Viability and activity in readily culturable bacteria: a...

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 73: 169–187, 1998. 169 c 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Viability and activity in readily culturable bacteria: a review and discussion of the practical issues Douglas B. Kell 1 , Arseny S. Kaprelyants 12 , Dieter H. Weichart 1 , Colin R. Harwood 3 & Michael R. Barer 3 1 Edward Llwyd Building, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth SY23 3DA, U.K.; 2 Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii prospekt 33, 117071 MOSCOW, Russia; 3 Department of Microbiology, the Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH ( author for correspondence) Received 22 July 1997; accepted 23 October 1997 Key words: viability, culturability, anabiosis, cryptobiosis, dormancy, metabolic activity, thanatology Abstract In microbiology the terms ‘viability’ and ‘culturability’ are often equated. However, in recent years the apparently self-contradictory expression ‘viable-but-nonculturable’ (‘VBNC’) has been applied to cells with various and often poorly defined physiological attributes but which, nonetheless, could not be cultured by methods normally appropriate to the organism concerned. These attributes include apparent cell integrity, the possession of some form of measurable cellular activity and the apparent capacity to regain culturability. We review the evidence relating to putative VBNC cells and stress our view that most of the reports claiming a return to culturability have failed to exclude the regrowth of a limited number of cells which had never lost culturability. We argue that failure to differentiate clearly between use of the terms ‘viability’ and ‘culturability’ in an operational versus a conceptual sense is fuelling the current debate, and conclude with a number of proposals that are designed to help clarify the major issues involved. In particular, we suggest an alternative operational terminology that replaces ‘VBNC’ with expressions that are internally consistent. Introduction and background: ‘viable’ and ‘nonviable’ cells At the simplest level, bacteria may be classified into two physiological groups: those that can and those that cannot readily be grown to detectable levels in vitro. Leaving aside organisms such as Mycobacterium lep- rae that can only be seen to reproduce in a foreign host, and demonstrably syntrophic organisms (McIn- erney et al., 1981), the well-established view is that culturability reflects viability. In this review we will be concerned only with bac- teria that are normally readily culturable by standard methods. In particular, we will discuss the significance of apparently intact cells which, at the time of sam- pling, are not able to grow on media appropriate for the organisms concerned. We will also discuss how the lack of a widely accepted and consistently applied ter- minology has led to a debate that has centred as much on semantics as the underlying scientific issues. In an attempt to disentangle these issues, we have focussed on the operational (practical) domain, aiming to avoid the philosophical problems which arise when such terms are used conceptually (i.e. plausibly, but without the possibility of direct experimental analysis in many cases). Moreover, by excluding from the discussion organisms which have yet to be grown axenically (in vitro), we have been able to concentrate on the area of current controversy relating to the culturability of species which are claimed to maintain viability in spite of failing to grow on media which normally support their growth. The notion that, for readily culturable organisms, culturability and viability are synonymous, is support- ed by many reviews and texts e.g. (Hattori, 1988; Post- gate, 1969)). From this point of view, one rˆ ole of the

Transcript of Viability and activity in readily culturable bacteria: a...

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek73: 169–187, 1998. 169c 1998Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Viability and activity in readily culturable bacteria: a review and discussionof the practical issues

Douglas B. Kell1, Arseny S. Kaprelyants1;2, Dieter H. Weichart1, Colin R. Harwood3 &Michael R. Barer3;�1 Edward Llwyd Building, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth SY23 3DA, U.K.;2 Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii prospekt 33, 117071 MOSCOW, Russia;3 Department of Microbiology, the Medical School, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH (� authorfor correspondence)

Received 22 July 1997; accepted 23 October 1997

Key words:viability, culturability, anabiosis, cryptobiosis, dormancy, metabolic activity, thanatology


In microbiology the terms ‘viability’ and ‘culturability’ are often equated. However, in recent years the apparentlyself-contradictory expression ‘viable-but-nonculturable’ (‘VBNC’) has been applied to cells with various andoften poorly defined physiological attributes but which, nonetheless, could not be cultured by methods normallyappropriate to the organism concerned. These attributes include apparent cell integrity, the possession of some formof measurable cellular activity and the apparent capacity to regain culturability. We review the evidence relatingto putative VBNC cells and stress our view that most of the reports claiming a return to culturability have failedto exclude the regrowth of a limited number of cells which had never lost culturability. We argue that failure todifferentiate clearly between use of the terms ‘viability’ and ‘culturability’ in anoperationalversus a conceptualsense is fuelling the current debate, and conclude with a number of proposals that are designed to help clarify themajor issues involved. In particular, we suggest an alternativeoperationalterminology that replaces ‘VBNC’ withexpressions that are internally consistent.

Introduction and background: ‘viable’ and‘nonviable’ cells

At the simplest level, bacteria may be classified intotwo physiological groups: those that can and those thatcannot readily be grown to detectable levelsin vitro.Leaving aside organisms such asMycobacterium lep-rae that can only be seen to reproduce in a foreignhost, and demonstrably syntrophic organisms (McIn-erney et al., 1981), the well-established view is thatculturability reflectsviability.

In this review we will be concerned only with bac-teria that are normally readily culturable by standardmethods. In particular, we will discuss the significanceof apparently intact cells which, at the time of sam-pling, are not able to grow on media appropriate forthe organisms concerned. We will also discuss how thelack of a widely accepted and consistently applied ter-

minology has led to a debate that has centred as muchon semantics as the underlying scientific issues. In anattempt to disentangle these issues, we have focussedon theoperational(practical) domain, aiming to avoidthe philosophical problems which arise when suchterms are usedconceptually(i.e. plausibly, but withoutthe possibility of direct experimental analysis in manycases). Moreover, by excluding from the discussionorganisms which have yet to be grown axenically (invitro), we have been able to concentrate on the areaof current controversy relating to the culturability ofspecies which are claimed to maintain viability in spiteof failing to grow on media which normally supporttheir growth.

The notion that, for readily culturable organisms,culturability and viability are synonymous, is support-ed by many reviews and texts e.g. (Hattori, 1988; Post-gate, 1969)). From this point of view, one role of the


microbial physiologist has been to establish appropri-ate conditions to maximise the growth potential of indi-vidual cells (propagules). The critical issue here is thedetection of growth to a level appropriate to the organ-ism concerned. This inevitably involves an increase inbiomass although it should be realised that the degreeto which this reflects cell division will depend on spe-cific growth patterns. Thus, for filamentous organismsor those in which fission is not complete, detectionof growth does not necessarily require that extensivefission should have occurred.

The term ’viable count’ usually refers to the num-ber of individual organisms in a sample that can begrown to a detectable level, for example by formingcolonies on an agar-based medium. Under these con-ditions the number of viable cells approximates to thenumber of colony-forming units, and similar conceptsapply to the related technique of slide culture (Post-gate, 1969). Another method for quantitating viabilityvia growth is the Most Probable Number (MPN) tech-nique (e.g. Koch, 1994; Meynell & Meynell, 1970;Postgate, 1969; Russek & Colwell, 1983). Other meth-ods for enumerating ‘viable cells’ which, nevertheless,are not necessarily predicated on direct observation oftheir replication, fall within the purview of the field of‘rapid microbiology’, and have been widely reviewed(e.g. Fry, 1990; Harris & Kell, 1985; Herbert, 1990;Hobson et al., 1996; Jarvis & Easter, 1987; Kell et al.,1990; Sonnleitner et al., 1992). In this review we con-sider only some of the optically-based rapid methods.

In a simple, two-valued logic system, the usualconvention would maintain that, if a bacterial cell isnot viable, it isnonviableor dead. Even with higherorganisms (Watson, 1987), such definitions are strictlyoperational, and have been established by conventionand law to serve practical purposes (e.g. organ trans-plantation programmes). It is recognised that amongstsexually reproducing organisms, fertility, the abilityto multiply at the level of the organism, is not syn-onymous with being alive. In contrast, the consensuswithin the microbial sphere assumes that only cellswhich can multiply should be considered ‘viable’.

This raises certain philosophical issues, in that ifthe viability of unicellular organisms is equated withthe ability to multiply, we can never state that a givencell isalive, only that itwasalive (Postgate, 1976). Thepoint is illustrated by the paradox of Schrodinger’s cat:

‘A cat is locked up in a steel chamber, togetherwith the following infernal machine (which mustbe protected against the direct grip of the cat). In

a Geiger counter there is a minute amount of aradioactive substance, so little that within an hourmaybe one of the atoms decays but equally prob-ably none. If an atom decays, the counter triggersand activates a relay so that a little hammer breaksa flask containing prussic acid. If one has left thiswhole system for one hour, one would say that thecat is still alive if no atom has decayed. The firstdecay would have poisoned the cat. The functionof the whole system would express this in such away that in it the living and dead cat are mixed orsmeared in equal parts.’

Certainly everybody would say that either the catis alive or the cat is dead, but if the chamber is notopened yet, we just do not know..... In this sense,we speak of the paradox of Schrodinger’s cat.(Schrodinger, 1935), as translated, recounted andannotated by Primas (Primas, 1981).

Microbiologists face two problems in addition to thatpresented by Schrodinger’s paradox. These are bothconcerned with the question of whether the organismcould have been expected to multiply over the peri-od of observation. On the one hand, the majority ofmicroorganisms in the biosphere, for which suitableinvitro culture conditions have not been defined, can-not be recognised as ‘alive or dead’ by the cultur-able/nonculturable dichotomy even by the retrospec-tive criteria outlined above. Indeed, the only definitivestatement that can be made about cells of such organ-isms is that they must be the progeny of cells thatwere viable. On the other hand, as our understand-ing of the biology and physiology of readily culturablemicroorganisms has improved, it has become clear thatthe simple (and albeit operational) two-valued logicsystem is inadequate, since there are clear instances(see below) in which cells which could not be cul-tured at one point in time subsequently became cultur-able. Moreover, since the time of Leeuwenhoek (seeKeilin, 1959), the possibility that culturable microor-ganisms can adopt ‘cryptobiotic’ (Keilin, 1959), ‘dor-mant’ (Kaprelyants et al., 1993; Stevenson, 1978),‘moribund’ (Postgate, 1967) or ‘latent’ (Wayne, 1994)states in which they exhibit no signs of life as normallydefined, yet from which they may indeed be induced toreturn to a physiologically active state, has been recog-nised. Such cells have been referred to as ‘pseudose-nescent’ (Postgate, 1976) or ‘somnicells’ (Barcina etal., 1990; Roszak & Colwell, 1987). The existence ofthese phenomena alone requires an extension of thenumber of recognisable physiological states that are


used to describe microbial viability and culturability(Barer et al., 1993; Davey & Kell, 1996; Kaprelyantset al., 1993; von Nebe-Caron & Badley, 1995). In theSchrodingeranalogy, these organisms might be viewedas cats that could not be determined as dead or aliveeven after the box was opened.

We re-emphasise that our discussion will be limit-ed to readily cultured microbial species and have alsoexcluded sporulating bacteria from major considera-tion; the formation of obviously specialised bacteri-al forms such as spores and cysts (‘constitutive dor-mancy’, Sussman & Halvorson, 1966) is not con-sidered here, except as a model for differentiation.The question of viability has mostly been investigatedfor laboratory-based studies on cultures whose proper-ties are sufficiently well understood to generate repro-ducible growth. Under such conditions, culturabilitiesapproaching 100% are expected. However, it must berecognised that in their natural environments, the con-ditions to which even well-characterised organisms areor have been exposed may influence their behaviour inways not observed in the laboratory, especially (but notexclusively) under oligotrophic conditions (Poindex-ter, 1981).

The recognition of discrepancies between cultura-bility and the influence or activity of an organism ledto the proposal (Roszak & Colwell, 1985; Roszak andColwell, 1987; Roszak et al., 1984; Xu et al., 1982)that, under some circumstances, readily culturable bac-teria may become nonculturable but retain ‘viability’(whose definition would not then be synonymous withculturability). There has been much confusion relat-ed to this proposal. Putative ‘viable-but-nonculturable’(‘VBNC’ or ‘VNC’) bacteria (Oliver, 1993) have beeninvoked to explain phenomena as diverse as the epi-demiologyof cholera and the persistence of geneticallymarked organisms in the environment. The semanticsof critical terms such as viability, vitality, active, alive,nonviable and dead have had to be reviewed yet again,and established methodologies called into question. Inspite of substantial activity, spanning more than fifteenyears, there is little evidence to support the view thata single physiologically-defined ‘VBNC’ state exists.Moreover, almost all published studies fail to discrim-inate adequately between resuscitation/recovery andthe regrowth of any culturable cells initially presentin the population. Here we suggest a framework forunderstanding the relationships between bacterial cul-turability, activity and viability.

‘Culturable’ (and by implication ‘nonculturable’)can have two rather distinct meanings: (i) immediate-

ly culturable (nonculturable) at a specific time usinga conventional, single-stage method such as inoculat-ing onto the surface of a suitable agar medium; and(ii) ultimately culturable (or not) under conditions orusing protocols that may be different from those rou-tinely used to grow the bacterium. Clearly these areboth operationaldefinitions, although only noncul-turability under the latter circumstances is reasonablyequatable to the concept of ‘nonviability’. Here, weshall distinguish between the two usages by assign-ing quotation marks (i.e. ‘nonculturable’) to the first,immediate, sense and standard text (i.e. nonculturable)to the second, ultimate, sense. Note however, that inthese operational definitions the terms are not used todescribe any ‘innate’ properties of a cell but only theresults of our measurement of them.

Phenomena which have been related to a proposedVBNC state

The central phenomena which led to the proposal of a‘VBNC’ state in bacteria are not disputed and requireexplanation. They remain the starting point for discus-sions in this area and fall into two broad categories: (i)the detection of some form of activity in cells whichcould not be induced to replicate and hence do notgive rise to turbidity or colonies, and (ii) reports ofcells which, while classified as ‘nonculturable’, appar-ently regained their capacity for growth as a result ofrecovery or resuscitation processes.

The activity of bacteria can be assessed in popula-tions (bulk assay) or in single cells (cytological assay).When assigning properties specifically to ‘noncultur-able’ cells, bulk assays require the population to becompletely ‘nonculturable’; otherwise any attempt toprovide a correlation between biochemical activitiesand culturability is bound to fail (Davey and Kell,1996; Kell, 1988; Kell et al., 1991). Thus, althoughsome investigations have appeared to use bulk assayssuccessfully (e.g. Rollins & Colwell, 1986), cyto-logical assays in which the outcome is assessed bymicroscopy (Nwoguh et al., 1995; Zimmermann et al.,1978) or flow cytometry (Davey and Kell, 1996; Kellet al., 1991; Lloyd, 1993; Shapiro, 1995) have beenpreferred in many studies.

The development of ‘nonculturable’ cells duringlaboratory studies on axenic cultures is illustrated inFigure 1. Essentially, in any culture where net growthis arrested at t0, typically by starvation, discrepan-cies begin to emerge between the total number of


Figure 1. The pattern of changes seen when bacterial cells are inoculated into a microcosm which does not permit net cell growth at timezero. The time scale varies with the organism and the nature of the microcosm. The time periodsA, B andC indicate different phases in therelationship between total and colony counts:A – indicates the phase of correspondence,B – the phase of relative discrepancy, andC – thephase of absolute discrepancy onset when colony counts fall below limit of detection. Active cell counts generally continue to fall during phaseC if the experiment is extended and total cell counts become increasingly difficult as cell outlines become progressively less distinct. Note thatthe colony count reaches a detection limit of 10 colonies at some time point, not an absolute count of zero.

cells which can be detected microscopically (totalcell count) and the number which can form colonieson agar-based media (colony count). The relation-ship between the colony and total counts falls intothree phases: correspondence, relative discrepancy andabsolute discrepancy (i.e. completely nonculturable).During the period of relative discrepancy, ‘noncultur-able’ cells are formed at a rate which is determinedby the state of the culture at t0, the characteristics ofthe organism itself, the maintenance conditionsandthe methods used to determine culturability. Absolutediscrepancy does not occur in all systems and in somecases may be difficult to establish.

It is important to realise that, under conditionsof relative discrepancy, it is not possible to establishwhether the active and culturable cells are one and thesame, or indeed whether culturable cells are alwaysa subset of the active population, as is often confi-dently assumed. Irrespective of the cytological proper-ties of the culturable cells, it has clearly been shownthat substantial numbers of ‘nonculturable’ cells retaindemonstrable metabolic activities.

What significance can we attribute to these activi-ties? The cytological assays used range from the whol-ly empirical to those which are fully defined in terms ofthe physiological or molecular functions which must

be retained to yield a positive response (Table 1). Theapplication of such tests can reveal a great deal aboutthe phenotypes of ‘nonculturable’ cells. Where activ-ities are demonstrated it may be possible to establishthe potential of such ‘nonculturable’ cells to contributeto specific environmentally significant processes suchas nutrient cycling reactions and even pathogenicity.Moreover, the demonstrable capacity of some ‘non-culturable’ cells to respond to an external stimulus byspecific gene expression shows that their activities aremore than that of slowly degrading packages of pre-existing enzymes. For example, nonculturable cells ofpathogens may be capable of expressing virulence fac-tors such as toxins and invasins in response to exoge-nous stimuli (Rahman et al., 1996).

Are any of the measures of activity listed in Table 1reliable indicators of viability? Although increasingnumbers of cytological assays are being established,and substantial advances have been made in microbialphysiology, if viability is equated with culturabilitylittle can be added to the conclusions arrived at byPostgate and colleagues over twenty years ago that:

‘At present one must accept that the death ofmicrobe can only be discovered retrospectively: apopulation is exposed to a recovery medium, incu-


Table 1. Cytological methods that have been used to estimate microbial ‘viability’ or activity

Method Minimum requirements Comment

for positive result

A. Kogure, Direct ViabilityCount (DVC)1;2

Response to external stimulus,Transcription� , Translation� ,Energy dependant

Mechanism not clear. Cell elongation in response to yeastextract and quinolone exposure assumed to be growthpotential related

B. Induced�-galactosidaseproduction3

Response to external stimulus,Transcription� , Translation,Energy dependant, Retainedenzyme activity

Well-defined genetic and biochemical pathway, access ofsubstrate may be limited by permeability. Other genes /reporter genes can be used (e.g. luciferase4)

C. Energisation-sensitiveprobes5;6 (e.g. oxonols,Rhodamine 123)

Energy dependant, Energisedcytoplasmic membrane

Active labelling (or probe exclusion) reversible withuncoupling agents. Can be undermined by permeabilitybarriers and changes in backgound labelling material

D. Tetrazolium salt reduction(e.g. INT7, CTC8)

Energy dependant or Retainedenzyme activity

Depends on the available energy source(s) which may beexogenous or endogenous and pathway(s) involved intheir oxidation9

E. Enzyme substrates10;11

(e.g. fluoresceindiacetate12)

Retained enzyme activity, Intactpermeability barrier

Depend on expression of the enzyme(s) involved in cellsto be studied, access of reagents to enzyme and retentionof reaction product

F. Passive dye exclusion Intact permeability barrier Exclusion of nucleic acid labelling agents (e.g. propidiumiodide, ethidium bromide, ethidium homodimer)13

G. Nucleic acid staining13 Retained DNA, RNA or both May be supravital (e.g. acridine orange or DAPI) or afterfixation. Specificity and quantitative relationship togenomic content or physiological state rarely confirmed.Determinative rRNA-directed oligonucleotide probes mayprovide physiological information (ribosomal content)

� Likely but not specifically demonstrated.Note: Methods A-E detect activity and are considered to indicate ‘vitality’/ activity. Conversely failure of dye exclusion (F) indicates failure ofan activity (maintenance of membrane integrity).Sources:1 – (Kogure et al., 1979);2 – (Barcina et al., 1995);3 – (Nwoguh et al., 1995);4 – (Duncan et al., 1994);5 – (Kaprelyants and Kell,1993); al., 1995);7 – (Zimmermann et al., 1978);8 – (Rodriguez et al., 1992);9 – (Gribbon & Barer, 1995);10 – (Diaper & Edwards, 1994);11

– (Manafi et al., 1991);12 – (Mor et al., 1988);13 – (Haugland, 1992)

bated, and those individuals which do not divide toform progeny are taken to be dead.’ (p.5) ....‘thereexist at present no short cuts which would permitassessment of the moment of death: vital staining,optical effects, leakage of indicator substances andso on are not of general validity’ (p.5) (Postgate,1976)

In agreeing with these earlier conclusions we inevitablyreject the view that activity measurements are synony-mous with ‘viability assays’. Rather, we propose toclassify such assays as indicators of(metabolic)activi-ty since they demonstrate important aspects of cellularphysiology. Although it is clear from Table 1 that thevarious assays reflect quite different levels of vitality(the converse of dormancy (Kaprelyants et al., 1993;Kaprelyants & Kell, 1992)), we take the view that,operationally, a positive result should lead to classi-fication of the cell asactive rather than, as in manypublished examples, asviable.

The apparent resuscitation of ‘nonculturable’ cellshas been reported on many occasions. In general, sam-ples from populations which failed to yield growth onsolid media orvia broth enrichment have been inducedto yield colonies after special treatments. Animal pas-sage, the gently graded addition of nutrients to starvedcultures and temperature shift have all been used toachieve this (Table 2). The fact that cells have beencultured from populations that would traditionally havebeen described as nonviable is not disputed. However,in the majority of studies, recovery has been difficultboth to produce and to reproduce. Moreover, the phe-notype(s) responsible for the recovery of the cells, andthe physiological basis for the processes involved, havenot been defined.

The practical difficulties of determining the basisfor activity and resuscitation phenomena associatedwith ‘nonculturable’ cells have been compounded byinconsistent use of the term ‘viability’ and by the viewthat this property can be assessed by some cytologi-


cal assays. In our view, the validity of any cytologicalassay can be confirmed only by correlation with cul-ture assays for a specific mechanism of cell death in asingle strain or possibly species and against a specificoperational definition of viability. In this last respect, itis recognised that some authors appear to use demon-strable cellular activity (independent of culturablity) astheir operational definition of viability (i.e. activity =viability). We are not able to support this view sincevalidation of the assay then becomes dependent on acircular argument.

The conceptual problems of bacterial viabilitydeterminations are stretched to the limit in the case ofthe expression ‘viable-but-nonculturable’. Apart fromthe difficulties inherent in arriving at a clear view ofwhat it means, use of the definite article to describecells in ‘the’ VBNC state implies that such a state hasbeen defined (presumably in physiological terms). Useof ‘VBNC’ in this manner appears to provide a unitaryexplanation for what are in practice a series of perplex-ing phenomena.Whether there is a single physiological‘VBNC’ state, a range of distinct states underpinning‘VBNC’ phenomena, or whether the term is a mis-nomer, remains to be determined.

Finally, it is worth stressing that ‘dormancy’, asusually defined, refers to cells with negligible activi-ty but which are ultimately culturable. The so-calledVBNC cells are often claimed to have exactly the oppo-site properties: they are (metabolically) active but ‘non-culturable’ (ABNC). Operationally, we may thereforedefinedormantcells as those which fail to give posi-tive reactions in vital assays, such as those outlined inTable 1, but which are nevertheless (ultimately) cultur-able.

The need to resolve these issues

The incentive to establish the basis for VBNC-relatedphenomena comes from both fundamental and appliedissues. If some bacteria can differentiate into ‘noncul-turable’ forms in response to certain stimuli, this under-mines our interpretation of studies based on colonycounting. How can we tell whether cells have beenkilled or have differentiated into a ‘VBNC’ state? Itseems most unlikely that we will have to discard ourinterpretations of all colony count-based work sinceit has produced a largely coherent body of informa-tion. Nonetheless, the possibility that a fall in colonycounts may reflect transition to a (dormant or) ‘VBNC’state rather than death cannot be excluded. This at least

raises the possibility that ‘VBNC’-related phenomenamight bein vitro quirks provoked by mild injury andtherefore of little practical significance.

It would be relatively easy to sustain this view wereit not for a number of serious, unresolved bacteriolog-ical public health problems where transition to andfrom a ‘nonculturable’ state appear to be implicated.Principally, these concern aspects of the epidemiologyand natural history of infective diseases which can-not be reconciled with the sample pattern from whichthe known causal organisms can be isolated. Foremostamongst the epidemiological mysteries are cholera andcampylobacteriosis where the failure to isolateVib-rio choleraeand Campylobacter jejunifrom clearlyimplicated sources or reservoirs of infection could beaccounted for on the basis of their being present in a‘VBNC’ state. For both these organisms, environmen-tal investigations have provided evidence for the pres-ence of ‘nonculturable’ cells in appropriate samples(Brayton, 1987; Pearson, 1993) whilein vitro studieshave demonstrated their capacity to form metabolical-ly active cells which could not be grown immediately(Rollins and Colwell, 1986; Xu et al., 1982). The listof organisms for which similar phenomena have beendescribed (albeit less extensively) is substantial (Oliv-er, 1993). However, it must be stressed that these envi-ronmental/epidemiological andin vitro studies onlyconstitute circumstantial evidence which is (at best)consistent with a role for ‘VBNC’ cells.

Further medically significant areas where transi-tion to and from putative ‘VBNC’ states would havepotential relevance include bacterial infections whichhave a clinically dormant or latent phase and theeffects of antibiotics. Tuberculosis (Gangadharam,1995; Wayne, 1994; Young & Duncan, 1995) andmelioidosis (Dance, 1991) provide examples of theformer. However, ‘nonculturable’ forms have not beendirectly demonstrated to have a pathogenic role ineither of these diseases. Indeed, it is a reflection of theterminological problems that we seek to address herethat mycobacterial dormancy and the clinical latencyof tuberculosis are not clearly defined from a bacteri-ological perspective. Thus dormant cells in the Waynemodel system do not make DNA or RNA but retain sub-stantial enzyme activity and do not lose culturability.In contrast, in the Cornell mouse model of dormancy(De Wit et al., 1995; McCune et al., 1966), cultura-bility is lost after treatment (albeit by measures thatwould not satisfy our MPN criteria – see later) butis subsequently regained in immunosuppressed hosts.In spite of these issues of detail, ‘nonculturable’ or


dormant cells of pathogens could provide explanationsfor latent bacterial infections and indeed for lack of aclinical response to antimicrobial agents shown to beeffective against growing cellsin vitro. From this pointof view, it is worth noting that bactericidal antibiosisnormally requires that the target organisms be grow-ing, and that dormant (or at least non-growing) cellsare thus resistant to the effects of antibiotics.

Thus there are many practical issues bearing onfood and water safety, the distribution and influence ofbacteria in the environment, the effects of antibioticsand the significance of declining colony-forming unit(cfu) counts which cannot be assessed until the authen-ticity of the putative VBNC states have been confirmedor refuted and, if the former, the presence of ‘VBNC’cells unequivocally determined in natural samples. Ifsome bacteria can differentiate into a ‘nonculturable’state, the results of studies based on colony count-ing are difficult to assess unless unambiguous meansof counting ‘VBNC’ cells are available (Barer et al.,1993).

How do bacterial cells become ‘nonculturable’?

Bacterial cells may become ‘nonculturable’ as a con-sequence of several fundamentally different processes.For example, damage to, or lack of, an essential cellu-lar component may lead to loss of the ability to divide,either temporarily (sublethal injury) or permanently(lethal injury). DNA damage is undoubtedly an impor-tant mechanism; however, there is little informationon the degree of damage required to prevent replica-tion in the short term. Similarly, little is known of theminimum or ’threshold’ concentrations of componentssuch as ribosomes, transcription factors and so on thatare required for (re)growth. The ability of the cell tocope with starvation or stress, to maintain essentialprocesses and to repair damage will obviously dependon conditions prior to and during recovery. The phe-nomenon of ‘substrate-accelerated death’ (Calcott &Postgate, 1972; Postgate & Hunter, 1963; Postgate &Hunter, 1964) is particularly interesting in this respect,as it shows that inclusion of certain substrates in therecovery medium which had been limiting when star-vation was initiated, may actually lead to the growthof substantially lower numbers of colonies comparedto recovery media free from those substrates. Lossof culturability may also result from the activation oflysogenic phages or ’suicide’ genes such assok/hokorautolysins (Aizenman et al., 1996; Franch & Gerdes,

1996; Jensen & Gerdes, 1995; Joliffe et al., 1981).In these cases, a defined biological event, encoded byspecific genes, is deleterious to the survival potentialof the cell.

Although the examples of damage, deficiency andself-destruction help us to understand why a cell maybecome ‘nonculturable’, they do not account for whysuch a cell may grow on a specific medium at one pointin time but not at another. Is it because critical genescan no longer be expressed, key resources have fallenbelow a threshold value or can it sometimes reflect amore deliberate process? Is it possible that there arediscrete determinants whose expression instructs thecell not to replicatein vitro?

The ‘VBNC’ hypothesis leads us to consider theevidence for the last of these possibilities. In this con-text, loss of culturability in non-sporeforming bacter-ial cells could reflect a terminal differentiation path-way resulting from an intrinsic, genetically deter-mined and regulated, developmental programme (Dowet al., 1983), analogous in some respects to that ofsporulation. While there is good evidence that manynon-sporulating bacteria have genetically determinedprogrammes formaintaining culturability (Hengge-Aronis, 1993; Kolter et al., 1993; Matin, 1994;Ostlinget al., 1993), and there are occasional references tocognate processes involved in sporulation (DeMaio etal., 1996), there is no direct evidence for the develop-ment of ‘nonculturable’ cells as a means of starvationsurvival. It should also be stressed that studies on star-vation survival normally do not, nor do they set out to,deal with cases of dormancy.

If the observed loss of culturability is suggested tobe part of an active, adaptive response (as in sporu-lation), leading to a ‘differentiated’ phenotype spe-cialised for stress survival, then it should be possibleto find direct evidence for the programme involved. Wesuggest criteria for such evidence in the final section.

How might ‘nonculturable’ cells becomeculturable?

Any processes required to return ‘nonculturable’ cellsto culturability will depend on the underlying basis for‘nonculturability’. The central issue here is whetherincreases in colony or MPN counts from below toabove the threshold of detection stem from cells chang-ing their phenotypes from ‘nonculturable’ to cultur-able or from regrowth of a small, previously undetect-ed ‘culturable’ component of the population. Before


addressing this issue we identify a number of process-es/physiological states which may be involved:� Regrowthis the return to an actively growing state

of cells that had ceased growth but had not lost cul-turability. Here growth is a combination of biomassaccumulation and fission sufficient for detection ofthe organism concerned.

� Injured cells and recovery/repair processes.Somecells may respond to specific forms of damageby entering a physiological state in which spe-cific reparative processes are necessary before(re)growth on their usual range of media is ini-tiated. In one widely used operational definition,‘injured’ cells will not form colonies on a selectivemedium but will do so on a rich medium, it beingtaken that the rich medium allows recovery beforeregrowth. Such cells are therefore culturable, albeitnot under all circumstances. In Gram-negativebac-teria, such injuries are often associated with thecell envelope (Ray & Speck, 1973). Some formsof injury (e.g.sub-lethal DNA damage) may ren-der cells ‘nonculturable’ by any available meansuntil the recovery process has returned them toculturability. However, it is also recognised (i) thateven a single mutation can be lethal as judged bycolony-forming ability, without in the short termhaving any effect on most measurable activities,and (ii) that mutations can occur in non-growingcells (Cairns et al., 1988; Zambrano et al., 1993).More recently it has been shown that non-growingbacteria can enter a hypermutable state (Bridges,1996; Hall, 1995), so that recovery (in terms ofregaining the ability to multiply) could, in somecases, involve DNA repair. We are not, howev-er, aware of any detailed studies of the relationbetween culturability and DNA damage in typicalstarvation experiments.

� Dormancy can be defined operationally asa reversible state of metabolic shutdown(Kaprelyants et al., 1993). It reflects an absenceof vitality or activity, as measured in a particu-lar assay system (e.g. methods A-E in Table 1),which may persist for an extended period. Quiteindependently, dormant cells may be ‘noncultur-able’ in that they require specific stimuli beforethey become active and culturable. For example,Bacillus subtilisspores will not germinate unlessthey are exposed to specific triggers (germinants)and conditions are conducive to outgrowth (Moir etal., 1994). Spores are therefore ‘nonculturable’ in avery restricted sense (and would not be recognised

as such on most media since these contain appropri-ate germinants) and well-established germinationprocesses can serve as paradigms for other exam-ples of resuscitation or regrowth (see below). Acritical feature is that the process is not necessarilya simple reversal of the pathway(s) that led to dor-mancy or ‘nonculturability’. Further, dormant bac-terial cells are characteristically more resistant toenvironmental insults than cells in any other recog-nised physiological state.

� Resuscitation.We use this term to denote tran-sition of cells from ‘nonculturable’ to culturablestates with respect to a given medium. For exam-ple, in the case of substrate-accelerated deathoutlined above, recovery of cells on media freefrom the ‘lethal’ substrate effectively resuscitatesthe organism’s ability to grow on that substrate.A similar view could be taken with respect tocell envelope-damaged Gram-negative cells andtheir recovery on non-selective media. In contrast,in the case of dormancy inMicrococcus luteus,there is clear evidence that successful resuscitationrequires the presence of viable (culturable) cellsor of a pheromonal factor in the medium derivedtherefrom (Kaprelyants & Kell, 1993; Kaprelyantset al., 1994; Votyakova et al., 1994). Similarprocesses may occur in biofilms ofNitrosomonaseuropaea(Batchelor et al., 1997).As with germinating spores, such signals may playa triggering role in breaking dormancy, althoughecological reasoning suggests they should normal-ly exhibit a fair degree of species specificity (Kellet al., 1995) and they may also act as growth-stimulating substances with some properties anal-ogous to cytokines (Kaprelyants & Kell, 1996).Thus two distinct forms of resuscitation are identi-fied here, one in which the organism replicates in amedium which enables it subsequently to grow ona medium which was temporarily unable to supportits growth and another in which specific extracellu-lar signals appear necessary before growth is possi-ble. Either explanation may be relevant to the phe-nomenon of resuscitation via animal passage whereexposure of susceptible animals to ‘nonculturable’preparations of pathogens by natural or parenteralroutes of infection has been used to recover bacteriain their immediately culturable form and to deter-mine infectivity. Animal systems have traditionallybeen used to isolate newly recognised pathogensbefore suitable culture media have been developed(e.g. withLegionella(Meyer, 1983)). They provide


a complex and dynamic nutritional environment,the essential features of which may be difficult todetermine or to replicatein vitro. When apparentrecovery occurs, it is often assumed that this isdue to the resuscitation of previously ‘noncultur-able’ cells in the animal. However, in the presentcontext, each animal should really be consideredanalogous to a single tube in the MPN method andthe results subjected to a similarly rigorous statis-tical analysis.

� Limited cell division. The growth of cells capableonly of a limited number of divisions can only bedetected by microscopy, flow cytometry or othersub-macroscopic means. The phenomenon couldbe more widespread than is generally appreciat-ed (Kaprelyants and Kell, 1996; Mukamolova etal., 1995), and certainly the observation of micro-colonies on agar plates is commonplace. Assaysbased on the formation of directly visible colonies(which typically require 25–30 generations), or theMPN method in which directly visible turbidityfrom a single bacterial cell would require at leastsome 106�1 or ca. 20 divisions, will scoresuch cells as nonviable, whilst direct microscopyor slide culture over a very small number of genera-tions would score it as culturable. Limited divisionis regularly observed for cells from environmen-tal samples (Binnerup et al., 1993; Button et al.,1993; Hattori, 1988) and may be due, for instance,to dilution of an essential resource present at thetime of sampling but absent in the isolation medi-um. The resource itself or its end-product(s) aretherefore diluted out by successive rounds of fis-sion. However, the recent isolation of marine olig-otrophs capable of growth only to non-turbid celldensities in liquid media but apparently indefinitelaboratory passage (Button et al., 1993; Schut etal., 1993) also indicates that limited cell divisioncan result from cell density regulation. It wouldbe valuable to know whether organisms isolatedfrom environmental or laboratory viability studiesas microcolonies could be passaged in this form orwhether their growth potential was truly limited.In any event, the phenomenon indicates circum-stances where mis-classification of cells as cultur-able or nonculturable may occur.

Some quantitative aspects of recovery

In a typical resuscitation experiment, starved or other-wise stressed cells are maintained in appropriate liq-uid medium and periodically sampled for viable (cfu)counts as judged by their behaviour when incubated onagar plates. When the count falls below the detectionlimit (often operationally referred to as ‘zero viabili-ty’), samples (or in some cases the entire microcosm)are subjected to a recovery/resuscitation process priorto plating. Even a few cells that are immediately cul-turable when the ‘resuscitation’ procedure is appliedhave the potential to regrow prior to plating and thesubsequent cfu count cannot differentiate resuscitationfrom regrowth. It is imperative, therefore, to deter-mine, as accurately as possible, the probability thata given sample containsany culturable units prior toresuscitation. The precision of any determination ofzero viability will depend on the number of samplestaken and their volumes. To demonstrate that the con-tribution of regrowth has been excluded, it is neces-sary to decide on the statistical limits that are accept-able; for example, p<0.01 that a single viable cell waspresent in anyindividual sample taken through therecovery/resuscitation procedure. Some workers haveattempted to circumvent this problem by estimatingthe maximum contribution that regrowth could maketo their viability estimations. Unfortunately such argu-ments are not applicable because the duration of anylag phase and the extent of any logarithmic growth forsuch cells in stressed cultures are unknown.

An appropriate example to illustrate these remarksis the ‘resuscitation’ ofV. vulnificusstarved at 5�C.Cultures with fewer than 0.1 viable cells per ml couldapparently be resuscitated after a temperature upshiftto room temperature, accompanied by an increase inviable counts up to 106 per ml within 3 days (Nilsson etal., 1991). However, in more recent experiments basedon the MPN assay, Weichart and colleagues concludedthat this ‘resuscitation’ was likely to have resulted fromthe regrowth of a very small number of initially viablebacteria (Weichart & Kjelleberg, 1996). Therefore theresults of experiments in which resuscitability has beentested on low dilutions of a culture where the possiblepresence of some culturable cells cannot be excludedshould be accepted only with extreme caution.

The MPN assay, in which the conclusion isstatistically-based, has major advantages in this con-text since it is not limited by the arbitrary definitionof zero viability imposed by colony counting assays.Moreover, results from the two methods can useful-


ly be compared and, where the MPN assay giveshigher counts, this constitutes preliminary evidencefor a resuscitation process. A disadvantage with thisapproach is the inherent low precision of the MPNassay; the coefficient of variation is about 40% for 10parallel tubes (Koch, 1994). In our experience, differ-ences of at least 1.5–2 orders of magnitude are requiredbefore they can be considered significant.

In experiments in which apparent resuscitation hasbeen carried outin vivo (by animal or human pas-sage – see Table 2), the presence of a small numberof culturable bacteria in a ‘VBNC’ population is ofcritical importance. In some cases, a single cell maybe sufficient to cause infection, while in others theinfective dose (ID50) may not have been determinedwith sufficient precision to differentiate the relativecontributions of culturable and ‘nonculturable’ cellsto infection. Therefore the results of such studies canonly be qualitative since, in the case of a positive resus-citation after passage of ‘nonculturable’ cells throughan animal, it is not possible to determine how manycells were actually resuscitated. Moreover, even whenthe precision of infectivity assays can be assessed, theeffects on ID50 of including nonculturable cells (eithersense) has not been assessed. These problems are fur-ther compounded by the tendency to use low numbersof animals or human volunteers and rather large inoc-ula (Colwell et al., 1996).

It should be appreciated that quantitative analysis ofmicrobial enumeration has received extensive and rig-orous attention in the past (e.g. as reviewed in Meynelland Meynell, 1970). A central feature of these consid-erations is low precision intrinsically associated withlow colony counts (irrespective of technical errors).This again emphasises the difficulties and uncertaintiesinvolved in assigning a value of zero to culturability.

Resuscitation versus recovery of injured cells

Injury to bacterial cells may result in loss of viability, asjudged by plate counts, and therefore in the formationof ‘nonculturable’ phenotypes. The injury phenom-enon is not new, but has been less well studied (Ray andSpeck, 1973). Operationally, the benchmark criterionfor the discrimination of injured cells is their abilityto grow on non-selective but not on selective plates.This view is based on studies in which the outer mem-brane of Gram-negative cells or the cell wall of Gram-positive cells were damaged (e.g. by freezing (Ray &Speck, 1972) or by starvation in natural water envi-

ronments (Bissonnette et al., 1975)). It has also beenshown that, after starvation in seawater, coliforms maygrow only on agar media made from seawater (Dawe& Penrose, 1978). The high plating efficiency on non-selective media can make injured cells distinguishablefrom nonculturable cells (in either sense). Note, how-ever, that surface growth could itself be considered astress (high surface tension and oxygen concentration)that could result in poor growth of significantly injuredcells.

It might be argued that cells starved for long peri-ods of time or kept at low temperatures represent, atleast partly, those ‘injured’ cells which can not grow oneven nonselective plates. Indeed, McFeters and Singhcite a number of studies where variations in conditionsincluding the agar medium composition, temperature,use of chelators etc., influenced the recovery of injuredbacteria (McFeters & Singh, 1991). If we accept thelast suggestion, it is at least possible that the ‘resusci-tation’ of non-culturable cells may actually representtheir recovery from injury. It was shown thatE. coliinjured with chlorine could be ‘resuscitated’ in ligatedileal segments of mice (McFeters and Singh, 1991),whilst Weichart and Kjelleberg (Weichart and Kjelle-berg, 1996) mentioned that populations ofV. vulnificusstarved at 5�C contain some injured cells which aresensitive to the concentration of agar on the plates.They proposed that injured subpopulations may part-ly explain the reported cases of resuscitation of thesebacteria (see Table 2). We also found that an impor-tant event in the resuscitation of starvedM. luteuscellsis the repair of the membrane barrier in a majority ofthe cells, although it was not immediately followed byan increase in their culturability (Kaprelyants et al.,1996).

Such examples indicate that stressed populationsare not necessarily homogeneous, and may contain amixture of dormant and injured cells; moreover, dor-mant cells could be injured at the same time. Froma practical point of view it is very difficult to dis-criminate between the contributions of cells in thesedifferent states to a colony or MPN count since theactivity of the cells responsible for the detected growthmust be explicitly identified prior to culture. This canbe done when the fate of individual cells is followedor when cells with particular metabolic phenotypesare separated by fluorescence activated cell sorting(FACS) (Kaprelyants et al., 1996). However, if theproportion of injured cells is low it is not easy to assesstheir contribution and this can lead to misinterpretation(Weichart and Kjelleberg, 1996). It is also worth noting


Table 2. A summary of some studies in which resuscitation of ‘dormant’ or ‘nonculturable’ bacteria has been attempted

Organism Conditions forformation of‘VBNC’" state


MPN ordilutionculture2

Remarks Reference


starvation in seawater, 15�C

+ � usage of rich medium (TSB) forresuscitation

Husevag, 1995


starvation in seawater, 4�C

� � various media and conditions havebeen used for resuscitation

Ferguson et al., 1995


starvation inwater, 10�C

� + various resuscitation media havebeen used

Morgan et al., 1991;Morgan et al., 1992


starvation insterilised riverwater, 15�C

+ � Allen-Austin et al., 1984


starvation insterilised riverwater, 15�C

� + usage of rich medium forresuscitation

Rose et al., 1990


starvation inphysiologicalsaline solution,20�C

� � resuscitation in simulated stomach,ileal and colon environments richmedia)

Beumer et al., 1992


starvation insterilised pondwater, 4�C

+ � resuscitation of some strains viapassage in mice

Jones et al., 1991


starvation afterstationary phase4–6 weeks

+ + resuscitation under MPN conditions Bovill & Mackey1997


starved bacteria inphosphate buffer

+ � Lappin-Scott et al.,1988


starvation in purewater, 30�C

� � resuscitation in co-cultures withT.pyriformis

Yamamoto et al., 1996


+ � resuscitation via chick embryo yolksac

Hussong et al., 1987


long storage instationary phase,room temperature

+ + resuscitation factor supernate takenfrom active culture required

Kaprelyants et al.,1994


starvation inseawater, 6 and20�C

+ � Magarinos et al., 1994


starvation in saltsolutions, 21�C

� + usage of lactose broth Difco forresuscitation

Chmielewski &Frank, 1995


starvation insterilised riverwater, 25�C

+ � resuscitation by nutrient additionafter 4 but not 21 days afterculturability lost

Roszak et al., 1984


starvation in soil,24�C

+? + only several divisions of ‘VBNC’"cells during resuscitation were found

Binnerup et al., 1993


N-starvation inminimal medium,25�C

+ � usage of medium lacking a carbonsource for resuscitation

Evdokimova et al.,1994


starvation instationary phase

+ see text resuscitation of individual cells onfilters in anaerobic conditions

Binnerup et al., 1995

Vibrio choleraeEscherichia coli

starvation inautoclaved water

+ � usage of passage through rabbit ilealloop

Colwell et al., 1985

Vibrio cholerae starvation inautoclavedartificial sea water,4 �C

� + usage of nutrient-free medium forresuscitation

Ravel et al., 1995


Table 2. Continued

Organism Conditions forformation of‘VBNC’" state


MPN ordilutionculture2

Remarks Reference


non-culturableultramicrobacteriafrom estuarinewaters

+ � resuscitation was found for a narrowrange of nutrient concentrations

MacDonell & Hood,1982


starvation inminimal mediumunder 3.5�C

� + usage of rich medium forresuscitation

Jiang & Chai, 1996

Vibrio cholerae starvation in saltsolution, 15�C

+ 4 Conversion to the colony-formingcells was effected with a short heatshock

Wai et al., 1996

Vibrio cholerae starvation inbuffered saline,4 �C

+/� +/� Resuscitation in intestine afteringestion of non-pathogenic vaccinestrains by volunteers. 2 sets ofexperiments were done; only oneclaimed resuscitation. Dilutions wereprobably not great enough to excludepresence of some viable cells

Colwell et al., 1996

Vibrio vulnificus starvation indefined media,5 �C

� + usage of fully supplemented mediumMMMglucose for resuscitation

Weichart et al., 1992

Vibrio vulnificus starvation indefined media,5 �C

+ � Nilsson et al., 1991

Vibrio vulnificus starvation indefined media,5 �C

+ � usage of natural estuarineenvironment for resuscitation

Oliver et al., 1995

Vibrio vulnificus starvation indefined media,5 �C

+ +3 in vivo resuscitation injection in mice Oliver & Bockian,1995

Vibrio vulnificus starvation indefined media,5 �C

� + wide range of conditions forresuscitationin vitro were used

Weichart &Kjelleberg, 1996

Vibrio vulnificus starvation indefined media,5 �C

� + resuscitation in artificial sea water bytemperature upshift

Biosca et al., 1996

Yersinia ruckeri starvation insterile river water,6 or 18�C

+ � usage of rich medium forresuscitation

Romalde et al., 1994

1 A + sign means that resuscitation was attempted and indeed claimed as judged by the appearance of increased numbers of culturable organisms,whilst the� sign means that no recovery or resuscitation was observed.2 A + sign means that the authors diluted the samples before performing resuscitation, in an attempt to remove genuinely viable cells present atthe start of the resuscitation experiment, whilst the� sign means that they did not.3 The growth of cells on the medium used here may have underestimated the culturable fraction, since there is evidence that this system containsan injured fraction Weichart and Kjelleberg, 1996.4 Dilutions per sewere not done but at one stageno viability was observed, although the resuscitation yielded 1000 colonies again the totalcount of bacteria at the onset of resuscitation is not shown.

that for medical and environmental studies, ‘noncultur-able’ injured cells may have the same significance asdormant cells.

Studies in which true resuscitation of‘nonculturable’ cells has been claimed

From the above it follows that in a culture exhibiting asignificant difference between total and viable (cultur-able) counts, it is not clear whether the ‘nonculturable’


cells representspecific‘VBNC’ cells, cells in any ofthe states defined above, or nonviable cells. Moreover,the distinction between some of these states cannotbe realised until reversibility to ‘normal’, culturablebacteria has been proved.

Therefore the central point of discussion in this areais now focussed on the results of recovery or resusci-tation experiments, almost all of which were done bycultivation or maintenance of nonculturable cells inliquid media followed by plating on agar plates.

Although some early experiments have purportedto show the ability of ‘nonculturable’ bacteria to growon agar following resuscitation in appropriate liquidmedia (see Table 2), we again stress that a limited num-ber of operationally viable cells in the starved popula-tion could have been responsible for the growth whichoccurred. In this regard, the MPN assay, which pro-vides an estimate of viable cell numbersvia their cul-tivation in liquid medium at high dilutions (Postgate,1969), can be useful in overcoming this uncertainty(Kaprelyants et al., 1994). Of course the monitoring ofindividual cells by any method is equally acceptable,and Binnerup et al. have described a method for moni-toring individual cells during resuscitation in a specialchamber (Binnerup et al., 1995).

Table 2 illustrates the range of conditions that havebeen used to obtain nonculturable cells (either sense)and attempt resuscitation. The evident absence of acommon defined set of conditions which can produceentry into and exit from a ‘nonculturable’ state makecomparisons between studies and further developmentof work in this area difficult. Nevertheless, Table 2clearly shows that, in almost all cases, where the pop-ulations of nonculturable bacteria were diluted to anextent which might have been sufficient, statistically(perhaps p<0.01), to remove any viable cells, resus-citation was not successful.

In only three cases do we feel there is sufficientevidence for the existence of areversiblestate of ‘non-culturability’ in nonsporulating bacteria: resuscitationof M. luteusin the presence of a factor produced byviable bacteria and measured using the MPN assay(Kaprelyants et al., 1994) and the conversion of ‘non-culturable’Vibrio choleraeto platable (surface cultur-able) cellsvia a short heat shock (Wai et al., 1996).Very recently, Bovill and Mackey (1997) resuscitatedC. jejuni some 23-fold under MPN conditions. In afourth case (Whitesides & Oliver, 1997), the resusci-tation ofVibrio vulnificusfrom sea water microcosms,the evidence also appears strong. Nonetheless, in ourown investigations with this organism, we have not

obtained comparable results, using MPN counts asthe criterion for nonculturability and would classifya sub-population of the cells analysed in this studyas ‘injured’ rather than ‘nonculturable’ (Weichart andKjelleberg, 1996). This general issue of replicationof results in different laboratories remains an uncom-fortable feature of investigations in this area and isparticularly prominent in the attempts to resuscitateC.jejuni via animal passage.

One reason for this may be the specific nature ofconditions and strains required to produce these phe-nomena. Based on our experience withM. luteus,we consider it highly unlikely that a single protocolwill be devised for the resuscitation of ‘noncultur-able’ cells generally; rather, it is probable that tai-lored protocols will need to be devised for differenttypes of ‘nonculturable’ cell on a species- or evena strain-specific basis. For example, we found thatresuscitation ofM. luteus takes place only under avery narrow range of concentrations of yeast extract(ASK, DBK, N.D.Yanopolskaya and G.V. Mukamolo-va, unpublished observations; see also (MacDonell& Hood, 1982)). Sporadic cases (or at least claims)of successfulin vivo resuscitation (e.g. by passagethrough animals or their organs, see Table 2) mightalso indicate the importance of the presence of growth-stimulating factors during resuscitation (Kaprelyantsand Kell, 1996).

Finally, the duration of nonculturability prior toresuscitation should be considered. If the putative‘VBNC’ cells represent a form in which cells can sur-vive for extended periods under adverse conditions, itshould be possible to achieve resuscitation after pro-longed periods of ‘nonculturability’. The publishedinstances claiming recovery generally relate to relativeshort periods (days) and could therefore reflect a tran-sitional period (to nonviability) during which cells canbe ‘rescued’. Where resuscitation has been achievedin mixed populations of culturable and ‘nonculturable’cells, it is of course impossible to determine how longthe resuscitated cells had been ‘nonculturable’.


We end with some proposals which we hope will clarifythe issues. The proposals are of two types: (i) some sug-gestions concerningoperationaldefinitions, togetherwith terms that are best avoided unless strictly defined,and (ii) some suggestions regarding experimental pro-


Figure 2. Diagram indicating the major physiological states ofnon-growing microorganisms discussed and their interrelationships.ABNC represents metabolically Active But Not Culturable. Theview is taken that ‘viable’ is to be equated with ‘culturable underany stated set of circumstances’. Arrows represent possibletransi-tionsbetween physiological states. Note that no arrow crosses fromthe nonculturable to the culturable zones. No zones are markedto indicate the sub-lethally injured or Not Immediately Culturable(NIC) cells discussed in the text. Cells which are inactive but remainculturable cells are identified as dormant.

tocols designed to discriminate between some of themajor physiological states discussed.

We begin by recognising that in fact all cells maybe assigned into four major categories as combina-tions of two alternatives: (i) culturable or noncultur-able and (ii) (metabolically) active (A) or inactive .These are strictly operational definitions, and cells areassigned according to appropriately applied methods.A clear distinction needs to be made between cellswhich wereNot Immediately Culturable (NIC) fromthose which were or are nonculturable. The formerrefers to our usage hitherto of ‘nonculturable’ whilethe latter describes cells that were nonculturable with-in the ultimate confines of the experiment. NIC cellsmay only be identified in retrospect since their returnto culturability must have been demonstrated for themto be so recognised.

In Figure 2 we propose terms which retain the viewthat, in microbiology, viability (viable) and culturabil-ity (culturable) areoperationallysynonymous and thatnonviable= nonculturable. The arrows represent possi-bletransitionsbetween states, and no arrow leads from‘nonviable’ to ‘viable’. Any cell which istermed’non-

viable/nonculturable’ by an experimenter but which issubsequentlyfoundto be ’viable/culturable’ is simplyrecognised as having been misclassified. It should beborne in mind that theprocessesinvolved in the transi-tion to and from a particular physiological state are notnecessarily the same (e.g.sporulation! germination! outgrowth). Both viable (culturable) and nonviablecells may be active or inactive.

Active but Not Culturable (ABNC/ANC) is sug-gested to describe cells which exhibit measurable activ-ity but which fail to grow to a detectable level. In stud-ies which include protocols capable of demonstratingNIC cells, the possibility of recognising active or inac-tive cells in this category arises.

Dormant cells are metabolically inactive but capa-ble of making a transition to a growing state. Althoughcells of organisms which have not yet been culturedaxenically are clearly the progeny of viable cells, wehave excluded them from our discussion because thecentral issue here is the proposed capacity for cells ofreadily culturable organisms to make transitions to andfrom an NIC state. Cells of ‘as yet uncultured’ bac-teria may be found in samples from human infections(e.g. M. leprae or Tropheryma whipelii(Relman etal., 1992) and are abundant in environmental samples(Amann et al., 1995; Torsvik, 1996)). They areoper-ationally nonculturable but in many cases they can berecognised by molecular and cytological methods suchas rRNA analysis andin situ hybridisation (Amann etal., 1995). There is currently no available means bywhich cellular assays of activity applied to these non-culturable cells can be validated as indirect measuresof viability; thus the viability of any individual cell inthis category must be considered indeterminate.

We also suggest that, where possible, investiga-tors avoid the use of terms such as ‘viability’, ‘live’and ‘dead’ unless clear operational definitions are pro-vided. In fact it is not generally necessary to usesuch terms, and more precise terms which indicatethe method(s) applied (e.g. cfu count, MPN count, theproportion of (quantitatively) dye-positive cells etc.)are more accessible and less open to misinterpretation,particularly (Kell & Sonnleitner, 1995) where they arereinforced by statistical analysis.

How then should the term ‘VBNC’ be related toour proposals? Where studies have not demonstratedrecovery, the cells investigated fall into our ABNCcategory, depending on their demonstrable activity. Ifcells are shown unequivocally to be ultimately cultur-able and the possibility of regrowth has been excluded,they should be placed in the NIC category. Noncultur-


able and NIC require operational definitions related tothe culture methods and times applied. Although werecognise that many may not wish to accept our termi-nology, we are particularly concerned that it should bepossible to relate studies to the framework we propose.To this end authors should, at the very least, state theirworking definitions for ‘viability’ and ‘VBNC’.

With these considerations in mind, what experi-mental criteria might be applied to the characterisa-tion of cells which have widely been referred to as‘VBNC’? First, we propose to exclude both dormantand injured cells from consideration since these canbe identified operationally. The remaining group areuninjured cells which retain activity yet fail to grow onthe standard media for the experiment without goingthrough a resuscitation process. To be worthy of fur-ther investigation these cells should be shown unequiv-ocally to be capable of recovery under conditions thatexcludethe possibility of regrowth. If such cells exist,their phenotype(s) should be definable in morphologi-cal or physiological terms. This could be achieved bymicroscopy, flow cytometry, or the mapping of geneexpression and protein synthesis. Finally, the transi-tion process should be energy-dependent and it shouldbe possible to isolate and characterise mutants that areat least partially deficient in the process. Further, thegene(s) involved should be part of a definable stimu-lon and their expression should be related to the timewhen the response was initiated and dependent on theexpression of other genes associated with recognisableregulons.

Given this, the experimental criteria for claiminga cell to be exhibiting dormancy, injury, resuscitationetc. follow from the definitions. We outline some ofthem in Figure 3.

Concluding remarks

Although one might prefer to avoid tackling some ofthese issues, there is such dissonance between theviews in which (i) ‘viable’ is to be equated with ‘cul-turable’, and yet (ii) there is said to be a state termed‘viable-but-nonculturable’, that one is forced to takea position on what constitutes an unambiguous opera-tional definition of viability. For the reasons outlined,we conclude that, where tests of culturability can beapplied, the more traditional view, wherein microbiol-ogists regard the terms viable and culturable as oper-ationally synonymous, is likely to remain the moreuseful.

Figure 3. Decision tree for discriminating different physiologicalstates of individual microbial cells. The numbers indicate some of theassays which might be used in an experimental study. 1. Intact mor-phology as viewed by microscopy or electron microscopy, assessingfor example DNA content. Dye exclusion may also be used; forinjured cells, however, the permeability barrier may be temporarilydisrupted but upon recovery the barrier may be restored; 2. Platecount, microcolony assays including slide culture, liquid culture,may include resuscitation steps such as animal passage;in vitro andin vivo; 3. DVC, INT, CTC, respiration, membrane energization,uptake and/or incorporation of nutrients; 4. Growth on media con-taining for example bile salts or antibiotics; alternatively, injuredcells can be distinguished by recovery on soft agar or by assessingthe intactness of the membrane permeability barrier by fluorescentprobes or osmotic behaviour.

We recognise and reiterate that this approach isapplicable only to organisms which can be culturedand to the operational domain. Two further domainscan also be considered: the conceptual, in which a vari-ety of different properties may be attributed to cellsto explain natural phenomena but without any directmeans of confirming their veracity, and the pragmatic,in which viability is attached to an operational defin-ition which has practical significance (e.g. the infec-tivity, pathogenicity or food spoilage capacity of thecells concerned). Providing the context used for anyparticular discussion is clearly assigned to one of thesealternatives, further confusion should be avoided.


DBK thanks Professors Gareth Morris and Hans West-erhoff for critical reading of a draft. For financial sup-port, DBK and DHW thank the Biotechnology andBiological Sciences Research Council, via the CelsisConnect programme, DBK and ASK thank the RoyalSociety under the terms of the Royal Society/Russian


Academy of Sciences Joint Project programme, andDBK thanks the U.S. Government through its Euro-pean Research Office of the U.S. Army. MRB andCRH thank Dr Lisa Gribbon for her valuable com-ments and the BBSRC, the Natural EnvironmentalResearch Council, Wellcome Trust, and Department ofHealth for their financial support. W e also acknowl-edge Dr Dianne Newell for recognising the ‘pragmaticdomain’.


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