Village News Issue 66 September 2009 Page 2 Sept V News.pdf · photoshoot day when villagers would...


Transcript of Village News Issue 66 September 2009 Page 2 Sept V News.pdf · photoshoot day when villagers would...

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Page 2: Village News Issue 66 September 2009 Page 2 Sept V News.pdf · photoshoot day when villagers would be encouraged to go out with their cameras and shoot the aspects of the village

Village News Issue 66 September 2009 Page 2

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 3

Horticultural Society’s 100th Show This year was special for Theydon Horticultural Society, as it was our 100th show, and my last one after many years as show secretary, so I was really pleased that the sun shone, the exhibi-tors staged high quality and unusual produce, the scarecrows looked fantastic but best of all we had many visitors. It was encouraging to have new entries in all sections which helped make a wonderful display of not only flowers, fruit and veg, but handicraft, cookery and photos too. Well done to all the village societies and families, who took the time and trouble to enter the scarecrow competition. They made an amusing display along the road and caused great interest from passer by. First was the Scarecrow from the Keep Fit Club (pictured opposite, other scarecrows are on the front page). We appreciated the donations from the shops and companies, who advertise in our show schedule, for generously providing us with raffle prizes. Thanks to the committee, family and friends who manned the stalls, provided tea and cake and helped make the Horticultural show a great day.


By Sheila Gymer

One Saturday, now did you go To see the wonderful Horticultural Show? The scarecrows gave a welcome to all To step inside our Village Hall The fruit and veg looked at their best One hundred per cent in any test So Theydon’s growers all could say We’ve helped to make a marvellous day

There’s not just veg and fruit to see But bread and cakes to eat for tea And photos and handicrafts in the hall So something’s there for one and all Our thanks are due to Trish and Jane They gave their all for us again Without their work there’d be no show It’s Theydon’s loss if it should go

Are you registered? Who goes? Who stays?

You decide

There will be a General Election within the next 9 months so make sure your name is on the electoral register. The annual canvass of all properties starts at the end of August so look out for the form.

Don’t delay! No vote, no say!

the Electoral Registration Officer, EFDC, Civic Offices, High Street, Epping, CM16 4BZ

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 4

Parish Council Chairman’s Report As I write this report the summer holidays are drawing to a close and our minds are being drawn, somewhat reluctantly, to the end of the holidays and the children returning to school. It has been a summer of celebration and I have been delighted to attend several events in the village on behalf of the Parish Council. I am sure they are covered in more detail in this Newsletter but I would like to mention a few of them. At the beginning of June I received an invitation from the 3rd Theydon Bois Brownies to celebrate their 40th birthday. This was a lovely event, the Brownies served a delicious afternoon tea to the visitors who all enjoyed watching the demonstrations, including card making and knotting. I particularly enjoyed looking back over the old photographs of the many events the Brownies have been involved in over the years. Later in June I was thrilled to be able to attend the event organised by the Women’s Institute to celebrate their 90th anniversary. It was a very interesting afternoon with excellent entertainment and a fascinating display of handicraft work completed by members of the WI over the years. I would like to thank the WI President, Mrs Kay Rush, and her committee for inviting me. It was an honour to attend.

The beginning of the school holidays saw the 100th Horticultural Show. This year’s event, heralded by the appearance of an eye-catching display of scarecrows in the Village Hall car park, was very well attended. Browsing around the exhibits, I was extremely impressed by the skills, craftsmanship and of course, the green fingers of the residents who had entered the competitions. I certainly came away with renewed determination to pick up a sewing needle again and try and make time for some of the pastimes that seem to becoming long forgotten. The show ended with the presentation of the various awards including the annual Front Garden Competition organised by the Horticultural Society. Full details of the winning gardens are published later in this edition of Village News.

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 5

Parish Council Chairman’s Report (continued) The work of the Parish Council continues and paramount in many of our minds at the moment are the continuing efforts to purchase the site of the Youth Centre in Loughton Lane including the ground that the Scout Hut is built on. In the previous issue of this Newsletter the Parish Council sought your opinion about the potential purchase. We also held a public meeting in June, solely to discuss the issue surrounding the development, with the old Youth Centre being open the following morning for anyone who wanted to

come and have a look around. During the consultation and meetings we did not receive a single objection and it was clear we have residents’ support in continuing our efforts to purchase the site. The purchase and the renovations of the building will not only involve a Public Works Loan but also a tremendous amount of hard work. It has been very reassuring that already several people have come forward with offers of practical assistance. As we have said before the Parish Council see this as an exciting opportunity to develop a facility that can be used by many different groups in our village. If anyone is interested in being involved in the refurbishment of the Centre, or its management please do not hesitate to contact us at the Parish Office. The summer is always a popular time for building work and as you travel around the village there is evidence of a great deal of work being carried out to extend and improve the properties in the village. Luckily the inevitable disruption caused by these building works is only temporary however we have had a growing number of instances of significant damage to green verges and kerbstones. It is very disheartening when we see evidence of this, especially when we are working so hard to convince Essex County Council to give the repairing of our pavements priority over other initiatives. We would ask everyone to be careful and ensure their contractors do not damage kerbs and pavements. Kerb stones are often also damaged by the waste collection and other delivery lorries ‘bumping up’ the kerb as they come round a corner. Again this can be avoided if people ensure cars are not parked too close to the junctions.


June public meeting about the Youth Centre

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 6

Chairman’s Report for the year June 2008 - June 2009 History - The Village Design Statement Association Committee was set up in June 2007. In July 2007 the Association was registered and funding awarded by the Community Planning Fund through the Rural Community Council of Essex. Following guidance given by Chris Hobbs, Field Officer, Rural Community Council of Essex, a plan was drawn up for the Project. This included the production of a questionnaire to be distributed throughout the village and a photoshoot day when villagers would be encouraged to go out with their cameras and shoot the aspects of the village they liked and anything they did not like. The plan provided for the questionnaire to be produced and distributed with the Christmas edition of the Village News for completion and return by the 31st January 2008. The photoshoot day was scheduled for 3rd May 2008. Once enough material was to hand, writing the various sections would commence. A soft target for the project completion date was end October/ November 2008.

Finance - At the November 2007 meeting, the Treasurer stated that he had heard from the Rural Community Council of Essex that the application for funds had been granted. The Chairman had also written to a number of the village clubs, associations and societies seeking donations. As at 12th November 2007, funds stood at £2615. By the meeting held 4th February 2008 this figure had grown to £2735. Following payment of £480 to Theydon Bois Parish Council for the cost of printing the Questionnaire, the figure stood at £2255.

The cost of the production of the brochure was estimated to be in the order of £3500 and the need to raise an additional £1000 of funds to meet this cost was identified. Additional letters were sent to the Rural Community Council, the Parish Council, the Village Association, Theydon Bois and District Rural Preservation Society and the City of London requesting further funding. The balance currently stands at £2280.

Theydon Bois Village Design Statement Association

Date Received From Amount £

1st August 2007 2nd October 2007 2nd October 2007 2bs October 2007 30th October 2007 26th November 2007 29th January 2008 29th January 2008 31st March 2008

Theydon Bois Rural Pres Soc Roding Valley U3A Theydon Bois Action Group Anonymous Donation Rural Community Council Essex Theydon B Horticultural Society Theydon B Drama Society Theydon Art Group K Rush

50 20 25 20

2,500 50 50 20 25

Total receipts £2,760

18th February 2008 Payment to Theydon Bois Parish Council re printing costs of VDS Questionnaires


Balance at Bank £2,280

Since the inception of the project the Association has made the following payments

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Project Progress on the production of the Village Design Statement - Input of the findings of the questionnaire was complete by May 2008 and writing of the various sections was getting under way but some drafts had been completed as early as April 2008. The aim was to have the draft document produced by the end of June 2008. In July 2008, Amanda Wintle, Senior Planning Officer, Epping Forest District Council attended our regular monthly meeting. It was immediately clear that the District Council was not in a position to formally process our document because they were only at an

early stage in the production of their Local Development Framework. A letter was sent to Anne Grigg, (then Planning & Economic Development Portfolio holder at EFDC), copy to Mr John de Wilton Preston (Head of Planning EFDC) and Peter Hayward, (Chief Executive EFDC) asking for clarification of the current position and development of the 'core plan'. Information about this exercise indicated that going out for consultation would not go ahead before Spring 2010 and that the new Local Development Framework would unlikely to be in place for at least two years after that. Nothing of any substance has been heard since from EFDC. The members of the committee, having invested so much time and dedication to the Project, elected to push on with the preparation and completion of the draft document in a form that can be put on hold until EFDC have produced their Local Development Framework. The plan is to get the document into good order, with all chapters complete with “place-holders” to indicate the proposed positioning of photographs to illustrate the relevant points. The draft VDS document will then be passed to Amanda Wintle at EFDC for her comments. Once that process is complete, a formal copy of the draft document will be lodged with Di Collins (new Portfolio holder) and John de Wilton Preston. It is hoped that the contents of our guidance notes will be recognised as important planning issues and hopefully, will be incorporated into the Local Development Framework. The task now is to complete the document and hand it over to EFDC. The regular monthly meetings will be discontinued once this is complete with the next proposed meeting scheduled for Monday 5th October, 2009. I would like to record my sincere thanks to members of the committee for the enthusiasm and dedication towards this Project throughout.



Theydon Bois Village Design Statement Association (cont)

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Remembrance Sunday - The annual Royal British Legion Remembrance Service will be held on Sunday 8th November, starting from the War Memorial, St Mary’s Church, Coppice Row at 10.45 am and continuing in the Church for the main part of the service. In the event of inclement weather the entire service will take place in the Church. Medals may be worn and standards carried – everyone is welcome.

The Royal British Legion was formed in 1921 and the Flanders Poppy was adopted as their symbol and they appear every year in late October on street corners, in shops and collectors trays. The Poppy Factory in Richmond employs many disabled ex-service people who produce 35 million poppies plus wreathes and crosses each year.

Canadian surgeon and soldier, John McCrae wrote the poem “In Flanders Fields” on May 3, 1915, after witnessing the death of his friend. The opening line of the poem vividly describes the image of the poppies blowing in the wind amongst the many crosses that mark the resting places of fallen soldiers.

The Royal British Legion is a charity whose work is to help disabled service and ex-service people and their families who need their assistance. Please do give generously when you see the Poppy collectors in the street or in shops or when they call at your home. I would like to make an appeal to the younger generation. We World War II veterans, now in the autumn of our lives, will need the younger age group to continue the work of fund-raising and organising when we have passed on. Armistice Day this year is Wednesday 11th November at 11 am. Please do pause for two minutes, just to remember, thank you.

Commemoration - “They shall not grow old, as we that are left to grow old, age shall not weary them nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.” (Extract from “The Fallen” by Laurence Binyon (1869- 1943)

Wanted: Volunteer Standard Bearer - We need someone to act as Standard Bearer for our Royal British Legion Memorial Service on Sunday 8th November 2009 starting at 10.45 am at the War Memorial and then in St Mary’s Church. If you can help please contact Harry Memory on 01992 812696.

Our Poppy Appeal Organizer has moved from the village and we cannot find a replacement. We will therefore not be able to undertake our usual door to door collection this year. Would you please buy your poppy from any of the shops who will have collection boxes and poppies on their counters. We are sorry about this and thank you for your generosity.


Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 8

Remembrance Sunday 8th November

In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders Fields.

- John McCrae 1915

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 9

Parish Council One - 2 - Ones The Parish Council One-2-One sessions are held on the first Monday of every month between 5.30 and 7.00 pm. If you wish to discuss a particular issue concerning our village, please feel free to come along to the Village Hall and talk to a Parish Councillor in confidence and we will be happy to advise or even escalate appropriate enquiries to our District or County Council if necessary. The topics covered are wide-ranging and include anything from parking to planning, and security to the street scene – in fact any issues affecting our village.

At our last One-2-One we had a visit from a local Police Officer. Depending on workload and shift patterns, we could arrange for him to come along to a future One-2-One and discuss any particular concerns with residents. For regular updates on One-2-One sessions, please check Parish Council notice-boards, the Post Office or the village website - In the meantime, here’s a very topical question and answer:

Q: Unfortunately, I have not been able to attend any of the recent Wheelie Bin Roadshows held at the Village Hall. Can you provide more information on what I can and can’t put into my new Food & Garden wheelie bin?

A: Full details can be found on the Epping Forest District Council website –, and of course by the time this edition of Village News is delivered, you may have already been provided with your new bin and leaflets. However EFDC has provided the Parish Council with some information, which we are happy to pass on to residents.

A new, weekly doorstep recycling collection of mixed food and garden waste is set to begin. The first collections start week commencing Monday 7 September 2009. Every household using the current wheelie bin based refuse collection system will be able to benefit from the new service. This food and garden recycling service will be collected via a new wheelie bin which will have been distributed throughout August.

Your new wheelie bin will take practically all the cooked and uncooked food waste from your kitchen and also the garden waste that currently goes into biodegradable sacks and it will be collected every week.

EDFC will also be providing you with a kitchen caddy for the storage of your food leftovers before you put the waste into your new wheelie bin. Kitchen caddies are neat, small, plastic containers designed to sit on your kitchen worktop. They can be stored in your cupboard and provide a day to day receptacle for your food waste. Then, as and when you choose, you simply transfer your food from the caddy into your new wheelie bin.

The new Food & Garden wheelie bin will accept all garden waste including cuttings, grass and leaves, houseplants, weeds and prunings, as well as food waste (all cooked and uncooked food) including bread, cakes, biscuits, cheese and dairy products, coffee grounds and teabags, eggs (including shells), fruit and vegetables, meat and fish (including bones), noodles, pasta and rice. The new wheelie bin will not accept: old garden waste sacks, animal bedding or animal waste, cling film, cooking oil, foil, grease or liquids, metal or glass, nappies, plastic bags, plastic trays, rocks, soil or tree stumps.

We hope this clarifies the situation for residents who have been unable to attend the Roadshows.

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Alarming News from Essex Watch

The last Neighbourhood Action Panel meeting was held on Tuesday 11th Aug 2009 at the village hall and was attended by the regular members of the panel. We are still looking for some new members to join us, the meetings start at 7.30 & finish by 9pm

I am looking to start a Youth NAP for younger members of Theydon Bois to sit down with myself and a member of the Parish Council to discuss any problems they have and to voice their opinions. The ages I am looking for are between 13 to 18 from all over the village, the meetings will be at the Village Hall and will last between an hour to an hour and half.

Since the last NAP meeting on June16th 2009 there has been one burglary; this is a reduction of three. There has been an increase in obstruction calls; this may be due to the new yellow lines that have just been put down. Motor vehicles are still being stolen, another three being stolen since the last NAP meeting.

Please lock your car at all times and do not leave the keys in it for any reason, even on the drive. Calls to the police regarding suspicious circumstances have fallen. Please call us if you see anyone or anything you are not happy with and if you have cold callers at your door. Criminal activity in the village has increased from four incidents to five over the same period. Station Hill and Abridge Road are still a problem with commuter parking, tickets are issued to those obstructing the footpath, however those parked on the grass verge cannot receive tickets. The Parish Council and highways are working together to work out a solution to stop the parking on the verge.

I am hoping to start a police surgery at the village hall in the near future, this may be the first Monday of the month to coincide with the monthly Parish council surgery. I will be there to answer questions and provide advice on all aspects of policing, as well as property marking and post coding pedal cycles. If you have any questions contact me, Andy Cook, on the neighbourhood mobile phone or E-mail.

ALARMING NEWS There have been a number of complaints recently about companies contacting householders by telephone, offering to install a free alarm system linked to the Police, Fire & Rescue and the Ambulance service. Although they start by offering a free installation, they then go on to say that there will be a one off cost of around £200. Those householders who have been tempted have then received a visit from a representative and after they have committed, the cost can rise to in excess of £3,000! Householders are told that the company is recommended by the Emergency services. Please be aware that we do not recommend individual companies, and they

do not act on our behalf. Never agree to purchase any goods or services over the telephone or internet, or at your door, without checking out the supplier or provider first, and never sign a contract without reading all of the terms and conditions, as well as any written clauses.

When dealing with doorstep callers: Secure your door chain if fitted. Always ask for, and check, their identity card BEFORE you agree to let them in.

If you are offered goods for sale at your door, check that the vendor is in possession of a valid ‘Pedlar’s Certificate.’ This is not an ID card, but an official certificate issued by the Chief Constable of your County Police Force (ESSEX POLICE). (continued at bottom of next page)

Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 10

Police & Neighbourhood Watch

Andy Cook Pc 1474 NSO T Bois, Abridge & Stapleford Abbots Mobile phone 0779317211

Epping Police Station 0300 333 4444 ex 28367 24 Hr answerphone

Email [email protected]

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I am delighted to be your county councillor again. Thank you to all those who made it possible.

Essex County Council is concerned about businesses and residents who are affected by the credit crunch. If you are affected where are you looking for advice? Would you think of the library? If not, think again! The libraries provide help if you are thinking of starting a business and resources if you are already in business. Call the Business Information Service 01245 492535 or

Credit Unions are well known in some parts of the country but not in Epping Forest. They provide access to small loans and keep people from doorstep lenders and loan sharks with their high rates of interest and intimidation. Essex Savers is a county wide credit union set up about 5 years ago. Essex County Council is backing it with a grant. Long before the county council became involved I started working through the churches to bring Essex Savers to this area. The first branch, or collection point as it is called, will open at St John’s Church Epping on 28 September 10am staffed by volunteers. This launch will be an information opportunity and you are welcome to call in. The collection point will be open on subsequent Monday mornings 10-12 noon. Other local venues are planned. If you might like to volunteer please contact me.

The government recently published a white paper ‘The Learning Revolution’ which was the outcome of consultation with organisations involved in informal adult learning (IAL) which is learning that does not lead to qualifications. Groups such as U3A, WEA and Wansfell 2 all offer IAL.

Many of the recommendations involve the county council. The scrutiny committee on Community Wellbeing and Older People, of which I’m vice-chairman, has adult learning as one of its responsibilities. In response to my request, officers are coming to the next meeting to tell members how the county is responding to the challenges in ‘The Learning Revolution’. I will keep you informed.

Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 11

News from County Hall

Councillor Janet Whitehouse County member for Epping & Theydon Bois

Telephone 01992 812503 Email:

[email protected]

(continued from page 10)

If in doubt please contact: Essex Trading Standards. Tel: 08454 04 05 06 and please inform Essex Police of any incidents which relate to the contents of this message, using the Non-emergency telephone number printed below:-

Contact: Colin Freeman, Essex Watch, Epping Police Station, 230 High Street, Epping, Essex. CM16 4AP

Direct Line: 01279 621862 Fax: 01279 625440 Email: [email protected]

Essex Police Non-emergency Tel. No: 0300 333 4444 Essex Watch – Helping Communities to Help themselves

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 12

INTRODUCTION - Eric Thurston, an active member of the local community with a successful and chequered career in engineering and aviation reached his 90th birthday on the 22 August 2009. During his working life Eric has established engineering companies, carved a place in civil aviation, frequented with captains of industry, flown VIPs to various locations, chaired professional institutions and yet found time to live in Theydon Bois and raise a family here. He has received numerous honours and been awarded the OBE. His general background is far too extensive to be included here but the following synopsis makes interesting reading. EARLY DAYS - Eric’s parents were married in 1918 and Eric was born in 1919 in Ilford. His father, a WW1 gas victim from army service, had a building business which he moved to Wickford with the family when Eric was one year old and so Eric spent his formative years there. A small holding helped provide for the family. Eric studied office and clerical administration at Clarke’s College in Southend which proved a good base for his future business activities. He acquired motor engineering experience through servicing and driving his father’s Model T Ford and Morris Cowley cars before the days of a mandatory driving licence and test. The family then moved to Ongar where his father set up a building business and Eric commuted to Theydon Bois, on his BSA Blue Star motor bike, to work as a purchasing clerk for Soper Builders. He also helped at the local Wood & Krailing motor engineers and formed a long standing friendship with Jack Farmer. He married Iris on 19 August 1938 in Shelly Church and they set up home at Harlow Common. WARTIME - Eric was called up in 1940 into the RAOC in Northampton and maintained army vehicles including tanks which he was qualified to drive. Then into Normandy a few days after D Day and progressed through Belgium, Holland and Germany. By then a staff sergeant with a mobile repair workshop dealing with vehicles of all types even German. He met many famous characters including General Sir Brian Horrocks and, as a personal acquaintance, Benny Hill who became a household name after the war. ENGINEERING - Before the War, Eric already had his own spare motor parts and car servicing business which he re-established after the war; his Mum had stored his stock at her home, possibly in the bedroom! He became subcontracted to Wood & Krailing and similar businesses specialising in engine reboring and crankshaft grinding. After having acquired another company he located his business in a new plant at Hallsford Bridge, Ongar, which continues to this day. (pictured right).

Eric Thurston OBE Reaches 90

The New Thurston Factory 1952

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AVIATION - Prior to WWII, Eric and his friend Harry built a Flying Flea light aircraft which had a bad safety record due to poor construction techniques. Their aircraft was well built and they flew it on short hops. It was stored at Chelmsford and possibly destroyed during an air raid. He joined the Royal Auxiliary Air Force to learn to fly but then turned to the Civil Air Guard where he gained limited flying experience. Post War his enthusiasm was increased when he hired an Auster aircraft from the Herts and Essex Flying Club at Broxbourne, for business reasons, took flying lessons and then finally gained his licence with the Club when it moved to the ex RAF airfield at Stapleford. In 1962 he became Manager of the Stapleford Airfield and Flying Club and subsequently formed a number of companies operating from Stapleford and Stansted including flight taxi service and ambulance flights. He has flown Bing Crosby, Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hendrix, Rolling Stones, Hugh Grant, Jack Nicklaus and many others, his flying associates include Stirling Moss, Douglas Bader, Billy Laker, Hughie Greene, Ray Hannah and the list goes on.

ACCOLADES - Eric is Freeman of the City of London, Member of the Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators, has held office with various aviation authorities, is an Officer of the Order of St John and a recipient of its Sword of Honour. He was awarded an OBE in 1980 for his Contribution to Aviation Safety

OTHER ACTIVITIES - Eric remains “purely associated” with his past business but can often be seen at Stapleford.

He remains involved with Village matters and is currently the Secretary of the Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society.

Eric Thurston OBE Reaches 90 (continued)

Eric points out the finer detail on one of the scale models the factory also produces

Eric with an early machine dating from 1946 & still in use

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 14

Village News Sponsors

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 15

Village News Sponsors

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 16

Village Association Open Gardens’ Day was a great success again this year. A large number of visitors came to enjoy the wonderful variety of gardens. Over 200 lunches were prepared by a very hard working and efficient team under Carol James. Cups of tea and a delicious variety of cakes, baked by ladies from the village. were served all afternoon. This was co-ordinated by Kay Rush. The Village Association are particularly grateful for all the time and hard work spent by the owners of the 20 gardens on display; and also to Carol and Graham James for their organization of the whole event. In all a very successful day – with over £4,800 profit! See the opposite page for picture montage of some of the gardens on display.

Our new Bookings Manager – Stephen Middleton - (pictured left) - started work on the 20th July. He can be contacted on 01992 815150. This has always been a very busy function, and we wish Stephen well as he takes over this important role.

It had been agreed to replace the carpet in the Beech and Poplar Rooms (‘Small Hall’) with an Amtico flooring, which should prove to be more hard-wearing and stain resistant. This work was carried out over the August Bank Holiday. In addition, the large Hall (Oak Room) was completely re-decorated recently. However, after discussion, it was decided not to proceed with a fence along the front of the Hall, at least for the time

being. The Committee has decided to improve the present CCTV coverage of the Village Hall, and work will begin shortly on this. There will be a Special Meeting for all Village Association Trustees on Tuesday, 22nd September at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall, to discuss matters in relation to the proposed Parish Council purchase of the Youth Centre site.

Theydon Bois Veterans FC win European Cup TBVFC won a 4 village football tournament in Orenhofen in Germany in June after 2 wins and a draw. And we would like to thank all our friends in Orenhofen for their hospitality. The new football season starts at the beginning of September and any players over 35 who are interested should contact James Dodman on 01992813304'

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Cllrs Hannibal and Purkiss attended the Rural Community Council of Essex AGM on Thursday 9th July as representatives of the Parish Council. The RCCE Awards were presented at the end of the event including: The Calor Essex Best Kept Village Competition 2009 where Theydon Bois won a Merit (Third Prize) in Class II The Whitmore Trophy for villages with a population of over 2000 but less than 5000. In addition, St Mary’s Churchyard won a Highly Commended Award in the Best Kept Churchyard Com-petition and residents Geoff Hooper & Ron Compton attended to collect the Award given to St Marys..

Every year Trevor Roberts the Local History Recorder for Theydon Bois produces a Chronicle of events and stories which have taken place in the village in the preceding year. These form a valuable local history record and Theydon Bois Parish Council has presented a set to the Epping Forest District Museum in Waltham Abbey for inclusion in the Museum’s Local History Archive. The Local History Reports were presented to Councillor Penny Smith, the Chairman of Epping Forest District Council by Theydon Bois Parish Chairman, Councillor Susan Jones.

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Party time for the Theydon Bois Brownies on the evening of Monday 8th June when they celebrated the 40th anniversary of the pack in St. Mary's Church Hall. Guests included Parish & District Councillors, Vicar Colin Travers and many helpers & parents.

The Drama Society has won another award from NODA for its production of 'By Jeeves' in January. Having been nominated by our area representative as the best in the area, it competed against similar nominations from the other dozen or so areas in the London and South East Region and won The Pat Redhead Drama Award. Pictured is the cast with Director Jan Freeman

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Front Gardens Competition

Theydon Bois Tennis Club held their first 'Parent & Child' mini tennis tournament in July. 18 pairs entered the competition, held on a lovely summer evening. June & Les Snellin ran the event superbly, and everyone had great fun with lots of doubles matches for all. The photograph shows some of the participants.

The Tennis Club also ran two successful junior coaching courses in the summer holidays, with 30 children attending each, and will be running another course in October half-term. Details will be posted on the club website when they have been confirmed. We have welcomed two new coaches to the coaching team this year: long-standing member Simon Terrell and Gemma Wiggs have brought their experience and knowledge to Friday and Saturday coaching throughout the summer.

Finally, the Club has become the first club in the Epping Forest District to achieve the prestigious Tennis Clubmark quality accreditation award. Clubmark is a recognition that the club is operating to the highest standards in respect of junior coaching, club management, policies and development plans. Club Chairman Richard Crone said “it is thanks to the dedication and hard work of the committee and the coaching team that the Club has been awarded Clubmark. The review process showed that our current practices were very strong, but we needed to reinforce our processes in some areas to ensure that we fully comply with best practice.”

This year, following inspection by the Horticultural Society of the 63 Gardens selected by the Parish Councillors, 24 were short-listed for judging, one of which was withdrawn by the owners. It was good to see new winners of all the private gardens sections with top marks going to 26 Heath Drive (pictured left) which exhibited an exuberant display of both colour and planting.

In the Hard standing with Planting section it was disappointing to note on the tour of the village, the poor standard of maintenance of some gardens where the original planting, presumably by landscaping contractors, had received little or no subsequent attention.

The Commercial displays were very few this year, previous vandalism having discouraged some shop owners from any displays and The Bull was the only significant attraction, the Queen Victoria refurbishment being completed on the weekend of judging.

Results were:

Theydon Bois Tennis Club

Informal Garden Formal Garden

1 26 Heath Drive 330

2nd 8 Hornbeam Road 329

3rd 42 Woburn Avenue 312

1st 78 Dukes Avenue 311

2nd Midhill Coppice Row 287

2nd equal 13 Baldocks Road 287

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The Past Summer in Theydon Bois For editorial reasons this chronicle covers events from as far back as late spring to mid August during which time the usual Village Summer events have been held, all with great success. The Village said goodbye to the Revd Canon Colin Travers and his wife Joy who retired to the more peaceful (?) City of Ely in the Fens. Local elections were held for the ECC the European Parliament and the in-filling began (at last) of the great pits at Blunts Farm. The rail unions called several strikes which inconvenienced those commuting out of the Village and Leslie Jerman, a prominent resident, passed away as did others. But life goes on; the economic crisis has not appeared to prevent people from holidaying either at home or away and a heat wave is now building nicely at present.

As this copy was being written, the Village learnt of the loss of a long standing member of its community. Leslie Jerman, who lived in Coppice Row, died after a period of illness from cancer. He was a man of many parts being a retired journalist, former editor of The London News, aviation correspondent for The Scotsman, prison campaigner and family historian. Although not especially active in village life he was often featured in the local press through the many issues which he raised including the Blunts Farm development, the loss of cheques in the post, the shortcoming of the household waste collection system, the withdrawal of licences for the picking of mushrooms in Epping Forest adjacent to his home, to name but a few. His funeral service was due to be held at the Pardon Wood Crematorium, Harlow, on 20 Aug 09. He was survived by his wife Betty, also a retired journalist.

There was general dismay when the EFDC admitted that it was unlikely to be able to meet the Government’s deadline of July 09 for the EFDC overall response to the proposals for 34 Travellers and Gypsy sites in the district. Nearly 10,000 people had responded to the related

consultation document and thousands of pounds had been spent by residents’ groups in preparing their comments. Village resident Mike Emmett said, “This whole consultation has caused a lot of stress and anxiety among a lot of people and the EFDC should understand this”.

On a brilliant summer’s Sunday morning in early July, the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin at Theydon Bois was packed for a Eucharist of Celebration and Thanksgiving on occasion of the retirement of the Revd Canon Travers and his wife Joy. In addition to the Church Family, the congregation included Colin’s family and friends and also representatives of the churches where Colin had served as priest in the past years.

Members of the teaching staff and friends of the Theydon Bois Primary and Davenant Schools attended a Celebration for the life of Jane Penelope Gant held at St Mary’s Church Theydon Bois. Jane, a chartered accountant who had turned to teaching and had taught at both schools, was born on 6 August 1965 and died on the 3 June 2009 after suffering a long period of illness. She lived in the Village in Heath Drive with her husband Steve and three young children. The Church was packed to overflowing for the service which was conducted by the Vicar the Revd Canon Colin Travers, who gave the address, and the rear of the Order of Service carried Jane’s particular comment “Although pain is inevitable, misery is optional. We can either count calamities or count blessings”.

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The Past Summer in Theydon Bois (continued) The sorry saga of the closure of Wansfell College in Piercing Hill and its subsequent sale was approaching a possibly happy ending when the building, now named Coopers Court and comprising 14 luxury apartments, was put on the market. The agents, Savills of Loughton, stated in their sales brochure that the house and grounds were being carefully restored with some elements of the property extensively remodelled.

The Theydon Bois Men’s Forum, which meets regularly in the Theydon Bois Baptist Church, concluded its current season of meetings with a summer lunch held in the TBVH. Some fifty members and their ladies enjoyed an excellent meal which was preceded by a talk given by Brian Curtois, Lecturer and Broadcasting Consultant, who was widely known in the 1980s as a leading national journalist and parliamentary correspondent for the BBC.

Judges from the Theydon Bois Horticultural Society assessed the 63 gardens selected by TBPC Councillors for entry in the 2009 Theydon Bois Front Gardens Competition. (see pages 20/21).

The weather was fine for a Country Fayre held by the Theydon Bois Primary School in the School grounds at the front of which a number of scarecrows, created by the pupils, were placed to greet people on their arrival. Sponsored by the Village “Tikadi” hairdressers, the Fayre included a variety of stalls selling everything from hot dogs to photographic services. Children’s entertainments included animals brought along by the Lee Valley Parks Farms including several lambs, which were growing up fast, guinea pigs and tortoises, all of great interest to the youngsters. The event was organised by the Parent Teachers Association headed by Michel Arthur and Deborah Winch.

The weather was also kind to yet another TB major event, the 29th Annual Theydon Bois Village Open Gardens Day. Visitors were booking-in at the TBVH from mid morning to early evening for visits to the 20 gardens which were open, 4 for the first time, and also to St Mary’s Church, the Baptist Church and the revitalised village allotments. . The event concluded with a church service on the patio of the TBVH and raised some £5,000 in support of the Village organisations (see pages 16/17).

The stalwart and locally renowned Theydon Bois Singers held their summer concert in the TBVH entitled “Our Favourite Things”. A full house enjoyed the music of some forty odd singers, who despite their maturity, gave strong renderings of such favourites as the choral introduction to “Zadok the Priest”, two sympathetic negro spirituals, the ever popular “If You Were the Only Girl in the World” and, to show that they were not living in the past, the pop Group Abba’s “Thank You For The Music” as a rousing final number. The ever-constant Janet Cass was their conductor and Paul Childers supported her with his commanding but sensitive piano accompaniment.

The AGM of the Theydon Bois Music Society was held in the TBVH when it was announced that the membership was constant at 74 and the finances were sound. It was agreed that the February meetings would be discontinued due to the extremely bad weather conditions, which had adversely affected these meetings for the previous three years. It was also agreed that the Society would continue to attend performances of the Forest Philharmonic Orchestra Walthamstow in North East London.

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The Past Summer in Theydon Bois (continued) The 22nd Annual Donkey Derby organised by the Theydon Bois Scout Group was a great success at its new location on the Village Green, by kind permission of the City of London and the TBPC. Once again the Green resounded to the unusual sound of braying donkeys and the laughter of many children. . The use of the Green had created an enjoyable Village carnival atmosphere and the proceeds from this year’s event would be used to support local Scouts and allied groups, especially the Newly opened Youth Club, in their important task of providing useful leisure activities for young people.

At the July meeting of the TBWI, the President Kay Rush welcomed 57 members and 5 visitors on a very wet day. She advised that the Autumn County meeting of the Federation would be held on 15 Oct 2009 at the Civic hall, Blackshots near Grays; visitor’s tickets would be available on request from the Secretary Doreen Snell. Visits to see performances of "Sister Act" at the London Palladium and "My Fair Lady" at the Cliffs Pavilion, Southend are also planned.

Work commenced on the infilling of the two great pits on the site of the Blunt’s Farm Development. This followed several years of complaints and actions by the TBPC, village residents and local groups particularly TBAG. In 2003 the two pits were excavated at Blunts Farm, which is on Green Belt land, into which large quantities of soil were deposited on the site by some 300 heavy lorries arriving daily. The pits became water filled and were a dangerous attraction to children for swimming and even boating. the EFDC agreed that the site should be returned to normal by October 2009. TBAG spokeswomen said that they were doubtful the work would be completed by October 2009 but the site may at least be safe. An EFDC spokeswomen confirmed that the work was in compliance with enforcement notices requiring the infilling of the excavations using materials already on site. The notices also prohibited the importation of landfill material of any description.

In late spring nearly sixty members and friends of the Theydon Bois Short Mat (Thursday) Bowls Club sat down to an excellent annual buffet lunch provided by the ladies of the Club in the TBVH. This event was also the occasion for the annual presentation of cups and awards to members who have been successful in the annual Club competitions.

The Theydon Bois Brownie Pack based at St Mary’s Church celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a party and presentation held in the Church Hall, and the Theydon Art Group held its 48th two day Annual Exhibition in the TBVH. There were 97 paintings on exhibition, many of which were sold. The presiding Officers of the Group were Chairman – Roy Lees, Treasurer – Barry Turner and Secretary – Brenda Harris. Vi Smith provided the floral arrangements for the Exhibition.

With fine weather here, at last, and the summer holidays in full swing the economic situation has not prevented people from enjoying themselves abroad, in the UK (the southeast) or simply at home; suntans are much in evidence. Winter is long gone and it will be some time before autumn again beckons. So, enjoy the rest of summer.


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As this edition is published the new Green Waste and Food collection service should just be starting. We believe it

represents a step forward in our goal for greater recycling AND reducing cost to all residents. Remember that if you really do not want an extra “green lid” bin it can be replaced with a “kerbside caddy” just for food waste which will be emptied, as will the green lid bin, every week. If you wish to have a caddy please phone 01992 564608 for more details. Please note that green waste in bags will no longer be collected after the new bin service has started, which means that if you do not have a green lid bin you will have to make your own arrangements for disposal of garden waste e.g. composting. Both your District Councillors have always taken a keen interest in any activities on the Blunts Farm site. It was good news to see that the developer has started to fill in the craters left from the excavations on the site. The withdrawal from the appeal by the developers against the refusal of planning permission for the car park on the Old Foresters ground was a welcome surprise, but this has been somewhat overshadowed by some recent news which is that a commercial organization is currently parceling up areas of Blunts farm and offering plots for sale. We can assure you that the council’s policy position has not changed: The land is entirely within the Green Belt, and therefore the normal restrictions on

developments apply The areas of land are isolated from the existing built areas of Theydon Bois, and the

services it provides No means of access has been shown to the parcels of land

We were not happy with the process by which some of the roads which were listed for yellow lining were removed from the scheme. It is clear that a full consultation of residents was undertaken but the results of these have not been consistently interpreted by the Highways Authority. We will watch to see if , over the coming weeks and months, this approach will have the desired effect for all the affected residents.

Finally, please do make sure that you return your electoral paper in order to register to vote. District Council Elections will be held next May and there will certainly be a General Election in the coming year.

District Councillor John Philip

[email protected] [email protected]

District Councillor Roland Frankel

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District Councillors Column

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Copped Hall Corner

Sept 5 Fitzwilliam String Quartet

Sept 15 Autumn Garden Workshop

Sept 26 Autumn Garden Workshop

Sept 27 Hugh Rainey Jazz Band

Oct 4 Sunday Evening Lecture -T Bois Village Hall – subject & speaker to be advised later.

Oct 11 Apple Day

Oct 24 Oktoberfest – Eppingen Twinning Association

Nov 15 Sunday Evening Lecture - T Bois Village Hall – subject & speaker to be advised later

Dec 12th, 13th & 19th,20th - Carol Concerts

GENERAL PROGRESS - The reconstruction of the structural shell of the Grand Salon continues with completion planned for December 2009 following which the Salon should be in general use. Fire insulation has now been incorporated in both the floor and ceiling and the windows are being fitted together with their protective shutters. In the grounds, the west end of the causeway is being excavated with the intention of replacing one flight of steps to give access to the lower levels. The area to the north of King Henry’s Walk is being levelled and re seeded with grass to further enhance the immediate area. In the Walled Garden, renovation of the Vine House is continuing. Substantial quantities of vegetables and soft fruit have been grown in the Garden and sold in the Racquets Court Shop during visits and special events; Copped Hall honey is now on sale.

EVENTS - The 2009 events continue to be well supported. The annual spring lecture about the current progress of general restoration, as given by Alan Cox in the Theydon Bois Village Hall, proved as popular as ever. The Garden Workshops and the Drawing Classes continued to be well booked. The Mansion and its gardens continue to be used for many successful and popular artistic events eg. the Felicitas Choral Group, the Miriam Kramer violin recital with pianist David Silkoff, Shakespeare’s A Comedy of Errors, the ERATO Elizabethan Madrigals and Bert Butler’s Jazz Pilgrims Summertime Jazz, the latter was held outdoors and missed being rained out by a only a few hours. The opening of the Gardens (only) on the first Sunday afternoon of each month, continue to be popular. Major events planned for the autumn are the Late Summer Open Day, the Fitzwilliam String Quartet, the Hugh Rainey Jazz Band, Apple Day, Oktoberfest and four Christmas Concerts. Forthcoming events are:

ARCHEOLOGY - The West Essex Archaeology Group has commenced its 2009 dig, under the aegis of the Copped Hall Trust. Tudor, Medieval, Roman and Iron Age finds have been unearthed and some of these items are now displayed in a special archaeological room in the Mansion. Courses for beginners and experienced archaeologists are being held during August.

See the website at for more information including site and garden opening time and tours.

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Theydon Bois Women’s Institute 90th Anniversary Theydon Bois Branch of the Women’s institute had a 90th Anniversary celebration on Wednesday 17th June starting at 2pm in the Village Hall. There was an exhibition of past events with photographs and a copy of the first minutes from 1919, taken before the W.I. was officially formed. There was also a raffle to help boost funds.

Guests attending included Officials from the Essex Federation of W.I.’s, Ann Grigg Vice Chairman of EFDC, the Chairman and Secretary of the Village Association, Sue Jones (Chairman of the Parish Council) and Parish Councillor Jacq Dodman, Presidents of local W.I.’s from Buckhurst Hill, Chingford, Loughton and Epping. Past Presidents and members of the Theydon Group (many now in their 90’s) also managed to attend.

Theydon W.I. President Kay Rush gave a short welcome speech and Julie Alen (Chairman of County W.I.) replied. There was then a toast to the W.I. and all members to be followed by Martyn Harrison who entertained members and guests with songs reminiscent of the last 90 years. The 90th Anniversary cake was cut by Ann Grigg and then sandwiches, cakes, and wine & soft drinks were enjoyed by all while reminiscences were swapped. Each person present received a pen with a T.B.W.I. logo and also a white carnation that can be worn either on a dress or suit to mark the occasion.

L to R: Ann Grigg, Vice Chairman of EFDC cuts the 90th Anniversary cake, Judith Finn (WI Federation), Sue Jones (Parish Council Chairman), Kay Rush (Theydon WI President),

Barbara Ball (WI Federation), Anne Grigg, Doreen Snell (Theydon WI Secretary), Julie Alen (Chairman Essex WI Federation), Theydon WI Treasurer, Cllr. Jacq. Dodman, Mary Leng

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Thurs 3rd Dec 8pm - the Event : AN AUCTION @ THE VILLAGE HALL, T BOIS

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The Gypsy and Traveller situation may have fallen off people's radar locally - it has not gone away and TBAG is the only organisation in the village currently fighting the issue.

TBAG wrote the response to the Consultation on Options: DPP for Gypsies and Travellers in Epping Forest. This response was endorsed by 700 residents, Theydon Bois Parish Council and Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society and represented a joint response from our village.

TBAG has so far incurred expenses of almost £3,000. Along with six other resident groups in the district, as a member of Epping Forest District Residents’ Collective, we have instructed a local solicitor and a barrister with Gypsy and Traveller expertise who helped us with the non site specific answers to the consultation document and who also examined the case for a Judicial Review. We have employed a planning consultant with unparalleled local knowledge who has highlighted sites that have been omitted from the consultation exercise that are, in his opinion, 'as good as' if not 'even better' than those selected by Epping Forest District Council. These sites are mostly located in an area of the district that was originally completely excluded from the consultation as unsuitable because of, amongst other things, a lack of public transport. We have now employed the services of a planning consultant who has Gypsy and Traveller expertise to work alongside the consultant with local knowledge and the barrister. This initiative will incur expenses of a further £1,000. We are requesting that the District Council commits to including, amongst other things, the omitted area of the district into the consultation exercise, however they have so far refused to do this. If the District Council refuses to accept the omitted sites research, the Collective may have to commit to further research which will be onerous and expensive. We believe the original consultation exercise by the District Council is seriously flawed, the consultant employed by them to produce the Consultation on Options has, so far as we can ascertain, not had his contract renewed, and our research highlights the limitations of the whole exercise.

So far, we have had no financial help from any other village body or organisation; most other members of the Collective have been assisted by their respective Parish / Town Councils. We are working closely with residents in the immediate vicinity of our proposed sites who have incurred significant expense between them. However TBAG’s funds are limited and to continue to do our best for your village we need help from you! Focusing on both the site specific objectives and the wider district perspective, as a member of the Collective we feel that we are currently best representing the interests of Theydon Bois - but to continue we need your cash!

We are therefore pleased to announce our second fundraising event. The date: .

If you could donate a ‘lot’ for our auction or pledge a ‘promise’ please email - [email protected] or telephone 07976 222774 for further information. or

telephone 07976 222774 for further information.

In order for Theydon Bois to be professionally represented at an Examination in Public we need your financial support - unfortunately, planning consultants and barristers do not come cheap!


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Theydon Bois Rural Preservation Society The Society would like to congratulate its Secretary Eric Thurston on his

ninetieth birthday in August – a long life filled with many amazing events. (See article on pages 12&13). If you too would like a long life, why not volunteer for one of the two vacancies on our Committee? We can’t offer any guarantees of longevity but you may well find the six meetings a year interesting and useful! Further information from any committee member; see our notice board by the Bull. On Thursday 1 October 2009 at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall there will be an illustrated talk,

Thursday 1st October – John Brown, Regional Development Officer of the Woodland Trust

Theydon Bois & 100 Acre Wood As noted in the last issue the Society was to be represented at the Public Enquiry, starting on 20th October, into the appeal against the refusal of the plan for parking on the Old Foresters site in the Green Belt land behind the station. The applicants have now decided to withdraw their appeal against the refusal and the Enquiry has been cancelled. And finally – by time you read this, the last of our countryside walks will have taken place; they have been well supported by walkers old and new, both local and from afar.


Epping Forest Group of the Alpine Garden Society

Meetings 8 pm Village Hall:

Tuesday 8 September: Hunting for British Orchids -Brian Laney Tuesday 13 October:

Madagascar by David Haselgrove Tuesday 10 November:

The Bernese Oberland by Keith Ballard Tuesday 8 December:

Alpines & bulbs in our Suffolk Garden by Rod Leeds

For further information please contact Keith Ballard, 01992 813231 or [email protected]

Theydon Bois Short Mat Bowls Club

The Theydon Bois Short Mat Bowls Club meets in the Village Hall each week on Wednesday evenings and from 9am until 4pm on Thursdays. Competitions are organised within the club and are very well supported by the members. We are a friendly club meeting throughout the winter

There are vacancies for new members in the Thursday session and we invite you to come along and visit us. We are having an Open Day on Thursday 8th October 10am until 4pm. All you need is a pair of flat shoes or trainers, bowls and tuition will be provided. Further information can be obtained from: Joy Wainwright 01992 813219 or John Field 01992 812684

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Spotlight on Theydon’s Shops & Businesses Quality and Excellence Butchers

Mark and Sarah-Jane opened their first shop in Chigwell, Essex in September 1996. Here they built their trade on Quality Meat with Excellent service. No order too small or too large. In 2001 they moved their shop to leafy Theydon Bois. The reason for this was popularity of their high quality fresh food that led to company expansion. In order to build upon this they started to buy direct from the farmer and thus provide food which apart from the freshness actually tastes real.

Over the past few years Mark and Sarah-Jane have learnt to cook their own hams and, cure and smoke their own bacon. They also make a vast range of award winning sausages & pies and now employ two butchers and a cook who help to satisfy customer requirements. In 2004 Quality and Excellence entered several regional competitions and, to their surprise, won awards. Earlier in 2005 they started selling fruit and vegetables in order to give a total customer service. In 2006 they started selling their award winning pies to other butchers and farm shops in Essex and by 2008 were serving outlets across Hertfordshire, Essex and Cambridgeshire. In November 2008 they applied for European recognition of their products and general business infrastructure. By May of 2009 Quality and Excellence had gained full approval from the food standard agency and local environmental health departments. They are only one of a handful of butchers in Essex to have gained this Award.

Mark and Sarah-Jane pride themselves on serving the public with quality produce from local farmers such as Jonathon Smith of Great Garnets (gold taste award winning pork 2008), James Coe of Layer Marney Lamb and free-range turkeys form Patrick Wreathall of Billericay. All products can be cut and packed to customer’s personal requirements. How ever you choose to have your order cut, it will be done to the highest standard and delivered free of charge to your door at a time which is convenient for you.

Opening Times Tues-Thurs 7am - 5pm

Frid 6am - 5pm Sat 6am - 3.30pm


LADIES BADMINTON CLUB We meet on Monday afternoons in the village hall for badminton, tea and a chat. We would very much appreciate having some new members and if you are, or have been, a badminton player we would love to hear from you. Please phone

Jenny on 813345 for a chat


DANCE CLUB The club is flourishing, strictly come danc-ing has inspired a lot of interest! Also the gentle activity is good for your health. We've expanded our repertoire as the danc-ers have become more proficient, but it's easy to learn and newcomers would be very welcome. New season starts Sept 14th

Ring 01992 812177 for details

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THEYDON GIRLS ARE THE HIGHEST ST.CLARE FUNDRAISING MIDNIGHT WALKERS "The ‘Theydon Girls’ from Theydon Bois did the St Clare Hospice Midnight Walk on Saturday 20th June. The gruelling 10k event was achieved by the Girls in 1hr and 59mins, an improvement on last year’s time of 2hrs and 20mins. It was an amazing evening attended by around 1500 people.

The total figure raised for St. Clare's was in excess of £150,000, a massive achievement and one that exceeded last

year’s figure of around £106,000. The Theydon Girls have exceeded their own target of £2000 and would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supported and sponsored them for this amazing charity serving the people of West Essex, including Theydon Bois." St Clare’s subsequently sent congratulations to Theydon Girls; as they were the highest fundraising group for the 2009 Midnight Walk. With all the donations, registration fees and sponsorship they collected, Theydon Girls raised over £3,100.

News in Brief, Comments & Notices


Our autumn season of Men’s Forum starts on Wednesday 14th October, 2009. We have vacancies for new members and if you are free for a couple of hours on the second and fourth Wednesday of the months October to June then why not join us. We meet at Theydon Bois Baptist Church (rear hall) at about 10.15 am and finish at 12 noon.

Our selected and enjoyable talks given by invited guests take place in a very friendly atmosphere. If you would like to know more about the Men’s Forum then please give Harry Memory a call on 01992 812696. Our speakers for the next season are as follows:

14th October 2009 - A Corporate Look at the London Underground” Speaker: Mike Ashworth

25th November 2009 - “Introduction to Windmills and Watermills of Essex” Speaker: Geoff Wood

28th October 2009 - “Artists of Epping Forest District” Speaker: Tony O’Connor

9th December 2009 - “Haven House Hospice” Speaker: Natalie Perry

11th November 2009 - “Men’s Forum Marks Remembrance Day” The Members

Saturday 24th October 2009 - London Walk-Lea Valley and Olympic Site Led by: Peter Lawrence

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News in Brief, Comments & Notices

Theydon Bois Music Society's New Season

The Music Society has announced their 2009/10 Season of Concerts. Concerts start at 8pm on the second Thursday of the

month. The Annual Subscription of the Music Society costs £45.00 (All 8 Concerts and other meetings). All are welcome to join; visitors are especially welcome and may pay at the door (£8.00). If you would like further information please see the Village Web Site (clubs & societies) or contact the Secretary, Doreen Snell. Tel: 01992 812645.

Concerts for 2009

(for 2010 see the Village Website or the next edition of Village News

Ode to a Bus Shelter

Our bus shelter is here at last, So no more standing in an icy blast. And there are seats inside you see, With plenty of room for you and me. When we travel to Loughton town, We won’t mind if it’s pouring down, And with our pass it’s free to go. Through sun or rain or even snow! Or, if to Debden, we should go There are big shops there we do know We can sit inside and have a chat Do you know this? Have you heard that? Parish Council, thanks very much, You’ve shown you have the common touch And Tony Purkiss here’s to you For taking the time to see it through!!

Sheila Gymer

Sept 10th Duo, Violin & Piano

Oct 8th Rob Hunter - Piano & Ingelise Parsons - Soprano

Nov 12th Amici Trio: Miriam Kramer - Violin, David Silkoff Piano & Susan Cooper - Cello.

Dec 10th Rachel & Ken Bartles. Harp & Flute.


Tartuffe by Moliere

October 29th - 31st

Theydon Bois Village Hall

“ A clever, funny, play telling the story of a rich man, Orgon, who takes a fake

religious Guru Tartuffe into his home, is seduced by his piety into offering his

daughter’s hand in marriage and turning over his property to him! – but will he

finally be unmasked?!’

Box Office 812250

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 33

News in Brief, Comments & Notices

Theydon Bois Golf Club & Theydon Lodge

The members of Theydon Lodge in conjunction with Theydon Bois Golf Club have organised a “Phil Speller Memorial Golf Tournament” which will be held at the club on Friday 16th October 2009. Phil

Speller , a Past Master at Theydon Lodge, was only 56 yrs old when he was struck down by a sudden fatal heart attach in 2008. Funds raised will be donated in Phil’s memory to Haven House Children’s Hospice. Teams of 4 will participate in the competition for the overall team prize as well as individual trophies for a variety of other challenges. Entry fee is £50 per person and will include a celebration dinner in the evening. Non-golfing participants are invited to attend the dinner at a cost of £25, Further details from Paul Davies 07961 047719. .

Theydon Youth have been running for over six months now and we are continuing to grow. We recently took some members on a bike ride to High Beech where we played some team games before heading back to Theydon. During the Summer Holidays we had a ‘Fun Day’ where members were able to learn Double Dutch Skipping and Circus Skills. Theydon Youth will be back open weekly from Tuesday 8th September 7pm till 9pm. Children living in Theydon Bois attending secondary school are welcome. Membership is free and admission is only 50p each week, For the time being we are still based at St Mary’s Church Hall but are looking forward to being able to move into the Youth Club Building in the near future.

If you would like more information on membership or volunteering as a

helper please e-mail [email protected]

Cllr Purkiss & Sheila Gymer by our new bus shelter, installed August 2009

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 34

Provision for the Elderly Panel

Theydon Security is still very much in business

In a news item of 19th May and the April 'Month in Theydon' reports (both now corrected) the Village Website appeared to suggest that Theydon Security was no longer in business 'ceased trading' rather than just no longer trading from the Forest Drive premises. Theydon Security is still very much in business and continues to provide the Village CCTV system and a full range of security services to all commercial and residential customers. You can contact Theydon Security - Tim Penegar - Telephone : 01992 815446 Mobile: 07715 538417

The Parish Council is delighted to announce that the Elderly Tea Party held on Friday 24th July was a resounding success. It was well attended by around 25 elderly and not so mobile villagers and their carers and they all had a fantastic time (see pictures opposite).

They enjoyed home baked cakes by Cllrs. Berry, Jones and Sowerby and refreshments, as well as joining in our ‘Name that Face’ quiz, courtesy of Councillor Mike Emmett (pictured left).Sally Crone, Eleanor Dodman and Liz Emmett also contributed to the success of the event.

The afternoon was also supported by Voluntary Action Epping Forest. Mr Patrick Arnold, Assistant Chief Officer, Mrs Julie Bristow, Befriending Project Co-ordinator and Mrs Chris McEwen Mow and Grow Gardening Project Administrator explained in detail about some of the support services offered to people in the community – from gardening, to security, to friendship services. Elderly residents are very keen to utilise the services of the Mow and Grow Gardening project and consequently volunteers are always welcome, please call VAEF on 01992 564592 if you can help. At the end of the afternoon, we asked our guests to complete our questionnaire. The

results were very positive – and they would definitely like us to run a similar event in the future.

Our next ‘Tea Party’ will be on 20th November at the Village Hall from 3-5pm.

If you would like to come and have tea with us please call Sally or Greville at the Parish Office, 01992813442 to book your place and a space on the bus if you need a lift to the Village Hall.

Provision for the Elderly Panel Cllrs. Jacq Dodman, Jenny Berry,

Mike Emmett, Sue Jones & Sue Sowerby

Which one is Mike?

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Village News Issue 67 September 2009 Page 36

Copy for Village News & Website Send to Sally Crone, Parish Clerk, Parish Office

Theydon Bois Village Hall, Phone & Fax 01992 813442 or email - [email protected]


7th Sept One-2-One Parish Council Surgery - V Hall 5.30-7pm - also 5 Oct, 2 Nov & 7 Dec

12th Sept St Marys Church Open Day

16th Sept W.I. - “A Walk with Admiral” , Mr Richard Thomas - Village Hall

19th Sept Horticultural Society - Outing to Hever Castle

24th Sept Parish Council Open Meeting - Village Hall

1st Oct Rural Preservation Society - Illustrated Talk V Hall 8pm

3rd Oct Litter Pick - meet Village Hall 9am-please come & keep our village tidy-also 7 Nov & 5 Dec

3rd Oct Jeff Short Big Band - V Hall - Hollywood meets Broadway - tickets 01245 450450

15th Oct Horticultural Society - V Hall -Talk - Autumn & Winter Gardens & Pumpkin Competition

29-31 Oct Drama Society - Classical Comedy “Tartuffe” - tickets from Carol James 812250

7th Nov St Clare Hospice - Quiz V Hall - Tickets from Marion Oliver 812042

8th Nov Annual Service of Remembrance - War Memorial - 10.45 am

11th Nov Theydon Masonic Lodge - Meeting at Loughton Masonic Hall - details [email protected]

19th Nov Horticultural Society - AGM & Talk - 3 Weeks in Canada

20th Nov Parish Council “Elderly Panel - Tea Party - V Hall - see pages 34/35

26th Nov Parish Council Open Meeting - Village Hall

29th Nov T Bois Friends of Cancer Research - Carols Concert St Johns Church Epping 8pm

3rd Dec TBAG Fundraising Auction 8pm - Village Hall

various Theydon Bois Men’s Forum - see page 31 Copped Hall - see page 27

various Epping Forest Alpine Garden Society - page 30 Music Society Concerts - see page 32

If you would like your event included in the forthcoming events section either in Village News or the Village Web-Site please notify the Parish Clerk by phone or e-mail as per the contact details below. Entries for the Village

News diary must be received by the relevant copy date and are NOT automatically rolled over to the next diary. Onus is therefore on the organiser to re-confirm for the next Village News.

Village News Sponsors - James Sear Estate Agents, Theydon Bois Pharmacy, Theydon Bois Balti House, Indian Ocean, Theydon Bois Dentists, AND Technology Research - see pages 14 & 15

Village News

Edited & Produced by Tony Ames e-mail

[email protected]

Village Website

Edited & Produced by Jim Watts e-mail

[email protected]

Village Activities 2009