VeteranCraft – Minecraft for Adults of All Ages

VeteranCraft – Minecraft for Adults of All Ages By LightWarriorK Minecraft - A game without limits and without real world repercussions. When playing single-player, or with a group of close friends, it’s a paradise. Thousands upon thousands of private servers exist, with thousands more sessions on the Xbox Live version of the game. To play Minecraft with your friends recalls the summers of youth before videogames, when entire days were spent building forts in the woods behind your house, or imagining battles with monsters, or embarking on an epic quest down to the nearby culvert. Public multiplayer servers, however, are a barren wasteland of corruption and grief. Server owners, desperate for some control, promote children to positions of power who then abuse their authority and lord it over those who have it not. Griefers, a term coined in Minecraft’s infancy to describe those who bring grief to others by destroying their creations, run free and hop from server to server. They do not mind if they are banned, as there are always thousands of other servers to exploit. Minecraft allows for ultimate freedom of creation like no other game before it, and the downside is that the duality of freedom of destruction also follows. Enter VeteranCraft. A little over a year ago, the VeteranCraft server was founded with a single purpose in mind: maturity. To be sure, this is a new concept in Minecraft, which while being appealing to the growing class of nostalgic adult gamers, is generally marketed towards teens and pre-teens whose definition of “fun” is decidedly less mature. Servers have battled with immaturity through the inclusion of various server modifications and heavy-handed staff, and most notably through whitelists to only allow approved users, or blacklists to deny all problem users. These measures, while marginally effective, increase the barriers to joining and enjoying Minecraft and really only treat the symptoms of immaturity: Do Not Enter. At the same time, heavy- handed staff would lead to corruption and caste creation, and the goal of every player would be to become staff, because the server would not be enjoyable otherwise. VeteranCraft was founded on the principle that anyone could play, but everyone must play maturely and legitimately. The staff of admins and moderators are all over 18 years old, and they cannot spawn items or lord over other players with


Minecraft - A game without limits and without real world repercussions. When playing single-player, or with a group of close friends, it’s a paradise.

Transcript of VeteranCraft – Minecraft for Adults of All Ages

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VeteranCraft – Minecraft for Adults of All Ages By LightWarriorK Minecraft - A game without limits and without real world repercussions. When playing single-player, or with a group of close friends, it’s a paradise. Thousands upon thousands of private servers exist, with thousands more sessions on the Xbox Live version of the game. To play Minecraft with your friends recalls the summers of youth before videogames, when entire days were spent building forts in the woods behind your house, or imagining battles with monsters, or embarking on an epic quest down to the nearby culvert. Public multiplayer servers, however, are a barren wasteland of corruption and grief. Server owners, desperate for some control, promote children to positions of power who then abuse their authority and lord it over those who have it not. Griefers, a term coined in Minecraft’s infancy to describe those who bring grief to others by destroying their creations, run free and hop from server to server. They do not mind if they are banned, as there are always thousands of other servers to exploit. Minecraft allows for ultimate freedom of creation like no other game before it, and the downside is that the duality of freedom of destruction also follows. Enter VeteranCraft.

A little over a year ago, the VeteranCraft server was founded with a single purpose in mind: maturity. To be sure, this is a new concept in Minecraft, which while being appealing to the growing class of nostalgic adult gamers, is generally marketed towards teens and pre-teens whose definition of “fun” is decidedly less mature. Servers have battled with immaturity through the inclusion of various server modifications and heavy-handed staff, and most notably through whitelists to only allow approved

users, or blacklists to deny all problem users. These measures, while marginally effective, increase the barriers to joining and enjoying Minecraft and really only treat the symptoms of immaturity: Do Not Enter. At the same time, heavy-handed staff would lead to corruption and caste creation, and the goal of every player would be to become staff, because the server would not be enjoyable otherwise. VeteranCraft was founded on the principle that anyone could play, but everyone must play maturely and legitimately. The staff of admins and moderators are all over 18 years old, and they cannot spawn items or lord over other players with

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special powers or rights. Creations are protected with the Residence plugin, and the technical staff keeps everything up to date. More than staff or plugins, however, is the fact that the players on VeteranCraft are very friendly and welcoming. The server owner has done a wonderful job in setting a foundation for a server that attracts players of quality and encourages them to keep playing. For every 10 Minecrafters that wander in to the server, maybe only two or three will stick around, and eventually only one might be a permanent fixture, however that one will be a continuing asset to a community that produces some of the most wonderful works ever seen on a Minecraft open public server, and as of October, 2012, VeteranCraft sees up to 30 players at any one time, and over 40 during public events. Do you have what it takes to be that 1-in-10 member? First, you must ask yourself these questions honestly: Would you grief or steal, even if you were allowed? Would you rather have someone hold your hand as you learn your way around the server and its plugins, or would you prefer to teach yourself with the help already provided? How do you treat new members to a server, especially those who maybe need a bit of patience? Do you take pride in what you build, and do you get satisfaction for creating something legitimately? Do you take a server’s rules to heart, knowing that by playing on the server you have defacto-accepted them? If you’ve answered correctly, and you’re mature enough to know that they are, then perhaps you know how VeteranCraft can be the right place for you. This is not a server where a “n00b” can run around begging to be someone’s toadie and hoping for free items. This is not a server where dirt towers and ocean platforms mar the landscape. This is not a server where a staff member is going to ban you because your house is better than his. VeteranCraft is the server where you can play legitimate Vanilla Minecraft with a few enhancements like Residence, iConomy, and McMMO. It is the server where you can choose to donate for a few extra perks like /tp….or not. There are many who chose to play without donor perks and they are just as welcome and

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equal as any other player. It is the server where you can choose to build as part of a city, or head off into the wilds of our three worlds plus Nether and End and build whatever your heart desires, so long as it doesn’t violate the rules. It is a server where staff and players mutually respect and hold each other to high standards, not where there are ‘classes’ of people. It is a server where everything you see built has been built from legitimately gathered materials. It is a server run by a team of over 16 dedicated adult staff, including a tech team with over 30 years of combined experience. It is the server where, as an adult (of any age), you will realize that this is what you’ve been looking for since Minecraft was conceived.

For the past year, VeteranCraft has been slowly gathering the highest quality user base of Minecraft players. We are still fairly small, but tremendous in heart and talent. Having just moved to a dedicated server, VeteranCraft is poised to claim paramount status when it comes to a truly desirable Minecraft experience for legitimate and mature players. Is it what you’ve been looking for? Join today and find out!

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