Viren-I tricked the tooth fairy



A story about a young naughty boy

Transcript of Viren-I tricked the tooth fairy

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I tricked the tooth fairy! “It’s not fair why can’t you buy me a toy robot?! “To noisy’’, said his mom.

! Peter’s little slimy brother Bob always got what he wanted. Why couldn’t his wrinkled up mom just get him the toy robot he’s been dying for. If he had money he could buy what ever he wanted and no one could stop him. Peter needed money,he was going to need 50 dollars.

! All of a sudden Peter thought of an amazing idea,he could help around the house too earn some money. ! “Peter raced down the stairs and asked his mom if he could do chores around the house for some cash.’’! “How about you start by vacuuming the living room.’’

Peter got right to the job,after finishing his mom handed him 5 dollars. ! “5 dollars,“Peter said So little!”

! Peter new he couldn't do this for so long it was just to much work. He needed to think of something better,a faster way of earning money perhaps. Peter walked around in circles but Peter just couldn’t think of anything. He just decided if he wanted that toy robot he was going to need to work harder for it. ! “The next day Peter asked his mom if there is anything else he can do to help around the house’’“Sure you can mop or brush the floors.’’“What pays more?’’

“The moping will get you 10 dollars and sweeping the floors will get you 5 dollars’’“Peter went with the moping.’’

He mopped and mopped the house and at last he was finished. His mom handed him 10 dollars and yet still he had only had 15 dollars in total. Peter decided that he was just going to need to work even harder.

“All of a sudden he thought of an idea if,he lost a tooth he would get 50 dollars.’’

! Peter went to bed that night praying he wold loose a tooth some time soon. The next morning Peter woke up and saw his slimy little brother Bob with a lost tooth telling his mom about what he was going to do with his money. All of a sudden Peter had a spectacular idea he could take the tooth in the night and put it under his pillow to get that 50 dollar bill.

In the night after he heard Bob snoring away he went he snuck into his room and there he saw his mom standing there.! Peter quickly said “I thought I heard something so I came to check’’.

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! Peter quickly ran back to his room and waited until he heard his mom close the door. He then tipped toed into Bob’s room again and slipped his hand under his pillow and took the tooth then went back to his room and put it under his pillow then laid back in bed.

! “I’ll have that toy robot in no time.’’ said Peter.! Peter woke up in the morning and looked under his pillow. The tooth was there and there was no money Peter was shocked. Bob his slimy brother came into his room and was screaming I got 50 dollars. Peter was furious,he picked Bob up and threw him into Bob’s room and onto his bed and then peter ran back to his room and close the door shut. Peter walked in circles around his room trying to think of something to get 50 dollars. As peter was in his room he had realized that the tooth fairy never saw the gap in his teeth.

That night peter painted his tooth black and came out of his room and he was holding the tooth in a plastic bag and showed his mom the gap in his teeth and the tooth and she approved she believed he lost a tooth. Peter laughed inside,He was happy.!!That night peter put the tooth under his pillow and and laid back in bed and smiled.! “ Tomorrow I’ll have that 50 dollar bill and be able to buy that toy robot said Peter.’’Peter woke up in the morning the next day and looked under his pillow and smiled.When he came out of his room and showed his mom the money.

! “He said can we go to the toy store to get that toy robot his mom had no choice but to say yes.”

! That very afternoon he went with his mom to the toy store and bought the toy robot and when he came home he was setting it up and was happy as ever. Peter went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk to drink after he had finished he continued on with playing his toy robot.

! Later on in the his mom noticed that his tooth was showing,all of a sudden peter thought the black gap in his teeth had gone a bit of the marker must have faded away.! “uh oh he thought.’’! “Peter his mom screamed got to your room now and take that horrible toy with you.”! “OK.’’Peter screamed back.! That night Peter’s mom came into Peter’s room and had a talk to him about what he did Peter only heard blah blah blah blah but you can keep the toy robot blah blah blah all Peter did was just keep nodding his head to make it seem like he was listening to everything she was saying finally she had stopped talking.! “Are you clear with that.’’ Peter just nodded.! “Know just come down for dinner’’

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! “Peter was happy he could keep the toy robot and he walked down stairs to eat his dinner. At dinner his mom told him that it wasn’t right to steal money and that he should apologize to Bob which he did and made him promise no to do it again.’’

! Peter had his fingers crossed under the dinner table because what’s the point of making promises you can”t keep. After dinner peter went up to his room and just kept playing with the robot but he sort of cared about the talk and lecture his mom had been giving him about how important it is not to steal money and respect others.

The next day when Peter woke up he decided to be on his best behavior after all he did kind of owe his mom and his brother Bob. So he went to the kitchen and did call Bob a name like poopy pants or a toad he just said good morning. “That’s unusual’’ said his mom.“I’m on my best behavior’’ replied Peter.Peter ate his breakfast without him kicking Bob under the dining table he just did what a good not naughty kid would do. When he went to school he decided not do bug Mrs. Picker or do any naughty things like shoot rubber bands under the desk. He went throughout the whole day when he came home he didn’t bother Bob he just let him be there.

Peter started to feel good about what he has been doing the whole day but he felt a bit pressured about trying to be good. He did for the next few days and actually there are a lot of advantages of being a nice guy,not stealing things and respecting people.