Victor Engine - Action Conditions

#============================================================================== # ** Victor Engine - Action Conditions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Author : Victor Sant # # Version History: # v 1.00 - 2011.12.22 > First release # v 1.01 - 2011.12.30 > Faster Regular Expressions # v 1.02 - 2012.01.15 > Compatibility with Trait Control # v 1.03 - 2012.08.02 > Compatibility with Basic Module 1.27 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This script allows to set special conditions to determine if a skill or # item can be used. You can set states, status, switches, variables or even # use an custom condition that must be met for the skill or item to be useable. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compatibility # Requires the script 'Victor Engine - Basic Module' v 1.27 or higher # # * Alias methods # class Game_BattlerBase # def usable?(item) # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Instructions: # To instal the script, open you script editor and paste this script on # a new section bellow the Materials section. This script must also # be bellow the script 'Victor Engine - Basic' # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Skills and Items note tags: # Tags to be used on the Skills and Items note box in the database # # <condition any state added: x> <condition any state removed: x> # <condition any state added: x, x> <condition any state removed: x, x> # The skill or item can only be used if one of the listed states meets # the condition, added or removed. # x : state ID # # <condition all state added: x> <condition all state removed: x> # <condition all state added: x, x> <condition all state removed: x, x> # The skill or item can only be used if *all* the listed states meets # the condition, added or removed. # x : state ID # # <condition any switch on: x> <condition any switch off: x> # <condition any switch on: x, x> <condition any switch off: x, x> # The skill or item can only be used if one of the listed switches meets # the condition, On or Off. # x : switch ID # # <condition all switch on: x> <condition all switch off: x> # <condition all switch on: x, x> <condition all switch off: x, x> # The skill or item can only be used if *all* the listed switches meets # the condition, On or Off. # x : switch ID # # <condition variable x higher: y> <condition variable x equal: y> # <condition variable x lower: y> <condition variable x different: y> # The skill or item can only be used if the variable x meets the condition # when compared with value y.


Victor Engine - Action Conditions

Transcript of Victor Engine - Action Conditions

#==============================================================================# ** Victor Engine - Action Conditions#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Author : Victor Sant## Version History:# v 1.00 - 2011.12.22 > First release# v 1.01 - 2011.12.30 > Faster Regular Expressions# v 1.02 - 2012.01.15 > Compatibility with Trait Control# v 1.03 - 2012.08.02 > Compatibility with Basic Module 1.27#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This script allows to set special conditions to determine if a skill or# item can be used. You can set states, status, switches, variables or even# use an custom condition that must be met for the skill or item to be useable.#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Compatibility# Requires the script 'Victor Engine - Basic Module' v 1.27 or higher# # * Alias methods# class Game_BattlerBase# def usable?(item)##------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Instructions:# To instal the script, open you script editor and paste this script on# a new section bellow the Materials section. This script must also# be bellow the script 'Victor Engine - Basic'##------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Skills and Items note tags:# Tags to be used on the Skills and Items note box in the database# # <condition any state added: x> <condition any state removed: x># <condition any state added: x, x> <condition any state removed: x, x># The skill or item can only be used if one of the listed states meets# the condition, added or removed.# x : state ID## <condition all state added: x> <condition all state removed: x># <condition all state added: x, x> <condition all state removed: x, x># The skill or item can only be used if *all* the listed states meets# the condition, added or removed.# x : state ID## <condition any switch on: x> <condition any switch off: x># <condition any switch on: x, x> <condition any switch off: x, x># The skill or item can only be used if one of the listed switches meets# the condition, On or Off.# x : switch ID## <condition all switch on: x> <condition all switch off: x># <condition all switch on: x, x> <condition all switch off: x, x># The skill or item can only be used if *all* the listed switches meets# the condition, On or Off.# x : switch ID## <condition variable x higher: y> <condition variable x equal: y># <condition variable x lower: y> <condition variable x different: y># The skill or item can only be used if the variable x meets the condition# when compared with value y.

# x : variable ID# y : value (can be evaluted)# # <condition stat higher: x> <condition stat equal: x># <condition stat higher: x%> <condition stat equal: x%># <condition stat lower: x> <condition stat different: x># <condition stat lower: x%> <condition stat different: x%># The skill or item can only be used if the stat set meets the condition# when compared with value y. You can use any stat available for the # battler, even custom ones.# stat : stat name (maxhp, maxmp, maxtp, hp, mp, tp, atk, def, mat...)# x : value (can be evaluted), % value can only be used with# the stats "hp", "mp" and "tp"## <custom condition># string# string# </custom condition># You can set a custom condition based on script code. Replace the string# withe the code that will be evaluted##==============================================================================

#==============================================================================# ** Victor Engine#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Setting module for the Victor Engine#==============================================================================

module Victor_Engine #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * required # This method checks for the existance of the basic module and other # VE scripts required for this script to work, don't edit this #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.required(name, req, version, type = nil) if !$imported[:ve_basic_module] msg = "The script '%s' requires the script\n" msg += "'VE - Basic Module' v%s or higher above it to work properly\n" msg += "Go to to download this script." msgbox(sprintf(msg, self.script_name(name), version)) exit else self.required_script(name, req, version, type) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * script_name # Get the script name base on the imported value, don't edit this #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.script_name(name, ext = "VE") name = name.to_s.gsub("_", " ").upcase.split name.collect! {|char| char == ext ? "#{char} -" : char.capitalize } name.join(" ") endend

$imported ||= {}$imported[:ve_action_condition] = 1.03

Victor_Engine.required(:ve_action_condition, :ve_basic_module, 1.27, :above)

#==============================================================================# ** Game_BattlerBase#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# This class handles battlers. It's used as a superclass of the Game_Battler# classes.#==============================================================================

class Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias method: usable? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias :usable_action_condition? :usable? def usable?(item) return false if !custom_conditions_met?(item) return usable_action_condition?(item) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: custom_conditions_met? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def custom_conditions_met?(item) return true if !item return false if item_param_condition?(item) return false if item_custom_condition?(item) return false if item_variable_condition?(item) return false if item_all_state_condition?(item) return false if item_any_state_condition?(item) return false if item_all_switch_condition?(item) return false if item_any_switch_condition?(item) return true end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: item_any_state_condition? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_any_state_condition?(item) regexp = /<CONDITION ANY STATE (ADD|REMOV)ED: ((?:\d+ *,? *)+)>/i item.note.scan(regexp) do |cond, values| values.scan(/(\d+)/i) do case cond.upcase when "ADD" then return false if @states.include?($1.to_i) when "REMOV" then return false if [email protected]?($1.to_i) end end return true end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: item_all_state_condition? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_all_state_condition?(item) regexp = /<CONDITION ALL STATE (ADD|REMOV)ED: ((?:\d+ *,? *)+)>/i item.note.scan(regexp) do |cond, values| values.scan(/(\d+)/i) do case cond.upcase when "ADD" then return true if [email protected]?($1.to_i) when "REMOV" then return true if @states.include?($1.to_i) end end

end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: item_any_switch_condition? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_any_switch_condition?(item) regexp = /<CONDITION ANY SWITCH (ON|OFF): ((?:\d+ *,? *)+)>/i item.note.scan(regexp) do |cond, values| values.scan(/(\d+)/i) do case cond.upcase when "ON" then return false if $game_switches[$1.to_i] when "OFF" then return false if !$game_switches[$1.to_i] end end return true end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: item_all_switch_condition? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_all_switch_condition?(item) regexp = /<CONDITION ALL SWITCH (ON|OFF): ((?:\d+ *,? *)+)>/i item.note.scan(regexp) do |cond, values| values.scan(/(\d+)/i) do case cond.upcase when "ON" then return true if !$game_switches[$1.to_i] when "OFF" then return true if $game_switches[$1.to_i] end end end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: item_variable_condition? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_variable_condition?(item) cond = "(HIGHER|LOWER|EQUAL|DIFFERENT)" regexp = /<CONDITION VARIABLE (\d+) #{cond}: ([^><]*)>/i item.note.scan(regexp) do |id, cond, value| string = "!(#{$game_variables[id.to_i]} #{get_cond(cond)} #{value})" return true if eval(string) end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: item_param_condition? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_param_condition?(item) cond = "(HIGHER|LOWER|EQUAL|DIFFERENT)" regexp = /<CONDITION (\w+) #{cond}: ([^><]*)>/i item.note.scan(regexp) do |stat, cond, value| if value =~ /(\d+)\%/i && ["HP","MP","TP"].include?(stat.upcase) rate = hp_rate * 100 if stat.upcase == "HP" rate = mp_rate * 100 if stat.upcase == "MP" rate = tp_rate * 100 if stat.upcase == "TP" return true if eval("!(#{rate} #{get_cond(cond)} #{$1.to_i})") else return true if eval("!(#{get_param(stat)} #{get_cond(cond)} #{value})")

end end return false end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * New method: item_custom_condition? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def item_custom_condition?(item) item.note.scan(get_all_values("CUSTOM CONDITION")) do return true if eval("!(#{$1.gsub(/\r\n/i, ";")})") end return false endend