VIE_PES in Lam Dong - Feb 2011-ADB Workshop

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  • 8/2/2019 VIE_PES in Lam Dong - Feb 2011-ADB Workshop


    To Xuan Phuc

    Policy analyst, Finance and Trade Program, ForestTrends

    02/03/2012 1

    Current forest situation

    PES enabling conditions

    PES implementation in Lam Dong province

    Key issues


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    13 million ha, 39.1% forest cover Special use forest (PA): 1.94 mil ha (14.9%)

    Protection forest: 4.38mil ha (33.7%)

    Production forest: 6.28 mil ha (48.3%)

    02/03/2012 3

    PES including REDD+ involving in Vietnam

    PES piloting policy (PFES) and Decree 99

    Vietnam participate in UNREDD: Phase 1 about to complete

    Phase 2 forthcoming

    National REDD+ Program under development

    Sub-national jurisdiction activities are

    involving (both at province and project level) Private initiative: Forest certification, SFM

    FLEGT VPA negotiation ongoing

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    IdentifyService buyers (hydro,

    water supply)

    IdentifyService buyers (hydro,

    water supply)

    Vietnam Forest FundVietnam Forest Fund

    The whole area ofwatershed located in more

    than 1 province

    The whole area ofwatershed located in more

    than 1 province

    Provincial FundProvincial Fund

    The whole area ofwatershed area located

    within a province

    The whole area ofwatershed area located

    within a province





    Exemption, ReductionExemption, Reduction

    Household withallocated land

    Household withallocated land

    Organization (SFEs,SOCs, MBs, etc.)

    Organization (SFEs,SOCs, MBs, etc.)

    HH with contractedland

    HH with contractedland

    K-factor; evaluation, determiningpayment level

    K-factor; evaluation, determiningpayment level

    02/03/2012 5

    100% payment

    to forest useras non-


    with allocatedland)

    100% payment

    to forest useras non-organization(households

    with allocatedland)

    Vietnam/National Forest


    Vietnam/National Forest


    Provincial FundProvincial Fund

    Service buyers(hydro, water


    Service buyers(hydro, water


    Maximum 10%management/operation fee

    Maximum 10%management/operation fee

    Max. 5 % contingentfee (reserve account)Max. 5 % contingentfee (reserve account)

    Min. 85% as payment(as 100%)

    Min. 85% as payment(as 100%)

    Forest user asorganization (MBs, SFEs)

    Forest user asorganization (MBs, SFEs)

    10%management/Operation fee

    10%management/Operation fee

    90% tohouseholds withcontracted land

    90% tohouseholds withcontracted land

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    Viet Nam receives revenues into a National REDD Fund (stand alone fund, or sub-fund of an existing fund), overseen by a broad-based, multi-stakeholder

    governing body

    (1) Staff of National REDD Fund calculate provincial shares of the total revenuesbased on provincial performance

    (2) Staff of the National REDD Fund calculate implementations, transaction costs,and opportunity costs incurred by the central government and subtract these

    amounts from the gross revenues

    (3) Net revenues are distributed to Provincial REDD Funds (mirrored on theNational Fund, and also with participatory governance structures), according to RP


    A. Provincial REDD Fund staff repeat steps 1-3to determine distribution of net REDD revenues

    to District Funds

    B. Provincial REDD Fund staff areresponsible for disbursement to

    ultimate beneficiaries

    Provincial/District Fund staff (depending on Option A or B) determine net revenues to bedistributed to ultimate beneficiaries, and deliver payments or other benefits

    Agencies monitor disbursement activities

    Agencies responsible for providing recourse in the event of disputes undertake actionsto ensure that all beneficiaries are able to register a complaint if desired

    Staff of the National REDD Fund initiate independent external auditing ofNational, Provincial, and (if relevant) District REDD Funds

    Enabling conditions (4) Proposed REDD+ BDS: regulated market


    4 key buyers: 2 hydropower, 1 water supply,1 tourist company

    Total PES/PFES revenue: 5 million USD

    Disbursement of the PFES payment to eligiblegroups in 2009 and 2010

    202,251 ha of forest, 7,997 households (viacontract with 18 forest users)

    Average payment: 350-400,000 VND/ha/year(17-20 US)

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    Fund (central)


    Protection and


    Touristcompany Hydropower plant

    MinistryofAgriculture &

    RuralDevelopment, others


    Department ofAgricultureand






    Dept. ofculture,



    Boards/forest company







    02/03/2012 9

    UNREDD Vietnam Program ongoing

    Vietnam National REDD+ Program is underdevelopment

    WB FCPF is undertaking

    Bilateral negotiation: sub-national jurisdiction

    Private sector investment: involving, atproject level

    The government appreciate both regulatedand voluntary markets

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    Land tenure

    Service buyers

    Service providers




    02/03/2012 11

    Clearly defined rights are very important for the success ofPES /REDD+ (particularly for voluntary market)

    Land tenure in Vietnam is not always clear: 8 forest user groups Contracted land and allocated land

    Lam Dong: 18 main forest users; short-term contract signed with localhouseholds; no long-term guaranteed

    Son La: land allocated to households, but changes have not beenupdated before the implementation of PFES, thus potential for conflict;some land allocated to communities, yet communities have not gainedlegal status.

    Different forest types (special use, protection, production), withdifferent management regime

    Who own carbon rights in Vietnam is not clear, thus the lack ofbenefit sharing mechanism (for voluntary market/PES)

    PES/REDD+ operates within the current tenure structures:lacking mechanism for benefiting the poor

    Local elite capture

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    Hybrid between public and private, thuspowerful buyers (e.g. Hoa Binh hydro/EVN)

    Payment is not performance-based, but madebecause Prime Minister requests

    ES payment should be built in price structure,but constraint thus uncertainty for PESrevenue

    The lack of institutional and policy frameworkfor facilitating carbon market, thus risks for

    investors but creating opportunity for elitecapture?

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    02/03/2012 14

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    8 forest user groups with different quality of forest,thus different payment levels

    Ownership right: government Unequal distribution of PES/REDD+ benefits among

    users Potentials for conflicts Difficulties in protecting the forest

    Payment to MB, SFEs/SCs? Payment to commune PC? Payment mode: individual households, group of

    households, or community? (transaction costs) How is payment used within community? Opportunity costs? Operational costs?

    02/03/2012 15

    Government as intermediaries, connecting buyersand sellers

    Government decide level of payment, how thepayment is made on what basics

    The government regulates carbon transaction:Trading emissions is stipulated by the PrimeMinister

    Local government: socioeconomic indicators are

    important for deciding how payment is made,thus Potential conflicts between negotiation decision

    (performance-based) and local priorities

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  • 8/2/2019 VIE_PES in Lam Dong - Feb 2011-ADB Workshop


    Institution and policy framework for PES isevolving

    The lack of policy framework for regulatinginvestment in carbon market

    Weak coordination among government agencies(e.g. MARD, MONRE)

    Weak coordination between government andprivate sector, government and CS.

    The lack of capacity and human resources withinthe government and non-government sector

    Unclear about post-Kyoto, thus governmentshesitancy in carbon market

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    Capacity building particularly for the local government PES/REDD+ should not be seen as money, but huge cost

    implications: Operational costs Capacity Transaction Others?

    PES/REDD+ should be seen as opportunity for improvement offorest governance

    PES/REDD+ as opportunities but also risks, thus adopting thiswith careful attention particularly on the issues land tenure andequity in benefit distribution

    Implementation of PES/REDD+ should be step-wise, starting withparticipatory payment while building up capacity. Result-basedpayment should be later, when the country is ready

    Policy framework for regulating carbon market should bedeveloped, at least to regulating investment activities on theground, thus mitigating negative impacts for local communities

    02/03/2012 18