villain concepts.txt

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  • 7/28/2019 villain concepts.txt


    >BBEG isn't actually the source of the decay and corruption spreading through the world>The source is actually a demon possessing the physical manifestation of a deity>It can't be killed outright without potentially ending all life on the planet>BBEG has it trapped in his castle while he searches for a way to exorcise the demon>He didn't bother telling his guardsmen all the little details, just told them to guard the castle because the fate of the fucking world rests upon it>All of the guards are now dead>Possessed demigod is now rampaging through the countryside>All of BBEG's unfathomably rare and expensive materials that he's been collecting for the exorcism over the last 20 years have been destroyed>BBEG is the only one in the world that knows how to exorcise the demon>He's now bleeding out at my feet

    I had an idea for a villain who managed to destroy all of mankind as he attempted to force all the magic in the world into himself. He survived and repopulatedthe planet with his bio-engineering, tried again and failed and now he's on the6th cycle of this. The humans hail him as a god and he frequently shows himselfas a benevolent figure

    >Party kills BBEG's daughter shortly before arriving to kill him. Daughter pleaded with the heroes to stay away, that they dont understand.>Party fights their way to the BBEG's chambers, there they find him bent over his daughters corpse sobbing in grief. Players unsure what to do>BBEG starts to talk about how he was once like them, how he fought for justice,honour and truth in a corrupt world. Speaks of how he became too powerful, howthe people he sought to defend became envious of him and his glory, how they setout to ruin him and make him out to be the epitome of evil. He talks about howhe was shunned from society, all his old allies turned against him and he was forced to find his own, solitary, way. The only thing that stopped himself from taking his own life in shame was his daughter, who was the light of his life during his exile, the only thing that kept him going.

    >The daughter knew her fathers past, knew how much it would hurt him to kill theheroes who were so much like him, the heroes who only thought of justice and honour and so she snuck away, taking a few soldiers in the hopes of stopping the party and convincing them to stay away.>The lone soldier who escaped the slaughter told the old man that his daughter stood proudly on the road, proclaimed who she was to the party and attempted to speak to them when the party instantly attacked and cut her down.>Having finished his tale the man stands and kisses his daughter goodbye one last time. He hefts his warhammer and looks at the party. Calmly tells them that heis ready to face his death, warns them that they would likely die if they continued down this path.> Some players opted to leave, knowing that the man wasnt evil, that they had been tricked, lied to, what they were doing was righteous, they had killed an old

    man's last hope. To these players the man nodded to and imparted some final advice. Cont->"Do not let yourself live longe enough to become the villain, die in glorious servitude to the lights of this world">To the players who stayed behind, he simply stood, waiting for them to make their move, to end his horrible existence once and for all>The players who left reached the exit of the mans domain and turned back, justin time to see his citadel smote from the earth by a light as pure as the sun, leaving nothing but a smoking crater behind. Killing everything except the players who left.

  • 7/28/2019 villain concepts.txt


    The gm told those players that during the battle between the man and the remainder of the party (the two groups actually split and left the room per gm request)the man, once sure the other players had left, called upon his ancient god, onehe had always stayed true to no matter how hard his life became, to destroy themans citadel so that no other could use it for evil.>His god answered.>The remaining players returned to their homes, celebrated as heroes for defeating the scourge of the land.>Every year after, the party honours the memory of the old man on the anniversary of his death.One of the players asked wether they could see him again in another game as thegods angel and right hand but the gm said that when the old man got to heaven all he had eyes for was his daughter.Thats the sort of villain i love to read/hear about

    I had a BBEG who used to be a hero. He found the ancient evil, he tried his bestto fight it. He lost. He tried to recruit people to help him but it was never enough. He figured that the only way to make true heroes rise out of the woodworkwould be to become the villain.

    So he did. He turned his power to darker uses. Raising armies of shades, destroying everyone who opposed him, and subjugating entire empires until he found his


    He cherished them. Truly they had the power to defeat not only him, but they could also destroy what he could not. They smashed through his armies, broke into his fortress and after a long and grueling fight they killed him. He died with asmile on his face.

    The players figured that it was just because he was crazy. After all, they had never been able to figure out what his angle was. He didn't seem to have any sortof master plan. They never considered that they WERE his master plan.

    So when they defeated the true evil in his realm and returned to the world victorious, they were not the only victors. In the end, he was the true winner.

    One of my more fondly remembered campaigns.>BBEG started as CR 9 collector devil, (had to adjust as party leveled cause thepally and wizard would have seen right through his shinanigans past lvl 12) fluff is he is getting a shit ton of souls from his "pets" and getting stronger.> Subtlety manipulates party from lvl 1-18 into horrible atrocities in the nameof the "greater good" and tracking down an utterly fictitious BBEG named Cronugoth.>Misguided zeal and "gifted weapons" cause party to mutilate or attack neuteralparty's and end up causing what amounts to a world war>The big boss fight ended up being between the "protagonists" and an actually go

    od high level party of adventurers.>PC's win, causing the paliderp to fall, cleric to lose favor with deity and everyone's alignment to shift from nueteral/good to various types of evil.>BBEG reveals self as kindly wizard/number of other types of characters he pretended to be along the way, explains that he used the party as a catalyst to funnel souls to the dark lord of the 9th and that he is now powerful enough to claimthe materiel realm and make war on the heavens. offers the ostracized party salvation in the new world order as generals in the coming onslaught.>MFW, the look on their faces was priceless.>Party accepts, becomes the 5 major villains of persistent over world.

  • 7/28/2019 villain concepts.txt


    >Players roll fresh new campaign is about bringing their old characters down 1 by 1.