worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael...

GATHERING * indicates an invitation to rise in body or in spirit bold indicates the responses of the congregation the paschal candle is lit before people enter Welcome & Announcements include: the elements today are bread and wine Announcements ending with musical rehearsal (if needed) Michael Bourgeois welcomes Jennifer and Mark, the latter with the gift of tobacco Michael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship: Territorial Acknowledgement [on screen] Creator, as we come together, gathered on this land, keep us mindful of the covenants that have been broken with First Nations Peoples. Be with us as we strive to make right with all our relations. Amen. + silence + Gathering Prayer [on screen]Be Not Afraid. KAIROS 40 th Anniversary Worship Guide 1

Transcript of worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael...

Page 1: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:


* indicates an invitation to rise in body or in spiritbold indicates the responses of the congregation

the paschal candle is lit before people enterWelcome & Announcements include: the elements today are bread and wine Announcements ending with musical rehearsal (if needed) Michael Bourgeois welcomes Jennifer and Mark, the latter with the gift of

tobacco Michael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we

prepare for worship:

Territorial Acknowledgement [on screen]Creator, as we come together,gathered on this land,keep us mindful of the covenants that have been broken with First Nations Peoples. Be with us as we strive to make right with all our relations.Amen.

+ silence +

Gathering Prayer [on screen] Be Not Afraid. KAIROS 40th Anniversary Worship Guide[student leader] Gather us, O God, into a community that sets us free.

Free our minds and hearts from greed; release our hands and voices from the chains of despair or indifference.

Gather us, O God, 1

Page 2: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:

into a renewed vision of a great community, a community which shares its pain and its joys, its gifts and its treasures equally among all.

Gather us, O God, into a new joy at your wondrous creation,

and a deep respect for all the good gifts that you offer us.

Gather us, O God, into a time of reflection,

between memory and hope, between a strong past and an unknown future.

In this time of gathering in community, hear our prayers, guide our thoughts, and inspire our actions. In Christ’s name we pray,


* Opening Hymn: “This your Love, So Fills My Soul” Words: Susan Beaver, 2012 Tune: I Am Weary Let Me Rest

[on song sheet]

1. Holy God, our faithful witnessto the tears that take their toll.How I pray to you while knowing:This, your love so fills my soul.

2. Looking on your sweet creationI see anger, fear and pain.People lost, so torn and lonely.How can we bear this again?

3. Broken lives and broken spiritsshattered on this bleak cold day.Warm our homes with loving kindness;by your light we'll see our way.

4. You give life in ev'ry moment.It's to you I give my praise.Even when I cannot feel you,you are there in all your ways.

5. Holy God, our faithful witnessto the tears that take their toll.How I pray to you while knowing:This, your love so fills my soul.This, your love so fills my soul.

be seated for:2

Page 3: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:

Prayer of Confession [on screen; student leader]Please join me in a Prayer of Confession:

We have strived to be courageous;we have tried to find your way; But there are . . . times when we have confused our truths with yours;times when we have remained divided;times when our privileges have turned us inward;times when in doing justice we have failed to be just.

Hear our repentance for what we have done.Hear our lament for what we have left undone. Hear our cry for you.

Limitless God, startle us with your forgiveness; convict us with love, that we might be renewed to your service. In Christ Jesus, we pray. Amen

* The PeaceThe Peace of Christ be with you. And also with youwe exchange signs of peace and reconciliation

Song: Tu eres amor [seated; see song sheet] Spanish, French, Cree, Spanish


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Old Testament: Micah 6:1-8 [read by Susie]The word of God.

Thanks be to God.

Sung Gospel: [seated] MV 112 “Amen, Amen, It Shall Be So” (Mathew 5:3-10)

Sermon: “What Does God Require of Us?” [Jennifer]


Prayers of the People [2 student voices] New Zealand Prayer Book (alt.)


Page 5: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:

1. Loving God, you cause rain to fall on the just and the unjust. Hear our prayers: for the hungry and the overfed,

2. may we have enough;1. for the mourners and the mockers,

2. may we laugh together;1. for the victims and the oppressors,

2. may we share power wisely;1. for the peacemakers and the warmongers,

2. may clear truth and stern love lead us to harmony;1. for the silenced and the propagandists,

2. may we speak our own words in truth;1. for the unemployed and the overworked,

2. may our mark on this earth be kindly and creative;1. for the troubled and the secure,

2. may we live together as wounded healers;1. for the homeless and the pampered,

2. may our homes be simple, warm, and welcoming;1. for the vibrant and the dying,

2. may we all die to sin and live to love. 1. and for all those concerns we name now, aloud or in silence. . . .

[wait for community contributions first; add, if needed]

2. for Lawrence and his family, with thanksgiving that his surgery went well, and with prayers of healing and hope for him, Helen, Geovanna, Shalom, his church, and his circle of support . . . .

1. for those grieving and traumatized in L’Isle-Verte, Quebec. . . .2. for the people of Syria; the Ukraine; Palestine and Israel . . . .

1. We gather these and all our prayers in the strong and tender name of Jesus. Amen.


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* Communion Hymn: VU 460 “All Who Hunger”

Great ThanksgivingThe Lord be with you.

And also with you.Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Great Spirit, from the depths of our hearts we give you thanks. We give our thanks, now and forever!

From the place of the rising sun in the East, to the South where the warm winds blow,

from the West where the soft rain comes, to the coldness of the North - Thank you. Thank you!

We unite with all creation from the four directions to join in everlasting thanksgiving and praise for the gift of your son, Jesus Christ.

With hearts lifted, we join with the angels, the guardian spirits, the saints, and all our ancestors as we sing:

[VU 944; words also on screen]Holy, holy, holy, holy – holy, holy is our God! God of earth and God of heaven, holy, holy is our God! Holy, holy, holy, holy – holy, holy is our God! God of all and God of history, holy, holy is our God!

O Great Spirit, Our Creator, from whom all holiness comes,


Page 7: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:

once again, we, your poor servants, come before you. Just as in generations past, like our grandfathers and grandmothers,

we come to worship you and acknowledge your greatness. We marvel at your creation.

You sent the Living Word, the Word of our Life and Creation, to live among us, to become one of us, because people had turned away from you and no longer lived in your love in the communion of Creation, bringing death and destruction to all.

Sharing our living and dying, Jesus opened our eyes and our hearts to understand that we are all relatives and that you, our Creator, are the source and being of all Creation.

In his life, death, and resurrection he begins the reconciliation of life. Stretching out his arms upon the Cross,

Jesus became the perfect offering for all, uniting in beauty all that is, with all that ever will be.

On the night he was handed over to suffering and death, our Lord Jesus Christ took bread; and when he had given thanks to you, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, "Take, eat, this is my body which is given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me."

After supper he took the cup of wine; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them and said, "Drink this, all of you. This is my blood, shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of me."

Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith:

[VU 944; words on screen]Christ has died and Christ is risen, Jesus Christ will come again! Reconciling all creation is a Love that never ends! (x 2)

In this ceremony that Jesus gave us, we celebrate our salvation.


Page 8: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:

In our offering of praise and thanks, we stand in the memory, strength, and love of his death, resurrection, and ascension.

Remembering him, we make our offering, and look for his return.

By your Holy Spirit, make our gifts holy, so that they may be spiritual food and drink.

Make us holy, so that we may respectfully receive this feast and serve you in each other.

In the resurrection of Jesus, the resurrection of life, we stand now, surrounded by heavenly beings, Mary, the mother of God, Blessed John the Baptist, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha of the Mohawks and all the saints of Turtle Island. With these, with the community of creation, and with the heavenly community of spiritual beings we give you eternal praise and worship.

We marvel as we see the unity of all things restored in your Son, the reconciliation of life. May we also be this unity and live as relatives to all.

All this we ask through your Son, Jesus Christ. By him, and with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honour and glory is yours, Great Spirit and Creator, now and forever. Amen.

[VU 944; words on screen]In the Body and the Spirit, let the people say Amen! With a feast of love and justice, let the people say Amen! (x 2)

The Lord’s Prayer in the language of your tradition or culture

Communion: 2 stations, 2 student servers with Mark and Jennifer

Music During Communion: [words also on screen, for use during communion]


Page 9: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:

MV 201 “I Am the Bread of Life”I am the Bread of life broken for the worldI am the cup poured out for all.Those who believe in me will never die, I am the life of the world.

MV 202 “Bread for the Journey” Bread for the journey, food for the way. Cup of God’s blessing, tomorrow, today.

Prayer after Communion: [in unison] Book of Alternative ServicesGod of tender care,in this eucharist we celebrate your lovefor us and for all people.May we show your love in our livesand know its fulfillment in your presence.We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.


* Hymn: (see next page) “Living Justice”


Page 10: worshipwithemmanuel.caworshipwithemmanuel.ca/.../Jan-29-Service-Leaders.docx · Web viewMichael invites all to join in a prayer of Territorial Acknowlegement as we prepare for worship:

* Blessing and Sending Forth [Mark]

[instrumental Going Forth music: VU 944 Santo, Santo, Santo]