Vietnam oct. 2014

The Lord’s move in Vietnam 主主主主主主主 From November 2013 to September 2014

Transcript of Vietnam oct. 2014

The Lord’s move in Vietnam

主在越南的行動From November 2013 to September 2014

General 一般概況• The propagation began: 1980~1981• Currently:– No. of localities: 44– No. of saints: 3505 saints– Increase from Oct. 2013 to Sept. 2014: 473 saints– Regularly meeting: 1880 saints

• No. of full-time serving ones: 24 full-timers

Gospel Outreach 福音開展• No. of people saved– 2012: 500 saints– 2013: 537 saints– 2014 : 473 saints

• Main ways of gospel preaching: personal contact, small group meetings, gospel meetings

Propagation 開展行動• Focus on 2 cities: My Tho and Phan Thiet• From the beginning of 2014, 1 couple was sent

to My Tho city and 1 couple was sent to Phan Thiet city. As of now, many already got baptized and are under the shepherding of these 2 couples.

• May the Lord soon establish the testimonies in these 2 cities.

The saints visiting Phan Thiet 聖徒來訪


Baptism in My Tho新人受浸


Home meeting in My Tho City家聚會

Literature Work 文字工作• Officially began in 2006 through fellowship with

Living Stream Ministry• No. of saints participating: 8 brothers & 2 sisters• Already translated:– All the Life-study messages– 52 ministry books and 42 booklets

• We encourage young graduated saints to participate in the literature work

Printed Publications 出版刊物

Printed Publications 出版刊物

Online Publications 線上出版

Trainings 訓練• 6th Batch Nazarite training:– 8 trainees– Duration is 4 months (Sept. 16, 2013 – Jan. 12, 2014)

• Elders and Responsible ones’ Training– From 29 to 31 Oct. 2013– 75 brothers from 29 localities

• Spring Truth School– From 2 to 4 Feb. 2014 in Ho Nai: 150 saints– From 7 to 8 Feb. 2014 in Cong Hai: 120 saints– From 15 to 16 Feb. 2014 in Ha Noi: 60 saints

Trainings 訓練• Elders and Responsible ones’ Training– From 13 to 15 May 2014– 91 brothers from 28 localities

• Teenagers’ raining- From June 25 to July 4 2014- 120 teenagers attended

6th Batch Nazarite Training第六期拿細耳人訓練

Spring Truth School – Feb. 2014春季真理學校

Spring Truth School in Hanoi春季真理學校


Elders’ Training – May 2014長老訓練

Teenagers’ Training – July 2014青少年訓練

Teenagers – Activities青少年活動

Conferences 特會• First national conference– From 14 to 15 Dec. 2013– 966 saints from 44 localities

• Quarterly conferences were held in various localities

• Participated in Thailand conference, Cambodia conference

First National Conference首次全國特會

First National Conference首次全國特會

Attend the Conference in Thailand參加泰國國際特會

Spread of Testimony 召會的擴展

• No. of Churches raised up:– 2012: 3 Churches– 2013: 3 Churches– 2014 (up to September): 2 Churches

• Main ways of spreading the testimony: through ministry books, direct contact, migration

• Plan for 2014-2015:– Encourage full-timers and young families to migrate– After being firmly established, the churches will

spread out to nearby localities

New Testimony in Cam Lam召會成立


New Testimony in Cam Lam召會成立

New Testimony in Phu Tan召會成立


Recovered Testimony in Vung Tau得恢復的召會


Urgent and Practical need for Propagation當前開展迫切實際的需要

To raise up 5 churches in 2 years 2014-2015: My Tho, Phan Thiet, Vung Tau, Hai Phong, Phan Rang:

1. May the Lord raise up more families for migration. As of now, 3 families have migrated to 3 cities. We want 2 families per city. The total need is 10 families for migration.

2. Financial support for renting meeting halls and financial support for the families migrating.

3. Pray for the churches in Vietnam to have a strong response to the burden for this move.

Praying at the same time for us also, that God would open to

us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ

(Col. 4:3)