VI TH SEMESTER CEEC END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June 2013.pdfAX 4235 50004H 89 BX 075A 50003H 71 CX...

'- f' '1 Total No. of Pages ;2.. Roll No ... r .. .. VI TH SEMESTER CEEC B.Tech.(CEEC) END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June - 2013) CEEC-601 Microprocessor and Interfacing Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer any five questions. Assume suitable missing data, if any. 1. (a) Describe use of various registers in Bus Interface Unit and Execution unit of 8086 Microprocessor. (b) What are the different types of numbers used in data statements (DB, OW, DO) of 8086 assembly language programming. (8+6=14) 21- Describe the operation and result of each of the following instructions, given the register contents shown in table-A given on ,last page of the question paper. i. ADD AL,DH ii. MOV CX, [246BH] iii. ROR BX, CL iv. NOTAH v. SUB AX,DX vi. DEC BP vii. MOV AL,[BX] (7x2=14) 3;qa) Describe use of following assembler directives: EVEN, DB, EQU, ASSUME. (b) Explain different types of JUMP instructions in 8086. (8+6=14) 4. (a) What is the difference between minimum and maximum modes of 80867. What signals are different modes and what is their role in respective modes. (b) Write instructions to do each of the following tasks: i. Move word size data from rlJemory with offset in BX to register AX. ii. Copy word size data from memory address NUM+[BP] i,nto AX. iii. Move word size data'from memory location labelled MOON to CX . iv. Contents of BH copied to memory addressed by BP in stack segment. v. Content of DL copied to memory addressed by BP in data segment. vi. Copy a word from the data segment addressed by [BP] on to the stack. (8+6=14) 5. (a) Give the block diagram of 8254 Programmable Interval timer, and its control word format. Also describe Mode 0 and Mode 1 operations. (b) What do you mean by Read-Back command and Interleaved Read and Write for 82547 (10+4=14)

Transcript of VI TH SEMESTER CEEC END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June 2013.pdfAX 4235 50004H 89 BX 075A 50003H 71 CX...

Page 1: VI TH SEMESTER CEEC END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June 2013.pdfAX 4235 50004H 89 BX 075A 50003H 71 CX 0004 I 50002H 22 DX 3302 50001H 4A 50000H 3B : l I , I ~ .' • t j ,1' . l\' Total

'­f' '1Total No. ofPages ;2.. Roll No ... r ....


CEEC-601 Microprocessor and Interfacing

Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: Answer any five questions.

Assume suitable missing data, if any.

1. (a) Describe use of various registers in Bus Interface Unit and Execution unit of 8086


(b) What are the different types of numbers used in data statements (DB, OW, DO) of 8086

assembly language programming. (8+6=14)

21­ Describe the operation and result of each of the following instructions, given the register

contents shown in table-A given on ,last page of the question paper.


ii. MOV CX, [246BH]

iii. ROR BX, CL



vi. DEC BP

vii. MOV AL,[BX]


3;qa) Describe use of following assembler directives: EVEN, DB, EQU, ASSUME.

(b) Explain different types of JUMP instructions in 8086. (8+6=14)

4. (a) What is the difference between minimum and maximum modes of 80867. What signals are

different modes and what is their role in respective modes.

(b) Write instructions to do each of the following tasks:

i. Move word size data from rlJemory with offset in BX to register AX.

ii. Copy word size data from memory address NUM+[BP] i,nto AX.

iii. Move word size data'from memory location labelled MOON to CX.

iv. Contents of BH copied to memory addressed by BP in stack segment.

v. Content of DL copied to memory addressed by BP in data segment.

vi. Copy a word from the data segment addressed by [BP] on to the stack.


5. (a) Give the block diagram of 8254 Programmable Interval timer, and its control word format.

Also describe Mode 0 and Mode 1 operations.

(b) What do you mean by Read-Back command and Interleaved Read and Write for 82547


Page 2: VI TH SEMESTER CEEC END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June 2013.pdfAX 4235 50004H 89 BX 075A 50003H 71 CX 0004 I 50002H 22 DX 3302 50001H 4A 50000H 3B : l I , I ~ .' • t j ,1' . l\' Total

6. (a) Describe the purpose of different ICWs and OCWs in 8259A PIC. What are d.ifferent types of

EOI commands/modes. Also explain how priority of eight interrupt lines is changed during

operations of 8259A.

(b) Draw memory read timing diagrams both in minimum and maximum modes of 8086.


7. (a) Draw interfacing diagram for 8255 PPI with 8086. Write and describe control word format

for mode 0 and BSR modes of 8255.

(b) Explain with help oftiming diagram, mode 1 Strobed input mode for 8255.


8. Write short notes on following:

i. Arithmetic and logical shift/rotate instructions

ii. String related instructions of 8086.

iik Base, Indexed, and Based Indexed addressing modes of 8086. (4+5+5=14)

TABLE-A: register and memory contents: to be used for question 2.


CS 4000 5000CH D7 I I ss 7000 5000BH 9A


DS 5000 5000AH 7C

IP I 43E8 50009H DB

SP I 0000 I

50008H C3

BP 2468 50007H B2 - -­

SI 4000 50006H 49

DI 7000 50005H 21 -

AX 4235 50004H 89

BX 075A 50003H 71

CX 0004 I 50002H 22

DX 3302 50001H 4A

50000H 3B

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,1' . l\' ' . I . ' ,Total No. of Pages ~ Roll No...... .. ...... .

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6TH SEMESTER B.Tech. (Evening)(Branch-CEEC) END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June -2013) CEEC-602 Engineering Economics Paper Code Title of the Subject

Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks: 70

• I I

Note: Answer all questions.

Assume suitable missing data, if any.

Q-1. (a) What is meant by demand? What are the determinants of consumer demand? 7 I

(b)Calculate price Elasticity at point B and point C given the following demand schedule. 7 Price (Rs) Qty. Demanded


A. 6 30 IB. 4 50



C. 2 80 I

4,t i

Q 2. (a) Elasticity on a downward sloping linearly homogeneous demand curve varies from zero to I

infinity. Explain. 7 (~?Explain various stages of production through productivity diagram. 7

Q 3. (~) IfRs 500 is deposited in a saving account at the beginning of each year for 15 years and the

accoWlt earns 7% iliLerest compoWlded aru u:llly, what will be the balance on the account at the end of the

15 years? 7

(b) What is the equal-payment series for 10 years that is equivalent to a payment series starting with

Rs. 20,000 at the end of the first year and decreasing by Rs.2000 each year over 10 years? Interest is 8%

compounded annually

7 : .

Q 4. (a) Kim deposits her annual bonus into a saving accoWlt that pays 8% interest compounded annually.

The size of her bonus increases by Rs.2000 each year, and the initial bonus amount is Rs.5000.

Determine how much will be in the account immediately after the fifth deposit. 7

(b) An automobile company recently advertised its car for a down payment ofRs. 150000. Alternatively, I ... , ,the car can be taken home by customers without making any payment, but they have to pay an equal

yearly amount ofRs.25000 for 15 years at an interest rate of 18%, compounded annually. You are asked

to advise the best alternative for the customers based on the present worth method of comparison. 7

Q 5. Write short notes on: 14

c,) Inflation

(1Y) Opportunity Cost

~ Inferior goods I .

~) Break even quantity , '

Page 4: VI TH SEMESTER CEEC END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June 2013.pdfAX 4235 50004H 89 BX 075A 50003H 71 CX 0004 I 50002H 22 DX 3302 50001H 4A 50000H 3B : l I , I ~ .' • t j ,1' . l\' Total

Total No. of Pages: 1­ Roll No.:


END SEMESTER EXAMINATION ( MAY/JUN-2013) PaperCode:CEEC-603 Title of the Subject: Digital Communication

Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks:70

Note: Answer any seven questions. All questions carry equal marks. Assume suitable missing data I if any.

.0 1 (a) : What do you mean by Aliasing or Fold over distortion? Suggest some methods for its remedy. (5)

(b) : If a channel is having Band Width of i-MHz and SNR of 63 ,then calculate the appropriate bit rate and

Signall level. (5)

o 2 (a),: Differentiate between Pulse Width Modulation ( PWM ) and Pulse Position Modulation (PPM). (5)

tb): Discuss various methods of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) generation. (5)

o 3: Explain in detail the generation and recovery I demodulation of Pulse Position Modullation ( PPM) . Also

list various advantages, disadvantages and applications of Pulse Position Modulation (PPM). (10)

/ 04: What is Multiplexing? Describe the working of Tl-TDM Format for 24 voice grade Channels. (10)

05 (;) : Compare Linear and Non-Linear Quantization. (5)

rb) : Derive an expression for mean square value of Quantizacion Error or Noise. (5)

06 (a) : Explain the working of Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) with the help of a suitable block

diagram. (5)

(b) : Comment upon the problem of Slope Overload and Granular Noise. (5)

07: Compare the performance of various Digital Modulation Schemes viz., Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) ,

/' Frequency Shift Keying ( FSK ) and Phase Shift Keying ( PSK ). (10)

'1- 08 (a) : With fc=500KHz, fd=50KHz, and M=8 ( L=3 bits ). Determine the frequency assignments for the each of

the 8 possible 3-bit data combinations and also obtain the data rate supported by this system. (5)

(b) : Derive an expression for Eb/No ratio in terms of SIN rat-io. (5)

og)-a) : Describe Coherent and Non-Coherent method of FSK demodulation. (5)

(1)>-: What is Inter Symbol Interference ( lSI) ? AlsQ suggest some methods for its elimination. (5)

OJ.O: Write short note on any two: (5x2=10)

{ (a) Nyquist Theorem

(b) Companding

(c) Delta Modullation

(d) Minimum Shift Keying ( MSIK )

Page 5: VI TH SEMESTER CEEC END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June 2013.pdfAX 4235 50004H 89 BX 075A 50003H 71 CX 0004 I 50002H 22 DX 3302 50001H 4A 50000H 3B : l I , I ~ .' • t j ,1' . l\' Total

Total No. of Pages 3 Roll No. ......

SIXTH SEMESTER l.Tech. fEvening] [CEEC]



Time: 3:00 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Question No. ONE is compulsory. Answer FIVE questions. Assume suitable missing data, if any.

)La] Enlist the number of scenarios where 2-Ray model is applicable. Explain how the 2-Ray Model is useful in network planning.

[b]Differentiate between dB, dBm, dBW with suitable example.

j9J Discuss the basic idea behind choosing the hexagonal shape of cell.

Jdl Differentiate between small-scale fading and large scale fading.

[e] Write down the formulation for free-space model and explain each term clearly. 5x2

~[a] What is the Fresnel zone? How does Fresnel zone affect the diffraction? 5

[b] In the Fig. 1, the power received for individual paths are 0 dB, -10 dB, -10 dB, -20 dB, -20 dB for multipath components 0,1,2,3 and 4 respectively. Find

(i) Mean Delay

(ii) rms delay spread

(iii) coherence BW of the channel. 5

Page 6: VI TH SEMESTER CEEC END SEMESTER EXAMINATION (June 2013.pdfAX 4235 50004H 89 BX 075A 50003H 71 CX 0004 I 50002H 22 DX 3302 50001H 4A 50000H 3B : l I , I ~ .' • t j ,1' . l\' Total

~" M~' '~."" ~ T'~", __ _ _ _ __

" , 3 :.:~/_::=- ;==_-~~~..:--" -- -- '-':..!... - ~ . d ~~)«

11.4) r~1 ' :j.'_-_-~::;- - __'t--_" - - - -=------------:- - ­

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

[c] Compute diffraction loss for the three cases shown in Figure (2). Assume Iv= 113 m, d 1= IKm, d2= lKm. Height of the obstacle is (i) 25 ill (ii) Om (iii) -25m. Also compute the Fresnel zone in which the height of the obstacles is lying for each of the case. 5

} / Prove that the cluster size N is given as 15

N=i 2 +ij+/

where the co-channel cell is defined as (i) Firstly moving i number of cells along i-axis, (ii) Secondly, turning 60 degree counter clockwise, and (iii) then moving j numbers of cells along j-axis.

4JMDiscuss the Fre~-spac~ Model and two-ray model to compute the . field at the MobIle statIOn. 5

[b] Explain the following terms: 5

/' (i) Up-link and down-link (ii) handoff (iii) Doppler frequency shift (iv) Frequency selective channel (v) short-term fading.

[c] T-R separation = 5 km (mobile located 5 km away from BS). Mobile uses a vertical A.!4 monopole antenna (gain = 2.55 dB). E­field at a distance of 1 km = 10-3 vim, fc = 900 MHz. Find the received power at the mobile, assuming transmitter height (ht)= 50 m, receiver height (hr) = 1.5 m. 5

Jfctl Discuss the basic idea behind the frequency reuse factor to enhance the capacity of cell. How do you define the spectral efficiency? 5

[b] For satisfaclory forward channel performance, the minimum SNR required at MS needs to be 15 dB. What is the D/R and N that should be used for satisfactory pelformacc if (i) urban scenario, n=4 (ii) Semi-urban scenario, n=3. 5

[cL If a total of 33 MHz of BW is allocated to a particular FDD cellular (' telephone system which uses two 25kHz simplex channels to

provide full duplex voice and control channels,compute the number of channds available per cell if system uses (i) 4-ceU reuse (ii) 7­cell reuse (iii) 12-cell reuse. If 1 MHz of the allocated spectrum is dedicated to control channels, determine an equitable distribution of control channels and voice channels in each cell for each of the three systems. 5

?/ Short Note on Any Three 3xS

.J;.sI}Adjacent and Co-channel Interference

IJ>lPropagation Modeling for Wireless Channel Jc] Cell planning [d] Multipath fading