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Heat and Power Engineering

Classification code of education 475221



Riga, 2006


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1. Decision of the decision-making institution of the educational establishment


2. Licence for the syllabus 33. Action in case the syllabus is cancelled 34. Description of the syllabus 45. Methodological (didactic) provision 76. Organisation of seminars, studies, practices and writing bachelor’s


7. Students’ practices 88. Material and technical resources 99. Implementation of the syllabus of bachelor’s professional studies and

principles of democratic management 10

10. Academic staff 1111. Students 1112. Implementation costs of the syllabus 1113. Development plan of the syllabus 1214. General analysis of the self-evaluation of the syllabus 1215. Appendices


1. Master’s professional study programme2. Calendar plan of study programe implementing 3. Annotation of programme subjects4. List of study literature 5. Studious list6. Lecturer’s CV


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1. Decision of the collegiate administration of the staff and the decision-making institution on the implementation of the syllabus

The higher-level professional higher education syllabus Heat and Power Engineerig is being implemented in compliance with the decisions of the syllabus commission in the branch of heat-and-power engineering (25. 11. 2003. Protocol No 2), Board of Directors of the RTU Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering (27. 11. 2003. Protocol No 165) and Senate of Riga Technical University (15. 12. 2003. Protocol No 482).

Tuition of foreign students in the syllabus of master’s studies will be carried out in compliance with the decisions of the syllabus commission in the branch of heat and power Engineerig (22. 04. 2005. Protocol No 3), Board of Directors of the RTU Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering (08. 09. 2005. Protocol No 192) and Senate of Riga Technical University (26. 09. 2005. Protocol No. 498).

2. Licence for the syllabus

Before accreditation the syllabus was implemented according to the following licences (see Appendices 3 and 4):

1. Licence No 04051-29 for the right to implement the professional higher education syllabus “Heat and Power Engineerig” (455221) for the degree of a professional bachelor in heat-and-power engineering, and qualification of an engineer in heat and power engineering. The licence was issued on May 14, 2004, and its period of validity is till 14. 05. 2007.

2. Licence No 04051-30 for the right to implement the professional higher education syllabus “Heat and Power Engineerig” (475221) for the degree of a professional master in heat-and-power engineering, and qualification of an engineer in heat and power engineering. The licence was issued on May 14, 2004, and its period of validity is till 14. 05. 2007.

The licences were issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia. The higher-level professional higher education syllabus Heat and Power Engineering is being implemented at the RTU Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering (further FTME), 6 Ezermalas Street, Riga. Syllabus director: habilitated doctor of engineering, professor Daniels Turlajs.

3. Action in case the syllabus is cancelled

If the implementation of the professional syllabus is cancelled, the students of the professional master’s syllabus will be transferred to the academic master’s syllabus “Engineering, mechanics and machine building” (445221) , specialisation in heating engineering (see Appendix 5), accredited till December 31, 2007 or to the professional engineer’s syllabus “Engineering, mechanics and machine building” (435221), accredited till December 31, 2007.


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In either case the amount and contents is determined considering the conclusion made by the experts in the equation of the previously acquired subjects of studies.

4. Description of the syllabus

The higher-level professional syllabus Heat and Power Engineering is developed in accordance with the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia No 481of November 20, 2001 “Regulations on the state standard of the second-level professional education”, the decision of the RTU Senate of February 25, 2002 “Regulations on the development of syllabi” and in compliance with the professional standard PS 0252. The syllabus includes all the necessary requirements for one professional master’s degree and the qualification of higher education (engineer) in Heat and Power Engineering Subbranch Power Engineering.

4. 1. The rated period of implementation and amount of the minimal syllabus

The professional master’s syllabus – 1.5 years, 60 credit points in full-time studies or 2 years in half-time studies;

For the students with an adequate academic bachelor’s education of engineering sciences – 2.5 years, 100 credit points in full-time studies.

4. 2. Demands of starting the syllabus

In the syllabus of master’s professional studies: bachelor’s professional degree in heat-and-power engineering and heating

engineering or education equated to it; an academic degree of the bachelor of engineering in mechanics and machine

building or education equated to it (fulfilling additional requirements).

4. 3. The place of the implementation of the syllabus

The higher-level professional higher education syllabus Heat and Power Engineering is implemented at the RTU Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering (further FTME), 6 Ezermalas Street, Riga. Syllabus director: habilitated doctor of engineering, professor Daniels Turlajs.

4. 4. The objectives of the syllabus

The purpose of the higher-level professional higher education syllabus Heat and Power Engineering is to provide the students with deeper academic and professional higher-level higher education in Power engineering, subbranch Heat and Power Engineering to enable them to work with the existing and essentially new technological developments, to train them for the related pedagogical and research work in the branch, as well as to continue studies for the scientific degree.

The studies in this syllabus are based on the professional bachelor’s degree in the field or education equated to it. The length of the studies for the academic bachelor’s degree is 2.5 years. After graduation the engineer obtains higher education with the master’s professional degree in Heat and Power Engineering.


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4. 5. The tasks of the syllabus and the expected results

The main tasks of the professional master’s studies in heat-and-power engineering are: - To provide the knowledge which is necessary for the acquisition of the latest

achievements in the information technologies, natural sciences, theoretical principles of the branch in order to gain theoretical and practical competence as a contribution to professional development;

- To develop the skills of the research work, analysis of technical literature, application of the design and research software.

This syllabus provides for lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, writing course papers, studying literature and writing the master’s work, acquiring in this way the basis of fundamental sciences, comprehensive humanitarian and social subjects, basic theoretical and technical subjects corresponding to the profile.

By studying the subjects provided by the syllabus, doing the laboratory work, writing course projects and the project part of the master’s work, as well as making training and production practices, the students obtain professional competence, skill and habits for the acquisition of the professional bachelor’s degree of engineering in heat-and-power engineering. As a result of the professional master’s studies in heat and power engineering the student acquires: - knowledge in thermodynamics and gas dynamics, a skill to apply it to the solution of

professional tasks, - knowledge about the theoretical foundations of heat and power engineering a skill to

apply it to the solution of engineering tasks, - knowledge about special technologies for the production, transformation and use of

thermal energy, - knowledge about the border layer theory, ecological problems, - knowledge about the designing and operation of systems and equipment,- skills in the work with a computer and standard programmes, - basic knowledge in humanitarian sciences,- certain habits of the practical and research work in the sphere of heat and power

engineering to get ready for further doctoral studies.

4. 6. Contents and structure of the acquired education

The syllabus provides for the studies of theoretical and technical subjects related to the branch: – technical thermodynamic and gas dynamics,– heat exchange,– theory and methods of experiments in thermal physics,– a course in ecology,– optimisation of heat supply systems,– unconventional sources of energy,– the border layer theory, – a special course in thermal power plants, – energy carrier and distribution systems, – automation of the heating engineering processes,


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– acquisition of humanitarian and social subjects.

The structure of the syllabus and the amounts of its parts:

A Compulsory subjects of studies 16 CP 27 %B Compulsory subjects of choice 12 CP 20 % B1. Specialised subjects 8 CP B2. Humanitarian and social subjects 4 CPC Subjects of free choice 6 CP 10 %D Practice 6 CP 10 %E State examinations 20 CP 33 %

Master’s thesis 20 CP Total 60 CP 100 %

Additional demands:for students with the academic bachelor’s degree of engineering sciences in the

branch who acquire, alongside with the master’s professional degree, also an engineer’s professional qualification in heat and power, in addition to the demands fixed in the master’s professional syllabus, there are the following demands: A Compulsory subjects of studies 6 CP

1. Thermal insulation equipment 4 CP2. Heat supply systems 2 CP

B Compulsory subjects of choice 2 CPSpecialised subjects1. Pumps, compressors and ventilators 2 CP2. Heat engines 2 CP

D Practice 26 CPE State examinations 6 CP The project part of the master’s thesis 6 CP

Total 40 CP

The calendar plan of the syllabus and descriptions of subjects are given in Appendix 6.

4. 7. Assessment criteria, forms and procedure of testing

The basis of the assessment criteria is the assessment of the acquisition level of the compulsory, optional, humanitarian social and economical subjects the syllabus by the 10 grade system. Testing of the theoretical knowledge includes examinations and credit tests, course papers, the master’s thesis (with the project part) and examinations in agreement with the syllabi confirmed for each academic year. At the end of the course of studies the student defends his master’s thesis (with the project part) on the problems and possibilities of heat and power engineering.


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4. 8. Comparison of the syllabus with the syllabi of other countries

In order to compare the RTU syllabus „Heat and Power Engineering” with the syllabi of the other EU countries, higher schools and syllabi were selected considering the factors of economical and historical development.

The comparison of the syllabus „Heat and Power Engineering” with the syllabi of the other countries – Vilnius Technical University (VTU), Kaunas Technical University (KTU), Tallinn Technical University (TTU) is shown in Table 1. The length of studies: 1.5 – 2 yearsSyllabus:

Heat-and-Power Engineering and Heating Engineering (VTU)Heating Engineering (KTU)Heating Engineering (TTU)

The degree obtained:Master’s degree in energy engineering (VTU),Master’s degree in engineering sciences (TTU),Master’s degree in energy science (KTU)

Blocks of subjects Higher schools

SESI (RTU) KTU VTU TTUTheoretical subjects of the branch: Specialised subjects of the branchPractice, master’s thesisHumanitarian, management courses

13 CP (22 %)17 CP (28 %) 26 CP (43 %) 4 CP (7 %)

31 %25 %44 %


25%30 %36%9 %

16 %44 %28 %12 %

The syllabi in the compared higher schools are of different lengths of studies. The ratio of credit points for the subjects in the specialised courses of the field, practice and the master’s thesis is almost identical (respectively 71 %, 69 %, 66 %, 72 %). Where there are more theoretical courses, there are no humanitarian, economical and management courses. The theoretical courses at Tallinn TU make 16 % of the total amount, the humanitarian, economical and management courses, in their turn, constitute 12 % of the amount. The syllabi of these higher schools are shown in Appendix 4. Emphasis in the RTU professional master’s syllabus „Heat and Power Engineering” is laid on the acquisition of high professional qualification and research work.

5. Methodological (didactic) provision

The methodological provision includes: textbooks, courses of lectures in a computer setting (printed and on the CD), magazine and conference publications in the English and German languages, EU directives, normative documents, international standards, etc.

The students can receive the methodological provision in the RTU Scientific and technical library which has a sufficient store of books, magazines and other literature, and a sufficient area of reading-rooms (for the list of the available literature see Appendix 9). The


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students have an access to the other libraries of Latvia. In addition, the students and the lecturers of the syllabus „Heat and Power Engineering” have an access to diverse literature, CD and the Internet in the computer rooms of the structural units serving the heat and power engineering syllabus. The students have a possibility to copy study aids.

The amount, contents, diversity and availability of the methodological provision of the syllabus „Heat-and-Power Engineering” is considered as good.

Publication of new methodical materials, lectures and a book is intended in the course of the project financed from the ESF.

6. Organisation of seminars, studies, practices and writing master’s thesis

Seminars. For deeper mastering of particular theoretical issues seminars and practical classes are organised. They proceed according to the syllabus and the schedule by groups. During the seminar classes practical aspects of the courses of lectures are analysed, the most important methodologies are acquired, the students train in the development of methods, making descriptions, suggestions and presentations. A significant place is allotted to the perfection of the skills of team work.

Course papers (Studiju darbi). Elaboration of course papers is based on wide application of the computer equipment in analyses and calculations, processing of texts and graphic documents. The students carry them out using the RTU computer rooms.

Elaboration of the course papers contain basically studying and translation of documents and publications, from the English/German language, formation of equivalent words and word combinations in the Latvian language, writing the text in a literary correct technical Latvian language, preparation of the review of the work and a presentation, and a short presentation of results.

Practice report and the master’s thesis. The students carry out their practical work according to the master’s syllabus in compliance with the conditions of the acquired speciality at the largest enterprises of Latvia: Latvenergo, Rīgas Siltums, branches of the Riga TPP – TPP-1 and TPP-2, Latvijas Gāze, the Latvian National Metrology Centre, Rebir, Rinar, regional and city boiler houses, etc. The materials obtained during the practical work are used in the development of the master’s thesis. The work is processed in compliance with the RTU regulations “Regulations concerning the writing of the graduation thesis”.

7. Students’ practices

In accordance with the syllabi approved at the RTU the students have the following practice: in the professional master’s syllabus - 6 CP.

The principles of the organisation of the practice for professional syllabi at the RTU are set by the direction of the RTU pro-rector for studies No 61 (Appendix 11) of May 24, 2002 according to which:

1) organisation of the practice is carried out by the practice leader from the RTU structural units;

2) a bilateral agreement on practice is concluded with the place of practice in which the obligations and responsibility of the sides are reflected. An example of the agreement is given Appendix 12. No real agreements are concluded on the practice


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because enrolment of students in the syllabus started in the academic year 2004/2005;

3) the practice is effected according to the practice programme worked out by the commission of the syllabus of the branch;

4) the students are given individual practice assignments.

The students’ practices proceed in cooperation with the Latvenergo Joint-Stock Company, the Rīgas Siltums Joint-Stock Company, the Latvijas Gāze Joint-Stock Company, the branches of Riga TPP – 1 and TPP - 2, “Viessmann”, GREIN Joint-Stock Company, the Latvian National Metrology Centre, Rebir, Rinar, ARTTEC, The Institute of Physical Energetics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (for intention agreements on practices see Appendix 11).

8. Material and technical resources

The RTU structural units participating in the implementation of the bachelor’s professional syllabus “Heat-and-Power Engineering and Heating Engineering” ensure the studies of the students in their lecture and computer rooms using the necessary presentation equipment. The classes of professional specialisation courses in heat-and-power engineering, heating engineering and automation of heating engineering processes take place at 6 Ezermalas Street.

The structural unit Heat and Power department effecting the syllabus is situated in Riga, at 6 Ezermalas Street with an area of 561 m2 for training students. Besides the common lecture rooms, the area includes specialised lecture rooms. The Heat and Power department has overhead projectors, copiers, videoprojectors and other computer equipment (Table 2) to organise a qualitative process of studies.

Table 2

Name Number

Computers 6Videoprojectors 2Scanner 1Printers 2Copying equipment 1Plotter 1Overhead projectors 2“Viessmann” stands 3Automatic heating plant LPM 1Holographic equipment 1Gas analyser 1Calorimetric equipment for solid fuel 1Junkers calorimeter 1Hydraulic stand 1

The students’ training in special subjects is carried out in the lecture rooms and laboratories of the professor’s group of heat and power engineering systems, as well as in the specialised laboratories of the Latvenergo, Rīgas Siltums”, “Viessmann”, Latvian National Metrology Centre. The material and technical resources are sufficient to ensure the


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students’ professional training including computers, the holographic equipment, electronic stands for the heat processes, an automatic heat unit, a stand for studying combustion processes, the laboratory of heat engines. Improvements are brought about in the laboratories of thermodynamical, heat exchange, hydraulic measurements and automation.

The equipment of Heat and combustion laboratory is used in the learning process. The finances for the perfection of the material and technical resources are obtained from the state budget and the LAS grant whose director is Prof. D. Turlajs.

Within the framework of the ESF-financed project “Improvement of the bachelor’s and master’s syllabi in Heat and Power Engineering” finances are envisaged for the purchase of new laboratory equipment.

9. Implementation of the syllabus of master’s professional studies and principles of democratic management

Direction of the syllabus, the democratic principles of its implementation are ensured by the RTU Constitution and the decisions of the RTU Senate.

The RTU Constitution was adopted at the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia on February 5, 1998, and approved by President of State on February 18, 1998. Paragraph 5 of the Constitution provides that the RTU administrative and deciding institution is Senate which has 25 % of representatives elected by students, undergraduates and doctoral students.

The students have the right of delaying veto in Senate on the items concerning the students’ interests.

Thus all the items concerning the students’ interests, including the syllabi, are adopted at the RTU Senate in a democratic way considering the students’ interests.

The students are represented also in the councils of faculties and institutes, which provides a possibility to take into consideration the students’ proposals when programmes and syllabi are worked out.

The democratic principles of the management of syllabi are ensured by the professor’s staff of the heat-and-power engineering systems in compliance with the RTU Constitution and the decisions of the RTU Senate.

In order to improve the quality of the syllabus, systematic inquiry is made both among the students and specialists the producers – the authors of the syllabus. Besides, separate inquiry forms are drawn up for the students of professional studies and the employers.

The explanatory work – agitation for the completion of the contingent, general management, scheduling, planning of sessions, granting diplomas is carried out by the professor’s group of the heat-and-power engineering systems.

The following TRU faculties and institutes are involved in the implementation of the master’s professional syllabus “Heat-and-Power Engineering and Heating Engineering”:

Faculty of ArchitectureFaculty of Engineering EconomicsFaculty of Transport and Mechanical EngineeringHumanitarian InstituteLanguage Institute

The master’s professional syllabus “Heat-and-Power Engineering” is drawn up according to the above-mentioned principles. To improve the quality of the syllabus,


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questionnaires are systematically conducted of both the students and producers – the authors of the syllabus.

10. Academic staff

Teaching of the special subjects of heat-and-power engineering and heating engineering is ensured by: - Acad.dr.habil.sc.ing., prof. D.Turlajs- Dr. sc.ing., ass. prof.. J. Nagla- Dr.habil.sc.ing.prof. N. Zeltiņš - Dr.sc.ing. ass. prof. M. Rubīna - Dr. sc.ing., ass. prof. D. Rusovs- Dipl. ing., ass. prof. M. Valpēteris- Dr. sc.ing. I. Barmina- M.sc.ing. S. Vostrikovs- Ing. assist. A. Ramata

All the teachers listed above are characterised by active scientific activity. All of them have scientific papers in generally recognised editions in Latvia and abroad. Several of them direct bachelor’s and doctoral theses, the grants of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and other themes. More detailed information about the life and work experience of these lecturers is given in their CV in Appendix 13.

11. Students

In the first year of the operation of the syllabus, i.e. in the academic year 2004/2005, 2 places were allotted from the places financed from the state budget but in the academic year 2005./2006 - 5 places financed from the state budget. At the beginning of the spring term of this year there are 9 students of the master’s syllabus. (see the lists of the students in Appendix 14).

12. Implementation costs of the syllabus

Implementation costs of the syllabus “Heat and Power Engineering” can be approximately calculated by means of the calculation system of the RTU budget subsidies based on Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 334 of July 24, 2001 “Procedure in which higher schools are financed from the means of the state budget”.

In the current year the finances needed for the syllabus of “Heat and Power Engineering” are allotted from the total fund of the RTU. According to the calculation system of the RTU the average costs per 1 place of studies are Ls. 2146.12 a year.

In accordance with the RTU calculation system, the average costs of one place of studies in 2005 was approximately 3219 Ls.

Taking into account that material and technical resources of the syllabus and the academic staff are completed and the students’ training proceeds successfully in parallel accredited syllabi, we can consider that the studies according to this syllabus can take place.


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13. Development plan of the syllabus

By analysing the number of specialists trained during the previous years in related specialities, taking into account the number of students by courses and considering the development trends of the branch of energetics we can plan the following development of the syllabus – output of specialists by years:

Number of graduates

2006.g. 2007.g. 2008.g 2009.g. 2010.g. 2011.g. 2 6 5 6 6 6

According to the syllabus of the year 2008 the number of graduates should stabilise to about 5.

Further development of the syllabus and raising the quality of training are connected with the development of the material and technical resources of the syllabus. In the next 5 years the material and technical resources of the programme should change using the up-to-date equipment of the firms, computers and information technologies.

Investments into the syllabus for the material and technical resources, Ls

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 200516 000 49 000 40 000 40 000 50 000 50 000 16 000

By making investments into the material and technical resources, as well as by raising the salaries of the academic staff and the support staff it is possible to ensure the competitive capacity of specialists.

Within the framework of the syllabus “Heat and Power Engineering” means are allotted to the popularisation of the developments of students and other interested persons, a professor’s group evolving active agitation work. The publicity and advertising material are spread in secondary schools, colleges, educational establishments, the open days, at the exhibition „School – 2005”, as well in the edition “A Guide to Education”.

14. General analysis of the self-evaluation of the syllabus

The self-evaluation report of the syllabus “Heat and Power Engineering” allows drawing the following conclusions. The strong points of the syllabus:1. The syllabus has all the necessary documentation for the organisation of master’s

professional studies. It ensures obtaining the degree of the highest professional education and qualification: - master’s professional degree in heat and power engineering;- qualification: engineer in heat and power engineering.

2. Within the framework of the syllabus it is possible to train specialists who are in great demand for the Latvian energetics, industry, agriculture, health care, science, training the higher school staff already now and in the perspective.


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3. Organisation and management of the syllabus corresponds to the common principles and normative documents of Riga Technical University.The syllabi are developed, accepted and approved in accordance with the order set by the RTU Senate considering the principles of democracy;

4. The academic staff of the syllabus has high scientific qualification and experience of work. The teachers of the subjects are professors, assistant professors, doctors of engineering, assistants for whom the RTU is their main place of work.

5. Material and technical resources for the acquisition of the syllabus is sufficient. Renovation of the material and technical resources of the syllabus is in progress.

6. Separate parts of the syllabus and their contents are worked out in a harmonised succession corresponding to the world’s standards of syllabi to allow the students to obtain special professional education of higher professional qualification.

7. The syllabus ensures training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the modern labour market.

8. The syllabus has good links with the development of science in Latvia. 9. The syllabus allows the population of Latvia to obtain the desired education in the

sphere of engineering, which would be adequate to similar syllabi abroad.

The weak points of the syllabus:1. The academic staff is partly of the pension and pre-pension age. Attraction of new

teaching staff is required; 2. On the part of the syllabus leadership there is no completely elaborated system with a

feedback for monitoring the efficiency and quality of studies; 3. It is possible only episodically (e.g., in the case of paid tuition and acquisition

competitive works) to state the society’s need for specialists trained in the offered directions of studies;

4. The process of studies has a weak link with the enterprises of national economy and industry;

5. Considering the situation that the young people in secondary schools choose humanitarian subjects for studying, the syllabus has problems at the present stage of the development of the Latvian state how to attract a sufficient influx of students;

6. The teaching staff has not changed essentially during the last 10 years because the young specialists do not want to continue pedagogical work;

7. It would be desirable for the teachers of practical subjects to turn more actively to the research activity and publicity in internationally recognised editions.

Director of the syllabus, professor D. Turlajs

February 10, 2006


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1. Master’s professional study programme (Appendix 6)2. Calendar plan of study programe implementing (Appendix 6)3. Annotation of programme subjects (Appendix 6)4. List of study literature (Appendix 8)5. Lecturer’s CV (Appendix 13)6. Studious list (Appendix 14)


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Master’s professional study programme and Appendix 6calendar plan of study programe implementingNo. Subject Credits Semester Control

Compulsory Subjects I II III1. MSE432 Thermodynamics and Gas

Dynamics3 X E W

2. MSE541 Theory of Boundary Layer 4 X T E 3. MSE441 Specialized Course on Heat

Exchange Apparatus 3 X E W

4. MSE426 Theory and Methods of Experiments in Heat Physics

5 X T E W

5. IDA117 Basics of Occupational Safety 1 X TSpecializing Subjects 8 8

4. MSE535 Non-Standard Sources of Energy

3 E

5. MSE440 Specialized Course on Thermal Electric Power Stations.

3 T E

6. MSE539 Optimization of Heat Supply Systems

3 T E

7. MSE423 Production and Distribution Equipment of Energy Carriers

2 E

8. MSE428 Specialized Course in Ecology 2 E9. MSE540 Exergetic Analysis of

Thermotechnical Processes and Devices. 3 T E

10. IUE217 Business Economics 2 THumanities, Social Subjects 2 2

11. HSP446 Pedagogy 2 T12. HSP484 Psychology 2 T13. HSP485 Communication Psychology 2 T14. HSP483 Industrial Relations 2 T15. HSP430 Social Psychology 2 T16. HSP488 Business Sociology 2 T17. HFL432 Ethics 2 T18. Free Choice Subjects 6 X19. Practice 6 X T20 Master’s Degree Thesis 20 X W

Total: 60 20 20 20


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Annotation of programme subjects Appendix 6

MSE432 Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics3.0 CP (3.0 – 0.0 – 0.0); E, D Dmitrijs Rusovs 7089716, [email protected] Thermodynamics for large and small systems, the states of equilibrium and non-equilibrium. The interaction of energy, exergy, entropy, work, thermodynamic potential and heat transfer. Energy conservation laws, surface tension. The Navier-Stokes equations for viscose flows. Boundary layers. Turbulence.

MSE541 Theory of Boundary Layer 4.0 CP (3.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); I, EDaniels Turlajs 7089745; [email protected] The hydrodynamic and heat boundary layer. The laminar and the turbulent boundary layer. The Novier-Stokes equation. Estimation of the layer and empirical relationships. The analytical and digital methods of solving equations.

MSE441 Specialized Course of Heat Exchange Apparatus 3.0 CP (2.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); E, D Daniels Turlajs 7089745, [email protected] for the intensification of heat transfer. Special heat exchangers: compact, contact, heat pipes. The application of these apparatus in evaporation, rectification and other technological devices.

MSE426 Theory and Methods of Experiments in Heat Physics 5.0 CP (4.0 – 0.5 – 0.5); I, E, D Agnese Meijere 7089745; [email protected] The theory of similarity. An experiment in heat physics. Its planning.Measurements. Errors of measurements. Research methods of thermophysical properties of substances. Determination of the emission coefficient. The results and processing of experiments.

IDA117 Basics of Occupational Safety1.0 CP (1.0 – 0.0 – 0.0) Kozlovs ViktorsThe policy of the state and labour protections requirements. Harmful and dangerous factors of working environment, their influence on a human body, principles of standardization. Measures for elimination or reduction of this influence. The bases of fire protection.

MSE535 Non-Standard Sources of Energy 3.0 – 0.0 – 0.0); I, E Namejs Zeltiņš 7089716, [email protected] principal sources of energy. Sources of restoration energy, the properties, transfer, possibilities. The solar, wind, geothermal, ocean, sea, river, high and low tide, biomass energy, resources, technological and ecological problems of utilization, transformation. Solid domestic refuse.Hydrogen energetics.


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MSE440 Specialized Course on Thermal Electric Power Stations. 3.0 CP (3.0 – 0.0 – 0.0); I, E Daniels Turlajs 7089745, [email protected] Schematic heat diagrammes of thermal electric power plants and condensation electric power stations and methods of their calculations. The principles and methods of choosing the equipment of electric power stations.

MSE539 Optimization of Heat Supply Systems 3.0 CP (3.0 – 0.0 – 0.0); I, E Maija Rubīna 7089745, [email protected] he heat supply system technical and economic parameters. The forecast of heat supply system reliability. Methods of rating harmful substances emissions in an atmosphere. Use of the programs of mathematical modelling. The analysis of costs at comparison of heat supply system variants. Concept about zoning of heat supply system.

MSE428 Specialized Course in Ecology 2.0 CP (2.0 – 0.0 – 0.0); E Namejs Zeltiņš 7089745, [email protected] emissions and waste. Methods and devices for the purification of gases, water, solutions. Optimum modes and selection of devices. European legislation in environment protection. Sewage water treatment.

MSE540 Exergetic Analysis of Thermotechnical Processes and devices. 3.0 CP (3.0 – 0.0 – 0.0); I, E Dmitrijs Rusovs 7089716, [email protected] The method of exergetical analysis. The exergy of the heat carrier, heat flow and fuel combustion. The exergetical analysis of the energetical and thermotechnical devices. The exergetic coefficient of performance. Exergetic optimization.

MSE423 Production and Distribution Equipment of Energy Carriers 2.0 CP 1.5 – 0.5 – 0.0); E Rusovs Dmitrijs 7089745, [email protected] storage and management. Storage of solid fuel and delivery to boiler house. Storing and delivery of liquid fuel. Gas management. GRP. Compressors and gas blowers. Pipelines, receivers. Cooling systems of refrigeration plants. Liquefied gases. Water supply systems.

IUE217 Business Economics2.0 CP (1.0 - 0.0 - 1.0); I Sundukova ZojaTypes of business. General description of company's assets and sources of financing. Intangible assets. Composition and utilization of fixed assets. Current assets, utilization indicators. Labor resources. Indicators of labor productivity. Types and systems of remuneration. Concepts of costs and expenditures. Classification of costs. Calculation of prime cost. Calculation of cost items. Profit and profitability, factors affecting profitability.


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Kuratko D. F., Hodgetts R. M. Entrepreneurship USA: The Duyden Press, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995. - 748 lpp.

HSP446 Pedagogy 2.0 CP (1.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); I Garjāne BeatrisePedagogics as a science. Its framework. Basic concepts of pedagogics. Education, pedagogical process. Studies, free, responsible and creative personality. Cognitive process in learning. Assessment, its forms. Life-long learning aspects in education.

HSP484 Psychology 2.0 CP (1.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); I Šteinberga Airisa Basic principles of psychology. Psychology as a science.Main scientific directions. Methods of research. Psychological processes. A person's behavior. Pedagogical communication.

HSP485 Communication Psychology 2.0 CP (1.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); I Gudzuka SandraPrincipal functions of communication. Process. Elements. Kinds of contacts.Communicative situation. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Pedagogical communication. HSP430 Social Psychology 2.0 CP (1.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); I Gudzuka SandraThe subject of social psychology. A small group as an object of psycholological investigation. Conduct motivation in a group. Self-actualization. Psychology of mass.

HSP483 Industrial Relations 2.0 CP (1.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); I Kuņickis ValērijsThe theory and idea of labour relations. Labour legislation. Organizations and institutions. Human relations. Labour contradictions. Labour market.Unemployment. Social assistance.

HSP488 Business Sociology 2.0 CP (1.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); I Kuņickis ValērijsMajor social prerequisites and regularities of business and entrepreneurship. The role and development of business as a social institution. The social portrait of an entrepreneur. Socio-economic stratification.

HFL432 Ethics2.0 CP (1.0 – 1.0 – 0.0); IZvejnieks AndrisIntroduction to the contemporary ethics. Utilitarianism. The existentialist ethics. The evolutionary ethics. Psihoanalysis and ethics. Interactions of ethical standarts,


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List of Study literature Appendix 8

1. AKMENS P., KRĒSLIŅŠ A. Ēku apkure un ventilācija. I daļa. - R.:”Zvaigzne ABC”, 1995. -166 lpp.

2. AKMENS P., KRĒSLIŅŠ A. Ēku apkure un ventilācija. II daļa. - R.:”Zvaigzne ABC”, 1995. - 167 lpp.

3. Augucēvičs J., Ozols J., Treiguts E. Praktiskie uzdevumi datorzinībās un to risinājumi. – Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība SIA, 2000. – 122 lpp.

4. Āboliņš J., E. Jurevičs E. Siltums ražošanā un sadzīvē. Rīga, “Zinātne”, 1986.-123 lpp.5. Branovers H., Lielausis O. Hidraulikas pamati. R.,1963., 320lpp, ilustrācija6. Dirba V., Uiska J., Zars V. Hidraulika un hidrauliskās mašīnas. Rīga, Zvaigzne 1980.7. Dzelzītis E. Siltuma, gāzes un ūdens inženiersistēmu automatizācijas pamati. R., 2005.8. Elektroietaišu un siltumietaišu tehniskā ekspluatācija. LEK 002-97, 1997.-089. Enerģētikas likumdošanas aktos un normatīvajos materiālos lietojamo pamatterminu

skaidrojums. R.: LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 1996.10. Enerģētikas likumdošanas aktos un normatīvajos materiālos lietojamo pamat terminu

skaidrojums. R.: LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 1996.11. Enerģijas un līdzekļu racionāla izmantošana. Latvijas Pašvaldību Savienības Mācību

centrs. Rīga, 2000.-112 lpp.12. Gedrovičs M. un Jemeļjanovs A. Siltuma zudumi un cauruļvadu izolācija. – Rīga: SIA

“Celtne S”, 1999. – 75 lpp.13. Nagla J., P. Saveļjevs, R. Ciemiņš. Siltumtehnikas pamati. R., Zvaigzne, 1981.-356 lpp.14. Kiseļevs N. Katlu iekārtas. R., Zvaigzne, 1982. –269 lpp.15. Kļaviņš M., Zicmanis A.Ūdeņu ķīmija. R., 1988., lpp. 192.16. KRĒSLIŅŠ A. Gaisa kondicionēšana rūpniecības un sabiedriskās ēkās. -- R.:“Liesma”,

1975.-251 lpp.17. KRĒSLIŅŠ A. Gaisa kondicionēšana. - R.: “Liesma”, 1969. -- 93 lpp.18. KRĒSLIŅŠ A., ĶIGURS J. Ēku apkures sistēmas. -- R.:”Avots”, 1983. -- 119 lpp.19. ĶIGURS J. Ventilācija. –R.:”Liesma”, 1976. -- 210 lpp.20. Ķirsis T., Lielpēters P. Fluidu mehānika. Rīga, 1999., 84 lpp.21. Latvijas būvnormatīvs LBN 202-01 „Būvprojekta saturs un noformēšana”.22. Latvijas enerģētikas nacionālā programma. – PHARE, 1997.23. Lemba J. Tehniskā termodinamika. Rīga, 1996.24. MK 2000.g 7.novembra noteikumi nr.384 Noteikumi par bīstamajām iekārtām 25. Nagla J., Saveļjevs P., Ciemiņš R. Siltumtehnikas pamati. Rīga ."Zvaigzne'', 1981.-356

lpp.26. Nagla J., Saveļjevs P., Cars A. Siltumtehniskie aprēķini piemēros. R., Zvaigzne, 1982.-

312 lpp.27. Osipovs L. Ķīmijas tehnoloģijas pamatprocesi un aparāti. Rīga, Zvaigzne 1991.28. Rabinovičs J. Hidraulika. R. 1959, 342 lpp, ilustrācija29. Randlov P. Centralizētās siltumapgādes rokasgrāmata. E&P, Dānija, 1998., 320 lpp.30. Reiņikovs I., Jurevics E. Aukstumtehnika. Rīga, Zvaigzne, 1972.31. Rubīna M. Siltumapgāde, “Pērse”, Rīga, 2003., 172 lpp.


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32. Rubīna M. Siltumapgāde. Problēmas un risinājumi pašvaldību administratīvajās teritorijās. Rīga, LZA FEI, 2002.- 171 lpp

33. Širaks Ž. Siltumapgāde “Liesma”, Rīga, 1973., 216 lpp.34. Širons E. Tehniskie mērījumi aparātbūvē un mašīnbūvē. Rīga „Zvaigzne”, 1982.35.Ziņģītis A. Kurināmā sadedzināšana. R., LVI, 1963.-216 lpp.

1. . Elsevier Academic Press, 495 pages Dickenson T.C Pumping manual. 9th edidion. Elsevier.1995

2. Dyrelund A. Why zoning? Why not just leave it all to market forces? Danish Board of District Heating. Journal number 2/2000.

3. Course in Environmental Engineering at Riga Technical University, Latvia, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 1995

4. Eastop T. D. and D. R. Croft Energy Efficiency, Longmann UK – 1990, 385.p 5. Edwad F. Obert, L Young. Elements of Thermodinamic and Heat transfer. INC,

New York, Toronto- London, 1962 538 p.6. Europe Environment. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 19917. Frank P. Incopera, David P. DeWitt. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. New

York, 1996-p.8868. Hans Faltin Tehnische Warmelehre. Akademie. Verlang. Berlin, 1964-430 s9. Joachim E. Lay. Termodinamics. OHIO, 1968 –814 p.10. Scrubber Handbook. Prepared for EPA California, A.P.T.,INC,1972,v.1 11. Stairmand C.S. Removal of dust from gases. Gas purification processes for air

follution control. Second edition, edited by G. Nonhabel. London. Newnes - Butterworths,1973, p 364-402

12. Godfrey Boyle, Renewable energy, ISBN 0-19-926178-4 2004. Oksford University Press, 452 pages 2 gb13. Bruce R. Munson, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition

Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering MechanicsDonald F. Young, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering MechanicsTheodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State Univ., AmesISBN: 0-471-67582-2, 816 pages 1 gb.

14. Godfrey Boyle, Bob Everett, Janet Ramage, Energy Systems and Sustainability ISBN 0-19-926179-2, 2003. Oksford University Press, 620 pages 2 gb.

15. Yunus Cengel, Heat Transfer Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach ISBN 0071236449, 2004. Mac Graw Hill, 908 pages 2 gb. 16. Stephen Turns, An Introduction in Combustion - ISBN 0071169105 2000. Mac Graw Hill17. Mohammad Malek Power Boiler Design, Inspection, and Repair 2005. Mac Graw Hill 2 gb.18. John R. Fanchi, Energy: Technology and Directions for Future19. 20. Bent Sorensen, Renewable energy – 1 gb, ISBN 0-19-926178-4 Elsevier Academic

Press, 2004. 930 pages.


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Studious list Appendix 14

N.p.k. Uzvārds, vārds Apliec. Nr.1. Duboviks Romans 921M127792. Jēkabsons Jānis 971RMP1113. Liepiņš Egils 981RMP0864. Redkins Sergejs 011RMP0175. Ruselis Jānis 981RMP0696. Cars Ainārs 8011108327. Zaharovs Romāns 991RMV0398. Horomeckis Aleksandrs 011RMB0249. Skurjats Igors 011REB01510. Ramata Anna 011RMB164


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Lecturer’s CV Appendix 13

1. Daniels Turlajs2. Jānis Nagla3. Dmitrijs Rusovs4. Marijans Valpēteris5. Maija Rubīna6. Namejs Zeltiņš7. Inesa Barmina8. Sergejs Vostrikovs9. Ainārs Cars10.Viktors Kozlovs11.Zoja Sundukova12.Beatrise Garjāne13.Airisa Šteinberga14.Sandra Gudzuka15.Valērijs Kuņickis


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Autobiography (CV)

1. Name, surname Daniels Turlajs2. Personal code 280439-105443. Birth place Ludza region, Latvia 4. Address Saldus iela 3B-24, Rīga LV-1007, Latvia5. Working place and position

Riga Technical university(RTU), Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering professor, diploma Nr. 43

6.Scientific degree, diplona nr., speciality

Dr.habil.sc.ing., diploma E-Dh Nr.000027, Academician of International Academy of Cooling

7. Practical activities Riga Technical university, professor8. Pedagogic activities

Riga Technical university, Head of department of Heat and Power Engineering

9. Field of scientific work

Heat and power. Elaboration of ecological and economically effective energotechnologies.Low energy consumption and ecologically pure energy technologies (Profesors Daniels Turlajs)

10. Participation in scientific research (1997. – 2003.)

1. Elaboration of legislation for atmosphere air prevention2. Chief elaborator from RTU for State programm nr.6

11. Main publications of the last 3 years

1. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa A planning on Energy Resources Consumption in Latvia. // 1st International Ucrainian conference on Cogeneration for Industry and District Heating Systems, Kiev, Ukraine, 2004.2. D. Turlajs, A. Birulis, A. Ramata Cogeneration plant, based on "Caterpillar" engine with steam generation and its characteristics. // 1st

International Ukrainian conference on Cogeneration for Industry and District Heating Systems, Kiev, Ukraine, 2004.3. A. Meijere, D. Turlajs, Correlations Between Nitreogen Emissions and Process Parameters in Circulating Fluidised Bed Boilers // 4 th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, August 25 – 27, 2003., pp. 557 – 564.4. M. Zake, I. Barmina, G. Stein, D. Turlajs, The Active Electrical Control of the Swirling Combustion and Greenhause Emissions From the Non – premixed Flame // // 4 th Baltic Heat Transfer Conference, Kaunas, Lithuania, August 25 – 27, 2003., pp. 845 - 852.


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5. M. Zake, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs, A. Ramata, A. Meijere, Greenhause Gas Mitigation from the Swirling Combustion // 16 th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2004, 22. – 26. August, Praha, Czech Republic, pp. 1834 – 1837. 6. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa, A PLANNING OF FUEL AND ENERGY RESOURCES CONSUMPTION BY USING A MESAP PROGRAMMING MODEL // SIMS 2004, the 45th Conference on Simulation and Modelling in Copenhagen, 23-24 September 2004. 7. D. Turlajs, D. Rusovs, A. Birulis, A. Ramata Present Situations and Trends in Small Scale Combined Heat and Power (SSCHP) Generation in Latvia. 18th National and 7th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4 – 6 January 2006. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, INDIA 8. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa, U. Sarma //Modelling fuel and energy supply for central and regional levels of Latvia // WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on INFORMATION SCIENCE and APPLICATIONS, Prague, Czech Republic. Issue 5, Volume 3, March 2006, pp. 927-933

9. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa, U. Sarma // Simulation of fuel and energy supply in Latvia by using MESAP programming model // 8th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modeling and Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic, March 12-14, 2006, pp. 226-231)

12. Number of scientific and methodological publications


13. Language skills Latvian, russian, english; polish and german technical

14. Professional and social activities

Riga Technical university, professor;Head of department of Heat and Power;Member of Senat of RTUAcademician of International Academy of Cooling

March 15 2006 y. D. Turlajs


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Autobiography (CV)

1. Name, surname Jānis Nagla2. Personal code 200129-118043. Birth place Tilža, Ludza region, Latvia 4. Address Slokas iela 48A-49, Rīga LV-1007, Latvia5. Working place and position

Riga Technical university, Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, associate profesor of Heat and Power Department

6.Scientific degree, diplona nr. speciality

Dr.sc.ing., diploma G-D Nr.000059

7. Practical activities Deputy director in scientific work of Institute for Hydrotechnics, head of experimental mechanic workshop, junior science assistent (1956.-1962.)

8. Pedagogic activities

Head of department of Heat and Power (Riga Technical university 1962. – 1973., docent from 1962.)

9. Field of scientific work

Elaboration of ecological and economically effective energotechnologies.

10. Participation in scientific research (1999. – 2005.)

1. Development of methodes of calculations for cogeneration power plants.

2. Development of calculation methodes of atmosphere pollution with flue gases.

3. Comperative investigations in objects of heating effectiveness.

4. Elaboration of flue gas cleaning equipment.5. Elaboration of combined cycle plants

11. Main publications

1. Article and matherials for internetional seminaar (Ventspils 1998.) “Small steam turbines and it’s place in Latvia”

2. A.Vanags, J.Nagla, H.Vorps “Calculation for cogeneration power plant with internal combation engine with wood gas”. Riga – 1998.

3. Scientific editor for book “Heating of Private Houses”. Translation from sweedish language. “ Apgāds Norden AB” 2000., 206 pages

4. Dictionary of Science and Technology. Chapter for heat and power. Apgāds Norden AB” 2001., 754 pages

5. J. Nagla, R. Daukste Boilers of gas fuel firing. Report, Riga-2004.

12. Number of scientific and methodological publications

80 scientific and methodological publications, amond them:1. J.Nagla, P.Saveļjevs, R.Ciemiņš. “Basic heat technics.”

Riga, “ Zvaigzne”. 1981, 356.p.2. 2. J.Nagla, P.Saveļjevs, A.Cars. “Calculations in heat

technics in examples” Riga, “ Zvaigzne”. 1982, 310.p 13. Language skills Latvian, russian; german, english technical14. Professional and social activities

Member Assotiation of User Energy

January 20, 2006 y. Janis Nagla


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1. Vārds: Rusovs2. Uzvārds: Dmitrijs3. Dzimšanas gads: 1959

Izglītības iestāde Moscow Engineering Physical InstituteDatums: no (mm/gggg) līdz (mm/gggg)

1.september 1976.22.february 1983.

Iegūtā izglītība: Engineer-physicistDiploma Nr. G-1 Nr.475896

Izglītības iestāde Doctor course Rīga Technical University Datums: no (mm/gggg) līdz (mm/gggg)

1.septembr 1986.1.may 1988..

Iegūtā izglītība: Technical science candidate (no 1992.g.Dr.Sc.Ing. LR degree)

Diploma Nr. TH Nr.112637

4. Papildu izglītība/kursi:

Izglītības iestāde Kursa nosaukums Datums: no (mm/gggg) līdz (mm/gggg)

Tokio Technology University and Yokogama National University, Japane

Membrane technology 1.oktober 1990.30.march 1992..

Sheffild University Digital fluid dynamics 1. june 1996.20.june 1996.g.

5. Valodu prasme (vērtējot no 1 – 5 (1 – vāji; 5 – brīvi)):

Valoda Lasītprasme Runātprasme RakstītprasmeLatvian 5 5 4English 5 5 4Russian 5 5 4

6. Darba pieredze:

Datums: no (mm/gggg) līdz (mm/gggg)

1.septembri 1988.g.1.decembri 1994.g.

Darba vietas nosaukums Rīga Technical UniversityThermal Energy Department

Amata nosaukums LecturerGalvenie pienākumi 1.Lecturing

2.Laboratory and praktical work supervision3.Examing


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Datums: no (mm/gggg) līdz (mm/gggg)

1.december 1994.g.-

Darba vietas nosaukums Rīga Technical UniversityThermal Energy Systems Instityte

Amata nosaukums Senior Lecturer (Docent)Galvenie pienākumi 1.Lecturing

2.Laboratory and praktical work supervision3.Examing.

7. Cita nozīmīga informācija (piem. Publikācijas vai kompetences saistībā ar projektā veicamajiem pienākumiem):

40 publication and papersD. Turlajs, D. Rusovs, A. Birulis, A. Ramata Present Situations and Trends in Small Scale Combined Heat and Power (SSCHP) Generation in Latvia. 18th National and 7th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4 – 6 January 2006. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, INDIA


Adrese: Meža pr. 58 a dz.9 Jūrmala LV2010

Tālruņa nr: 9210509Faksa nr: 7429993E-pasta adrese [email protected]


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Professor, Dr. habil. sc. ing. Namejs ZELTINS

(ID No 120835-11218)Head of Energy Efficiency CentreInstitute of Physical EnergeticsAizkraukles iela 21Riga, LV 1006Latvia

Phone: +371 7558636, +371 9363105 (mobile)Fax: +371 7557671E-mail: [email protected]

Born: August 12, 1935, Jelgavas rajons, Latvia


Fuel and Energy Complex Planning including Renewables and Nuclear energy

Energy Economy, Efficiency and Ecology Heat Supply Systems Gas Supply Systems Energy Market Energy Audit and Monitoring in Buildings and Industry Energy Utilisation

Languages: Latvian, Russian and English


M. sc. of theoretical physics, University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1966

Postgraduate, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1972-1979

Dr.sc.ing., (Candidate of Science in former USSR - Ph.D. in Western countries). Title of Thesis: Complex Methods for Utilization of Energy Resources in Industry. Georgian Institute of Energetics and Hydrotechnical Buildings, 1984

Dr.habil.sc.ing., Title of Thesis: Integrated Investigations of Heat Supplying Systems: Energetical and Economical Efficiency, Ecology. Institute of Physical Energetics, 1993

Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, 1994


Head of Scientific Group, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979-1986


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Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1986-1993

Manager of Postgraduate Studies and Diploma Design, 1991-pres. Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993- Head of Energy Efficiency Centre, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian

Academy of Sciences, 1994 -

Professional Activities and Memberships:

President, Latvian Member Committee/ World Energy Council (WEC), 2001 – Member, WEC Group Europe, 1990 – Deputy Chairman, International Centre for Energy and Environment Policy – ICEEP (for Central and Eastern Europe Countries), 2001 – Member, Latvian Affiliate of IAEE, 1990 – Member of Board, National Energy Confederation, 2001 – Expert of Promotion Council P-12 Riga Technical University 1996-Ass. Professor of Riga Technical University, 2005 -Deputy Chairman, Editorial Board of Latvian journal “Enerģija un Pasaule”(“Energy and World”) 2003-

Honours and Awards:

The Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC “Latvenergo” (Latvian Power Company) Alfreds Vitols Prize, 2003The Latvian Academy of Sciences and JSC “Latvijas Gaze” (Latvian Gas Company) Prize, 2005

Main Recent/Representative Publications (total number of publications - 250):

Osh A., Ekmanis Y., Zebergs V. and Zeltinsh N. (2001) Energy policy in Latvia // International Journal of Global energy Issues, Energy conservation policy in Central and Eastern European countries, UNESCO, Volume 16, Nos.1/2/: 64-81.

Blazevich J., Davis A., Mikelsons K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2001) Development of Baltic Energy Sector in Central Europe Energy Market // 18th World Energy Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, CD, Technical Papers

Mikelsons K., Zebergs V., Zeltinsh N. (2002) European and World Experience for Creating Baltic Liberalized Electricity Market //Proceedings of 22nd USAEE/IAEE North American Conference “Energy Markets in Turmoil: Making Sense of it All” Vancouver, BC, Canada, CD.

Mikelsons K, Ribickis L, Ekmanis Y, Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2002) Free electricity market: Baltic experience // International Electric Research Exchange - State power China forum Jinan, China, CD, 8 p.

Davis A., Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2003) Energy saving policy and emissions decreasing: Latvian experience // Proceedings of International Energy Conference “Energy Technologies for post Kyoto targets in the medium term”, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark: 375-384.

Mikelsons K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2003) Sustainable development problems of Latvian energy sector //26th Annual Conference International Association for Energy Economics “New Challenges for energy decision makers”, Prague, Czech Republic, CD: 7 pp.


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Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2003) The Integration of Post Transition Countries in European Free Energy Market // Proceedings of 23rd IAEE North American Conference, “Integrating the Energy Markets in North America: Issues & Problems, Terms & Conditions” Mexico, Mexico City, Camino Real Hotel, CD: 8 pp.

Melko A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2004) Energy efficiency managing problems in post-transition countries // Proceedings of 3rd European Congress on Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, Lisbon, Portugal, CD.

Zebergs V., Zeltins N., Actina G., Zeberga E. (2004) New member sate Latvia electricity market problems // SESSA conference “Perspectives and Challenges of EU Electricity –Enlargement” Berlin, Germany, DIW Berlin, report 15: 3 pp

Mikelsons K., Davis A., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. Latvian underground gas storage facilities for the development of a safe gas and power supply system of North European gas (2004) //IRAEE International Conference on "Energy & Security in the Changing World", Teheran, Iran, CD.

Mikelsons K., Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2004) A New Era in the Energy Market Management for the Central & East European Post-Transition Countries // The 24th annual North American Conference of IAEE/USAEE, July 8-10, 2004, Washington DC, Capital Hilton Hotel, CD

Brendow K., Delic M., Elleriis J. Silvennoinen A., Sigmond G., Zeltins N. and others (2004) Regulating District Heating and Cogeneration in Central and Eastern Europe // A Report of the World Energy Council: 142 pp.

Mikelsons K., Davis A., Ekmanis Y., Zebergs V. and Zeltins (2004) A Long-Term Forecast for the Development of the Latvian Energy Sector Due to Its Integration into the Baltic and North European Region //19th WEC Congress, Sydney, Australia, Abstracts: 108-109.

Zeberga E., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2005) Latvian Energy Outlook // Development agency for Ruda Slaska INWESTOR, ISDN 0867-2172, ZESZYT NR 5/2005: 26 pp.

Adrians Davis, Inga Puikevica – Puikevska, Viktors Zebergs and Namejs Zeltins (2005) Energy Efficiency Problems in Post-Transition Countries // IAEE conference, Taipei, Taiwan, CD.

Mikelsons K., Kreslinsh V., Brinkis K., Zebergs V., Zeltins N. (2005) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Problems in the New EU Countries //The 25th

annual North American Conference of IAEE/USAEE, Omni Interlocken Resort, Denver, CO, USA, CD


Participation in Research Projects

o Energy Efficiency Increasing (Norway) (1994 - 1999) o N.Zeltins (Head of Project) Complex Energetical, Economical and

Ecological Investigations of the Development of Heat Supply Systems. Latvian Council of Science (1994 - 1997)

o Latvian National Program. Latvian Heat Energy Production and Consumption System Optimisation. Latvian Council of Science 1997 - 2001


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o N.Zeltins (Head of Project) Theoretical and Methodical Research of the Increase of Energy Resources Utilisation and Repeated Utilisation. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2000)

o International Project (Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Germany) Ecological Energy Conception of Baltic Sea Countries in Transition. (1997- 2001)

o International Project. Energy and Environment. Policy Centre of Central and Eastern Europe (1998 –)

o N.Zeltins (Head of Project) Strategy of Energy Efficiency and Saving for Development of Latvian Fuel and Energy Complex. Latvian Council of Science (2001 –)

o N.Zeltins (Head of Part of Project) Integration of the Technologies for Rational Use to Ensure Sustainable Development of Energy Sector in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science (2002 – 2005)

o World Energy Council project “WEC Task Force on DH/CHP Regulatory Issues in Transition Economies”(2000-2004)

o Centre of Excellence “Integration Centre for Central Europe for Research in Energy Supply from Fossil Fuels and Renewable Sources (CENERG)”, Energy Institute, Poland, Warszawa. (2001-)

o EC FR 5” (Project Acronym – EPA, Proposal No. NNES 2001-00421) “Analysis of Policy Instruments and Identification of Tools for the Implementation of Rational Energy Use and Renewable Energy Sources in EU Candidate Countries  (2001- )



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Personal Data:

Date of Birth: February 24, 1970Place of Birth: Latvia, RigaNationality: RussianWork Address: 1Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Salaspils-1, Miera Street 32, LV-2169, Latvia, Phone: +371 7945838, E-mail: [email protected];Home Address: Jasmuizas street 7, flat 6, Riga, Latvia, LV-1021, phone 9736156.Civil Status: Married (son)Languages: Russian, Latvian, English

Education and Scientific Rank:

1987.- 1992. Studies Riga Technical University, Faculty of Heat Energetic, speciality– “Heat energetic of industry”1992. Dip. ing. Nr. 000712.1995.- 1996. Master course RTU in the faculty of Transport and machine building1996. Dip. M. sc. ing. Nr. 000663.1998.- 2001. Doctor degree course in the faculty of Transport and machine building2003. Dip. Dr. sc. ing. B-D Nr. 001077


2000.- 2004. Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, laboratory of heat and mass transfer, assistant

2002. Lecture course for the bachelor students of RTU: “Combustion

processes in the influence of the electric field”, “The influence of the electric field on heat and mass transfer processes”2004.-2005. Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, laboratory of heat and mass transfer, head researcher2004.-2005. RTU, faculty of Transport and machine building, head researcher

The main field of research activity:

Electrical control of the processes of fuel combustion, soot nanoparticles formation and sequestration, fuel decarbonisation and so greenhouse emissions (CO2, NOx) formations in the premixed propane/air flame flows and the non-premixed swirling flame. Electrical control of co-firing of biomass (wood granules) and gaseous fuel (propane). The results of research work are published in 36 papers.


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Moreover, “Electrical control of combustion and heat/mass transfer processes” lectures are read on RTU, Heat Energetic prof. D.Turlaja grupa.

Research projects:

Investigation and control of the combustion and interrelated heat/mass transfer processes by the external forces during co-firing the gaseous fossil fuels with renewable. 2005 –2008 years.

Investigation of the processes of combustion and turbulent transfer in the channel flows under the influence of external forces. 1997 – 2000 years.

Electrical control of the emissions of greenhouse gases and processes of the formation, capture and sequestration of carbon particles from the flame. 2001-2004 years.

Investigation and control of the combustion and interrrelated heat/mass transfer processes by the external forces during cofiring the gaseous fossil fuels with renewable. 2005-2008 years.

Recent/Representative Publications (2003-2005 years):

1. M. Zake, I. Barmina. Electrical Processing of Soot Formation and Carbon Sequestration from the Swirling Flame Flow.// Proceedings of International Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing. Hannover, March 24-26, 2003, p. 331-336.

2. M. Zake, I. Barmina. The Active Electrical Control of Staged Combustion and Greenhouse Emissions from a Non-Premixed Swirling Flame // Proceedings of the Fourth Baltic Heat Transfer Conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, August 25-27, 2003, p. 845-852.

3. M. Zake, I. Barmina, G. Shtein, D. Turlajs. Investigation of the Electric Field Effect on the Heat Transfer From the Swirling Flame // Proceedings of the Fourth Baltic Heat Transfer Conference. Kaunas, Lithuania, August 25-27, 2003, pp. 467-474.

4. M.Zaķe, D.Turlajs, I.Barmina, G.Šteins, I.Klementjeva Elektriskā Lauka Ietekme uz Gāzes Virpuļliesmas Raksturlielumiem // RTU 44. Starptautiskā Zinātniskā Konference, 2003, Rīga, p. 81 (tēzes un referāts).

5. M.Zaķe, D.Turlajs, I.Barmina, G.Šteins. Situmnīcas Efektu Radošo Virpuļliesmas Gāzu Emisijas Vadīšana ar Elektrisko Lauku // RTU 44. Starptautiskā Zinātniskā Konference, 2003, Rīga, p. 81. (tēzes un referāts).

6. I. Barmina. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EXTERNAL ELECTRIC FIELD EFFECT ON THE COMBUSTION PROCESSES. Summary of the thesis for scientific degree of the doctor. Riga, SIA “JUMI” publishing house, 2003, pp. 25.

7. M. Zaķe, I. Barmina, M. Lubāne. Swirling flame. Part 1. Experimental Study of the Effect of Stage Combustion on Soot Formation and Carbon Sequestration from the Nonpremixed Swirling Flame. Magnetohydrodynamics, 2004, Vol. 40, No 2, p.161-181.

8. M. Zaķe, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs, M. Lubāne, A. Krūmiņa. Swirling Flame. Part 2. Electric Field Effect on the Soot Formation and Greenhouse Emissions. Magnetohydrodynamics, 2004, Vol. 40, No 2, p.183-202.


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9. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, M. Gedrovics. Kinetic Study of Wood Biomass Co-Firing with Gas// Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Science, 2004, No 2, p. 15-25.

10. M. Zake, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs, A. Ramata, A. Meijere. Greenhouse Gas Mitigation from the Swirling Combustion // CHISA-2004-16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague- Czech Republic, 22-26 august 2004, CD- ROM with full teksts, P7.8-0148, p. 1-15.

11. M. Zake, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs, A. Ramata, A. Meijere. Experimental Study of the Electric Field-enhanced Heat Transfer from Swirling Combustion // CHISA-2004-16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague- Czech Republic, 22-26 august 2004, CD-ROM with full teksts, G6.8-0079, p. 1-12.

12. A. Meijere, M. Gedrovics, M. Zake, I. Barmina. Kinetic Study of co-firing of Wood granules with propan/air supply.// CHISA-2004-16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague- Czech Republic, 22-26 august 2004, CD-ROM with full teksts, P7.7-1108, p. 1-15.

13. M.Zake, I.Barmina, A. Meijere, M Gedrovic Experimental Study of the Electric Field Effect on the Wood Biomass Cofire by Propane, 2nd International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for Energy, September 20-22, 2004, Kyiv, CD-ROM with full texts, p. 1-4.

14. A.Meijere, M.Zake, I.Barmina, M.Gedrovics Experimental study on co-firing of biomass (wood granules) and gaseous fuel (propane), RTU Zinātniskie raksti, 4.sēr. Enerģētika un elektrotehnika, 2004, N12, ISSN 1407-7345, Rīga, p. 131-136.

15. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, The Formation of Polluting Emissions by the Wood Biomass Co-Firing with Propane, LFTZ, 2004, p.15-26.

16. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, The Formation of Polluting Emissions by the Wood Biomass Co-Firing with Propane, LFTZ, 2005, N1, pp. 33-42.

17. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, The Electric Field Control of Heat Generation by Co-Firing the Renewable with Gaseous Fossil Fuel, Proceedings of Riga-Pamir conference, 2005, pp. 111-114.

18. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, The Electric Field-Forced Formation of the Swirling Flame Flow Field, Proceedings of Riga-Pamir conference, 2005, pp. 115-118.

19. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, Electric Control of Combustion and Formation of Polluting Emissions by Co-Firing the Renewable with Fossil Fuel, Magentohydrodynamics, 2005, N3, pp. 255-271.

20. D. Turlajs, M. Zake, I. Barmina, M. Purmals, A. Meijere, A. Ramata, The Electric/Electromagnetic Field Control of the Gas Combustion, Proceedings of conf. “Актуальные вопросы теплофизики и физической гидрогазодинамики”, г. Алушта, 2005, pp.1-6.

21. D. Turlajs, M. Zaķe, I. Barmina, A. Ramata. Dūmgāzu ekoloģiskā kontrole degšanas procesā, Rīgas Tehniskās Universitātes 46. Starptautiskas Zinātniskās konferences, RTU, Rīga, 2005. gada 13.-15. oktobrī.

22. D. Turlajs, D. Rusovs, I. Barmina, I. Stankeviča. Siltumapmaiņas sistēmu optimizācija ar Pinch tehnoloģiju, Rīgas Tehniskās Universitātes 46. Starptautiskas Zinātniskās konferences, RTU, Rīga, 2005. gada 13.-15. oktobrī.

23. I. Barmina, A. Desņickis, A. Meijere, M. Zake, Active Electric Control of Emissions from the Swirling Combustion, Kijev- NATO, May, 2006 (accepted as a poster), pp.1-8.


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24. I. Barmina, A. Desņickis, A. Meijere, M. Zake, Development of Biomass and Gas Co-Firing Technology to reduce Greenhouse Gaseous Emissions, Kijev- NATO, May, 2006 (accepted as a presentation lecture), pp 1-10.

25. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Desnickijs, Electric control of combustion dynamic and pollutant emission from the swirl stabilized premixed combustion, CHISA-2006-17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha, August 2006, (accepted as a poster)

26. M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Desnickijs, Control of pollutant emissions by co-firing the renewable with fossil fuel, CHISA-2006-17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha, August 2006, (accepted as a poster).

Dr.sc.ing. I.Barmina



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8. Family name: Vostrikovs9. First names: Sergejs10. Date of birth: September 25, 1974

11. Education:

Institution Riga Technical University[ Date from - Date to ] 1994 - 1998.Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

Honours degree. The proficiency of the engineer on a specialization power system is assigned.

Diploma Nr. 004835

Institution Riga Technical University[ Date from - Date to ] 1998 - 2001.Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

The scientific degree of the master of engineering sciences is assigned in the field of mechanics and engineering.

Diploma Nr. 003339

12. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - basic; 5 - excellent)

Language Reading Speaking WritingLatvian 5 5 5Russian 5 5 5English 5 4 5

13. Professional experience:

Date from - 2001.Company RTU TMF SES professorial groupPosition explorer

14. Other relevant information (e.g, Publications):

1. A PLANNING OF FUEL AND ENERGY SUPPLY IN LATVIA BY USING A MESAP PROGRAMMING MODEL (9. p.) ( RTU 42. International Conference) S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa

2. A PLANNING ON ENERGY AND ENERGY RESOURCES CONSUMPTION IN LATVIA (10. p.) (RTU 43. International Conference) S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa


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3. A PLANNING OF FUEL AND ENERGY RESOURCES CONSUMPTION BY USING A MESAP PROGRAMMING MODEL (11. p.) (RTU 44. International Conference) S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa

4. Legal Regulation of CHP in the National Legislation of Latvia (4. p.) Sergejs Vostrikovs, Antra Kundzina, Daniels Turlajs, Ugis Sarma (1st International Ukrainian Conference on Cogeneration for Industry and District Heating Systems Kiev, Ukraine 18-20 October, 2004)

5. A PLANNING OF FUEL AND ENERGY RESOURCES CONSUMPTION BY USING A MESAP PROGRAMMING MODEL (7. p.) S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa (SIMS 2004, the 45th Conference on Simulation and Modelling 23-24 September 2004 in Copenhagen)

6. OPTIMAL FUEL WOOD MODELLING IN LATVIA USING MESAP PROGRAM (7. p.) “J. Mikielewicz, W. Nowak HEAT TRANSFER AND RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY HTRSE – 2004, Szczecin 2004. ” Antra Kundzina, Sergejs Vostrikovs, Daniels Turlajs, Ugis Sarma (10th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HEAT TRANSFER AND RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY; Międzyzdroje, Poland, 08 – 11.09.2004)

7. Value of power wood in a power balance of Latvia (5. p.) (Lvov 14 – 15.04.05), Sergejs Vostrikovs, Antra Kundzina, Daniels Turlajs(3th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL conference, Nonconventional and renewed energy sources as alternative to initial energy sources in region, Lvov 14 – 15.04.05)

8. Analysis and Prognosis of Consumption of Energy and Fuel Sources in Latvia. (8. p.) (RTU 46. International Conference) Sergejs Vostrikovs, Antra Kundzina, Daniels Turlajs

9. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa, U. Sarma //Modelling fuel and energy supply for central and regional levels of Latvia // WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on INFORMATION SCIENCE and APPLICATIONS, Prague, Czech Republic. Issue 5, Volume 3, March 2006, pp. 927-93310. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. Kundziņa, U. Sarma // Simulation of fuel and energy supply in Latvia by using MESAP programming model // 8th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modeling and Simulation, Prague, Czech Republic, March 12-14, 2006, pp. 226-231)

15. Home address:

Address: Katrinas street 2 – 9, Riga, LV-1045

Phone: 9711666E- address [email protected]


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5. CIVIL STATUS: maried


2004- today master studies in “Heat and Power Engineering” programe

Riga Technical University, TMF

2001-2003 baccalaureate studies Riga Technical University, EEF1980-1985 engineer Riga Politechnical Institute, EEF

7. LANGUAGE SKILLS Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 - excellent; 1 - basic):Language Reading Speaking Writing

Latvian (mother tongue) 5 5 5Russian 5 5 5English 3 3 38. MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES:

9. OTHER SKILLS: computer skills


2005-today practical assistant professor Riga Technical University, TMF2005 -today Inspection Manager Stock company "IBNA" 2002-2005 Member of the board "Jurmalas Siltums" SIA2004-2005 Expert Latvian Independent Inspection2001-2004 Manager Training center "BUTS"2000-2002 Expert TUV Nord Baltic1986-2001 Energetics Manager Stock company "Juraslicis" 1985-1986 engineer Projecting Institute "Rupnicprojekts"


TRAINING / COURSES: 04.2005. EU directive 97/23, TAIEX meeting in Bratislava02.2004. Training of experts (LATAK)07.2003. Course of labour safety ("BUTS" SIA)03.2003. Experts certification (LNSASC-E-0821/03)1996. Intermidiate english course (Mirte)

March 23, 2006 y. A. Cars


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1. Name, surname: Victor Kozlov.

2. Identity No.: 070939 – 12713.

3. Place of birth: Ukraine, Zaporozje.

4. Residence: Riga, Latvia.

5. Organization: Riga Technical University, Institute of General and Civil

Safety of


6. Academic degree: Doctor of technical sciences (1985), Doctor habil. of Economics

(1993), Actual member (academician) of Academy of Ecology


Life protection sciences (1999).

7. Practical activity: Research problems of General Safety, Health and conditions of


8. Pedagogical activity: Teachig the University students the General, Occupational



1972 - docent;

1987 - professor; Chairman of Department of labaur

protection and Environment; 1993 - professor,

Chairman of

Institute of General and Civil Safety.

9. Scientific work: Working and inveestigation of Methods, Models for

evaluation,prognose and increase Occupational, General Safety,

Conditions of work and ecology (Environmental Engineering).

10. Participation in the research works (1999 – 2002): Research of the General,

Occupational Safety problems. (Investigation of Mathematical Metods, Models,

Computer Programs for evaluation, prognose and increase Occupational, Civil

Safety, working conditions and Environmental.

11. The last 5 years publications:

11.1. Эргономические аспекты при проектировании рабочего места сварщика. Starptautiskā konference MET-99, Metināšana, Rīga. 1999.


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11.2. Эргономические нормативы при проектировании и организации рабочего места сварщика. Сварочное производство № 5. М. 2000. 11.3. The concept of the complex safety System of transit goods in Latvia. Report, 5 th International Emergency Planning Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, 1999. 11.4. Hypertext Data Base Projection in Economics. Proceedings of the Latvia university. Proceedings of the Latvia university of agriculture. Jelgava, 1999.

11.5. The proposals for concept of transit goods in Latvia. Report International Conference Eco Balt 2000. Rīga. 2000. 11.6. Hypertexts in Economics, – Report Intrnacional Conference “Ekonomika ir Vaduba – 2000”, Kaunas “Technologija”. 2000. 11.7. Hypertext Technology in the Models of Work – safety and Environment Protection Economiks. International Conference, Riga, 2000. 11.8. Ugunsgrēku izraisīto ekonomisko zaudējumu novērtēšanas metode. Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās. Konferences zinātniskie raksti, Rīga, RTU, 2000.

11.9. Эргономические нормативы при проектировании и организации рабочего

места сварщика. Сварочное производство № 5. М. 2000. 11.10. Экономическая оценка эффективности затрат на обеспечение пожарной безоласности. Starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiāli, Rīga, 2000. 11.11. Охрана труда и техника безопасности при проведении сварочных работ в странах Европейского Союзаю. Сварочное производство N 2. M. 2002. 11.12. Охрана труда и техника безопасности при проведении сварочных работ в странах Европейского Союзаю. Сварочное производство N 3. M. 2002.

12. Amount of the scientifie works: 152.

13. Languages: Latvian, Russian, English.


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Personal dataFull name : Zoja SundukovaDate of birth : 1 February 1950Place of birth : LithuaniaAddress : Ruses iela 28 dz.60, Rīga , LV-1029Telephone: 7047376

Education1967-1968 Kaunas Polytechnical Institute , Vilnius Faculty1968 – 1972 Riga Polytechnical Institute , Faculty of Engineering Economics

Degrees1987 Candidate of Economic Sciences1992 nostrification , Dr.oec.

Language skillsRussian – nativeLatvian – fluentEnglish – satisfactory

Employment history1990 to present RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics , assistant professor1975 – 1990 RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics , senior lecturer1973 – 1975 RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics , senior laboratory assistant,lecturer on contractual basis

Professional advancement18 October 2002 – 29 Nov.2002 Advancement course in accounting, Riga Consulting Centre “Latvikon” Certificate reg.No.29/11-6

Publications (amount and scope)and the relevant recent publications(6 years)35 publications – 42.4 printed sheets , 1.Articles in the International higher school scientific proceedings “Economic problems in entrepreneurship” (1998 , 2000 , 2001)


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2. Teaching aid – Economics of enterprise : basics of business activities. Riga , RTU , 2002 – 33pp. 3. Theoretical basis of economic analysis – lectures ,Riga , RTU , 2003 71pp.(co-author K.Didenko)

Trend of research Economic problems in entrepreneurship

Pedagogical and scientific activities Courses of lectures in : Business Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship Economics of Industry Production Accounting Management Accounting Technical and Economic Analysis of Business Performance

Additional activities1989 –2001 accounting practice in a business

Awards and recognition1. Record of Recognition by Latvia Education Foundation

for training highly qualified specialists (13 Sept. 2002)2. Appreciations for excellent long-term performance(orders by the


25 December 2004


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Name: BeatriseSurname: GarjāneAddress: 22 Rostokas st., Flat 14, RIGA, LV – 1029Nationality: LatvianIdentity No: 310355-10628

Education: Scientific Degrees1. The Institute of Education& Psychology

At Latvian University 1998 Doctor of Pedagogy2. Riga Teacher Training& Educational

Management Academy, Master Course 1994-1996 Master of Pedagogy In Educational

Management3. Riga Teacher Training & Educational

Management Academy Higher Professional Education Managers Course. Qualification: Education Manager 1994-1996

4. Latvian State UniversityPhilology Department, Higher Education 1973-1978

5. Secondary school No.4, JelgavaSecondary education 1962-1973

In – job Training

13 workshops/seminar for professor of higher educational establishments

Work experience

Since 2001 Assistant Professor Chair of Education & Sociology, Institute for

Humanities, Riga Technical UniversitySince 1998 Assistant Professor Riga Teacher Training & Educational

Management AcademySince 1995 Member ISEC Experts CommissionSince 1992 Manager Chair of Arts, Riga Commerce School

Latvian language Riga Commerce School& literature teacher

1977-1992 Latvian language Riga Secondary school No. 36& literature teacher

Participation in International Educational Projects: 2

Reports at conferences: 3

NGO work: 1997-1998 Chairperson of Latvian language & literature teacher association

Languages: Latvian, Russian, German


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Date of birth: 28.04.1958Place of birth: RigaCitizenship: LatviaIdentity No.: 280458-12753Address: K.Valdemara 39-20, Riga, Lv 1010Phone: 371-94120999, at work: 7089152Civil status: single, 2 childrens

Education: Mg.Psychology

Diplomas, Institutions, Date:Latvian University – Master of Psychology, 1996;Leningrad (russia) State University – Diploma of Psychology, 1984;Riga 49 secondary school, 1976

Professional experience:Riga Technical University, Institute for Humanities, Assistant professor, from 2001, courses:

Communication Psychology;Psychology;Organizational Psychology

Riga Technical University, Institute for Humanities, lecturer, 1992-2001

Specific experience:Organizational Psychology – consultant, trainer

Publications: 5 articles (from 1999- 2003)

Sandra Gudzuka


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Valery Kunitsky

Date of birth: 17.10.52Place of birth: RigaIdentity N: 171052 – 10604Citizenship: LatviaAddress: Ernestines 18a-13, Riga, LVPhone: 7089152 (at work)Civil status: married, 2 children

Education Dr. Philosophy

Diplomas, degrees, institutions, dates

Moscow State University, diploma: lecturer of philosophy, 1975Moscow State University, degree: Dr. Phil, 1985

Professional experience

Riga Technical University, Institute of Humanities, Assistant Professor (docent), from 1990

Course: Sociology Social psychology Business sociology

Publications: 17 articles from 1999 – 2005

V.Kunickis 2005.