Versus Skatezine & Plus #86



Barcelona - December 2012

Transcript of Versus Skatezine & Plus #86

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I have the best friends ever. Period. I was at a point in my life, even more than ever, where nothing seemed to make sence anymore. Everything seem to be fucked. I could barely enjoy skateboarding no more. But fuck it, when a guy like a Milä is writing you: “Hey Jey, we are going on a Barcelona for a long week-end, are you in as well?”. You have to go. Because I knew, doesn’t matter what will happen, that, this was about to be: “The next best trip in my life”. And I was right. This was the best therapy I could dream of.

Shit was wild as expected, but even more. I mean Milä, Claude and me were invited at the Niklaus

mafia’s mansion for some french food (! raclette & génépi !) the night before. We knew we had

no chance to get out of there alive. And that’s pretty much

what happened. Anyway, we made it to Burgdorf with Marc for more or less an hour of sleep. Mäd had a concert

and filmed a video-clip the same night, so let’s say he wasn’t fresh neither. Only the “kids”, Charlie and Alex played it pretty soft.

We went by car to Basel, it was cold and snowing like hell, we were late, our luggages weren’t ready, but I’m getting use to this. We are just idiots. But we are not alone! Yeah, believe me or not, Claude had a knife and a lighter in his hand bag, and Milä had fireworks. They (the wanna be cops) didn’t saw shit. Nothing. At all. We could had set this plane on fire, and kill them all. Instead of that, waiting for our (delayed) flight, Claude made, to me, THE trick of the trip...

The next best trip in my life !

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"hello ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to the versus army

skatetrip to barcelona!

our flight is delayed but you

know, we don't care!

tit! tit! tit! tit! tit!..."

While we were all waiting to get in the plane, Claude disapeared. We had no idea where he was until

we heard this message (in the entire airport):

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Versus Army skatetrip to Barcelona! Our flight is delayed

but you know, we don't care! Tit! Tit! Tit! Tit! Tit!..."

Fucking hilarious! Even if he had to deal to don’t get a fine and avoid the cops...

Just amazing, and the trip didn’t started yet!!! Claude, I (We) love you!

Then everything was fine until our appartment in Barcelona, because Milä is fucking the man of the situation. He knows the city pretty well, and organised pretty much everything. Our flat was perfect. Now the (real) mess could start!

So where was I... Yeah Barcelona...Oh fuck, I didn’t say shit about Alex yet.First trip with us (The Versus Army); He’s the kind of kid you could easily hate at the first look. Yeah I mean he’s a bit in the hipster-direction-trend, good looking, able to skate everything with a perfect smooth style. But actually he’s cool! He passed the “Charlie’s test” anyway, so we can trust him. Welcome on board kid, and see you soon! (You just need some more skateboard history knowledge before next trip!)

In every city, there is a G20 (Check Versus #81). And in Barcelona, we found one for sure. A dude working 24h/day, selling pretty much everything you need, something like 5 meters away from our appartment. We were his best custumers for sure during this week-end. Thanks G (check Marc’s picture, a couple of pages after, in this mag with the guy: A-MA-ZING)

We were blessed to have the one and only

Mäd with us as well. Yeah you heard it

right. We had a fucking rock star with us!

Even Jake Phelps doesn’t know shit about

skateboarding compare to him. I mean, he

knows so much stuff, that sometimes, for

some of those stuff, he is the only one to

know something about. I mean “The Belt!

Dude!!! Come on! The Belt!”. Know what

I mean? No? Me neither... Whatever...

Switch 360 flip? Lazer flip? Yeah that’s

daily business for him.Party? Yes, he’ll be in for sure!

Wait a minute... Fuck... I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep on now... I’ve just watched the best video I’ve

seen since years...Those guys represent even more than Thrasher itself , the “Skate and Destroy” spirit

if you ask me. No bullshit. Just pure shredding... Jojo SOTY!!! Cheers cunt!

“Nothing is true, and all is allowed” Hashisheen

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hall of meat

sparkling spray can

playing musicwith a homeless:


If one day I want to win something, I’ll have to be the only competitor.Anyway, Sancho was not there this time so guys knew they had a chance to win the title. Actually, that was the Milä’s point of view. Because when you have the chance to skate all day with Milä, and later on drink all night with him, and, do the same over and over again, day after day, you know you realise pretty fast you won’t win anything against this guy.He wanted it. He got it. He deserved it. Totally.Did you honestly already thinked about trying ollie over a handrail to 50-50? I didn’t. Not even on a flat-bar at my local training-camp. Anyway, he did it. The “Swiss 50-50” (Yeah it’s not backside, it’s not frontside, it’s kinda neutral).

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diy saves


Being on the road with those guys is like a dream. It’s like being on tour with a rock’n’roll band. Every-thing seems to be possible. Everything seems to be allowed. It’s a bit tough sometimes, but always good fun. “Normal” life is

so fucking boring compare to the time spent on the road. Actually that’s probably the hardest part of the trip: Being back into “reality”.

“Motörhead is the soundtrack of skateboarding”

I have no problem to wake-up at 5am to go on a skate-mission. But I can’t fucking stand to wake-up

at 7am to waste another day of my life doing something I hate. Working sucks. Go skateboarding!

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game of hate:

mad dog just got

the belt back !

pain killer,breakfast of champions...

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diy versus t-shirt,fireworks,shot gun,

tequila suicide, etcmilae did them all

The crew: shot by

charlie who climbed

a building just


the motherfuck

he can!

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I thought this might be usefull once in your life...

this shit ain't over yet...

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This is pretty much one of the only nice picture shot during this trip...

Charlie getting some points riding a pole-jam, shot by Claude (merci!)

“Chez Bruno”... Don’t do that, don’t go there. And don’t try the white sauce!!! Claude and me told

them... Anyway, 18 Euros, for a plate of french fries later, they understood why...

I know this ain’t so local, but damn, I did ate the best kebap in my life in Barcelona. The Dude agrees. I mean don’t mess with The Dude about food. He knows what he’s talking about!

Is San Miguel a beer from The Philippines or from Spain?

I thought after 3 times there, that I’ve seen most part of the spots. Actually not at all. I did skate only “new” spots this 4th time. Crisis? Where? Please someone explain me what the meaning behind the “Beer Banks” spot...

MACBA is brand new, and it’s still NOT a kicked-out spot... Just incredible...

In december, you can still skate only wearing a T-shirt in Barcelona, it’s not full of stupid tourists (like us

for example) anymore, it’s clean (such a huge difference with last time I was there), metro is still cheap,

clear and practical etc... Definitely a worth going destination.

Still didn’t made it to the beach there yet... need to go back once again at least!

One month after now, and my knee is still fucked from the slam I took filming

Milä killing Fondo... Sorry dude I was really over it after this one!

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marc & mr G20 (2)

All those logos, I pasted

here and there all along

this issue don’t really have

much to do with the report

of this skatetrip. Actually,

yes, they do, a little bit.

At least some of them.

Hope you’ll take the time

to look for it. Some are

books you should read,

some places you should

go, some bands you should

listen to, etc...

There is a little of skate-board culture, history, attitude, influence, in all of them, so I thought, it might be interesting for you. Oh you were looking for the results of the last Ma-loof Cup? Street League? Battle At The Berrics? Etc..Ok... So forget about it...

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FUCK THE POLICE (yeah, once again)

Claude is just natural. “I just had to pee man...”

So what’s better than a police car, parked in front

of a police station to take a piss? Yeah you heard it right. Can’t get better than this.

Anyway, our Dude spent a couple of hours inside

with his new friends, while we tried to talk with the

other idiots outside. Finally, we paid after asking

a million time for a recieve, what pissed them off

so bad (no you want get a whore thanks to us after

your shift you bastard).

After that, on the way home, things got even

wilder, just ask Charlie about it...

What can I say? Am I allowed? Fuck it, what happened on the road...........................

Milä and Marc got us what we needed for the

“Gerwack-challenge” and I got stoned like never

before. Fucking hell that was hilarious.

Oh yeah I forgot... We almost got raped by some

black bitches... Nobody took a chance for the flag-

contest, and it’s all good this way!

Marc, The swiss version of Willy Santos. Quiet. Smooth. Stylish. All terrain ripper. Full of passion. Unstoppable. I don’t know him that much actually, but I know that I want him on every god damn next fucking trip, that’s for sure!

And the special transition award goes to... The fucking kid! (Always them...) Yep Alex killed it at the bricks quarter. Fully Ben Nordberg style. I couldn’t even get enough speed to reach the top, that he was doing pretty much every trick I’m trying to learn in mini-ramp... Without camera first, and willing to do them again and again for the paparazzi. Wow. Nice job kid.

How many push-ups are you able to do? The Dude, and Charlie The Machine did 60 and 100 each...

Ce numéro de Versus n’est pas en français, puisque: 1: aucun de mes potes francophones ne s’est joint à moi à Barcelone pour un skate-trip (même si l’un d’entre eux y est déjà allé plusieurs fois, sans sa planche... nous ne citerons pas son nom, pour préserver un minimum de son intégrité). 2: il est plus que temps d’apprendre l’anglais 3: personne ne lit les textes dans un fanzine de skateboard de toute façon 4: je suis trop fainéant pour tout traduire 5: cé ça kié ça pi cé d’même comme ils disent au Québec 6: pas besoin de raisons et encore moins d’excuses 7: voilà c’est tout

alex watching the manolo tapes...

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this is also skateboarding...

We don’t have no manager organising everything, taking care of us, getting us out of troubles, etc...

Sex Pistols were just pussies!

Fondo isn’t a pure street spot anymore. It’s a bit sad in a way, but in the other hand, now you can do some lines with flat rails, pole jam, curbs, stairs, banks... (and shot guns)

Just in case you guys at Doodah were doubting... Milä might not have that much time to skate now,

he’s still killing it. Give this guy a BROmodel!

Unfortunately, Pascü couldn’t join us (working sucks), but we had a challenge in his honor... And we messed it up... No way to find a crazy-funny-sketchy hat in Barcelona!

(They just love their “gomina” too much...)

Simü couldn’t make it neither (working still sucks). But he was in our heart when Milä tore down his T-shirt, throwing down fireworks, and burning down the balcony of our appartment! Grufä, would had been proud of us too!

The Boss was missing too. But we’ve heard he’ll join the next one with his kid... Fuck we’re getting old

My digital photo-camera is fucked-up. Or I’m just too stupid to find out what’s the problem. Anyway, do

you know this natural pyramid-spot? With the crazy mirror-roof kind of thing? Well, I wasn’t able to take

a picture of The Dude there unfortunately. Too bad because he blasted a couple of nice frontside ollie

transfert over a sketchy gap there.


We don’t drive a BMW (neither a Mercedes). We ride a fucking skateboard. yeah that’s right, actually, we are more “Gipsy” than the Gipsies themselves. Punks are not dead (yet). Nope, the Versus (YCM) Army is still alive. 2013, here we’re come! See you soon somewhere nice!

Thanks: Milä, Mäd, Claude, Marc, Charlie, Alex,

Simü, Pascü, Änni, Tom, Demi, Grufä, Mischou,

Fred, Amanda, Pia, Chriga, Niniche, Jack, Gilou,

RV, Trude, Youle, Chbirène, Chnux, Bibi, Félix,

Potch, Malik, Nektar, Flo, Bapt, Nico, Boulal,

Bob, Bib, Lio, Ren, Mom, 6frs, Family, Jan @

roja-film, Fred @ Soma, Jonathan @ Confusion,

Olow, DMS, YCM, Rock’n’roll, Marco & Co. @

Doodah Bern... etc...

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