Version 3 Release Document - Microsoft Azure · Version 3 Release Document . FINANCIALS FOR OFFICE...

Christopher Mackenzie FINANCIALS FOR OFFICE 365 | WWW.O365FINANCIALS.COM TUESDAY, MARCH 01, 2016 Version 3 Release Document FINANCIALS FOR OFFICE 365_VERSION 3

Transcript of Version 3 Release Document - Microsoft Azure · Version 3 Release Document . FINANCIALS FOR OFFICE...


Version 3 Release Document FINANCIALS FOR OFFICE 365_VERSION 3

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This document is to record the product changes that have been made to introduce the “Financials for Office 365_Std Edition - Version 3”. This document does not contain the modifications introduced by Microsoft to the Dynamics NAV 2016, however will include references to that documentation provided by Microsoft.

Financials for Office 365 Version 3 Template Changes Summary The following changes have been categorised to segment the different aspects that the new version of Financials for Office 365 was enhanced to better meet the needs of the Australian SMB market.

Newly Introduced Modules. (Financials for Office 365 has expanded the available functionality with newly developed modules aimed to provide a full solution for the user’s business. Here we have an overall summary of each module with a link to the “How-to-Setup” document for each module.)

Product Development Introduced. (Here we will summarise the developed functionality that has been introduced into Financials for office 365 Std. Edition Version 3; and where in the new modules the developed functionality applies to.)

Pre-configured Data Setup Introduced. (This section includes all changes were made internally to the provided data within Financials for Office 365. This consists of new layout to the chart of accounts delivered, additional effective setup and more.)

Pre-configured Roles & Permission Sets Introduced. (Within the Financials for Office 365 Std. Edition version 3 there are now three unique role centres, who are accompanied with corresponding permission sets to further improve the user’s experience.)

Plus what’s in the works for the next Update. (Need to know even more about our exciting product development? Read to see what will be coming soon to the amazing out-of-the-box solution Financials for Office 365.)

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Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1

Financials for Office 365 Version 3 Template Changes Summary ................................. 1

Newly Introduced Modules. .................................................................................................. 3

Standard Modules. ................................................................................................................. 4

Additional Financials for Office 365 Version 3 Modules ................................................ 6

Workflows................................................................................................................................. 6

Incoming Documents ............................................................................................................. 6

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) ................................................................................................................................. 7

Dynamics CRM & Power BI Connectors ............................................................................................................................ 7

Jet Express Connection ......................................................................................................................................................... 8

User Definable Fields (UDF). ................................................................................................................................................ 8

Sales Documentation Import ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Payroll Transactional Import................................................................................................................................................ 9

Product Development Introduced. ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Pre-configured Data Setup ........................................................................................................................................................... 11

Pre-configured Roles & Permission Sets Introduced .............................................................................................................. 13

Financials Standard Manager ................................................................................................................................................. 14

Financials Lite Manager ........................................................................................................................................................... 15

Financials Lite Employee ......................................................................................................................................................... 16

Permission Sets ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16

Plus what’s in the works for the next Update. ......................................................................................................................... 17

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Newly Introduced Modules. Within the below table you will find the current modules within Financials for Office 365. Here we have the ‘Microsoft Standard Modules’, the unique familiar Financials for Office 365 Modules plus the newly introduced Financials for Office 365 Version 3 specific Modules.

Modules within Financials for Office 365 Standard Edition Version 3 Standard Modules Financials for Office 365 Modules Financial Management. Landed Cost Management. Business Intelligence. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) _ AU only. Marketing Management. Inventory Management. New Version 3 Financials for Office 365 Modules Sales Management Purchase Management Workflow Management. Shipping Management Incoming Document Management. Warehouse Management. Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Production Management. Dynamics CRM & Power BI Connectors. Resource management. Jet Express Reporting Connection. Job Costing (Project Mgt.). User Definable Fields (UDF). Service Management. Sales Documentation Import. Human Resources. Payroll Transactional Import.

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Standard Modules. Each of the standard modules has a brief description below and link to further information provided by the Microsoft website MSDN (Microsoft Developers Network).

Financial Management Make and collect payments, process intercompany transactions, prepare year-end closing, manage fixed assets, and manage cash.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Business Intelligence Analyse data and budgets, create and set up accounting reports for Sales Inventory and Purchase management, plus provide dynamic financial reporting using dashboard charts.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Marketing Management Create and manage contacts, develop a marketing plan, and conduct a marketing campaign.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Inventory Management Create master data and attach related item information, and prepare production master data, such as BOMs and routings.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Sales Management Manage common sales processes and information, such as quotes, orders, and returns.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Purchase Management Manage purchases, such as quote, order, and return processing.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Shipping Management Post sales orders and purchase receipts, receive items for shipping, and ship them.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

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Warehouse Management Ensure an effective flow of goods that are received and shipped. As well as Manage and record the physical handling of items that are received at company warehouses.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Production Management Define shop floor resources and their capacity, schedule operations, pull production components, and execute production operations.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Resource management Schedule resources and adjust resource pricing and time allocation.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Job Costing (i.e. Production Management) Manage project budgets and monitor job progress.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Service Management Schedule service calls and set up service orders, and track repair parts and supplies.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Human Resources Register and maintain employee information, such as basic employment information and employment.

Click the link to view the Microsoft Developers Network Page

Landed Cost Management Manage purchased goods from overseas, track shipments, update purchase orders from within landed cost receipts agilely.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Simplify the electronic payment process to your vendors, incorporate authorisation if required and keep a full history of all EFT’s to be reported on if needs be.

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Additional Financials for Office 365 Version 3 Modules To provide the full extent of information required for the new version 3 modules below you will find a brief description of the functionality, an illustration of the functionality within Financials for Office 365 plus a link to the “How-to-Papers” for each Module. The “How-to-Papers” will provide an explanation on how to setup each module, then test and finally use the each module’s functionality.

Workflows Provide workflows that connect tasks performed by different users or by the system, such as automatic posting. Requesting and granting approval to create or post documents are typical workflow steps.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” Paper for “Workflows”.

Incoming Documents Record external documents in Financials for Office 365, including their file attachments, and then manually create the related documents or automatically convert the files to electronic documents.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” Paper for “Incoming Documents”.

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Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Utilise preconfigured OCR service to turn PDF or image files into electronic documents that can be converted to document records in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” Paper for “OCR”.

Dynamics CRM & Power BI Connectors If you have a customer relationship solution that is based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then you can integrate it with Financials for Office 365. Do you need to illustrate your business performance with external sources in a dynamic way? Use the connector with Financials for Office 365 and Power BI.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” Paper for “Dynamics CRM & Power BI Connector”.

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Jet Express Connection The Jet Express reporting connection allows users to have an integrated reporting solution for Financials for Office 365, giving users a simple way to create high-impact reports.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” Paper for “Jet Express Connection”.

User Definable Fields (UDF). Want to include additional information to a Customer, Purchase Invoice and Fixed Asset Cards? With UDF’s you can enter up-to 10 additional fields in over 80 pages within Financials for Office 365.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” UDF’s”

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Sales Documentation Import Need to import files from your sales engine but don’t want to upgrade to premium just yet? Use the sales documentation import functionality within your incoming documents and you can have sales orders created within seconds and periodically imported.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” Paper for “Sales Doc. Import”

Payroll Transactional Import Import your Payroll journals straight to Financials for Office 365 from any payroll solution as a CSV files without customisation, pre-set the mapping of your transactions to the appropriate general ledger accounts; and import with one click.

Want to learn more, read the Financials for Office 365 “How-to-setup” Paper for “Sales Doc. Import”

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Product Development Introduced. Within Version 3 of Financials for Office 365, to better enhance the user’s experience new functionality has been introduced. Below this is accounted for by module including the newly introduced tables, pages, reports and code units.

(Note. There are also stand objects that have been modified that have been labelled with FOFF9.00 in the version list)

User Defined Fields

Sales Document Import

Enhanced Job Costing

EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

Landed Cost

Table Page Report CodeunitUDF Lookup Value UDF Lookup Values UDF ManagementUDF Caption UDF Captions

UDF Caption LookupLookup Values

CodeunitMap Incoming Doc to Sales DocVariable File ImportImport Document via Job Queue

Table Page Report CodeunitJob Planning Line POJob Purch. Orders/Invoices Job Transfer to Purch. OrdJob Create-Purch. Order

Item Copy

Table Page Report CodeunitEFT Setup Eft Setup Generate EFT Payment Template UtilitiesEFT Header EFT Header EFT Remittance Advice EFT Check LineEFT Line EFT Line Subform Pre-Generation PaymentPurchase Line Split EFT List

Balancing Line Request Form

Table Page Report CodeunitPurchase Line Split Get Vendor Shipment Lines Update Wt-Vol-Duty On PRLLanded Cost Setup Landed Cost Setup Landed Cost ReceiptLanded Budget Cost Purchase Line Splits Posted Landed Cost ReceiptPosted Landed Budget Cost Landed Cost Receipt

Landed Cost Receipt SubformPosted Landed Cost ReceiptPosted Lan. Cost Rcpt. SubformLanded Cost ReceiptsPosted Lan. Cost Receipt ListLanded Budget CostsPosted Landed Budget CostsSearch Item List

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Pre-configured Data Setup

The list below contains the pages where data has been pre-configured differently from the previous version to better suit Financials for Office 365 Users.

1. Chart of Accounts 2. General Posting Setup 3. Customer Posting Groups 4. Vendor Posting Groups 5. Fixed Asset Posting Groups 6. Bank Account Posting Setup 7. Inventory Posting Groups 8. GST Posting Setup 9. Job Posting Groups 10. No. Series 11. Data Templates

12. Setup Pages a) General Ledger Setup b) Sales & Receivable Setup c) Purchase & Payables Setup d) Inventory Setup e) Fixed Asset Setup f) Manufacturing Setup

For full analysis of the full spec of each of these pages please refer to the excel document “Data Configuration Changes_ Std. Edition_ 2016-03-01”.

Additionally the Web services and Data Exchange Framework pages have been populated with data for newly introduced modules and from Conus International Ltd. The Services have been entered to allow the following:

• Power Bi Connecter

• Jet Express Reports

• Bank Statement Import

o Australian & New Zealand Bank

o Commonwealth Bank

o National Australian Bank

o Westpac

• Currency exchange rate services

• OCR Mapping

• Payroll transaction importing

• Sales Document import (Both CSV & XML Documents)

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Pre-configured Roles & Permission Sets Introduced

Within Version 3 of Financials for Office 365 three role centres were refined and either introduced or reintroduced, they consist of the following

• Financials Standard Manager • Financials Lite Manager • Financials Lite Employee

Each Role centre has a spreadsheet mapping the navigation pane menus provided with each profile. Below are the reference names of these documents

• Navigation Pane_ Financials Standard Manager_v3_01-03-16 • Navigation Pane_ Financials Lite Manager_v3_01-03-16 • Navigation Pane_ Financials Lite Employee_v3_01-03-16

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Financials Standard Manager

The standard manager role centre was based off the President-small business role centre. The purpose of this profile is to provide navigation pane access to the majority of standard business modules available within Financials for Office 365; i.e. Finance, Sales, Manufacturing, Job Costing, Service Management etc.

The navigation contents of the Financial Standard Manager profiles are as following

• Home • Journals • Posted Documents • Finance • Service Mgt. • Manufacturing • Sales • Resources • Human Resources • Fixed Assets • Administration

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Financials Lite Manager The Lite Manager Role centre was based off the C5 small business role centre. This is your starting place where you perform tasks involved in managing your business within the Lite Edition. All C5 functionality has been maintained to ensure easy use of the complex functional capabilities of Financials for Office 365.

The navigation contents of the Financial Lite Manager profiles are as following

• Home • Bookkeeping • Analysis • Bank & Payments • GST Reporting • Human Resources

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Financials Lite Employee The Lite Employee Role centre was based off the C5 small business role centre, then cut down to provide a profile in lite without t access to the chart of accounts. All C5 functionality has been maintained to ensure easy use of the complex functional capabilities of Financials for Office 365.

The navigation contents of the Financial Lite Employee profiles are as following

• Home • Analysis • GST Reporting

Permission Sets

Each Profile has been accompanied by a Permission set that is to structure the table’s that that user would be able to access. For standard this is every table with the exemption of the User & User personalisation tables. While for Lite edition there are two permission sets introduced to restrict the user to what they have available within that profile (Financials Lite Manager or Employee).

The Lite edition permission sets are still in the trial phases and any input from partner is as always greatly appreciated. Each Permission Set has been introduced into the database as a default, here is the three separate permissions sets for all three Profiles.

Financials Lite Manager Financials Lite Employee Financials Standard Manager o365 Permission-lite (Manager) o365 Permission-lite

(Employee) o365 Permission-Standard Manager (GL included)

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Plus what’s in the works for the next Update. Financials for Office 365 has grown exponentially with the release of Version 3; however we still want to reach further into the clouds and provide powerful functionality as a standard, the option for scalability and an easy to use interface and methodology.

Financials for Office 365 Version 3.2 update aims to provide greater data configuration, batch sending of vendor remittances, and even more functionality with payroll importing.

With the partnership with One SaaS Financials for Office 365 can provide a standard out-of-the-box integration with any third party application they provide.