Vigilance a Management Tool




Transcript of Vigilance a Management Tool

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ByD.S. Mishra

CVO, AAINIAMAR: 09.02.09

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To achieve highest standards of safety and quality in air traffic services and airport management by

providing state-of-the- art infrastructure for total customer satisfaction, contributing to economic

growth and prosperity of the nation.


To be a world-class organization providing leadership in air traffic services and airport management &

making a major hub in Asia Pacific region by 2016.

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What is Vigilance?

Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘Vigilant’ as keeping careful watch to avoid possible danger or difficulties.

For example, parents keep a watch over young children to avoid any untoward incident or accident.

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What is Vigilance?(Contd.)

‘Vigilance’ in the context of an organization means:

Keeping a watchful eye on the activities of the Unit’s personnel

and taking prompt action to promote ethical practices and ensure

integrity and honesty in the official transactions.

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Why Vigilance?• There are individuals who indulge in unethical

activities of getting personal gains at the cost of the organization.

• Such persons infect others leading to wastes, losses and economic decline.

• Their acts damage the image and goodwill of the organization.

• Hence, to rein such persons mis- endeavours and promote organizational interest, vigilance is required.

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Why Vigilance?(contd.)

Vigilance helps in:• Enhancing the image of the organization;• Promoting culture of honesty & integrity;• Reducing wastages/ leakages;• Improving productivity;• Ascertaining accountability;• Increasing transparency and fairness;• Protecting honest performers; • Disciplining the wrong-doers; and • Striving for zero tolerance to corruption.

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Where Vigilance?Vigilance is essential everywhere. However, a

focused attention is required where, • Officials have high discretions;• There is scope for jumping the queue;• Rules/ procedures are complex;• Accountability is low;• Delay in decision making is detrimental;• Opportunities to negotiate exist; and• Individuals are prone to corruption.

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What is Vigilance Angle?• Demanding and/ or accepting gratification for an

official act or influencing others;• Obtaining valuables without consideration/ with

inadequate consideration from someone in official dealing directly/ indirectly;

• Obtaining himself or for others valuables or pecuniary benefits by corrupt or illegal means or by abusing power;

• Possession of assets disproportionate to income;• Misappropriation, forgery or cheating etc; and• Other irregularities, which cast doubt on integrity.

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How Vigilance?

• Preventive Vigilance, that includes simplifying rules/ procedures; curtailing discretions; improving transparency, fairness, competitiveness and accountability; promoting awareness among clients; educating/ sensitizing the officials through workshops, seminars and training programmes; and posting officials of clean integrity on sensitive posts.

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How vigilance?(Contd.)

• Reactive Vigilance, that involves carrying out investigation and taking punitive action by initiating disciplinary/ criminal proceedings against the corrupt officials.

• Surveillance and Detective Vigilance, that entails conducting surprise inspections; scrutinizing Annual Property Returns; and cultivating other sources for detecting corruption entrepreneurs to ensure clean functioning in the organization.

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What is Corruption?Use of public office for private gains.

-World Bank

Corruption = Mystification + Discretion

- Accountability

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How to Curb Corruption?• Identify complex rules/ procedures & simplify;• Assist in curtailing discretions;• Enhance transparency & fairness in action;• Follow rules & regulations and record reasons

for deviations, if any;• Maintain devotion to duty, high level of

integrity and commitment to Authority;• Facilitate promotion of ethical culture; and• Help in creating corruption free environment.

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What to be Ensured?Fundamental elements to ensure corruption-free delivery:

• Accountability;• Competition;• Transparency;• Fairness;• Avoid Discretion;• Simplification; and• Timeliness.

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Is Vigilance a Management Tool?

Yes,• Vigilance helps in improving efficiency and

effectiveness of the personnel and the organization;

• Vigilance boosts clean business transactions, professionalism, productivity, promptness, ethical practices and impartiality; and

• Vigilance assists in systemic improvements to curb opportunities for corruption.

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Do Not be Afraid of Vigilance

Vigilance does not harass any personnel but helps the management in improving the system and work environment through following actions:•Protecting the honest personnel;•Encouraging whistle blowers;•Doing justice to the person who takes wrong decision in business interest with no mala-fide;•Initiating action against corrupt officials; and •Creating ethical and healthy work culture.

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Corporate Vigilance Directorate

• Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) heads the Corporate Vigilance Directorate (CVD) and is appointed by the Central Government with the concurrence of CVC. His office is at Corporate Head Quarters, New Delhi .

• GM(Vig) and other Vigilance Officers are mainly deputed from various wings of AAI.

• CVD has the responsibility of maintaining probity, honesty and integrity in the organization.

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Vigilance Organization

• Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is the apex body constituted by the government to exercise general superintendence and control over vigilance matters.

• Chief Technical Examiner’s Organization (CTEO) is the technical wing of CVC.

• Central Bureau of Investigation(CBI) is the prime investigation agency constituted by Central Government for investigating special crimes and corruption cases.

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How to Contact?CVC:

CVO: aai/vigilance


Email: [email protected]

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Corruption Perception Index (CPI)*Rank Country 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

1 Denmark 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.31 Finland 9.7 9.6 9.6 9.4 9.0

1New Zealand 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.4 9.3

20 USA 7.5 7.6 7.3 7.2 7.346 Bhutan     6.0 5.0 5.272 India 2.8 2.9 3.3 3.5 3.472 Brazil 3.9 3.7 3.3 3.5 3.572 China 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.694 Sri Lanka 3.5 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.2131 Nepal 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.7138 Pakistan 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5162 Bangladesh 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.1179 Somalia       1.4 1.0

* Prepared by Transparency International (Source: means most honest and CPI=0 menas most corrupt.

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Corruption Perception Index RankCOUNTRY 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008Finland 1 1 2 1 1 5Denmark 3 3 4 4 1 1New Zealand 3 2 2 1 1 1Iceland 2 1 1 1 6 7USA 18 17 17 20 20 18Bhutan       32 46 45India 83 90 88 70 72 85China 66 71 78 70 72 72Brazil 54 59 62 70 72 80Sri Lanka 66 67 78 84 94 92Nepal   90 117 125 131 121Pakistan 92 129 144 142 138 134Bangladesh 133 145 158 156 162 147Somalia         179 180No. of Countries 133 146 159 163 179 180 * Prepared by Transparency International (Source:

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• On this earth there is enough for every ones need but not for their greed. M.K. Gandhi

• No legacy is as rich as honesty. Shakespeare

• Knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. Samuel Johnson

• Even when there is no law there is conscience. Annonymous

Some Inspiring Quotes

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Some Inspiring Quotes(Contd.)

• Do not do what you would undo if caught. Leah Arendt

• An honest man is the noblest work of god.

Alexander Pope

• The wealth earned through pious means flourishes, and that through dishonest ways brings destruction ultimately.

Atharva Veda

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Some Inspiring Quotes(Contd.)

• He is most free from danger, who, even when safe, is on his guard.

Publilius Syrus

• Where vigilance creeps in, corruption jumps out.


• Bright future awaits the honest, shady past haunts the corrupt.


• The inevitable becomes intolerable, the moment it is perceived as no more inevitable.

Alexender de Tocqueville

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