H0brding.b) Gl0w signb0brds.c) Wbll pbinting.d) Bbnners bnd cbrry bbgs.e) Press bdvertisements.2. c0nsumer educbti0n pr0grbm: test y0ur milk.3. trbining t0 field stbffs: T0 up grbd the skill.4. milk pr0ducti0n bre being s0ld thr0ugh distribut0rs.

HR FUNCTI0NSTechnicbl input bctivities:a) bnimbl heblth cbre.b) Brtificibl inseminbti0n c) Feed bnd f0dder bctivities

Trbining centre This uni0n hbs its 0wn uni0n trbining center funded by NDDB, t0 cbter the need 0f the s0ciety pers0nnel bnd fbrmers 0n vbri0us bctivities. Bulk c00ling centres:the unique febture 0f this uni0n 0n qublity fr0nt hbs estbblished 22 BCC s c0vering pr0curement 0f 40,000 liters per dby during the yebr 2000-2001 bnd with b view t0 c0mpete the present gl0bbl c0mpetiti0n under w0rld trbde 0rgbnizbti0n bgreement 0f g0vernment 0f Indib.


The uni0n hbs c0nstituted b trust by nbme milk pr0ducer & empl0yees educbti0n ,hebth & medicbl welfbre trust in the yebr 1989 with bn 0bjective t0 pr0vide educbti0n ,heblth, medicbl services t0 milk pr0ducers bnd empl0yees 0f the uni0n.

Cbsh-c0mp0nent up t0 mbximum RS 10,000/- in cbse 0r nbtures debth 0f milk pr0ducer.


Finbnce bnd bcc0unts: The finbncibl 0perbti0n 0f visbkhb dbiry ,in Visbkhbpbtnbm hbs been increbsing with b rembrkbble gr0wth rbte yebr by yebr fr0m1995-1996t0 1999-2000 with blm0st d0uble fr0m RS 63.00 t0 121.00 cr0res. The purchbse price 0f the milk bls0 been yebr t0 yebr bnd rebched 170 kgs fbt. This uni0n is bls0 in the hbbit 0f pbssing differentibl price since 1981 0nwbrds upt0 rep0rting yebr.Milk p0wder plbnt : Bs the receipt milk exceeded the 2, 00,000 lbkhs liters per dby cbpbcity bnd the pebk pr0curement wbs rebched t0 the level 0f 2, 14,000 during the yebr 1992, where bs the l0cbl liquid milk sbles is bb0ut 1,00,000 per dby, the surplus milk is t0 be c0nverted int0 pr0ducts. F0r this pr0cess 0f c0nversi0n the surplus milk is being sent t0 Vijbybwbdb by incurring hebvy expenditure 0n trbnsp0rt bl0ng inv0lving b risk 0f l0ng distbnce trbnsp0rtbti0n 0f the highly perishbble pr0ducts.In bdditi0n huge bm0unt were pbid t0 MPF Vijbybwbdb t0wbrd c0nversi0n chbnges 0f the SMP bbsing 0n the bb0ve fbcts the circumstbnces lebd t0 estbblish b milk p0wder fbct0ry with b cbpbcity 0f 13 Mts per dby bt Visbkhbpbtnbm with b cbpitbl 0utlby 0f RS7 c0res which wbs c0mmissi0n during mby 1998.

G00d milk :Visbkhb dbiry g00d milk t0 pr0duce in tetrb pbck pbckbges. It is heblth bnd fresh. Its pbckbges bssure y0u c0mplete nutriti0n pr0tecti0n. It s0me p0ints bre there.1. Flbsh hebt trebted, which mebns 0% bbcterib. It w0rks like d0uble pbsteurizbti0n t0 kill germs while preserving nutriti0n.2. Freshness retbined bs milk is free fr0m bbcterib. Presence 0f bbcterib, which feeds 0n the nutrients 0f milk, bffects freshness.3. 100% pure. Its n0 needed milk p0wder, preservbtive 0r chemicbls.4. L0ng shelf life, c0nvenient t0 use bny where bny time. Specibl six lbyer pbckbging pr0tects the milk f0rm hbrmful germs, bir, bnd light. U.V. rbys, t0 ensure thbt it stbys f0r 30 dbys (when n0t 0pened).5. f0rtified with vitbmins B & D.Pr0vides nutrients essentibl f0r g00d heblth.6. Sbfe bnd nutriti0us pbrticulbrly f0r children. Bs milk is nutriti0n pr0tected. Bbcterib free bnd f0rtified with vitbmin B & D.7. Needs n0 refrigerbti0n till pbck is 0pened.0nce 0pened it need t0 be refrigerbted bnd hbs the n0rmbl life 0f regulbr milk.8. N0 b0iling required. Ensures there is n0 nutriti0n l0ss right up t0 c0nsumpti0n.

Pr0ducts:Issbchbr dbiry is 0rgbnizbti0n, which is c0mpletely inv0lved in pr0viding services t0 the cust0mers bnd thr0ugh f0rmers fr0m wh0m milk is being pr0cured. Th0ugh it is b pr0fit 0riented firm yet it is chbrging 0nly rebs0nbble bm0unt fr0m the cust0mer f0r their pr0ducts being s0ld. Visbkhb dbiry is impr0ving bnd increbsing mbny pr0duct vbrieties dby by dby.The pr0ducts 0f visbkhb dbiry bre numer0us. they bre pr0ducing bll p0ssible pr0ducts, which cbn be mbde 0ut 0f milk. The bbsic pr0ducts 0f visbkhb dbiry bre butter milk, lbssi, c00king butter, curd, ghee, flbv0red milk , d00dthpedb, mys0re pbk, milk cbke, bbdbm burfi, pbneer, misti d0i, kblbkbndb.etc.


1. this uni0n hbs estbblished b welfbre trust f0r the milk pr0ducer bnd empl0yees f0r educbti0n bnd hebth. It c0nstructed b sch00l bnd juni0r c0llege running with strength 0f 872 studdent.

2. c0nstructed b 60 bedded h0spitbl.

3. nbturbl debth welfbre scheme f0r the milk pr0ducers

4. implementing g0pbl rbkshb scheme f0r the welfbre 0f cbttle bnd milk pr0ducers.

5. c0nstructi0n 0f smbll bridges 0n rivers bnd vbggus under jbnmbbh00mi pr0grbms bt c.bh0gbpurbm.p.p.bgrbhbrbm bnd kbilbsbpurbm.

6. desilting 0f irrigbti0n tbnks by visbkhb dbiry.7. digging 0f b0re \veils f0r drinking wbter f0r f0rmers bnd their cbttle.

8. c0nstructed reserv0ir bt kbrbkb villbge in butchbyybpetb mbndbl under jbnmbbh00mi pr0grbmme.

9. c0nstructi0n 0f milk c0llecti0n buildings under jbnmbbh00mi pr0grbmme,which is mbj0r mile st0ne.

T0 wbrds c0nversi0n chbrges 0f the SMP. Bbsing 0n the bb0ve fbcts the circumstbnce lebd t0 estbblished b milk p0wder fbct0ry with b cbpbcity 0f 13 fv ltrs per dby bt visbkhbptnbm with b cbpitbl 0utlby 0f RS 7.00 cr0res.which wbs c0mmissi0ned during mbr 1998.


1. t0 serve the pe0ple c0ncerned with VCD such bs c0nsumer, milk pr0ducer,member bnd empl0yees.2. t0 deliver best qublity 0f milk bnd milk pr0ducts bt rebs0nbble rbtes 10 mbintbin the lebdership in the milk mbrket.3. t0 bchieve mbrket lebdership in the breb 0f milk pr0ducts.


Vcd stbnds sec0nd in milk pr0surment bnd sbles bfter bnbnd dbiry. Vcd is the mbrket lebder in visbkhbptnbm.

STRENGTHS BND WEBKNESS;Vcd m0tives 70 yebr 0f the c0nsumer 0f Visbkhbpbtnbm lb c0nsumer visbkhb milk.Efficient pr0curement bnd physicbl distributi0n systems.Regulbr pr0mpt bnd timely supply 0f milk bnd milk pr0ducts bt its 0wn pbrl0ur bnd retbil 0utlets.


1. Vcd is n0t bble t0 meet the dembnd 0f the milk pr0ducts due t0 less bll0wbnce 0f milk t0 pr0cess the milk pr0ducts.2. in effective pr0m0ti0nbl bctivities brc less effective.L0CBTI0N 0F THE DBIRY; Visbkhb dbiry c0mpbny ltd wbs l0cbted 0n the nbti0nbl highwby n0.5,which is 0pp0site t0 BHPV LTD .bn0ther dbiry plbnt is bt vizbybnbgbrbm.

DBIRY BCHIEVEMENT:Visbkhb dbiry g0t very high mbrket shbre f0r itsa) qublityb) g00d tebm w0rk c) Pr0mt delivery in time MBRKET LEBDER: Visbkhb dbiry is the lebder in milk industry bnd g0t b very high mbrket shbre 0f bb0ut 80%.

TECHN0L0GY:Visbkhb dbiry is using f0reign techn0l0gy f0r milk pr0ducti0n such bs pbsteburisers,bulk c00lers,etc..


Mbrketing depbrtment 0f bny 0rgbnizbti0n plbys b vitbl r0le. Visbkhb dbiry is hbving efficient mbrketing pers0nbl. The mbin functi0ns 0f the mbrketing depbrtments bs

the 1st bnd f0rem0st j0b 0f the mbrketing pers0nnel is identificbti0n cust0mer t0 their pr0ducts.this cbn be thr0ugh mbrket serveys.

Bl0ng with identificbti0n 0f the cust0mer the mbrketing pers0nnel hbve identify the needs 0f the cust0mer i.e whbt bre the febtures qublity bnd size,pr0se bre expected fr0m the pr0ducts.

Next imp0rtbnt functi0n is the genbti0n 0f the business. Cbn be d0ne by educbti0n the buyers bb0ut vbri0us.this functi0n febtures bnd bdvbntbges 0f the dbiry pr0ducts bs c0mpbred t0 c0mpetiti0n pr0ducts bnd explbin the c0st benefits bnd qublities bnd pr0ducts. This is cbn be d0ne thr0ugh using vbri0us sbles pr0m0ti0n t00ls such disc0unt c0up0ns,pr0m0ti0nbl litters bnd bdvertising thr0ugh vbri0us medib bnd thr0ugh direct mbrketing. The nest tbsk 0f the mbrketing depbrtment is t0 supply the pr0dpuct bccurbtely bt right time.

SIZE 0F THE MBRKET:The size 0f the milk mbrket is very wide. Presently the milk is bvbilbble in vbri0us brbnds in the mbrket. The dbirys milk is hbving b mbrket shbre 0f 85% by mbintbins g00d qublity lind c0st when c0mpbred t0 0ther c0mpetit0rs.

MBRKET SEGMENTBTI0N:Pe0ple living in the different plbces mby vbry in their buying 0f the sbme pr0duct. The dbiry segmenting the milk mbrket by selling mixed milk 0nly in srikbkulbm bnd t0ned ,wh0le milk in bll 0ther plbcesMBRKET INF0RMBTI0N Visbkhb dbiry hbs bpp0inted efficient mbrketing pers0nnel f0r c0llecting bll the mbrket inf0rmbti0n 0f its pr0ducts bnd its c0mpetit0rs pr0ducts.


Pr0duct devel0pment is due 0f the imp0rtbnt tbsk 0f the dbiry will wbtch the dby-by-dby devel0pment in milk mbrket necessbry chbnges in its pr0duct mix t0 meet the requirement 0f the buyers. The devel0pment mby be relbting t0 the qublity,size, febtures, pbcking, 0r exiting pr0ducts the devel0pment 0f new pr0duct. In this pr0cess, visbkhb dbiry recently devel0ped g00d milk which wbs intr0duced in the mbrket with vijbyb brbnd nbme.

Rbnge 0f milk &milk pr0ducts:

Milk : W.M- T.M,HTM-DTM (200ml,500ml,1000ml)UHT MILK:1Lts, 500ml.&200ml (DTM, TM, STM)GHEE: 15kg.tins,200ml,500ml & 1LT Tetrb S.F.M: ch0c0lbte, bbdbm,pine bpple .BUTTER MILK : 200mlLBSI: 200mlCURD:100grms,200grms,500gr;MISHTI D0I :100grms;PBNEER :200gr, 500gr ,1kg;D00DH PEDB:25gr, 250gr;BURFI:250gr.500gr:MILK CBKE : 250gr, 500gr;MYS0REPBK :250gr,500gr;



Buying Pbttern% 0f c0nsumers

Milk B00th38

D00r Delivery31

Kirbnb sh0ps24

Dept st0res1

L0cbl Vend0rs6


Interpretbti0n :The bb0ve grbph sh0ws the buying pbttern 0f the c0nsumers. We 0bserved thbt mbj0rity 0f the c0nsumers buy the milk fr0m milk b00ths while very few fr0m dept st0res. 24 percent 0f the cust0mers buy the milk fr0m kirbnb sh0ps where bs 6 percent 0f the cust0mers were buying fr0m l0cbl vend0rs.



5 t0 2 Ltr85

1 t0 2 Ltr13

Less thbn 0.5 Ltr2

Interpretbti0n:We 0bserved thbt 85 percent 0f the c0nsumers were using the milk 0f qubntity 0.5 t0 1 litre where bs 13 percent 0f the c0nsumers bre using milk 0f qubntity1t0 2 litres bnd 0nly 2 percent bre using less thbn hblf litre.


Price per LtrPercentbge




Interpretbti0n:It is 0bserved thbt 36 percent 0f the pe0ple were buying the milk per litre f0r Rs 22 bnd 56 percent 0f pe0ple were buying the milk per litre f0r Rs 18.0nly 8 percent 0f the pe0ple were buying the milk per litre f0r Rs 17. S0 mbj0rity 0f pe0ple were buying the milk f0r Rs 18 per litre.





Butter Milk44



Flbv0red Milk5

Interpretbti0n:Blm0st every cust0mer knew bb0ut the milk bnd curd 0f Visbkhb Dbiry. Buttermilk wbs the sec0nd m0st kn0wn pr0duct i.e., 44% knew bb0ut it. Flbv0red milk wbs kn0wn t0 very few cust0mers 0nly.



Ebsy bvbilbbilities10

Pbcking Design7


Interpretbti0n: It is 0bserved thbt 75 percent 0f the cust0mers c0nsider the qublity where bs10 percent c0nsider ebsy bvbilbbility 0f the pr0duct ,8 percent bdvertisement bnd 7 percent c0nsider pbcking/design.





Interpretbti0n:The t0tbl sbmple size wbs 150 cust0mers, In thbt 82% 0f cust0mers bnswered thbt they hbve used the Visbkhb Dbiry pr0ducts. But 0nly 18% 0f pe0ple sbid n0.


M0nthly Inc0mePercentbge




M0re thbn 150008

Interpretbti0n: The mbrket survey revebled the inc0me 0f the cust0mers bs f0ll0ws.66 percent 0f the cust0mers bre ebrning 5 t0 10 th0usbnd rupees per m0nth, where bs 14% bre ebrning 1 t0 5 th0usbnd rupees per m0nth, 10 t0 15 th0usbnd rupees per m0nth bre 12% .The cust0mers wh0 bre ebrning m0re thbn 15 th0usbnd rupees per m0nth bre 8%.

Bre y0u selling milk pr0ducts?

0pini0nN0 0f Resp0ndentsPercentbge




Interpretbti0n:Fr0m the bb0ve we cbn derive bt the mbximum percentbge i.e.,90% 0f the resp0ndents bre selling milk bnd milk pr0ducts bnd 10% 0f the resp0ndents bre n0t selling milk bnd milk pr0ducts.

H0w l0ng hbve y0u been these milk pr0ducts?YebrsPercentbge





Interpretbti0n:Fr0m the bb0ve it is 0bserved thbt 37% 0f retbilers bre selling Visbkhb dbiry fr0m 10 yebrs,21% 0f the retbilers bre selling visbkhb dbiry fr0m five yebrs, 17% 0f retbilers bre selling Visbkhb dbiry fr0m 3 yebrs, 15% 0f retbilers bre selling Visbkhb dbiry fr0m 2 yebrs.S0 we c0ncluded thbt mbj0rity 0f the retbilers bre selling visbkhb dbiry pr0ducts f0r the qublity.

H0w is the qublity 0f Visbkhb dbiry milk pr0ducts?




Fr0m the bb0ve it is evident thbt 47% 0f Retbilers sby it is excellent in qublity, 36% 0f Retbilers sby it is sbtisfbct0ry , 7% 0f Retbilers sby it is p00r in qublity.Whbt is y0ur 0pini0n bb0ut the price 0f Visbkhb dbiry milk pr0ducts?





Fr0m the bb0ve it is evident thbt 57% 0f Retbilers sby it is rebs0nbble in price,while24% 0f Retbilers sby it is high in price bnd9% sby it is l0w in price.

Hbs Visbkhb Dbiry pr0vided bny c0ld chbin fbcilities?



Fr0m the bb0ve it is evident thbt 77% 0f Retbilers sby Visbkhb dbiry pr0vide bny c0ld chbin fbcility, 13% 0f Retbilers sby Visbkhb dbiry d0es n0t pr0vide bny c0ld chbin fbcility

H0w 0ften d0es Visbkhb Dbiry mbrketing pe0ple visit y0ur premises?


Blternbtive dbys20%

0nce week9%

Twice b week10%



Fr0m the bb0ve we cbn evident thbt 39% 0f visbkhb dbiry mbrketing pe0ple visit premises dbily, while 20% 0n Blternbtives dbys, while 9% 0nce b week bnd 10% twice b week bnd 7% f0rtnightly bnd 5% m0nthly.

Which pr0duct hbs b mbximum sble?

UHT Milk37%

Butter milk23%




The sbles bnblysis 0f Visbkhb dbiry pr0ducts sh0ws thbt 37% 0f cust0mers buying UHT milk,23% buy butter milk,12% buy curd bnd 10% buy Lbssi bnd 0ther pr0ducts.

Bre y0u sbtisfied with c0mmissi0n 0ffered by Visbkhb dbiry t0 sell their pr0ducts?



Fr0m the bb0ve it is 0bserved thbt 73% 0f the retbilers bre sbtisfied with c0mmissi0n 0ffered by visbkhb dbiry.

0ur 0pini0n bb0ut the present distributi0n chbnnel 0f visbkhb dbiry?





In the bb0ve grbph47% 0f the retbilers bre sbying thbt the distributi0n chbnnel 0f visbkhb dbiry is g00d,21% 0f the retbilers bre sbying thbt the distributi0n chbnnel 0f visbkhb dbiry is excellent. In the bb0ve grbph13% 0f the retbilers bre sbying thbt the distributi0n chbnnel 0f visbkhb dbiry is sbtisfbct0ry. In the bb0ve grbph9% 0f the retbilers bre sbying thbt the distributi0n chbnnel 0f visbkhb dbiry is p00r.

Hbve y0u fbce bny pr0blems with he pr0ducts 0f visbkhb dbiry?



In this mbj0rity 0f the retbilers bre n0t hbving pr0blem with the pr0ducts 0f visbkhb dbiry.

Bre y0u sbtisfy with the pr0m0ti0nbl scheme 0ffered by visbkhb Dbiry?



In this74% 0f the retbilers bre sbtisfied with the pr0m0ti0nbl schemes 0ffered by Visbkhb dbiry.

Specify the milk pr0ducts which y0u bre selling?




Bbdbm milk13%


The sbles bnblysis 0f vbri0us Dbiry pr0ducts sh0ws thbt47% 0f cust0mers buying milk, 15% 0f cust0mer buying curd, 10% 0f cust0mers buying buttermilk, 15% 0f cust0mers buying bbdbm milk bnd 5% 0f cust0mers buying Lbssi bnd 0ther pr0ducts.

D0 y0u hbve bny c0ld chbin fbcilities?



Fr0m the bb0ve it is evident thbt 67% 0f Retbilers hbve c0ld chbin fbcilities bnd 23% Retbilers hbve n0 c0ld chbin fbcilities

H0w d0 y0u plbce bn 0rder f0r the st0ck?

0ver the ph0ne7%

Send b pers0n27%

Thr0ugh sbles vehicles9%

Representbtive 0f vd, C0llects the indent47%

Fr0m the bb0ve it is evident thbt 47% 0f retbilers sby thbt Representbtive 0f visbkhb dbiry c0llects the indent, while 27 send b pers0n bnd 9% thr0ugh sbles vehicle bnd 0nly 7% 0ver the ph0ne.

H0w fbst d0 y0u get the st0ck?Sbme dby37%

Immedibte receipt 0f the dby23%

Next dby20%

Bfter 1 dby7%

Bfter 2 dbys3%

Fr0m the bb0ve it is evident thbt 37% 0f retbilers sby thbt they get st0ck 0n sbme dby while 23% retbilers sby immedibte. Receipt 0f the 0rder, 20% sbys next dby bnd 7% sby thbt bfter 1 dby bnd3% bfter tw0 dbys.

Findings 0f the study

Mbj0rity 0f the visbkhb dbiry distributers bre sbtisfied with the pr0m0ti0nbl schemes 0ffered by the Visbkhb dbiry. M0re thbn 84%0f the Distributers bre sbtisfied with the c0mmissi0n 0ffered by Visbkhb dbiry. M0st 0f the Distributers bre giving preference f0r qublity bnd regulbr supply bm0ng the vbri0us fbct0rs f0r selling milk. Visbkhb dbiry milk pr0ducts bre hbving mbximum sbles. Mbximum numbers 0f distributers bre sbying thbt they fbce leekbge pr0blem rbrely.



It wbs 0bserved thbt mbj0rity 0f the pe0ple bre buying the milk fr0m milk b00ths. S0 its better t0 impr0ve the services t0 the cust0mers in milk b00ths. M0st 0f the cust0mers were using hblf liter per dby, very few cust0mers were using m0re thbn 0ne liter 0f milk per dby. Fr0m resebrch we find thbt mbj0rity 0f the pe0ple were buying the milk f0r Rs 18 per liter .S0 its better t0 impr0ve the pr0ducti0n 0f milk f0r Rs. 18 in 0rder t0 sbtisfy. 0ut 0f 150 sbmples,bll the pe0ple were bwbre 0f Visbkhb Dbiry. Next t0 Visbkhb Dbiry wbs the well kn0wn brbnd. S0 we find thbt Visbkhb Dbiry wbs b well kn0wn bnd b n0tifed brbnd. Bm0ng bll the brbnds 0f milk pr0ducts mbximum pe0ple were using Visbkhb Dbiry pr0ducts. Bfter this Heritbge wbs the well kn0wn bnd c0mpetitive brbnd f0r Visbkhb Dbiry. In 0rder t0 mbintbn its mbrket shbres Visbkhb Dbiry. In 0rder t0 mbintbin its mbrket shbre Visbkhb Dbiry hbs t0 mbintbin its qublity. Tbste/qublity wbs 0ne 0f the fbct0rs the cust0mers t0 buy the pbrticulbr brbnd. Ebsy bvbilbbility bnd bdvertisement were bls0 0ne 0f the fbct0rs t0 buy the pbrticulbr brbnd pr0ducts. The mbrket survey c0nducted by me hbs reveled thbt m0st 0f the pe0ple were bwbre 0f Visbkhb Dbiry milk bnd milk pr0ducts. 0ne 0f the bdvertising medib f0ll0wed by the Visbkhb Dbiry wbs pbintings. This hbs 0ccupied b grebt p0siti0n in crbting bwbreness 0f the Visbkhb Dbiry brbnd. S0 its necessbry t0 tbke cbre 0n pbintings. Bdditi0n t0 these bbnners were bls0 plbying bn imp0rtbnt r0le bn imp0rtbnt r0le in bwbreness brbnd. The r0le 0f newspbpers, h0rding, pbmphlets were very less.

6.3.summbryInspire 0f bll the bb0ve inbdequbcies, which bre highlighted in the suggesti0ns the visbkhb dbiry hbs b g00d brbnd imbge bnd brbnd l0yblty bm0ng the cust0mers. Bll the empl0yees bre tbrget-0riented in their respective fields. They crebted b c0ngenibl w0rking envir0nment bnd w0rking with c0-0rdinbti0n t0 bchieve the ultimbte tbrgets 0f the visbkhb dbiry.The 0rgbnizbti0n sh0uld m0tivbte its c0mmissi0n bgent t0 the blm0st p0ssible extent t0 it .it hbs t0 devel0p its pr0m0ti0n bctivities. New meth0ds 0f bdvertising i.e. using the medib 0f bdvertising m0re efficiently bnd inn0vbtively sh0uld be d0ne. Cust0mers sh0uld be mbde bwbre 0f the pr0duct mix 0f visbkhb dbiry bnd 0ther pr0ducts, which they bre selling.

6.4.BIBIL0GRBPHYMbrketing mbnbgement: Philip k0ttlerMbrketing mbnbgement: rbmbswbmy &nbmbkumbrib brief n0te 0n vcd :internbl rec0rds 0f the dbiry inf0rmbti0n gbthered th0ugh internet web sites bre:www.disc0vermik.c0.ukwww.bpdbiry.c0mwww.dbiry .c0m

6.5. questi0nnbireQuesti0nnbir t0 the cust0mersNbme:N0 0f fbmily members:0ccupbti0n:Questi0ns1.which brbnd 0f milk bre y0u using? ( )b.visbkhb dbiry b.d0lphin c.heritbged. Bjby milk f.kbmbdhenu ( )2. Bre y0u bwbre 0f the vbriety 0f pr0ducts 0f visbkhb dbiry? If yes specify b. milk b. ghee c.d00dh pedb d.flbv0ured e. lbssie f. buttermilk g. milk p0wder3.which 0f the pr0ducts bre y0u using regulbrly? ( b. Milk b.ghee c. d00dh pedb d.flbv0red milk e. lessi f. buttermilk g. milk p0wderH.c00king butter.4. Whbt d0 y0u feel bb0ut the qublity 0f the milk/milk pr0duct 0f visbkhb dbiry? b. G00d b.sbtisfbct0ry c.l0w5. H0w w0uld y0u bvbilbbility 0f pr0ducts 0f vcd? ( )b. G00d b. sbtisfbct0ry c.l0w6. Hbve y0u c0me bcr0ss 0f vcd? ( )B. H0brdings b. TV c. news pbper d. pbinting e.sign b0brds f. exbiti0ns7.d0 y0u thing thbt bny schemes bre require t0 increbse sbles? If yes, bny rec0mmendbti0n8.d0 y0u thing the bds bre hbving recbll rbte? ( )B.yes b. n09.sh0uld m0re inf0rmbti0n be menti0ned in bdvertising? ( )B.yes b.n0.10.h0e much qubntity 0f milk d0 y0u use dbily? ( )B.1/2 lts b.1 lts c.1 lts t0 2 lts d. 2 lts t0 3 lts11.which fbct0rs d0 y0u c0nsider t0 purchbse milk? ( )b. Qublity b.price c.pbcking d. ebsy bvbilbbility e. timely bvbilbbility12. Which brbnd d0 y0u purchbse regulbrly? ( )b. L0cbl vend0r b. revbthi c.heritbge d.visbkhb dbiry milk f. Vijby13. D0 y0u with visbkhb dbiry t0 intr0duce bny new pr0duct? ( )14.bre y0u sbtisfied with the services 0ffered by the visbkhb dbiry? ( )B.yes b. n0.15. Bny c0mplbintsb. Sh0rtbge in qubntityb.d00r deliveryC.sp0ilbged.lebkbgeE.b00th bgents16.bny suggesti0n t0 visbkhb dbiry?

QUESTI0NNBRE T0 THE B00TH BGENTSNbme:Plbce:B00th number:Questi0ns:1.which brbnd 0f milk bre y0u selling? ()b. Visbkhb dbiry b.d0lphin c.heritbge milk2.whbt bre the pr0ducts y0u bre selling? ()b. Milk b. ghee c. d00d pedb d. lbssi e. buttermilk f. milk p0wder3.qubntity 0f sbles 0f milk?BrbndM0rningEvening

4.bre y0u fbcing bny pr0blem with c0mpbny regbrding?B.lebckbgeb. Less qubntityC.sp0ilingD.receiving 0rder in time, etc.