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AFAHS Cadet Guide SCHOOL YEAR 2017-18 Version 2017.1 Air Force Academy High School 3630 S Wells Street

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AFAHS Cadet Guide

SCHOOL YEAR 2017-18Version 2017.1

Air Force Academy High School3630 S Wells StreetChicago, IL 60609

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The 2017-18 school year is the ninth in the life of Air Force Academy High School (AFAHS). We’ve established a tradition of excellence, having now graduated over 300 cadets who have gone on to successful careers in college, industry and the military services. As a cadet of the Air Force Academy you have an obligation to carry yourself at all times as an elite student who is proud of yourself and your school. Showing that pride in the way you wear your uniform, the way you treat people, and the way you behave—both at the academy and elsewhere—will make it clear to everyone that you’re on your way to doing great things.

We realize it is our job to teach you and prepare you to be a productive citizen.  This guide has been prepared to introduce you to what to expect at the academy—and to help you understand what is expected of you.  If you heed the guidance in this booklet, you will be able to meet all challenges that come your way. Together we will have a successful and enjoyable school year. We will be…

Soaring High, Making Marks, and College Bound!  Sincerely,  Yashika Tippett-EgglestonYashika Tippett-EgglestonAcademy Superintendent

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CITY OF CHICAGO The Honorable Rahm Emanuel

Mayor of the City of Chicago



Jaime GuzmanVice President

Members Mark F. Furlong

Rev. Michael J. Garanzini, S.J.Dr. Mahalia Hines

Dominique Jordan TurnerGail D. Ward


Chief Executive Officer


Academy Superintendent

VacantAcademy Vice Superintendent

CMSgt Raymond Smith, Jr, USAF (Ret) Academy Commandant (Interim)

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Table of Contents1. Academy Philosophy, Mission and Vision pg 1

2. The Role of AFJROTC pg 1

3. The Core of the Corps at AFAHS pg 2

4. AFJROTC Rank pg 4

5. Uniforms and Dress Code pg 6

4. Academy Policies, Procedures, and Useful Information pg 10

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Our Philosophy

“Erudito est plumbum, ut serviant” Learning to lead in order to serve

Our Mission The mission of Air Force Academy High School (AFAHS) is to recognize and develop the full intellectual and social potential of all staff and cadets. AFAHS offers a comprehensive and rigorous college-preparatory curriculum, placing a strong emphasis on Aerospace Science, Mathematics, Reading, and Writing. We offer a safe, disciplined, and structured environment where cadets, parents, staff and the community are partners in the educational process. Following the United States Air Force culture of integrity, service, and excellence, AFAHS will graduate cadets who are prepared to succeed in our global society.

Our Vision Air Force Academy High School (AFAHS) will be the elite college-preparatory military academy high school in Chicago Public Schools. AFAHS will graduate goal-oriented, technologically literate, analytical leaders who will have the necessary tools to graduate college, compete in the diverse marketplace, and become productive citizens in our global society.

The Role of Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC)

In fulfilling its mission, Air Force Academy High School leverages the curriculum, structure and support provided by the United States Air Force’s Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) program. The mission of the program is to “develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.” The AFJROTC program is grounded in the Air Force core values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. The curriculum emphasizes the U.S. Air Force heritage and traditions, the development of flight, applied flight sciences, military aerospace policies, and space exploration.

All students at AFAHS must enroll in AFJROTC, meaning they will wear military uniforms, learn and practice military discipline, study the curriculum provided by AFJROTC, and participate in military-oriented extracurricular activities.

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The Core of the Corps at AFAHSAt the heart of what it means to be a cadet in the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps at Air Force Academy High School are the core values of the AFJROTC program, the cadet creed, and the honor code. All cadets must endeavor to observe the core values, live out the creed, and uphold the honor code in their daily lives at the academy and in their communities. Freshmen academy recruits are required to memorize the core values, cadet creed and honor code, and be able to recite them upon request by faculty members and senior cadets.

The Core Values of Air Force JROTC:

Integrity FirstI will do the right thing…at all times.

Service Before SelfI will not be selfish.

Excellence in all we doI will always put forth my best effort.

The Cadet Creed:

I am an Air Force Academy High School Cadet. I have potential. I am a partner in my own education and take responsibility for my own actions. I will graduate from high school and succeed in college. I will be a productive citizen in our global society as a person of integrity, service, and excellence. I am an Air Force Academy High School Cadet.

The Honor Code:

“At AFAHS a Cadet does not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.”

Personal honor and integrity are hallmarks of an airman. The confidence and respect an individual receives from the cadets in the corps and from the faculty depend on their personal application of the academy’s Guiding Principles. Whether you are an academy recruit, a sophomore cadet, or the Cadet Commanding Officer, you have the obligation to be trustworthy and to uphold the highest code of personal honor and integrity.

One of the most important items accompanying military rank is a tradition of honor. The assumption at AFAHS is that your word is your bond. If you say it is so, your word will not be questioned. Unfortunately, taking the easy way out with habits such as lying, cheating, or stealing seems to be the way of many individuals today. Living up to our Guiding Principles and our Honor Code may be difficult at times. Remember all cadets and faculty need to tolerate honest mistakes, but an honorable individual always stands up and takes responsibility for their actions whether they are right or wrong.

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This underlying code is one of truth and honesty and it establishes the principle that the honor code is of higher value then personal friendship. Lying, cheating, stealing, and plagiarizing are wrong, and condoning or ignoring these acts when they are being done by other cadets is also wrong . This honor code is meant to inspire all to act honorably at all times. Remember, your word is your bond.

Cadets must memorize the terms used in the Honor Code:

Lying is to state knowingly an oral/written untruth; or to omit information to leave a false impression.

Cheating is unauthorized assistance on work represented as your own, including tests, homework, etc.

Stealing is to wrongfully take or obtain of value anything from its true owner, permanently or temporarily. Plagiarism is a form of stealing. (Plagiarism is defined as the taking of someone else’s work or ideas and presenting them as your own.)

Non-toleration violation occurs when a cadet learns of a violation of the Honor Code by other cadets and takes no action. A friend who commits a violation and then expects a cadet to forget about the violation is not a true friend. Cadets who violate the code cannot help being aware of the bad position in which they place their friends, since they know what the Honor Code means.

All violations of the Honor Code must be reported to the Disciplinarian1. Honor Code violations may result in being passed over for promotion, or possibly even being demoted.

1 The “Disciplinarian” for the 2017-18 school year is the Youth Intervention Specialist (a.k.a., Dean of Students).

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AFJROTC RankThe rank structure of Air Force Junior ROTC mimics that of the United States Air Force. There are “enlisted” ranks and “officer” ranks. Freshmen cadets begin at the lowest rank, Cadet Airman Basic (C/AB). As they demonstrate qualities of increasingly-responsible citizens, and as they accumulate knowledge and build skills with respect to military customs and practices, cadets become eligible for promotion in rank in the AFJROTC unit. For each rank there are specific requirements for advancement2, all of which must be met in order for promotion to occur. The requirements associated with each rank can be met in any order. A cadet will generally be promoted only one rank at a time. All promotions are approved by the Academy Commandant. Cadets transferring from other service academies or JROTC programs will have their records reviewed to determine appropriate ranks.

Each cadet is assigned a permanent grade based on promotion criteria. Retention of permanent grades is contingent upon satisfactory performance and behavior as determined by the AFJROTC instructors and Commandant. Permanent officer status may be awarded to cadets holding officer positions for two or more grading periods. Exceptions are authorized at the discretion of the Commandant.

A cadet may be assigned a temporary grade based on being in a specific position in the unit. He or she may revert to his or her permanent grade upon reassignment out of that specific position. At the discretion of the Commandant, cadets in their final term of AFJROTC may retain the highest ranks to which they have been promoted, regardless of course level.

COMMAND ADVANCEMENT PROGRAM The one exception to the rule of needing to meet all advancement requirements before being promoted is the Command Advancement Program (CAP). The CAP is intended to recognize and advance deserving cadets who have excelled in one or more promotion categories, but who otherwise would not be promoted because they have not met an advancement requirement. Only cadets lacking one advancement requirement are eligible for promotion under CAP. CAP can be used for an individual only once while a student at AFAHS. CAP promotions are not available for officers.

PROMOTION TIMELINESPromotions will occur once per quarter, typically within one to two weeks after the end of the grading period. Exact dates and times for promotion ceremonies will be posted on the AFAHS website. Fourth quarter promotions will normally be announced over the summer.

2 Promotion requirements can be found in the document entitled “Promotion Requirements” on the AFAHS website (www.afahs.org). Copies of this document are also posted in AFJROTC classrooms.

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DEMOTIONS Demotions may occur for cadets who have serious violations of the CPS Student Code of Conduct, or who have failed to maintain minimum requirements for the rank earned. Demotions in rank are the sole purview of the Commandant.

A potential demotion is not considered lightly. Recommendations for demotions, submitted through the cadet chain of command, through the cadre and to the Cadet Commander, must be in writing and must adequately set out the reasons for the demotion. Demotions can also be brought about by action from the Academy Superintendent, Commandant, or Disciplinarian.

Demotion Criteria ● Demotion may be recommended for violations of the rules and regulations of AFAHS. ● Demotions may be recommended for inefficiency, misconduct, or poor duty performance. ● Demotions may be recommended by the administration or Cadet Leadership.● Demotions may be recommended for the good of the Cadet Corps (e.g., honor code

violation).● Demotions do not occur on the spot; there must be due process.

SALUTING CUSTOMS A salute is a traditional sign of respect. Cadet officers senior to you and uniformed faculty members at AFAHS merit being saluted both inside and outside of the building. But AFJROTC cadets never salute: ● when uncovered, ● during change of classes, ● when in ranks except on command, ● when part of a sports or work detail.

A salute is always initiated by the junior ranking person. Therefore, all cadets need to be alert to give a proper salute when appropriate. A salute is always accompanied by a greeting (e.g., “Good Morning, Sir/Ma’am”). A salute should be initiated six paces from the individual being saluted. A salute should be acknowledged by the person receiving the salute, either by virtue of a return salute, or by an oral response (e.g., “carry on”).

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Uniforms and Dress CodeRefer to the AFJROTC Cadet Uniform and Award Guide for proper uniform wear and guidance regarding hair, jewelry and body modifications. Males with a doctor’s note indicating they should not shave are the only individuals allowed to deviate from the facial hair rules.

In general, cadets will wear the AFJROTC uniform consisting of either Long Sleeve Blues (with or without Service Dress Coat) or Short Sleeve Blues three days each week. The school polo shirt with khaki pants combination will be worn one day a week, and the Physical Training (PT) uniform will also be worn once weekly. The Academy Superintendent determines the uniform schedule, and may deviate from the general 3-day/1-day/1-day plan outlined above.

Uniforms are issued free of charge to all cadets. It is the responsibility of the cadets to keep their uniforms neat and clean. This may include laundering, dry cleaning, ironing, hemming and minor repair as necessary. As a cadet grows, new uniform items will be issued free of charge on a one-for-one exchange basis as long as there is adequate supply in stock. Uniform items that are no longer serviceable due to normal wear, or which have been outgrown, will typically be replaced free of charge--at the discretion of the uniform manager.

Given the fact that uniform items by definition look alike, and given the number of cadets at AFAHS, each cadet must take special care to keep track of his or her uniform items at all times. AFAHS cannot replace lost or stolen uniform items. Lost or stolen items must be replaced by the cadet. All uniform items should be marked to show ownership. Cadets are advised to annotate their last names or initials on the size tags of their uniform items. Uniforms damaged as a result of rough-housing, play, food/drink, etc., must also be replaced by the cadet. The uniform store will normally be open 5 days a week (see posted hours on the uniform room door) so cadets can avoid getting uniform demerits. If an item is not in stock, the student will be issued a uniform pass by the uniform manager once the item has been paid for. Uniform price lists are available from the uniform manager.

Uniforms are for the sole use of school and school-related activities. At NO time will a cadet wear any uniform item for purposes other than those directly related to such activities (e.g., the blue shirt will only be worn as part of the uniform, the shoes will only be worn with the uniform, the all-weather coat will not be worn with street clothes, etc.). Sports will NOT be played while in the AF blue uniform. If a cadet wishes to play sports immediately after school, he or she must change into appropriate sports attire before doing so.

Cadets who fail to wear the proper uniform for the day run the risk of being given demerits, detention, or In-School Suspension. Repeated failure to properly wear the AFJROTC uniform is grounds for probation and Administrative Transfer.

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UNIFORM DESCRIPTIONSSummer Short Sleeve Blue (SSB) Uniform ● Awards: Ribbons ● Belt: Blue (silver tip) ● Buckle: Silver ● Cover: Blue, Flight Cap, with AFJROTC Device ● Shirt: Blue shirt (short sleeve), open collar ● Shoes: Black oxford, issued● Socks: Black, crew ● Pants: Blue, issued ● Undershirt o Boys: PLAIN white crew-neck t-shirto Girls: white or skin tone bra, required as well as a PLAIN white crew-neck t-shirt

● Miscellaneous: Student ID badge, name tag, rank insignia. ● Outerwear: Issued All-weather Coat; Issued Quarter Length Jacket and/or issued blue sweater.

Once available, Cadets may also purchase a Letterman’s Jacket. These are the ONLY authorized outerwear items.

● Optional: black gloves, blue scarf, black ear muffs, black watch cap

Winter Long Sleeve Blue (LSB) Uniform (w/ or w/o Service Dress Coat)● Awards: Ribbons, ● Belt: Blue (silver tip) ● Buckle: Silver● Cover: Blue, Flight Cap, AFJROTC device ● Neckwear:o Boys: issued blue necktieo Girls: issued blue neck-tab

● Shirt: Blue, long sleeve (sleeves may not be rolled up) ● Shoes: Black oxford, issued● Socks: Black, crew ● Pants: Blue, issued ● Undershirto Boys: PLAIN white crew-neck t-shirto Girls, white or skin tone bra, required as well as a PLAIN white crew-neck t-shirt

● Service Dress Jacket: Blue, issued (may be removed in class at discretion of instructors).● Miscellaneous: Student ID badge, name tag, rank insignia, JROTC rocker ● Outerwear: Issued All-weather Coat; Issued Quarter Length Jacket and/or

issued black sweater. Once available, Cadets may also purchase a Letterman’s Jacket. These are the ONLY authorized outerwear items.

● Optional: black gloves, blue scarf, black ear muffs, black watch cap

Academy Uniform (non-AFJROTC)● Issued Academy polo shirt, bottom two buttons buttoned

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● Khaki colored pants, to be worn at the waist with a belt. The pants are not to be fitted or skin-tight.

● Issued footwear/gym shoes of a single black or white color. Manufacturer logo (such as a Nike “swoosh” or New Balance “N”) is the only item that may be of a contrasting color.

MISCELLANEOUS UNIFORM ITEMS/REGULATIONSWomen’s Optional Items● Plain black handbag, leather or synthetic, envelope style, with strap or strapless. ● Earrings, one per ear, brushed silver or gold ball ONLY, no greater than ¼ inch in diameter.

Jewelry ● No more than one ring on each hand ● Nails - clear or neutral polish ● One bracelet or watch per wrist ● One necklace, not showing

Rubber wristbands of any type are not allowed (male or female).


The athletic uniform is only to be worn en route to and during an athletic event and/or practice. All students are to be in the proper AFJROTC uniform of the day at all other school functions (including athletic-sponsored tutorial sessions). All athletic attire is subject to the approval of the Academy Superintendent, Commandant and Athletic Director.

Currently approved athletic attire includes:● School issued/approved athletic tee-shirt● School issued/approved athletic shorts● School issued/approved sweat suits or solid navy blue sweat or nylon pants● School approved gym shoes or athletic footwear (Cleats are not to be worn inside)

Cadets will be expected to meet all grooming, jewelry, wrist-band and other uniform wear regulations regardless of the uniform worn.


See the AFJROTC Cadet Uniform and Award Guide for general information on the wear of uniform badges, ribbons, and other accoutrements.

Shoulder Cords (AFAHS-Specific Guidelines)

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Cadets may earn the privilege to wear certain shoulder cords, based on being assigned to key positions or serving on selected teams, as follows:

● Cadet Wing Commander – Red● Cadet Vice Wing Commander – Scarlet● Cadet Wing Staff – Purple● Cadet Flight Commanders – Jay Blue● Cadet Flight Sergeants – Black● Color Guard – White● Drill Team – Lt Blue● Saber Team – Black

Award Ribbons (AFAHS-Specific Guidelines)

Service Ribbon. Awarded at the end of each school year only. To be aligned with CPS service learning requirements, cadets must accomplish at least 15 hours of documented service learning or community service over the course of the school year to earn this ribbon.

Recruiting Ribbon. Awarded for outstanding effort in support of unit recruiting activities. Cadets must participate in a minimum of two recruiting events to be awarded this ribbon. If the two events are accomplished during the first semester, the ribbon will be awarded at the end of the first semester. If one event is accomplished in each semester, the ribbon will be awarded at the end of the school year. Events may include the CPS HS Fair (or comparable event), scheduled fairs at Middle/Elementary Schools, helping print/publish and pack the Recruiting Bag, working at any AFAHS Open House, or other equivalent event at the discretion of the Commandant. Publishing an approved video will also merit this award.

Activities Ribbon. Awarded for participation in co-curricular activities other than Drill, Color Guard, and Saber teams. Cadets must participate in a minimum of two activities to be awarded this ribbon. Activities that may qualify include, but are not limited to: Academic Bowl Team, Spring Break Trips, College Trips, Sports Challenges, City-Corps Staff. Other activities may qualify with Commandant’s approval. If the two activities are accomplished during the first semester, the ribbon will be awarded at the end of the first semester. If one activity is accomplished in each semester, the ribbon will be awarded at the end of the school year. Cadets may be required to provide documentation of participation for award.

Good Conduct Ribbon. Awarded to cadets with no suspensions of any kind, no adverse reports from other staff or faculty, no documented Level 3 or greater CPS Student Code of Conduct violations, and no more than 10 demerits in an academic term. May not be awarded to a cadet on probation or pending Administrative Transfer.

Dress and Appearance Ribbon. Awarded for wearing the appropriate uniform every day of the semester with a minimal number of uniform violations. To be awarded, a cadet must attain an

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average score of at least 90% on weekly inspections and have no more than 10 demerits for uniform wear for the semester.

Academy Policies, Procedures,and Useful Information

ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFERAt AFAHS we incorporate high standards of leadership and discipline into our program; thus, we have higher expectations for the behavior of our cadets. According to the CPS Military Academy Guidelines, those individuals who refuse to conform to military standards and uniform policies undermine the mission and discipline standards of the school thereby affecting the education of other cadets and can be administratively transferred out of the academy. Upon transfer, the cadet will be enrolled in their nearest non-military attendance area school.

Reasons for Administrative Transfer: ● Recorded refusal to adhere to the AFAHS military uniform policy on and/or off campus. ● Failing JROTC. ● Demonstrated unsuitability based on accumulation of excessive demerits or consistent

unacceptable behavior relating to the Military Standards as outlined in the Cadet SOPs Manual.

● Repeatedly engaged in acts of gross misconduct or insubordination.● Failing to meet the terms of any probation, or failure to correct the deficiency for which

cadets were placed on probation.

Additional information regarding Administrative Transfer can be found in the document entitled Discipline at AFAHS.

ASSEMBLY CONDUCT Your behavior reflects on AFAHS as a whole. Therefore, follow these guidelines for assembly conduct: ● At the prescribed time proceed to the muster area in good order. ● Cadets will sit in assigned seats. ● Show appreciation by clapping. ● Never block the aisles. ● The auditorium is not a place to socialize with your friends. ● No shouting, whistling, or booing is allowed. ● Be courteous to all guests and performers. ● Remain seated during the entire session. ● Cadets will be dismissed by the Academy Superintendent, or his/her designee.

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ATTENDANCE Attendance is very important to your advancement and your academic progress. With eighteen days of unexcused attendance you may fail all your classes. You are considered tardy to school if you arrive after the beginning of morning formation. You are considered tardy to class if you arrive to class after the tardy bell.

Absences can come in several forms:

● School Function: Any special event that you have been signed out for by a teacher. ● Cut: An absence from a class period without the teacher’s prior approval.● Excused Absence: An absence from school in which you brought a note or the school

received a phone call from a parent/guardian explaining the absence the day you return to school and is logged as such by the school attendance clerk in the IMPACT system. This includes an out of school suspension.

● Unexcused Absence: An absence from school for which, on the day you return to school, you do not bring a note of explanation from your parent/guardian, nor does the school receive a phone call from a parent/guardian explaining your absence.

Chronic truancy is defined as having more than 18 unexcused absences over the course of the school year or more than 9 tardies/absences from mandatory formation.

Cadets may be penalized in their JROTC class grades for attendance issues relating to other classes. See your JROTC class syllabus for specific information.

BOOK BAGS ONLY PLAIN BLACK book bags or school-issued bags are authorized for use at AFAHS.

CADET COURTESY Addressing Adults You will address all teachers and instructors appropriately i.e., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, Dr. or their military rank plus their last name. All replies must be followed by “Sir/Ma’am.” The only proper response if you want to convey “yes, I will do that,” is “Yes Sir/Ma’am.”

Reporting to an Adult You should always knock at the door when reporting to see anyone in a room or office and request permission to enter by stating “Request permission to enter”. You may enter the room when the adult/cadet officer invites you in. You walk to the desk, or to the front of the person, stand at attention and report, “Cadet (Rank, Name) reporting Sir/Ma’am”. Then the adult will direct you to sit or tell you to remain in a standing position by saying “At ease.”

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Whenever you are seated and you are spoken to by a standing adult, you will stand up from the seated position and immediately come to attention until you are “dismissed” or told “as you were.” This is not required if you are in class or in the mess hall at lunch.

Phone Manners When answering a school phone, in general, you should state the name of the school, your location, and then give your rank and name, followed by, “How can I help you, sir or ma’am?”

Example: “Air Force Academy High School Counselor’s Office. This is Cadet Jones. How can I help you, sir or ma’am?”

CELL PHONES By CPS ordinance, cadets are not allowed to have cell phones in sight or in use. You may have a phone on your person, but it must be turned off upon entering the building. Cadets who ignore this rule will have their cell phones sent to the Disciplinarian to be returned to the parent. Repeated violations will result in a permanent misconduct record and potential confiscation of phone until retrieved by parent.

CHAIN OF COMMAND Chain of Command is a military term for “line of authority,” the hierarchical arrangement of superiors and subordinates from the commander, through his or her direct subordinates, through their direct subordinates, and so on, down to the most junior people in the hierarchy. “Following the chain of command” means each person in the hierarchy deals with those directly above and below him or her in the organization when following orders, seeking clarification or guidance, or providing direction.

At AFAHS, for most problems or concerns a cadet should work through his or her chain of command to address the issues. In general, a cadet should not skip people in his or her chain of command to get issues addressed.

At AFAHS, there are two chains of command--one for AFJROTC and one for classrooms. The chains of command are enumerated below, each in ascending order:

AFJROTC Chain of Command• Cadet Element Leader • Cadet Flight Commander • Cadet Squadron Operations Officer • Cadet Squadron Commander • Cadet Deputy Group Commander • Cadet Group Commander • Cadet Vice Wing Commander • Cadet Wing Commander

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• Aerospace Science Instructors by seniority • AFAHS Commandant

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Classroom Discipline

• Classroom Teacher • Disciplinarian• AFAHS Commandant • AFAHS Vice Superintendent• AFAHS Superintendent

CLASSROOM PROTOCOL Cadets are expected to be in their classrooms or standing in lines at the doors when the bell rings. If you are tardy/late, enter the class and stand at attention by the door. You will state, “Request permission to enter.” When the teacher calls you forward, present a tardy slip/pass if you have one and take your seat.

A class leader will be chosen in every class. The class leader will be chosen at the teacher’s discretion without regard to rank. The class leader acts as an extension of the teacher in aiding in classroom disciplinary measures, in taking roll call at the start of the period, and dismissing the class at the end of the period. Teachers may have other additional specific duties assigned to the class leader. (The class leader is never allowed to enter attendance into the computer.) When there is a substitute teacher, the class leader will advise the substitute concerning class procedures. A class leader may fill out demerit forms if asked to do so by the teacher.

When an important visitor enters a classroom, either the class leader or the cadet nearest the door, will call out, “Attention in the area.” Cadets will remain standing at attention until the VIP, or someone of authority, directs otherwise.

DISCIPLINE (classrooms and passageways) If you are causing a disruption in the classroom that interferes with the educative process and have been warned three times, the teacher will send you to the Disciplinarian’s office. Lack of discipline in the classroom, in the passageways or on the ladders requires immediate corrective action by a faculty or staff member. They may: ● Call you to attention as a way of stopping negative behavior; ● Present information to you on how to improve; ● Give you demerits; ● Ask you to give up your ID so it can be sent to the Disciplinarian; subsequently, you will be

called to the office; ● Send you immediately to the Disciplinarian or the Commandant.

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DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE (Board Rule, Sec 4-50) It is unlawful for you to manufacture, distribute, possess, consume, or use drugs or alcohol on Board of Education property or premises or at any site of Board sponsored activities.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY Cadets must not be failing more than one class/subject to be eligible for participation in all extra-curricular activities and AFJROTC contests (Sports eligibility may have other requirements). Additionally, cadets serving In-school Suspension are automatically disqualified for events occurring during the suspension. A regular grade check is made to determine your current eligibility.

EXTRA MILITARY INSTRUCTION (EMI) Extra Military Instruction is a form of detention which may be utilized according to prescribed procedures. If you are assigned to EMI it will be a minimum of forty-five minutes after school.

1. EMI will be served regardless of a sports game, sports practice, extracurricular activity, AFJROTC contest, AFJROTC activity, Homework Lab, band practice, field trip, or any other after-school activity.

2. EMI will be served after school for forty-five minutes on specific days. 3. EMI cannot be rescheduled except for a bona-fide medical reason and a parental request. 4. Cadets who receive early dismissal the day of their assigned EMI will be rescheduled for the

next EMI. 5. A cadet that is absent the day of the EMI will be rescheduled on the next EMI day when they

return. 6. Cadets with unexcused EMIs may receive one Saturday detention. 7. One missed Saturday detention may result in suspension. Further unexcused absences from

EMI can result in suspension and/or demotion.8. If there is failure to complete EMI, you will face further action by the Commandant and/or

the Disciplinarian. 9. If you are assigned a Homework Lab on the day of your assigned EMI, you will attend EMI

first then go to Homework Lab once the EMI has been completed.

Your conduct during EMI

1. You are responsible to show up for EMI. 2. You will muster in the uniform specified by the AFJROTC department. 3. If you are late, you will be considered unexcused and rescheduled for extra EMI. 4. Personnel inspection may be conducted immediately after your muster. 5. If you do not pass inspection you may be assigned another EMI.6. If your attitude, behavior, or conduct is unsatisfactory during EMI you may be dismissed,

considered unexcused and a Misconduct Report will be filed with the Disciplinarian for action the next day.

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FIELD TRIPS/ SCHOOL FUNCTIONS/IN-HOUSE PROJECTS ●To go on field trips you must have a signed permission slip from your parents/guardian. ● If you are missing any signature, you may not attend the trip and only the Academy Principal

or person appointed by the Academy Principal can override this lack of permission. ●To go on a field trip, you must have not been suspended during the previous ten weeks. ● If you are missing class for a school function, you are required to make up any work missed

and turn it in on its proper due date.

If you need to be excused from a regular class for an in house project, an assembly, or a work detail, your teacher still needs to get ADVANCED permission from their colleagues to release you from class. The permission slip system will be used.

FIRE DRILLS Fire drills are serious activities where we practice for emergencies. Cadets should always check the disaster/fire drill cards in each classroom to know where their evacuation route is. During a fire drill, routes can be blocked and teachers may have to shout directives to hundreds of students; therefore, it is important to be on your best behavior. Once outside the school you will muster by the class you were in and roll call will be taken. Remember that the people in the neighborhood are watching your behavior. Remember you are AFAHS. When you return to class roll call will be taken again.

FOOD The CPS policy regarding food is that neither teachers nor cadets will bring homemade food for any official classroom event. Teachers cannot make food for cadets and cadets will not make food for other cadets for any classroom environment. This policy is to protect the health of all involved.

GENERAL EMERGENCY DRILL RULES 1. You should remain quiet throughout the drill so that you can hear the directions being given. 2. Know the route out of the building from the various locations to which you are assigned. 3. Stay with your teacher, move quickly, and walk away from the building. 4. Form up in the designated area by class. 5. Once outside, your teacher will take attendance.

GOOD CITIZENSHIP A cadet who practices good citizenship is a strong supporter of the military protocols and the chain of command. Good cadets wear his/her uniform proudly and correctly, live by the Guiding Principles and the Honor Code and generally stay out of trouble and the Disciplinarian’s Office. Good citizens are not suspended.

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GRADING PROCEDURES In accordance with Chicago Public School policy, progress reports will be sent to your home regularly. During approximately the tenth, nineteenth, thirtieth and thirty-eighth weeks of the school year, you will receive report cards. Also, during approximately the tenth and thirtieth weeks, the teachers will see your parents for parent/teacher conferences.

Additional policies regarding grades at AFAHS:

● If you earn a failing grade on a report card, your parent must be notified. This may be done through a progress report in the mail, e-mail, or phone call.

● The nineteenth and thirty-eighth week (semester 1 and 2) grades count towards the cadet GPAs.

● There are two separate grades given in high school. A first semester grade given in the nineteenth and a second semester grade given in the thirty-eighth week. There is no yearly cumulative grade. The first semester grade is a cumulative grade from the first and second quarter. The second semester grade is a cumulative grade from the third and fourth quarter.

● If you have more than 18 days unexcused absence in a semester, you may fail the class(es). ● A passing grade for a semester is worth 0.5 credit for that class.

GRADUATION Only those cadets who have completed all graduation requirements many participate in the commencement exercises. Those who participate will be required to adhere to all rules and regulations. Special cadets are honored at commencement. ● Valedictorian is the student who has the highest grade point average in the class. If there is a

tie each will be designated. To be eligible a cadet must have completed a minimum of four semesters at AFAHS.

● Salutatorian is the student who has the next highest average. If there is a tie each will be designated. To be eligible a cadet must have completed a minimum of four semesters at AFAHS.

● Honor Stole may be worn by members of the National Honor Society. ● Honor Cord may be awarded to cadets that have at least a 3.5 weighted GPA. ● The Student Marshall positions (if used) are an honor given to male and female juniors who

are chosen by the faculty.

HALLS and STAIRSCadets should move from class to class by the most direct route and keep to the right in all hallways. If there are two doors at an entrance, cadets will always use the door on the right. There will be no loud behavior (running, jumping down stairs, play fighting) and no inappropriate language. When walking with a senior ranking person or staff member the cadet will always walk to the person’s left.

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The term “Make Way!” should be called by any cadet who observes a cadet officer or a staff member approaching an area where the passage is blocked. This courtesy should also be extended to all VIPs. Senior ranking cadets should always take the initiative and clear the passageway. If you need to clear the passageway for yourself or other cadets you can say, “Coming through.” When VIPs are present, passageway commands should be strictly obeyed. If the VIPs do not intend to move on promptly, the passing dignitary or escort should give the order to “Carry on.”

HAZING AND PHYSICAL DISCIPLINEAny form of hazing, whether verbal or physical, will not be tolerated at Air Force Academy High School. Requiring cadets to perform any physical action as a reprimand, punishment, or for failure to perform, is expressly forbidden. Examples of prohibited physical activities include, but are not limited to, push-ups, running laps, or any inappropriate physical contact such as shoving, pulling or grabbing.

Any form of verbal abuse, teasing, public rebuke or other attempt to humiliate a cadet is prohibited.

These prohibitions are applicable to all AFJROTC unit activities and anyone participating in those activities, including instructors, cadets, or others.

No private clubs or “secret societies” of any kind may be created as part of the AFJROTC program at Air Force Academy High School.

HOMEWORK LAB If you do not complete your daily homework you will be assigned by the applicable teacher to a mandatory homework lab for one hour per day per class in which an assignment was missed. If you miss two homework labs you may receive an EMI. Teachers will outline their late homework policy in their respective course syllabus.

IDENTIFICATION CARDS Cadets must wear IDs, clipped to the right collar point or around your neck using the AFAHS lanyard, at all times in the school building. Cadets must present their IDs upon request of any staff member. Cadets who do not have an ID displayed will be denied entry into class until they either produce and properly display the ID or obtain a temporary one from the main office. Temporary IDs will be good for one day or one week. New IDs may be purchased from the main office.

LATE WORK POLICYIn order to teach cadets responsibility and punctuality, all class work and homework assignments must be submitted to the teacher on the day and time specified. Each teacher will post his/her policy in their respective syllabus.

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LOCKERS A locker will be assigned to you. Only locks provided by the school may be placed on the locker. Sharing a locker with another cadet is not permitted. The locker may not be damaged by adhesives, markers, or any other manner. You are responsible for keeping your locker in an orderly manner. The Academy Superintendent reserves the right to hold locker inspections. Periodic locker clean-out days will be held throughout the year.

LOST AND FOUND A lost and found will be located near the front office. At the end of each semester, all unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

LOST TEXTBOOKS You will be issued a textbook for each class and you are responsible for the care of the book. This book is loaned to you by the academy for the time you are enrolled in class. The book must be returned upon completing the class. You will be charged for the book if it is lost or severely damaged. If you lose a textbook your teacher will send you to the book custodian where you will receive a new book and be electronically charged, or debited, for the cost of the lost book.

MERITS/DEMERITSThe Commandant, Disciplinarian, and Academy Superintendent always have discretion over the number of merits or demerits awarded for an action.

The accumulation of demerits will have consequences. These may include (but are not limited to):

● Parents being called ● Writing letters of apology ● Performing after-school EMI ● Attending Saturday School ● Serving an In- or Out-of-school Suspension ● Being demoted in rank● Being removed from a command position ● Being disqualified for promotion ● Being placed on probation● Being administratively transferred out of the academy

Your chain of command or class leader may fill out the merit/demerit forms on behalf of the teacher.

SPORTING EVENTS If you are a student-athlete you must be signed out of class in advance as for any other school event. If you do not receive permission, you will not play that game. If you go to the game without permission, you will receive “cuts” and zeroes for all work collected, assigned, or completed during

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the class periods missed. To compete, all athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no failures (see Athletic Eligibility).

If you are a spectator at a sporting event, remember you represent AFAHS. It is expected that you cheer our team on in an appropriate manner. School spirit is a hallmark of military academies. All disciplinary rules that are in effect during the school day are still in effect at sporting events regardless of the location.

TARDINESS & TARDY PASSES Teachers will not tolerate your tardiness to class. You need to be courteous to your teachers and not stay somewhere past the bell. If you are late because you are with a teacher, ask that teacher to provide you with a CPS hall/tardy pass.

● Passes are required to be in the hallways during class time. ● Give the teacher the pass when you enter a room.

It is imperative that cadets arrive to school and each class on time. Tardiness will result in the assignment of demerits, the accumulation of which will have adverse consequences (see the MERITS/DEMERITS section).

See your JROTC course syllabus for detail on the impact of tardiness on your JROTC class grade.