Virtual Group Charter b

Running Head: Virtual Group Charter Virtual Group Charter Michaewl Doyle

Transcript of Virtual Group Charter b

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Running Head: Virtual Group Charter

Virtual Group Charter

Michaewl Doyle

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Virtual Group Charter

Group name

The name of the virtual group is “The A Team”.


The purpose of this virtual group is to act as a team to discover, experience, and

understand the intricacies of a virtual team (Castel, 2000). We will use that understanding to

develop new strategies to overcome the common challenges of virtual teams.


The use of virtual teams provides new opportunities for individuals to better function in

global networks through synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (delayed) virtual

communication. Not all teams have technologically advanced resources at their disposal;

therefore, understanding virtual teaming in information technology environments, where

communication is in real-time as well as delayed, can inform leaders and co-leaders regarding

multiple team strategies for goal accomplishment. During this century, individual time and

actions are increasingly driven by the presence of new technologies (Duarte, & Snyder, 2006).

The main objectives of the Team Building activities are:

To improve communication among members, both horizontally and vertically and


To make the group more pleasant

To motivate team

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To facilitate team members personally

To teach team work strategies

To improve team productivity

To promote effective collaboration among team members

To help team members learn more about themselves (their strengths and weaknesses) and

how to use them in the whole team


Our overall team goal is to function successfully as a virtual team by:

Meeting virtually

Effectively communicating between team members

Creating team roles and delegating tasks

Developing an open and supportive team culture

Creating an environment which fosters trust and accountability

Effectively utilizing technological tools: PM site, IM, video chat, group chat, conference

calls, document sharing, etc

By accomplishing the goals above, we will then analyze the challenges of virtual teams

from our personal experience and create a comprehensive paper and presentation supported by

valid research that supports our team’s experience.

Team Oath

As an individual

I will respect the dignity of every human and I will not commit any abuse against anyone.

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I will develop my skills to the best of my ability and give the best of myself in exercises

and competitions.

I will work for my team within the spirit and letter of the rules of my team.

As a member of a team

I will place team goals above personal goal

I will follow the rules established by the team

I will have a positive influence on relations within the team

As a member of society

I will demonstrate a conscious behavior of others and I will have a positive influence on

my community and the world.

I will devote my time, my skills, and my ability as far as my abilities allow me, for the

good of my community and the world.

Team Structure

We will function as a flat and open team with co-leader.

Team Leader is Michael Doyle and Vice Team Leader is Caitlin Markham.

Team leaders will delegate tasks to team members depending on their interests and

talents so that each task is assigned appropriately.

Responsibilities of Team Leader and co-leader

The team leader and his deputies are required to: 

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Maintain continuous control over the group 

Take into account the needs and concerns of individual team members and resolve them

by all available means

Monitor and prevent any manifestation of improper and unethical behavior among

group members

Know and use the leadership skill to lead a successful group

When the team leader is not available to lead the team, the co-leader has the authority to

command the group

Ensure compliance with the Charter 


Team Responsibilities

Kelly Demuro

Presentation design 

Document editing

Design VT structure model and compare

Find research in accordance with deadlines

Jason Durrett

Set biweekly research deadlines

Document editing

Design VT structure model and compare

Find research in accordance with deadlines

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Oscar J. Espinosa (Vice Team Leader)

Identify the different types of meetings

Prepare, facilitate, monitor

Deciphering the decision process

Anticipate potential conflicts

Reconcile cultural differences

Identify the skills identified

Evaluate their personal and professional issues

Analyze its strengths and areas for improvement

Emergence of best practices

Define the individual and collective roles in projects

Remotely manage priorities

Assess the skills and outcomes

Resolve conflicts

Michael Doyle (Team Leader)

Define the vision and objectives of the virtual team

Develop a charter

Build trust in a virtual group

Create a group consciousness

Understanding time, space, and the thinking

Manage risk and uncertainty

Interact with the group, hierarchy, authority

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Understand its cultural profile and that of others

Use cultural differences in virtual groups

Identify sets of remote influence

Determine the objectives and performance indicators

Develop appropriate operational processes

Consolidate Knowledge Management

Determine the criteria for competence

Provide feedback

Team Culture

We want to build a culture of creativity, collaboration, open communication, and

honesty; where each team member is accountable, meets deadlines, and is dedicated to the

success of the team and project (Chase, 1999). If there is ever a problem or conflict, we will use

our conflict management strategies to resolve the problem. 

We will actively build a team of trust by:

Creating individual bios discussing our personal interests and activities

Learning about each member of the team on a social and professional level

Respecting each individual’s differences and preferences

Allotting time before each meeting to socialize

Recognizing the significant skill sets and importance of each team member in the group

Determining specific roles and responsibilities of each team member

Creating specific team boundaries

Establishing and understanding team boundaries

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Setting realistic team expectations

Setting specific deadlines and meeting those deadlines

Providing constructive feedback 

Encouraging individuals to voice differing opinions and ideas

Treating mistake as a learning opportunity

Practicing active learning

Being open to change and suggestions

Developing a team charter to establish team rules and protocols for interaction,

participation, and collaboration

General Terms and Conditions

When organizing a virtual team, it is necessary to ensure role clarity and proficiency

regarding related tasks. Not only are task related elements an important consideration, effective

relationships are essential for team success, even in virtual environments. Relationship building,

however, can be challenging for virtual team members. Because of the efficiency, speed, and

accuracy that are achievable with these new technologies, the people in our workplaces have to

pause and refocus on the role of building community – a set of emotionally satisfying

relationships (Egea, 2006).

Individuals comprising a team bring their own beliefs, goals, standards, understanding,

talents, protocols, ethics, morals, and values regarding how teamwork should be undertaken. It is

likely that these elements contribute to team member perceptions in shaping the manner in which

the team functions. It is necessary to gain a better understanding of how to work in a virtual

setting and the strategies for functioning in them. More specifically, exploring the conditions

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under which persons working within an executive virtual team interact and actualize, as well as

alignment of individuals, teams, groups, and organizational goals and objectives is needed.

Criteria for Expulsion from the group

The member will be expelled from the group in the following cases: 

The demonstration of improper and unethical behavior

Failure to comply with the charter and other regulations governing the virtual group 

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Castel, F., (2000), Exploring virtuality, Communications of the ACM 43, 27-28

Chase, N., (1999), Learning to lead a virtual team. Quality 38, 76

Duarte, D., & Snyder, N., (2006), Mastering virtual teams: Strategies, tools, and techniques that

succeed, (3rd ed.), San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers

Egea, K., (2006), Relationship building in virtual teams: An academic case study, Proceedings of

Informing Science and IT Education Joint Conference, Salford, UK