· Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes...

Directions: 1. Look up the idiom you were assigned at http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/ and write the definition. 2. Use your idiom in a sentence. 3. Draw a picture to illustrate your idiom. 4. For a 4, explain the origin of your idiom.

Transcript of · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes...

Page 1: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t


1. Look up the idiom you were assigned at http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/ and write the definition.

2. Use your idiom in a sentence.3. Draw a picture to illustrate your idiom. 4. For a 4, explain the origin of your idiom.

Between a rock and a hard place

It’s a tough choice between getting to the big game on time or waiting for Mr. Smith to call. I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Page 2: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Beating around the bush

Stop beating around the bush. Whom are you taking to the dance?

Birds of a feather flock together

Everyone at that table plays soccer. I guess that birds of a feather flock together.

Bite off more than you can chew

You can’t captain the team, edit the paper and star in the play. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Bite the hand that feeds you

Eve just insulted the girl who is teaching her to ice-skate. That’s’ biting the hand that feeds you.

Can’t see the forest for the trees

My teacher catches all my grammar mistakes, but he misses my brilliant writing. He can’t see the forest for the trees.

Can’t hold a candle to

Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing.

Cast the first stone

Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t cast the first stone.

Page 3: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Cat got your tongue

Why don’t you answer me? Cat got your tongue?

Catch you later

I’ve got to get right home to babysit my little sister. I’ll catch you later.

Chew someone out

When Lori’s parents saw her report card, they really chewed her out.

Chip on your shoulder

Avoid Calvin today. He has a real chip on his shoulder.

Clam up

Chip off the old block

Clip your wings

Page 4: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Climb the walls

Come apart at the seams

Cool as a cucumber

Cost an arm and a leg

Crocodile tears

Cross that bridge when you come to it

Cry wolf

Cut off your nose to spite your face

Page 5: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Cry over spilled milk

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

Dot your I’s and cross your T’s

Down the drain

Down to earth

Down to the wire

Draw the line at

Dressed to the nines

Page 6: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Drive a hard bargain

Early bird catches the worm

Easy as pie

Easy come easy go

Eat crow

Eat you out of house and home

Eat your heart out

Egg on your face

Every cloud has a silver lining

Page 7: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Everything but the kitchen sink

Face the music

Fair weather friend

Fat cat

Feather in your cap

Field day

Fish out of water

Flash in the pan

Page 8: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Fly by night

Fly by the seat of your pants

Fly off the handle

Fly the coop

Food for thought

Footloose and fancy free

Full of hot air

Get a kick out of something

Get into the swing of things

Get something off your chest

Page 9: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Get to the bottom of something

Get under your skin

Get up on the wrong side of the bed

Get your goat

Give someone the shirt off your back

Go bananas

Go for broke

Grasp at straws

Green thumb

Page 10: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Handle with kid gloves

Handwriting on the wall

Have a bone to pick with you

Have your cake and eat it too

Head in the clouds

High horse

Hit below the belt

Hit the nail on the head

Hitch your wagon to a star

Page 11: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

If the shoe fits, wear it

In hot water

In the bag

In the doghouse

In the same boat

It takes two to tango

Jump off the deep end

Jump on the bandwagon

Jack of all trades

Page 12: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Keep a stiff upper lip

Kill two birds with one stone

Leave no stone unturned

Let sleeping dogs lie

Let the cat out of the bag

Let the chips fall where they may

Like a bump on a log

Long in the tooth

Look down your nose at someone

Page 13: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Make heads or tails out of something

Make no bones about something

Mince words

Mind over matter

More than meets the eye

Nothing to sneeze at

On cloud nine

On the fence

On the fritz

Page 14: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

On the ropes

On top of the world

Once in a blue moon

One good turn deserves another

One track mind

Out in left field

Open a can of worms

Out of the woods

Out on a limb

Page 15: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Over the hill

Over your head

Pay through the nose

Pie in the sky

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones

Point of no return

Pot calling the kettle black

Pull out all the stops

Pull strings

Page 16: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Pull the wool over your eyes

Pull your leg

Put all your eggs in one basket

Let the cat out of the bag

Raining cats and dogs

Rat race

Read between the lines

Read the riot act

Page 17: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

The real McCoy

Red herring

Red tape

Rome was not built in a day

Round peg in a square hole

Rub the wrong way

Salt of the earth

See eye to eye

Page 18: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Shake a leg

Shoe is on the other foot

Show your true colors

Smell a rat

Spill the beans

Stir up a hornet’s nest

Straight from the horse’s mouth Swan song

Take with a grain of salt

Page 19: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Through the grapevine

Throw a monkey wrench into the works

Throw in the towel

Tickled pink

Top banana

Turn over a new leaf Turn the other check

Two faced

Under the weather

Page 20: · Web viewCan’t hold a candle to Aliyah can’t hold a candle to John when it comes to tap dancing. Cast the first stone Don’t’ criticize, you’ve done it yourself so you shouldn’t

Up against the wall

Walk on eggs

Walking on air

Wear your heart on your sleeves

Butter someone up