Vidya Guru Banking Notes

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  • 7/29/2019 Vidya Guru Banking Notes


  • 7/29/2019 Vidya Guru Banking Notes






    Basics of BankingRBI & Its Functions

    Technology in BanksImportant Financial TermsFinancial InclusionMultiple Choice Questions

  • 7/29/2019 Vidya Guru Banking Notes



    What is Bank ??Bank is nothing but a type of financial institution which deals

    with deposits and advances and other related services. It actually

    deposits money from the customer and on the basis of that it lends

    money to the genuine customer.

    What is Banks Profit ??Bank gives less interest on Deposit (customers money in

    the account) and charges more interest on Loans. The

    difference between the two interests is called as Bank Profit.

    Head offices of all nationalized banks.








    Punch lines of all banks:BANK PUNCH LINE OR TAG LINE

    Bank of Baroda Indias International Bank.

    Allahabad Bank Tradition of Trust.

    Bank of Baroda Indias International Bank.

    Bank of India Relationship beyond BankingOBC Bank Where every individual is committed.

    Dena Bank Trusted Family Bank.

    Indian Bank Taking banking technology to common


    SBI Pure banking and nothing else / With

    you all the way.

    UCO Honors your trust

    ICICI Hum Hain Na

    HDFC We understand your world

    VIJAYA Bank A friend you can bank upon

    Central bank of


    Build a better life around us

    Syndicate Bank A faithful and friendly financial partner

    PNB A Name you can Bank Upon

    UBI The Bank that begins with U.

    Indian Overseas


    Good people to grow with

    Public Sector Banks in India:

    Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of

    India, Bank of Maharastra, Canara Bank, Central Bank of

    India, Corporation Bank, Dena Bank, IDBI Bank, Indian Bank

    Indian Overseas Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Punjab &

    Sind Bank, Punjab National Bank, Syndicate Bank, UCO Bank

    Union Bank of India, United Bank of India, Vijaya Bank

    State Bank of India and its Associates:1. State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur

    2. State Bank of Hyderabad

    3. State Bank of Mysore

    4. State Bank of Travancore

    5. State Bank of Patiala.

    Note: State Bank of Indore and State Bank of Saurashtra has beenmerged.

    Points to remember:1. Among them SBI is the Largest public sector bank as well as

    one of the Oldest bank in India, The State Bank Group, with

    over16000branches, has the largest banking branch network

    in India.

    2. Bank of Baroda has largest number of branches in foreign


    3. SBI has largest ATM network.

    4. 27 banks are nationalized till now.

    Private Banks in IndiaBank of Punjab, Bank of Rajasthan, Catholic Syrian Bank

    Centurion Bank, City Union Bank, Dhanalakshmi Bank

    Development Credit Bank, Federal Bank, HDFC Bank

    ICICI Bank, Indusland Bank, ING Vysya Bank, Jammu &

    Kashmir Bank, Karnataka Bank, Karur Vysya Bank, Laxmi VilasBank, South Indian Bank, United Western Bank, AXIS Bank

    (earlier known as UTI).

    Note: Among them ICICI is one of the largest private sectorlender/bank.

    Types of Banks Central Bank Specialized Banks Commercial Banks Development Banks Co-operative Banks Central Bank:

    As it name signifies a bank which manages and regulating the

    Banking System of a particular country.

    It provides guidance to other banks whenever they face any

    problem (that is why central bank is also called as a bankers

    bank) and maintains the deposit accounts of all other banks.

    Central Banks of different countries: Reserve Bank of India

    (INDIA), Federal Reserve System (USA),

    Swiss National Bank (SWITZERLAND), Reserve Bank of

    Australia (AUSTRALIA), State Bank of Pakistan


    Specialized Banks:Those banks which are meant for Special Purposes. For

    examples: NABARD, EXIMbank, SIDBI, IDBI.

    NABARD: NAtional Bank for Agriculture and RuralDevelopment. This bank is meant for financing the

    Agriculture as well as Rural sector. It actually promotes the

    research in Agriculture and Rural Development.

    EXIM bank: Export Import Bank of India.This bank gives loans to exporters and importers and also

    provides valuable information about the international market.

    If you want to set up a business for exporting products abroad

    or importing products from foreign countries for sale in our

    country, EXIM bank can provide you the required support

    and assistance.

    SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank ofIndia.This bank provides loans to set up the small scale business

    Unit / Industry. SIDBI also finance, promote and develop

    small scale industries. Whereas IDBI (Industrial

    Development Bank ofIndia) gives loans to big Industries.

    Commercial Banks:Normal banks are called as commercial banks, their main

    function is to accept deposits from the customer and on the

    basis of that they grant loans. (Loans could be Short term,

    Medium term and Long term loans.)

    Commercial Banks further classified into three types.

    (a) Public Sector Banks

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    (b) Private Sector Banks(c) Foreign Banks

    (a) Public Sector Banks (PSB): Government Banks are calledas PSB. Since their majority of stakes is held by the

    Government of India. (For examples: Allahabad Bank, Andhra

    Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Bank of Maharastra,

    Canara Bank, Central Bank of India etc.

    (b) Private Sector Banks: In these banks majority of stakes

    are held by the Individual or Group of persons.

    (For examples: Bank of Punjab, Bank of Rajasthan, Catholic

    Syrian Bank, Centurion Bank etc.

    (c) Foreign Banks: These banks have their headquarter in

    foreign country but they operate their branches in India. For e.g.

    HSBC, Standard and Chartered Bank, ABN Amro Bank.

    Development Banks:Such banks are specially meant for giving loans to business

    sector for the purchase of latest machinery and equipments.

    Examples: SFCs (State Financial Corporation of India) and

    IFCI (Indian Finance Corporation ofIndia).

    Co-operative Banks:These banks are nothing but an association of members who

    group together for Self-Help and Mutual-Help. Their way of

    working is same as commercial Banks. But they are quitedifferent. Co operative Banks in India are registered under the

    Co-operative Societies Act, 1965. The cooperative bank is

    regulated by the RBI.

    Note: Co-operative banks cannot open their branches in ForeignCountries while commercial banks can do this.

    Cooperative banks V/S Commercial Banks



    1. Co operative Banks in India

    are registered under the Co-

    operative Societies Act, 1965

    Commercial Banks are

    required to be registered

    under Banking

    Regulation Act, 1949.

    2. Co-operative banks cannot

    open their branches in

    Foreign Countries

    Commercial banks can

    open their branches in

    Foreign Countries.

    3. Cooperative banks are not


    At present 27 banks are

    nationalized in India.

    4. Co-operative banks in India

    do not operate mutual funds.

    Commercial Banks in

    India do operate mutual


    5. The Co-operative Banks

    generally provide a little

    higher rate of interest on

    deposits as compared to

    commercial banks.

    The Commercial Banks

    provide a lesser rate of

    interest as compared to co-

    operative banks.

    Banks V/S Moneylenders


    1. Banks are financial

    institutions which are

    controlled by Central


    Money lenders are nothing

    but an individual person or

    group of persons.(e.g


    2. Banks usually requires

    lot of paper work (voter

    id, resident proof etc.)

    for granting loans.

    Money lenders require less

    documentation for granting


    3. Banking activities inv-

    olves issuance of DD,

    accepting cheques, daily

    transactions etc.

    Money lenders doesnt

    involves in such activities.

    4. Whenever bank grant

    loan, their process of

    recovery is flexible.

    Incase of Money lenders the

    process of recovery is rigid

    and strict.(i.efixed date and


    5. Banks accepts tangible

    and personal security

    against the loans.

    In this case money lenders

    mostly accept jewellery or

    gold or land as a security for

    giving loans.

    6. Interest rate charged bythe banks on loans is

    decided by RBI.

    Rate of interest is decided bythe money lender and in most

    of the cases it is usually very


    7. Banks generally give

    loans to all section of

    society. (i.e poor people,

    business class and

    corporate sector.)

    Money lenders only give

    loans to agriculturist and poor


    How many types of Accounts are present in a Bank in

    India??1. Saving Bank account2. Current Account3. Fixed Deposit Account

    1. Saving Bank Account: These accounts are maintained byindividuals/ salaried peoples. Such account offers interest

    on customer deposit. The interest on these accounts is

    regulated by Reserve Bank of India. No Overdraft is

    allowed on such accounts.

    2. Current Account: These accounts are used mainly bybusinessmen and are not generally used for the purpose of

    investment. These deposits are the most liquid deposits and

    there are no limits for number of transactions or the amount

    of transactions in a day. No interest is paid by banks on

    these accounts. One of the prominent advantage of such

    account is that Overdraft is allowed.3. Fixed Deposit Account: also known as term deposit

    account. All Banks offer fixed deposits schemes with a

    wide range of tenures for periods from 7 days to 10 years.The term "fixed" in Fixed Deposits (FD) denotes the period

    of maturity or tenor.



    1. Mostly preferred by the

    business persons.

    Mostly preferred by the

    individual and salaried


    2. Overdraft facility is available. Overdraft is not allowed.

    3. No interest rate is paid by the

    bank on such account.

    Interest is available on


    4. Deposit and withdrawal of

    money can be made


    No frequent withdrawals are


    5. Bank takes Service charges

    for such account.

    Service charges are not


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    FPO: Follow on Public Offerings: An issuing of shares to

    investors by a public company that is already listed on an

    exchange. An FPO is essentially a stock issue of supplementary

    shares made by a company that is already publicly listed and has

    gone through the IPO process.

    Difference: IPO is for the companies which have not listed on anexchange and FPO is for the companies which have already listed

    on exchange but want to raise funds by issuing some more equity


    RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement systems is a funds transfer

    systems where transfer of money or securities takes place from

    one bank to another on a real time. (Real time means withinfraction of seconds.)

    The minimum amount to be transferred through RTGS is 2 lakh.Processing Charges/Service Charges for RTGS transactions vary

    from bank to bank.

    NEFT: National Electronic Fund Transfer. This is a method used

    for transferring funds across banks in a secure manner. It usually

    takes 1-2 working days for the transfer to happen. NEFT is an

    electronic fund transfer system that operates on a Deferred Net

    Settlement (DNS) basis which settles transactions in batches.

    (Note: RTGS is much faster than NEFT.)

    CAR: Capital Adequacy Ratio, Its a measure of a banks capital.

    Also known as Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio

    (CRAR). This ratio is used to protect depositors and promote thestability and efficiency of financial systems around the world. It is

    decided by RBI (Note that12% is for commercial banks and15%is for NBFCs).

    NPA: Non Performing Asset it means once the borrower has

    failed to make interest or principal payments for 90 days the loan

    is considered to be a non-performing asset. Presently it is 2.39%.

    IMPS: InterbankMobile Payment Service

    It is an instant interbank electronic fund transfer service through

    mobile phones.

    Both the customers must have MMID (Mobile Money Identifier

    Number) number. For this service we dont need any GPS

    enabled cell phones.

    BCBS: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is an institution

    created by the central bank Governors of the Group of Ten


    RSI:Relative Strength Index

    IFSC code: Indian Financial System Code.

    The code consists of 11 Characters for identifying the bank and

    branch where the account in actually held. The IFSC code is

    used both by the RTGS and NEFT transfer systems.

    MSME and SME: Micro Small and Medium Enterprises and

    SME stands forSmall and Medium Enterprises. This is a part of

    Government to drive and encourage small manufacturers to enjoy

    facilities from Banks at a concession rates.

    LIBOR: London InterBank Offered Rate. An interest rate at

    which banks can borrow funds, in marketable size, from other

    banks in the London interbank market.

    LIBID: London Interbank Bid Rate. The average interest rate

    which major London banks borrow Eurocurrency deposits from

    other banks.

    ECGC: Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India. This

    organization provides risk as well as insurance cover to the Indian


    SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial

    Telecommunication. It operates a worldwide financial messaging

    network which exchanges messages between banks and other

    financial institutions.

    STRIPS: Separate Trading for Registered Interest & Principal


    CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau of India Limited. CIBIL is

    Indias first credit information bureau. Whenever a person apply

    for new Loans or Credit Card to a Financial Institution, they

    generate the CIBIL report of the said person or concern to judge

    the credit worthiness of the person and also to verify existing trackrecord. CIBIL actually maintains the borrowers history.

    CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited.

    Crisil is a global analytical company providing ratings, research,

    and risk and policy advisory services.

    AMFI: Association ofMutual Funds ofIndia, AMFI is an apex

    body of all Asset Management Companies (AMC) which has been

    registered with SEBI.

    (Note: AMFI is nota mutual funds regulator)

    FCCB: Foreign Currency Convertible Bond. A type of

    convertible bond issued in a currency different than the issuer's

    domestic currency.

    CAC: Capital Account Convertibility. It is the freedom to convert

    local financial assets into foreign financial assets and vice versa.

    This means that capital account convertibility allows anyone to

    freely move from local currency into foreign currency and back.

    or in other words transfer of money from current account tocapital account. (Note: CAC is under Tarapore Committee.)


    Is the term used to describe the partnership or relationship

    between a bank and an insurance company whereby the insurance

    company uses the bank sales channel in order to sell insurance


    Balloon Payment: Is a specific type of mortgage payment, and is

    named "balloon payment" because of the structure of the paymentschedule. For balloon payments, the first several years of

    payments are smaller and are used to reduce the total debt

    remaining in the loan. Once the small payment term has passed

    (which can vary, but is commonly 5 years), the remainder of the

    debt is due - this final payment is the one known as the "balloon"

    payment, because it is larger than all of the previous payments.

    CPSS: Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems

    FCNR Accounts: Foreign Currency Non-Resident accounts are

    the ones that are maintained by the NRIs in foreign currencies like

    USD, DM, and GBP etc.

    M3 in banking: Its a measure of money supply. It is the total

    amount of money available in an economy at a particular point intime.

    OMO: Open Market Operations.

    The buying and selling of government securities in the open

    market in order to expand or contract the amount of money in the

    banking system. Open market operations are the principal tools of

    monetary policy. RBI uses this tool in order to regulate the

    liquidity in economy.

    Umbrella Fund: A type of collective investment scheme. A

    collective fund containing several sub-funds, each of which

    invests in a different market or country.

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    ECS: Electronic Clearing Facility is a type of direct debit.

    Tobin tax: Suggested by Nobel Laureate economist James Tobin,

    was originally defined as a tax on all spot conversions of one

    currency into another.

    Z score is a term widely used in banking field.

    POS: Point OfSale,

    Also known as Point of purchase, a place where sales are made

    also sales and payment information are collected electronically,

    including the dollar amount of the sale, the date and place of the

    transaction, and the consumer's account number.

    LGD: Loss Given Default, Institutions such as banks will

    determine their credit losses through an analysis of the actual loan


    Junk Bonds: Junk bonds are issued generally by smaller or

    relatively less well known firms to finance their operations, or by

    large and well known firms to fund leveraged buyouts. These

    bonds are frequently unsecured or partially secured, and they pay

    higher interest rates: 3 to 4 percentage points higher than the

    interest rate on blue chip corporate bonds of comparable maturity


    ARM: Adjustable Rate Mortgage is basically a type of loan where

    the rate of index is calculated on the basis of the previouslyselected index rate.

    ABO: Accumulated Benefit Obligation, ABO is measure of

    liability of pension plan of an organization and is calculated when

    pension plan is terminated.

    Absorption: A term related to real estate, it is a process of renting

    a real estate property which is newly built or recently approved.

    AAA: A type of grade that is used to rate a particularbond. It is

    the highest rated bond that gives maximum returns at the time of


    DSCR: Debt Service Coverage Ratio, DSCR is a financial ratio

    that measures the company's ability to pay their debts.

    FSDC: Financial Stability and Development Council, Indias apex

    body of financial sector.

    ITPO: India Trade Promotion Organization is the nodal agency

    of the Government of India for promoting the countrys external


    FLCC: Financial Literacy and Counseling Centers.

    ANBC: Adjusted Net Bank Credit is Net Bank Credit added to

    investments made by banks in non-SLR bonds.

    Priority sector lending: Some areas or fields in a country

    depending on its economic condition or government interest areprioritized and are called priority sectors i.e.Industry,Agriculture.

    PSL is 40% of ANBC.

    M0, M1, M2 AND M3: These terms are nothing but money

    supply in banking field.

    BIFR: Bureau ofIndustrial and Financial Reconstruction.

    FRBM Act 2003: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management

    act was enacted by the Parliament of India to institutionalize

    financial discipline, reduce India's fiscal deficit, improve

    macroeconomic management and the overall management of the

    public funds by moving towards a balanced budget.

    The main objectives ofFRBM Act are:-

    1. To reduce fiscal deficit.2. To adopt prudent debt management.3. To generate revenue surplus.

    Gold Standard: A monetary system in which a countrys

    government allows its currency unit to be freely converted into

    fixed amounts of gold and vice versa.

    Flat Money: Flat money is a legal tender for settling debts. It is a

    paper money that is not convertible and is declared by governmentto be legal tender for the settlement of all debts.

    BCSBI: The Banking Codes and Standards Board of India is a

    society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and

    functions as an autonomous body, to monitor and assess the

    compliance with codes and minimum standards of service to

    individual customers to which the banks agree to.

    OLTAS: On-Line Tax Accounting System.

    EASIEST: Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service


    SOFA: Status of Forces Agreement, SOFA is an agreement

    between a host country and a foreign nation stationing forces inthat country.

    CALL MONEY: Money loaned by a bank that must be repaid on

    demand. Unlike a term loan, which has a set maturity and payment

    schedule, call money does not have to follow a fixed schedule.

    Brokerages use call money as a short-term source of funding to

    cover margin accounts or the purchase of securities. The funds can

    be obtained quickly.

    Scheduled bank: Scheduled Banks in India constitute those banks

    which have been included in the Second Schedule of RBI Act,

    1934 as well as their market capitalization is more than Rs.5lakhs. RBI in turn includes only those banks in this schedulewhich satisfy the criteria laid down vide section 42 (6) (a) of the


    FEDAI: Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India. An

    association of banks specializing in the foreign exchange activities

    in India.

    PPF: Public Provident Fund

    The Public Provident Fund Scheme is a statutory scheme of the

    Central Government of India. The Scheme is for 15 years. Theminimum deposit is 500/- and maximum is Rs. 70,000/- in a

    financial year. Certain are the advantages of PPF account.

    (a) Best for long term investment.(b) PPF account can be opened either in Post Office or in a


    (c) The interest on deposits is totally tax free.


    A change in a companys capital structure, Recapitalization is

    often undertaken with the aim of making the company's capital

    structure more stable, and sometimes to boost the company's stock

    price (for example, by issuing bonds and buying stock).

    SEPA: Single Euro Payment Area.

    GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, The common

    set of accounting principles, standards and procedures that

    companies use to compile their financial statements.

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    Indian Depository Receipt: Foreign companies issue their shares

    and in return they get the depository receipt from the National

    Security Depositary in return of investing in India.

    Hot Money: Money that is moved by its owner quickly from one

    form of investment to another, as to take advantage of changing

    international exchange rates or gain high short-term returns on


    NMCEX: National Multi-Commodity Exchange.

    PE RATIO: Price to Earnings Ratio, a measure of how much

    investors are willing to pay for each dollar of a companysreported profits.

    CASA: Current Account, Savings Account.

    CAMELS: CAMELS is a type of Bank Rating System. (C)

    stands for Capital Adequacy, (A) forAsset Quality, (M) for

    Management ,(E) forEarnings, (L) forLiquidity and (S) for

    Sensitivity to Market Risk.

    OSMOS: Off-site Monitoring and Surveillance System.

    Free Market: A market economy based on supply and demand

    with little orno government control.

    Retail Banking: It is mass-market banking in which individualcustomers use local branches of larger commercial banks.

    Eurobond: A bond issued in a currency other than the currency of

    the country or market in which it is issued.

    PPP: Purchasing Power Parity is an economic technique used

    when attempting to determine the relative values of two


    FEMA Act: Foreign Exchange Management Act, it is useful in

    controlling HAWALA.

    Hawala Transaction: Its a process in which large amount of

    black money is converted into white.

    Teaser Loans: Its a type of home loans in which the interest rates

    is firstly low and then gradually goes high. Teaser loans are also

    called Terraced loan.

    ECB: External Commercial Borrowings: Taking loan from

    another country. Limit of ECB is $500 million, this is themaximum limit a company can get it.

    CBS:Core Banking Solution, all the banks are connected through

    internet, that means we can do transaction from any bank and

    anywhere.(e.g. deposit cash in PNB, Delhi branch and

    withdrawing cash from PNB, Gujarat)

    CRAR: For RRBs it is more than 9% (funds allotted 500 cr.) and

    for commercial banks it is greater than 8% (6000 cr. Reliefpackage).

    NBFCs: It has 11.2% composition out of the total financial

    institutions in India.

    IIFCL: India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited, it gives

    guarantee to infra bonds.

    IFPRI:International Food Policy Research Institute, it identifies

    and analyzes policies for meeting the food needs of the developing


    Currency swap: Itis a foreign-exchange agreement between two

    parties to exchange aspects (namely the principal and/or interest

    payments) of a loan in one currency for equivalent aspects of an

    equal in net present value loan in another currency.Currency swap

    is an instrument to manage cash flows in different currency.

    WPI: Wholesale Price Index is an index of the prices paid by

    retail stores for the products they would ultimately resell to

    consumers. New series is 2004-2005. (The new series has been

    prepared by shifting the base year from 1993-94 to 2004-05).Inflation in India is measured on WPI index.

    MAT: Minimum Alternate Tax is the minimum tax to be paid bya company even though the company is not making any profit.

    Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) proposed in the budget 2011-12 is


    Future Trading: Its a future contract/agreement between the

    buyers and sellers to buy and sell the underlying assets in the

    future at a predeterminedprice.

    Reverse Mortgage: Its a scheme for senior citizen.

    Basel 2nd

    norms: BCBS has kept some restrictions on bank for the

    maintenance of minimum capital with them to ensure level

    playing field. Basel-II has got three pillars:

    Pillar1- Minimum capital requirement based on the risk profile of

    bank.Pillar 2- Supervisory review of banks by RBI if they go for

    internal ranking.

    Pillar3- Market discipline.

    Microfinance Institutions: Those institutions which provides

    financial services to low-income clients. Microfinance is a broad

    category of services, which includes microcredit. Microcredit is

    provision of credit services to poor clients.

    NPCI: National Payments Corporation of India.

    DWBIS:Data Warehousingand Business Intelligence System, a

    type of system which is launched by SEBI. The primary objective

    of DWBIS is to enhance the capability of the investigation and

    surveillance functions of SEBI.

    TRIPS: Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights, is an

    international agreement administered by the World Trade

    Organization (WTO) that sets down minimum standards for many

    forms of intellectual property (IP) regulation as applied to

    nationals of other WTO Members.

    TRIMs: Trade Related Investment Measures. A type of

    agreement in WTO.

    SDR: Special Drawing Rights, SDR is a type of monetary reserve

    currency, created by the International Monetary Fund. SDR

    can be defined as defined as a "basket of national currencies".

    These national currencies are Euro, US dollar, British pound, and

    Japanese yen. Special Drawing Rights can be used to settle tradebalances between countries and to repay the IMF.American dollar

    gets highest weightage.

    LTD: Loan-To-Deposit Ratio, A ratio used for assessing a banks

    liquidity by dividing the banks total loans by its total deposits. If

    the ratio is too high, it means that banks might not have enough

    liquidity to cover any fund requirements; if the ratio is too low,

    banks may not be earning as much as they could be.

    CAD: Current Account Deficit, it means when a country's total

    imports of goods, services and transfers is greater than the

    country's total export of goods, services and transfers.

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    EPFO:Employees Provident Fund Organization, It administers a

    compulsory contributory Provident fund, pension and an insurance

    scheme for Indian Work force.

    LERMS:Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System

    FRP:Fair and Remunerative Price, a term is related to sugarcane.

    FRP is the minimum price that a sugarcane farmer is legally

    guaranteed. However sugar Mills Company gives more than FRP


    STCI: Securities Trading Corporation ofIndia Limited was

    promoted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 1994 along withPublic Sector Banks and All-India Financial Institutions with the

    objective of developing an active, deep & vibrant secondary debt


    IRR: Internal Rate of Return; is a rate of return used in capital

    budgeting to measure and compare the profitability of


    CMIE:Centre forMonitoring Indian Economy; is India's premier

    economic research organization. It provides information solutions

    in the form of databases and research reports. CMIE has built the

    largest database on the Indian economy and companies.

    TIEA:Tax Information Exchange Agreement; TIEA allows

    countries to check tax evasion and money laundering. RecentlyIndia has signed TIEA with Cayman Islands.

    Contingency Fund: Its a fund for emergencies or unexpected

    outflows, mainly economic crises. A type of reserve fund which is

    used to handle unexpected debts that are outside the range of the

    usual operating budget.

    FII: Foreign Institutional Investment, The term is used

    most commonly in India to refer to outside companies investing in

    the financial markets of India. International institutional investors

    must register with the Securities and Exchange Board of India

    to participate in the market.

    P-NOTES: P means participatory notes.


    Marginal Standing Facility, Under this scheme, Banks will be able

    to borrow upto 1% of their respective Net Demand and Time

    Liabilities". The rate of interest on the amount accessed from this

    facility will be 100 basis points (i.e. 1%) above the repo rate. This

    scheme is likely to reduce volatility in the overnight rates and

    improve monetary transmission. Presently MSF is 9.5%.

    BANKING OMBUDSMAN:The banking ombudsman scheme is an efficient and cost-

    effective forum, which has been formed to resolve complaints

    registered by the customers in case of any services provided by

    the bank.

    1. The central bank of India (RBI) has introduced this scheme,

    Under Section 35A ofbanking regulation Act, 1949.

    2. Presently, we have 15banking ombudsmen.

    3. The Banking Ombudsman does not charge any fee for filing

    and resolving customers complaints.

    4. The Banking Ombudsman is a senior official appointed by

    the Reserve Bank of India to redress customer complaints

    against deficiency in certain banking services.

    5. A customer can approach the banking ombudsman if he does

    not get satisfactory response to his grievance from the bank

    within 30 days.

    FIU: Financial Intelligence Unit set by the Government of

    India on 18 November 2004 as the central national agency

    responsible for receiving, processing, analyzing and

    disseminating information relating to suspect financial


    SEBI:Securities and Exchange Board ofIndia.

    SEBI is the primary governing/regulatory body for the securities

    market in India. All transactions in the securities market in India

    are governed & regulated by SEBI. Its main function:

    1. New Issues (Initial Public Offering or IPO)

    2. Listing agreement of companies with Stock Exchanges

    3. Trading Mechanisms4. Investor Protection

    5. Corporate disclosure by listed companies etc.

    Note: SEBI is also known as Capital regulator orMutual fundsregulatororMarket regulator. SEBI is also created investors

    protection fund and SEBI is the only organization whichregulate the credit rating agencies in India. (CRISIL AND



    (Forward Market Commission of India), IRDA etc.

    ASBA: Application Supported by Blocked Amount: is a process

    developed by the SEBI for applying to IPO. In ASBA, an IPO

    applicant's account doesnt get debited until shares are allotted tohim.

    DEPB Scheme: Duty Entitlement Pass Book, It is a scheme

    which is offered by the Indian government to encourage exports

    from the country. DEPB means Duty Entitlement Pass Book to

    neutralize the incidence of basic and special customs duty on

    import content of export product.

    LLP: Limited Liability Partnership, is a partnership in which

    some or all partners (depending on the jurisdiction) have limited


    Balance sheet: A financial statement that summarizes a

    companys assets, liabilities and shareholders equity at a specific

    point in time.

    TAN:Tax Account Number, is a unique 10 digit alphanumeric

    code allotted by the Income Tax Department to all those persons

    who are required to deduct tax at the source of income.

    PAN:Permanent Account Number, as per section 139A of the

    Act obtaining PAN is a must for the following persons:-

    1.Any person whose total income or the total income of anyother person in respect of which he is assessable under the

    Act exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to


    2.Any person who is carrying on any business or professionwhose total sales, turnover or gross receipts are or is likely to

    exceed Rs. 5 lacs in any previous year.

    3.Any person who is required to furnish a return of incomeunder section 139(4) of the Act.

    JLG: Joint Liability Group, when two or more persons are both

    responsible for a debt, claim or judgment.

    REER:Real Effective Exchange Rate.

    NEER:Nominal Effective Exchange Rate.

    Contingent Liability: A liability that a company may have to

    pay, but only if a certain future event occurs.

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    IRR: Internal Rate of Return, is a rate of return used in capital

    budgeting to measure and compare the profitability of


    Bank Rate V/S Repo RateBank rate and Repo Rate are both decided by RBI.

    Repo Rate is a short term lending rate, it is actually a repurchase

    agreement between RBI and commercial banks. Here is need of

    securities submission.

    Bank rate is forlong term basis. In bank rate, there is no need of

    security submission.

    RBI does not maintain savings accounts of individuals but itdoes offer loans and advances to individuals and cooperates.

    The interest rate which the RBI charges on these loans and

    advances is called the Bank Rate.

    RBI also lends to the commercial banks all public and private.

    This is a loan to other commercial banks. The interest charged by

    RBI to re-pay this loan on the commercial banks is called Repo


    Base Rate: A minimum rate that a bank is allowed to charge from

    the customer. Base Rate differs from bank to bank. It is actually a

    minimum rate below which the bank cannot give loan to anycustomer. Earlier Base rate was called as BPLR (Base PrimeLending Rate).

    CAR: Capital Adequacy Ratio

    Capital Adequacy measures the strength of the bank. Capital

    Adequacy Ratio is also known as Capital Risk Weighted Assets


    Percentage ratio of a financial institutions primary capital to its

    assets (loans and investments), used as a measure of its financial

    strength and stability.

    12% is for Commercial Banks.

    15% is for NBFCs.This ratio is used to protect depositors and promote the stability

    and efficiency of financial systems around the world.


    SOME BASICS:Comparison between Cheque and Demand Draft.


    1. Cheque will be issued by an account holder. DD can be issued by a banker only.

    2. Cheque could be dishonoured or bounced. Not possible in case of DD. Draft thus provides full

    (100%) security to the beneficiary.

    3. No Commission. We have to pay commission to bank.

    4. To Issue cheque to others, you should maintain bank


    Not necessary.

    5. Cheque booklet exists. Not possible in case of DD.

    Comparison between Banks and Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)


    1. Banks are incorporated (formed) under BankingRegulation act 1949.

    NBFC are incorporated under Company act of1956.

    2. Banks can accept deposit from general public. NBFC dont do so.

    3. Banks can issue cheques drawn on itself. NBFC cannot do this.

    Note: Main purpose ofNBFCis to provide loans to weaker section of the society.

    BASICS OF CHEQUE: A bank cheque is a type of negotiable instrument which is payable on demand.

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    MICR: Magnetic InkCharacterRecognition. A 9 digit code which actually shows that whether the cheque is real or fake.

    IFSC: A 11 digit code in which first 4 digit represents the entity, 5th

    digit is by default zero and the last six digits shows the branch code.Note: RTGS & NEFT uses IFSC code.

    UTR Number:Unique Transaction Reference number. A unique number which is generated for every transaction in RTGS system. UTR is a

    16 digit Alpha-Numeric code, the first 4 digits is a Bank Code in alphabets, 5th one is the message code, 6th & 7th mentions

    the year, 8-10th mentions Date and the last 6 digits mentions days serial no. of the message.

    CBS: Core Banking Solution, all the banks are connected through internet, that means we can do transaction from any bank and

    anywhere.(e.g. deposit cash in PNB, Delhi branch and withdrawing cash from PNB, Gujarat)

    FINANCIAL INCLUSIONRoughly we can say that including each and every Indian citizen financially.

    We can observe that about 40% of the total population doesnt have a bank account, so main aim of this scheme is to provide banking services

    to the unbanked areas. (Mainly in rural areas)

    Financial Inclusion is a central government scheme which comes underMinistry of Finance.

    Issuing Authority: RBI

    Significance of Financial Inclusion:

    1. Extension of Banking Services (Growth of the organization).2. Providing loan to Genuine Customers.3. Kisaan Credit Card Scheme (KCC): Specially made for agriculture purposes. It aims to provide credit facilities to farmers (especially

    for cultivation of crops), KCC were started by the Government of India, RBI and NABARD. The card is valid for 3 years and subject to

    annual renewals.

    4. Providing credit to low income groups.5. Banks which provides KCC are as follows:Allahabad , Canara Bank, Corporation Bank, SBI- Kisan Credit Card (KCC)

    Andhra Bank- AB Kisan Green Card

    Bank of Baroda - BKCC

    Bank of India - Kisan Samadhan Card

    Dena Bank- Kisan Gold Credit Card

    Oriental Bank of Commerce -Oriental Green Card (OGC)

    Punjab National bank- PNB Krishi Card

    Syndicate Bank-SKCC

    Vijaya Bank-Vijaya Kisan Card

    Financial Inclusion is also known as SWABHIMAAN.

    KISAAN CREDIT CARD SCHEME:A Special credit card which is issued to the farmers, for their short-term credit needs for cultivation of crops.


    No need to apply for a loan for every crop. Assured availability of credit at any time enabling reduced interest burden for the farmer. Helps buy seeds, fertilizers at farmers convenience and choice Helps buy on cash-avail discount from dealers Credit facility for 3 years no need for seasonal appraisal Maximum credit limit based on agriculture income Any number of withdrawals subject to credit limit Repayment only after harvest. Rate of interest as applicable to agriculture advance Security, margin and documentation norms as applicable to agricultural advance

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    SWABHIMAAN: A scheme of Financial Inclusion.

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    1. Normally commercial banks accept Fixed Deposit for how

    many years.

    (a) Only 1 year (b) Only 2 years

    (c) Only 3 years (d) Only 5 years (e) None

    2. NABARD was established in 1982, on the recommendation of


    (a) Shivraman (b) VK Shunglu

    (c) Malegam (d) Magjitha

    (e) BK Chaturvedi

    3. A Special credit card which is issued to the farmers, for their

    short-term credit needs for cultivation of crops.

    (a) Kisaan Loan Card (b) Kisaan Utility Card

    (c) Kisaan Agriculture Card (d) Kisaan Card

    (e) Kisaan Credit Card

    4. Which country lended more money to the other countries than

    the World Bank.

    (a) USA (b) CHINA

    (c) RUSSIA (d) UK (e) None

    5. Another name of World Bank is

    (a) IMF (b) IBRD

    (c) RBI (d) ADB (e) None

    6. Which of these organizations is also called as Brettonwood


    (a) World Bank (b) IMF

    (c) UNIDO (d) Both (a) & (b) (e) United Nation

    7. RBI establish on which date.

    (a) 1st

    of April 1925 (b) 1st

    of April 1935

    (c) 1st

    of April 1945 (d) 1st

    of April 1955

    (e) 1st

    of April 1965

    8. Financial Inclusion Scheme is comes under which Ministry.(a) Ministry of Health.

    (b) Ministry of Commerce.

    (c) Ministry of Consumer Affairs

    (d) Ministry of Finance.

    (e) Ministry of External Affairs.

    9. In PMLA Act, 2002 what does M stands for

    (a) Maximum (b) Market

    (c) Mutual (d) Mobile (e) None

    10. Spot the wrong statement.

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    (a) RBI has a sole right to issue the Banking License to any financial


    (b) RBI Governor Dr. Duvvuri Subbarao is an Indian economist,

    central banker, and civil servant. He is the 22nd

    Governor of

    Reserve Bank of India.

    (c) RBI also controls the Non Banking Financial Companies.

    (d) Harun Rashid Khan recently appointed as a Deputy Governor of

    RBI in place of Anand Sinha.

    (e) All are true.

    11. Where is the Headquarters of Kotak Mahindra Bank.

    (a) Delhi (b) Karnataka

    (c) Kanpur (d) Tamil Nadu (e) None

    12. Which one of the following is the private sector bank.

    (a) IDBI (b) Bank of Maharashtra

    (c) Bank of Rajasthan (d) Bank of Baroda

    (e) SIDBI

    13. Which one of the following is not an Associate Bank of SBI.

    (a) State Bank of Bikaner (b) State Bank of Hyderabad

    (c) State Bank of Mysore (d) State Bank of Patiala

    (e) State Bank of Indore.

    14. Which insurance company is one of the largest insurance

    company in our country.

    (a) ICICI Lombard Insurance

    (b) United India Insurance Company Ltd(c) Met Life Insurance (d) Max New York life insurance

    (e) LIC

    15. Which Government Bank has largest ATM network in India.(a) RBI (b) ICICI

    (c) SBI (d) PNB (e) CANARA

    16. How many banks are nationalized till Now.

    (a) 24 banks (b) 25 banks

    (c) 26 banks (d) 27 banks (e) None

    17. If any private company wants to starts the Banking

    operations in our country, then who is the banking licenseissuing authority.

    (a) IBA (b) IBPS(c) World Bank (d) SBI (e) None

    18. Which one is not decided by RBI.

    (a) CAR (b) CRR

    (c) Base Rate (d) Bank Rate (e) Policy Rates

    19. In RTGS what does T stands for

    (a) Transaction (b) Transfer

    (c) Tax (d) Transcription (e) None

    20. Which statement is wrong about RTGS system.

    (a) Transactions take place in a real time.

    (b) Works on DNS (Deferred Net Settlement).

    (c) Minimum amount to be transferred is Rs. 2 lakhs.

    (d) Processing Charges/Service Charges for RTGS transactions varyfrom bank to bank.

    (e) One of the safest mode of transactions when bulk amount of

    money is to be transferred.

    21. Recently Banks launched a service in which we can transfer

    the money through mobile phones, the service is called as(a) MMTF (Mobile Money Transfer Facility)

    (b) MTMT (Mobile To Mobile Transfer)

    (c) MTMMT (Mobile To Mobile Money Transfer)

    (d) IBMPS (Internet Banking Mobile Payment Service)

    (e) IMPS (Inter Bank Mobile Payment Service)

    22. IBPS recently conducts Common Written Examination,

    IBPS Stands for

    (a) Institute of Banking Person Selector.

    (b) International Banking Personnel Selection.

    (c) Indian Banking Personnel Selection.

    (d) Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.

    (e) Inter Bank Payment System.

    23. How many languages are there in a 500 rupee note?

    (a) 11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (d) 15 (e) 17

    24. Whose signature is present on the One Rupee note?

    (a) RBI Governor (b) Deputy Governor(c) Finance Secretary (d) Finance Minister

    (e) Prime Minister

    25. A special feature in intaglio has been introduced on the left

    of the watermark window on all notes except Rs.10/- note.

    This feature is in different shapes for various denominations

    (Rs. 20-Vertical Rectangle, Rs.50-Square, Rs.100-Triangle,

    Rs.500-Circle, Rs.1000-Diamond). What is the purpose of that

    intaglio on the note.(a) It helps in the detection of genuine notes.

    (b) It helps the Banks to identify the genuine notes.

    (c) It helps the RBI to identify the genuine notes.

    (d) It helps the visually impaired to identify the denomination.

    (e) It is just present for the good look of the currency.

    26. Many times we observe an alpha numeric IFSC code is

    written on cheque. IFSC code stands for.

    (a) International Format System Code

    (b) International Function System Code

    (c) International Forex System Code

    (d) Indian Financial System Code

    (e) Indian Format System Code

    27. Recently HDFC merged with which bank.

    (a) ICICI (b) AXIS (UTI)

    (c) Karur Vysya Bank (d) Centurion Bank of Punjab

    (e) Dhanalakshmi Bank

    28. Which statement is wrong about IMPS.

    (a) Its a mobile to mobile fund transactions facility.(b) For this facility we need a GPS enabled mobile phone.

    (c) Both the sender and receiver must have account in the same


    (d) Both the customers must have MMID (Mobile Money

    Identifier Number) number.

    (e) All are correct

    29. RBI directed banks to resolve ATM transactions related

    complaints in 7 working days. If commercial banks failed to

    do so then bank has to pay Rs.________per day as


    (a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 200 (d) 225 (e) 300

    30.Pure banking and nothing else/With you all the way are the Tag

    Lines of which bank(a) ICICI (b) IDBI (c) PNB (d) Canara

    (e) None

    31. Which one of the following is not regulated and controlled by


    (a) IDBI (b) SBI

    (c) Bank of Rajasthan (d) NABARD

    (e) All are controlled by RBI.

    32. D.D. Subbarao is the ________Governor of RBI.

    (a) 20TH

    (b) 21ST

    (c) 22ND

    (d) 23RD

    (e) 24TH

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    33. Which one is not a Present Deputy Governor of Reserve

    Bank of India.

    (a) Harun Rashid Khan (b) Subir Gokarn

    (c) K.C.Chakrabarty (d) Anand Sinha

    (e) Shyamala Gopinath

    34. Which organization maintains the Borrowers history in


    (a) CRISIL (b) CIBIL

    (c) CARE (d) RBI (e) SBI

    35. Which technique is sometimes also called as a type ofDirect

    DebitFacility.(a) SMPS (b) RTGS(c) IMPS (d) UTR (e) ECS

    36. Which organisation registered under the Companies Act,

    1956 of India, engaged in the business of loans and advances,

    acquisition of shares, stock, insurance business, or chit

    business, but does not works like a Normal banks such as it

    cannot issue cheques drawn on itself, cannot issue DDs.

    (a) NABARD (b) NBFCs

    (c) SEBI (d) ECGC (e) ITPO

    37. A customer can approach the Banking Ombudsman if he

    does not get satisfactory response to his grievance from the

    bank within _____ days.

    (a) 20 (b) 25 (c) 30 (d) 35 (e) 40

    38. Which of the organization can also be called as a Mutual

    Fund regulator.

    (a) AMFI (b) SEBI

    (c) CIBIL (d) CRISIL (e) ITPO

    39.The Banking Ombudsman charge _____ Rs. fee for filing

    and resolving customers complaints.(a) 50 (b) 75

    (c) 100 (d) 110

    (e) Does not charge any fee, it is absolutely free of cost.

    40. What is the Peculiar thing about all these commercial banks:

    Bank of India, Central Bank of India, DENA, Union Bank of

    India, Bank of Baroda.(a) They are the Best Banks in our country.

    (b) These banks are included in the top 100 list of Best Banks in the


    (c) These banks offers best services till now.

    (d) They have common panel ofBoard of Director.

    (e) Their Head Office situated in MUMBAI.

    41. If any private company wants to starts the Banking

    operations in our country, then who is the banking licenseissuing authority.

    (a) IBA (b) IBPS

    (c) World Bank (d) SBI (e) None

    42.Which one is not decided by RBI.

    (a) CAR (b) CRR(c) Base Rate (d) Bank Rate (e) Policy Rates

    43. What is Liquidity.

    (a) It means how cash is converted into gold.

    (b) It means how cheaply and quickly an asset converted into cash.

    (c) It means how cash is converted into a SDR (Special Drawing


    (d) It means how SDR is converted into cash.

    (e) Not related to banking.

    44. To combat with money laundering RBI uses which act.

    (a) PMLA Act, 2002 (b) RBI Act, 1934

    (c) DICGC Act, 1961 (d) Banking Regulation Act, 1949

    (e) No such act is present.

    45. The discounting rate at which Central bank (RBI) borrows

    security from commercial bank is called

    (a) Repo Rate (b) Reverse Repo

    (c) Deposit Rate (d) Base Rate (e) None

    46. Which one is a tool of Monetary policy of RBI.

    (a) Base Rate (b) PLR

    (c) CRR (d) BPLR (e) SDR

    47. Who is the issuing authority of the scheme FinancialInclusion.

    (a) Indian Bank Association (b) RBI

    (c) IBPS (d) Commercial Banks

    (e) Ministry of Rural Development

    48. Which statement is wrong about SEBI (Securities and

    Exchange Board of India).

    (a) SEBI is a statutory body.

    (b) SEBI is a capital regulator.

    (c) SEBI is also called as a Mutual funds regulator.

    (d) SEBI also regulates the credit rating agencies in India.

    (e) None of them is wrong.

    49. Which statement is wrong about RTGS system.

    (a) Transactions take place in a real time.(b) Works on DNS (Deferred Net Settlement).

    (c) Minimum amount to be transferred is Rs. 2 lakhs.

    (d) Processing Charges/Service Charges for RTGS transactions vary

    from bank to bank.

    (e) One of the safest mode of transactions when bulk amount of

    money is to be transferred.

    50. The first sale of stock by a private company to the public is

    known as(a) EPS (b) FPO

    (c) IPO (d) Both (b) and (c) (e) None

    51. Both RTGS and NEFT use.

    (a) UTR Number.

    (b) MICR Code.(c) IFSC Code.

    (d) Both (a) & (b)

    (e) None

    52. Which statement is wrong aboutIMPS.

    (a) Its a mobile to mobile fund transactions facility.

    (b) For this facility we need a GPS enabled mobile phone.

    (c) Both the sender and receiver must have account in the same bank

    (d) Both the customers must have MMID (Mobile Money Identifier

    Number) number.

    (e) All are correct.

    53. What is the role of MICR number, which is present on the


    (a) MICR number is used to identify the genuineness of cheque.(b) MICR number is used to identify the bank branch.

    (c) MICR number is nothing but a type of cheque number.

    (d) Both (a) and (b)

    (e) None

    54. In SWIFT what does I stand for.

    (a) Interbank (b) International

    (c) Intercom (d) Indian (e) Infrastructure

    55. What is Open Market Operations (OMO).

    (a) Selling of shares in an open market.

    (b) Selling of products in an open market.

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    (c) Buying and selling of government securities in the open market.

    (d) Buying and selling of products in the whole sale market.

    (e) None

    56. Under which act RBI issues directives to the commercial


    (a) PMLA Act, 2002 (b) RBI Act, 1934

    (c) DICGC Act, 1961 (d) Banking Regulation Act, 1949

    (e) No such act is present.

    57. The insurance company uses the bank sales channel in order

    to sell the products. The term used to describe is

    (a) Scheduled banking (b) Scheduled Insurance(c) Bankinsuring (d) Bancassurance (e) None

    58. Code of banks commitment to micro and small enterprises

    is prepared by

    (a) Any commercials bank (b) NABARD

    (c) RBI (d) IBA (e) GRAMEEN BANK

    59. OLTAS stands for

    (a) On-Line Tax Asset Schedule.

    (b) On-Line Tracking Asset Schedule.

    (c) On-Line Tax Accounting Schedule.

    (d) On-Line Tax Accessed System.

    (e) On-Line Tax Accounting System.

    60. Many times we heard the termHot money in financialnewspapers. What is Hot money.

    (a) Money that is moved by its owner quickly from one form of

    investment to another.

    (b) Money which is illegally obtained and try to convert into white


    (c) Money which can be invested in business.

    (d) Money which is obtained from the sales of white goods.

    (e) None

    61. CAMELS is a type of Bank Rating System. In CAMELS

    what does C stands for.

    (a) Common (b) Compensation

    (c) Cancellation (d) Capitalization (e) Capital Adequacy

    62. Define Eurobond.(a) A bond issued in a currency of the European countries.

    (b) A bond issued in an Indian currency in European nations.

    (c) A bond issued in Euro in our country.

    (d) A bond issued in a currency other than the currency of the

    country in which it is issued.

    (e) None

    63. Which act is useful in controlling HAWALA.

    (a) PMLA Act. (b) RBI Act.

    (c) DICGC Act. (d) Banking Regulation Act.

    (e) FEMA Act.

    64. Headquarter of Allahabad bank is situated in.

    (a) Delhi (b) Kolkata

    (c) Mumbai (d) Bangalore (e) Chennai

    65. Many times we observe an alpha numeric IFSC code is

    written on cheque. IFSC code stands for.(a) International Format System Code

    (b) International Function System Code

    (c) International Forex System Code

    (d) Indian Financial System Code

    (e) Indian Format System Code

    66. Which statement is wrong statement IFSC code.

    (a) IFSC code is an alpha numeric which is of 11 bit.

    (b) In IFSC code the last six digits shows the branch code.

    (c) IFSC code is uniquely identifies the bank branch.

    (d) Beneficial in those cases where bulk amount is to be


    (e) None of them is wrong.

    67. What is Contingency fund.

    (a) Its a fund for emergencies or unexpected outflows, mainly

    economic crises.

    (b) Its a fund for child development, often release by the state


    (c) Its a fund released by the commercial banks, to help the

    customers in emergency.

    (d) Its a fund released by World Bank in order to support LDCs.(e) None

    68. An agreement between the buyers and sellers to buy and sell

    the assets in the future at a predetermined price is called

    (a) Advanced Trading (b) Predetermine Trading

    (c) Priority Trading (d) Future Trading

    (e) None

    69. A tax on all spot conversions of one currency into another is

    called(a) Sales Tax (b) GST Tax

    (c) Direct Tax (d) VAT tax (e) None

    70. What does SEPA stands for in banking sector.

    (a) Single Euro Payment Area(b) Single Euro Penalized Area

    (c) State Environmental Policy Act

    (d) System Evaluation Planning and Assessment

    (e) Signaling and End Point Application

    71. Which bank is a Private Sector bank.

    (a) Bank of India (b) Bank of Baroda

    (c) Bank of Rajasthan (d) Bank of Maharashtra

    (e) IDBI Bank

    72. Which bank is Nationalized Bank.

    (a) AXIS (UTI) (b) HDFC

    (c) YES (d) ING Vysya Bank (e) None

    73. Recently HDFC merged with which bank.(a) ICICI (b) AXIS (UTI)

    (c) Karur Vysya Bank (d) Centurion Bank of Punjab

    (e) Dhanalakshmi Bank

    74. RBI directed banks to resolve ATM transactions related

    complaints in 7 seven working days. If commercial banks

    failed to do so then bank has to pay Rs.________per day as

    compensation.(a) 50 (b) 100 (c) 200 (d) 225 (e) 300

    75. Which of the organization can also be called as a mutual

    fund regulator.

    (a) AMFI (b) SEBI

    (c) CIBIL (d) CRISIL (e) ITPO

    76. Which organization maintains the credit history of the

    borrowers.(a) AMFI (b) SEBI

    (c) CIBIL (d) CRISIL (e) ITPO

    77. Which organization regulates the Credit Rating agencies in

    India.(a) AMFI (b) SEBI

    (c) CIBIL (d) CRISIL (e) RBI

    78. Which organization regulates the Monetary policy in India.(a) AMFI (b) SEBI

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    (c) CIBIL (d) CRISIL (e) RBI

    79. Scheme Financial Inclusion comes under which Ministry.

    (a) Ministry of rural development

    (b) Ministry of Finance

    (c) Ministry of Home affairs.

    (d) Ministry of Health and development

    (e) Ministry of urban development

    80. Tag line ofBank of Baroda is.(a) Pure Banking and Nothing Else

    (b) Jeevan Ke Saath Bhi Jeeavan Ke Baad Bhi

    (c) Tradition of Trust(d) With You All the Way (e) None

    81. Which bank is not included in SBI Associates Group.

    (a) State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur.

    (b) State Bank of Indore.

    (c) State Bank of Hyderabad.

    (d) State Bank of Mysore.

    (e) State Bank of Tarvancore.

    82. If at any place suppose RBI office is not present then who

    will control the commercial banks at that place.

    (a) SBI (b) RBI


    (e) SEBI.

    83.Insurance companies like LIC, ICICI LOMBARD, and

    UIICL are generally regulated by which organization.

    (a) RBI (b) PFRDA

    (c) IRDA (d) IBA (e) IBPS

    84. NPA in banking sector means.

    (a) Non Performing Asset. (b) Net Producing Asset.

    (c) Net Performing Asset. (d) Not Promoting Asset.

    (e) None

    85. Minimum denomination coin is present in Indian market is(a) 1 Rs. (b) 2 Rs. (c) 5 Rs. (d) 10 Rs. (e) None

    86. Many banks have launched CBS services. CBS means

    (a) Common Banking Solutions.(b) Common Banking Settings.

    (c) Core Banking Settlement.

    (d) Common Base Solutions.

    (e) None

    87. USA central Bank is

    (a) Federation of banks of America.

    (b) Bank of America. (c) Federal Bank of America.

    (d) Federal Reserve System. (e) USA American bank.

    88. After how many months in a year RBI review its Monetary


    (a) After every 2 months. (b) After every 3 months.

    (c) After every 4 months. (d) After every 5 months.

    (e) Not necessary, It depends on the Economic Situations.

    89. In FIMMDA what does I stands for.

    (a) Information (b) Index

    (c) Income (d) Intelligence (e) Indigo

    90.In TRIPS what does I stands for(a) Interest (b) Information

    (c) Improvement (d) Infra (e) None

    91. Which one is the biggest private sector lender.

    (a) AXIS (b) HDFC

    (c) ICICI (d) Bank of Rajasthan

    (e) Kotak Mahindra Bank

    92. RBI was established on the basis of which commission.

    (a) Hilton Young Commission. (b) British Commission.

    (c) Federal Commission. (d) Federation Commission.

    (e) None.

    93. Which one of the following person is never been a Governor

    of RBI.

    (a) Our Prime Minister. (b) Dr. C Rangarajan

    (c) Bimal Jalan (d) Upendra Kumar Sinha

    (e) Osborn Smith

    94. Which organization is also called as a Mutual funds


    (a) AMFI (b) SEBI

    (c) ECGC (d) CIBIL (e) ITPO

    95. SME stands for(a) Small and Micro Enterprises.

    (b) Sink and Medium Enterprises.

    (c) State and Medium Economy.

    (d) Small and Medium Economy.

    (e) Small and Medium Enterprises.

    96. Who is Mohmmad Yunus.

    (a) Founder of Grameen Bank. (b) Founder of RBI.

    (c) He is a PM of Bangladesh.(d) Founder of Indian Oversees Bank.

    (e) He belongs to Pakistan.

    97. Whose signature is present on Ten Rupees note.(a) Deputy Governor.

    (b) Finance Secretary.

    (c) President of India.

    (d) Finance Minister

    (e) None

    98. ASBA stands for

    (a) Application Supported By Blocked Account.

    (b) Application Supported By Bank Assets.

    (c) Allotment Supported By Blocked Amount.

    (d) Application Supported By Blocked Amount(e) None

    99.LAF stands for(a) Liquidity Adjustment Facility.

    (b) Liquidity Account Facility.

    (c) Liquidity Allotment Facility.

    (d) Long Adjustment Facility.

    (e) Long Account Facility.


    (a) Non Banking Financial Companies.

    (b) Non Governmental Organization. (NGO)

    (c) Credit Rating Agencies.

    (d) Private Sector Banks.

    (e) None


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    1.Normally commercial banks accept Fixed Deposit for10 yearsmaximum. (Minimum will be 15 days)

    2.NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and RuralDevelopment) was established on the recommendation of

    Shivraman Committee. It was established in 1982, During

    Seventh five year plan. Establishment: 12th of July 1982.

    Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra. Purpose: Specially

    meant for providing credit to agriculture sector.

    3.Kisaan Credit Card: A Special credit card which is issued to thefarmers, for their short-term credit needs for cultivation of crops.

    4.China5.Another name of World Bank is IBRD (International Bank for

    Reconstruction and Development) or IDA (International

    Development Association).

    6.Both IMF & World Bank are Brettonwood Institution.7.RBI established on 1ST of April 1935.8.Ministry of Finance.9.PMLA, Prevention ofMoney Laundering Act 2002: To combat

    with Money Laundering.

    10. Harun Rashid Khan recently appointed as a DeputyGovernor of RBI in place of Shyamala GopinathNot Anand


    11. Mumbai.12. Bank of Rajasthan.13. State Bank of Indore has been Merged.14. LIC: Life Insurance Corporation15. SBI16. 27 banks are Nationalized till now.17. RBI has a sole right to issue the Banking License.18. Base Rate is decided by Commercial Banks not RBI.19. RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlementsystem is a funds transfer

    systems where transfer of money or securities takes place from

    one bank to another on a real time. (Real time means within

    fraction of seconds.) The minimum amount to be transferred

    through RTGS is 2 lakh. Processing Charges/Service Charges

    for RTGS transactions vary from bank to bank.

    20.NEFT: National Electronic Fund Transfer. This is a methodused for transferring funds across banks in a secure manner. It

    usually takes 1-2 working days for the transfer to happen. NEFT

    is an electronic fund transfer system that operates on a Deferred

    Net Settlement (DNS) basis which settles transactions in

    batches.(RTGS does not works on DNS)

    21. IMPS: Inter bank Mobile Payment Service is an instantinterbank electronic fund transfer service through mobile phones.

    Both the customers must have MMID (Mobile Money Identifier

    Number) number. For this service we dont need any GPS

    enabled cell phones.

    22. IBPS: Institute ofBanking Personnel Selection. Institute set upby the Banking Industry to cater to its selection needs -recruitment, placement and promotion; and has been assessing

    talent for the past twenty - six years.

    23. 15 languages.24. Finance Secretary.25. It helps the visually impaired to identify the denomination.26. Indian Financial System Code. (IFSC: A 11 digit code in

    which first 4 digit represents the entity, 5th digit is by default

    zero and the last six digits shows the branch code)

    27. Recently HDFC merged with Centurion Bank of Punjab.28. Same as 21.

    29. 100/-30. SBI31. All are controlled by RBI. (RBI is our central and one of the

    most powerful bank in our country as well as it has sole right

    to regulate all commercial banks. (Whether the bank is

    Government or Private.))

    32. 22ND governor: DD Subbarao, 21st : Y.V. Reddy33. Shyamala Gopinath already resigned.34. CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau ofIndia Limited. CIBIL is

    Indias first credit information bureau. Whenever a person

    apply for new Loans or Credit Card to a Financial Institution,

    they generate the CIBIL report of the said person or concern tojudge the credit worthiness of the person and also to verify

    existing track record. CIBIL actually maintains the borrowers


    35. ECS: Electronic Clearing Service.36.NBFCs: Non Banking Financial Company.37. 30 days.38. SEBI is also known as Capital regulator or Mutual funds

    regulator orMarket regulator. SEBI is also created investors

    protection fund and SEBI is the only organization which

    regulate the credit rating agencies in India. (CRISIL And


    39. The Banking Ombudsman scheme is an efficient and cost-effective forum, which has been formed to resolve complaints

    registered by the customers in case of any services provided bythe bank.

    40. Their Head Office is situated in MUMBAI.41. RBI has a sole right to Grant the license to the banks. So

    answer is none.

    42. Base rate. RBI doesnt decide PLR, BPLR, SUB PLR, andDEPOSIT RATES.

    43. It refers to how quickly and cheaply an asset can be convertedinto cash. Money (in the form of cash) is the most liquid asset.

    44. Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002: To combat withmoney laundering.

    45. Also called Repurchase Rate, the rate at which the RBI lendsmoney to the banks or in other words we can say that Repo

    rate is the discounting rate at which central bank borrows

    security from commercial bank. Repo means repurchase

    agreement between RBI & commercial bank.

    46. CRR47. RBI48.None of them is wrong.49. RTGS does not Works on DNS (Deferred Net Settlement).

    Real Time Gross Settlement systems are a funds transfer

    systems where transfer of money or securities takes place from

    one bank to another on a Real time.

    50. IPO (Initial Public Offerings)51. IFSC: Indian Financial System Code.52. IMPS does not need any special type of cell phones (GPS

    enabled mobile phone).

    53. MICR number is used to identify the genuineness of cheque.54. Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial

    Telecommunication. It operates a worldwide financialmessaging network which exchanges messages between banks

    and other financial institutions.

    55. Open Market Operations. The buying and selling ofgovernment securities in the open market in order to expand or

    contract the amount of money in the banking system.

    56. Banking Regulation Act, 194957. Bancassurance.58. RBI59. On-Line Tax Accounting System.60. Money that is moved by its owner quickly from one form of

    investment to another.

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    61. CAMELS is a type of Bank Rating System. (C) stands forCapital Adequacy, (A) for Asset Quality, (M) for

    Management ,(E) for Earnings, (L) for Liquidity and (S) for

    Sensitivity to Market Risk.

    62. A bond issued in a currency other than the currency of thecountry in which it is issued.

    63. FEMA Act. (Foreign Exchange Management Act)64. Kolkata65. Indian Financial System Code66. All are correct67. Its a fund for emergencies or unexpected outflows, mainly

    economic crises.

    68. Future Trading69. A tax on all spot conversions of one currency into another iscalled TOBIN TAX.

    70. Single Euro Payment Area71. Bank of Rajasthan72.None73. Centurion Bank of Punjab74. 10075. SEBI76. CIBIL, Credit Information Bureau of India Limited. CIBIL is

    Indias first credit information bureau. Whenever a person

    apply for new Loans or Credit Card to a Financial Institution,

    they generate the CIBIL report of the said person or concern to

    judge the credit worthiness of the person and also to verify

    existing track record. CIBIL actually maintains the borrowers


    77. SEBI78. RBI79. Ministry of Finance.80. Indias International Bank81. State Bank ofIndore is already merged with SBI.82.None, since RBI is apex bank of our country, so it controls all

    the banks.

    83. Insurance companies in India are regulated by IRDA(Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.)

    84.Non Performing Asset.85.None: 25paise.86.None, CBS Stands for Core Banking Solutions.87. Federal Reserve System.88.Not necessary, It depends on the Economic Situations.89. FIMMDA: Fixed Income Money Market Derivatives


    90. TRIPS: Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights.91. ICICI.92. Hilton Young Commission.93. Upendra Kumar Sinha is a chairman of SEBI.94. SEBI.95. Small and Medium Enterprises.96. Mohmmad Yunus is a Founder of Grameen Bank, and he

    belongs to Bangladesh.

    97.None, Governor of RBI.98. Application Supported By Blocked Amount.99. Liquidity Adjustment Facility.100.CRISIL, MOODYS, STANDARD & POORS are CreditRating Agencies.


    KYC: Know YourCustomer

    KYC Campaign is introduced by RBI.

    Purpose: The main purpose of KYC norms is to restrict Money

    Laundering and Terrorist Financing.

    In order to prevent identity theft, identity fraud, money

    laundering, terrorist financing, etc, the RBI had directed all banks

    and financial institutions to put in place a policy framework to

    know their customers before opening any account.

    This involves verifying customers identity and address.

    Mandatory details required under KYC norms:

    Address Proof Identity Proof Ration Card/Election Card Some banks may even ask for verification by an

    existing account holder.

    All of the above formalities are done in order to check all banking

    transactions and identify suspicious ones.

    Such transactions will be immediately reported to the banks head

    office and authorities and norms shall also be laid down for

    freezing of such accounts.