Video Marketing Tips

©2011 eMarketer Inc. David Ewing VP Digital Marketing May 5, 2 0 1 1 Advertising With Video Trends for Marketers Sponsored by:


Video marketing presentation on the the explosion of internet video marketing and why your business be using video.

Transcript of Video Marketing Tips

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©2011 eMarketer Inc.

David Ewing

VP Digital Marketing

May 5, 2 0 1 1

Advertising With Video —Trends for Marketers

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What we’ll look at today…

Trend 1: What’s at stake (the more factor)

Trend 2: Video ad metrics indicate engagement

Trend 3: Website choices help boost engagement

Trend 4: Ad targeting influences engagement

Trend 5: Longer ads can extend engagement

Trend 6: Why viral video ads engage consumers

Trend 7: Video and social together can generate high engagement

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Marketers define video ad engagement in several different ways

Various server-based metrics…time in general

Interactivity, clicking or mousing (CPE, Tremor Media)

Traditional brand-health metrics, like awareness

When people share or comment (viral, social)

“Interactions, experiences and context that create and nurture enduring, profitable customer relationships” (Forbes)

Funny, emotionally touching, informative (Nielsen)

Conceptually similar to social media marketing

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Troy Young, president, SAY Media (formerly VideoEgg)

“What we saw was the overwhelming power of engagement to change metrics. The takeaway

here is: If you want your propaganda to work, get people to engage with it.”

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Trend Trend #1#1

Trend Trend #1#1 What’s At Stake (The

More Factor)

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Big dollars at stake for video ad market, and engagement improves results

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Online video advertising can be costly: Nearly 20% of agency executives said average video CPM is $21 to $60

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Engagement is a highly desired way to base video ad spending

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How one type of cost per engagement video ad can work to draw in audience

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Soon, over 60% of online video viewers will watch TV shows regularly (however)

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Trend Trend #2#2

Trend Trend #2#2 Video Ad Metrics

Indicate Engagement

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Engagement is really a mix of various metrics, both server- and survey-based. These include:

Time spent with the ad, particularly metrics such as completion rates and percentage of ad viewed.

Deliberate audience interactions, such as start rates, mouse-overs, activating a video player and expanding a video banner ad.

Sharing links to video ads, if they go viral.

Strong lift for key brand-health metrics, such as purchase intent, favorability and awareness.

The engagement metric is increasingly central to video advertising

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The amount of time the audience spends with a video ad is an essential engagement metric

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Pre-roll dominates but mid-roll ads got the highest completion rates because of engagement with content

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Two primary online video campaign objectives: brand engagement and brand awareness (which is a type of engagement)

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Core of engagement—swaying audience’s emotions, thereby bonding with the brand

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Joe Zahtila, chief operating officer, Dynamic Logic

“Understanding how brand perceptions have

changed doesn’t say how much you can sell. That gets you to the 10-yard line, but it doesn’t give you the touchdown.”

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Trend Trend #3#3

Trend Trend #3#3 Website Choices Help

Boost Engagement

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Full-length TV shows and movies support much of online video advertising, and so can foster engagement

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Hulu, traditional video content, at top—but networks also key places to engage

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Media content people discuss with friends, family, work colleagues

Source: Deloitte, February 2011

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Premium content tends to make 71% of the audience more willing to watch ads (trade-off is traditional)

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Video ads should reflect brand website, and vice versa, because site visits are what 48% do after viewing ad

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Trend Trend #4#4

Trend Trend #4#4 Ad Targeting

Influences Engagement

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Most important criteria for decision to spend on digital video advertising

Source: IAB, Advertiser Perceptions, April 2011

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Higher completion rates require quality and relevancy, so targeting is essential to get the audience’s attention

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Traditional targeting tactics used more than those that are more talked about

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Trend Trend #5#5

Trend Trend #5#5 Longer Ads Can Extend


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Longer ads tend to reduce audience involvement, at least with one metric

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Custom video content can generate engagement, but the marketing message typically is best when it’s subtle

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Doug Chavez, director digital marketing, Del Monte Foods

“We have some very emotional brands, such as with Milk-Bone where we don’t just use a repurposed 30-second spot. Whether on

publishers’ sites or our Facebook page, we look at how much people engage

with the brand besides the video ad itself.”

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Awareness rather than purchase intent gained in one example of branded video content (done for Sprint)

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Trend Trend #6#6

Trend Trend #6#6 Why Viral Video Ads

Engage Consumers

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About 25% of marketers who used YouTube for viral had viral success (and sharing video clearly indicates engagement)

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More familiarity with viral than usage because niche tactic (in some ways)

Source: DMA, Ipsos Reid, CMA, February 2011

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Viral video may be better for awareness than boosting purchase decisions

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Dan Greenberg, chief executive officer, Sharethrough

“The power of emotional

storytelling will always be a necessary

vehicle on the path towards sharing.”

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VW’s The Force lessons: Both a good story and good ad spending

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Trend Trend #7#7

Trend Trend #7#7 Video and Social

Together Can Generate High Engagement

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Social media marketing is all about engagement (along with branding)

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Affinity is the main reason about one-quarter of Gen-Y respondents engage with brands on social media sites

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Advertising encourages engagement with brands (it’s not all earned media)

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Engagement and conversations are a sign of social-media brand success

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Adam Kleinberg, chief executive officer, Traction

“Social is not about listening to people talking about your brand. It’s about

listening to people talk about their lives.”

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Social network audience might actively engage with brands, but at most only half of the population

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Engagement is a slippery concept

Is engagement simply people paying attention to your video ad?

Does engagement happen only when people interact with your video?

How much engagement actually occurs at some point after the audience views your ad?

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Consumers don’t really engage with digital video ads, say 1/3 of respondents

Source: IAB, Advertiser Perceptions, April 2011

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Ian Schafer, chief executive officer, Deep Focus

“When marketers choose to truly engage audiences

(and that means something different for every

brand), it requires more custom thinking, more

custom execution, more attention paid at every


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Each online video advertising engagement trend offers pros and cons for marketers.

For example, precise ad targeting boosts engagement. But it can be hard both to target accurately and still get the audience reach that brand marketers usually want.

Engagement for one brand will likely differ from that of other brands—or even from the same brand at a different stage in its development.

In the end, engagement is just like awareness, completion rates, targeting, viral sharing or a brand’s Facebook page. They’re just means to an end.

In the end, why might marketers want to create video ad engagement?

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Source: Morgan Stanley; Note: Time spent data per NA Technographics (2009), ad spent data per VSS, internet advertising opportunity assumes online ad spent share matches time spent share, per Yahoo! Investors Dat, 5/10.**eMarketer Online Video Ad Sp0ending, 2009-2014 March 20

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Misappropriated Funds?

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Advertising With Video —Trends for Marketers

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Presented by:David EwingVP Digital Marketing, Ewing Enterprise.