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SSUSH 16 & 17 Name:__________________________ 1) The Red Scare following World War I was caused primarily by A) the influenza outbreak. B) fear of airborne diseases. C) the actions of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy. D) fear of communist infiltration of the United States. 2) Why is the Harlem Renaissance of major importance in American History? A) The government finally passed a law banning slavery. B) The area of New York was rebuilt after a devastating fire. C) It finally gave much needed jobs to African-Americans during the Great Migration. D) It brought the African-American experience into the cultural conscious of the country. 3) How did the automobile impact the American landscape? A) Houses were built with the inclusion of garages. B) The automobile led to the construction of paved roads. C) Rural families could travel to cities for entertainment. D) More people were able to make a living through agriculture. 4) The most popular form of mass entertainment following World War I was A) radio. B) television. C) Broadway shows. D) Netflix. 5) As car production became more efficient, cars became more affordable for American families. One result of this increase in automobile ownership was

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SSUSH 16 & 17 Name:__________________________

1) The Red Scare following World War I was caused primarily by A) the influenza outbreak. B) fear of airborne diseases. C) the actions of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy. D) fear of communist infiltration of the United States.

2) Why is the Harlem Renaissance of major importance in American History? A) The government finally passed a law banning slavery. B) The area of New York was rebuilt after a devastating fire. C) It finally gave much needed jobs to African-Americans during the Great Migration. D) It brought the African-American experience into the cultural conscious of the country.

3) How did the automobile impact the American landscape? A) Houses were built with the inclusion of garages. B) The automobile led to the construction of paved roads. C) Rural families could travel to cities for entertainment. D) More people were able to make a living through agriculture.

4) The most popular form of mass entertainment following World War I was A) radio. B) television. C) Broadway shows. D) Netflix.

5) As car production became more efficient, cars became more affordable for American families. One result of this increase in automobile ownership was A) greater population density in central cities. B) growth of suburban areas around urban centers. C) increased production of coal in the United States. D) increased dependence on railroads for the transport of goods.

6) What international crisis was a major factor in the "First Red Scare" in the United States in the early 20th century? A) the Russian Revolution B) the end of World War II C) the Spanish American War D) the construction of the Berlin Wall

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7) Louis Armstrong rose to fame in the 1920s as a(n) A) actor. B) author. C) jazz musician. D) baseball player.

8) Which event is the BEST example of the growing anti-immigrant sentiment that spread throughout the United States in the 1920s? A) the Scopes Trial B) the "Gentlemen's Agreement" C) the passage of the Volstead Act D) the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

9) During the Harlem Renaissance, Jamaican Marcus Garvey advocated for African Americans to A) move back to Africa. B) embrace white culture. C) adopt the methods of Booker T. Washington. D) protest outside the White House for equal rights.

10) "Tin Pan Alley" refers to A) American architectural styles of the 1920s. B) a literature movement in the 1930s American south. C) the state of urban decay during the Great Depression. D) the popular music industry controlled by New York City.

11) The Apollo Theater's GREATEST influence was during the A) Lost Generation. B) Second Great Awakening. C) Harlem Renaissance. D) Counterculture Movement.

12) The price of a Ford Model T dropped in the years after it was first introduced in 1908. One of the reasons for this was A) the Great Depression drove down all prices. B) a reduction in wages paid to nonunion workers. C) the lack of competition from other automakers. D) improved manufacturing techniques, including improvements in the assembly line.

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Which of these is the BEST explanation for the declining percentage of foreign-born people in the United States between 1910 and 1940? A) declining U.S. birth rate B) improved economic conditions in Europe during the 1920s C) more restrictive immigrations policies in the United States D) post World War II conditions in both Europe and the United States

14)· African-American poet· “The Weary Blues”· Harlem RenaissanceAll of these are describing what author? A) Langston Hughes B) Louis Armstrong C) Georgia O'Keefe D) William Faulkner

15) In the 1920s, the ___ industry replaced the railroad industry as the country's more vital and important industry. A) Automobile B) Construction C) Steel D) Weapons

16) Which event in history is seen by many people as the beginning of the Great Depression? A) the Stock Market Crash of 1929 B) the beginning of the Dust Bowl C) the end of fighting in World War I D) the creation of the Federal Reserve

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17) An obvious defect in the United States' banking system that was exposed during the Great Depression was A) excessive government regulation of banks. B) the federal government's ownership of banks. C) an excessive amount of currency in circulation. D) the lack of protection for funds deposited by individuals in banks.

18) Which of these is the BEST description of the photograph below? A) shantytowns in which homeless families lived during the Great Depression B) housing projects associated with poverty and were constructed in urban areas C) the first planned suburbs which were developed in the period after World War I D) nickname for the department of Housing and Urban Development during the New Deal


Which U.S. President were slums such as the one in the picture above named after? A) Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Herbert Hoover C) Calvin Coolidge D) Warren G. Harding

20) During the Great Depression drought and soil erosion contributed to an environmental catastrophe referred to the Dust Bowl. Of the states listed, which was MOST affected by this regional disaster? A) Ohio B) Alabama C) Michigan D) Oklahoma

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21) Which of these was NOT a cause of the worldwide depression of 1920s and 1930s? A) Banks made unsound loans. B) An increase in international trade. C) Over-speculation in the U.S. stock market. D) Worker's wages did not keep pace with production.

22) Prior to the Great Depression, basic industries, such as the railroad industry, barely made a profit. Why was the railroad industry not as profitable as it had been? A) Production costs had increased. B) More consumers wanted trains to be faster. C) Labor unions orchestrated many strikes that crippled travel. D) New forms of transportation were in competition with railroads.

23) Which of these was a result of the Great Depression? A) the elimination of the American business cycle B) the reduction of the power of the Democratic party C) an increase in the percent of people engaged in agriculture D) government safeguards were established to avoid future depressions

24)Unstable economyOverproduction of agriculture productsInstability of the Stock MarketTight monetary policy of the Federal ReserveAll of these items led directly to what event? A) World War I B) The Roaring 20s C) Great Depression D) Baby Boom Generation

25) By 1920, both textile and agriculture faced growing economic problems due to A) speculation. B) overproduction. C) prohibition. D) war with Germany.

26) Due to massive unemployment during the Great Depression A) Americans voters elected new Presidential leadership. B) a Constitutional amendment banning alcohol was passed. C) the United States went to war to stimulate the economy. D) the federal government ordered the states to create more jobs.

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This photograph was MOST associated with which of these issues? A) Families losing their homes as a result of the Dust Bowl. B) Families losing their savings as a result of the stock market crash. C) Families losing their jobs as a result of under-consumption of goods. D) Families sending their children to live with relatives due to unemployment.

28) As a result of the Dust Bowl, most "Okies" who headed to California were A) able to find minimum wage jobs and purchase land. B) urged to leave and found it difficult to make a living. C) were given government land to resettle if they agreed to stay for five years. D) driven from California and settled in Canada until after the Great Depression.

29) Which fact would you select to support the statement that "the majority of Americans blamed President Hoover for the Great Depression"? A) President Hoover carried the New England region in the Election of 1932. B) Franklin Roosevelt carried forty-two states in the Election of 1932, compared to six states carried by Hoover. C) President Hoover expanded civil service coverage of Federal positions, and canceled private oil leases on government lands. D) Hoover was responsible for the creation of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to provide government-secured loans to financial institutions, railroads and farmers.

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Based on the information in the chart, how did the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act negatively affect the international economy? A) Imported goods increased in value over time. B) More people demanded cheap, foreign goods and ignored local products. C) Fewer people bought foreign goods, causing international trade to decease. D) Consumers wanted goods from exotic places rather than their own countries.

31) In 1935, the elderly, physically disabled, and orphans began receiving government benefits following the passage of the A) Welfare Act. B) Medicare Act. C) Medicaid Act. D) Social Security Act.

32) The Neutrality Acts (1936-1939) held that the United States A) would stay out of World War I. B) would try to prevent a war in Europe. C) would stay out of European discussions to contain Hitler. D) would not sell war material nor give loans to any nation at war.

33) · Signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935 · Created to support retirees over the age of sixty-five · Also created unemployment insurance and welfare programs

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· Workers and employers fund it by paying payroll taxes

All of these are describing which New Deal program? A) Medicare B) Social Security Act C) National Recovery Act D) Fair Labor Standards Act

34) This political cartoon from 1933 is suggesting that President Roosevelt A) was a main cause of the Great Depression. B) cannot conquer the issues of the country. C) has many problems facing him as the new President. D) does not want to be the President of the United States.

35) The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), NRA (National Recovery Administration) , and CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) were created in the early 1930s and are MOST associated with the A) New Deal. B) Populist Era. C) Progressive Era. D) Prohibition Era.

36) The purpose of the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) was A) to insure bank deposits in the United States. B) to provide job opportunities in national parks. C) to reduce farm surpluses and raise agricultural profits. D) provide electrical power to an underdeveloped region of the U.S.

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37) The cartoon from 1933 is expressing the belief that A) FDR's programs are straying too far from American ideals. B) the New Deal is succeeding in ending the Great Depression. C) the New Deal was a failure in ending the Great Depression. D) FDR needs to try to use some of the ideas created by Karl Marx.

38) The Wagner Act- also known as the National Labor Relations Act (1935)- created this agency who had the responsibility and power to investigate and decide on charges of unfair labor practices. A) Wagner Committee B) Department of Labor C) Sherman Antitrust Board D) National Labor Relations Board

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39) Which statement BEST describes the message of this political cartoon? A) The New Deal does not work. B) The United States is doomed. C) Hoover refused to run for reelection. D) Roosevelt must fix the country's problems.

40) The Judiciary Reorganization Bill of 1937 - often called the "Court-Packing Bill" - is notable in FDR's New Deal because it A) suggested that aging Supreme Court Justices be forced to retire. B) was the first of his bills to ever make it out committee in Congress. C) created a Federal court system that would eliminate the Supreme Court. D) showed that FDR's conservative opponents could effectively block his proposals.

41) FDR is credited with increasing federal government in an attempt to relieve the Great Depression by A) overriding Congress and suspending all income taxes. B) cutting government agencies and reducing federal spending. C) creating many new agencies and implementing new legislation such as the Social Security Act. D) creating the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and loaning money to banks and railroad companies.

42)"Every Man a King" Speechby Huey Long

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"It is not the difficulty of the problem which we have; it is the fact that the rich people of this country -- and by rich people I mean the super-rich -- will not allow us to solve the problems, or rather the one little problem that is afflicting this country, because in order to cure all of our woes it is necessary to scale down the big fortunes, that we may scatter the wealth to be shared by all of the people."Huey Long's concerns are describing the problems faced by the country during which of these eras? A) Cold War B) World War I C) World War II D) Great Depression

43) Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt is a symbol of women's activism because A) she voted for the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution. B) she was a spokesperson for the United Nations. C) she supported the abolitionist movement. D) she was drafted into the armed services.

44) This editorial cartoon from February of 1937 relates to an issue that have had the BIGGEST impact on which of these? A) the Judicial Branch B) the Hoover Presidency C) the Agricultural Adjustment Act D) the Social Security Administration

45) The "Manhattan Project" was the code name for the A) U.S. plan to invade Japan. B) German use of jet aircraft. C) Allied plan to invade Europe. D) U.S. plans to make an atomic bomb.

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46) President Franklin Roosevelt said that December 7, 1941, would "live in infamy" because on that day A) Germany invaded Poland. B) Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. C) France was invaded by Germany. D) Japan invaded the Philippines.

47) President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945 because A) he believed it would convince Hitler to surrender. B) it was the last hope the U.S. had of winning the war. C) Congress would not fund an invasion of the Japanese mainland. D) it would prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths that an invasion of Japan would cause.

48) In the Spring of 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law a bill which allowed him to sell, loan, or give war material to countries for their defense against Axis forces. This bill was known as the A) Lend-Lease Act. B) Pearl Harbor Act C) European Recovery Program. D) Destroyers for Bases Agreement.

49) Most of the people in the internment camps in the United States during World War II were A) German-Americans. B) African-Americans. C) Italian-Americans. D) Japanese-Americans.

50) The Battle of Midway was significant in World War II because it marked the end of A) the Japanese assault on China. B) the German advance into France. C) the Japanese eastward advance in the Pacific. D) the German bombing of British population centers.

51) What early civil rights leader proposed a “March on Washington” in 1941 to protest racial discrimination in the armed forces? A) A. Philip Randolph B) Frederick Douglass C) Martin Luther King, Jr. D) Martin Luther King, Sr.

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52) This photograph depicts women learning welding in the 1940s. It shows that women A) had achieved educational equality. B) were not allowed into academic institutions. C) were needed for the war effort in World War II. D) were treated as second-class citizens in America.

53)Which letter represents the decade in which the United States was involved in World War II?A)B)C)D)

54) Neutrality Acts (1935 - 1939) Cash and Carry Policy (September 1939) Lend-Lease Act (March 1941)

What would be the BEST title of the list? A) "World War I: Establishing a Peace" B) "World War I: Fighting Along the Western Front" C) "World War II: From Isolationism to Involvement" D) "World War II: The United States Ends the Fighting"