Virtual Child P 1

The Infant Years (0-4 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical? Developmenta l Domain Answer (Your original thoughts) Prove It (give examples from your reports) (Cite your references) Example (give examples from the book) (cite your references) Physical It appears that Miny's birth was a little bit earlier, but she was still meeting her developmental milestones later. 1. Miny was born one week before the due date. (virtual child report, 0 month) 2. Miny's crying was rhythmic, and if she was crying loudly that showed her hungry, wet, or cold. (virtual child report with questions, 0 month) 3. Miny sleeped virtually all of the time, only waking when she was hungry, cold, or wet. She usually drifted back to sleep toward the end of the feeding. (virtual child report with questions, 0 month) 1. “A normal pregnancy lasts average approximately 280 days or 40 weeks.” ( pregnancylength) 2. “Infants cry a lot. Their gradually crying becomes more intense and usually occurs when they are hungry, uncomfortable, or tired.” (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 101) 3. “Infants sleep a lot. They spend 16-18 hours on sleeping.” (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 102) Social / Emotional It seems that Miny's social and emotional development was typical. 1. Miny liked to watch people more than objects. She often smiled and interacted with almost everyone. (virtual child report & questions, 3 months) 2. "Miny smiled when she saw 1. "Infants begin to smile during the first few weeks after birth, and they prefer to see people's faces and make social smiles." (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 181) 2. "Infants' smiling is joined

Transcript of Virtual Child P 1

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The Infant Years (0-4 Months)How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental Domain

Answer(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from your reports)

(Cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)(cite your references)


It appears that Miny's birth was a little bit earlier, but she was still meeting her developmental milestones later.

1. Miny was born one week before the due date. (virtual child report, 0 month)

2. Miny's crying was rhythmic, and if she was crying loudly that showed her hungry, wet, or cold. (virtual child report with questions, 0 month)

3. Miny sleeped virtually all of the time, only waking when she was hungry, cold, or wet. She usually drifted back to sleep toward the end of the feeding. (virtual child report with questions, 0 month)

1. “A normal pregnancy lasts average approximately 280 days or 40 weeks.”(

2. “Infants cry a lot. Their gradually crying becomes more intense and usually occurs when they are hungry, uncomfortable, or tired.” (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 101)

3. “Infants sleep a lot. They spend 16-18 hours on sleeping.” (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 102)

Social / Emotional

It seems that Miny's social and emotional development was typical.

1. Miny liked to watch people more than objects. She often smiled and interacted with almost everyone. (virtual child report & questions, 3 months)

2. "Miny smiled when she saw familiar people and toys, and she laughed at surprising or funny things (such as a little dog)." (virtual child report, 3 months)

1. "Infants begin to smile during the first few weeks after birth, and they prefer to see people's faces and make social smiles." (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 181)

2. "Infants' smiling is joined by laugher at about 4 months. They often laugh when they see familiar things and people." (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 181)



It appears that Miny's intellectual development was meeting her developmental milestones, and it is typical.

1. "Miny can learn a thing or two. "(virtual child report with questions, 3 months)

1. "Although your baby’s memory is quite short-term in early weeks, his ability to remember is improving and becoming more sophisticated all the time." (, 0-4 months)

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It appears that Miny's intellectual development was meeting her developmental milestones, and it is typical.

2. Miny was able to focus her eyes on me. She spent a lot of time studying my face and the faces of anyone who came close to her. (virtual child report, 3 months)

3. "She spends a lot of time calmly examining objects or gazing quietly at people." (virtual child report with questions, 3 months)

4. I loved to hear Miny make those little "ooo" sounds. (virtual child report with questions, 3 months)

2. "Babies will like to look at objects held about 20-35 cm in front of him, just the right distance for watching your face as you feed or hold him. Focusing on moms face and the faces of other family members is important to babies."(, 0-4 months)

3. "At first he will see edges of things because center of his visual field is still blurred."(, 0-4 months )

4. "Vocabulary will range from brief one syllable squeaks and squeals to long “ch” and “oh” vowel sounds."(, 0-4 months )

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The Infant Years (5-8 Months)How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental Domain

Answer(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from your reports)

(cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)(cite your references)


Miny was a healthy baby. However, it seems that Miny`s physical development was not typical because her motor skills were a little delay.

Miny was physically healthy. The doctor recommended me to provide a greater variety of baby food and ground up fruits and vegetables. (virtual child report, 8 months)

"Miny's gross and fine motor skills are a little behind for her age and she did not do much exploring of the playroom." (virtual child report, 8 months)

“A child's early years - from before birth to age six - are very important. Healthy babies are more likely to develop into healthy children” (

"Use finger and thumb to pick up an object" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 8 months)

Social / Emotional

It appears that Miny`s social and emotional development was typical.

1. "Miny readily adapted to the new people and situations in the pediatrician's office. She made eye contact, smiled at them, and vocalized to them quite a bit." (virtual child report, 8 months)

2. When you left Miny in daycare, she started to cry. (virtual child report, 8 months)

3. While Miny was meeting total strangers, she was crying loudly. (virtual child report, 8 months)

1. "responds differently to strangers" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 8 months )

2. "show some amount of anxiety at separation from parent" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years 8 months, )

3."responds differently to strangers" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 8 months )



It appears that Miny's intellectual development was meeting her milestones.

Miny liked hiding game very much. She could find a hidden object.(virtual child report, 8 months)

"searches for toys hidden under a blanket, basket, or container" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 8 months)

The Infant Years (9-12 Months)

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How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental Domain

Answer(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from your reports)

(cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)(cite your references)

PhysicalMiny was very healthy, but it seems that Miny's physical development was typical, and she was meeting her developmental milestones.

Miny had been in pretty good health. Occasionally, She had cold or brief bout of indigestion . (virtual child report with questions, 12 months)

She could almost stand up on her own, but shehad still not learned to walk. (virtual child report with questions,12 months )

“A child's early years - from before birth to age six - are very important. Healthy babies are more likely to develop into healthy children” (

"pulls self to a standing position" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 12 months)

Social / Emotional It appears that Miny's

social/emotional development was positive (liked to meet other people and most time was happy) .

1. Miny was happier and more willing to try new things when I was around. (virtual child report with questions12 months, )

2. Often, Miny smiled and showed immediate signs of wanting to get down and approach or be held when strangers wanted to hold her. (virtual child report with questions,12 months, )

3. “Miny is able to imitate new words and actions now.” (virtual child report with questions, 12 months)

1. "wants caregiver or parent to be in constant sight" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years,12 months )

2. "expresses fear or anxiety toward strangers" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years,12 months )

3. "imitates adult actions" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years,12 months )

IntellectualIt seems that Miny's intellectual development was meeting her milestones.

Miny now clearly understood couple of dozen words and recently pronounced her first clear word (virtual child report,12 months )

"says first word; understand simple words" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 12 months)

The Toddler Years (1-2 Years old)

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How is your child progressing based on typical toddler development? Give specific examples in the areas of Physical, Social / Emotional and Intellectual domains.

Developmental Domain

Answer(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from the report(cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)(cite your references)

Physical It appears that Miny's physical development was delay.

1. Miny had a tremendous drove to use her motor skills. I hadto keep an eye on her because she would quickly toddle off into the crowd at public places or even into the street! (virtual child report, 18 months)

2. "Miny is able to enroll when she becomes reasonably well potty-trained." (virtual child report, 19 months)

3. "Miny's gross motor skills were below average, particularly on climbing and throwing and catching tasks." (virtual child report, 19 months & 2 1/2 years old)

1. "Children are generally more active than at any other point in their lives." (, toddlers)

2. "almost all children will learn to use toilet" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

3. "2 year old toddlers are running, climbing and physically active. Gross motor skills are necessary for walking, running, sitting and crawling and all of these become necessary later when your toddler grows up and needs to grow in physical strength as well as for the simple function of being able to sit for school work." (

Social / Emotional

It seems that Miny's social/emotional development was above the same ages’ children.

1. Miny and I had fun in inexpensive activities like going to the zoo, the petting farm, museums and the park(virtual child report , 2 years old)

2. Miny had some new emotions such asshy , guilty, and embarrassment.(virtual child report , 2 years old)

3. She used the word "me" a lot, and wanted to do things by herself. (virtual child report , 18 months)

1. "Your toddler is interested in the world and everything that special " (, toddlers)

2. "They become increasingly more self-aware. They begin to express new emotions such as jealousy, affection, pride, and shame." (, toddlers)

3. "Insists on trying to do several tasks without help" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

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Social / Emotional

It seems that Miny's social/emotional development was above the same ages children.

4. Miny knew her gender, and had begun to categorize behavior and objects as suited to boys or girls. She prefered playing with girls, but got along pretty well with boys." (virtual child report , 2 years old)

5. Miny was very outgoing and friendly with new people. (virtual child report with question, 18 months)

" Miny readily engaged with her socially and made good eye contact. She seemed at ease with the examiner throughout the session." (virtual child main report , 2 1/2 years old)

6. Miny liked to play make believe with cups, dolls, and toy telephones. (virtual child report with questions, 18 months)

1. "The specialist thought that Miny was securely attached" (virtual child main report, 19 months )

2. "Miny joined readily into the play of the other toddlers and was accepted by them. By the end of the session, Miny was making suggestions for play ideas and the other kids were following along." (virtual child main report, 2 1/2 years old )

4. "During the preschool years, children learn about gender roles-- the culturally prescribed roles considered appropriate for males and females."(Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 274)

5. "Acts shy around strangers" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years,2 years old )

6. "enjoys simple make-believe like talking on the phone" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

1. "They still need security." (, toddlers)

2. "Activities do not involve others. They are generally very self-centered and sharing is still difficult. They enjoy playing near other children." (, toddlers)

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Social / Emotional

It seems that Miny's social/emotional development was above the same ages children.

3. Miny was generally in a positive mood during the play sessions, but occasionally could be irritable or impatient when things did not go her way (virtual child main report, 19 months )

Miny appeared to be fairly aggressive with the other children. (virtual child main report, 19 months )

4. "If there was a confrontation with another child about toys, Miny could become quite possessive, and once even pushed and hit another child in the group and had to be put in time out." (virtual child main report, 2 1/2 years old )

5. "Miny had some difficulty concentrating for more than a few minutes on any one activity." (virtual child main report, 19 months ) Miny was hard to keep on task, as her attention kept wandering to items in the examiner's "bag of tricks"(virtual child main report, 2 1/2 years old )

3." easily frustrated" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

4."can show aggressive behaviour and the intent to hurt others" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

5. "cannot sit still or play with a toy for more than a few minutes" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

1."She often studied things in her 1."Interested in learning how to use

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It appears that Miny's intellectual development was above the other children's average intellectual development.

environment and performed simple little "experiments" with them." (virtual child report, 15 months)

2.Miny was very interested in music, and often danced in rhythm to my favorite music, and tried to clap or sing along with songs that you sang or that were played on TV. (virtual child report, 18 months)

3.Miny was speaking mostly in 3 to 4 word sentences and her vocabulary was expanding greatly. (virtual child main report , 2 1/ 2years old)

4. Miny could remember recent experiences and provided simple descriptions of what happened, such as a trip to the petting zoo or the amusement park. (virtual child main report , 2 1/2 years old)

5. "Miny is about average in solving problems with more than two steps, and grouping objects together in categories." (virtual child main report , 2 1/2 years old)

common items" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

2."Enjoys simple stories, rhymes, and songs" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

3."Use 2-3 word sentences" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

4. "They can memorize short rhymes. They express their feelings and wishes." (, toddlers)

5. "can solve problems if they are simple" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 3 years old)

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It appears that Miny's intellectual development was above the other children's average intellectual development.

6."Miny scored above average in all aspects of language development, and is ready to be read aloud to more frequently, as she can follow typical story lines. The examiner also noted that her memory was pretty good " (virtual child main report, 19 months ) "Miny scored in the above average range on tests of language comprehension and production, and provided unusually complete and grammatically mature sentences in a conversation the examiner and she had about a picture." (virtual child main report , 2 1/2 years old)

7. "Miny was above age-norms for building a block tower to model one made by the examiner and other spatial skills such as copying shapes, coloring within the lines and solving picture puzzles." (virtual child main report, 19 months ) "She is above average in copying shapes with a pencil, working with picture puzzles and constructing things out of blocks and seemed to enjoy working with these things a great deal." (virtual child main report , 2 1/2 years old

3. " use 2-3 word sentences" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 2 years old)

"Talks in complete sentences of 3-5 words" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 3years old)

"They can memorize short rhymes." (, toddlers)

4. "stacks 5-7 blocks; can distinguish, match and name colors, can solve simple problems" (Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years, 3years old)

The Infant years (Birth to 12 Months Old)

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Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the infant years. How will you address these issues?

1. Breast feeding

Breast feeding is good for infants to keep them healthier. "Breast milk is the best food you can offer your new baby. The Canadian Pediatrics

Society recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life." ( I always

feed my baby breast milk.

2. Sleeping

Providing enough sleep for new born babies is very necessary. "Sleep is what new borns do more than anything else. They sleep 16-18 hours

daily." (Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 102) I make sure that child always has enough sleeping.

3. Diapering

Providing strict diapering routine is very necessary for infants to keep their health. "A strict diapering routine is essential in infant programs to control

the incidence of gastrointestinal infection." (Pimento, P.135). Babies have to be changed clean diapers to keep their bodies cleanliness all the time.

I always provide strict diapering routine.

4. Sanitizing

Providing daily sanitizing for baby's mouthed toys is a good way to keep their health and safety. "Toys that have been in infants' and toddlers'

mouths are obvious vehicles of germ transmission. Many toys for infants are designed to be safe for them to put in the mouth. .... Toys that are

mouthed should be cleaned and sanitized daily." (Pimento, P. 140) I sanitize the toys every day.

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5. Dropping drown

Preventing babies’ dropping drown is very necessary. "Babies can drown in an only an inch of water. This puts them at risk of drowning in wading

pools, bathtubs, buckets, diaper pails, toilets, spas and hot tubs. Make bath time and other water-related activities safe by actively supervising your

baby and keeping your baby's bath and play areas free from hazards." (, 1 year old) I make sure to keep my baby safe when she

is at some high places, and I provide the bed for her with fences.

The Toddler Years (1-2 Years Old)

Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your child’s development?Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler?

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1. Going to the Parks

My daughter and I often went to the parks. I thought my child would be healthier if she often went to the parks, and it was good for children's

physical and social development. She would meet lots of other children, and she would do more physical exercises. "There are games and activities

that are designed for specific age groups as well as games that can be enjoyed by all ages. Children will never get bored and parents can relax

knowing their children will be busy and safe." (, toddlers) My daughter will still go to the parks very often in the future.

Safety concern: I worried about my child falling down when she was at the playing equipments which were high. "Toddlers and playgrounds are

practically inseparable. Falls account for 80 percent of playground injuries, but most playground fatalities are caused by strangulation. Take the

necessary steps to keep little kids safe." (, toddlers) I always kept an eye on her and guide her how to play.

2. Swimming

My child was learning how to swim. "The following positive benefits are with-in the scope of possibility for infants and toddlers when taught in a

gentle, gradual, child-paced and baby-friendly. Swimming lessons has the potential to increase intelligence, concentration, alertness, and

perceptual abilities. Improvement in social, emotional and physical development has also been published." (, Infants &

toddlers) I think swimming is good for children's physical development. Therefore, I will continue to provide swimming lessons for my daughter.

Safety concern: I worried about she might drown. "Most drownings and near-drownings occur in residential swimming pools. A child should never

be unsupervised in or near water, even shallow wading pools. Always supervise children in and around water. Never allow them to be near water

alone." (, toddler) I will keep one eye on her to be sure she is safe.

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3. Going to the field trips

Sometimes, I brought my child to the field trips, such as zoo, children's museums, and farms. "Many young children learn best while in motion. Field

trips submerge children into the environment of their curriculum studies. If a child is learning about animals, taking him to the zoo allows the

youngster to have physical interaction with the animals. He can view and sometimes touch the animals, which provide an authentic reference,

creating a quality learning opportunity that enriches the educational development of the child." ( My daughter had lots of great

experiences from the field trips, and it let her free to explore more interesting things.

4. Climbing the Equipments

She often climbed the play equipments outside and at home. It was good for her physical development, especially, for her motor skills

development. "Climbing is a total-body workout for kids. It improves their muscular endurance, flexibility, coordination and balance. Climbing also

builds self-confidence in kids. Kids can set goals of reaching new levels. A child's self-confidence gets a boost each time she accomplishes one of

these goals in climbing. Climbing also gets kids out of the house so that they can enjoy nature." ( I will still allow my daughter to

climb the playing equipments.

Safety concern: I worried about my child falling down. "Toddlers and playgrounds are practically inseparable. Falls account for 80 percent of

playground injuries, but most playground fatalities are caused by strangulation. Take the necessary steps to keep little kids safe."

(, toddlers) I always kept an eye on her and guide her.

5. Drawing the simple nature things

I asked my daughter tried to draw some very simple shapes from the environment such as rocks, a piece of grass, a pan and a cup. I always

repeated these words to her in order to let her know or remember more words. Also, thought drawing develops her fine motor and cognitive skills.

"Learning how to draw is one of the earliest activities that children are generally given. It will encourage them to view everything before them. They

not only begin to learn hand-eye coordination, but to study their subjects carefully."( I will encourage her to draw the nature things.

Part C: Thinking Ahead

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According to the reports, within 2 years old, Miny’s motor skills was delayed, so I think she might have difficulty to do some tasks by hands in

preschool age. Also, the reports points out that “Miny had some difficulty concentrating for more than a few minutes on any one activity”. She might

not have patient to do some activities in preschool age.

I predict Miny’s development in physical domain. She might run and jump. “Through the preschool years, children move beyond simple walking to

running and jumping and other complex motor skills that require greater coordination and precise timing of movements.”(Child Development: a

Chronological Approach, P. 218)

I predict Miny’s development in social/emotional domain. She might know about male and females. “During the preschool years, children learn

about gender roles-- the culturally prescribed roles considered appropriate for males and females.” (Child Development: a Chronological Approach,

P. 274). Also, she might have more self-control. “Effective ways to resist temptation include reminding yourself of the importance of long-term goals

over short- term temptations and reducing the attraction of the tempting event. “During the preschool years, some youngsters being to use both of

these spontaneously to resist temptation.”(Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 306)

I predict Miny’s development in cognitive and language domain. She might count less than 10. “During the preschool years, children master basic

principles and apply them to ever larger sets of objects. By age 5, most youngsters apply these counting principles to as many as nine objects.”

(Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P. 246) Also, she might speak effectively during preschool age. “By the preschool years, children

used simpler grammar and more attention-getting words, such as see, look watch, and hey.”(Child Development: a Chronological Approach, P.260 )

Part D:

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Publisher: Pearson Canada

Date of publication: 2011




Date of publication: 2010

Book Title: Ages and Stages: A brief Overviews Birth to 12 years

Early Childhood Education Healthy Development ECEP-103

Web sites

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Part A

Part B