· Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each...


Transcript of  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each...

Page 1:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...





SUBJECT: English

Continuous Evaluation

2nd Term 2014 / 2015





United Arab EmiratesAbu Dhabi Education Council

Vision Private School

Subject: English languageDate: / / 2015Time: 45 minutes

Number of pages :

Page 2:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


1 ) Read the following passage then answer the questions below : ) 20 marks(

Omar is from Yemen. He is eleven years old. He lives with his family . He has two sisters and three brothers . His father is a dentist. His mother is a nurse. Omar likes watching television very much. He sits for three hours in front of the television every day. His favorite programme is Game show. He watches it on channel nine every Friday. This programme is at 5:30 pm. A Game show is a programme where people answer questions and play games to win prizes. The prizes can be very big or very small. Omar likes Game shows because they are very exciting. Omar doesn’t watch TV at mealtimes. He also doesn’t watch TV before going to school. Omar never watches TV when he arrives from school. Omar’s favorite sport is handball. He plays with his friends in the park.A( Mark with a ) √ ( or an ) x ( . ) 8 marks (.

1 )Omar plays handball with his friends in the park) ( .2 )The prizes on a Game show are always very big) ( .3 )He has 2 sisters and 3 brothers) ( . 4 )Omar usually watches TV before he goes to school) (.

B( Circle the correct answers . ) 8 marks (.

1 )Omar spends ---------------------------------- hours in front of the TV every day.

a( three b( thirteen c( thirty2 )What does Omar’s father do? He’s a

.------------------------------------------------ a( nurse b( dentist c( student3 )He likes ----------------------------------------------------- because they’re

exciting. a(Reality shows b( Soap operas c( Game shows

4 )He watches his programme on channel ----------------------------- every Friday.

a(19 b( 9 c( 90


2014 - 2015 Exam/ Semester ) 2nd (Name.………………………: Grade: 8 / Section…… :

Page 3:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

C( Write the answers )4 marks (.1 )Where is Omar From?


2 )What’s Omar’s mother’s job?

(2nd passage)

1 ) Read the following passage then answer the questions below : ) 20 marks(

The UAE lies between the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. It has borders with Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar. In the past there were seven emirates, but in 1971 they came together to make one country .

The UAE is not a very big country. Its religion is Islam. Its capital is Abu Dhabi. The UAE sells oil to many countries of the world. People also grow many kinds of vegetables and fruits. You can get very sweet dates from the UAE .

There are many beautiful places to visit in the UAE. People visit the UAE to see the high mountains, old forts and parks. They can go to the sandy beaches to swim, go sailing and fishing .

A. Complete the following table about The UAE : (8 marks )

ReligionCapital cityPlaces to visit ……………….……………..………………… ..…………………

B. Mark the following sentences true ) (or false ) (: (6 marks )

1 .The UAE has borders with Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar( ) .2 .The UAE is a very big country( ) .

3 .You can get very sweet dates from the UAE ( ) .

C. Complete the following sentences : (6 marks )


Page 4:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

1 .The UAE lies between ……………and the Gulf of Oman. a. the Arabian Gulf b. Lebanon c. London d. Egypt

2 .In 1971 the seven emirates came together to make one...…… a. city b. country c. village d. town

3 .The UAE sells ……….to many countries of the world . a. sand b. mountains c. water d. oil.

VOCABULARY )20 marks(

A(Fill in the blanks with a word from the list : )10 marks( Championship – accountant – father – nurse – emergency

1)An----------------looks after money.

2 )My father has tickets for the Formula One World ----------------in

Abu Dhabi.

3)Are there any ----------------- exit doors in your school?

4)A----------------looks after people in hospital.

5)My mother's husband is my.------------------

B( Put the words into the correct list : )10 marks(

bus – horrible – city – plane – expensive – office –

taxi – hospital – busy - boat.


STRUCTURES ) 20 marks (


Page 5:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

A( Choose the correct answer from a b c or d :


1- How ---------------books do you have ?a) does b) many c) some d) much

2- Our flat is small , ---------------it is comfortable .a)so b) because c) but d) after3- Saeed is -----------------son .a)Ahmed's b) Ahmed c) Ahmed is d) Ahmeds'

4- The train leaves Paris -------------7 p m .a)with b) at c) in d) on

5- Is --------------your brother over there ?a)that b) this c) those d) these

B( correct the verb between brackets : )6 marks(

1)My father ----------------)read ( a newspaper every day.

2 )He --------------------)not go ( to school on Fridays.

3)The film starts at 7 :15 and --------------)finish ( at 10:00.

C( Write the following words in the correct order : )4marks(

1 )is – school – a- There – library – my – in. ------------------------------------------------------------------

2 )Abu Dhabi – because – I – like – exciting – very – is – it. ------------------------------------------------------------------


Page 6:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

WRITING ) 20 marks(

A: Add the missing letters. [ 4 marks ]

1- A p-lot flies plane .

2-He lives in a small vill_ge .

3-We sat on the gr_ss

4-They have an off_ce in Dubai .

B: Write 6 sentences about your favourite sport : [6 marks]









Page 7:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

C(Write a paragraph about" your last winter holiday "

The following questions may help you :

-Where did you go ? - When did you go there?

-How did you travel ? - Who did you go with?

-What did you see there ? - What did do there?




Mr. Yossri Nabhan

هت األسئلة ت انمع أطيب األمنيات بالتوفيق والنجاح


United Arab EmiratesAbu Dhabi Education Council

Vision Private School

2014 - 2015Exam/ Semester ) 2nd (

Subject: English languageDate: / / 2015Time: 45 minutes

Number of pages :

Name.………………………: Grade: 8 / Section…… :

Page 8:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


1 ) Read the following then answer the questions below : ) 20 marks(Every new scholastic year pupils study different school subjects such

as : chemistry English Arabic and mathematics . Pupils think that

some of them are easy others are difficult because they are new .

Pupils usually buy many things that help them in their study such as

rulers , pencils , dictionaries and pens . If they want to draw straight

lines they use rulers but if they want to understand new words they

use dictionaries . Good pupils always ask their teachers when they do

not understand something .Lazy pupils do not ask or answer any

questions . They spend their time playing . A( Choose a b or c to complete the following sentences:

1)Rulers are used to-----------------------

a( draw circles b( draw straight lines c( erase handwriting

2)Lazy pupils spend their time----------------------

a( studying b( reading books c( playing

B( What the underlined words refer to:

1 ")them" line 3 refers to-------------------------------------

2" )They " line 8 refers to------------------------------------

C( Answer the following questions :

1 )Mention some subjects pupils study at school .


Page 9:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

2 )What do you need if you do not understand the meaning of a word?

3)What do good students do when they do not understand?

Seen passage )15 marks (Read the following then answer the questions below:

My uncle Reza is a shopkeeper . He lives in an old city in the center of Iran ,where he has a candy shop .He sells a lot of different kinds of candy ,which is made from nuts . My uncle enjoys meeting and talking to his customers , who come from all different parts of the country . They buy a few packets of “sohan “ or “gaz “ which are two kinds of candy . People buy the candy as a souvenir for their family and friends.

Reza has a son and a daughter . His son sometimes helps him in the shop . His shop is in the bazaar , where there are a lot of other shops selling prayer beads , vases , perfumes and textiles.

Once a week my uncle goes by bus with his wife and children to the village where he was born , and has lunch with his mother and father and other members of his family . He is one of the happiest

men I know . A(Write true or false : ) 12 marks (

1 )My uncle Reza has two sons and a daughter) ( . 2 )Reza lives in the UAE) ( . 3 )Reza sells different kinds of candy) ( . 4 )My uncle is a shopkeeper) ( . 5 )Reza sells vases ,perfumes and textiles) ( .6 )My uncle enjoys talking to his customers) ( .

B( Answer the following questions : ) 3marks (1 )how often does Reza visit his parents?


2 )How does Reza travel to his village? ………………………………………………………………………………


Page 10:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

VOCABULARY )20 marks(

A(Match the expressions and responses:

1 )How are you ? ) ( a ( Bye!

2 )See you tomorrow ! ) ( b( yes. Can I help you.?

3 )Good night ! ) ( c( Fine, thanks.

4 )Excuse me ! ) ( d( Same to you!

5 )Have a good weekend! ) ( e( Sleep well!

B(Fill in the blanks with a word from the list :

organization – media – transportation – detective – communicate

1 )People can---------------in many different ways.

2 )Modern -------------is changing our world every day.

3 )Everyone uses public --------------------because it is good and


4 )The United Nations is an international.------------------------

5 )Holmes was an intelligent -----------------because he solved the mystery.

STRUCTURES ) 20 marks (A( Do as required between brackets :

1 )They ----------------) be ( poor five years ago . )correct the verb(

2 )She went home . She was tired . )join using : so(


Page 11:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


3 )He worked hard . He passed all his exams . )join using because(


4 )My brother works in a bank . )ask a question (


5 )The sun rises in the west . )change into negative (.………………………………………………………………………

B( Choose the correct answer from a b c or d:

1 )I have got a computer ,but I ------------got an ipod.

a( has b( has not c( am not d( have not

2 )While they ---------------their lunch , the phone rang.

a( eats b( eating c( were eating d( eat

3 )Do you have --------------change ? I need 50 P.

a( any b( some c(a d(an

4 )When it -----------, we were walking in the park.

a( rain b(rained c(rains d( raining

5 )How ------------girls are there in the class?

a( many b( much c(some d( a little

6 )I have studied English ------------ eight years.

a( while b(during c(for d(ago

7 )I have -----------flowers in my room .

a( some b( not c(a little d( any

8 )We enjoyed the holiday .---------------,it rained a lot.

a( but b( so c(However d(because

9 )How --------------butter do you want?

a( many b(much c(any d( money


Page 12:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

10 )I usually go out ------------the weekend.

a( in b( on c( at d( up

WRITING ) 25 marks( PARAGRAPH WRITING ) 10 marks (

A(Write a paragraph about" a market that you would like to visit most "

The following words may help you:

Popular – opens – go – noisy – different –shops – customers – buy –

traditional – goods – expensive – cheap – bargain – choose

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ـــــــ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������B( Put the following words in meaningful sentences: ) 6marks (

1 )export.………………………………………………:

2 )delicious……………………………………………………:



Page 13:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

c( Write the following words in the correct order : )3 marks(

1 )was – Justin – a photograph – Tony – showing.


2 )can – she – write – speak – can not – She – French – but – it .


D( Write six meaningful sentences about your last weekend : ) 6

marks (







********************************************************* BEST WISHES

Mr. Yossri Nabhanهت األسئلة ت ان

مع أطيب األمنيات بالتوفيق والنجاح


United Arab EmiratesAbu Dhabi Education Council

Vision Private School

2014 - 2015 Exam/ Semester ) 2nd (

Subject: English languageDate: / / 2015Time: 45 minutes

Number of pages :

Name.………………………: Grade: 8 / Section…… :

Page 14:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

(Unseen passage)1 ) Read the following then answer the questions below : ) 20 marks)

William Shakespeare is probably the best-known of all writers of plays and poetry, in any language, in the world. His plays are read and acted in almost every country of the world. His poems are among the very finest in the English language. Yet we know surprisingly little about the man himself.

Shakespeare was born in April in the year 1564. He was born in Stratford, a town in the centre of England. We know, however, that William's father was a respectable businessman in Stratford and that William received a good education although he did not go to a university. He got married at 18 to Anne Hathaway. Their first child, Susanna, was born one year later, in May 1583. His twins were born in February 1585. He wrote his first play in 1589. It was called Henry VI. In 1594, he moved to London. He became an actor, but he continued to work as a playwright. In the course of fifteen years as a man of the theatre, William wrote 35 plays, as well as much marvelous poetry.

People know his characters, including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth, all around the world. He wrote comedies – funny plays; histories – about the lives of kings and queens; and tragedies – plays with an unhappy ending. He died in 1616.

A. Finish these sentences :

1. In the course of fifteen years as a man of the theatre, William wrote no fewer than …………………. plays.

2 .William had a wide range of abilities. Not only was he an actor, but he was also a. .……………………………………

3 .In general, tragedy has an…………. ending while comedy has a happy ending.

B. Mark True OR False : ) ( or ) X ( :


Page 15:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

1. William and Anne had three children. ( )

2. He received a good education in a university existed in Britain. ( )

3. William is well – known for his plays and poems, which are read all over the world. ( )

C. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d :

1. William was born in ………………………………. . a. London b Stratford c. Manchester d. Liverpool

2. He died at the age of ……………………………… . a. 25 b. 18 c. 52 d. 60

B - passage 2 ( 15 marks ) Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

The first 'manned' balloon flight took place in France in 1783 by two Frenchmen. Their first 'flight' wasn't really a flight. The balloon was tied by a rope to the ground and they were suspended beneath it. They managed to make the balloon stay up for almost three hours.

In December 1783, another Frenchman flew a balloon for 25 minutes over Paris. This was seen as the first free balloon flight. It traveled nearly five and a half miles through the French capital.

In 1785 an American and a Frenchman took the first long flight over water. They flew nearly 30 miles over the English Channel to France. Initially, it looked as if the balloon was going to descend into the water soon after taking off but the pilots threw out some food and equipment to make the balloon lighter.

In the 19th century, many more people took up ballooning. It soon became a popular sport in Europe. Balloons were also used by scientists to study the air, and governments used them to study the movements of armies during times of conflict.


Page 16:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

By the mid 20th century, ballooning had declined in popularity and people lost interest in them. Planes were much faster and more convenient. They were easier to control and safe.

Nowadays, people still enjoy ballooning as a hobby. Balloons are designed and made in wonderful shapes and colors. They are often seen at festivals, fairs and other summer events when the weather is clear enough for them to be used safely.Questions :

1. A good title for the passage might be ………………………………… . a. Flying balloons over Paris. b. The first balloon flight. c. The history of ballooning. d. Why people like balloons.

2. The first two balloon flights took place in …………………………… . a. England. b. France. c. America. d. Germany.

3. The main idea of the 3rd PARAGRAPH is that an American and a Frenchman flew ……………………. . a. around Paris. b. in a balloon attached to the ground by a rope. c. across America. d. across the sea to France.

4. Circle the MOST SUITABLE MEANING of the underlined words as they appear in the text :

1. took place


Page 17:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

a. celebrated b. prepared c. happened d. invented 2. weather a. whether b. climate c. leather d. feather

5. What do the underlined words refer to ? I . 'They' paragraph 3 refers to ………………….. . a. a Frenchman . b. an American . c. a Frenchman and an American . d. an Italian .

2. 'It' paragraph 4 refers to ………………….. . a. ballooning . b. channel . c. plane . d. festival . 6. Balloons are ……………………………………………… . a. more difficult to control than planes. b. faster than planes. c. safer than planes. d. less difficult to control than planes.

7. To keep the balloon in the air, the pilots ……………………… . a. ate the food in the balloon. b. threw some things out of the balloon. c. jumped out of the balloon. d. threw each other out of the balloon.

II. Vocabulary ( 20 Marks )

A. Choose the word that best completes each sentence : 1. Standard …………………. in the car includes power steering and central door locking. a. adult b. festival c. equipment d. party

2. I am ………………… . Let's eat soon.


Page 18:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

a. hungry b. angry c. laundry d. hockey

3. He plays well so as to …………………… a goal. a. drink b. tell c. build d. score

4. I have left my sun – glasses …………………….. . a. team b. indoors c. temperature d. moon 5. The …………….. in camel races receive money but the camel is rewarded by having its head covered with oriental perfume. a. winners b. compass c. wheels d. well

6. Children are usually full of ……………………. . a. solar b. energy c. traffic d. border

7. On my bicycle I get a lot of exercise and fresh air and ……………… makes me feel a lot younger. a. collecting b. recalling c. cycling d. recycling

8. If you …..…….. 3 and 3 together, you get 6. a. subtract b. add c. adorn d. celebrate

9. She's an excellent tennis …………………….. . a. driver b. sailor c. navy d. player

10.The ………….... of the play is that friendship is more important than money. a. moral b. orchard c. orbit d. country


Page 19:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

B. Match synonyms, antonyms, collocations, definitions , etc.:

1. folklore ) ( turn off2. car ) ( food3. rose ) ( vehicle4. turn on ) ( flower5. junk ) ( all the traditional stories in a particular culture

III. Grammar ( 20 Marks )

A. Choose the best answer from a, b, c, or d : 1. This is a game that ………………. from Africa. a. it comes b. comes c. come d. is coming

2. Tomorrow's a holiday, so you ……………… get up early. a. needn't b. mustn't c. don't d. can't

3. In ball games, the players try to pass the ball to …………………… . a. another b. each other c. every other d. others

4. He did not come to school ……………. he was ill. a. but b. so c. however d. because 5. If you get up early, you ……………….. catch the school bus.


Page 20:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

a. would b. would have c. will d. be

6. I can't …………………. volleyball very well. a. play b. playing c. plays d. played

7. The children are enjoying ……………….. in the park. a. them b. themselves c. their d. ourselves

8. I'm sorry, I ……………….. to go now. a. had b. am having c. have d. has

9. …………………… bread have you got ? a. How much b. How many c. How far d. How tall

10.These are ………………………………………. . a. my friends books. b. my friend's books. c. my friend book's. d. my friend's book.

B. Correct the underlined mistake:

1 .She eat breakfast before work each day.


2 .Did he went home?


3 .The players has a pot full of white stones.


Page 21:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


4 .This is very important, so you must to listen carefully.


5 .What was the writer call?


IV. Writing ( 15 Marks )

A. Insert the missing letters, vowels, consonants, or clusters :

1. What are the obje – tives of these awards ?

2. L – nch is the second meal of the day. 3. The players have been on c – urt for nearly 3 hours. 4. All main courses are served with chips or sal – d. .

B. Write 3 true statements about : Sport 1. ……………………………………………………………………


2. ……………………………………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………………………………

C. Write a paragraph of about 120 – 150 words on :21

Page 22:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

A balanced diet

) These notes may help you ( ) Islam / overeat / stomach / source / illness / keeping fit /healthy diet / a balanced diet / six main food groups / eating habits / food pyramid / available / motto / Eat to live, not live to eat (……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Mr. Yossri Nabhanهت األسئلة ت ان

مع أطيب األمنيات بالتوفيق والنجاح


1 ) Read the following then answer the questions below : ) 20 marks(

Norwalk virus is called" winter virus" because it is common in winter. You can get it from shellfish. But the virus can also pass from a person to fresh vegetables. A cook with dirty hands can


United Arab EmiratesAbu Dhabi Education Council

Vision Private School

2014 - 2015 Exam/ Semester ) 2nd (

Subject: English languageDate: / / 2015Time: 45 minutes

Number of pages :

Name.………………………: Grade: 8 / Section…… :

Page 23:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

cause an outbreak. In an outbreak, hundreds or even thousands of people get ill at the same time. Outbreaks usually occur in hospitals, hotels or schools .

The virus is named after the town of Norwalk, in the north of The USA. In 1968, more than half the students and teachers at primary school became ill. Scientists found the cause after four years. Now, many different viruses in food are called Norwalk- like or Nor viruses.If you cook shellfish properly, you will kill the virus. If you wash your hands before cooking you will not pass the virus on. People usually become ill within 48 hours. The symptoms last for two or three days. The illness is not fatal. People recover with no long term problems .

Choose the right answer:

1 .The above passage is about..…………………………a. virus b. an accident c. Food d. Cleanliness

2 .Norwalk virus is common in................................a. winter b. summer c. Autumn d. Spring

3 .Norwalk usually appears in...........................a. frozen meat b. shellfish c. Cooked vegetables d. Wrapped food

4 .If you cook shellfish properly, you will............................the virus.a. pass b. cure c. Find d. Kill

5 .fatal ) line 11( means ................................ a. deadly b. silly c. contagious d. common

6 .occur ) line 4( means.................................a. start b. recover c. finish d. happen

7 .How long do the symptoms of the illness last?


Page 24:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

a. one day b. two or three days c. five days d. four days

8 .Where was the virus discovered?a. Germany b. Canada c. the USA d. the UK

Write three meaningful sentences about how you can stay healthy .





Choose the right answer:

1 .The guests gave…………………………to the child on his birthday.a. passport b. stones c. presents d. pedestrians

2 .The police found the man………………….in his flat. Someone has killed him.a. dry b. dead c. single d. death

3 .You can fly to any place from Dubai..…………………………a. airport b. transport c. traffic d. street

4 !……………………… .Your painting has won the first prize.a. congratulations b. Comedy c. Company d. Construction

5 .I always buy my mother.……………………… a. prisons b. problems c. presents d. persons

Choose the right answer:

1 . .The pilot…………………..the aero plane safely.


Page 25:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

a. landed b. arrived c. learnt d. fell

2 . .He is…………………..and looking for a woman to marry.a. dead b. double c. born d. single

3 . .They…………………….us if we give them our number.a. ring b. will ring c. would ring d. rings

4 . .He……………………….the lunch now.a. prepare b. prepares c. is preparing d. was preparing

5 . .My mother usually……………………….juice .a. drinking b. drinks c. drank d. drink

6 .It rained heavily………………..we didn’t go out.a. so b. because c. but d. and

7 .The oldest woman in history…………………….in 1997.a. was dying b. was died c. died d. have died

8 .It……………………………very hot tomorrow, I think.a. was b. is c. is going to d. will be

9 .He wants……………………….a job in a hotel.a. get b. to get c. getting d. gets

10 .Don’t eat too………………….sweets .a. many b. much c. more d. very


Choose the right answer:1. He can't…………………………patient.a. cured b. cure c. cures d. curing


Page 26:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

2. They……………………….two hours ago.a. leave b. leaves c. left d. leaving

3. He looks forward to………………………..the team.a. join b. joins c. joined d. joining

4. My friend………………………….today.a. arrives b. arrive c. is arriving d. was arriving

5. If you…………………………coffee, you will be alert.a. drink b. drinks c. drinking d. drank 1. If the child…………………., he will disturb everyone.a. cry b. cried c. cries d. crying

2. …………….average, an ancient Romans died at 28.a. In b. At c. Of d. On

3. You should………………..early.a. leave b. leaving c. leaves d. left

4. He has…………………the bill.a. pay b. paid c. pays d. paying

5. What were they…………………….for?a. looking b. looks c. looked d. look

6. Everybody wants ice cream, ……………………?a. do they b. don’t they c. doesn’t he d. does he

2) Fill in the blanks :

1. Can I have a…………………..of sugar, please?

2. I'd like a…………………….of potatoes.


Page 27:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

3. How……………………grams of salt do you need?

4. There is a……………………milk here.

5. How…………………..rice did you eat?

V. Writing

A: Add the missing letters. [ 2marks ] 1-The lawyer went to the co_rt .2-He lives in a small vill_ge .3-We sat on the gr_ss4-They have an off_ce in Dubai .

B: Write 3 sentences about your classroom : [3 marks]


C( Write 3 sentences about your accomplishments.



3………………………………………………………………………D( Write 3 sentences about the weather in the winter.1………………………………………………………………………2……………………………………………………………………3……………………………………………………………………..

C: Write a paragraph of about 80-100 word about "The weather and nature in the UAE"


Page 28:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...

These words may help you:Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine, sunny, cloudy, warm ,lakes ,rivers, mountains ,desert.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………*********************************************************


Mr. Yossri Nabhanهت األسئلة ت ان

مع أطيب األمنيات بالتوفيق والنجاح


Page 29:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


Page 30:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


Page 31:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


Page 32:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


Page 33:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...


Page 34:  · Web vieware easy others are difficult because ... A. Choose the word that best completes each ... Summer, hot, cold, winter ,windy ,autumn ,rainy , spring, fine ...