Web viewBrief . History . behind. This Program: ... Their address is: U.S. Department of Housing and...

Welcome to the Independent HUD/MIP refund home processor program: According to Official statistics there is close to $100 million dollars in unpaid HUD/ FHA refunds. Independent HUD/MIP home processors and the like, have helped out countless of property owners finally receive the money due them. In the same time have made for themselves tens of millions for their valuable service since the late 1990’s. Following the instructions below the people who put input into this valuable instructions have received as much $349 for their service in a day. You could do the same or much more. As we stated in our description message “It is entirely up to you how much you make…” This being a work at home program it is entirely up to you. Even though you are not a direct employee of the Housing and Urban Development, you will be working closely with this government agency to see that these eligible refund recipients receive their refund. You will be also be handling IMPORTANT : If you have any questions, concerns or need support about this information DO NOT contact the“ HUD support “ number below, RATHER contact us directly at (770) 415-5556. You could also contact us at [email protected] We have individuals who have been successful with the below instructions and will help you.

Transcript of Web viewBrief . History . behind. This Program: ... Their address is: U.S. Department of Housing and...

Welcome to the Independent HUD/MIP refund home processor program:

According to Official statistics there is close to $100 million dollars in unpaid HUD/ FHA refunds. Independent HUD/MIP home processors and the like, have helped out countless of property owners finally receive the money due them. In the same time have made for themselves tens of millions for their valuable service since the late 1990’s. Following theinstructions below the people who put input into this valuable instructions have received as much $349 for their service in a day. You could do the same or much more. As we statedin our description message “It is entirely up to you how much you make…” This being a work at home program it is entirely up to you. Even though you are not a direct employee of the Housing and Urban Development, you will be working closely with this government agency to see that these eligible refund recipients receive their refund. You will be also be handling sensitive official documents and personal information. That being said, we must ensure the integrity of these program for years to come and do that with a screening process in which noteveryone is approved. We are here to help you. Please look for follow-ups and support. Again welcome.

IMPORTANT: If you have any questions, concerns or need support about this information DO NOT contact the“ HUD support “ number below, RATHER contact us directly at (770) 415-5556. You could also contact us at [email protected] have individuals who have been successful with the below instructions and will help you.

ONLY CONTACT HUD’s support service center to ask questions regarding the refund recipient or your “found case form”. HUD Support Center is 1-800-697-6967.

Brief History behind This Program:

As stated in our description “Your task will mostly consist of simply processing fliers and mail in the comfort of your home. These individuals were entitled to get a refund on this insurance after they pay off their home”

To expand on this: According to section 508 of the housing and development Act of 1992, beginning October 28,1993,eligible mortgagors have a 6 year period from the HUD first sent them written notification for a refund to claim that refund. HUD sends notification to these individuals and for whatever reason the person owed a refund does not respond to the notification. Tens of thousands of people have completely forgotten about their refund that range from $400 to $5000. The government agency, HUD, has accumulated a database of these individuals who are still eligible for a refund. Basically, you will be continuing HUD’s effort of notifying these individuals and potentially receive a generous income for your service. You will be using HUD’s current database to perform this task. You will be securing your payment from the refund recipient who will gladly pay you up to 30% of their refund for your services.

Remember, the person who is eligible for a refund has only 6 years to claim that refund. Many of the individuals on the database have only months, maybe even days to claim their refund. The two main documents that need to be processed by YOU is the found tracer form (below) and document to the eligible refund recipient that secures your payment for your service. You will be forwarding your “ Tracer Found form” to HUD. Their address is:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Disbursements and Customer Services Branch P.O. Box 44372 Washington, DC 200264372

HUD will then send the home owner the the form HUD-27050-B. The homeowners completes the form and returns it HUD where HUD processesthe refund and a US Department of Treasury check is sent to the property owner.You then receive payment for your services.

Step #1 Retrieve the database of eligible refund recipients. Again these are the people that are due a refund for mortgage insurance. The database if found directly on HUD’s website. Use this link: http://www.refundrecipientsdatabase.info Here is what you will see: Scroll down and you will see database listings for each state: Because the list are compressed you will want to Click on any of the states that you choose.

Open it up with Excel. If you open the file up with notepad you will see something like this:

Just below will be some simple instructions as to how to read these list. However, it is much easier to import and use excel. Excel will also allow you to sort through all the name and write notes. HUD has put together a PDF that shows you exactly how to this here: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/documents/huddoc?id=foiastatednldinst.pdf

Generally, this is how you want to read the list that HUD has provided: The highlighted area represents an unclaimed refund case.

The refund cases are presented in a format that can be somewhat confusing at first glance, but this will help you understand them.

The first ten digits on the left is the case number for that particular refund. The case number starts with three numbers then a dash followed by six more numbers. In this example the case number is 441-591710. The following numbers represent the amount of the refund. For example 0942.390000000.00 would mean that the amount of that refund is $942.39. Following the dollar amount of the refund is the date when the refund became available.

In this example the date is 01/22/2003. You will see additional dates listed following the first date but these dates are not relevant to processing the refund. Following the last date, you will see the address, city, state, and zip code of where the HUD/FHA insured mortgage was paid off. In this example the address is 210 Hilltop Rd. Norristown, PA

19401. Finally you will see the name of the refund recipient in a last name, then first name format. Sometimes an additional address is listed after the name of the refund recipient but it is not relevant to processing the refund.

*Note: You will want to ignore the last two zeros for each refund amount listed. For example, the listed amount $3187.3600 would equal $3187.36.

Step 3: Sorting through database and confirming recipient’s location. After you have downloaded your list and familiarized yourself with how to read the each case then you are ready for the next step. The next step is sorting through the list to find the gems. You wantto first do this by making sure that the recipient is still eligible. The property is only eligible up to 6 years AFTER the property was paid off. This is the FIRST date that you find on each case. HUD has limited resources and usually just send a letter to the original property address. We know people buy multiple properties. People may buy investment properties to flip or just move.

A quick online search would determine if the person is still at that address. Usually, you will find that the property owner has simply moved to a neighboring house or somewhere close by. The person’s first and last name are important but pay close attention if they have a middle name. This will narrow down and confirm the person’s correct and updated address. Example: Search time: 32 seconds- Refund amount $1553.47Potential payment for you: $310.69

351-196*** 1553.47 00000.00 12/15/1986 05/17/2007 NJ 08021 PIOT FRANCIS W 748 MAPLE AVE ATCO (city) NJ 08004 FRANCIS PIOT 27 ALBERTSON AVE CLEMENTON NJ 08021

Using 411.com ( free search )

You could easily follow up with a call. You could also use the online white pages, reverse search and even people finders.

Step # 4. Once you have confirmed recipient’s location.Ok, you did a quick search online and found the new contact and address of the refund recipient. You then simply contact the property owner through phone or contract form. At this time you will be making sure that you do not disclose any important information to this potential refund recipient. You will be simply informing them that they have “Unclaimed funds”; they have a very short time to claim these funds and that you have the necessary information to start the ball rolling so that they will receive these funds in the form of a US dept treasury check. Most be people would be thrilled to hear such information and will agree to the small fee. You spent only a few minutes to confirm the person’s location but you don’t want to tell them that.

Step # 5 Secure payment.If at any time during your search you feel that you have confirmed or located the person you are looking for, you will want to send them an introductory/notification letter/email phone call with a contract (see below). Remember, if you are fairly confident you have located the refund recipient, and can locate a phone number for them, you can call them before sending the introductory/notification letter and contract to them. This will allow you to accomplish two things: 1) You can be certain you have found the refund recipient 2) You can learn whether or not they may be in the process of collecting their refund.

By using this method, you will want to introduce yourself as an Independent Unclaimed Money Processor or an Independent Refund Processor. You will briefly and professionally inform them that you are looking to contact (refund recipient's name) in order to help them recover a sum of unclaimed money in the amount of (amount shown on the list). If you are able to confirm that you have located the refund recipient and that they are unaware of being entitled to an amount of unclaimed money, just let them know that you will send them the information regarding the unclaimed money (the introductory/notification letter and contract). If at all possible ask for an email address and do some correspondence that way. If they ask what the reason for this unclaimed money is, let them know that you cannot disclose the reason for the refund without the having the proper documents returned to you.

The following is the introductory/notification letter. Feel free to print and use it. Use adobe reader and convert to Office document. THIS IS THE FIRST DOCUMENT that you will need to send (“process”) to eligible refund recipients. You will want to send this letter to the refund recipient once you are certain of their correct mailing address, or at least reasonably certain.


Dear (refund recipient's name),

My name is (your name), and I'm an Independent Unclaimed Money (Tracer or Processor, which ever you prefer). I try to find people who have unclaimed refunds and reunite them with it.

The U.S. Government branch holding these unclaimed refunds attempts to contact these people for two years, then places them on state lists that are made available to independent Tracers, if they were unsuccessful.

My information shows a (refund recipient's name) who owns or once owned a property located at (property address shown on the list), as having an unclaimed refund. The amount of the refund is $(amount shown on list). This refund is not earning interest.

My only wish is to be compensated for what is known as a ''processing fee'' if my work leads to the successful collection of this refund. This fee is $(amount you will charge) and is only to be paid after you receive your refund. This fee is very reasonable considering the amount of time it requires to provide this service.

If you are mentioned here, and you would like me to immediately disclose to you the reason for this refund, then just complete the enclosed agreement stating that I have located the correct person(s), and that you will pay me for my services after you receive your refund check. I have provided a return envelope for your convenience. The blank spaces on the agreement indicate where your current address or signature is to be placed.

After I receive the completed agreement, I will inform you of who is holding this money in the form of a letter. You will receive this letter along with a Found Case form, within

five (5) business days after I receive the completed agreement. Completing the Found Case form and sending it to the government branch holding this refund will start the process of collecting it.

I hope my work has lead me to the rightful owner of this refund.

Sincerely, (your name and contact information)

Step # 6. Follow up.

After the eligible refund recipient has returned the contract stating that will promptly pay you once they receive their refunds, you will follow up with them with 2 other documents. The first document will be the following document (flier) that gets more in depth of what their refund is about. That confirmation letter (again below) will further explain the steps the eligible refund recipient will need to take to start the process of receiving their refund. Part of that process will be for the refund recipient to thoroughly complete the 2nd form (“the found case form” below) that you will be included with your confirmation/follow up letter. “Found case form” The ''Found Case'' form is the form you will provide to your eligible refund recipient when you have confirmed their address, and is very basic. The first portion of this form is your information. The second portion is the updated address information of the person who is due the unclaimed refund. The third party is the property address where this HUD/FHA insured mortgage was paid off (the first address given on HUD’s database). The areas titled ''Date Acquired'' - ''Date Property Sold if Applicable'' - ''Date Mortgage Was Paid Off'', are for your client to fill in.

Just below your follow up/confirmation letter you will find the Found Case form. Once the Found Case form is completed it is forwarded to HUD/FHA. This will be the only form that is forwarded to HUD/FHA. You could have the refund recipient mail the found case form BACK to you AFTER they have signed and completed the form OR they could forward it to HUD/FHA themselves. You want to forward your Found case form to: Department of Housing and Urban Development Distributive Shares Branch P.O. Box 23699 Washington D.C. 20026-3699


Dear (recipient's name), I have received the completed agreement including the necessary signature(s) desiring to have the reason for this unclaimed money made known to you, and stating you will pay the required $(amount you are charging) Processing Fee within five (5) days after you receive your $________ unclaimed government check.

This refund check that is due you is a result of the HUD/FHA Mortgage Insurance Program. Refunds are due back to people on insurance policies that they paid to HUD/FHA while they were being issued a mortgage, if they meet the requirements. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD/FHA) will issue a refund check for the money that was paid into these insurance policies to the people who did not default on any mortgage payments during the life of the loan. An attempt is made by HUD to contact the refund recipient(s) regarding their unclaimed refund for two (2) years. Included with this letter is the Tracer Found Case form. The first part of the Tracer Found Case form is my information, the second part is your updated information, the third part is the information regarding the property where this HUD insured mortgage was paid off. The areas on the Tracer Found Case form labeled ''Date Title Acquired'', ''Date Property Sold If Applicable'' and ''Date Mortgage Was Paid Off'' can be found out by contacting your lender of that mortgage. If you don't remember who the lender was, HUD can tell you. About two (2) weeks after the completed Tracer Found Case form is sent in, you will receive a form from HUD/FHA called a ''Notice of Distributive Shares or Premium Refund''. HUD will need proof that you either own or once owned the property and you will need to send them a copy of your proof of ownership for that home (such as a mortgage note paid in full, deed of trust, etc.) along with the completed ''Notice of Distributive Shares or Premium Refund'' form, back to HUD.

Approximately 90 to 120 days after you send in your completed ''Notice of Distributive Shares or Premium Refund'' form with a copy of proof of ownership, you will receive your refund check. A good idea is to ask for a copy of the proof of ownership document from that lender while you are obtaining the ''Date Title Acquired'', ''Date Property Sold If Applicable'' and ''Date Mortgage Was Paid Off'' information for the Tracer Found Case form.In cases where two (2) people are shown as refund recipients, both signatures will be required at all times. The only exceptions are as follows: When one recipient had exclusive rights to the property at the time it was sold. If this is the case, then the proper court documents also need to be sent in along with the ''Notice of Distributive Shares or Premium Refund'' form. And, if one of the recipients is deceased, a copy of the death certificate will also have to be sent to HUD along with the ''Notice of Distributive Shares or Premium Refund'' form. HUD Contact Info. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Distributive Shares Branch P. O. Box 23699 , Washington D.C. 20026-3699 Phone: (202) 708-1112 Even though the rest of this process involves yourself, HUD and the lender of that mortgage, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. It has been my privilege to have been able to help you regarding this matter. Sincerely, (your name and contact information)

Found Case formDistributive Share -- Mortgage Insurance Premium Refund Tracer (your) Name ____________________________________Address: ______________________________ Apt. No. ______ City: ________________________State: ________________ Zip Code: __________ Telephone Number (____)________________

CLAIMANT INFORMATION:FHA Case Number |__|__|__|--|__|__|__|__|__|__| Important. Do not omit.

Name ________________________________________ (First, middle initial and last name)

(Additional Names) Address: _______________________________________ (Street and Apt. No.) _______________________________________

(City, State and Zip Code) Telephone Number |__|__|__|--|__|__|__|--|__|__|__|__|

FHA PROPERTY ADDRESS / INFORMATION: Street ________________________________ Apt No.______ City ________________________________ State _____ Zip Code _____________

Date Title Acquired __________ Date Property Sold, If Applicable __________ Date Mortgage Was Paid Off __________

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is not a party to any financial agreement between the Tracer and the claimant. Mortgagor(s): I/We, hereby certify that I/We never received a distributive share or premium refund from HUD in connection with this FHA insured mortgage. I/We consent to the above Tracer submitting this form on our behalf.

Signature(s) of Mortgagor(s) ___________________________________________ DATE __________

Forward Your Found Cases To: Department of Housing and Urban Development Distributive Shares Branch P.O. Box 23699 Washington D.C. 20026-3699

Step #7 Money in your hand. Get Paid upfront: To be paid up front, refer to page 18 below. If you have chosen to receive payment for your services after the property owner has receive their refund, than stay in contact with HUD support Center to see what part of the refund process the property is in. Also to make sure of a date the property owner will be receiving their refund. Usually, the property owner is more than happy to swiftly send you the agreed on amount. If not they know that they have signed a legal contract. Again, you could choose to charge 10% to 20% of the refund amount. You could easily edit the forms provided up above to reflect that. Or you could ask for a small upfront deposit and then the rest after they have their refund in hand. This is entirely up to you.As we stated in our message description “ …Once you get the hang of this simple process you could be receiving weekly checks…” This is a pretty straight forward process and once you do your first 2 or 3, than it will become easier and easier. You could do this part time at home or as much as you want. Some have made so much money with this that they have expanded into their own office. Many are added every year so this problem could really turn things around for you. HUD updates their list every month. Good luck !

More in depth facts about the HUD/FHA refund program.

HUD/FHA works with several lenders nationwide in assisting potential home buyers in

getting loan approval. Through an agreement with these lenders HUD/FHA will step in and make the required monthly mortgage payments if the people cannot. This in turn enables the individual to get loan approval and to purchase the home with much less down. This has helped millions of people buy homes who otherwise would never have been able to qualify.

In order for HUD/FHA to assist these people they must pay into an insurance policy on that loan. There are two insurance policies used with this program. One of these policies is the One Time Mortgage Insurance Premium (OTMIP). This policy requires one payment to be made upfront at the time the mortgage is acquired.

The other policy is the Mutual Mortgage Insurance policy (MMI). This policy is paid during the life of the loan.

These people were told that if they paid back the loan without defaulting on any mortgage payments, either by selling the home, making the required payments, or by refinancing the home, they would be entitled to a refund on the amount that was paid into the insurance policy.

HUD/FHA even sends them a letter but if they do not make an attempt to collect the refund for a period of two years, the refund is then deposited into an unclaimed account. The result is that there are currently thousands of unclaimed cases resulting in millions of unclaimed dollars.

In 1986, HUD/FHA established an effective way of getting this money back to the people. They decided to publish state listings of these unclaimed refund cases and allow anyone who is interested to assist in getting these unclaimed refunds to the people they are owed to.

You are allowed to contact these people, let them know they have an unclaimed refund that is due them, provide them with a Found Case form, and then collect a processing fee for your efforts. The processing fee you collect can be as much as 20% of the amount of the refund.

These refund recipients have 6 years to claim their refund from the date the refund became available. With this in mind, you will want to work cases where the date on the list shows a date no older than 6 years prior to the current date.

HUD/FHA will allow you to check on the payment status of a client's refund during this process, if your client signs a ''waives all rights to privacy'' release authorizing this. This is found on the contract that is included with this information. If you choose to check on the payment status of a client's refund, submit your request in writing to HUD/FHA, and accompany that with a copy of your client's privacy rights release.

Contract - Page 1 of 2

This contract is made this day of ____________________,20___


(Name or Names), (Recipient's Address, City, State, Zip)


(Your Name), (Your Address, City, State, Zip, Telephone Number)

With regard to the following recitals:

WHEREAS, (Recipient's Name) may have a valid claim, for funds in the amount of $ (Amount of Refund) from the U.S. Government; and

WHEREAS, (Recipient's Name) waives all rights of privacy and expressly authorizes (Your Name) to obtain payment information that has been approved and certified by the U.S. Government relative to this claim for $(Amount of Refund); and

WHEREAS, (Recipient's Name) has not knowingly applied for the $(Amount of Refund) governmental claim at any other time or through any other individual or company; and

WHEREAS, (Your Name) is in the business of locating and issuing the necessary documents to the U.S. Government for the payment of funds on behalf of a valid claimant; and

WHEREAS, (Recipient's Name) is desirous of having (Your Name) process the necessary documents in (Recipient's Name) behalf for a fee.

Contract for collection of refund processing fee. Pg 2 of 2

THEREFORE, the parties, by reason of the aforesaid recitals and by the mutual agreement hereinafter contained, do hereby stipulate and agree as follows:

BY AND BETWEEN: (Recipient's Name) AND: (Your Name)

1) I, (Recipient's Name), authorizes (Your Name) to act as his/her agent for a fee.

2) (Recipient's Name), certifies that he/she currently owns or retains title to, or has previously owned or retained title to: (Property Address, City, State, Zip)

3) (Recipient's Name) shall execute any and all documents necessary for (Your Name) to perform the service to obtain this check in the amount of $(Amount of Refund).

4) (Recipient's Name), shall pay to you (Your Name) a processing fee of (Percentage)% ($ Amount of Fee Charged) for the services provided, within 5 working days from the receipt of the $(Amount of Refund) government check.

5) (Recipient's Name), understands that the $(Amount of Refund) government check should arrive at his/her mailing address in the form of a check, direct from the government branch in possession of it, within 120 days of contact being made to the agency in possession of it, by the individual(s) entitled to this money.

6) Should suit be commenced or an attorney employed to enforce payment of the sum $(Amount of Refund), Processing Fee, pursuant this agreement (Recipient's Name) agrees to pay such additional sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees in said suit.

7) This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of (Your State/Province).

8) ( Receipient’ name) is including 2 stamps and a $5 dollar bill upon return of this signed document. This will cover postage, cost of materials and initial processing.

By And Between: (Recipient's Name) And: (Your Name)

Signed, this ____day of________________, 20___

Envelope Tips There are two separate approaches to consider when it comes to using envelopes. You can either use the personal approach, or you can use the business approach.

With the personal approach you will write the refund recipient's name and address on the envelope, as well as your own. You can use a printed label for the return address, but either way you will want to use your name, and not the name of your business.

This approach helps separate your letter from ''junk mail'' that they may have received along with your letter.

You may also want to consider a more formal approach by corresponding with a refund recipient using manila envelopes. Using manila envelopes will help lend an important, priority look to your letter. If you have chosen a name for your business that contains the word refund, for example ''Prompt Refund Processing'', this will be an advantage when using this approach. Manilla envelopes with windows are fine as well.

Other Ways To Locate People

Contacting relatives of this person with the hopes that they know their whereabouts is another approach to consider. If that person has a rather unique last name, this can be a great deal more practical. For example, finding the relatives of Greg Smith would be much more difficult than finding the relatives of Greg Gardener.

It is estimated that at least one out of every ten refund recipients still reside at the same address as shown on the list. In addition, if the house has been sold, then perhaps the people who now occupy the home know where they have moved to. With this in mind, you could send a brief contact letter to every address on the list.

If you decide to use this approach, send this letter addressed to: ''(refund recipient's name) or Current Resident.''

The following is a contact letter that you can use if you would like to try this approach.

Dear Current Resident,

We are trying to locate (Name shown on the list) who once lived at this address.

(Name shown on the list) is shown as having a beneficiary claim in the amount of $(Amount shown on the list), and has been able to be redeemed since (Date shown on the list). This money is not earning interest.

My job is to locate individuals and assist them in the collection of these claims. If you are aware of the current address of this person, or any contact information regarding them, it would be greatly appreciated if you could forward this to me, or simply provide them with my contact information.

If by chance you are mentioned here, then simply contact me and I will promptly assist you in the collection of this claim.


(Your contact information)

If a refund recipient responds to the letter, or you obtain their contact information, let them know that you will provide complete information regarding their unclaimed money once they have signed a payment agreement. Then inform them of the payment arrangement you will be using for the assistance you are providing. Later on you will also learn about the ''up front'' payment option. You can use either the payment option mentioned previously (sending an introductory/notification letter and a contract), or the ''up front'' payment option that is illustrated later.

Writing letters to neighbors is another approach you might want to consider. You will want to send at least 5 to 8 letters. These letters will let them know that you are wanting to locate the person who used to live at the address because they are due a claim, and if they know where that person has moved to. These letters will request that they give you their new address information if they have it. You will provide your name, address and phone number so they can contact you if they have that information.

You can guess at 5 to 8 addresses that you think may be on that street, or look into using what is known as a ''Criss Cross Directory.'' These Criss Cross Directories are found at your local library, and can tell you the address across the street from the person you are looking for. You can also ask your local library about purchasing one as well.

The next letter is the letter you would send to 3 to 5 neighbors of a person you are trying to contact, if the first letter writing example was unsuccessful.

If you are trying to locate a person whose address on your refund case list is shown as 2314 Montgomery Ave., you may want to guess at possible addresses and send a letter to:

2312 Montgomery Ave. 2313 Montgomery Ave. 2315 Montgomery Ave. 2316 Montgomery Ave. 2317 Montgomery Ave.

Address the letters to: Current Resident

Here's an example of this letter:

Dear Current Resident,

We are trying to locate (person's name) who formerly lived at (property address).

(Person's name) is due a beneficiary claim. My job is to locate individuals and assist them in the collection of these claims. If you are aware of the current address of this person, or any contact information regarding them, it would be greatly appreciated if you could forward this to me, or simply provide them with my contact information.

Thank you very much for your help!


(Your contact information)

$5 per “processed flier” and postage being covered

On the #8 agreement of the contract “for collection of refund processing fee”,provisions are madeto receive $5 and postage from the refund recipient BEFORE you begin processing their MIP refund. This will help you recover any cost for sending out the initial contract. Remember, this contract conceals the details of the what the recipients refund is about. Also,you will be receiving as much as 20% of the total amount of each and every refund that is processed.

Get Paid ''Up Front'' Payment Method Next we will explain the ''Up Front'' payment method.

In this approach you can use some of the same examples of tracing that were listed earlier to contact them, and you can call them if you feel that you have located their phone number.

If you are going to call them, first you should say:

''Hello, I'm (your name) I'm a processor in helping beneficiaries of unclaimed funds. My job is simply to locate you and to inform you of your unclaimed fund. This fund is rather small, in the amount of (Amount of Refund).''

If they ask: ''Who do you work for?'' ''Who died?'' ''Where is this money coming from?'' ''Did somebody pass away?''

Then you should say: ''(their name), I'm an independant processor for unclaimed funds. I cannot disclose over the phone the nature of the funds without having confirmed I.D.. The money has been available to you for over ( ) years''

Note: To find out how long the money has been available, just subtract todays date from the date on the tracer listing.

At this point they will say: ''Well what do I do now?'' ''Can we meet?'' ''When can I get my money?''

Then you need to say ''If you would lke me to disclose and process your claim you need to set up an appointment to come to my office. You will need to bring with you proper identification and a processing fee for me to process your your claim in the amount of $(amount you will charge)

If they say: ''Well okay, let's make an appointment.'' Then you'll need to set up an appointment that's good for the both of you. Make sure you give directions to your home or office. Never go to their home. Remember, you are the one who is doing them a favor.

If they say: ''I don't have the money to pay you'' You can simply tell them that that's fine, they can call you whenever they have the available funds. Act as if you could care less whether or not they do it today or next year.

If you don't care if they pay you up front and you don't mind them paying you after they receive their funds, you need to let them know that they can simply sign a contract stating they will pay you after they receive their funds.

If they say: ''I'm not interested.'' You should say: ''Sir/Ma'am, the money has been available to you for (# of years) years and it's not drawing any interest. The money is rightfully yours. Would you like me to leave my name and number, you can contact me at my home anytime?''

If they say: ''How do I know this is for real?'' You should say: ''Sir/Ma'am, as soon as you sign my contract, I immediately disclose all documentation and process your claim.''

If they say: ''I don't mind paying you but I'm not paying anyone until I get this money in my hands.''

You should say: ''That's fine but I want you to understand that even though we will sign a contract, if you do not pay me I will not waste anytime taking you to small claims court.''

If you are helping people who are far away, they will say: ''You live far away, is there any way we can do this by mail?''

You need to say: ''Yes, I can allow you to do this by mail. I will send you the contract. You will need to sign it and send it back with payment and a photo copy of your driver’s license.''

Note: No matter how far away the people live always act as if it's no big deal for them to come down to your office to meet with you. Just don't be the one to suggest doing it through the mail, let them.

Another approach to talking to these people is to say: ''Hello I'm (your name), I'm an independent processor. I spend all day tracking down people who have money owed to them. You have exactly (amount of their refund) coming to you. I'm paid by you only if you choose to pay me for my services which include disclosing the documentation and processing the small amount of paperwork needed for the release of your funds''.

If they say: ''How do I know you're for real?''

You need to say: ''Sir/Ma'am, as soon as we met I will have you sign a contract protecting you and as soon as I'm paid I immediately disclose all documentation and process your claim.''

If they say: ''How long will it take to get my unclaimed funds?''

You need to say: ''It will take approximately 90 days from the day we get together.''

If they say: ''Why should I pay you?''

You should say: ''Sir/Ma'am you don't need to pay me anything, but the money that as been available for over ( ) years is not collecting interest. If you would like to pay me for my services you may or you can let the money stay where it's at for another ( ) years or longer before another processor contacts you''

Note: Again, the number of years the money has been available is easily figured out by subtracting todays date from the date on the tracer listing.

Then you meet face to face

Be very open minded to the understanding that all people are different. Be very honest and be yourself. When they come to your home or office, ask them to have a seat and offer them a glass of water or a cup of coffee. Take a few minutes to answer any questions and explain why they are there and why they are paying you for your services. Unless they get up and leave you have nothing to worry about.

1) Have them sign the contract. 2) Collect payment. 3) Show them the state tracer listing with their name on it. 4) Take out the Tracer Found Case form and fill it out. The spaces on the TFC form labeled ''Date Title Acquired'' ''Date Property Sold if applicable'' ''Date Mortgage was paid off'' can be found out by your client by contacting the lender of that mortgage.

Explain to them that they can call you later with that information and then you can send the TFC form to HUD/FHA, or you can give them the TFC form and they can send it to HUD/FHA when it is completed.

Explain to them that after two weeks from the date you send off their TFC form, they will receive the ''Notice of Distributive Shares or Premium Refund'' form. Just tell them to fill out the form and send it back to HUD/FHA. Also remember to let them know that they should call their lender and have their lender send them a copy of their mortgage paid in full note. They will need a copy of that document to send to HUD/FHA along with their completed ''Notice of Distributive Shares or Premium Refund'' form.

After that, your job is done. But you will still want to give them your business card or phone number again and tell them to call you if they have any problems.

Other Ways To Make The Program Work

1) In addition to the payment methods covered here, you may even consider experimenting with other payment methods that you have created on your own. Maybe you would like to charge a smaller processing fee for those who pay upfront as incentive to use that option. Perhaps you would like to collect a portion of the processing fee upfront and the remaining amount after the person has received their refund. It's your business therefore you are able to use your own creativity and resourcefulness to get the most out it.

2) Keep in mind that there is a good opportunity to process unclaimed cases in the $500 to $1,000 range as well, so you may wish to include these cases along with the larger unclaimed cases, to further increase your success.

3) You may also wish to keep records of the people you have contacted. When the unclaimed case lists are updated, new names/cases will be added and cases that have been forwarded to HUD/FHA for processing, or have completed processing, will be removed. Keeping records of the people that have already contacted can streamline your efforts and help you work more efficiently.