Web viewApplication Instructions. This is a fillable Word document, which allows you to type in the...


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Page 1: Web viewApplication Instructions. This is a fillable Word document, which allows you to type in the gray text boxes and select check boxes throughout. Please read the C2E

Application Instructions

This is a fillable Word document, which allows you to type in the gray text boxes and select check boxes throughout. Please read the C2E Grant Information Sheet before beginning your application. Save the completed application with your proposed project title as the file name.


All C2E-funded projects must meet the following criteria. Submissions that do not meet these criteria will be automatically disqualified.

The proposed project must be located within Tucson Water’s service area The project site must have a demonstrable connection to a designated urban wash

or riparian area The requested C2E funds, as outlined in the project budget, may not exceed $7,500. A 50% match from the applicant is required (this may include donated materials,

equipment, and services; see Info Packet for details) All landowners, public and private, who are directly affected by the proposed

project must submit a letter of support, and copies of these letters must be included in the application packet (see Letter of Support template)

Deadline: Applications are due by Monday, May 2nd at 5:00pm.

Submit your completed application packet via email to [email protected] or mail/deliver it to the UA Water Resources Research Center:

Conserve2Enhancec/o Water Resource Research Center350 N Campbell AveTucson, AZ 85719

The C2E Advisory Council and its Grants Subcommittee will evaluate the applications in early May and finalists will be asked to host a project site visit. The C2E Advisory Council will make its selection in June, and funded projects can begin in July 2016.

Although it is not mandatory, we strongly recommend attending a free Grant Workshop. The 2016 workshop will be held on Wednesday, April 6th from 5:00 – 7:00pm in the Ward 6 Community Room (3202 E 1st Street). We will explain the goals of the C2E program, cover the C2E grant process, and offer application guidance. Please come with questions! RSVP to [email protected]

Page 2: Web viewApplication Instructions. This is a fillable Word document, which allows you to type in the gray text boxes and select check boxes throughout. Please read the C2E

2016 C2E Grant Application

General Information


Address: City: State: Zip:

Phone: Email:

Project Title:

Project Location:

Part I: Project Description

Describe the project site. 1. Please use the PAG Green Infrastructure Prioritization Tool to create three maps

(http://gismaps.pagnet.org/PAG-GIMap/Map.aspx) and include them in your application packet. These maps will help the C2E Grant Subcommittee understand where your project is located and how it connects to localized environmental concerns. Map 1 – Urban Context

o Directions – Start with the Streets map background (select in top left corner). Center the map on your project site and zoom in to show a several block area surrounding the site. If project site is not obvious, indicate with a symbol.

o Click to open the Legend in the bottom left corner of the screen. Check the boxes next to the following words to turn on the associated layers: Stormwater, Washes, Watersheds and Regional Surface Temperature.

o Use the Print button or a screen capture to save this map and insert into application.

Map 2 – Project Site Detailso Directions – Switch to Imagery background. Zoom in to your project site.

Turn off the Watersheds and Regional Surface Temperature layers in the Legend by un-checking the box beside it.

o Use the Print button or a screen capture to save this map and insert into application.

Map 3 – Connections to Washes and Riparian Habitato Directions – Use the measure tool to map the distance in feet between the

project site and the nearest wash or riparian area. Minimize legend to use the measure tool. Make sure to measure from site to actual wash, not just a flow line (they are both blue). Double-click to stop measuring.

o Use the Print button or a screen capture to save this map and insert into application.

If you feel that additional maps are important for your site, please include them.


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2016 C2E Grant Application

2. To complement your maps, please describe the location of the project site and explain its functional connection to washes, waterways, and riparian areas (150 words or fewer).

What problem(s) are you trying to solve?3. In 200 words or fewer, please describe the ecological benefits that your project will

create and the importance of these benefits.

4. Describe any additional, non-ecological benefits that you expect to gain from the project. (You may refer to C2E Goals in your Grants Information Sheet.)

Give a detailed description of the project’s design. 5. Describe the physical layout of your project, explaining how its features will allow you

to accomplish the goals you described above. Mention the design and location of earthworks, including berms, basins, and swales; the number and location of curb cuts or cores, if applicable; comment on your plant selection; and explain how these features will affect the site’s use of harvested stormwater, graywater, etc.

Include at least two design diagrams in your application packet that clearly identify the project’s primary features. (Designs can be hand-drawn or generated with computer software. In either case, we encourage you to seek professional consultation to help with your design.)o Include at least one overhead diagram that captures the full extent of the project,

including key structural components, including plants, earthworks, and curb cuts or cores, and so on.

o Include as many additional diagrams as you need to in order to make your plans for the site clear.

The project site must be accessible to the public.6. Please describe how the public will access the site and its general level of public


Note that educational signage will be required. C2E will work with you to design the signage and C2E will cover signage costs.


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2016 C2E Grant Application

7. List all of the individuals and entities with property that will be directly impacted by the project.

Include a letter of support from each of these individuals and organizations in your application packet.

Why should we prioritize this project over others?8. How will this project supports C2E’s mission, as described in the C2E Grant Information

Packet? Please remark on the following, if applicable: Does the project site or design have special value or significance? Will the project achieve something unusual or innovative? Is this project part of a larger-scale vision?

Part II: Water ResourcesWhat water resources will the project utilize?9. During and after construction, how will you meet your site’s water needs? For each

water source (e.g., stormwater, graywater, reclaimed water, potable water, etc.), please note where the water will come from, how much of it will be available, and – if applicable – how it will be delivered.

How will new plants be established? 10. If applicable, please discuss your plans for establishing new plants at the project site.

Discuss the water sources you will use and the timeline for any supplemental watering that you plan to do.

Will the proposed project save water?11. Discuss any anticipated water savings that will be made possible by the project.

(Examples include utilizing a source of water that is currently not used, removing existing irrigation, etc.)

Part III: Community InvestmentDescribe existing organizational support for this project. 12. Provide a list of three or more individuals or organizations that will contribute to this

project, and identify each partner’s role. (Examples include project planning, project design, construction oversight, communication and outreach, fund management, donation of funds, materials, or labor, etc.)


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2016 C2E Grant Application

What else will you need to execute the project successfully?13. Describe any volunteer commitments or donations that you still need to secure, but plan

to obtain after the grant has been awarded.

Describe your outreach plan.14. How, when, and to whom will you promote your project? How and to what extent will

members of the community be engaged in the work? (Also, please indicate how C2E participant recruitment fits into your outreach plan – https://conserve2enhance.org/how-C2E-works . Bonus points will be awarded for project participants signed up on the C2E website).

How will the finished project be maintained after C2E funding has ended?15. Please discuss your plans for long-term maintenance of the site. Please address litter

clean-up, weeding, trimming vegetation, watering new plants, maintaining and repairing earthworks and infrastructure after storms, and long-term control of invasive species (e.g., buffelgrass, Bermuda grass, undesirable volunteer trees). (See Part VI: C2E Agreement and C2E Maintenance Guide for details.)

16. How will you guarantee that site maintenance will continue in the long-run (5+ years after construction)?

17. What will the most significant maintenance challenge be for this project, and how will you tackle it?

Part IV: Funding Request18. How much C2E funding are you requesting for your project?

19. How much match funding (cash plus in-kind) is being provided for this project?



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2016 C2E Grant Application

Complete the budget template on the next page or the Excel template provided in the application materials. Please see the directions for the narrative budget on the following page for descriptions of each budget category.


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2016 C2E Grant Application

Item Quantity C2E Cost MatchMaterials

Category Total: $ $Equipment

Category Total: $ $Services

Category Total: $ $Ancillary Items

Category Total: $ $Project Total: $ $

Name of fiscal agent:       Email:       Phone:       Each project must have a fiscal agent that will accept and manage funds, including

payment of any sub-contractors and reimbursement requests.


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2016 C2E Grant Application

Include a narrative budget in your application packet to accompany your spreadsheet.

The budget narrative will support and justify the cost estimates in your budget spreadsheet. For each line item in your budget spreadsheet – both C2E and match funded – please follow the instructions below.

Materials:Describe the type and quantity of each material that you included in your budget (e.g., rocks, mulch, plants, water, DriWater, etc.). Explain how each cost estimate was determined, and include the intended source of the material and price quotes for items when possible.

Example: Our design requires three velvet mesquites and two blue palo verde trees for planting in three basins. Trees will be obtained from Trees for Tucson.

(5 trees) x ($15 per tree) = $75 C2E cost

Equipment:If you plan to purchase equipment, describe its proposed use (e.g., shovel, gloves, hula hoe, etc.) You are encouraged to identify equipment that you can borrow and include it in your matching funds instead of purchasing new equipment. Borrowed equipment (shovels, rakes, hand tools) can be listed at $1 per hour. Borrowed heavy equipment (e.g., jackhammer, other heavy machinery) can be listed at market rental rate.

Example: We will acquire five donated shovels from neighbors, which will be used to sculpt rainwater harvesting basins during two separate three-hour workdays.

($1 per hour) x (5 donated shovels) x (6 hours) = $30 match

Services:Include the cost of all contracted work (curb cuts/cores, excavation, etc.), consultative work (e.g., expert assistance with project planning, design, and installation), and services (e.g., cost of right-of-way or excavation permits, workshop/educational/training fees, etc.) in this category. Explain each expense, noting why it is necessary for the project and how the cost was calculated.

Volunteer labor rates: Unskilled labor (digging, planting, weeding, etc.) – $12 per hour for adults, $7 per hour

for children Professional services (e.g., landscape architect, arborist, engineer, educator, project

coordinator) – $35 per hour or as otherwise documented (do not include overhead in quotes for donated labor).

Example: Since no one on the project team has designed water harvesting features before, we would like to hire Landscape Company X to assist us in the project design. Landscape Company X


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2016 C2E Grant Application

will also donate time to teach a workshop on basin construction and maintenance techniques to our volunteer laborers.

Design quote: $Y for 10 staff hours Donated workshop instruction: $Z for 5 staff hours (match)

Ancillary Items:Include miscellaneous items, like permits, snacks for workshops or workdays, print-outs, and so on in this category. C2E prefers not to fund ancillary needs, so if these items are not match-funded, please provide justification for the request.

Part V: Project TimelinePlease provide your workplan in the table below. If your project is funded, C2E will use this table to track your progress.

Include planning and reporting tasks, on-the-ground work, outreach events, and maintenance tasks, and other items that will fall within the scope of this project. A thorough timeline reflects a well-planned project and will be important to the C2E Grants Committee as it considers your proposal.

2016 2017 Date completed

Tasks July - Sept

Oct - Dec

Jan - Mar

Apr - June

Finalize project and get C2E approval ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Submit final report to C2E ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Part VI : C2E Agreement


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2016 C2E Grant Application

If your project is awarded funding, you agree to the following.

1. I accept full responsibility for any project costs that exceed those included in the approved project budget.

2. I will request to shift no more than 10% of my funding amongst the three budget categories. Funded C2E projects will only be allowed up to a 10% contingency within the approved budget.

3. If I complete this project under budget, I may return unspent money to the Tucson C2E fund or submit a revised budget and scope of work to Tucson C2E to expand the original project for review by the C2E Advisory Council.

4. I will complete the proposed project within the time period my approved project timeline.

5. I will assist C2E in the creation and installation an interpretive sign at the project site; funds for this sign will be provided by Tucson C2E and are not included in my grant budget.

6. I will submit quarterly reports and follow reimbursement procedures as outlined by C2E.

7. I will provide site photo updates from a consistent photo point monitoring location – quarterly while work is in progress, and twice per year thereafter.

8. I will submit a final reimbursement, site maintenance plan, and annual report once all work is completed.

9. I will participate in a program for ongoing site stewardship (e.g., Tucson Clean and Beautiful’s Adopt a Park or Public Area program, Watershed Management Group’s Monsoon Squad program, or a similar program of your choice.)

10. I will agree to make my application package available for public review.

By typing my name below, I acknowledge and agree to the conditions above.

Project Lead Date

Fiscal Agent Date