VIRTUAL HEALTH VISIT PATIENT SURVEY of...Patient was sent for lab/diagnostic test Patient received a...

Doctor 52% Counsellor 12% Psychologist 9% Nurse 7% Physiotherapist 7% >94% Cultural safety and respect 95% Satisfaction with Zoom Travel prevented < 5km 6-15 km 16-50 km 51-100 km 101-200 km >200 km 33% 38% 17% 6% 4% 3% Survey Participants Total patient survey responses Completed survey responses Virtual care providers VIRTUAL HEALTH VISIT PATIENT SURVEY Participant demographics: <19 to >80 year olds – rural and urban – female, male, non-binary, two spirit – White, Chinese, South Asian, Latin American, First Nation, Metis, Black, Japanese, Southeast Asian, Filipino, Other 1258 709 875 Needs considered: Sexuality/gender identity – cultural beliefs – right to dignity – spiritual wellbeing – other care preferences – family situations – emotional wellbeing – mental wellbeing – language & communication How far do patients normally have to travel to see their health care providers for in-person appointments Patients felt that their needs were considered as well or better during a virtual health visit compared to in-person appointments Professions of health care providers accessed most frequently by survey participants. Virtual health visit participants rate Zoom for virtual health visits favourably. They indicated that Zoom worked well, is easy to use and the video quality is good. Completed survey responses from patients that have used Zoom for their most recent virtual health visits +97% +81% November 2020 It saved the patient travel time It made it easier to access care It saved the patient money It allowed the inclusion of family members Care could be accessed faster Benefits of virtual health visits

Transcript of VIRTUAL HEALTH VISIT PATIENT SURVEY of...Patient was sent for lab/diagnostic test Patient received a...

Page 1: VIRTUAL HEALTH VISIT PATIENT SURVEY of...Patient was sent for lab/diagnostic test Patient received a physiotherapy referral Patient received a diagnosis 26% 17% 17% 13% 11% 9% 4% 8%

Doctor 52%

Counsellor 12%

Psychologist 9%

Nurse 7%

Physiotherapist 7%

>94% Cultural safety and respect

95% Satisfaction with Zoom

Travel prevented

< 5km

6-15 km

16-50 km

51-100 km

101-200 km

>200 km







Survey Participants

Total patient survey responses

Completed survey responses

Virtual care providers


Participant demographics: <19 to >80 year olds – rural and urban – female, male, non-binary, two spirit – White, Chinese, South Asian, Latin American, First Nation, Metis, Black, Japanese, Southeast Asian, Filipino, Other



Needs considered: Sexuality/gender identity – cultural beliefs – right to dignity – spiritual wellbeing – other care preferences – family situations – emotional wellbeing – mental wellbeing – language & communication

How far do patients normally have to travel to see their health care providers for in-person appointments

Patients felt that their needs were considered as well or better during a virtual health visit compared to in-person appointments

Professions of health care providers accessed most frequently by survey participants.

Virtual health visit participants rate Zoom for virtual health visits favourably. They indicated that Zoom worked well, is easy to use and the video quality is good.

Completed survey responses from patients that have used Zoom for their most recent virtual health visits



November 2020

It saved the patient travel time

It made it easier to access care

It saved the patient money

It allowed the inclusion of family members

Care could be accessed faster

Benefits of virtual health visits

Page 2: VIRTUAL HEALTH VISIT PATIENT SURVEY of...Patient was sent for lab/diagnostic test Patient received a physiotherapy referral Patient received a diagnosis 26% 17% 17% 13% 11% 9% 4% 8%

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What patients like

Loved using the virtual health visit service. It was fast, easy to use and saved a lot of time. I would likely book another virtual visit in the future.

For the first time in 35+ years when speaking to a doctor, I was asked sincerely if I had any other questions or health concerns I wanted to bring up. This virtual meeting was the first time I didn't feel rushed out the door after my initial issue was addressed.

It's life changing being able to do virtual appointments. It saves us time, and meant that my child missed less school than needed. Her father was able to join too which doesn't normally happen.

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“ ” Virtual health visit experience



Barriers to accessing care virtually

Overall rating



Time spent with provider

Avoiding exposure to infectious diseases, such as COVID-19

Could ask questions

Felt health concerns were addressed

Felt it was as good as in-person appointments

Compared to in-person appointment, it reduced anxiety

I think the option for virtual health visits is very valuable. I do not think they should completely replace in-person visits or that they are appropriate for every type of care. Virtual visit options have increased my ability to access care and feel less anxiety about trying to see a doctor in-person or needing to travel.

I'm a caregiver. My parent would not have been able to do this without assistance to set up Zoom or understand how to open the link/video.

I much prefer in person appointments, but am willing to do virtual when necessary. I hope, as a society, we don't all go to virtual as our first line of contact. In person is much more important.

Survey participants rated their most recent virtual health visit experience with Zoom with 95 out of 100 points.

What patients don’t like

■ Unable to build a relationship virtually with health care provider (11%)

■ Not having access to a private space (5%)

■ Trouble staying focused (5%)

■ Feeling worried about not fully understanding the health care provider (5%)

■ Feeling unable to express themselves well (5%)

Results of the virtual health visits

For those with mental health issues, it reinforces the idea that care is within reach. For anxiety and depression specifically, it helps take away any stigma of attending the designated buildings themselves, thereby reducing potential triggers/barriers to seeking and receiving care.






Patient received info to reduce

health concerns

Patient received online resources

Patient received help coordinating care

Patient received online treatment

Patient received a prescription

Patient was sent for lab/diagnostic test

Patient received a physiotherapy referral

Patient received a diagnosis







